advanced auto reply

2001-09-01 Thread fusiontunes f fusiontunes

I am one of those people who play an active role in trying to stop spammers. I filter 
all incoming messages not sent to me specifically into a spam folder. never fails. 
Each day I parse the email headers and report them to their ISP and email host.

Suppose I wanted to forward, resend, or auto reply to the senders ISP rather than to 
the sender..?? For instance any spam coming from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
would get forwarded to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
complete with all header information.

Sending all this back to the sender is easy..  How do I automatically send it to their 
Isp or email host..??
Would sure save me alot of time.

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The "Sent" Folder

2001-09-04 Thread fusiontunes f fusiontunes

Does anyone know how to stop the bat from putting copies of sent mail into the sent 
I did look for an answer to this simple question in the Bat FAQ.. If I missed it maybe 
it would be easier to just send me the link.
best regards

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Forward "vs" Redirect

2001-09-10 Thread fusiontunes f fusiontunes

Can someone please tell me the difference between forwarding an email and redirecting 

I am reffering to the different actions available for filters.

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A simple question

2001-12-16 Thread fusiontunes f fusiontunes

When sending an email the Bat and most other email clients have a choice between High, 
Normal, low priority. Can anyone give me any insight as to why this is..?? I know the 
obvious answer, One gets there faster than the other. But why do they do this..?? Why 
not just have 1 speed "high priority" and increase the overall production for 
everyone.. Why would someone send an email low priority when they could send it high 
priority just as well..?? If high priority has an adverse effect on the email system 
then why not just have 1 speed as low priority..??
There must be more to it.
I have been wondering about this for some time and assumed I would run across an 
answer sooner or later, but I never have.


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Re: A simple question

2001-12-16 Thread fusiontunes f fusiontunes

I just sent 3 emails to myself using all 3 priority options and I did receive them all 
nearly the same time...
So if this is just to let the recipient know the urgency of your message, where is 
this indicated..??
I cant tell any difference in any of the 3 emails I sent..  I even looked at the 
complete header information and none of them were labeled "High Priority" or say 
anything else about priority...
Maybe this is why I have been confused for so long.

"it just
gives the recipient a sign that this mail is important, it catches
more attention. Vice versa with low priority mail."


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