Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello zParticle,

Friday, February 13, 2004, 6:07:51 PM, you wrote:

 MicroEd could rule.  But it needs soft wrapping.

Isn't this what Auto-format does?

Using The Bat! v2.04 RC/3 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Dear Dave,

@15-Feb-2004, 08:20 -0600 (15-Feb 14:20 UK time) Dave Gorman [DG] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to zParticle:

 MicroEd could rule.  But it needs soft wrapping.

DG Isn't this what Auto-format does?

Yes. I keep telling people this, but nobody wants to get it and I
get fed up trying. I use it on a toggled basis. Sometimes I want
auto-reformat (typing, inserting, post-paste ... because the paste
operation itself doesn't trigger it but the next space press does)
and sometimes I want it out of the way (typing lists, hanging/indent
paragraphs, formatted text).

It's there as a toggle on Ctrl+Shift+F and I just toggle it on/off
at will and MicroEd rules.

It's not really the same as soft wrapping, but I see no difference
in usage, just a difference in theory. Okay, one difference. With
softwrap you could get round one of the limitations of autowrap.
Separate paragraphs without a blank line as in lists, but that
doesn't help the hanging indent format. Oh yes, paste would probably
wrap properly at once without the extra keystroke, but I'd say
that's a bug that could possibly be fixed. (One day.) (If I ever
report it as such.) (In so many words.) (Shut up Marck.) (Okay.)

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Henk de Bruijn
Hello Marck,

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 14:31:44 +GMT (15-2-2004, 15:31 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

MDP @15-Feb-2004, 08:20 -0600 (15-Feb 14:20 UK time) Dave Gorman [DG] in
MDP mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to zParticle:

 MicroEd could rule.  But it needs soft wrapping.

DG Isn't this what Auto-format does?


MDP It's there as a toggle on Ctrl+Shift+F and I just toggle it on/off
MDP at will and MicroEd rules.

Is it just a matter of toggling while typing in a new message or in a

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Dear Henk,

@15-Feb-2004, 19:33 +0100 (15-Feb 18:33 UK time) Henk de Bruijn
[HDB] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

DG Isn't this what Auto-format does?

HDB ...snip

MDP It's there as a toggle on Ctrl+Shift+F and I just toggle it on/off
MDP at will and MicroEd rules.

HDB Is it just a matter of toggling while typing in a new message
HDB or in a reply?

Heck, yes. You can set the default (Editor options | Auto-format)
and Ctrl+Shift+F it on and off from then on at will.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.04 RC/3 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Henk de Bruijn
Hello Marck,

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:14:59 +GMT (15-2-2004, 21:14 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

MDP @15-Feb-2004, 19:33 +0100 (15-Feb 18:33 UK time) Henk de Bruijn
MDP [HDB] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:


HDB Is it just a matter of toggling while typing in a new message
HDB or in a reply?

MDP Heck, yes. You can set the default (Editor options | Auto-format)
MDP and Ctrl+Shift+F it on and off from then on at will.

I knew the auto-format option but had put that off because of various
reasons. But toggling works great, thanks!

The Bat! v2.02.3nl CE on Windows XP 
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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread ken green
Henk de Bruijn wrote:
 I knew the auto-format option but had put that off because of various
 reasons. But toggling works great, thanks!

It took me awhile to discover auto-format. Maybe this should be
something included in the install notes - or more easily found in the

Not sure if this is what March and other do, but I keep auto-format on
and toggle it off when needed (usually for creating lists).  But you can
leave it off and toggle it ON as needed, too.

Note that toggling is temporary - turning auto-format on or off from
the what you have as default is for that message only.  TB returns to
your normal setting after you send that message (I love this).

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-15 Thread Henk de Bruijn
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 00:08:39 -0600GMT (16-2-2004, 7:08 +0100, where I
live), Ken Green wrote:

KG Note that toggling is temporary - turning auto-format on or off from
KG the what you have as default is for that message only.  TB returns to
KG your normal setting after you send that message (I love this).

I was wondering about this, now I know. Thnx.

The Bat! v2.02.3nl CE on Windows XP 
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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-14 Thread Wayne Howard
Hello Wayne,

On Saturday, February 14, 2004, at 12:59:35 AM, you wrote
re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd:

WH This is a great idea. I hate this especially when I cut and past
WH something (or add text) and have to reformat where the text is
WH wrapping. I think TheBat! would win a lot more converts with a feature
WH as you describe. I almost gave up when I first started using TB
WH because of this. I stayed because of the great reply features. Adding
WH this feature would encourage me to switch my business email over to TB
WH (instead of just using it for email lists).

WH zParticle, have you submitted this as a new feature request. If not,
WH please do!!

After playing with the settings, I did not even realize that there is
another non-html editor available. Clearly, there is much more for me
to learn about The Bat!! Does the Windows plain text editor do any of
what you are asking for with the Microed editor? (I just started using
it so I have no idea).

Wayne Howard

Using The Bat! version: 2.04 RC/3

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-14 Thread Wayne Howard
Hello Wayne,

On Saturday, February 14, 2004, at 10:52:44 AM, you wrote
re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd:

WH After playing with the settings, I did not even realize that there is
WH another non-html editor available. Clearly, there is much more for me
WH to learn about The Bat!! Does the Windows plain text editor do any of
WH what you are asking for with the Microed editor? (I just started using
WH it so I have no idea).

Ah, I see. It doesn't have the in-line spell check or other nice features.

Sorry - I should try before I write. :)

Wayne Howard

Using The Bat! version: 2.04 RC/3

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-14 Thread zParticle
Wayne Howard wrote:

After playing with the settings, I did not even realize that there is
another non-html editor available. Clearly, there is much more for me
to learn about The Bat!! Does the Windows plain text editor do any of
what you are asking for with the Microed editor? (I just started using
it so I have no idea).

Ah, I see. It doesn't have the in-line spell check or other nice

Sorry - I should try before I write. :)

Some other issues with the Windows plain text editor:

- It doesn't hard-wrap the text AT ALL when sending.  Your paragraphs are
going out as one long line.  It depends on the reader's email client to
do the wrapping for you (like the HTML editor), which fails utterly for
some clients, and makes for very long lines on others.

- Within the editor your text only gets wrapped at the requested nth
column if you're using fixed-width fonts.  Otherwise lines can be much
longer or shorter depending on the size of the font and the spacing of
the characters.

- Long lines (such as those created by the Windows plain text editor)
are quoted only at the beginning of each paragraph.  Smart quote
reformatting doesn't work at all.

- It appears to constantly refresh the entire window, so there's a
distracting flicker while you're editing text.

The plain text editor is really just an HTML editor sans formatting, and
isn't a good solution for people who prefer to work with plain text.

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Re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd

2004-02-13 Thread Wayne Howard
Hello zParticle,

On Friday, February 13, 2004, at 7:07:51 PM, you wrote
re: A simple suggestion for MicroEd:

z MicroEd could rule.  But it needs soft wrapping.

z Note that I said the EDITOR needs soft wrapping.  The messages should
z always go out hard wrapped: this is the Internet standard for plain
z text, and serves to keep things consistent and readable regardless which
z mail client you're using.

z The problem with the current approach for many of us used to other email
z programs--or pretty much any text editor--has nothing to do with the
z floating caret or WYSIWYG text.  (For some reason those keep being
z brought up, but they aren't the problem.)

z The editor simply needs to give us the OPTION of using soft carriage
z returns during composition: this alone would avoid all the manual
z reformatting or mode-switching.  It's an annoyance, and not at all
z intuitive for newbies.

z I understand that Some people may like having to manually rewrap each
z paragraph or have simply gotten used to it this way, so make it an
z optional setting and everyone wins.

z WYSIWG?  Many other email editors have already solved this one: the soft
z returns simply get converted to hard returns the moment you hit send.
z There is no way in which this is not WYSIWYG--it hard wraps each line at
z the same place it was soft wrapped in the editor.

z The Bat! could then take it one step further by using its smart quote
z wrapping to soft wrap quoted material during editing, exactly as it does
z when you do a manual left justify.

z One fundamental change, and MicroEd could move from quirky to king.

z Not holding my breath...

This is a great idea. I hate this especially when I cut and past
something (or add text) and have to reformat where the text is
wrapping. I think TheBat! would win a lot more converts with a feature
as you describe. I almost gave up when I first started using TB
because of this. I stayed because of the great reply features. Adding
this feature would encourage me to switch my business email over to TB
(instead of just using it for email lists).

zParticle, have you submitted this as a new feature request. If not,
please do!!

Wayne Howard

Using The Bat! version: 2.04 RC/3

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