2004-10-15 Thread David M. Dickerson
Hello, everyone.
I have noticed that several people are mentioning the
complicated topic of regular expressions, in how they
relate specifically to The Bat!, of course.
I have played with Perl on and off for several years,
but regular expressions have, I candidly admit,
intimidated me. (After I installed Linux on my multi-
boot PC a couple of years ago, I thought that Linux
would provide me with the chance to "get serious"
about learning Perl, which I have tried before --
first, when my only computer was a pre-Mac-OS-X
Macintosh and only MacPerl was available and, later,
when DzSoft  released its
excellent Perl editor for Windows -- but people then
started advising me to learn PHP instead.) ;-)
I do not want to write a message that should be on
the TBOT list, but I did want to mention a book, in
English, if you are serious about learning regular
expressions, and do not mind working hard. The book
is O'Reilly's 'Mastering Regular Expressions', by
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl:
The book is four years old (still in its first
edition, 1997), unfortunately:
Regular expressions, a powerful tool for manipulating
text and data, are found in scripting languages, editors,
programming environments, and specialized tools. In this
book, author Jeffrey Friedl leads you through the steps
of crafting a regular expression that gets the job
done. He examines a variety of tools and uses them
in an extensive array of examples, with a major focus
on Perl
O'Reilly's 'Perl Pocket Reference', by Johan Vromans, is,
however, in its fourth edition (2002).
Of course, I am still struggling through Friedl's tome,
and there are probably some great Web sites on regular
expressions that would be more suitable for the casual
I hope that this information is of help to someone!
Thank you!
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Re: REG EXPRESSIONS in BayesFilter plugin

2004-10-12 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Morpheus & everyone else

12-Okt-2004 21:17, you wrote:

>> And you are absolutely, positively sure that. within one hour, your
>> grasped the workings of regular expressions? I stand rapt in awe. :-)

> I would not presume to be so arrogant to intimate that I had a thorough
> knowledge of REGEX in such a short time however I have some dealings with
> it some time ago and with another filter program but decided to in
> another direction.

I did not want to say that I understood your statement as being arrogant,
don't get me wrong - it just sounded somewhat naive, but as I know your
background now, its ok. :)

> It is not the entries that are the problem it is the software that is
> removing all other entries not made by itself or so it seems to me.

> Has anyone else tried to do the same task?

You are talking about the Bayes Filter plugin. The author is reading here
AFAIK, your message may have slipped his attention though, thus I took the
freedom to add to your subject line, I hope you don't mind.

Either way, with a Bayes filter (I don't know how familiar you are with the
idea/concept) I for one see little need of enhancing it with RegEx (other
than for the sheer joy of it, and speaking just for myself, I find RegEx
does not exactly give joy to me) - if you train it, it will reach high spam
recognition rates without requiring much user intervenance.

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 without smilies :-P

From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed
with laughter. Someday I intend reading it. -- Groucho Marx

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2004-10-12 Thread Feli Wilcke
Hello Alexander,

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 18:56:30 +0200GMT Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

> Hello TBUDL & everyone else

> 11-Okt-2004 08:16, you wrote:

>> I spent an hour last night reading up on how to create REG EXPRESSIONS
>> and then add them to my "TheBat!blacklist.txt" with a huge number of spam
>> email addresses.

> And you are absolutely, positively sure that. within one hour, your grasped
> the workings of regular expressions? I stand rapt in awe. :-)

perhaps Morpheus knew perl before? If not, I stand beside you :-)


The Bat! 3.0.1 on Windows 2000 5.0 2195 Service Pack 4
BayesIt! 0.7.3

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2004-10-12 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello TBUDL & everyone else

11-Okt-2004 08:16, you wrote:

> I spent an hour last night reading up on how to create REG EXPRESSIONS
> and then add them to my "TheBat!blacklist.txt" with a huge number of spam
> email addresses.

And you are absolutely, positively sure that. within one hour, your grasped
the workings of regular expressions? I stand rapt in awe. :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.1 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 without smilies :-P

Deliplayer2 is playing: "Higher Access" by Cosmosis
 from the 1998 album 'Synergy'

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: