Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-24 Thread Simon Mikkelsen
On 24-7 at 7:52 Ian wrote:


MT I'm sorry to ask what will probably be a stupid question but where can
MT I download the latest rogue picture files? I have the X-Rogue header
MT added to my headers but it's not showing the pics.

 There are various messages that have the links, but I cannot locate
 them quickly.

It can be downloaded from

I've made a little .bat file, which is executed when a new person in
the rogues is announced. It simply downloads the file and unzips it:

cd C:\Program files\TheBat\Images
C:\Program files\wget\wget.exe -N
C:\Program files\PKWARE\PKZIPC\pkzipc.exe -extract -overwrite=all C:\Program 

It uses wget (free from and pkzip (not
free, but any command line zip tool will do.
Note that older versions of pkunzip are avalible for free, but they do
not understand long file names, and are useless in this case.

If many people starts to auto download the rogues file, it may be hard
for the server when new people are announced. In that case it would
help to make a file with e.g. the 10 newest images and the settings file.

Best regards, Simon Mikkelsen
Contact information

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   build 2195, Service Pack 4

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Site URLs for PCWSmileys and Roguemoticons [was Re: Roguemoticons Help]

2004-07-24 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Ian!

On Saturday, July 24, 2004, 12:52 AM, you wrote:

IAW Maybe there should be a link to these on the RIT Labs web site given
IAW that this is a feature of the program. This way anyone (even those not
IAW involved in these discussion groups as there are the smileys, flags,
IAW etc. as well) can find them and use them.

And Marck could put the Roguemoticon link and the PCWSmileys link
(they are two separate sites, run separately) on his Silverstones
page--the link to which is at the bottom of every TB! list post.

For you, Ian, so you can Park this information--you might even put it
into a SmartBat memo--


PCWSmileys (includes: Smileys, Flags, Personal Pets, Avatars):

When uploading an image for all to share on the PCWSmiley page, please
e-mail me at Trill at Pcwize dot com.

If you can't make the information in the above sentence out, just
write to me at the PM address in the headers to this post. Please
don't merely post the message though--I might miss it. :)

Tell me--you know this Ian, it's just to encourage others to share and
let me know who's sharing, that is, uploading an image--

Tell me, in the e-mail, which of 7 places the image falls as to
copyright status:

1) Uploading person owns the image and gives permission to distribute it.

2) Uploading person believes the image is in the public domain, and is
   here giving the place it was obtained from, with the reason it appears
   to be in the public domain--if it's a website, the URL, too, please,
   if you have it.

3) Uploading person believes the image is under copyright and appends the
   chain of correspondence through which was obtained the copyright
   owner's permission for distribution through the PCWSmileys data base.

4) Uploading person got the emoticon from  ,
   which is a site where the website owner, Niels Kolb, has sent permission
   to use emoticons from, in addition to his opinion that all the emoticons
   there are in the public domain. Or,

5) Uploading person got the flag being uploaded from

   the only site we know of, so far, where the flag images appear to
   be in the public domain.

6) If it's an Avatar, the situation may be complex. Write to me the
   copyright status circumstances of any image used in the Avatar.

7) Personal pet photos that you own are most welcome. Please send them
   as jpegs or gifs--better around 5 to 10 Kb and fairly small dimensions,
   to fit well on a page of text when used there. But if you can't get
   them down in size, send an attachment to me by PM. I have Irfanview
   (an image program) and I can do that for you. Personally, I very much
   enjoy seeing other people's pets. I've recently put up two pictures of
   my own.

Best regards,
(Mary Bull, PCWSmileys Administrator).


The Bat! 2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-23 Thread Matt Thoene
On Thursday, July 22, 2004 @ 4:51:57 AM [-0700], Darrin Rich wrote:

RF It worked! I see you. :grin:

 Thats just soo cool :Thumbup:

I'm sorry to ask what will probably be a stupid question but where can
I download the latest rogue picture files? I have the X-Rogue header
added to my headers but it's not showing the pics.


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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-23 Thread Robin Anson
On Sat 24 July 2004, 14:58:30 +1000, Matt Thoene wrote:
 I'm sorry to ask what will probably be a stupid question but where can
 I download the latest rogue picture files? I have the X-Rogue header
 added to my headers but it's not showing the pics.

Robin Anson

Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Running [EMAIL PROTECTED] (see:
   No of SETI units returned: 303
   Processing time: 1 years, 248 days, 0 hours.

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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-22 Thread Darrin Rich
On 7/22/2004 10:25 PM my time, Rick wrote:
RF It worked! I see you. :grin:

Thats just soo cool :Thumbup:
WinXP Home Service Pack 1
Tbat! 2.12.00

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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-22 Thread Jonathan Andrew Sheen
On 7/22/2004 10:25 PM my time, Rick wrote:
RF It worked! I see you. :grin:
Thats just soo cool :Thumbup:
WinXP Home Service Pack 1
Tbat! 2.12.00

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Current version is 2.12.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Darrin,

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 06:24:50 -0700GMT (21-7-2004, 15:24 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

DR I created an account at the Roguemoticons site and my image is up
DR there. Downloaded the most recent and extracted all the
DR files to their proper location. So If I understand correctly, I should
DR just place my handle which is :Darrin_Rich: without the  in my signature and it
DR should work?

That should work for RTV users with smileys enabled. However when you
haven't enabled the smileys (Options - Pref - Viewer/editor) or when
you're using the plan text viewer it won't show.
That's why I wrote this a week ago in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  However, as I'm a plain text type and don't use the RTV except for
  testing purposes, I'd prefer everybody placing their roguemoticon in
  the X-Rogue: header and not in the signature, since the latter won't
  show when you're using the plain text viewer.

  Okay, how do you insert the X-Rogue: header?
  You can do that with this macro:
  in your templates for this and other tb-lists.
  However, only the macro won't do the trick.
  TB'll say: 'Hey, that's no RFC822 header', so you'll have to define
  it as such:
  Options - Preferences - Messages - Message headers - 'Add'
  Now you'll get a pop-up to define the header
Display as: X-Rogue (or whatever, it isn't very important)
RFC header: X-Rogue
Uncheck: 'This field is an address list' (because it isn't)
Check: 'Allow this field to be edited in the message editor'
Uncheck: 'Display this field in the scrollable part of the header pane'
  Now you're done and every TB-user can see your lovable face when
  (s)he's installed the roguemoticons.

DR I can see many other users photos in my tbudl emails. After
DR sending myself some test emails, my image does not appear. What am
DR I doing incorrect here?

There are two options:
1) You haven't downloaded the archive with your roguemoticon in it or
2) You're using RTV without smileys enabled or you're using plain text
view, your face will only show when marked in an X-Rogue header.

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Rick Friedman
On Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 9:24:50 AM, Darrin wrote:
DR Hello,
DR I created an account at the Roguemoticons site and my image is up
DR there. Downloaded the most recent and extracted all the
DR files to their proper location. So If I understand correctly, I should
DR just place my handle which is :Darrin_Rich: without the  in my signature and it
DR should work? I can see many other users photos in my tbudl emails.
DR After sending myself some test emails, my image does not appear. What
DR am I doing incorrect here?
DR Thanks

You may be using the the plain text viewer to read your email. If so,
the method you are using to insert your roguemoticon won't show up.
Instead, try following these instructions which Roelof posted

However, as I'm a plain text type and don't use the RTV except for
testing purposes, I'd prefer everybody placing their roguemoticon in
the X-Rogue: header and not in the signature, since the latter won't
show when you're using the plain text viewer.

Okay, how do you insert the X-Rogue: header?
You can do that with this macro:
in your templates for this and other tb-lists.
However, only the macro won't do the trick.
TB'll say: 'Hey, that's no RFC822 header', so you'll have to define
it as such:
Options - Preferences - Messages - Message headers - 'Add'
Now you'll get a pop-up to define the header
Display as: X-Rogue (or whatever, it isn't very important)
RFC header: X-Rogue
Uncheck: 'This field is an address list' (because it isn't)
Check: 'Allow this field to be edited in the message editor'
Uncheck: 'Display this field in the scrollable part of the header
Now you're done and every TB-user can see your lovable face when
(s)he's installed the roguemoticons.


The next greatest place to heaven on earth? A ball game at Yankee Stadium.

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Cartwright

On Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 9:24 AM, you wrote:

DR files to their proper location. So If I understand correctly, I should
DR just place my handle which is :Darrin_Rich: without the  in my signature and it
DR should work?
yes it should!

DR I can see many other users photos in my tbudl emails.
DR After sending myself some test emails, my image does not appear. What
DR am I doing incorrect here?
DR Thanks

did you check the images\rogues folder under your TB folder?
is your jpg there? those photos need to be approved, maybe you picked up
the file before it was approved??

Using The Bat! v2.12.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Darrin Rich
On 7/21/2004 6:46 AM my time, Roelof wrote:
RO I'd prefer everybody placing their roguemoticon in
RO   the X-Rogue: header and not in the signature, since the latter won't
RO   show when you're using the plain text viewer.

Thanks very much Roelof! I did the steps you described and I think it
works now. Cool feature!
Thanks again for the help =)


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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Darrin Rich
On 7/21/2004 6:54 AM my time, Rick wrote:
RF I'd prefer everybody placing their roguemoticon in
RF the X-Rogue: header and not in the signature, since the latter won't
RF show when you're using the plain text viewer.

Im sending this message to see if it works.
WinXP Home Service Pack 1
Tbat! 2.12.00

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Re: Roguemoticons Help

2004-07-21 Thread Rick Friedman
On Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 9:09:52 PM, Darrin wrote:
DR Hi,
DR On 7/21/2004 6:54 AM my time, Rick wrote:
RF I'd prefer everybody placing their roguemoticon in
RF the X-Rogue: header and not in the signature, since the latter won't
RF show when you're using the plain text viewer.

DR Im sending this message to see if it works.

It worked! I see you. :grin:


The next greatest place to heaven on earth? A ball game at Yankee Stadium.

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: