On 24-7 at 7:52 Ian wrote:


MT>> I'm sorry to ask what will probably be a stupid question but where can
MT>> I download the latest rogue picture files? I have the X-Rogue header
MT>> added to my headers but it's not showing the pics.

> There are various messages that have the links, but I cannot locate
> them quickly.

It can be downloaded from http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/smileys/rogues.zip

I've made a little .bat file, which is executed when a new person in
the rogues is announced. It simply downloads the file and unzips it:

cd "C:\Program files\TheBat\Images"
"C:\Program files\wget\wget.exe" -N http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/smileys/rogues.zip
"C:\Program files\PKWARE\PKZIPC\pkzipc.exe" -extract -overwrite=all "C:\Program 

It uses wget (free from
http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html#downloading) and pkzip (not
free http://www.pkware.com/), but any command line zip tool will do.
Note that older versions of pkunzip are avalible for free, but they do
not understand long file names, and are useless in this case.

If many people starts to auto download the rogues file, it may be hard
for the server when new people are announced. In that case it would
help to make a file with e.g. the 10 newest images and the settings file.

Best regards, Simon Mikkelsen
Contact information http://mikkelsen.tv/simon/contact/

Using TheBat 2.12.00 on Windows 2000 (NT 5.0)
   build 2195, Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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