Re: received mails not shown?

2000-07-12 Thread Ming-Li

Hi Thomas,

 We are using your great (!) email client and run a linux-based
 cyrus imap-server behind. It is some time that I remarked some
 strange things about new mails. At least my account does not show
 me all incoming mails. For some reason I do have to check
 "dispatch mail on server- all mails" to find some mails already
 received by the server but not correctly persented by the email
 client. If I mark these mails an press enter they are displayed as
 usually including attachements (if any). I am not quite sure if
 this is a problem on server or on client side- anyway it was a
 good idea to find a solution!

I guess no one answered because none of us has ever experienced
anything like this. You may have to provide more details before
anyone could help you.

How do you "know" you didn't get all the new messages? Is it because
you're expecting a particular message and couldn't find it in the
Inbox? When you see in the mail dispatcher a message you think you
didn't get, how is it marked? (Are its "read" and "receive" marks

You must have set up your account to leave mail on server, right?
You may want to print out TB's log file and check it against the
mail dispatcher. (TB dutifully log the time and the number of
messages it downloads. Compare it with the time your server received
them in the mail dispatcher should tell if TB is really missing some

Best regards,
Ming-Li mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: received mails not shown?

2000-07-12 Thread Tom Plunket

 We are using your great (!) email client and run a linux-based
 cyrus imap-server behind. It is some time that I remarked some
 strange things about new mails. At least my account does not show
 me all incoming mails.

ML I guess no one answered because none of us has ever experienced
ML anything like this. You may have to provide more details before
ML anyone could help you.

I don't remember the original post, but if I saw it I probably figured
someone else would answer it...

Well, that plus the fact that I don't have the details...

ML How do you "know" you didn't get all the new messages? Is it because
ML you're expecting a particular message and couldn't find it in the
ML Inbox? When you see in the mail dispatcher a message you think you
ML didn't get, how is it marked? (Are its "read" and "receive" marks
ML checked?)

This would be an interesting question to have answered, but perhaps
skirts the issue.

ML You must have set up your account to leave mail on server, right?

He said he's using IMAP.  As far as I know TB's IMAP implementation is
"buggy as all that" so I would stop at that.  If anyone knows any
details about the IMAP bugs (I don't use it so I don't really care),
they might help our friend here, but I'll just post, "yeah, IMAP has
serious problems.  They suggest that they will be fixed in v2, which
is likely to ship at some point but likely not before the end of the


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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Re: received mails not shown?

2000-07-12 Thread iain . tb

Hello Tom,

Wednesday, July 12, 2000, you wrote:

One of the IMAP bugs does have this effect. I reported it a couple of
years ago now.

TB's IMAP often hangs, especially on a slower/busier client.
Apparently marking the messages "read" is done before the transfer is
started (likely it's done by the IMAP server when the client tells it
which messages to transfer, I don't know the protocol). Anyway, after
killing the hung connection, you'll only get the messages which
successfully transferred up to that point, and attempting to receive
new mail won't work because the server has now marked all of the
messages read. You have to go back into "dispatch mail on server",
guess which messages you didn't get, mark them unread and start over.

If you have "delete received messages" checked, you're hosed.

Oddly, it isn't possible to cancel a hung connection, the cancel
button in the transfer window has no effect. (I don't think it has any
effect on IMAP connections, only on POP.) You have to close the
transfer window with the top-right X.

Every time I upgrade The Bat! I hope that this bug has been fixed, but
it never has :-( On an account which receives several hundred emails /
day, and which may have several thousand messages on the server, POP
performance really sucks. So I've gotten into the habit of watching
the number of messages transferred very carefully, so I can go into
"dispatch mail on server" on a failure.

 We are using your great (!) email client and run a linux-based
 cyrus imap-server behind. It is some time that I remarked some
 strange things about new mails. At least my account does not show
 me all incoming mails.

TP He said he's using IMAP.  As far as I know TB's IMAP implementation is
TP "buggy as all that" so I would stop at that.  If anyone knows any
TP details about the IMAP bugs (I don't use it so I don't really care),
TP they might help our friend here, but I'll just post, "yeah, IMAP has
TP serious problems.  They suggest that they will be fixed in v2, which
TP is likely to ship at some point but likely not before the end of the
TP year."

Best regards,

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Re: received mails not shown?

2000-07-12 Thread Ming-Li

Hi Thomas,

 I would really recommend using the cyrus-imapd server. It is a
 very stable system, not too complicated to setup and is doing

Thanks, but I'm a home user who has absolutely no control over what
server software to use.

 Some users ask me if I did already receive their mail (in the
 Inbox). So if I check new mail and did not receive it so far then
 I found them using the "mail dispatch" feature.
 These messages are bold and marked as "received", no more
 checkboxes are checked.

I have no experience with IMAP whatsoever, and have never pay much
attention to any discussion about it in this group. Those who do
should be able to provide much more valuable information.

With my POP3 mail dispatcher, nowever, a message with the "receive"
field marked is one to be received (i.e., new mail). There's no
"received" field.

Best regards,
Ming-Li mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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