Re[2]: Ctrl-F4 and quoted text

2002-03-31 Thread Dave in Phoenix

 On Friday, March 29, 2002, 7:00:59 AM, Gene Gough wrote:
  Well, I used shift-F4 to create this reply without quoting.

Thanks for everyone who replies I think I've got it!  Now works fine
for either blank reply or just highlighted quoted via F4.

Dave in Phoenix 

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4 and quoted text

2002-03-28 Thread Dave in Phoenix

DAC If I understand your question, the answer is to highlite the text
and hit F4

I am still confused by this.  All I get is a blank reply screen when I
highlight text and use F4 using latest 1.60c Bat and WinXP.  This is the
only feature I really miss (being able to highlight and reply and have
only highlighted text as quoted text)  Ctrl-F4 doesn't do it either.

Dave in Phoenix 

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4 and quoted text

2002-03-28 Thread Dave in Phoenix

 Main Menu/Message/Specials/Reply Quoting selected text. What key
 combination do you show for that? On mine it's F4 and always has been.

Yep it shows F4...but all I get is a blank screen with my Signature when
I highlight with mouse and then F4. I pasted above from little review

When I edited my reply template could I have deleted something needed
for F4 to work? I have it only showing my signature.

Dave in Phoenix

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4 and quoted text

2002-03-28 Thread Dave in Phoenix

 On Thursday, March 28, 2002, 11:54:06 PM, Dwight A Corrin wrote:
 Dwight Problem must be in your reply template.

OK.. that fixed it Thanks... the only thing I don't like is if you don't
highlight it quotes all the text.  I seldom use quoted text or just a
very small amount via highlighting since I think it is unneeded in most
cases.  What would be nice is a way to reply and no text is quoted
unless highlight some text and do F4.  I am just fussy but still like
Bat over all others I've tried!

Dave in Phoenix 

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-23 Thread tracer

Hello Steve Lamb,
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 17:59:23 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 23, 2000, 8:59:23 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Steve Lamb wrote:

Steve Saturday, January 22, 2000, 4:10:31 PM, tracer wrote:
 It wasnt meant as a joke though as I use the PC often at night and I
 donot like  very bright backgrounds or all the lights on in the room
 and I have several editors / viewers setup like that as the screen
 isnt too bright but the text is clearly visible.

Steve Right.  I have white on black.  I, however, meant the pink on yellow as a
Steve reference to the nifty-keen HTML messages people love to send because they can
Steve do color.
White on black gave me a bit to much contrast on the screen AND, which
is more important, if the screen hasnt got anything typed, I cannot
even see my keyboard at night, with blue I can ...
Its also relaxing for your eyes, try it sometime.

As most of my local customers had their PC's setup by me, they donot
send HTML.
ANY system delivered gets the active desktop zapped and email set to
txt only with the lecture of they send HTML they have a chance to get
real rude remarks from receivers.
Same thing about sending BMP's and other bulky stuff.
If they send them to me it bounces back and they donot repeat it once
they have downloaded it once...
Our internet is expensive so they tend to be smart about those things!

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-22 Thread phil

AM Ah Thomas, why are you acting as if discussions don't resurface
AM because of new subscribers among other things. Anyway, Steve does make a
AM good point. He among others dislike seeing their names being associated
AM with an address that is not theirs. If *you* write a reply to Steve and
AM you haven't disabled the option at *your* end, guess what he'll see:
AM And yet, he has disabled the option at his end. Therefore to maintain
AM the piece and not offend recipients of my note, I'll not do things
AM inflammatory and this in my reply template:
AM This will allow you to keep the name association enabled but the macro
AM above will prevent it from taking effect with TBUDL. Yes, Thomas, that's
AM another reason for placing this macro in the reply template. ;-D
Hey, I am a new subscriber. What can you guys find out about me, and
what can I do to block it? I already know about hex editing the
"X-mailer:" I wish they would just give us a patch for a X-mailer
switch. But what else should I be doing beyond that? I see this looks
like something your discussing here. Please help me look more stealth.
I have MANY IP's, what else should I be doing to avoid patterns and
obvious things that stockers look for?

-- Jesus is not coming, Big brother is coming

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-22 Thread tracer

Hello Steve Lamb,
On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 10:14:07 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:14:07 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Steve Lamb wrote:

Steve There is not a single legitimate argument for it.  It is one of those
Steve things in TB!, along with RE counting, that *NEVER* should have been
Steve implemented, *MUST* be removed and, damned all to hell, some people think is a
Steve really swell idea.  No doubt they want bright pink text on a yellow
Steve background, with blink, as well.  Geez.
What about white on blue?

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-22 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Allie  all fellow TBUDL members,

Saturday, January 22, 2000, 8:42:34 AM, Allie wrote:

AM ... I am directing my comments to the persons message to which I'm
AM replying, however, with the knowledge that the rest of the
AM subscribers are reading it as well. I see no problem then in
AM replying to subscriber 'jasper on TBUDL' instead of just plain
AM 'jasper jones' with TBUDL's address beside it.

A simple, logical and effective solution that doesn't demand much of
the user and IMO should be acceptable to all concerned.


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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-22 Thread Tom Plunket

MDP Now,  once again to ensure that the point is made and taken: for those
MDP of  you that *haven't* broken the default behaviour by using templates
MDP which  kill reply addresses, replies off-list can be easily made using
MDP Ctrl-F4. The rest of you know what you're doing and are on your own.

...especially when there's a way to not have the TO/TO thing in the
template but still get the unmunged address.

Although others have taken issue with it, it's far easier for *me* to
see a name in the TO field and assume the email address after it is
right than to decode the actual email address and think about it for a
second.  Sue me.

I choose to check Account Properties-Templates-Reply-Do NOT use From name
in Reply-To.

Oh yeah, you don't lose Ctrl-F4, either, but you'll still piss people
off if you hit the wrong key by accident and don't go everything with
a fine-toothed comb.


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-22 Thread tracer

Hello Steve Lamb,
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 12:13:32 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:13:32 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Steve Lamb wrote:

Steve Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:58:34 AM, tracer wrote:
 What about white on blue?

Steve  My experience is white on blue people actually are
Steve  reasonable.

It wasnt meant as a joke though as I use the PC often at night and I
donot like  very bright backgrounds or all the lights on in the room
and I have several editors / viewers setup like that as the screen
isnt too bright but the text is clearly visible.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-21 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL Asside from announce-only lists where there are no replies can you
SL think of a list where replies aren't made to individuals? :)

if you mean: stripping of any 'to'-info  replacing it with the
list-adress (and thus losing the names...)

 = wdvl-talk...

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen

  ** Speelplein Aboe **

 Reality seems to be a constant intrusion on my dreams!

 Using The Bat! 1.39 on Windows 98 4.10 build  A 
 with a Intel p200-MMX @ 64 MB  21Gb Hd

 (   )   Oooo.  
--\ ((   )
   \_)) /

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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-21 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Steve  all fellow TBUDL members,

Friday, January 21, 2000, 2:16:00 PM, Steve wrote in response to
Marck's saying:

 What, all lists are the same?

After Steve said:

SL Other lists are different?

I just tried replying with TB to 6 lists related to my work (which is
not computer related, I just use them rather heavily).

While most respond to sender when typing Ctrl+F5, ALL responded to
sender using Ctrl+F4. Therefore, I would say that all lists are not
the same and that Marck was correct in recommending the use of Ctrl+F4
when replying to sender only.

SL Asside from announce-only lists where there are no replies can you
SL think of a list where replies aren't made to individuals? :)

A number of participatory lists do in fact work that way, but most are
varied - that is, they can come in either way.


SL However, you are not the list nor is the list's address yours. The
SL reply-to of the list satisfies the convention of replies going
SL back to the list unless otherwise needed. We don't need your name
SL associated with the list address to have that.

It appeared to me that Marck gave an example which applies to any
sender. The protocols used for TBUDL would have to be taken up with
dutaint, I would think.

 It gives a far greater human feel to it for me.

SL Group hug! No really, makes you an easier target for me. *gack*

There is no doubt that no one on this list who posts is immune to
being a target. An interested anecdote that illustrates that: One
someone would get aggressive in one of the places I lived longest (and
like most), it was common to ask if "a ti no te entran?", meaning: Are
you bullet proof? It was an excellent place to live because everyone
was consistently careful to be polite.

 different "Reply-To" address in their original message then IMHO it
 is a politeness and courtesy to combine the two headers in exactly
 the way TB does it.

SL Uhm, no, it is not.  Why?

SL 1: It is header munging.  Don't do it.

Would you mind defining munging?

SL 2: If the person wants their name in the TO: field off a reply-to,
SL they can configured the reply-to to have their name in it.

SL 3: Personally, I don't give a crap if my name is in the to field
SL or not. In fact, on some lists I send mail out as "Grey d'Miyu
SL [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and get replies to "Grey". Big deal. What
SL matters is the *BODY* of the message. And in the body of the
SL message, low and behold, we have an attribution line with the
SL person's name in it!

If I understand you correctly, I would say that TBs templates rely on
the "Steve Lamb" in the Steve Lamb TBUDL etc to produce "Hello Steve
 all fellow" etc or whatever I want it to say. This is a consistent
approach and consistency is valuable, when shared by the user.

SL "Friday, January 21, 2000, 11:55:25 AM, Marck wrote:"

 In the case of TBUDL, we have the list configured to direct replies
 back to the list. This is where the real bone of contention arises.

SL No. My bone is with TB! doing something it should not be doing,
SL period. If I set my reply-to to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't
SL want people sending mail to "Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

How are TB replies directed to TBUDL coming in as
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? Now I see your point - you do that on
purpose, as is your choice. And if I reply to you, it WILL
never-the-less be directed as you say. You are saying then that you
are unhappy with that design choice. I would think that with your
skill you could design an email client to your own ideals.
Alternatively, you could discuss this with the programmers. But I
can't say that in my own case I find this trait to be a negative

In general, I'd say it was positive for to reasons: One, it's easier
to delete than to type in, and more important in this case, the
response IS being made to Steve Lamb in response to a post Steve Lamb
made, and those subscribing to TBUDL are thus able to take that into
account when deciding whether to open the post or not. Who is writing
to to who and regarding what is definitely a factor to me. There have
been over 4000 TBUDL posts since November - no way I'm going to read
them all.

SL Why? What happens when it is a communal box with several different
SL people responding? IE, I may not be the only person in that box,
SL why should my name be attached to that address unless I asked it
SL to be?

SL It should not.

You want to be asked whether your name should be used when replying to

 It would be ridiculous to leave my friend's name off that envelope
 just because it is not going to their normal address.

SL That is not the issue here. Your friend's name is part of the
SL technical routing of that letter. Who it is do is defined by his
SL name, especially if that holding address is, say, his parent's
SL place. Which of the 5 people at that residence at that time will
SL be getting the letter?

SL That technical requirement doesn't exist in email. I am
SL [EMAIL PROTECTED] That is all that is needed to 

Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-21 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Alexander  all fellow TBUDL members,

Friday, January 21, 2000, 4:27:58 PM, Alexander wrote in response to
my saying:

 Interesting logic. I wonder how many other TUBDL subscribers share
 that concern. 

When Steve said:

 SL That technical requirement doesn't exist in email. I am
 SL [EMAIL PROTECTED] That is all that is needed to route mail to
 SL me. The name in front is a comment, nothing more. However, having
 SL a comment mismatched with an email address causes confusion, may
 SL be what people don't want, and is SEVERELY frowned upon.

He said:

AVK I do. Two reasons:

AVK 1. It's written in RFC822 and the succeeding ones;-)

These are established conventions then?

AVK To put it in less technical way, all the data _but_ that inside
AVK ... is optional and is generally of a comment nature. Stricktly
AVK speaking, the data enclosed in "..." quotes is a "string",
AVK whereas the data in (...) is defined as "comment", but *both*
AVK types of data can and might be omitted.


AVK In other words, these are not required. These are optional. But
AVK this does _not_ mean that I can use them like I want. This is a
AVK matter of netiquette. To USA residents: what about the
AVK (technically, correct!) address:
AVK "Bullp*nis" [EMAIL PROTECTED] (well, my apologies, but I
AVK had to make the point!)

But what TB is doing is making use of non-essential but also
non-confidential user supplied data. The supposition being that it's
there to be used. In the example given, to my knowledge, Mr. Clinton
doesn't provide non-essential comment you mentioned in the
configuration of his email client, and although one of his
correspondents may have had reason to add such a non-essential comment
for reasons of their own; while technically feasible, it is unlikely
that this was actually done.

Once again, I am dealing with this issue in logical terms, but logic
requires a point of departure and if an established convention exists
the contrary, I'd like to know more about it. I fail to see the
breech of net-etiquette in itself.

AVK But well, I'd say, TB does something like that by default;-)

AVK 2. As Steve has already pointed out, the addresses like
AVK "Alexander V. Kiselev" [EMAIL PROTECTED] get filled into
AVK the MRU list, where from TB gets them for autocompletion. This
AVK *is* a _severe_ bug, regardless of what you think about it. And
AVK since it is a bug, it *has* to be fixed.

That bugs must be fixed is a truism. If it's a bug, it must be fixed
or squashed, let live, industrialized or released in a field (if a
predator, pathogen or parasite of a pest). But it sounds like a design
choice though. What do Stef and Max say about it?

AVK Personally, the second reason above is a major one for me.

Well, I can certainly respect that. Rest assured that you can count on
me to provide any moral support needed with regard to this matter.
There is no doubt in my mind that your contributions have been
fundamental in relation to achieving the progress all of us on TBUDL
desire and continue to strive for.


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Re[2]: Ctrl-F4

2000-01-21 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Allie  almost all fellow TBUDL members,

Friday, January 21, 2000, 5:56:42 PM, Allie wrote in response to my saying:

 That bugs must be fixed is a truism. If it's a bug, it must be fixed
 or squashed, let live, industrialized or released in a field (if a
 predator, pathogen or parasite of a pest). But it sounds like a design
 choice though. What do Stef and Max say about it?

AM It is a design choice but the bug Alex speaks of was definitely
AM not intended. I was testing TB! once and wrote a note to myself. I
AM filled in 'allie' in the to field and the auto-completion finished
AM for me:

AM "allie Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

You are right and I have noticed that. But - if you correct it, the
next time around it will do it the was it was done last. As you say,
it's auto completion, which sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't.
Even then, the autocompleted part stays selected so you can continue
typing and it will try another option. This is my interpretation of
what I see happening.

AM That should never happen. The auto-completion is for legitimate
AM addressing.

You mean from the address book? If so, just hit F8 and choose your

AM Now, I have been finding that TB! has some really nice
AM and novel ideas but they tend to have loopholes that lead to bugs.
AM This is a loophole in the feature, that needs to be addressed.

It's so full of features that I too would like to see them better
integrated. At least some of the principle developers are quite young,
so the lack of integration is both understandable and correctable. The
important thing to know I think is that these people are willing to
assimilate and be responsive to our concerns, and I have found that
to be true, before subscribing to TBUDL.

AM The quote prefixing is novel as well and has loopholes in it. The
AM editor does some neat things automatically but again has loopholes
AM in these. I've been writing about them but they persist.

I sometimes am VERY unhappy with TB's taking certain keystrokes as
macros and sometimes the autocompletion thing seems to turn on during
composition. I hate that. But I slow to a crawl and get through it.
I'd rather turn it off though.

AM The quote prefixing is novel as well and has loopholes in it. The
AM editor does some neat things automatically but again has loopholes
AM in these. I've been writing about them but they persist.

I especially like the multilingual spell checker because it's
noticeable but not obstructive - it let's you know but let's you work,
rather than second guess you.

The product is certainly good enough to be on the market, and rough
enough to be improved.

I have auto self bcc's on some folders but not the TBUDL folder. I
just typed in the first 2 letters of an email address to another
account and TB finished it for me. It never (or very rarely) fails. I
suppose it depends on the key combination, though.


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