Re[2]: Editor Tips and Tricks (was: Re: Odd quoting)

2000-09-23 Thread Avenarius

A Bat-fellow, A. Curtis Martin,
wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 12:59:13 (GMT -0500), 
which was 19:59 in Bratislava --

ACM>>> Me? I just make the necessary changes, ignoring the distortion of
ACM>>> the formatting. When I'm done, I hit Alt+L once and voila, text is
ACM>>> reflowed.

A>> Not really, Allie. After you're done, you cannot hit ALT+L
A>> immediately. First you need to *move the cursor* (one letter to the
A>> right or left or up or down) and *only then* does ALT+L reflow the
A>> entire paragraph. It's another of those infuriating aspects of The
A>> Bat...

ACM> That's the case only if you have placed the cursor in the target
ACM> paragraph with the mouse. However, when I'm composing mail, I
ACM> don't use the mouse at all, hence, I really only need to press
ACM> Alt+L.

That's not so. I don't touch the mouse, either, when composing emails.
The most common method I use for editing myself is selecting a few
original words with the keyboard and directly supplying a
re-formulated version instead. After you finish writing what you've
edited this way, the ALT+L shortcut does *not* reformat the entire
paragraph, and you've got to grope for one of the ARROW keys. I've
been using various recent versions of The Bat! on two computers and
this has always been so...

The ALT+L shortcut only seems to work immeditely not if you're
supplying old text for new but if you're merely adding a few words to
what's already there. (An operation I rarely perform.)

Incidentally: another weakness of the editor is that, although
multiple UnDo is possible, not a single ReDo is allowed. (Let alone
multiple RepeatLastAction.)

Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat! 1.46 Beta/6
under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
amd k6-2 500 mhz processor with 64 mb ram]

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Re[2]: Editor Tips and Tricks (was: Re: Odd quoting)

2000-09-23 Thread Avenarius

A Bat-fellow, A. Curtis Martin,
wrote on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 22:08:56 (GMT -0500),
which was Saturday 5:08 a.m. in Bratislava --

ACM> Me? I just make the necessary changes, ignoring the distortion of
ACM> the formatting. When I'm done, I hit Alt+L once and voila, text
ACM> is reflowed.

Not really, Allie. After you're done, you cannot hit ALT+L
immediately. First you need to *move the cursor* (one letter to the
right or left or up or down) and *only then* does ALT+L reflow the
entire paragraph. It's another of those infuriating aspects of The

Rather than groping for those ARROW keys anytime I need to use the
ALT+L feature, I do as Januk does: toggling the CTRL+SHIFT+F
autoformat. But this has its negatives, too: for one thing, three keys
are far too many keys for a keyboard shortcut that you use every other
minute. Plus, the status bar doesn't show you whether auto-format is
currently switched on or off, and so you often bungle in editing your
posts anyway, having (for instance) started editing them while
auto-format was on and you thought it was switched off...

These things are flawed through and through, but what can you do? The
Bat is still the best email client out there. My comfort is the
following: The Bat, in its version 1.46, already accomplishes far more
and better than Outlook or Eudora in their versions 5. Indeed the
expectations for the Bat's Version 2 are high. (Not to mention
Versions 3 and 4 ;-))).

Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat! 1.46 Beta/6
under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
amd k6-2 500 mhz processor with 64 mb ram]

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