Re[2]: HTML Mail selective image display?

2003-09-18 Thread Antje Lehmann

Leif Gregory wrote:

 Please trim replies to context.

Oops, sorry, accidentally forgot to trim it this time...


Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

| Antje Lehmann

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Re[2]: HTML Mail selective image display?

2003-09-17 Thread Joseph N.
   On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, Roelof Otten wrote in

RO First of all, I didn't test this. ;-) Create an incoming filter
RO for your Daily Dilbert Mail that extracts the attached file to
RO disk and let the same filter start an external program, in this
RO case your browser with a parameter that makes it open your
RO attachment. Since 'extract attachment' is lower on the actions tab
RO than 'run external program' there's a possibility that the browser
RO will be called before the file exists. Therefore it might be
RO necessary to do this in two filters (enable 'continue processing
RO with other filters on the 'options tab' of the first filter)


I didn't test your idea either, but it seems like a brilliant
approach.  If it were packaged in a way to be easily triggered by the
user, and also requiring some user confirmation to avoid automated
problems, it would be a good feature addition to TB!


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Re[2]: HTML Mail selective image display?

2003-09-17 Thread Antje Lehmann
Hi Miguel,

 As I say, maybe I didn't understand a word of what this thread is all
 about. But if I did... My goodness! All is needed is a double click!

I know, I know... but I'm a lazy person, you know ;-))) And I simply
thought there might be a way for me to not have to open the browser
every time. Since I use Mozilla on a slow computer, it takes a
while to open and load the mail. And it's not only Daily Dilbert, that
was just to give you an example. I receive lots of mails with HTML
content that I would like to be able to view within TB! and it won't
do that. I understand the purpose of that, as I already said, and it's
actually a feature that gives you more security. But if it was
a selective one in the way I explained I'd be even more happy about
it. :-) 


Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

| Antje Lehmann

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Re[2]: HTML Mail selective image display?

2003-09-17 Thread Antje Lehmann

Roelof Otten wrote:

 Hallo Joseph,

 On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:40:59 -0500GMT (17-9-03, 17:40 +0200, where I
 live), you wrote:

JN I didn't test your idea either, but it seems like a brilliant
JN approach.

 I think that's a bit too much, but thanks anyhow. ;-)

JN If it were packaged in a way to be easily triggered by the user,

 I thought filters are rather easy to trigger. After all TB's main
 feature is it's filtering system. (At least that's why I started to
 use it.)

JN and also requiring some user confirmation to avoid automated
JN problems, it would be a good feature addition to TB!

 As another feature it would be bloatware. As far as the user
 confirmation, that was the part that Antje wanted to skip (or that's
 how I read the message).

Well, only if I had to confirm every time... as a
once-and-for-all-solution, it would be fine with me. But:

 BTW Please don't suggest that TB should be able to access pics
 anywhere on the internet. Not even as a configurable option. Something
 like that is no function of an e-mail client. Any code inserted to
 make such a feature available makes the program more sluggish (because
 it's bigger), more buggy (there's no such thing as code without
 errors) and more vulnerable.

I understand now that there are different opinions on this issue, and
that's what I wanted to know when I asked what you thought about it.


Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

| Antje Lehmann

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Re[2]: HTML Mail selective image display?

2003-09-17 Thread Antje Lehmann
Hi Roelof,

 First of all, I didn't test this. ;-)
 Create an incoming filter for your Daily Dilbert Mail that extracts
 the attached file to disk and let the same filter start an external
 program, in this case your browser with a parameter that makes it open
 your attachment.
 Since 'extract attachment' is lower on the actions tab than 'run
 external program' there's a possibility that the browser will be
 called before the file exists. Therefore it might be necessary to do
 this in two filters (enable 'continue processing with other filters on
 the 'options tab' of the first filter)

Thanks Roelof, this way I could be able to autmate the viewing
process. I'll try it out!


Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

| Antje Lehmann

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Re[2]: HTML mail

2002-12-03 Thread Kevin
Hello Simon,

Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 1:59:47 PM, you wrote:

S it would be completely foolish IMO to even begin to consider
S dumping TB! simply because of the inclusion of an option that you
S don't wish to make use of yourself.

I'd like to know what other mailer those who say they would dump TB!
if it became capable of creating HTML mail would go to since many
other mailers already have this function.


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2002-12-03 Thread Mean Drake

Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 2:55:07 PM, you wrote:

 I am very glad you didn't write this one here: ;-)

:-) ... yeah... Imagine the flames it would set up here...rushing for
fireproof clothing.

 Please continue to ask. I encourage you to write one on The Bat!

Coming up soon...December newsletter...or at most Jan.

Templates in which you can
 use anything from simple macros to a highly complicated scripting
 language. Thus, TB is easy to use for the beginner, who wants to use
 only simple functions, but it also has a myriad of features that
 email-geeks like (you find several people on this list that have
 Emailaholics International mentioned as Organisation in their mail

Macros are what I plan to learn next. I already do VB so it should not
be *too* difficult.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: HTML mail

2002-12-02 Thread Mean Drake

Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 3:54:30 AM, you wrote:

 On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, at 02:46:32 [GMT +0530] you wrote:
MD Does the Bat! have any features to compose HTML mail like one would do
MD in Outlooklike have inline pictures or background
MD images...background sounds I know might be too much to ask :-)

 Ooooh here we go again
 hold on to your hats !

Hey I review a lot of software and cannot be a Pro at it all. Need to
kow things I can put in my review. Did I step in something mucky here?


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: HTML mail

2002-12-02 Thread Mean Drake

Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 5:53:41 AM, you wrote:

 Hello Mean,

 On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 04:04:47 +0530 GMT (03/12/02, 05:34 +0700 GMT),
 Mean Drake wrote:

MD Does the Bat! have any features to compose HTML mail like one would do
MD in Outlooklike have inline pictures or background
MD images...background sounds I know might be too much to ask :-)

 Ooooh here we go again
 hold on to your hats !

 Hey I review a lot of software and cannot be a Pro at it all. Need to
 kow things I can put in my review. Did I step in something mucky here?

 You did. ;-)

 As you have noticed, people on this list (myself included) consider
 HTML mail an oximoron. Mail is mail, and HTML (hypertext mark-up
 language) is for hypertext documents, such as web pages. HTML has no
 place in email. If you want people here go really up the walls, say
 something positive about IncrediMail eg.

 Please ask more about the resons why if you want, but I would suggest
 to do that on TBOT rather than here. Maybe you also want to check out
 the archives, as this was discussed before in lengthy threads.

 Are your software reviews on the internet, so we can read a bit?

Thanks to all of those who replied. Indeed amny of the reviews are
online. I am webmaster and Editor for the Colony Computer User Group. the newsletter section has all my reviews.
Planning to write one on the Bat! I am a recent user still getting my
feet wet...that's why the elementary question.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: HTML-mail

2001-12-01 Thread Geoff Lane

Saturday, December 01, 2001, 11:23:43 AM, Peter Smitt wrote:

 I agree wholeheartedly. My experience is that 99% of the people who
 use html in their mails even don't know that they do so. They are just
 the victims of the default options of Outlook. Spammers use html
 deliberately, but I don't feel obliged to support them. The Bat!
 shouldn't become an Outlook clone, it is just the difference that
 makes it an attractive and safe alternative. No use for wasting
 resources for an option that is deliberately used only by a few
 percent of the population. Let them muddle with Outlook.

FWIW, I'm currently trialling TB as a replacement for Outlook. This is
because Outlook is the target for too many virus attacks to be safe.
I'm probably not an average Outlook user -- because I set all my
defaults to plain text. I see no reason to send bloat that adds no
value to the content. However, there are times when I want to include
lists or pictures in a message.

TB does a pretty good job of foiling some of spammy's tricks. For
example, TB doesn't show off the page graphics (preventing
auto-verification your email address). It's a safe alternative to
Outlook because it doesn't use the MS address book and because it
restricts attachments and off-page resources. Adding a limited HTML
composition ability would not compromise this.

Personally, I feel that the *option* of using HTML would add value to
TB. (... but plain text should be the default:-)

Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK


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Re[2]: HTML-mail

2001-12-01 Thread Eric Malausséna

Hi Alastair,

On samedi 1 décembre 2001 at 13:39:37, you wrote :

AS (I'm currently using Becky!; although it has vices, most notably a poor
AS editor, plugin support is one area in which it is better than TB!
AS Particularly good is a plugin which supports reading and posting of
AS news; the integration is seamless).

In fact, BkNews is OK if you have a very low usage of news.

If not, use Forté Agent or XNews... they have real possibilites in
managing lot of newsgroups

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Re[2]: HTML-mail

2001-11-30 Thread Rick Reumann


On Friday, November 30, 2001, 3:51:41 PM, you wrote:

PM I don't think so, Nick. There are too many Outlook (Express) users around.
PM I do like to be able to see their style, though I despise HTML in mails
PM generally.

One of the reasons I switched to The Bat! from Pegasus was
because of the way it handled HTML messages. Most of the mail I get
still comes from Outlook and Outlook Express and The Bat! handles it
very well.

Although for the most part I also despise HTML emails, I'm not so
certain that at least having the option to use it occasionally would
be such a bad idea. The only HTML I used was some occasional bolding
or italics which I didn't think was such a horrible offense.



I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash
is they don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash
stuff, then, when somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and
go, 'What was THAT?!


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Re[2]: HTML-mail

2001-11-30 Thread Don Zeigler

On 11/30/2001, Peter Meyns wrote:

 I don't think so, Nick. There are too many Outlook (Express) users
 around. I do like to be able to see their style, though I despise
 HTML in mails generally. I agree with you in so far as TB! shouldn't
 implement creating HTML mails. This should never be encouraged.

As much as some of us hate it, html mail is here to stay, and any mail
client that doesn't offer the option to compose in this format is
doomed in the long run. I despise tacky Outlook html templates but
people love using them.

The Bat *needs* to be able to compose in html format. As far as
viewing html mails, we should have the option of using the Bat's
built-in limited viewer (which is enought for my own needs, anyhow) or
selecting Microsoft's viewer if we want to see the mail with images,
Don Zeigler
...Bother, said Pooh, as he gave Ted Kennedy another driving lesson.

Irritating tagline brought to you by The Bat! 1.53d
at 12:42:42 AM on Saturday, December 01, 2001


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Re[2]: HTML-mail

2001-11-30 Thread Nick Andriash

At 12:47 AM 01/12/01, Don Zeigler wrote:

The Bat *needs* to be able to compose in html format. As far as
viewing html mails, we should have the option of using the Bat's
built-in limited viewer (which is enought for my own needs, anyhow) or
selecting Microsoft's viewer if we want to see the mail with images,

Negative! If people want to see all that fancy HTML, then they can use a 
Browser to view it, which is what HTML was designed for. I would have to 
disagree with you that TB! 'needs' to be able to do HTML anything. What you 
are proposing is an Outlook 'wannabe', and I for one hope RITLabs never 
entertain going that route.


  -=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-
[ Eudora 5.1/EIS 2.1 | PGP 7.1 | Win 98 SE ]


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Re[2]: HTML Mail viewing (images)

2001-01-10 Thread Abigail Marshall

On Tuesday, January 09, 2001, 11:12:08 PM, Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris) wrote:

AGSAA Personally I don't think you're going against the rules of this ML when
AGSAA you're trying to discuss some topics like one you were raised. However
AGSAA this particular topic have been discussed more than 10 times in my mind
AGSAA with the same and the sad result: it ended up with the holy war and the
AGSAA flame war :-(. Sad but true (C) RIT Labs.

AGSAA There are several ways to stop this useless HTML-with-images talks
AGSAA forever.

Andrey - (and everyone else):
Those of us who have joined the list relatively recently have no way
of knowing which issues and topics have been discussed here before. In
fact, because the volume of mail from this list is so high, I cannot
possibly read all of the mail that comes in currently - so it would be
easy to miss a topic. (I just filter the list into a folder in
threaded form, read the posts under subject topics that look like they
might interest me, and delete the rest).

The ONLY answer is a good online FAQ, combined with automated
distribution to the list of the links to the FAQ, as a reminder to new
users to check the FAQs before posting.  The fact that a subject seems
to be one that has been exhaustively debated in the past would
indicate that it is something that should be included in the FAQs.


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Re[2]: HTML Mail viewing (images)

2001-01-08 Thread Kent Villard (iChef)

Hello Austin,

Monday, January 08, 2001, 6:28:05 PM, you wrote:


 What do you mean by saying that? Do you _really_ want that all that
 .html .ra .qt .scr .swf attachments will
 render/play/saving-your-screen/etc. upon the message view?

I would just like a HTML message to display all of the images :

Best regards,
Kent Villardmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
WebMaster   The Internet Chef
Visit Our New Sites: - The Best Recipe Portal On The Net. - All Thanksgiving Cooking All The Time

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Re: Re[2]: HTML Mail viewing (images)

2001-01-08 Thread Austin Dennis

Hi Kent

 I would just like a HTML message to display all of the images :

Me too. :)


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread Luca

15/09/2000, Steve Lamb:
 Aside from templates what does TB! really do better?

Hi all.

I'm pretty new to TB, used Pegasus Mail and Eudora for years, and the
main reason why I gave up with PM is that you can't have any copy of
actually sent messages, but only [multiple] copies of queued ones
(unless, of course, you don't put yourself in bcc). Simply, I can't
stand that.

I think I'm definetly shifting to TB, just waiting to figure out how to
do a couple of things.


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread John Hinson

Hello Marck and all,

Thursday, September 14, 2000, 5:54:55 PM, you wrote:
 While  you can (with a great deal of effort), it is not part of the TB
 remit  to  cover  HTML  mail  creation.  There  are  a number of other
 products  which  do this. There are also a large majority of dedicated
 TB  users  who don't want TB to be able to do this. Theory states that
 V2 (currently in development but not yet even in beta) will be able to
 do  this. I would prefer that it didn't, but then again I get told I'm
 an old dinosaur in that respect.

Hmmm, that gives me a problem. I can understand that if the software
currently doesn't let you send HTML email easily, then its likely to gain a
strong following of hard-liners in favour of text-only posting.

I shall watch for version 2 with interest - I certainly don't /always/
want to send in HTML, but I like to have the choice.

 I'm afraid you are. Please refrain from posting HTML here.

My apologies on that to all, it wasn't intended. The competitive product I was
trying seems to have turned out equally unhelpful in reverse - it only
posts HTML, even when there is no reason to.

 The  Bat  is  the best e-mail client there is. Period. HTML is not for
 e-mail - it is for presentation. You wouldn't expect TB to include all
 of  WordPerfect's  capabilities  -  you would sent a WP document as an
 attachment.  Thus  you  can attach a prepared HTML file to an email an
 and  in  that  way  send  an  "HTML mail". I don't want to get into an
 argument  about  OE and Poco and all of the others that "let you do it
 properly". That doesn't make it right IMHO.

Understand your views, but to be fair I think most users on this group
are likely to be biased. I'm not saying that to be unkind, but I'm
talking to the converted. Those who preferred something else to The
Bat! will be on that software's mailing list or NNTP group. :o)

 Now,  show  me  another  client  that  handles multiple accounts, with
 template  facilities  like TB offers, as powerful a sorting office and
 the  very  useful  ticker  and its' virtual folder for reading all new
 mail. I don't believe there is one.

Well, on multiple accounts I think Poco has the edge. I find the size
of the multiple list of inboxes in The Bat! to be one of its disadvantages,
Poco manages to combine the Inbox, Outbox, Sent etc. into one. I think
that's a lot neater if you use multiple accounts. On the other hand,
The Bat! is A1 perfect with the templates and signatures, allowing a
lot of flexibility. There are some other excellent features, too - I love the little 
"P" for
parked messages etc.

My other irritation with TB's handling of multiple accounts is that
there is no easy button/key combination to collect email from all
accounts. I keep collecting from just one in error. perhaps I have
missed something here.

 If you hang around, you may also discover that this list is itself yet
 another asset in the TB armoury g.

I'm sure you are right, Marck. I do intend to hang around for a while
- I've got a month of the trial in which to make my mind up, but I'd
like to make my decision sooner rather than later.

 Of course, the choice is yours.

Indeed. For your interest, I have been using Eudora which is quite
good but slow and clunky against The Bat! and Poco. I am also getting
seriously annoyed with it for pestering me for registration and other
personal information when I have paid for the wretched product. I feel
it has turned from a good product into an over-bloated information
harvester with upgrades.

I've also tried to test Calypso but I can't stop it crashing -
probably a clash with other software I have rather than a direct fault
with the programme.

Best wishes and thanks for the help and guidance,

John Hinson (in plain text, I hope!)

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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello Steve,

Thursday, September 14, 2000, 1:29:02 PM, you wrote:

SL On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 01:22:21AM +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:
 My main argument is always the waste of bandwidth (and that I find
 emails with different fonts and colours offensive or just plain ugly,
 but that's certainly a matter of taste). What other reasons are there?

SL There is no standard set of HTML defined for email clients to support.
SL 2.0, 3.0, 4.0?  XHTML 1.0?  CSS?  XML?  What should they support and what
SL should they /not/ support?

SL There is no standard set for displaying HTML from email, only for the
SL transport of the HTML in MIME.  

You know, that is what I like so much about standards.  I got so many
to choose from.

The programmers of the software that reads " HTML " have not addopted
any standards either.  So the candle has been burning at both ends for
wuite some time now.

Curtis Campbell
PS:  I'm glad to be here, new curmudgeon on the list! Batten down your
hatches and lock up your wives!

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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread ztrader

On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 10:10:51 AM, you wrote:

SL  has better sorting

What is better?


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread ztrader

On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 3:30:04 PM, you wrote:

SL On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 03:26:33PM -0700, ztrader wrote:
 On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 10:10:51 AM, you wrote:
 SL  has better sorting
 What is better?
SL That is not enough context to go by.

For example, can it do numeric weighting for sorting (if 'zzz' is in
the body, add +100 to ProbableSpam variable, and so on...)? Can it
sort, then place headers in the mail, then resort to refine the
sorting? Can it compare a file of 1-line text strings against the
From: header and see if there are any matches?

Any of these would be improvements over TB.

What sorting functions or operations does it do better?

I'm always interested in better sorting :-).


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread ztrader

On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 4:02:43 PM, you wrote:

SL PMMail has nicer filtering,

Oops - there's that word again :-). I'm very interested in good
filtering. What does PMM do better re filtering?


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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread ztrader

On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 4:14:06 PM, you wrote:

SL With TB! the
SL configuration of filters is quite cryptic.

I'd have to agree there, although good help files and examples could
have answered many of the questions I had.

SL limited scripting capabilities in advanced
SL mode.

Hey - now you're talking. How can I find out more about the scripting?
Does it really do useful things?


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