Re[2]: M$ Exchange Replacement

2002-04-18 Thread Michael T. Ashby

I'm familiar with Pegasus, but I really like TB and would like to use
it as part of the solutions. Thank you for the suggestion though.

Michael T. Ashby
The Ashby Group

Thursday, April 18, 2002, 7:21:10 AM, you wrote:

S On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 3:09:19 PM, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote to Shahar about:
S M$ Exchange Replacement

 Here's my question: What would be the best configuration for the
 install? I would like all the mailboxes to be stored on the server for
 backup purposes and I'd like some employees to be able to share a
 mailbox (tech support, that sort of thing).

S Michael,
S That's remind me something.
S About 4-5 years ago, one of our customers came and ask for a low cost email
S system.

S We gave him this solution:
S Pegasus mail and Mercury.

S I don't remember the exact configuration but what I do remember is
S that this customer had about 400 computers in one LAN.

S If you need more info about this solution I can make some phone calls
S and try to have it.

S Thank you for writing.

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Re[2]: M$ Exchange Replacement

2002-04-18 Thread Michael T. Ashby

Point taken Clive.

I turned to the list because I figured there were others that had gone
through something similar and could offer some insight. This list has
proved very helpful in the past and is a fantastic resource.

Sorry if the post was inappropriate.

Michael T. Ashby
The Ashby Group

Thursday, April 18, 2002, 7:32:58 AM, you wrote:

CT 18 April 2002, 13:09, you wrote:

 Here's my question: What would be the best configuration for the
 install? I would like all the mailboxes to be stored on the server for
 backup purposes and I'd like some employees to be able to share a
 mailbox (tech support, that sort of thing). They are using
 TrendMicro's OfficeScan for virus protection (although I don't think
 there's a plugin yet for that)

 Anyway, what would be your recommendation on how best to configure
 this install?

CT And how much of your fee are you prepared to share for this
CT information, Michael? ;-)

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Re[2]: M$ Exchange Replacement

2002-04-18 Thread Michael T. Ashby

Thanks to everyone for your feedback. It's been very helpful.

I'm actually shying away from having a mail server on the server.
Everything that they do is POP3 based and they don't have the typical
corporate mentality regarding e-mail. I'm thinking that simpler is
better, having been the Exchange route with them already.

Prior to saying we could do this, I had spoken with the person that
had first turned me on to TB and his firm is setup in the same manner.
With the mailboxes stored on the server, then more than one person can
access the mailbox at a time and everything is backed up nightly - to
me it sounds like an ideal setup for this client.

Unless someone thinks this is foolish. :)

Michael T. Ashby
The Ashby Group

Thursday, April 18, 2002, 12:39:45 PM, you wrote:

PP Hello Miguel,

PP On Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 3:34:34 PM you wrote in
PP [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

 I'm familiar with Pegasus, but I really like TB and would like to use
 it as part of the solutions. Thank you for the suggestion though.

MAU You don't need Pegasus. You can have a very nice setup with Mercury/32
MAU as a server (it's free, BTW) and The Bat! as e-mail clients. This is
MAU what I use.

PP And this is what I'd suggest too ... not Mercury in any case, I don't know
PP this software so I can't recommend it, but a 'real' Mail-Server plus TB!.
PP Server capabilities of TB! are limited in some matters so I wouldn't rely
PP on them, but there're cheaper and better SMTP/POP3-servers out there than
PP MS-Exchange :-)

PP Mercury (as we've read), MDaemon, ArGoSoft ... and for sure several other
PP Windows Mail-Servers.

PP I've just entered

PP Windows Mail-Server

PP into Google and had more than enough hit.
PP Tucows is another idea ... maybe you want start here


PP having a look if there's something that fits your needs.
PP TB! should be work with every SMTP  POP3 enabled server software, so this
PP will not matter.

PP P.S.: I assume a fast and stable Linux box is out of discussion for server?

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Re[2]: M$ Exchange Replacement

2002-04-18 Thread Michael T. Ashby

I understand that there is a server involved with POP3 e-mail, but
that server is located off site in a server farm. I just don't see a
reason to add ANOTHER server just to collect it.

They aren't using the PIM features of Outlook and TB is one of the
most robust e-mail client's I've found, so it seems like the perfect
solution for this client.

Michael T. Ashby
The Ashby Group

Thursday, April 18, 2002, 2:13:32 PM, you wrote:

PP Hello Michael,

PP On Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 8:25:07 PM you wrote in
PP [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

MTA I'm actually shying away from having a mail server on the server.
MTA Everything that they do is POP3 based

PP I'm sorry to tell you: even this is a server :-)

PP MS-Exchange offering to fetch the mail not only via LookOut but via POP3
PP too is nothing else but: a mail server :-) Not an 'MTA' as 'Mail Transfer
PP Agent', this would the SMTP-capabilities of Exchange offer, but it _is_ a
PP server :-)

PP So if your customer can abandon the PIM functionality every cheaper mail
PP server for Windows will do it.
PP 1.) it will be cheaper; let the money flow to Moldavia for a mile stone of
PP mail client *g*
PP 2.) Let the system not always run on the corner to it's ruin by starting
PP Exchange if this can be avoided :-)

MTA Unless someone thinks this is foolish. :)

PP As I've already said: this might work, but I've heard it _sometimes_ ain't
PP the most stable solution running TB! in Non-TCP-server-mode. Mail loss was
PP sight ...

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