Re[2]: Newsreading with Bat?

2000-01-23 Thread Lone-Wolf

Newsreading with Bat?
Hello Nick,

Wednesday, January 19, 2000, 8:18:32 PM, you wrote:

NA On Tuesday, January 18, 2000, 2:02:43 PM, Allie Martin wrote:

  Yes, I used the Agent
 combo for sometime myself but realized that Agent failed quite
 substantially on the e-mail side. It also fails quite markedly on the news
 side as well with it's inability to support multiple servers without
 having to run multiple instances . enter X-News. :)

NA I have the same feelings toward Agent, and although I haven't tried
NA X-News as yet, I am currently trying Gravity 2.2. It configures multiple
NA servers easily, and has scoring as well. Have you tried this Program yet
NA Allie?

NA Nick

From my limited experience with X News - not an off line reader, and
with Gravity - at present a bug (design feature) that when you look at
headers off line it tries to connect for each header!  Have been
advised by Gravity that this will be fixed in next upgrade ($$?)
Perhaps if anyone could tell me how to use Xnews off line I would be
eternally grateful (well, at least grateful, don't know about eternal)


Keep Canada beautiful.  Swallow your beer cans.

Using The Bat1.39  Windows 98  Build

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Re[2]: Newsreading with Bat?

2000-01-23 Thread tracer

Hello Keith Russell,
On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 20:54:19 -0700 GMT your local time,
which was Monday, January 24, 2000, 10:54:19 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Keith Russell wrote:

Keith It frustrates me that I and several others have asked you to put lines
Keith between quotes, and that even in responding to such a request, you
Keith don't put a line! Please don't take this personally, because you've
Keith been really helpful to me and to many others on the list.

I am willing but problem is that in working through loads of mails its
very hard to remember doing it..
Also in corresponding with people one to one it was never a real
On the other hand the cure is simple, optionally have the system
FORCE that blank line or separator.
Since when editing its shown as a different colour the bat knows its a
quoted text and should be easily able to force this blanc line.
It would besides fix peoples bad habits maybe also make sure that
those new to the net donot get them

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 

using FireTalk: 321338
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Re[2]: Newsreading with Bat?

2000-01-22 Thread tracer

Hello Jast,
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 05:36:20 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, January 22, 2000, 11:36:20 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Jast wrote:

Jast  Not  every (net) community has the same standards and rules, and in some good
Jast  message  trimming  and  formatting might not be so important. But it is here,
Jast  and  I'd  prefer  if  sir tracer would trim his mails a little and put a line
Jast  after the quotes . . . please?
Spmeone told me that one really should have a separator line as a
feature of the bat when quoting, or a blank line.
Anyway, I donot see lines after quotes in your msg so I do
musunderstand it?
I thought its obvious when quoting since the name of the person quoted
is still there...

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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Re[2]: Newsreading with Bat?

2000-01-21 Thread tracer

Hello Christopher J. Trybowski,
On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 01:29:54 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, January 20, 2000, 7:29:54 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Christopher J. Trybowski wrote:

Christopher Hello Allie,
Christopher On Wednesday, January 19, 2000 you wrote:

Christopher [Gravity]
 Yes, but considering that I have to pay for the damn thing, the editor
 is UTTERLY unacceptable. How can you create a popup message saying
 that the flow of text is too long and that some readers may have problems
 reading the message without providing a solution?!!
 I never have that problem, I set it to the default.. Probably 80 or
\  X-News gives a  reformat facility. Agent says nothing on the matter.
I never reformat my news
\ :) You cannot paste
 as quote and you cannot configure the editors color scheme.
I donot use colours for news
 I can't
 imagine how the editor can be like this and there is no facility (unless
 it's hidden) to use an external editor.
But I donot NEED one. Adimittedly its a bit like typing the old 80*24
line monitors but who minds...
 When I copy and paste text to
 'message cleaner' it's done in a buggy fashion as well (that's
 unbelievable. I didn't know such a thing could happen).
Whats mesg cleaner? never used it...

Christopher Oh,  come  on,  this program is a winner as far as bugs are concerned.
Christopher Too  long  lines  is  one of them. But there are plenty of others, and
Christopher plenty  of  lacking features (like Base64 and Quoted Printable support
Christopher for  8 bit characters, code pages converting). I'm still using it, but
Christopher only  because  I'm  yet  too lazy to switch to XNews. But I will soon!
Christopher XNews + Hamster :-)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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Re[2]: Newsreading with Bat?

2000-01-21 Thread tracer

Hello Allie Martin,
On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 06:20:52  -0500 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, January 20, 2000, 6:20:52 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Allie Martin wrote:

Allie On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 01:29:54 +0100, Christopher J. Trybowski wrote:

 Yes, but considering that I have to pay for the damn thing, the editor
 is UTTERLY unacceptable. How can you create a popup message saying
 that the flow of text is too long and that some readers may have problems
 reading the message without providing a solution?!! X-News gives a
 reformat facility. Agent says nothing on the matter. :) You cannot paste
 as quote and you cannot configure the editors color scheme. I can't
 imagine how the editor can be like this and there is no facility (unless
 it's hidden) to use an external editor.  When I copy and paste text to
 'message cleaner' it's done in a buggy fashion as well (that's
 unbelievable. I didn't know such a thing could happen).
all I know is that in the long and distant past I used gravity for a
month, then tried Agent. I never ever went back to Gravity or to
another one.
Ok, I ran a fully featured Agent 0.99 with a given key for 6 months and then
decided to pay.
Kind of stimulated as the new version came out and my newsreader
stopped working but for me the choice was clear, I liked it and had
my own code in a few hours.
Agent may not be the best, it sure ismt what it could be BUT it doesnt
cause me any problems

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 
using FireTalk: 321338

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