Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT_LOOP defined wrong on OpenBSD

2007-04-05 Thread Guy Harris

Jon Steel wrote:

It needs to be changed to:

#ifdef __OpenBSD__
#define DLT_LOOP12
#define DLT_LOOP108

Done, in both the main and x.9 branches.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT-Value request for IEEE 802.15.4 lrwpan

2007-04-06 Thread Guy Harris

Mikko Saarnivala wrote:

The first problem is that I noticed that the DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX was 
just assigned but it is for these packets which have address fields 
padded. Should I request for a new DLT value to be assigned?

If the headers you'll be supplied are completely unmodified 802.15.4 
headers, exactly as described in the 802.15.4 spec, yes, you should 
request a new DLT_IEEE802_15_4 value.

The second problem is that I have only access to hardware from the 
company that I work for (802.15.4 radiochip + MCU on a PCB connected to 
PC using RS232). The interface is unique to our devices (although it is 
completely open as all of our SW is GPL). The way I understand how the 
libpcap works is that this unique interface won't be a problem if I 
follow the instructions e.g. in>. Does this 
sound reasonable?

Yes.  As that chapter indicates, see how, for example, it's done in 
pcap-linux.c for DAG cards.  You'd modify the pcap-XXX.c files that 
would be used on the operating system or operating systems on which your 
software runs.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Sending captured packets to a virtual nic

2007-04-22 Thread Guy Harris

Quan Doan wrote:

Hi Aaron,
Thank you. But the thing is I would like to monitor those traffic from our
LAN, and I only could capture those packets on my box, then I will transfer
all packets from my box to my monitoring server.
With Ethereal I can not monitor all packets in real-time.

In your original article, you said:

I had captured a lot packets from my box, which is a gateway
of a LAN. Those packets are sent back to me. Now I have those packets, I would
like to use the Ethereal for analyzing them.

which seemed to imply that you had a capture file with packets that 
you'd already captured.  if so, it's too late to do anything in real 
time - the capture is already done.

If, instead, you mean that you want, in the future, to be able to 
capture packets, and watch them arrive in real time (i.e., view them at 
the time that they arrive), then:

So, shortly, I
have captured packets, they come in real-time, but I don't know how to
"replay" those packets to Ethereal.

...transmitting them on a virtual NIC isn't the answer.

As you sent this to tcpdump-workers rather than winpcap-users, I assume 
you're doing at least some of this on UN*X.

Therefore, you might be able to, from the box running Wireshark (which 
used to be called "Ethereal" in earlier releases; see

if you're curious about the story behind the name change), run tcpdump 
on your box over ssh, and send its output to the machine running Wireshark.

What you'd want to do is to, on the machine running Wireshark:

create a named pipe (e.g., with the "mkfifo" or "mknod" command);

	use ssh to run tcpdump, in that fashion, on your box - run it with "-s 
0" ("-s 65535" with really ancient versions of tcpdump - or, if you 
don't want the full packets, pass the appropriate snapshot length) and 
"-w -" (so the packets are written to the standard output), and redirect 
the output of ssh to the named pipe;

	start up Wireshark, and start a capture, capturing from a "device" 
whose name is the pathname of the named pipe.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Sending captured packets to a virtual nic

2007-04-22 Thread Guy Harris

Quan Doan wrote:

The command is useful for real-time captured packets? It means I had
captured those packets from my LAN and transfer over internet to a remote

How did you transfer those files?

In this server, I have all captured packets. The transfer is

"Real-time" in what sense?  If you mean that you captured a bunch of 
packets with tcpdump and saved them to a file, and then FTP'ed or scp'd 
or ... that file to the remote server, that is *not* a real-time 
transfer - it's not real-time unless each packet is transferred as it 

Now the question is how I can open those packets into Wireshark
in real-time mode if I just open a file,

There is no notion of reading a capture file in real-time mode; that 
notion wouldn't make any sense.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] another OS X bug: pcap_findalldevs()

2007-04-22 Thread Guy Harris

Aaron Turner wrote:

FYI, I've opened another ticket with apple (Bug ID# 5152213) regarding
pcap_findalldevs().  Short story is that calling pcap_findalldevs()
causes the builtin wifi on my MacBook Pro (10.4.9) to disassociate
from the AP.  Very annoying, especially since you needn't be root to
have it happen.

Known problem.  If the application using pcap_findalldevs() is built 
with libpcap from the top of the libpcap_0_9 branch, the problem goes away.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [Wireshark-users] Filtering both vlan-tagged

2007-05-02 Thread Guy Harris

Joerg Mayer wrote:

Well, it's not a bug per se, but I really think that the capture syntax
manpage should be part of libpcap and not of tcpdump. I know of a few
systems that have wireshark installed but not tcpdump. Also, it is
possible to build tcpdump with older versions of libpcap where the
capture syntax might be different.

It's always bothered me that it's part of a man page for an application 
that's just one of the apps that support libpcap-style filters.

However, I'm not sure the libpcap man page is the right place, either, 
as it'll be lost amidst a bunch of details of interest only to people 
writing code that uses libpcap.

Wireshark has a "wireshark-filter(4)" man page for its display filter; 
would it make sense to have something like a "pcap-filter" man page, to 
which the tcpdump/WinDump, libpcap/WinPcap, Wireshark, TShark, and any 
other application man pages could refer?

Looking at the FreeBSD man page sections (treating FreeBSD as an example 
of the "Version 7/BSD" style of man page sections), pcap-filter - and 
wireshark-filter - arguably belong, in systems using the V7/BSD style, 
in section 7 ("miscellaneous information pages", or "Macros and 
conventions"), rather than section 4 ("introduction to devices and 
device drivers", or "Special files").

Looking at the names that Solaris uses for the sections (treating 
Solaris as an example of the "System V" style of man page sections), the 
appropriate section would probably be section 5 ("Standards, 
Environments, and Macros", or "miscellany"), although section 4 ("file 
formats") might not be *too* off-base.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any easy way to determine which 
convention applies on the target host - I'll see if I can find configure 
scripts that install "administrative" tools, and see if they figure out 
whether to install the man page in section 8 (on V7/BSD-style systems) 
or section 1M (for SV-style systems).

We can probably just pick a section for now, and worry about getting 
into the right section later.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT for Radiotap+WiMAX?

2007-05-03 Thread Guy Harris

Charles Clancy wrote:

1. Allocate another DLT specifically for Radiotap+WiMAX

2. Extend the Radiotap header to indicate what protocol it's encapsulating

3. Don't use Radiotap, and develop something else

What's the group's thoughts on these options, and which would be most
preferred?  #1 seems easiest, and #2 seems most logical.

I prefer #1 - it's easier, *and* it seems more logical to me; the most 
important thing about a capture would seem to me to be the link-layer 
type, not the fact that it has radio information.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT for Radiotap+WiMAX?

2007-05-04 Thread Guy Harris

Charles Clancy wrote:

... then I'd like to request allocation of a DLT for Radiotap with 

OK, I've added DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO and 
LINKTYPE_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO, with the value 193.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Tools for stripping parts of a pcap file?

2007-05-13 Thread Guy Harris

Luis Martin Garcia wrote:

Well, you can open your pcap file with Wireshark (ethereal), select
the packets you want using the filter and saving them using the
standard "save as" option.

He doesn't want packets saved as is, he wants *transformed* versions of 
the packets written to the new file:


Does anybody know of a good tool for stripping parts of the packets in
a pcap file? Say I have a pcap file containing GRE encapsulated info,
and I want to strip the outer IP + GRE headers and leave the rest,
writing out the result to another (valid) pcap file

I don't know of any tool that would do that, although it might not be 
*too* painful to write one to do that particular operation.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] pcap format / standard(s)

2007-05-16 Thread Guy Harris

On May 16, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Jesse Norell wrote:

 I hope this is an appropriate question for this group.  I'm with a
group (WISPA) working on developing a standard for delivery of data to
meet the CALEA law requirements.

Why is the Women's International Squash Players Association working on  
that? :-)

 We'd like to use pcap as the format
for likely obvious reasons, though as I'm looking into the specifics I
run into differences in formats outlined at


the latter being an update of the former.  Am I correct in assuming  

the first describes what is actually in use today/still, and the other
was more of an update of where things would head (likely to ultimately
be a standard)?


You would be correct in assuming that what is actually in use today is

which is the current libpcap format, and that

was an earlier version of the proposed next-generation libpcap format,  
and that

is an update of that proposed format - that format's current home is  

Currently, I think the only places where the next-generation format  
(pcap-NG) is used are in some tools from Cace Technologies:

for, I think, some aviation instrumentation purposes.

 Has any further work been done on format/etc. since then (2004)?

The page at

gives the latest update as September 2006.  I have some further  
changes (which use some currently-reserved fields) that I need to hand  
to the people working on the pcap-NG spec.  They're not at all major  
(they use the two Reserved bytes in the Interface Description Block to  
provide multiple namespaces for link-layer types (e.g., to handle the  
DLT_RAWAF link-layer type family in NetBSD).

I don't know what the current plans are for pcap-NG becoming a  
standard (either official or semi-official).

Perhaps we can word our standard such that it allows using the current
pcap format or any later format as agreed by both parties (law
enforcement and the entity performing the wiretap).

I would suggest that, unless you need the features of pcap-NG, you  
word the standard to support the current libpcap format or any later  
format as agreed by both parties.  If you need a version of that  
format published on the site (to make it more "official",  
although the core tcpdump/libpcap/WinPcap/Wireshark development groups  

If you need the pcap-NG features, note that tcpdump, Wireshark, snort,  
etc. don't support it - and libpcap doesn't support it.

If/when a newer
version of pcap would come out, do you anticipate libpcap will support
backwards compatibility?

If pcap-NG becomes official, I would expect libpcap to be able to read  
both the existing libpcap format and pcap-NG.  Applications written to  
the existing libpcap API will be able to read pcap-NG files that don't  
use incompatible features (for example, they won't be able to read  
files that have multiple interfaces with different link-layer types),  
but they won't see any of the information in pcap-NG files for which  
there's no provision in the existing API.  There will be a future API  
that exposes all the capabilities of pcap-NG; applications written to  
that API will be able to read existing libpcap files.

 Both of the above documents list major version 1, minor version 0;
what is put in pcap files today, also 1 and 0, or will there be a  
way to

tell older files from newer ones?

What is put in pcap files to day is version 2.4 of the existing  
libpcap format.

There is a way to tell existing libpcap files from pcap-NG files  
(existing libpcap files begin with 0xa1 0xb2 0xc3 0xd4 or with 0xd4  
0xc3 0xb2 0xa1, depending on the native byte order of the machine that  
wrote the file; pcap-NG files begin with a Section Header Block, which  
starts with a block type of 0x0d0a0a0d, a 4-byte block length, and a 4- 
byte Byte-Order Magic value that's either 0x1a2b3c4d or 0x4d3c2b1a,  
depending on the native byte order of the machine that wrote the file  
- you need to look at that *before* you interpret the 4-byte block  

Both file formats include version numbers, which is how you tell older  
versions of the format from newer versions.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Capturing a "clean" TCP stream

2007-05-18 Thread Guy Harris

On May 18, 2007, at 7:09 AM, Alexandros Karypidis wrote:

I am writing a program that is intended to monitor the requests made  

a server from various clients. I am using libpcap to capture all
packets directed to the server's IP and need to parse the _payload_ of
the TCP stream (i.e. isolate the application protocol messages,
discarding TCP retransmissions). I am currently parsing the TCP header
using sequence/ack fields to detect retransmissions and extract
payload. Could one suggest a better approach to this?

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I can't think of a better approach,  
other than "use a library that does that work for you, if it  
exists" (or steal code from an application that does it).  I have the  
impression that a library of that sort might exist, but I don't  
remember what it might be.

You can't specify a filter that will discard retransmissions, as BPF  
filters are stateless.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] does tcpdump catch all packets in the air?

2007-05-21 Thread Guy Harris

Łukasz Strzałkowski wrote:

Tcpdump collects much less packets then kismet and all of them are from 
my laptop and my Access Point.
Please someone explain me why it is so if tcpdump reads the same 
wireless interface in this router as kismet drone?

Probably because tcpdump isn't putting the interface into monitor mode 
and the Kismet drone is probably putting the interface it's using into 
monitor mode.  If you're not in monitor mode, the adapter will only see 
packets for the wireless network with which you're associated.

There's currently no API in libpcap to turn on monitor mode, and no way 
in tcpdump to turn on monitor mode.  You might be able to do so from the 
command line; see

for some information on this.

*However*, note that many adapters will disassociate from your wireless 
network if put into monitor mode.  This might not be what you want.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] tcpdump/pcap 1-of-S sampling

2007-05-23 Thread Guy Harris

On May 23, 2007, at 2:34 PM, kevin brintnall wrote:

I would like to add a feature to tcpdump/pcap to only capture 1/S  

for some positive integer S.  For example, this would be useful for
traffic analysis on DNS servers where it's not feasible or desirable  

capture every single packet.

Rather than do this in the application, I would like to also push this
feature into the kernel

Which kernel?

(i.e. BPF),

I.e., the {Free,Net,Open,DragonFly}BSD kernel, and the Darwin/Mac OS X  
kernel, but not the Linux, Solaris, etc. kernel. (And probably not the  
AIX kernel, either, unless you work at IBM or an AIX source licensee.)

This is probably going to end up being a private hack unless you  
convince the developers of the BPF-using system you're using to adopt  

to reduce the amount of kernel-->user
space copying.  Ideally, pcap would push the sampling into the kernel
where available, and fall back to doing its own 1-of-S sampling  

Does anyone have a recommendation where to store the sampling factor  
esp. with regards to passing into the kernel?  It doesn't make sense  
store it in the bpf_insn, so I am thinking that it would make more  

to store info in bpf_program.

The best thing to do is probably to provide your own BPF ioctl to set  
that, and either

	1) have the new ioctl just set the sampling factor, and use the  
existing ioctl, unchanged, to set the filter


2) add a new ioctl that sets the filter and the sampling factor.

I would vote for 1) as the least intrusive change.

I suspect that the developers of any of the systems in question are  
likely to resist a change to the bpf_program structure, for binary and  
source compatibility reasons, so if you want this to be anything other  
than a private hack, I would suggest that you add a new ioctl to set  
the sampling factor.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] cap_compile() generates strange code with DLT_RAW

2007-05-30 Thread Guy Harris

Anton Yuzhaninov wrote:


When libpcap build with -DINET6 pcap_compile() generates strange pbf
code with DLT_RAW

cap_compile_nopcap(65535, DLT_RAW, &bp, "udp", 1, 0)
generates this code:

# (000) ld   #0x0
{ code=0 jt=0 jf=0 k=0 }
# (001) ldb  [6]
{ code=48 jt=0 jf=0 k=6 }
# (002) jeq  #0x11jt 5  jf 3
{ code=21 jt=2 jf=0 k=17 }
# (003) ldb  [9]
{ code=48 jt=0 jf=0 k=9 }
# (004) jeq  #0x11jt 5  jf 6
{ code=21 jt=0 jf=1 k=17 }
# (005) ret  #65535
{ code=6 jt=0 jf=0 k=65535 }
# (006) ret  #0
{ code=6 jt=0 jf=0 k=0 }

It seems to be wrong.

(000) - seems to be nop, why it here?

Probably because the check for the network layer protocol was, for 
DLT_RAW, saying "true" for IPv4 or IPv6 and "false" for everything else, 
and the "true" test wasn't getting optimized out.

(001), (002) - check that byte with offset 6 (4 bits from flags filed
and 4 bits from fragment offset) equal 17 (protocol number for udp)
It seems to be wrong

...for IPv4, but not for IPv6 (if the next header is UDP).

Since both "is this IPv4?" and "is this IPv6?" were being answered as 
"yes", it was testing both the IPv6 "next header" field and the IPv4 
"protocol" field, regardless of whether the packet is IPv4 or IPv6.

I've checked in a change to, for DLT_RAW, check the version field of the 
IPv4/IPv6 header; the generated code if INET6 is enabled is now:

(000) ldb  [0]
(001) and  #0xf0
(002) jeq  #0x60jt 3jf 5
(003) ldb  [6]
(004) jeq  #0x11jt 10   jf 11
(005) ldb  [0]
(006) and  #0xf0
(007) jeq  #0x40jt 8jf 11
(008) ldb  [9]
(009) jeq  #0x11jt 10   jf 11
(010) ret  #65535
(011) ret  #0

(maybe the check for IPv6 could be "not IPv4", which might avoid the 
need for two tests) and if it's not enabled is now:

(000) ldb  [0]
(001) and  #0xf0
(002) jeq  #0x40jt 3jf 6
(003) ldb  [9]
(004) jeq  #0x11jt 5jf 6
(005) ret  #65535
(006) ret  #0

(just because libpcap doesn't have IPv6 support, that doesn't mean that 
a DLT_RAW file it's reading won't contain IPv6 packets, so it still checks).

This is checked into the main and x.9 branches.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] cap_compile() generates strange code with DLT_RAW

2007-05-30 Thread Guy Harris

On May 30, 2007, at 1:24 PM, Anton Yuzhaninov wrote:

It seems better. Which libpcap version was used to produce this bpf

No released version was used.  The version was used was the version  
built from the source I'd just checked in.

This is checked into the main and x.9 branches.

mail = CVS head?

main = the branch that has the CVS head (I assume "mail" was a typo).

Is this in 0.9.5 release?

No, because the 0.9.5 release came out before I checked in that  
change.  Any future 0.9.x release will have it, as I checked it into  
the x.9 branch.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT-Value request for IEEE 802.15.4 lrwpan

2007-06-05 Thread Guy Harris

Mikko Saarnivala wrote:

Referring to the conversation quoted above, I request for a DLT number 
for IEEE 802.15.4 compliant implementation.

I've added DLT_IEEE802_15_4, with the value 195.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] pcap shared libraries: inconsistencies across Linux machines

2007-06-13 Thread Guy Harris

On Jun 13, 2007, at 9:32 AM, Jonathan Gruenhut wrote:

To be honest, at this point I’m totally mystified.  My (naive)  
understanding of shared objects in Linux was that as long as the  
major version number was the same, the loader should look up  
whatever is present on the system.

That's how a *sane* shared library mechanism would work, and, as far  
as I know, it's how the SVR4/ELF shared library mechanism was intended  
to work.  That's the shared library mechanism after which the shared  
library mechanisms in Linux and the ELF-based BSDs are modeled, as far  
as I know.

So, if you link with "-lpcap", the executable should be bound to, *NOT* or or whatever.

You *did* link with "-lpcap", not "-lpcap.0.8.3" or something such as  
that, right?

ldd output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ldd program83 =>  (0x00422000) => /lib/ (0x001f6000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00195000) => /lib/ (0x00b47000)
   /lib/ (0x00178000)

It sounds as if program83 is bound to the right versions of libnsl and  
libc - i.e., it appears to be bound to versions with *ONLY* the major  
version number, *NOT* versions with the full version number.

Are the versions of libpcap on the system the ones that came with the  
system, or did you build and install your own shared libpcap library  
in /usr/lib?

The so files:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -l /usr/lib/*pcap*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jun 13 20:27 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun 13 21:22 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May  3 19:03 /usr/lib/ - 

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 168544 Jul 13  2006 /usr/lib/

What do "ls -l /usr/lib/libc*" and "/usr/lib/libnsl*" print?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] About promiscuous mode

2007-07-03 Thread Guy Harris

Max Laier wrote:

[this is not necessarily the right mailinglist for this question, but ...]

Well, Wireshark has separate wireshark-dev and wireshark-users lists, 
but tcpdump-workers is really the union of "tcpdump-users", 
"tcpdump-dev", "libpcap-users" ("users" in the sense of people writing 
libpcap-based applications), and "libpcap-dev" ("dev" in the sense of 
people fixing or extending libpcap), so it's probably as good a list as any.

In a switched LAN you will only see broadcasts and packets destined to the 
address(es) that are advertised behind your switch port.  The sollution 

 a) use the "monitor" port on your switch
 b) use a hub rather than a switch
 c) overflow the forwarding table of your switch to turn it into a hub


for more information on capturing on a switched Ethernet.

That page refers to

which has pages for various switch vendors with instructions, or 
pointers to vendor manuals with instructions, on using monitor 
ports/mirrored ports/whatever the vendor calls them.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Small configure diff to use pflog header from

2007-07-08 Thread Guy Harris

Max Laier wrote:

the attached makes libpcap and tcpdump use pfvar.h/if_pflog.h from the 
host system (if available) - which is what most people will want[*].

What most people want, I think, is to be able to capture on the pflog 
interface and read pflog files, regardless of how that happens; if that 
can be done without using the host system's if_pflog.h, they probably 
won't care.

If the DLT_ value for pflog files were changed every time the pflog 
header was changed, that could be done.  Unfortunately, that hasn't 
happened (at least one OpenBSD change doesn't appear to have been 
accompanied by a DLT_ value change), so, at least for formats used in 
the past, that can't be fixed.

Given that, unless the various systems supporting pflog interfaces are 
willing to agree to have, in the future, different DLT_ values for 
different pflog headers (which would probably mean introducing new DLT_ 
values for all systems, so we can start afresh), my inclination would be 
to completely omit support for pflog files on systems that don't have a 
 header.  (Unfortunately, we can't handle the case of a 
pflog file from, for example, OpenBSD 3.4 through 3.7 being read on 
OpenBSD 3.8 through 4.1 - the header format changed, but the DLT_ value 
didn't - so the only way to detect that is to see that tcpdump etc. just 
show junk.)

As such, I'd be willing to check the change in - if it were modified to 
completely remove DLT_PFLOG support if there is no  
header, as a change to make it handle only headers for the OS and 
version on which it's built would imply no support if a given OS+version 
doesn't *have* pflog.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] tcpdump <= 3.9.6 BGP dissector integer overflow

2007-07-14 Thread Guy Harris

Peter Volkov wrote:

We received report on security issue in tcpdump:

Could anybody review fix and comment and apply in CVS? Thanks.

I reviewed the fix - it seemed a bit cleaner to have it continue 
processing the TLVs, without adding to the string, if the string buffer 
is full.

I've checked in a fix that does that.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT

2007-07-17 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

I am formally requesting a new DLT value to support capture traffic
from my companies

So that'd be SITA:

LAN/WAN router/protocol converter device.

Since this device supports WAN protocols, this new DLT will be
used to provide/indicate that the data stream contains a
number of WAN port specific pieces of information such as:

- message direction
- hardware signal line states (RTS, CTS, DCD, etc.)
- transmit/receive error/status bits.
- a protocol type indicator (Frame Relay, LAPB, IPARS, UTS, etc.)

So a given capture can have packets in it with multiple different 
protocol types?

This 5 byte header/control-structure will be prefixed to each captured
data packet, but will not be considered as part of the 'data packet'
that will be decoded as part of Wireshark, etc.

So will the format of that header be public, or private?
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT

2007-07-17 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

a given capture will only ever have a single protocol within it,
but since the header is common for all protocols, I thought it was 
better to

ask for a single DLT instead rather than one DLT per protocol.

Not necessarily - DLTs are cheap, and Wireshark already has, for 
example, a WTAP_ENCAP_FRELAY_WITH_PHDR encapsulation type.  It currently 
assumes a pseudo-header with less information than your pseudo-header 
will provide, but that pseudo-header can be generalized in a way to 
indicate which pieces of information it has.  Its WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB 
already assumes a pseudo-header with direction information; again, that 
could be extended.

That'd be a bit more work, but I can help with that.

(Sigh.  I wish pcap-NG and the supporting code were done; it already 
has, in the packet metadata header, along with the time stamp and 
lengths, a direction indicator and 16 bits of "link-layer-dependent 
errors" which could be used for the error/status bits and possibly 
signal line status - it also has 7 reserved bits that might be usable 
for that.)

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT

2007-07-17 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

So in the end... I think I'd rather continue persuing this single DLT 

where I can embed status/signalling stuff into a single dissector

IE.  Have a pcap with DLT_ACN_WAN and dissectors for:
  ACN_WAN (that handles signal/status info and then dispatches to:)
Frame Relay (the existing one)
LAPB/X.25  (the existing one)
IPARS (one of my new ones)
UTS (one of my new ones)

It might be possible to use DLT_PPI for this:

although PPI was originally introduced for 802.11 and might not be ideal 
for your purposes.  If it's not, we'll just go with DLT_ACN_WAN.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT

2007-07-18 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

Well, I looked at it, and it sounds like a good idea, but it is 
relatively heavy

weight (I only need to transport 4 bytes, and PPI has 8 bytes of overhead
(200% in my case)  So I'm going to graciously decline and still ask for
my own DLT called 'DLT_SITA'.

(This also leave my options open for the future in monitoring other things
like STREAMs, named pipes, shared memory communications devices, etc.)

So your 4-byte (or 5-byte, as per your original mail) header will be 
sufficient for that?  (Once you've picked a header format, you can't 
change it - you'd need a different DLT_ value for a different header, as 
the DLT_ value should be sufficient to allow a file to be interpreted.)

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT

2007-07-18 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

Well, I looked at it, and it sounds like a good idea, but it is 
relatively heavy

weight (I only need to transport 4 bytes, and PPI has 8 bytes of overhead
(200% in my case)  So I'm going to graciously decline and still ask for
my own DLT called 'DLT_SITA'.

OK, I've assigned you DLT_SITA, with the value 196.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Problem compiling print-bgp.c (IPV6 disable)

2007-07-21 Thread Guy Harris

Francois-Xavier Le Bail wrote:

I have an error compiling print-bgp.c if the support
for IPV6 is disable.

print-bgp.o(.text+0x26d): In function
: undefined reference to `ip6addr_string'

Here is a patch to solve it.

Checked in.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Problem with build of tcpdump-current

2007-07-21 Thread Guy Harris

Francois-Xavier Le Bail wrote:


I try to build tcpdump-current (tcpdump-2007.07.20) and have these errors (no 
problem with build of v3.9.5) :

System : x86 - gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
gcc -O2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing  -D_U_="__attribute__((unused))" -I. 
-I./../libpcap-2007.07.20  -I./missing  -o tcpdump addrtoname.o af.o checksum.o cpack.o 
gmpls.o oui.o gmt2local.o ipproto.o nlpid.o l2vpn.o machdep.o parsenfsfh.o print-802_11.o 
print-ap1394.o print-ah.o print-arcnet.o print-aodv.o print-arp.o print-ascii.o 
print-atalk.o print-atm.o print-beep.o print-bfd.o print-bgp.o print-bootp.o print-cdp.o 
print-cfm.o print-chdlc.o print-cip.o print-cnfp.o print-dccp.o print-decnet.o 
print-domain.o print-dtp.o print-dvmrp.o print-enc.o print-egp.o print-eap.o 
print-eigrp.o print-esp.o print-ether.o print-fddi.o print-fr.o print-gre.o print-hsrp.o 
print-icmp.o print-igmp.o print-igrp.o print-ip.o print-ipcomp.o print-ipfc.o print-ipx.o 
print-isakmp.o print-isoclns.o print-juniper.o print-krb.o print-l2tp.o print-lane.o 
print-ldp.o print-llc.o print-lmp.o print-lspping.o print-lwres.o print-mobile.o 
print-mpcp.o print-mpls.o print-msdp.o print-nfs.o print-ntp.o
 print-null.o print-olsr.o print-ospf.o print-pflog.o print-pgm.o print-pim.o 
print-ppp.o print-pppoe.o print-pptp.o print-radius.o print-raw.o print-rip.o 
print-rsvp.o print-rx.o print-sctp.o print-sip.o print-sl.oprint-sll.o 
print-slow.o print-snmp.o print-stp.o print-sunatm.o 
print-sunrpc.oprint-symantec.o print-syslog.o print-tcp.o print-telnet.o 
print-tftp.o print-timed.o print-token.o print-udld.o print-udp.o print-vjc.o 
print-vqp.o print-vrrp.o print-vtp.o print-wb.o print-zephyr.o setsignal.o 
tcpdump.o util.o version.o print-ip6.o print-ip6opts.o print-mobility.o 
print-ripng.o print-icmp6.o print-frag6.o print-rt6.o print-ospf6.o 
print-dhcp6.o print-smb.o smbutil.o  strlcat.o strlcpy.o datalinks.o dlnames.o 
pcap_dump_ftell.o bpf_dump.o ./../libpcap-2007.07.20/libpcap.a
./../libpcap-2007.07.20/libpcap.a(pcap.o)(.text+0x270): In function 
: multiple definition of `pcap_list_datalinks'
datalinks.o(.text+0x0): first defined here

It appears that the configure script thinks libpcap doesn't have 
pcap_list_datalinks() and that your libpcap *does* have it (and that 
this is true of a bunch of other newer libpcap functions as well).

Do you have the config.log script from when you ran configure?
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] print-bootp.c: enhancement to decode DHCP option

2007-07-30 Thread Guy Harris

Francois-Xavier Le Bail wrote:

The following patch decode DHCP option 121.

Checked into the main and x.9 branches, with some changes (along with
some other fixes to option parsing).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Pcap filters for saved capture files?

2007-08-06 Thread Guy Harris

Nick Chorley wrote:

I'm using libpcap in programs I'm writing and I already have saved capture
files. I've seen many examples of using pcap_compile() and pcap_setfilter()
for capturing live packets, but none for use with offline files. The last
argument to pcap_compile() seems to be an IP address, but obviously if
you're opening a file, there's no device and hence no address.

To quote the top-of-tree version of the libpcap man page:

	int pcap_compile(pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp, const char *str, 
int optimize, bpf_u_int32 netmask);


"pcap_compile()" is used to compile the string "str"
into a filter program.  "program" is a pointer to a "bpf_program" struct 
and is filled in by "pcap_compile()".  "optimize" controls whether 
optimization on the resulting code is performed.  "netmask" specifies 
the IPv4 netmask of the network on which packets are being captured; it 
 is used only when checking for IPv4 broadcast addresses in the filter 
program.  If the netmask of the network on which packets are being 
captured isn't known to the program, or if packets are being captured on 
the Linux "any" pseudo-interface that can capture on more than one 
network, a value of 0 can be supplied; tests for IPv4 broadcast addreses 
won't be done correctly, but all other tests in the filter program will 
be OK.  A return of -1 indicates an error in which case "pcap_geterr()" 
may be used to display the error text.

I.e., it's a network mask, not a full IP address, and, if you don't know 
what the network mask was for the interface on which the capture was 
done, you can just specify 0, which just means that filters that check 
for IPv4 broadcast addresses won't work.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT assignment request

2007-08-07 Thread Guy Harris

On Jul 25, 2007, at 1:57 PM, Stephen Donnelly wrote:

Florent Drouin from Alcatel-Lucent has been working on improving the  

support in Wireshark. As part of this work we would like to request a
new DLT (DLT_ERF) which would encapsulate a single ERF record of any  

type. DLT_ERF would be available in addition to the existing DLT
choices. Forthcoming patches for Wireshark will allow it to completely
decode this type, including all of the ERF pseudoheader information.

I've assigned 197 for DLT_ERF.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT Request

2007-08-07 Thread Guy Harris

On Jul 31, 2007, at 7:43 PM, Phil Mulholland wrote:

I'd like to request a new DLT value for our internal header format.

We have a patched version of libpcap that can capture packets from  
our custom board. The
board can optionally attach it's own header to the packets, before  
the Ethernet header. We

call it an RAIF1 header so something like DLT_RAIF1 would be good.

I can make more information available, but currently it's only  
really useful to our

customers that have a board.

I note that tcpdump, Snort, Wireshark, and ntop are mentioned on your  
company's website; will patches for any of those be distributed to  
handle DLT_RAIF1?

In addition, we might want to know what information is provided in the  
header, to guide future work on the pcap-NG file format and on  
tcpdump, Wireshark, etc..

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Tcpdump web down?

2007-08-07 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 6, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Gianluca Varenni wrote:

I agree with you. The server is either really slow or completely down.

Router problem.  It's back.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet

2007-08-09 Thread Guy Harris

Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

I'm doing a project on creating a plugins of packet IPMB ( with I2C
interface ) in Wireshark.

Now i need a specific DLT code for this packet so that i can put my
code in Open Source of Wirshark. Can you please assign me one number ?

So presumably the first byte of the packet data will be the slave 
address, followed by the netFn and LUN, followed by the checksum, etc.?

Moreover, Can you tell me how to add a new Capture type to libpcap ?

Capture type, or DLT_ type?

If you mean "capture type", i.e. a new mechanism for capturing traffic 
(so that you can capture traffic on the I2C bus), you'd have to modify 
the pcap-*.c file for the OS on which you're doing this (pcap-win32.c 
for Windows, pcap-linux.c for Linux, pcap-bpf.c for various BSDs 
including OS X, pcap-dlpi.c for Solaris and some other UN*Xes, etc.).

See, for example, pcap-linux.c's "pcap_open_live()" routine.  It checks 
for some special device names - any name with "dag" in it is assumed to 
be an Endace DAG device, any name with "septel" in it is assumed to be 
an Intel SS7 device, etc. - and, for each of the special device name 
types, calls a special open_live routine.

If you want to add an I2C/IPMB capture device, you'd add a similar chunk 
of code to the open_live routine for the OS you're using, and have it 
call an open_live routine for I2C/IPMB.  That routine would check the 
device name (it might, for example, be "i2c" or "ipmb"), allocate a 
pcap_t data structure, and fill it in appropriately.

Some of the items to fill in are pointers to routines to, for example, 
read a new packet from the device.

See, for example, the Linux Bluetooth and USB capture devices for 
examples.  Unfortunately, there's no "how to add a new type of capture 
device" documentation - and the interface for that will probably change 
at some point.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Data link level type code

2007-08-10 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 10, 2007, at 12:28 PM, Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

I need a specific DLT_ value for IPMB protocol. Does anyone know who  
should i write the email too?


See the responses that were sent to your previous request for this.

And make sure you subscribe to the list; replies are sent only to the  
list, by default.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap: Memory-loeaks SIGSEGV

2007-08-10 Thread Guy Harris

TJ wrote:

I'm not sure if these leaks and losses are related to the SIGSEGV but
they certainly ought to be cleared up.

Yes, they should, and here's how you do it:

In your program, replace

pcap_if_t *this_dev;
pcap_if_t **alldevsp = &this_dev;


pcap_if_t *alldevs, *this_dev;


if (pcap_findalldevs(alldevsp, errbuf) == 0) {


if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf) == 0) {


this_dev = *alldevsp;


this_dev = alldevs;

and replace

pcap_freealldevs(*alldevsp); // free list memory


pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); // free list memory

which will fix the bug in your program that causes the leaks.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT Request

2007-08-13 Thread Guy Harris

Phil Mulholland wrote:

Sure. The header is used to multiplex PCI frames and Ethernet frames 
onto a custom processor interface. Our libpcap patch captures from this 
interface. It looks like:

OK, that's a bit specialized, so it probably won't provoke any major 
pcap-NG, tcpdump, Wireshark, etc. changes.

I've assigned a value of 198 to DLT_RAIF1.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT_LAPB value assignment

2007-08-13 Thread Guy Harris


There is need to assign DLT_LAPB value for capturing of the X.25 LAPB
traffic  and decoding it in the WireShark Protocol Analyzer.

So would the packet data in a DLT_LAPB capture start with the address 
field of the LAPB header, followed by the Control field, followed by the 
Information field if any?  Or would it also contain an extra flag to 
indicate whether the packet is a DTE->DCE or DCE->DTE packet?

Would the packets include the CRC at the end?

(I'm assuming they would *not* contain the flag octets at the beginning 
and the end, and that all bit-stuffing would have been removed.)

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet

2007-08-13 Thread Guy Harris

Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

I'm doing a project on creating a plugins of packet IPMB ( with I2C
interface ) in Wireshark.

Now i need a specific DLT code for this packet so that i can put my
code in Open Source of Wirshark. Can you please assign me one number ?

So presumably the first byte of the packet data will be the slave
address, followed by the netFn and LUN, followed by the checksum, etc.?

Moreover, Can you tell me how to add a new Capture type to libpcap ?

Capture type, or DLT_ type?

If you mean "capture type", i.e. a new mechanism for capturing traffic
(so that you can capture traffic on the I2C bus), you'd have to modify
the pcap-*.c file for the OS on which you're doing this (pcap-win32.c
for Windows, pcap-linux.c for Linux, pcap-bpf.c for various BSDs
including OS X, pcap-dlpi.c for Solaris and some other UN*Xes, etc.).

See, for example, pcap-linux.c's "pcap_open_live()" routine.  It checks
for some special device names - any name with "dag" in it is assumed to
be an Endace DAG device, any name with "septel" in it is assumed to be
an Intel SS7 device, etc. - and, for each of the special device name
types, calls a special open_live routine.

If you want to add an I2C/IPMB capture device, you'd add a similar chunk
of code to the open_live routine for the OS you're using, and have it
call an open_live routine for I2C/IPMB.  That routine would check the
device name (it might, for example, be "i2c" or "ipmb"), allocate a
pcap_t data structure, and fill it in appropriately.

Some of the items to fill in are pointers to routines to, for example,
read a new packet from the device.

See, for example, the Linux Bluetooth and USB capture devices for
examples.  Unfortunately, there's no "how to add a new type of capture
device" documentation - and the interface for that will probably change
at some point.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet

2007-08-14 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

So presumably the first byte of the packet data will be the slave  
address, followed by the netFn and LUN, followed by the checksum,  

yes. It is correct.

OK, DLT_IPMB has been assigned the value 199.

Capture type, or DLT_ type?

I need DLT_ type. I already develop the code for the package by  
using the DLT_USR14 for this packet.
Actually, i know that pcap*.c doesn't support I2C. So i have also  
build a "Capture engine" to catch raw data from I2C, then save it in  
a file under  hexdump format.
After that i will use text2pcap to transfrom this file into pcap  
file format, then it can be open with Wireshark.

Actually, it might be easier just to save it in libpcap format, using,  
for example, the pcap_dump routines in libpcap.

You might also be able to put that capture engine into libpcap, so  
Wireshark, for example, could do the capturing directly.

See, for example, the Linux Bluetooth and USB capture devices for
examples.  Unfortunately, there's no "how to add a new type of  
device" documentation - and the interface for that will probably  

at some point.

where can i find the example of USB capture devices ?

In the "current tar" version of libpcap, see "pcap-usb-linux.c" and  

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet

2007-08-15 Thread Guy Harris

Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

Does the USB captured mode work in Wireshark?

Yes, if your machine is running Linux with a sufficiently-recent kernel, 
and Wireshark is using a top-of-tree version of libpcap.  (I'm not sure 
which version of the kernel is required.)

I doubt any distributions use the top-of-tree version of libpcap, 
because it's not a stable release, it's just what's currently at the top 
of the tree.  You'd have to compile and install it yourself, and 
specially build Wireshark to be linked with it.

Oh i used to try to create a pcap format too, but it doesnt work,

"Doesn't work" in what sense?

and  i met too many bugs,

What sort of bugs?
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT_LAPB value assignment

2007-08-15 Thread Guy Harris


 2Q: Or would it also contain an extra flag to 
indicate whether the packet is a DTE->DCE or DCE->DTE packet?

2A:  LAPB contains direction ( DCE to DTE or vice versa) encoded in the
Address byte.

Actually, what X.25 (10/96) says is:

	Frames containing commands transferred from the DCE to the DTE will 
contain the address A for the single link operation and address C for 
the multilink operation.

	Frames containing responses transferred from the DCE to the DTE will 
contain the address B for the single link operation and address D for 
the multilink operation.

	Frames containing commands transferred from the DTE to the DCE shall 
contain the address B for the single link operation and address D for 
the multilink operation.

	Frames containing responses transferred from the DTE to the DCE shall 
contain the address A for the single link operation and address C for 
the multilink operation.

with the address A being 0x03, B being 0x01, C being 0x0F, and D being 
0x07, so, for example, DCE->DTE frames can contain any one of those four 
addresses, as can DTE->DCE frames.

I.e., for frames going in a given direction, the address encodes whether 
the frame is a request or a response and whether single-link or 
multilink operation is being used.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet ( WTAP_ENCAP_IPMB

2007-08-15 Thread Guy Harris

Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

One more question, so what is the value of WTAP_ENCAP_IPMB that i should use 
for my dissector?

The next value after the last one in wiretap/wtap.h.  You will have to 
add that to your version of wiretap/wtap.h, and modify the IPMI 
dissector to handle that value.

Don't forget to add an entry for the new WTAP_ENCAP_IPMB value to the 
encap_table_base[] array.

NOTE: WTAP_ENCAP_ values have no relation to the DLT_ values.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a DLT code for IPMB packet ( WTAP_ENCAP_IPMB

2007-08-15 Thread Guy Harris

Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

NOTE: WTAP_ENCAP_ values have no relation to the DLT_ values.

But when i use text2pcap to create pcap format, i need the DLT value,

It's 199, as per my earlier mail.

So beside this, where should i go to modify the new DLT_IPMB that you have just 
assigned ?

You don't.

You modify wiretap/libpcap.c in Wireshark to map a DLT value of 199 to 
WTAP_ENCAP_IPMB.  (Wireshark doesn't use DLT_ values in its 
libpcap-reading code, so that it can handle DLT_ values that aren't 
defined in the libpcap header files on the system on which it's being 

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] DLT_LAPB value assignment

2007-08-17 Thread Guy Harris


Here is possible solution to resolve DCE/DTE origin of a LAPB packet.

Wireshark libpcap.h has the  struct pcaprec_ss990915_hdr, which has
ifindex field ( the interface on which packet came in ). During
capturing phase FROM_DCE or FROM_DTE will be stored into ifindex field
of the struct pcaprec_ss990915_hdr. Knowing interface index I know
origin, DCE or DTE.

No, please, don't use the non-standard versions of libpcap format - and 
especially don't override a completely different field.  Just put an 
extra byte at the beginning of the packet data.

If you *must* use one of the non-standard versions of the libpcap 
header, at least

	1) don't use one of the "hack" versions with that SMP debugging gunk in 
it, use the pcaprec_modified_header version (called 
pcap_sf_patched_pkthdr in libpcap);

	2) use a field that's *intended* to convey the direction of the packet, 
namely the pkt_type field - use 0 for DCE->DTE ("HOST") and 4 for 

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] pcap_send_packet vs. pcap_inject functions

2007-08-20 Thread Guy Harris

Mark Bednarczyk wrote:

Can someone explain to me the difference between these  two calls,
pcap_sendpacket vs. pcap_inject, introducted in 0.8.3? 

The difference is that pcap_sendpacket() returns 0 on success and 
pcap_inject() returns the number of bytes written on success.

From what I could tell one is used on linux and came from winpcap API and

the other on bsd systems?


One was originally implemented in WinPcap, for use on *Windows*; the 
"Win" in "WinPcap" stands for "Windows".

One was originally implemented in OpenBSD.

*Neither* was originally implemented on Linux.  *Both* should work on 
Linux - and on OpenBSD, and on Windows, and on FreeBSD, and on NetBSD, 
and on DragonFly BSD, and on Solaris, and on  The two APIs both call 
the same underlying routine to transmit the packet.  pcap_inject() 
returns the return value of the underlying routine; pcap_sendpacket() 
checks the return value and, if it's -1, returns -1, otherwise returns 
0.  A programmer can use whichever of them they want, on whichever OS 
they want, as long as sending packets is supported on that OS.

They are both implemented exactly the same way and
accomplish same thing and take the same parameters. So I'm a little confused
what is the purpose of having 2 calls?

The purpose is to have the newer version of libpcap able to support both

	programs originally written for WinPcap, using pcap_sendpacket() (just 
in case they check for success by testing the return value against 0, 
rather than checking for failure by testing the return value against -1)


	programs originally written for OpenBSD's libpcap, using pcap_inject() 
(just in case they actually care, for some unknown reason, how many 
packets were actually written; in practice, if the write succeeds, it 
presumably writes all the bytes of the packet).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] supplying patches to libpcap

2007-08-20 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

I am about to provide a patchset for supporting my newly added DLT type.
Since my changes also involve a minor change to '', is it my
responsibility to provide patches 'configure' as well?


or does someone
else run the appropriate utilities (aclocal; autoconf; autoheader; automake)

We don't use automake, but we do use the others; autoreconf is 
sufficient to do all the appropriate stuff for you.

to rebuild the appropriate files as part of updating CVS?

Yes (at least I do, and I think other people checking in changes do so 
as well; they should).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] supplying patches to libpcap

2007-08-20 Thread Guy Harris

Saikiran Madugula wrote:

autoheader and autoconf should be sufficient ?

So is autoreconf, and it's 9 keystrokes fewer. :-)
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap patches for DLT_SITA support

2007-08-21 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

Attached is the file that contains the patches to libpcap to support

1) Files added to INSTALL.txt also need to be added to FILES.

2) the pcap-sita.html file says

	Note: This document was derived from 'pcap.3' and is revision 
controlled as part of the libpcap CVS.

It's derived from the *current* version of pcap.3; I don't think we can 
commit to keeping it up-to-date with respect to the pcap man page, e.g. 
if we add new APIs, without an automatic way of generating 
pcap-sita.html from pcap.3.

Perhaps there should be a separate document that describes how the ACN 
version of libpcap differs from the standard one.

3) is it intended that the ACN version of libpcap be able to capture 
*only* on ACN devices, not on the regular devices on the machine on 
which it's installed?  It sounds as if IOP-type devices have names with 
a particular format that isn't likely to match the name of a regular 
Linux networking device, so it should, I think, be possible to support both.

4) Is the expectation that people not working for SITA (such as SITA's 
customers) will build and install this?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] print-bootp.c: enhancement to decode DHCP option

2007-08-21 Thread Guy Harris

Francois-Xavier Le Bail wrote:

The following patch decode DHCP option 249 (Classless
Static Route Microsoft) used by some Microsoft
systems. Same decoding as option 121 (RFC 3442).

Checked into the main and x.9 branches.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Adding capture engine questions

2007-08-24 Thread Guy Harris

Saikiran Madugula wrote:

I am  a newbie too but I have following suggestions, although it always 
to suggest anything with out looking at source code. Did you make the 
following changes to handle your interface correctly ?

pcap_lookup net, pcap_open_live and xxx_platform_finddevs.
Have you verified with tcpdump etc, do you get the same behaviour ?

He probably doesn't.  It turned out to be the result of a botch in 
Wireshark, causing pcap_findalldevs() to be called once a second or so, 
which is a Very Bad Idea, given that it not only fetches the complete 
interface configuration, it tries to open each interface it finds, in 
order to determine whether you *can* capture on it.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Having hard time creating my capture device

2007-08-24 Thread Guy Harris

Audet, Jean-Michel wrote:

My problem is when I am starting the capture.  My function close is
called then the find device loop starts, all the device (including
Ethernet, lo, ...) are re-open than close and is stuck in a loop.  Than
I got a message from Wireshark that the process just died.

What was the exact message?

It could be that the process crashed, perhaps in your code.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Welcome to the tcpdump-workers list!

2007-08-30 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 29, 2007, at 9:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

when build tcpdump, how to find all the FEATUREs when i want to use
./configure --disable-FEATURE,for example,to disable use openssl/ 

./configure --disable-evp which is do not work!

If you mean "how do I find all the features that I can enable or  
disable with the configure script", you do that with "./configure -- 
help", as you do with any other package that uses an autoconfig  
script.  Look at the "Optional Features" and "Optional Packages"  

...and note, in particular, that there is *NOT* a "--disable-evp"  
option.  The configure script checks whether there's an openssl/evp.h  
file and, if there is one, configures tcpdump to use it.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap patches for DLT_SITA support

2007-09-01 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

On 8/21/07, Guy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) Files added to INSTALL.txt also need to be added to FILES.

Opps, sorry, I forgot about that file (I thought I caught them all).
Do you want me to submit a new patch file with that added?

If you make any other changes, as per the suggestions below, also change 
FILES in the new patch.

Perhaps there should be a separate document that describes how the ACN
version of libpcap differs from the standard one.

Thats what that document does.

It also duplicates what's in pcap.3; the problem is that changes to 
pcap.3 might render the duplicated stuff out of date.

A document that assumes the reader has already read the libpcap man 
page, and just explains what's different about the ACN version, might 
require less maintenance.

It sounds as if IOP-type devices have names with
a particular format that isn't likely to match the name of a regular
Linux networking device, so it should, I think, be possible to support

You are correct, I intentionally tried to ensure that my naming
convention was different than that of the other OS I was aware of...

Then, in that case, one version of libpcap could handle both.

So the usual time/budget constraints made me separate the two
functionalities as much as possible.  And... I didn't want to 'polute' the
pcap-linux.c  file any more than  I had to, so I would not confuse people
that followed me in non-ACN-land with un-related code.

pcap-linux.c already has extra stuff to check for a variety of optional 
device types; pcap_open_live() would just have

if (the device looks like an ACN device) {
return acn_open_live(device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, ebuf);

added to it, along with all the other checks.

At some point I'll probably look at making it easier to add hooks for 
other device types without modifying pcap_open_live().

That would allow users to build libpcap with ACN support, and (with the 
top-of-tree version, to which the ACN support would be added) install it 
as a shared library, which would mean that applications that can handle 
DLT_SITA would handle your devices *without having to be recompiled*.

If you don't have time to add a check like that, just indicate what 
names it should check for, and I can add that support.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Welcome to the tcpdump-workers list!

2007-09-01 Thread Guy Harris

OK, I see. Actually, I am using cross complie, so the openssl/evp.h is 
found in /usr/include does not mean that I want this feature. @[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have 
to backup evp.h first and then run configure.  :-)

Then it sounds as if the configure script needs to check differently for 
OpenSSL, so that it checks whether the build environment, rather than 
the host environment, has it.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Reading Memory as a Device

2007-09-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 4, 2007, at 2:49 AM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

We as a project try to build an SS7 analyzer which will port data  

the USB bus.
For this purpose, We have used an USB IC from FTDI which do this job  

their custom
driver. What the driver does is, it will write the data in to the  

Now we want to read this raw data and convert it to pcap format after
removing the
frame delimiters. How should we start about modifying libpcap if we  
are to

read the
memory from where data has been stored. Can we read data as an when  
it is

stored in
the buffer by this driver which the manufacturer supplies.

I have no idea, as I know nothing about how the driver works or  
transfers data to memory.  That's something you'll have to figure out;  
all I can help you with is how to plug in *your* code for reading  
packet data into libpcap.

The Tutorial by Carston and Harris deals with network interface cards

If you mean "the tutorial by Carstens and Harris":

it doesn't deal *at all* with out to modify libpcap; it deals with how  
to *use* libpcap.  There is no tutorial for how to modify libpcap.

What you would do is:

	1) pick a name or set of names for the device or devices, which will  
be handed to pcap_open_live() to open your SS7 interface rather than a  
regular network interface;

	2) modify the pcap_open_live() routine for the OS on which you're  
doing this - as you later say "linux Char Device", I assume that'll be  
pcap_open_live() in pcap-linux.c - so that it checks for name  
corresponding to one of your devices and, if it matches, call your own  
open routine;

	3) have a separate pcap-???.c file, with a ???_open_live() routine,  
which will open whatever device needs to be opened in order to read  
the raw data;

	4) have that routine allocate a pcap_t structure, clear it, and fill  
it in as appropriate, and return it;

	5) have some of the "as appropriate" involve setting all the "_op"  
pointers in the pcap_t structure:

		read_op should point to a routine that takes, as an argument, a  
pointer to a pcap_t, a count, a pointer to a callback routine, and a  
"u_char *" pointer, and that waits a buffer full of packets to arrive  
and, when it arrives, calls the callback routine for each packet,  
passing it, as arguments, the "u_char *", a pointer to a header giving  
the arrival time of the packet, the packet's length, and the amount of  
packet data captured;

		inject_op should point to a routine that fills in the "errbuf"  
member of the pcap_t with a error message and returns -1, unless you  
plan to support *sending* packets (which I suspect you don't);

		setfilter_op should point to a routine that makes a private copy of  
the filter program passed to it, so that it can later be used by the  
read_op routine to check whether to call the callback routine with the  
packet or just discard the packet;

setdirection_op can be set to NULL;

set_datalink_op can be set to NULL;

		set_nonblock_op should be set to a routine that arranges that the  
read_op routine not block waiting for a buffer full of packets to  
arrive, but just return 0 if a buffer full of packets isn't  
immediately available (or, if just setting a file descriptor on a  
device is sufficient, use pcap_setnonblock_fd as the routine);

		get_nonblock_op should be set to a routine that returns an  
indication of whether "non-blocking mode", as described in the  
previous paragraph, is in effect or not (if you used  
pcap_setnonblock_fd, you can just use pcap_getnonblock_fd);

		stats_op should be set to a routine that returns some counts of  
packets received and dropped;

		close_op should be set to a routine that does whatever is necessary  
to close the device.

Also, set "selectable_fd" to some file descriptor on which you can do  
a select() to wait for a buffer full of packets to arrive, set  
"snapshot" to the snapshot length passed in as an argument, and set  
"linktype" to DLT_MTP2.

Can we treat this set of data stored as a linux Char Device and read  
it with

a simple
char device driver?

Possibly.  How does your device driver work?
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] RPC responde code question (print-nfs.c)

2007-09-05 Thread Guy Harris

Alex Still wrote:

We're using tcpdump to try to diagnose an NFS performance problem.
We're seeing a lot of these :
16:01:19.890794 IP nfs_server.nfs > client_46.1205729087: reply ERR 1448
16:01:19.890831 IP nfs_server.nfs > client_46.3664003007: reply ERR 1448

That seems to be an RPC error,

It seems to be one, but it isn't necessarily one.

The code to print that printed "reply OK {length}" if the field in the 
packet that, *IF* it contains the beginning of an ONC RPC reply, would 
be the reply code is 0, and "reply ERR {length}" if it's not zero.

However, not all packets from an ONC RPC server (such as an NFS server) 
necessarily contain the beginning of an ONC RPC reply, as a reply (or 
request) can require more than one link-layer packet - for example, an 
NFS READ reply that returns more bytes that fit in one Ethernet packet 
will, when sent over Ethernet, take more than one Ethernet packet.

If the request or reply is coming over UDP, that's handled by IP 
fragmentation; the first packet of the reply will be the first fragment, 
i.e. it will have a fragment offset of 0, and can be identified by 
looking at the IP header.  tcpdump only attempts to dissect the first 
fragment as anything other than IP (for one thing, subsequent fragments 
don't have UDP or TCP port numbers, so, unless it keeps track of the 
fragments, it has no idea what port number any fragment other than the 
first one was sent from or to), so it won't try to dissect the 
subsequent fragments as if they contained the beginning of an ONC RPC 
request or reply.

If, however, it's coming over TCP, that's handled by the RPC 
implementation, as TCP merely provides a byte stream, and has no idea 
what the message boundaries are for the protocols that run atop it.

Therefore, the current tcpdump code to dissect RPC requests and replies 
doesn't identify TCP segments that are in the middle of an ONC RPC 
request or reply, and tries to dissect them as if they were at the 
beginning of the request or reply.

This can cause packets to be mis-dissected; the apparent RPC errors 
you're seeing are probably examples of that.

That part of the code
has changed in tcpdump-3.9.7, which we installed, and now gives :

16:01:19.890794 IP nfs_server.nfs > client_46.1205729087: reply Unknown rpc
response code=3128327487 1448
16:01:19.890831 IP nfs_server.nfs > client_46.3664003007: reply Unknown rpc
response code=910276799 1448

It now prints the value of the field that, if the packet really *is* an 
RPC error, would be the error code (the code is derived from from 
NetBSD's version of tcpdump).  If the packet *isn't* an RPC error, the 
value at the location that's interpreted as a reply code has a very good 
chance of being bogus, as was the case here.

I don't understand what's happening here. Is it something wrong with our NFS


or I'm misunderstanding the tcpdump output ?


Wireshark/TShark should do a better job of this, for two reasons:

	1) it does reassembly of ONC RPC requests and replies over TCP, as well 
as handling TCP segments with multiple requests or replies;

	2) it does some heuristics to check whether a packet *is* an ONC RPC 
request or reply.

1) would probably be a major undertaking to do in tcpdump, but 2) could 
be done:

	for requests, check whether the RPC version field (not the NFS version) 
has the value 2 (neither Sun nor anybody else have released any version 
of ONC RPC other than 2), and check whether the program number in the 
request is the program number for NFS (note that Sun also run another 
RPC protocol on port 2049 - a protocol to allow access to POSIX ACLs 
over NFS - which will be misdissected if interpreted as NFS);

	for replies, check whether the transaction ID of the reply matches the 
transaction ID of a request we've already seen (tcpdump already does 
that matching for replies without errors, as it needs to know what type 
of request the reply is for).

I'll see whether that could be done.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] ETHERMTU

2007-09-05 Thread Guy Harris

Saikiran Madugula wrote:
I ran into this problem when I was trying to compile libpcap with a 
package which has support for a custom interface in Linux. I get a 
warning message about redefining ETHERMTU while compiling that package 
as the package uses net/ethernet.h.

Do you get a warning message *when gencode.c is compiled*?

If not, then there isn't a problem with gencode.c.

if gencode.c (or any other code) is indeed intended for use across 
several operating systems then it should be careful not pollute name 
space of the platforms it intends to be used on.

gencode.c isn't polluting the name space.  Source files don't pollute 
the name space - header files, such as ethernet.h, do.  It's impossible 
to avoid using names that *might* be defined by *some* header file on a 
system - even if you manage to avoid every name defined by the header 
files in one release of a system, the next release might add a new symbol.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] ETHERMTU

2007-09-05 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 5, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Saikiran Madugula wrote:

Yes, I get warning when gencode.c gets compiled with the custom  

(ofcourse standalone libpcap compiles fine).

gcc -O2 -I.  -I - 
DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -D_U_="__attribute__((unused))" -D -fPIC - 
DPIC -c ./gencode.c

./gencode.c:87:1: warning: "ETHERMTU" redefined
In file included from /usr/include/netinet/if_ether.h:61,
from /usr/include/netinet/ether.h:26,
		 from /pathtocustompackage/customheader.h 		  
from ./pcap-int.h:55,

from ./gencode.c:65:

OK, so you have a *modified* version of gencode.c; this problem  
doesn't show up with *standard* libpcap.

My apologies for loose terminology. I understand it is impossible to  
predict what symbols might prop up. But to my surprise something  
like ETHERMTU has been defined in that way and *I wish to only know  
the reason behind this*

The reason behind this is that it's a perfectly reasonable name for  
the MTU of an Ethernet, that MTU being 1500 bytes (1500 bytes of  
Ethernet payload, after the 14-byte Ethernet header).

If a package supports a OS such as Linux, is it not clean way of  
being cautious of symbols that OS uses ?

No, there is no clean way to be cautious of symbols the OS uses,  
except not to use any symbols at all, which is a bit impractical.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Small configure diff to use pflog header from

2007-09-12 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 3, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Max Laier wrote:

Sorry for dropping the ball on this one.  Please see attached for the
updated diffs.  After this "pf.h" can be removed from the sources as  

is no longer referenced.

Checked in, with pf.h nuked in both libpcap and tcpdump, FILES and  
INSTALL/INSTALL.txt updated, your name added to the CREDITS files, and  
with some fixes to libpcap to make it compile on platforms that don't  
have net/pfvar.h.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] tcpdump 3.9.8 / libpcap 0.9.8 releases

2007-09-13 Thread Guy Harris
Gianluca Varenni wrote:
> After a quick compilation test, libpcap compiles ok (albeit with some new
> warnings popping out from VC6).
> tcpdump (0.9.x branch) has some problems, instead:
> - print-rsvp.c doesn't compile as it's not strictly C

I've checked in a fix (0.9 and main branch).

> - print-icmp.c
> -
> struct icmp_mpls_ext_common_header_t {
> };
> -
> This 0-length structure doesn't seem to be used at all and VC6 doesn't
> like
> 0-length structures. Ok to completely remove the structure definition?

Yes - I removed the version you commented out, and propagated that to the
main branch.

> -print-pflog.c: this file does not compile at all because HAVE_NET_PFVAR_H
> is not available under windows. I can probably easily fix it by taking the
> needed files from BSD, but it make take a couple hours to do that.

The only platforms on which print-pflog.c should be compiled are the ones
that have the PF packet filter; Windows isn't one of them, so that
shouldn't be compiled at all on Windows.

> Can we delay the release of 0.9.8/3.9.8 until tomorrow?

Yes - I'd like to at least try to get some of the other stuff people have
asked about checked in as well.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [PATCH] Fix last byte cutoff in printing sctp data byte with -vv

2007-09-13 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 14, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Chris Larson wrote:

The following fixes a tiny bug in the sctp printing which cut off the
last byte of the data in a DATA chunk.  Seems like a copy/paste error,
as just above this is a check of the chunk size, and sctp requires a
data chunk to have at least -1- data byte.

Checked into the main and x.9 branches.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] IP length vs IP6 length inconsistency (fwd)

2007-09-13 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 7, 2007, at 6:04 AM, Pekka Savola wrote:

In tcpdump 3.9.7 (Fedora 7) but seeing the same on FreeBSD, I  
noticed that on a similarly generated TCP packet, IPv4 output  
differs from IPv6 in that "length" in v4 includes the IP header  
length, but in v6 it does not.

In the protocol specifications, the "total length" in the IPv4 header  
includes the IP header length, but in v6 the "payload length" doesn't  
include the initial IPv6 40-byte header length.

There are differences as to how next-headers are chained in v4 vs  
v6. but I'd be tempted to argue that a uniform representation would  
be helpful.

Is this inconsistency intentional?

If the intent is to display the raw value of the length fields in the  
headers, then, yes, it is, as the meanings of the length fields differ.

Is the length intended to print out the whole IP packet length  
(which in the case of v6 would probably require chasing down the  
extension header chain)

No, just adding 40 to the payload length field.  Extension headers  
are, according to RFC 2460, included in the length count.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] tcpdump 3.9.8 / libpcap 0.9.8 releases coming

2007-09-13 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 13, 2007, at 6:26 AM, Ken Bantoft wrote:

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Abeni Paolo wrote:

on Thu 9/13/2007 12:51 AM Ken Bantoft wrote:

Just a heads up - we're releasing 3.9.8 / 0.9.8 this week, currently
based off CVS as of 2007-09-13 00:00 GMT.

I have at least a patch pending that I like to see in. Is there any  
chance to get
the patch I posted on 2007-09-11 ('wrong copyright on some files')  
merged ?!?

I'll merge it for the final release.

I've checked it in.  As noted, it won't be in 0.9.8, because the  
Bluetooth and USB support files being patched aren't in 0.9.8.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] wrong copyright on some files

2007-09-13 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 11, 2007, at 7:22 AM, Abeni Paolo wrote:

Some times ago I posted a few patches witch added some files. I cut- 
and-pasted the copyright statement from other files, but I didn't  
put the correct author name into it (I'm not affiliated with  
Politecnico di Torino nor with CACE Technologies). The attached  
patch fix the copyright statement in the relevant files. Sorry for  
the long standing inconsistency.

Checked in.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] IP length vs IP6 length inconsistency (fwd)

2007-09-14 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 13, 2007, at 11:14 PM, Pekka Savola wrote:

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Guy Harris wrote:
There are differences as to how next-headers are chained in v4 vs  
v6. but I'd be tempted to argue that a uniform representation  
would be helpful.

Is this inconsistency intentional?

If the intent is to display the raw value of the length fields in  
the headers, then, yes, it is, as the meanings of the length fields  

Well, I guess someone needs to decide what the intent is :-).

That's why I phrased it that way. :-)  I.e., I can see both sides of  
the argument, and either choice would work for me.

Anybody else want to weigh in?

If the intent is to print the raw contents, it'd be helpful if the  
names of the fields printed were different.

Yup - it should distinguish between "total length" and "payload length".

Another related problem: tcpdump expressions such as 'less 100'  
cause similar inconsistency confusion.  It seems the length there  
includes the L2 headers as well, even though the man page speaks of  
'packet length' (instead of say, frame length).  I wonder if this  
also is intentional?

Probably - there's a BPF instruction to get the raw length of the  

However, "raw length of the packet" means "amount of data handed to  
bpf_filter()", which means that it includes the length of any "pseudo- 
header" prepended to the packet, such as the Prism or AVS or radiotap  
header for 802.11 packets, or the pseudo-header supplied by SunATM,  

The man page should be changed to reflect that.

E.g.:  I have router advertisements whose IP length (header+payload)  
is 104 bytes (with -e, ethernet length is 118 bytes).  The first  
value I can see them is with 'less 118' (instead of 'less 104').  So  
there seems to be an offset of about 14 bytes here. least on Ethernet.

 Second example are ARP requests/replies whose L2 length is 60  
bytes.  They can be seen with 'less 60' but no longer with 'less 59'.

...and "60 bytes" includes the padding.

Oh, and it's probably *64* bytes if the network adapter and driver  
supply the CRC (as is the case, for example, on the machine and OS on  
which I'm typing this).

I.e., if you want to filter packets based on the IPv4 length, you  
should just fetch the length from the IPv4 header using ip[2:2] (and  
do the equivalent for IPv6); doing that by looking at the link-layer  
length is a nuisance at best, and a royal pain at worst.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Problem (with outline solution) compiling print-sunrpc.c from tcpdump 3.9.7 (libpcap 0.9.7) on Solaris 10

2007-09-17 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 15, 2007, at 8:01 PM, Jonathan Leffler wrote:

I ended up with a successful compile (under GCC and Sun C) by hacking
config.h, denying that any of the RPC features was present:

What if you instead *don't* hack config.h, leaving it believing you  
have getrpcbynumber, but just remove the


line?  The Solaris 10 man page for getrpcbynumber():

just has "#include ".
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] new DLT request

2007-09-18 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 7, 2007, at 1:23 AM, Abeni Paolo wrote:

following the discussion about the missing direction information in  
bluetooth H4 captures(see 
, I would like to request a new DLT type for a modified bluetooth  

I'm planning to add 32 bit header (so big just for alignment  
purpose) which shall contain the direction information in the first  
bit. Is there any other requirement/information I have to consider ?!?

I've assigned DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR, with a value of 201.  If  
there's anything else that would be useful, that could be added to the  
header as well.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] I Need to register some DLTs

2007-09-18 Thread Guy Harris

On Aug 24, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Luis EG Ontanon wrote:

I Need to register two DLTs they would be:

that will have a one byte pseudo header of which the MS bit indicates
the direction the next three bits are reserved and must be set to zero
in writing the last nibble is used to indicate the standard used for
mtp3 packets transported (=itu, 0001=ansi, 0010=japan, 0011=china,
other values are reserved for future extensions), readers must ignore
the contents of the three reserved bits.

that will have a one byte pseudo header of which the MS nibble is
reserved and must be set to zero in writing the last two are used to
indicate the standard used for mtp3 packets transported (=itu,
0001=ansi, 0010=japan, 0011=china, other values are reserved for
future extensions), readers must ignore the contents of the reserved

Is a capture likely to have a mix of packets for different MTP3  
standards?  And are there likely to be more types in the future?

If not, should we just have multiple DLT_MTP2_ and DLT_MTP3_ values?
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] new DLT request

2007-09-19 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 19, 2007, at 12:09 AM, Abeni Paolo wrote:

Thanks! The attached patch used the newly added DLT for hci h4  
frames, adding an informative header to each frame.
The header carries (in the first bit in network byte order) the  
direction bit for the associated frame and nothing else.
It also add another pcap header file with the (very basic)  
definition of the used header

Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome :-)

Could you re-attach that patch as text?  It appears to be in  
Microsoft's TNEF format; my machine at work doesn't have software that  
understands that, and, although my main home machine does, it's  
currently not working (broken disk drive) - my backup home machine  
doesn't have de-TNEFifying software on it (although I could dig it up).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] I Need to register some DLTs

2007-09-19 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 19, 2007, at 1:33 AM, Luis EG Ontanon wrote:

On 9/19/07, Guy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is a capture likely to have a mix of packets for different MTP3
standards?  And are there likely to be more types in the future?

I got few text dumps containing a mix of china and itu MTP3 headers,
other than that I've seen international exchange traces using more
than one standard

If not, should we just have multiple DLT_MTP2_ and DLT_MTP3_ values?

That might be the way.

...although, if a trace can have a mix of packets with different  
standards, presumably we'd need the DLT_MTP2_MULTISTANDARD and  
DLT_MTP3_MULTISTANDARD values, rather than just having different DLT_  
values for different standards.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Compilation Error - C2894: templates cannot be declared to have 'C' linkage

2007-09-20 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 19, 2007, at 11:49 PM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

I tried to compile a program which includes pcap-int.h,

Why is the program including an internal libpcap file that's *NOT*  
part of the official libpcap/WinPcap interface?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] new DLT request

2007-09-21 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 20, 2007, at 5:37 AM, Paolo Abeni wrote:

Hopefully this time the attachment should be plain text and avoiding
strange MS encoding.

Yup, it worked.

Checked in, along with updates to FILES and INSTALL.txt.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] What is meant by the callback function

2007-09-22 Thread Guy Harris
Varuna De Silva wrote:

> 1. what is really meant by the callback routine, what does it do? How
> should I write this function?where should this be written. please be kind
> to guide me to starting place. my idea is that it is the higher layer sw
> which makes use of libpcap.

Yes, the callback function is in the higher-layer software that uses
libpcap/WinPcap.  tcpdump, for example, has two callback functions that
write raw packet data to a capture file and one callback function that
dissects the packet and prints the dissection; other programs such as
Wireshark/TShark, snort, etc. have their own callback functions.

The callback function processes the packet data handed to it as the third
argument, and the packet time stamp and length information in the
structure passed to it as the second argument.

If you're modifying libpcap to support a new type of capture, you don't
write the callback function, you write code in the read_op routine to call
the callback function; a pointer to the callback function is passed to the
read_op routine.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] What is meant by the callback function

2007-09-24 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 23, 2007, at 9:08 PM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

On 9/23/07, Guy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're modifying libpcap to support a new type of capture, you  

write the callback function,

I am doing this for my device to be supported by wireshark. As I  

I dont need to write the callback function???

You don't need to write the callback function.  Wireshark already has  
a callback function, capture_pcap_cb(), in it.

you write code in the read_op routine to call the callback function;

Yes, I did so as following, ( I am guilty, of copying it directly from

int muwis_read(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char  

callback(user, &pcap_header, dp);

As I understand this need to be called for each packet captured.


a pointer to the callback function is passed to the read_op routine.

This is the "user" in the above code.

No.  That's the "callback" in the above code.

"user" is a "u_char *" that's passed to your routine, and that you  
pass directly through to the callback; you don't need to do anything  
with it - and, as you don't know what it is (it's something that the  
callback routine uses), you *shouldn't* do anything with it other than  
pass it to the callback routine.

Now my question is what will
be this "user" function in my case. That is when I call _read()
pointer to what function will I have to pass to it as " *user "

You don't call _read() - libpcap does that, in pcap_dispatch(),  
pcap_loop(), pcap_next(), and pcap_next_ex().

Your read routine will just take the "user" argument passed to it, and  
pass it to the callback function.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [patch] Teach tcpdump to recognize new OpenBSD pflog packets

2007-09-24 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:

OpenBSD 4.1 introduced an incompatible change to their pflog device
packet header:

...and didn't introduce a new DLT_ value.

It appears that FreeBSD will be doing the same for 7.0, so we just  
gave up and said "no pflog dissection except on systems that support  
pflog, and we only dissect pflog files in the format on that machine -  
get the definition of pflog packets from the system header file".

Max Laier submitted a patch to do that, which is checked into the main  
and x.9 branches.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Compilation Error - C2894: templates cannot be declared to have 'C' linkage

2007-09-24 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 22, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

This is the program pcap-xxx.c which includes in it xxx_open_live()  
in it.

That's not a "program" in the sense of an executable program; it's  
something you're adding to libpcap, so it's allowed to include pcap- 

I've checked in a change to the main branch of libpcap to move the  
include of  outside the extern "C" { } in pcap-int.h, as  
pcap.h has its own extern "C" { }.  That will probably show up in some  
future WinPcap release (as well as a future libpcap release).

You can do the same for your own development.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [PATCH] add support for bluetooth DLT to tcpdump

2007-09-24 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 24, 2007, at 1:15 AM, Paolo Abeni wrote:

The attached patch is my first attempt to add support to tcpdump for a
'new' DLT (exists in libpcap head, but is currently unknown to
It print some basic information (hci frame direction) regarding
bluetooth capture.

Checked into the main branch.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] How to set my device name with pcap_platform_finddevs()

2007-09-25 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 25, 2007, at 4:33 AM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

1. How should I work around so that pcap_findalldevs() will add my  
device in

the list?

If you're doing this on Windows, you will have to:

modify pcap_findalldevs() in fad-win32.c to, right before it does

if (ret == -1) {
 * We had an error; free the list we've been 
if (devlist != NULL) {
devlist = NULL;

if (ret != -1) {
 * We haven't had any errors yet; do any 
 * operations to add devices.
if (pcap_platform_finddevs(&devlist, errbuf) < 0)
ret = -1;

Then add a routine to your pcap-xxx.c that, similarly to  
septel_platform_finddevs(), adds your device to the list of devices,  
and then add a routine to pcap-win32.c called  
"pcap_platform_finddevs()" that calls your routine, similarly to the  
Linux pcap_platform_finddevs() in pcap-linux.c.

If you're doing this on some form of UN*X, e.g. Linux, just add the  
routine to your pcap-xxx.c and find the appropriate pcap-yyy.c and  
modify its pcap_platform_finddevs() to call your routine.

2. What is the relationship between pcap_platform_finddevs() and
pcap_findalldevs() function
  in this regard ?

pcap_findalldevs() is the routine that finds "standard" network  
adapters (i.e., the ones that the OS's mechanism for enumerating  
network adapters finds); pcap_platform_finddevs() is the routine that  
finds other adapters for a particular platform.

3. How should I modify "pcap_platform_finddevs()" so that I get my  


See septel_platform_finddevs() for an example.

do I need to do this?


4. Where are these two functions written, (pcap_findalldevs() I  
found only

in fad32! Sorry
for this foolish question, But I was not able to figure it out)

They're in libpcap, but not in the current version of WinPcap, because  
pcap-win32.c and fad-win32.c didn't have them.  I've just checked  
changes to pcap-win32.c and fad-win32.c into the main branch of  
libpcap to add those routines; hopefully they'll appear in a future  
version of WinPcap.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] How to set my device name with

2007-09-27 Thread Guy Harris
Varuna De Silva wrote:

> Next I removed the following part from the above code, and the build
> succeeded.
> if (pcap_add_if(alldevsp, "any", 0, any_descr, errbuf) < 0)
> return (-1);
> Is this process acceptable of me removing the above part?

Yes.  That code is specific to Linux, which has a way in which a single
descriptor can be used to capture on all the machine's network interfaces;
the "any" device lets you use that from tcpdump/Wireshark/etc..  Windows
doesn't have that in NDIS, as far as I know (I think you have to bind to a
particular NDIS device), so the WinPcap driver can't provide that.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Questions about pcap_read() function

2007-09-28 Thread Guy Harris

On Sep 25, 2007, at 6:19 AM, Varuna De Silva wrote:


I am trying to add support for my device in libpcap(/winpcap) and I  

doubts regarding the xxx_read() function in the pcap-xxx.c file. This
function is there
for the packets to be read in, as I understand. For a previous reply  
I got

the following.

.. routine that takes, as an argument, apointer to a

pcap_t, a count, a pointer

to a callback routine, and a"u_char *" pointer,
and that waits a buffer full of packets to arrive

What is this buffer full of packets, Shouldnot I worry about this?

The buffer full of packets is whatever you read from your device.   
Your device (and its driver) might supply one packet at a time, or  
might buffer up packets and supply multiple packets in a buffer, with  
a timeout so it doesn't wait forever for a full buffer.

and, when it arrives, calls the callback routine for each  

it, as arguments, the
"u_char *", a pointer to a header givingthe arrival time of the  

the packet's length, and

the amount of packet data captured;
What is the difference between packets length and and amount of  
packet data


The native capture mechanisms on most OSes supported by libpcap, and  
the WinPcap driver on Windows, allow a capture device to have a  
"snapshot length".  If a packet longer than the snapshot length is  
captured, the data supplied to libpcap/WinPcap is cut off at the  
snapshot length, so, for example, with a snapshot length of 128, a  
packet 128 bytes or less will be supplied in its entirety, while a  
packet longer than 128 bytes will have only the first 128 bytes  

This is for use when, for example, you're only interested in TCP's  
behavior, so you only need enough of the packet to include the TCP  
header; specifying a snapshot length sufficient to capture the TCP  
header means that:

	less data is copied into any buffers used by the capture mechanism,  
so less CPU time is used, and the buffers are less likely to overflow  
if there's a high rate of network traffic;

	less data is copied from those buffers to userland, so, again, less  
CPU time is used;

	less data is written to the capture file, so less disk/memory  
bandwidth is used, and less disk space is used.

If a packet is cut short by the snapshot length, the length of the  
packet as received by the host is the packet's length, and the amount  
of that data that's supplied to libpcap is the amount of packet data  

That's what the "-s" flag in tcpdump, Wireshark, and TShark specifies;  
it can also be specified in the "capture options" dialog box in  

I am capturing SS7message frames to be sent to WireShark. does this  

mean the SS7 frame in my case ?


If So can I capture part of my packet as is depicted by "amount of  

data captured"

You could have your code discard any data beyond the snapshot length.

Now I have given a handle to my device after opening in at  

So I have to use
that handle here to read the data from the device at xxx_read() right!
please correct me?

I assume by "handle to [your] device" you mean an internal handle you  
use to read from your device, not the pcap_t that xxx_open_live()  

If so, then you'd need to store that handle in a location you can find  
given the pcap_t pointer; the right place to put it is probably in the  
"pcap_md" structure defined in pcap-int.h.  You would use that handle  
in the xxx_read() routine.

Next we have to remove the frame delimiters(HDLC), to get raw SS7  

So I assume your device fills in a buffer of some sort with the data  
from which you extract the SS7 messages; that buffer would be the  
"buffer full of packets".

( We had to do it at software level at least for now)

Is that done in your driver, or in your libpcap/WinPcap code?  I.e.,  
when you read from the device's driver, do you get a raw sequence of  
octets, with bit-stuffing and frame delimiters in place, or do you get  
a sequence of SS7 messages, with bit-stuffing and frame delimiters  

These data will be stored in an
ring buffer ( implemented
simply as an array)
Next is when we access frame by frame with a pointer.

My question is that can all these things go in xxx_read() or only the
message by message
access is possible here, and filtering part do we have to do it in  


What do you mean by "filtering part"?  When I think of "filtering" in  
the libpcap/WinPcap context, I think of the filter specified by a  
pcap_setfilter() call; that filtering would be done in your xxx_read()  
routine, discarding any packets that don't match the filter, and not  
supplying them to the callback.

Next when I callback, for each packet ( a frame if the answer to a  

question is yes)
as below

callback(user, &pcap_header, dp);

Should this dp ( pointer to the data) point to the starting point of  
a frame


Re: [tcpdump-workers] Questions about pcap_read() function

2007-09-29 Thread Guy Harris
Varuna De Silva wrote:

> And when we use this FT_Read(), we wait and read in 3968 bytes at a time

So, presumably, if the device has more than 3968 bytes available, only the
first 3968 bytes are read?

What if it has fewer than 3968 bytes available?  Does the read return only
what's available?

If no bytes are available, does FT_Read() just block waiting for data to
be available?

> In order to Identify the frames within this "Buffer full of packets" , our
> device attaches flag "7E" at the beginning of a frame and some other data
> including the time stamp at the end of the frame.

So the device un-does the bit stuffing, but, in order to preserve frame
boundaries, the data it hands to the host is byte-stuffed?

>> What do you mean by "filtering part"?  When I think of "filtering" in
>> the libpcap/WinPcap context, I think of the filter specified by a
>> pcap_setfilter() call; that filtering would be done in your xxx_read()
>> routine, discarding any packets that don't match the filter, and not
>> supplying them to the callback.
> The filtering we mean is
>   1. To remove the byte stuffing. (Drop Stuffed 7D and inverting of the
>  particular bit in the subsequent byte)
>   2. To remove the 2 CRC bytes at the end.
>   3. To extract the Timestamp
> and extract the SS7 frame.
> This is what I hope to do for the data in this buffer full of packets,

So what you'd do in the xxx_read() routine would be to call FT_Read(), and
then scan through the buffer, do the filtering, and, for each SS7 frame
you extract through the buffer, call the callback routine.

>  * caplen -  would be the same as packetlen

If there's a snapshot length specified (it'd be in the snapshot field of
the pcap_t structure), you might want to make caplen be the minimum of
packetlen and the snapshot length; your device will still copy the entire
packet to the host, but, at least, the application will save only the
bytes it asked for.

>> It should point to something that will remain unmodified until the
>> next xxx_read() call; it sounds as if that means that it can point
>> into the buffer.  If you're using DLT_MTP2 as your DLT_ type, it
>> should point to the first byte of an MTP2 SS7 message.
> In order to have dp remaining till the next call to xxx_read()
> we will allocate, an array of 3968 x 2 bytes, so that we will be sure
> the data is safe for two rounds of xxx_read()

Packet data isn't guaranteed to remain available if the xxx_read() routine
is called (once the callback routine returns, the application cannot
assume that the packet data is still available - if it wants to use it
after the callback routine returns, or after another call to pcap_next()
or pcap_next_ex(), it has to make a copy of it), so that's not necessary.

> Now Do we need to extract all the frames, when we read in one chunk of
> 3968
> bytes? as I understand in septel_read(,int cnt,) function, it
> processes only a number of packets specified by cnt.

Yes.  If the cnt argument is non-zero, you should call the callback
routine no more than cnt times; any frames that are still in your buffer
should be left there, and processed by any subsequent xxx_read() call
*before* reading another bufferful of frames from the device..  If cnt is
zero, keep processing frames and calling the callback routine until you
run out of frames in the buffer.

>> I assume by "handle to [your] device" you mean an internal handle you
>> use to read from your device, not the pcap_t that xxx_open_live()
>> returns.
>> If so, then you'd need to store that handle in a location you can find
>> given the pcap_t pointer; the right place to put it is probably in the
>> "pcap_md" structure defined in pcap-int.h.  You would use that handle
>> in the xxx_read() routine.
> I have changed the struct ADAPTER (As I remember in Packet32.h) to include
> my
> handle. So I can have it through the adapter, in pcap_t. Is this alright?

I guess that works, but it's not really necessary - adding it to the
pcap_md structure will work, too, and means you don't have to modify any
of the packet.dll code (and also means that if there's a driver for your
device for some form of UN*X, you might be able to use the same code).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Questions about pcap_read() function

2007-10-01 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 1, 2007, at 2:13 AM, Varuna De Silva wrote:

What if it has fewer than 3968 bytes available?  Does the read  
return only what's available?

It waits checking until it receives 3968 bytes and then read it in

Will it wait forever?  If so, that might be a problem if fewer than  
3968 bytes arrive initially, and it takes a very long time for the  
last of the 3968 bytes to arrive; that might mean that some SS7 frames  
won't be seen until a long time after they arrive - and, if more data  
*never* arrives, those SS7 frames won't *ever* be seen.

You should probably use the timeout argument to xxx_open_live(), and  
have it either

	1) wait no longer than that amount of time after the read is done for  
3968 bytes of data to arrive


	2) wait no longer than that amount of time after the first byte of  
data arrives for 3968 bytes of data to arrive.

If cnt is zero, keep processing frames and calling the callback  
routine until you run out of frames in the buffer.

Since I hope to do a FT_Read() in every call to xxx_read()

You won't necessarily be able to do that.

I have to read all the frames in that buffer (3968 bytes), but I  
guess, I do not have control over cnt



It belongs to a higher layer sw ! is it?

Yes.  It belongs to the application that's using libpcap/WinPcap.

If so how will that piece of Higher layer SW, know to call my  
xxx_read() with a cnt value of zero or non-zero?

That's up to whoever writes the application.  Code in libpcap/WinPcap  
has to be able to handle both zero and non-zero cnt values.

Will this reading a chunk of bytes together with reading one frame  
at a time for each frame in the chunk, work ? Or is it good for me  
to have a particular library which does all this filtering part and  
reading of chunks, (in the form of a dll for the moment) and access  

I don't see any benefit to having that in a library separate from the  
libpcap/WinPcap library, unless you'd use it outside of libpcap/WinPcap.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [PATCH] Recent checkin breaks build

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 4, 2007, at 1:58 PM, Stephen Donnelly wrote:

Unmatched parenthesis.

Checked in.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [PATCH] dag updates

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 4, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Stephen Donnelly wrote:

The attached patch includes:

 * Improved error checking in dag_read().
 * More efficient dag_platform_finddevs().
 * Support for new DAG API function dag_get_stream_erf_types().
 * Fix to pcap/pcap.h mismatched parenthesis.

Checked in (except for the last one, which was checked in from a  
previous patch).

As changes are made to, configure will also need to be
regenerated using the preferred autoconf version.


Note that autoreconf also regenerates, so you don't need  
to send patches for it.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] [PATCH] Manpage "Last updated" updated

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 2, 2007, at 5:42 AM, Luis Martin Garcia wrote:

I enclose two simple patches to update the "last updated" date of the

Checked in.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for a new DLT for MTP2 with FCS

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Feb 19, 2007, at 12:07 PM, Stephen Donnelly wrote:

It seems that if it is worth making the change, it is also worth  
using a
couple of bits to indicate whether a 16 or 32-bit CRC/FCS is present  

Guy suggested. This could then be used on linktypes such as PPP_SERIAL
which can have either length.

I checked in a change, based on Florent Drouin's patch, which splits  
DLT_ and LINKTYPE_ values into:

	a 10-bit class field, where a class of 0 is for regular DLT_/ 
LINKTYPE_ values and a class of 0x224 is for NetBSD "RAWAF" values (I  
don't know whether they're still using them or not);

	a 16-bit value within that class, which, for a class of 0, is a  
regular DLT_/LINKTYPE_ value (note that the linktype field in a pcap- 
NG file is 16 bits);

with the class field at the top (so the old DLT_/LINKTYPE_ values  
still work), and splits the linktype field in the libpcap file header  

a 4-bit FCS length field at the top;

a reserved bit below that;

	a 1-bit field below that, which, if 1, indicates that the FCS length  
is present;

a 26-bit link type, split as per the other split described above.

(note that pcap-NG already has a mechanism to supply FCS length  
information), adds a pcap_datalink_ext() API to get the extra 6 bits  
of information from the linktype field, and adds macros to manipulate  
that field.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patch to add DLT_AX25 handling to libpcap

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Harris

On Apr 3, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Richard Stearn wrote:

Guy Harris wrote:

pcap-linux.c could map ARPHRD_AX25 to DLT_AX25_KISS, which means AX. 
25 captures done on Linux will have a file type of DLT_AX25_KISS.

As in:

declare DLT_AX25_KISS as X

and change:

 1140  case ARPHRD_AX25:
 1141  handle->linktype = DLT_AX25;
 1142  break;

 1140  case ARPHRD_AX25:
 1141  handle->linktype = DLT_AX25_KISS;
 1142  break;

I've checked that in, along with your other changes, modified to use  

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libdlpi with libpcap

2007-10-08 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 5, 2007, at 3:35 PM, sagun shakya wrote:

Improvements after adding support to libpcap:
* Observe all IP layer network traffic, including loopback, IPMP  
group, IP tunnel traffic and IP layer network traffic flowing to and  
from a zone.

This will still also allow you see *non*-IP-layer traffic, right?   
I.e., you'll see all link-layer packets received by the hardware, even  
if the networking stack would otherwise discard them?  Otherwise, it  
doesn't fully qualify as an "improvement".

* Currently, pcap_findalldevs() which lists all the network devices on
the system for packet capturing uses SIOCGLIFCONF to generate the  
list on Solaris. This limits the lists to network devices that are  
plumbed IP interfaces. libdlpi has an interface dlpi_walk(), which  
will walk all the network device, thus will provide a complete list.

Including SunATM devices?  See, for example, pcap_platform_finddevs()  
in pcap-dlpi.c.

I would like to hear from you for suggestions on how libpcap can be
updated to libdlpi. I have a couple of possible approaches to make  
this addition but they may not necessarily be the best approach:

1) Introduce a new pcap-libdlpi-solaris.c file which will handle all  
versions of Solaris with libdlpi. The existing pcap-dlpi.c will  

working for pre-libdlpi versions of Solaris.

2) Continue with the use of ifdef #HAVE_SOLARIS approach in the  

pcap-dlpi.c file to call libdlpi functions for releases that support

3) Instead of using libdlpi, add support to open different  
directories, i.e /dev/net, /dev/ipnet, and add other Solaris- 
specific ioctls to the existing pcap-dlpi.c file under #ifdef  

A quick look at

suggests that libdlpi APIs could replace some of the lower-level  
routines in pcap-dlpi.c - but not the higher-level stuff that pushes  
STREAMS modules atop the DLPI device, etc.

As such, I'd vote for solution 2.  pcap_read_dlpi() would presumably  
continue to directly call getmsg() on the low-level file descriptor,  
as it's *NOT* getting DLPI messages, it's getting a chunk of packets  
as delivered by bufmod.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patch-question

2007-10-09 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 9, 2007, at 9:12 AM, Gerrit Renker wrote:

having submitted three patches last year on this list which were  
accepted but

apparently never made it into the repository,

No, Hannes Gredler checked them into the main branch near at the end  
of 2006 - and acknowledged at least two of them in an e-mail reply to  
the list (I only found two patches, the first of which fixed the DCCP  
bug and added support for variable-length checksums).

Were you subscribed to the list at the time?  Replies go just to the  
list, by default.

They weren't checked into any of the other branches.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patch-question

2007-10-10 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 10, 2007, at 1:20 AM, Gerrit Renker wrote:

So what happens next - I think that the bug fix should go to the  
other branches

as well, since the tool prints the wrong values.

The only relevant branch is the x.9 branch (the other branches are  
dead; nobody's going to make an 0.7.x release), and, as Ken Bantoft  
indicated in recent mail that he'd "like to see [a 1.0 release of  
libpcap] out for Halloween, or a week sooner, if that works

for everyone", there might not be another x.9 release, either.

What will happen to the other two

The other two what?  Patches?  As per my mail:

having submitted three patches last year on this list which were  
accepted but

apparently never made it into the repository,

No, Hannes Gredler checked them into the main branch near at the end  
of 2006 - and acknowledged at least two of them in an e-mail reply  
to the list (I only found two patches, the first of which fixed the  
DCCP bug and added support for variable-length checksums).

so I'm not sure what patches of yours *haven't* been checked into the  
main branch by Hannes.  Are there any?  If so, which ones are they?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap patches for DLT_SITA support

2007-10-19 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 19, 2007, at 9:15 AM, Fulko Hew wrote:

Attached is patch file for enabling DLT_SITA support in libpcap.
(so that it can be included in the imminent 1.0 release.)

Checked into the main and 1.0 branches.

Was there a namespace collision with a PPC in some SITA header file?   
The PPC in atmuni31.h was changed to ATM_PPC.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for DLT value for Raw LAPD

2007-10-19 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 18, 2007, at 9:32 PM, Varuna De Silva wrote:


We are trying to decode raw LAPD messages tapped from a
E1 line, with wireshark.

So you're getting, for example, one of the E1's timeslots, which has  
an ISDN D channel on it?  And the packet data starts with the 2  
address octets, followed by the control field, etc.?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for DLT value for Raw LAPD

2007-10-21 Thread Guy Harris

Varuna De Silva wrote:

Yes, Exactly. This is the version LAPD running between two, PABX's.

OK, I've assigned the value 203 to DLT_LAPD.

Note that "the packet data starts with the 2 address octets" means that 
the packet contains no indication of whether it's a user-to-network or 
network-to-user packet; if you want to include an indication of that 
sort, your device will have to add that indication to the packet, and 
the name of the DLT_ value should be changed.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap patches for DLT_SITA support

2007-10-22 Thread Guy Harris

Fulko Hew wrote:

Rats!  I see it used in one spot in tcpdump/print-atm.c
and it seems that atmuni31.h is also included as part of tcpdump.

So I guess it needs to be changed in that CVS too.
Can you take care of that?

I've preceded all the #defines of VCI values in atmuni31.h with VCI_, 
and updated print-atm.c for that.  (I also changed the libpcap 
atmuni31.h to prefix all VCI values with VCI_.)

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] After invoking pcap_compile 15 times I get "too many registers needed to evaluate expression"

2007-10-25 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 24, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Thomas King wrote:

I use libpcap 0.9.7 as provided by openSuSE 10.3. The problem I face  
exemplified in the source code I attached to this email. The source  
code is
an artificially created example to pin-point the problem I have.  

works create until pcap_compile is invoked the 15th times. As I call
pcap_freecode at the end of each loop I would assume that the filter  

should be freed.

The registers in question aren't filter-memory resources; the BPF  
pseudo-machine has 16 scratch memory locations, and if the code  
generator runs out of scratch memory locations, it fails with that  

What is wrong with my program? Or is this a bug in libpcap?

It's a bug in libpcap.  I've checked in a fix.  (It should only show  
up if you're capturing from a device that supplies radiotap headers or  
if you're reading from a capture file with radiotap headers.)

BTW, you can (and perhaps should) call pcap_freecode() after calling  
pcap_setfilter() - pcap_setfilter() makes a copy of the filter if  
necessary, so the original filter can be freed.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patches for wlan filtering

2007-10-30 Thread Guy Harris

Gianluca Varenni wrote:

the attached patch fixes some of the problems in the current wlan code 
generation of pcap_compile.

In particular it should fix these problems:

1. the 802.11 header size of a data frame has not a fixed size. When the 
QoS bit is set in the subtype field (QoS DATA frame), the header is two 
bytes longer. You can clearly see this on 802.11n APs, that usually use 
QoS DATA frames. The code does not take into consideration

  * 802.11n frames containing the HT control field
  * frames in a WDS (wireless bridges)
2. The optimizer generates buggy code when compiling filters in the form 
"wlan dst " or similar. The optimizer gets disabled in these cases.
3. Added some code that verifies that a packet is a data frame when 
accessing the LLC and above protocol fields.

I applied the patch (and fixed up the errors from "patch") and changed 
gen_load_ll_after_802_11_rel() so that, in the "radio header is 
fixed-length" branch, it sets X to off_ll and loads the Frame Control 
field from an offset of off_ll - off_ll is equal to the length of the 
fixed-length radio header, if there is one, and is otherwise 0.

With a DLT_IEEE80211 capture, the filter "tcp" generates the code

(000) ldb  [0]
(001) jset #0x4 jt 16   jf 2
(002) ldb  [0]
(003) jset #0x8 jt 4jf 16
(004) ldx  #0x0
(005) ldb  [0]
(006) jset #0x8 jt 7jf 12
(007) jset #0x4 jt 12   jf 8
(008) jset #0x80jt 9jf 12
(009) ld   #0x2
(010) add  x
(011) tax
(012) ldh  [x + 30]
(013) jeq  #0x86dd  jt 14   jf 16
(014) ldb  [38]
(015) jeq  #0x6 jt 32   jf 16
(016) ldb  [0]
(017) jset #0x4 jt 33   jf 18
(018) ldb  [0]
(019) jset #0x8 jt 20   jf 33
(020) ldx  #0x0
(021) ldb  [0]
(022) jset #0x8 jt 23   jf 28
(023) jset #0x4 jt 28   jf 24
(024) jset #0x80jt 25   jf 28
(025) ld   #0x2
(026) add  x
(027) tax
(028) ldh  [x + 30]
(029) jeq  #0x800   jt 30   jf 33
(030) ldb  [41]
(031) jeq  #0x6 jt 32   jf 33
(032) ret  #2344
(033) ret  #0

Statements 14 and 15 are testing for a protocol of TCP, as are 
statements 30 and 31, but they're loading from a fixed offset - they 
need to be loading from an offset modified by the X register.

I won't be able to fix that tonight, but, if we delay the release a 
couple of days, I might be able to fix that.

I've attached a patch that applies to the current top of tree, and which 
includes my changes for fixed-length radio headers.  (I also got rid of 
the #ifdef for the WLAN patches.)

Modifications related to 1. and 3. generate code that is not compatible 
with the optimizer, as gen_load_ll_XXX() generate slist*'s of 
instructions (where I added the code to verify if a packet is a data/QoS 
data frame), and not block* chunks. So optimization gets disabled.

I'm planning to commit them on the libpcap CVS as disabled patches, and 
also planning to enable them for the win32 build (winpcap) in the next 
version that is probably due within some weeks.

Any comment/test is more than welcome. Please apply the patch with 
"patch -p0 gencode.c < wlan_filtering.patch". The patch should work on 
both HEAD and the libpcap_0_9 branch (I developed it on the libpcap_0_9 

Have a nice day

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Index: gencode.c
RCS file: /tcpdump/master/libpcap/gencode.c,v
retrieving revision 1.292
diff -c -r1.292 gencode.c
*** gencode.c   30 Oct 2007 10:16:45 -  1.292
--- gencode.c   30 Oct 2007 10:40:23 -
*** 150,156 
OR_NET, /* relative to the network-layer header */
OR_NET_NOSNAP,  /* relative to the network-layer header, with no SNAP 
header at the link layer */
OR_TRAN_IPV4,   /* relative to the transport-layer header, with IPv4 
network layer */
!   OR_TRAN_IPV6/* relative to the transport-layer header, with IPv6 
network layer */
--- 150,157 
OR_NET, /* relative to the network-layer header */
OR_NET_NOSNAP,  /* relative to the network-layer header, with no SNAP 
header at the link layer */
OR_TRAN_IPV4,   /* relative to the transport-layer header, with IPv4 
network layer */
!   OR_TRAN_IPV6,   /* relative to the transport-layer header, with IPv6 
network layer */
!   OR_LINK_AFTER_WIRELESS_HDR /* After the 802.11 variable length header */
*** 191,196 
--- 192,198 
  static struct block *gen_ncmp(enum e_offrel, bpf_u_int32, bpf_u_int32,
  bpf_u_int32, bpf_u_int32, int, bpf_int32);
  static struct slist *gen_load_llrel(u_int, u_int);
+ static struct slist *gen_load_ll_after_802_11_rel(u_int, u_int);

Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patches for wlan filtering

2007-10-30 Thread Guy Harris

On Oct 30, 2007, at 3:42 AM, Guy Harris wrote:

I won't be able to fix that tonight, but, if we delay the release a  
couple of days, I might be able to fix that.

Actually, a combination of a brain spasm (see the time above - that  
was local time...), a possible watch misconfiguration/misbehavior (and  
lack of a day-of-week indication on said watch), and slightly  
confusing display in Meeting Maker confused me into thinking today was  
the 31st.  I might be able to fix the code tonight.

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patches for wlan filtering

2007-11-05 Thread Guy Harris

Guy Harris wrote:

On Oct 30, 2007, at 3:42 AM, Guy Harris wrote:

I won't be able to fix that tonight, but, if we delay the release a 
couple of days, I might be able to fix that.

Actually, a combination of a brain spasm (see the time above - that was 
local time...), a possible watch misconfiguration/misbehavior (and lack 
of a day-of-week indication on said watch), and slightly confusing 
display in Meeting Maker confused me into thinking today was the 31st.  
I might be able to fix the code tonight.

Well, it took a bit longer, but I've checked in changes that

	1) appear, at least with the regression testing I've done, don't break 
other link layers (after having fixed some bugs in the code without the 

	2) appear to do the right thing for various 802.11 link-layer headers - 
for example, the filter tcp now generates

(000) ldx  #0x0
(001) txa
(002) add  #24
(003) st   M[0]
(004) ldb  [x + 0]
(005) jset #0x8 jt 6jf 11
(006) jset #0x4 jt 11   jf 7
(007) jset #0x80jt 8jf 11
(008) ld   #0x2
(009) add  x
(010) st   M[0]
(011) ldb  [0]
(012) jset #0x4 jt 21   jf 13
(013) ldb  [0]
(014) jset #0x8 jt 15   jf 21
(015) ldx  M[0]
(016) ldh  [x + 6]
(017) jeq  #0x86dd  jt 18   jf 21
(018) ldx  M[0]
(019) ldb  [x + 14]
(020) jeq  #0x6 jt 31   jf 21
(021) ldb  [0]
(022) jset #0x4 jt 32   jf 23
(023) ldb  [0]
(024) jset #0x8 jt 25   jf 32
(025) ldx  M[0]
(026) ldh  [x + 6]
(027) jeq  #0x800   jt 28   jf 32
(028) ldx  M[0]
(029) ldb  [x + 17]
(030) jeq  #0x6 jt 31   jf 32
(031) ret  #68
(032) ret  #0

for DLT_IEEE802_11.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patches for wlan filtering

2007-11-05 Thread Guy Harris

On Nov 5, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Gianluca Varenni wrote:

I plan to compare this with the old version with the three possible  
link layers (bare 802.11, radiotap, PPI)

Actually, there are also 802.11+Prism radio header and 802.11+AVS  
radio header; I have some captures with, I think, all of those except  
for PPI, and will do some tests with those (I looked at the generated  
code for "tcp" for 802.11 and 802.11+radiotap, and checked the  
generated code for 802.11+Prism and 802.11+AVS to make sure the code  
to compute the offsets added in the fixed length of the radio header).

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Patches for wlan filtering

2007-11-06 Thread Guy Harris

Gianluca Varenni wrote:

I think I found the problem:

Yup, I just discovered that myself.

I've checked in a change that fixes it to do

(000) ldb  [3]
(001) lsh  #8
(002) tax
(003) ldb  [2]
(004) or   x
(005) st   M[0]
(006) tax
(007) txa
(008) add  #24
(009) st   M[1]
(010) ldb  [x + 0]
(011) jset #0x8 jt 12   jf 17
(012) jset #0x4 jt 17   jf 13
(013) jset #0x80jt 14   jf 17
(014) ld   M[1]
(015) add  #2
(016) st   M[1]
(017) ld   [4]
(018) jeq  #0x6900  jt 19   jf 29
(019) ldx  M[0]
(020) ldb  [x + 0]
(021) jset #0x4 jt 29   jf 22
(022) ldx  M[0]
(023) ldb  [x + 0]
(024) jset #0x8 jt 25   jf 29
(025) ldx  M[1]
(026) ldh  [x + 6]
(027) jeq  #0x800   jt 28   jf 29
(028) ret  #68
(029) ret  #0

Try that.
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