Re: Reparenting processes?

2020-12-08 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Dec 8, 2020, at 8:01 AM, wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 08:54:33PM -0500, Mouse wrote:
>> I've been thinking about building a way to move a job between shells,
>> in particular between one window, ssh session, whatever, and another.
> Yes, I've somehow missed the VMS virtual terminals, that can detach
> their job from the real terminal and be reattached by a login process,
> instead of creating a new job.

I didn't know that VMS had this, but certainly you can find that feature in the 
DEC PDP-11 operating system RSTS/E.  And that may have been borrowed from older 
OSs like TSS-8 or TOPS-10.

One complication I can think of: what happens to the original parent process 
wait for child exit syscall, if the child detaches?  I assume it returns; does 
it return with a new completion value that means "the process isn't actually 
done but it detached"?  Similarly, how does the new parent learn about the new 
child, and can it then wait for it?


Re: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering

2021-04-06 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Apr 6, 2021, at 1:54 PM, Greg A. Woods  wrote:
> At Mon, 5 Apr 2021 23:18:55 -0400, Thor Lancelot Simon  wrote:
> Subject: Re: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
>>> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/random bs=32 count=1
>> It's no better.
> So then I would say that in fact using some less trustworthy source of
> randomness (e.g. environmental sensors (including audio), clock skew,
> disk rotational latency, etc., even network jitter if there is no other
> source) as the initial seed entropy _is_ better, for most situations,
> and perhaps for _ALL_ situations where no hardware-RNG is available or
> possible.  Better in part because it prevents the brain-dead way of
> seeding, but also because it mixes real-world data in an algorithmically
> sound way.

I've pointed out in the past that mixing in more external stuff can't make the 
RNG any worse, assuming it was correctly designed to begin with.  So if you 
still in various external inputs, the worst that can happen is that you get no 
useful added entropy.

In my way of thinking, externals events timestamped with a high resolution 
(microsecond or better) system clock are likely to have at least a small amount 
of entropy.  It's certainly true that external inputs may be observable, but 
the nanosecond timestamp the system puts on the packet isn't predictable from 
the outside (the low order couple of bits, that is).  


Re: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering

2021-04-06 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Apr 6, 2021, at 2:21 PM, Martin Husemann  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 10:54:51AM -0700, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>> Except it seems to be useless in practice without an initial seed,
> Yes.
>> And the stock implementation has no possibility of ever providing an
>> initial seed at all on its own (unlike previous implementations, and of
>> course unlike what my patch _affords_).
> Isn't it as simple as:
>   dd bs=32 if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/random
> ?

That runs the risk of people thinking it adds entropy.  I'd be more comfortable 
with this:

dd bs=32 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/random

because it makes the security implications more obvious.


Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-27 Thread Koning, Paul

> On May 27, 2021, at 4:14 PM, Robert Elz  wrote:
> ...
> While changing ms to us is probably a good idea, when a change happens,
> the "hz" part should be changed too.
> hz is (a unit of) a measure of frequency, ms (or us) is (a unit of) a
> measure of time (duration) - converting one to the other makes no sense.

In this particular case it's converting frequency to period, that is a sensible 
conversion.  You could say "hztoperiodinus" but that's rather verbose.


Re: wsvt25 backspace key should match terminfo definition

2021-11-23 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Nov 23, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Valery Ushakov  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 09:22:43 -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> I think (memory is getting fuzzy) the problem is that the old terminals
>> had a delete key, in the upper right, that users use to remove the
>> previous character, and a BS key, upper left, that was actually a
>> carriage control character.
> [... snip ...]
>> I see the same kbs=^H on vt52.
> vt52 is different. 

I spent a lot of time on VT52, VT100, and VT2xx terminals.

All DEC terminals have a "delete" or "rub out" key, which transmits 0177.  VT52 
and VT100 also have a backspace key, which transmits 010.  VT2xx (LK201 
keyboard) do not have that key.  Or rather, they do have a top row function key 
that is sometimes labeled BS but it sends an escape sequence, and is not taken 
seriously by most DEC programmers.

DEC software convention always was that the delete/rubout key is how you erase 
the previous character.  Backspace was never used for that, and there wasn't 
any obvious reason to have it on the keyboard.  It is, of course, an output 
formatting character.


Re: about langage neutral

2022-03-09 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 9, 2022, at 5:18 AM, wrote:
> Hello tech-kern,
> I'm discorvering the article about language-neutral-interfaces for system 
> calls.
>  [wiki[.]netbsd[.]org]
> That is a very interesting topic.
> IMHO scheme language is well suited to answer the issue.
> Are you interested in more discussion around that topic?

Isn't this what SWIG tries to do?  One might argue about how well it does it.  
As for Scheme, I thought that's a programming language, and a rather exotic one 
at that.  Or do you mean something else called "scheme"?


Re: valgrind

2022-03-21 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 20, 2022, at 7:58 PM, Mouse  wrote:
>>> Perhaps I just need a better approach
>> I know you've previously expressed a lack of interest in such things
>> when we've talked previously, but I've found the built-in sanitizers
>> in modern GCC useful for approximating the functionality of valgrind
>> on NetBSD.
> To some extent, perhaps.
> But it's less a lack of interest and more an unwillingness to ignore
> the licensing issues.  `Modern' GCC is licensed under the GPLv3.

So?  That doesn't affect the licensing of code compiled by gcc.


Re: valgrind

2022-03-22 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 1:17 PM, Rhialto  wrote:
> On Sun 20 Mar 2022 at 23:17:57 -0400, Mouse wrote:
>> clang is - or at least was last I checked - under the impression that
>> nested functions are little-used and thus are not worth supporting.
> I guess they can think so because nested functions are a gcc extension.
> Quite a useful one, I think, having been taught programming with Algol
> 68 which of course does have nested functions; but an extension
> nevertheless.
> I found an interesting article about why they're bad...

That's a good argument for why GCC's implementation of nested functions is bad. 
 It doesn't mean other implementations that avoid the security blunder GCC made 
are bad.

I don't believe ALGOL implementations needed executable stacks to implement 
nested functions, for example.


Re: nested functions [was Re: valgrind]

2022-03-22 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 2:23 PM, Mouse  wrote:
>>> I found an interesting article about why they're bad...
>>>  [thephd[.]dev]
>> That's a good argument for why GCC's implementation of nested functions is b$
> What security blunder is that?  Based on your next line, I'm going to
> assume it's "implementing them via stack trampolines".  (I would have
> to go to a work machine to tell, because has apparently
> drunk the "it's good to ram HTTPS down everyone's throat" koolaid.
> Even the stack trampoline mechanism, I would say, is not a security
> blunder per se; I see it as a security issue only in that it
> exacerbates the effects of certain other security issues.  Also don't
> forget that early gcc arose in a very different environment from
> today's.)

Yes, I did mean executable stacks.  True, the world was different
once, though executable stacks are also problematic on some older
architectures for entirely different reasons.  For example, you can't
necessarily use them on PDP-11s.

>> I don't believe ALGOL implementations needed executable stacks to implement $
> Neither would gcc...IF it can set the ABI.  There really was very
> little choice for gcc when it started.  It had to be ABI-compatible
> with existing procedure calling sequences.  It also had to be
> compatible with existing longjmps. That eliminates pretty close to
> everything _but_ stack trampolines.

True.  Do general ABIs like the VAX one have this issue or is it 
specific to just some of the ABIs?

> Other ways of doing nested functions is one of the things I want to
> experiment with.

I know the classic answer in ALGOL is "displays", which go all the
way back to the first ALGOL compilers, but I don't have the details
in my head.


Re: valgrind

2022-03-22 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 4:53 PM, Rhialto  wrote:
> On Tue 22 Mar 2022 at 17:46:49 +0000, Koning, Paul wrote:
>> I don't believe ALGOL implementations needed executable stacks to implement 
>> nested functions, for example.
> No, a common way to do it (as in the Dragon Book), if I recall
> correctly, the address of the function combined with a stack frame
> pointer. And nested functions keep a static link to the lexically
> enclosing scope, or alternatively a "display". I'm not sure if A68 would
> automatically move locals from surrounding scopes into the heap (like in
> a closure); it could well be that there was run-time checking instead if
> you tried to use a function pointer outside of the scope of any of the
> locals it used.
> But these sorts of strategies require bigger function pointers, which
> you basically can't do in C.

Can't you?  Does C require function pointers to have the same type, or 
compatible structure, as data pointers?

If it does, that would mean you can't get a pointer to a nested function, which 
is no different from the C++ rule that you can't get a (plain function) pointer 
to a member function.


Re: valgrind

2022-03-22 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 5:11 PM, Rhialto  wrote:
> On Tue 22 Mar 2022 at 20:59:05 +0000, Koning, Paul wrote:
> ...
>> If it does, that would mean you can't get a pointer to a nested
>> function, which is no different from the C++ rule that you can't get a
>> (plain function) pointer to a member function.
> True. But the trampoline function on the stack are only needed to create
> a pointer to a nested function. I don't think there is any issue if you
> never create such pointers. But that would make nested functions a lot
> less useful. You couldn't use one with qsort(3) for instance (as the
> comparison function), which is exactly the sort of scenario that would
> be perfect for a nested function.

Yes, though in that case the pointer is of a specific type, so you don't
need what you pointed out as missing, the generic function pointer.

> Possibly, a trampoline could be created on the heap, and then made
> executable and un-writable. Maybe that's considered too complicated /
> system dependent / expensive by gcc?

Perhaps.  But the bigger issue is that the heap isn't normally 
executable either, and all the same arguments for why the stack
should not be executable apply to the heap also.


Re: pcc [was Re: valgrind]

2022-03-22 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 1:21 PM, Greg A. Woods  wrote:
> At Mon, 21 Mar 2022 08:54:43 -0400 (EDT), Mouse  
> wrote:
> Subject: pcc [was Re: valgrind]
 I've been making very-spare-time progress on building my own
 compiler on and off for some years now; perhaps I'll eventually get
 somewhere.  [...]
>>> Have you looked at pcc? and in our source
>>> tree in src/external/bsd/pcc .
>> No, I haven't.  I should - it may well end up being quicker to move an
>> existing compiler in the directions I want to go than to write my own.
> ...
> I also really like PCC.  (I remember teething pains getting used to it
> back when it first replaced Ritchie C on my university's PDP-11/60, but
> once I actually used it for real code (i.e. assignments in those days),
> and soon on the Vax too, I really liked it.)
> I'm really sad that I still cannot build NetBSD entirely with PCC as the
> native and only default compiler.

Out of curiosity: how does PCC code quality compare with that of GCC and (for 
targets that it supports) Clang?


Re: Anyone recall the dreaded tstile issue?

2022-07-19 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Jul 19, 2022, at 9:57 AM, Mouse  wrote:
> I've been exchanging email off-list about this with a few people.  One
> of them remarked that a kernel coredump would help.
> Yesterday it wedged again.  I got a kernel coredump...and, well, as I
> put it in off-list mail:
>>> I now realize I don't know how to coax [process stack traces] out of
>>> a kernel core.  I don't recall hearing of any sort of postmortem
>>> ddb.  I have a the corresponding netbsd.gdb, and I found gdb's
>>> target kvm, but I haven't manged to get a stack trace for any
>>> process out of it.
> The response turned out to be exactly the cluesticking I needed to get
> stack traces.

I did a pile of work on GDB, 10 or more years ago, to add that
capability for the non-standard system coredumps we used in EqualLogic.
It's not a simple change, if you want it to be fairly automatic.  Part
of it means looking into user mode memory, but another part is loading
all the right symbol tables with the right relocations.

Unfortunately I'm not in a position to dig up that code, adapt it to
the standard NetBSD kernel dumps, and contribute it.  I could ask for
approval to contribute my changes as-is for some interested person to
adapt.  If that's interesting, please let me know and I can pursue it.


Re: Anyone recall the dreaded tstile issue?

2022-07-20 Thread Koning, Paul

> On Jul 19, 2022, at 6:45 PM, Mouse  wrote:
>>> [...kernel coredump...kernel stack traces...]
>>> [...dig up a way to get userland stack traces...] 
>> I did a pile of work on GDB, 10 or more years ago, to add that
>> capability for the non-standard system coredumps we used in
>> EqualLogic.  It's not a simple change, if you want it to be fairly
>> automatic.  Part of it means looking into user mode memory, but
>> another part is loading all the right symbol tables with the right
>> relocations.
> I'd be satisfied with a no-symbols stack trace, the kind of thing you
> could get from a (userland) coredump without the matching binary.  If I
> didn't already have a fair idea what the problem is, I'd be trying to
> add a way to do that.

Good point, though I've found that no-symbols is painful when shared
libraries are involved because it makes it very hard to figure out
what that number translates to.

>> Unfortunately I'm not in a position to dig up that code, adapt it to
>> the standard NetBSD kernel dumps, and contribute it.  I could ask for
>> approval to contribute my changes as-is for some interested person to
>> adapt.  If that's interesting, please let me know and I can pursue
>> it.
> I probably am not in a position to do that work at all, and certainly
> not to do it in a way that would be useful to NetBSD.
> I don't know whether anyone else is.  But it does occur to me that
> having the underlying code available would make it more likely that
> someone would pick it up in the future.

That makes sense.  Ok, I'll bring up the question with management.
