> On Dec 8, 2020, at 8:01 AM, i...@netbsd.org wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 08:54:33PM -0500, Mouse wrote:
>> I've been thinking about building a way to move a job between shells,
>> in particular between one window, ssh session, whatever, and another.
> Yes, I've somehow missed the VMS virtual terminals, that can detach
> their job from the real terminal and be reattached by a login process,
> instead of creating a new job.

I didn't know that VMS had this, but certainly you can find that feature in the 
DEC PDP-11 operating system RSTS/E.  And that may have been borrowed from older 
OSs like TSS-8 or TOPS-10.

One complication I can think of: what happens to the original parent process 
wait for child exit syscall, if the child detaches?  I assume it returns; does 
it return with a new completion value that means "the process isn't actually 
done but it detached"?  Similarly, how does the new parent learn about the new 
child, and can it then wait for it?


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