Re: Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
I just discovered something odd that explains why umask isn't 
getting set for the user (me).

Traditionally (I researched countless sites about the proper 
place for things and, as I said, it has always worked in the 
past, right up until F26), umask is supposed to be in 

However, I just noticed that my setting gets unset in 
/etc/bashrc, because in Fedora 26, umask is set in the system 
bashrc in /etc, thus unsetting my setting.

I haven't looked at the value of the PATH variable, but I 
believe it is okay (I just append $HOME/.local/bin) and this 
appears to occur in both virtual terminals and graphical. As 
well, my aliases and functions work, so, what it all boils 
down to, as far as KDE is concerned, anyway, is that...

*umask must be set in .bashrc, not in .bash_profile*
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Re: Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> So I wouldn't assume that any of the discussion is at
> all relevant until you've at least established that someone 
made a
> conscious decision to make some part of KDE not respect 
those files any
> more. It's just as likely, or more likely, to be a 
> mistake somewhere or other.

True. However, I have noticed for a few fedora releases, that 
.bashrc and .bash_profile are no longer in users' directories 
be default any longer. Nor is .local/bin being set any longer.

Still, everything seems to work, at least graphically. I never 
thought to test this other stuff in the past, because I just 
automatically put my old trusty files in place like always to 
set up my desired environment.

Now that this issue has appeared, I am open to getting rid of 
those files, since Fedora doesn't even put them in by default, 
if I can simplify my life and set this stuff up elsewhere.

How? Where? Autostart? /etc/environment, as some suggested, 
for the variables? A bit awkward, since I don't think user 
settings should be done in /etc...

I'd like to find something simple and easy, without a lot of 
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Re: Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

> Gordon Messmer wrote:

I had a look... quite an interesting discussion. I need to 
take it in in pieces ;-)

I agree that these .bash* files are relics, but there needs to 
be a convenient way to set PATH and other environment 
variables, umask, and the stuff in bashrc, like aliases and 

Can I put all of this into an Autostart file? I could live 
with that. Having separate bash profile and rc files was 
always confusing and if I had the wrong stuff in one, then 
there would be an error on login, so autostart, if it can hold 
these essential definitions would be an improvement.

Any ideas that you've come up with to make this easier and 
without unnecessary hacks to preserve archaic system settings?
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Re: Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Are you talking about ssh or terminal login sessions, or 
> logins under Wayland?

Graphical logins under Kwin on X11. When I ctrl-alt-fx to 
another virtual terminal (non-graphical) and log in (I just 
tried it this very minute), it works as it is supposed to and 
as it always has.

> I suspect the latter, as Wayland sessions don't
> (or didn't) run the shell profile like X11 sessions did.  
This was
> reported "fixed" but I wonder if it has returned:

That could be it. I will check that out in a bit. If so, then 
KDE is now bitten by the same bug. 

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Re: Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

> Is this from an application running from:
> * A desktop session?  (Which one? And what display manager?)

A desktop session, Plasma/KDE, GDM display manager, kwin 
window manager

> * A terminal window opened from within a desktop session?  
(Which terminal
> program?) * A text console login?
> * An ssh session?

It happens both when I use dolphin to create a new directory 
or file (right click, create new, etc.); and when I open a 
konsole session and mkdir or touch to create a directory or 

This never used to happen in Fedora 25. Everything worked 
perfectly, just like I have it configured in .bash_profile.

> I know there has been work ongoing to get the user's shell 
out of the
> desktop login path, which would mean that setting something 
> .bash_profile or .zprofile or whatever isn't going to make 
> difference to programs which spawn from a desktop session.  
It also
> means that .bash_profile/.zprofile won't ever be read if 
your terminal
> program doesn't start the shells as login shells.

That's not great :-( While I am the only one using this 
laptop, I think it is unwise and generally undesirable to 
grant everyone in my group carte blanche access to all of my 
files. Were I doing some sort of project and having others in 
my user group, I would wish to allow them access to only the 
specific files or directories I allow and no others.

> I would assume there would be some other way to set a per-
user umask
> setting (here I need either 007 or 077 depending) but I have 
no idea
> what it would be.

This is what I would like to know: what might it be now?

>  - J<
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Umask in Fedora 26 ?

2017-05-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
In ~/.bash_profile, I have umask=022, since I want directories 
(files) to have the permission 755 (644). 

Until Fedora 25, this worked perfectly. 

Now, in Fedora 26, directories (files) are created with the 
permission 775 (664). 

When I run umask, it returns 0002. 

For some reason, my setting in .bash_profile is no longer being 
honoured in Fedora 26! Why? 
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Re: Testing requests: blocker bug confirmations

2017-04-26 Thread Peter Gueckel
Is working WiFi going to be a requirement for Fedora 26?

I sure hope so. This morning's kernel has done nothing.

Adam Williamson wrote:

> Hi folks! At today's blocker review meeting, a couple of 
bugs came up
> where we thought it would be helpful to get more testing to 
see if
> other people see the bugs in question. Here they are:
> (Firefox 
> crashing on certain sites)
> crashing on first boot after install)
> For the first one, if you run Firefox (from the Fedora 
package) on
> Fedora 26, if you see tabs crashing unexpectedly, can you 
look at the
> bug report (and some of the instructions for getting more 
> on the crashes) and see if your experience matches any of 
the reporters
> in the bug, and if so add a comment to the bug? On the other 
hand, if
> you run Firefox (from the Fedora package) on Fedora 26 and 
you have
> *not* had issues with tabs crashing regularly, please reply 
to this
> mail and say so.
> For the second one, it'd be great if after any Fedora 26 
install you do
> (e.g. for validation testing) you could run gnome-abrt, 
abrt-cli, or
> any other way to check if ABRT has caught a crash in 
> right after boot. If so, either run through the abrt 
reporting process
> (and see if the crash comes up as a dupe of that bug), or 
add a comment
> to the bug that you're also seeing setroubleshootd crash 
after a clean
> install. On the other hand, if you've run several Fedora 26 
> and have *not* seen the crash, that's useful information 
> Thanks a lot, folks!
> --
> Adam Williamson
> Fedora QA Community Monkey
> IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT 
happyassassin . net
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Re: Testing requests: blocker bug confirmations

2017-04-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
I had the 'gah' message *once* when I was using Firefox 52, 
but since upgrading to Firefox 53, I have not not experienced 
it at all.

[It was a big problem in Fedora 25, though.]

Adam Williamson wrote:

> Hi folks! At today's blocker review meeting, a couple of 
bugs came up
> where we thought it would be helpful to get more testing to 
see if
> other people see the bugs in question. Here they are:
> (Firefox 
> crashing on certain sites)
> crashing on first boot after install)
> For the first one, if you run Firefox (from the Fedora 
package) on
> Fedora 26, if you see tabs crashing unexpectedly, can you 
look at the
> bug report (and some of the instructions for getting more 
> on the crashes) and see if your experience matches any of 
the reporters
> in the bug, and if so add a comment to the bug? On the other 
hand, if
> you run Firefox (from the Fedora package) on Fedora 26 and 
you have
> *not* had issues with tabs crashing regularly, please reply 
to this
> mail and say so.
> For the second one, it'd be great if after any Fedora 26 
install you do
> (e.g. for validation testing) you could run gnome-abrt, 
abrt-cli, or
> any other way to check if ABRT has caught a crash in 
> right after boot. If so, either run through the abrt 
reporting process
> (and see if the crash comes up as a dupe of that bug), or 
add a comment
> to the bug that you're also seeing setroubleshootd crash 
after a clean
> install. On the other hand, if you've run several Fedora 26 
> and have *not* seen the crash, that's useful information 
> Thanks a lot, folks!
> --
> Adam Williamson
> Fedora QA Community Monkey
> IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT 
happyassassin . net
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Re: i686 got past TPM, but now video problem

2016-05-23 Thread Peter Gueckel
I have done that and I am happy to report that, with the new kernel 4.5.5-300 
this bug is resolved to my complete satisfaction :-)
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Re: Moving away from reporting to RH bugzilla and adopting pure upstream reporting mantra.

2013-09-23 Thread Peter Gueckel
Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:

> After bit of irc discussion there is a compelling reason to move
> entirely away from Red Hat bugzilla as well as away from concept of
> hosting our own.

I don't chant that mantra.

I am a Fedora consumer, not a maintainer or programmer. My bug reports 
to bugzilla are a service to the Fedora community, to help make Fedora 
a better OS, even though it is often time-consuming and bothersome to 

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Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!

2013-06-07 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> Guided partitioning (non-custom) does not destroy any existing
> partitions or data unless you explicitly request it. If you just 
> 'Reclaim Space' you could choose to delete only whatever 
partitions you
> don't need.

I don't have any unpartitioned space. I just over-write one of the 
old Fedoras at install. I guess that's the same as what you are 
suggesting. I have never tried it like this, so I will see about it 
next time.

> It sounds like your strategy was to pre-create partitions
> for F19 in free space and then install to them using custom part

No. See above :)

> or use the 'Reclaim space' screen to delete only
> partitions you do not need.

I will give this a try sometime.

>> At this point, the screen goes blank (10% greyish) and nothing
>> happens, even after 10 minutes of waiting. Virtual desktop 1 has
>> some message about a "g" value not being set. Otherwise, there
>> isn't any sense I can make of it.
> Well, that's odd. I haven't seen anything like that. What image 
did you
> use?

I used the netinstall image for x86_64. I don't recall which image 
I had used when I had a similar experience during the alpha phase, 
but it was not the netinstall. I recall having had problems, as I 
had downloaded an image and it wouldn't fit onto a disc, so I had 
to download a different one, etc.

> Just to mitigate the pain a bit, you can get delta ISOs for the 
> images at 
> vastly reduce the amount of data you have to download for DVD 

I already deleted the file and have trashed the disc. I guess I 
should have waited :)

> you can re-use a USB stick for each test instead of burning a 
> silver round disc-y thing (plus USB sticks work *much* faster 
> optical disks).

I don't have one. I am interested in this method and would like to 
learn how to do it. I don't know what kind of USB stick I would 
need to buy, etc.

Just so there is no misunderstanding: I am not a pretester or 
tester or whatever. I am a Fedora enthusiast who sometimes gets 
over-enthusiastic and downloads test stuff that usually works out 
well, but I realize that I should not actually be downloading this 
stuff and should wait for the release :{)

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Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!

2013-06-07 Thread Peter Gueckel
Andre Robatino wrote:

> As per the Fedora 19 schedule [1], Fedora 19 Final Test Compose 2 
> is now available for testing.

I just tried it. It doesn't work :{(

I had the same problem as with the alpha release.

During the selection of the drive/partition to install to, I select 
the drive that the free partition is on, click done, and a screen 
appears with options. I click custom partitioning (I have f18 and 
data on other partitions on the drive, so I don't want it wiped 

At this point, the screen goes blank (10% greyish) and nothing 
happens, even after 10 minutes of waiting. Virtual desktop 1 has 
some message about a "g" value not being set. Otherwise, there 
isn't any sense I can make of it.

With the alpha release, it was similar, except that after I 
selected custom partitioning, a window appeared over the other one, 
with the list of partions displayed, if I recall correctly. Then, 
this new window slid behind the other previous one and the mouse 
faded out so that I could not bring it back to the front. This 
occurred numerous times, so I gave up and decided to wait for the 

Well, now we are at TC2 and it still doesn't work. I have wasted 
hours downloading and burning disks. I am going to wait for the 

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Re: espeak update failed

2013-03-22 Thread Peter Gueckel
Joachim Backes wrote:

> See

Noted :-)

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espeak update failed

2013-03-22 Thread Peter Gueckel
I just updated the system.

There was a curious message:

Error unpacking rpm package espeak-1.47.01-1.fc18.x86_64
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/share/espeak-
data/voices/en: cpio: rename
error: espeak-1.47.01-1.fc18.x86_64: install failed

Is this significant?

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Re: What happened to autohint?

2012-12-23 Thread Peter Gueckel
Tom Horsley wrote:

> Not only did the autohint file move to
> /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf,
> but the content changed as well.

> Instead of a symlink, I made a copy and changed the
> "append" operation to "assign", and suddenly the
> scales fell from my eyes! I could see again!

Thanks for posting this! I noticed the new 'assign' value, but must 
not have rebooted, so it never took and I thought I was stuck with 
those spindly fonts again.

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Anaconda Accolades

2012-12-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
No need to comment. Just want to pass on experience to those up the 

1. Stupid 20-minute pause (waiting for a timeout?) before the 
installation got underway.

2. My Intel ipw2200 wireless simply works! One configuration at 
install time and it works for every boot. Wow!

3. I wasn't sure about the NTP exclamation mark, so I left it and 
ran 'timedatectl set-ntp 1' after installation completed. 
Hopefully, everything is correct.

4. The dumb "reclaim space" button threw me after I selected 'ext4' 
and "let me customize disk partitioning", but it seemed the only 
choice, so I clicked it.

5. I really liked how all of my OSes were detected: Fedora 15, 
Fedora 16 and Fedora 17. I wanted to reformat the Fedora 15 
partition, so I clicked it and it opened up to display a root and 
swap. I entered / and reformat for root and left swap untouched (I 
want F16 and F17 fallback systems to still be able to use it, so it 
wouldn't be good to risk it getting a new label).

Conclusion: Despite the initial delay, all went swiftly and 
smoothly, without a hitch.

Grade: somewhere in the B+ to A- range. Great job!

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Re: off to a nostart F18B start

2012-12-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Felix Miata wrote:

> Is there any other UI on the planet where
> where a done or OK button is at the upper left?

I guess you're not a KDE user ;-)

SystemSettings has a button with a back arrow, which effectively has 
the same function as the 'done' button -- in the upper left corner!

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Re: bugzilla question

2012-12-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Frank Murphy wrote:

> You can't report without having a bz account

I know. I have one.

> you can modify what mails you receive.
> I think you need to go here:

Those are global settings.

There are cases where you are the reporter, but do not wish to be 
an active participant, follow all of the discussion, etc.

There appears to be no way to opt out. Or is there?

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bugzilla question

2012-12-01 Thread Peter Gueckel
Sometimes someone says: "You should report xxx to bugzilla."

If you do, you end up getting emails and may be contacted and are 
unable to get yourself off the list, because you reported it.

How can one report something without being on the list?

PS: Obviously, I want to receive correspondence and be contacted 
about issues that concern me, but I don't want to receive 
correspondence or be contacted about issues that do not impact me.

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Re: Now that Fedora 18ß is out, questions still here? It's a Kmail one...

2012-11-30 Thread Peter Gueckel
Karel Volný wrote:

> Dne Čt 29. listopadu 2012 09:37:10, Peter 
Gueckel napsal(a):
>> The kmail question is that after setup, I
>> notice that there is no trash folder. One 
>> delete messages to a trash folder and they
>> disappear, but there is no folder, so one
>> cannot see what's in the trash (or bring 
>> back). Is this supposed to be like this?
> for sure no ... do you see this problem 
after restarting kmail &
> akonadiserver (reboot, relogin ...)?

The problem persists after shutting down the 
computer numerous times and restarting the 

> anyways, still it'd be worth reporting (if 
not done already?)

I guess I should. I wasn't sure if it was now 
supposed to be like that.

> btw, if you don't see the folder in kmail, 
can you see it in
> akonadiconsole? does it exist on disk?

This I do not know. I haven't used 
akonadiconsole. I will have a look. What I 
just did, however, was to manually create a 
trash folder, just to see if my deleted 
emails would be in it, but it was empty. The 
trash folder I created did not get the 
special trash-folder icon, so I suppose the 
system doesn't consider it to be the real 
trash. I will delete that one again before I 
go into akonadiconsole.

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Re: Now that Fedora 18ß is out, questions still here? It's a Kmail one...

2012-11-29 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> less pointless arguing


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Re: Now that Fedora 18ß is out, questions still here? It's a Kmail one...

2012-11-29 Thread Peter Gueckel
Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:

> On 11/30/2012 01:00 AM, Peter Gueckel 
>> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> However KDE questions (even for F18) can
>> alternatively go
>>> to the KDE-Fedora list, but not cross-
>> posted please. I see you've
>>> already posted there.
>> That list is DEAD! There is not activity 
>> it.
> Oh I'm pretty sure the KDE community is 
very much alive and well...

I posted the question last night and there 
has been no response yet, nor has there been 
any other activity on the list.

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Re: Now that Fedora 18ß is out, questions still here? It's a Kmail one...

2012-11-29 Thread Peter Gueckel
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

> However KDE questions (even for F18) can 
alternatively go
> to the KDE-Fedora list, but not cross-
posted please. I see you've
> already posted there.

That list is DEAD! There is not activity on 

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Now that Fedora 18ß is out, questions still here? It's a Kmail one...

2012-11-29 Thread Peter Gueckel
I installed Fedora 18ß on both of my 
computers. A horrible long wait for about 20 
minutes before anything happened. When it 
finally started, a message about 
/etc/commandline or somethinglike that flew 

Other than that, anaconda is excellent and it 
is a beautiful piece of work!

The kmail question is that after setup, I 
notice that there is no trash folder. One can 
delete messages to a trash folder and they 
disappear, but there is no folder, so one 
cannot see what's in the trash (or bring it 
back). Is this supposed to be like this?

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Re: Fedora 17 updates-testing report

2012-06-29 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> So far, seven people

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Re: Fedora 17 updates-testing report

2012-06-29 Thread Peter Gueckel wrote:

> colord-gtk-0.1.22-1.fc17

Hasn't anyone noticed that colord-gtk-0.1.22-1.fc17 will not install, because 
conflicts with colord-0.1.21-1.fc17.x86_64?

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2012-05-22 Thread Peter Gueckel
Non-fatal POSTUN scriptlet failure in rpm package 

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.LIDIm9: line 6: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.LIDIm9: line 6: `fi'

warning: %postun(NetworkManager-1: scriptlet 
exit status 2

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Re: adobe flash crashes in firefox, not in konqueror

2012-04-28 Thread Peter Gueckel
Matej Cepl wrote:

> Adobe now supports both x86_64 as well as i686 flash-plugin...
I have always used the 64-bit version, even when there were only test zip files.

> nspluginwrapper is not needed for covering 32bit for 64bit Firefox anymore.
I had not heard until now.

> Also since somewhere in the 3.* timeframe Firefox supports out of process 
> plugins.
I haven't got a clue what that means.

> SELinux people thus recreated SELinux policy so that
> even "naked" flash-plugin runs confined with the SELinux type
> mozilla_plugin_t (see
The only reason I used nspluginwrapper on my 64-bit system was because of 
selinux requirements.

> So, please, uninstall nspluginwrapper
I just did, and all works fine.

> install Adobe Yum Flash repo
That's how I have been getting it, since they finally started providing yum for 
bit. Previously, I downloaded the zip file, but that was easy, too.

> restart firefox, and open some Flashy webpage.
> When you run these commands, what do you get?
> pstree -Z $(pidof firefox)

 │  └─21*[{plugin-containe}(`unconfined_u:unconfined_r:mozilla_plugin_t:s0-

> ps Z $(pgrep -f plugin-container)

unconfined_u:unconfined_r:mozilla_plugin_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 9810 ? Sl   0:21 


I am glad I no longer need nspluginwrapper. It's onel less thing I need to set 
up on 
the system to get it running properly.

Thanks for the information :-)

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Re: [update] adobe flash crashes in firefox, not in konqueror

2012-04-28 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

I just uninstalled nspluginwrapper (I could have unwrapped 
flash, I suppose) and now it works.

However, I have run flash wrapped for years and, now, with 
firefox 12 or some selinux update of a couple of days ago, 
it no longer works.

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Re: adobe flash crashes in firefox, not in konqueror

2012-04-28 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

> as soon as I so much as scroll the mouse to centre the
> player window or even just try to click the play button, 
> just whites out and is gone.
 Correction: as soon as I click the play button, it whites 
out and a white area remains where the player is supposed to 

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Re: adobe flash crashes in firefox, not in konqueror

2012-04-28 Thread Peter Gueckel
Ed Greshko wrote:

> On 04/28/2012 12:15 PM, Peter Gueckel wrote:
>> Since about 2-3 days, coinciding with the release of 
>> 12, I think, the adobe flash plugin crashes in firefox
>> only this site appears to be affected:
> How long does it take to crash?  I just installed the 
latest flash-plugin
> using the Adobe repo and it is playing just fine

That is strange! When I call up the page, flash is working 
and as soon as I so much as scroll the mouse to centre the 
player window or even just try to click the play button, it 
just whites out and is gone.

Do you have flash player wrapped with nspluginwrapper?

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adobe flash crashes in firefox, not in konqueror

2012-04-27 Thread Peter Gueckel
My system is up-to-date with updates-testing.

Since about 2-3 days, coinciding with the release of firefox 
12, I think, the adobe flash plugin crashes in firefox, but 
it runs in konqueror, but only this site appears to be 

Youtube works.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-27 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> At the user level it's pretty simple: it's a modern replacement for
> BIOS. It's an entirely new system firmware standard for PCs.
> The most user-noticeable features of UEFI are probably secure boot
> (which has been discussed ad infinitum: the important thing here is not
> to confuse UEFI as a whole with the secure boot feature, which is one
> small feature of UEFI and can be optional, as it is on all current
> implementations. Some don't even have secure boot. The press often makes
> this mistake) and the EFI boot manager, which puts the boot manager in
> the system firmware where it belongs. No more faffing around with an MBR
> bootloader for every disk and possible chainloading of bootloaders in
> root partitions. With UEFI, broadly, OSes install somewhere and then
> tell the system firmware where they are, and the system firmware gives
> you the list of OSes to choose from.
> Many new systems and motherboards have a UEFI-based firmware, now. But
> because many OSes don't really support UEFI, UEFI implementations almost
> always have a BIOS compatibility mode (sometimes referred to as CSM) and
> almost always actually default to using it; you have to do something
> specific to boot anything EFI natively. (Laptops with pre-installed OSes
> can be an exception to this, there are a few which boot Windows x64
> natively via EFI, I believe).
> I tend to use 'EFI' and 'UEFI' interchangeably (see above!), which is a
> bad habit. EFI originated as an Intel thing, at which time it was called
> EFI. It then got proposed as an industry standard, accepted, and
> somewhat revised, since when it's known as UEFI. Strictly, saying EFI
> should really refer to the original Intel implementation only.

Very informative! Thanks for taking the time.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-26 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> Could you try one?

I have to pay when I go over my monthly GB download limit.

> [EFI]'s a system firmware level thing.

That's what I thought, but, having googled it numerous times, it seems to be 
quite mysterious, still, and straight answers are hard to come by.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-26 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> Do early 17 DVDs work for you? Have you tried?

This is the first Fedora 17 disk I have tried.

> The 17 Beta TCs should still be available at stage/, and the
> Alpha is of course available 'officially'.

I didn't bother with any of the alphas. Particularly, because of the /usr/lib 
stuff, I wanted that all to be well ironed out before I give anything a try.

> Were you booting EFI or BIOS?

There was never any way for me to make a selection. I would like to move my 
system over to EFI, since it is supposed to be more advanced, but I don't know 
how to migrate. I read that you have to have a special partition set up for it 
and I don't know whether the installer will do it or whether I should create 
one first.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-26 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

> Adam Williamson wrote:
>> Did you checksum it?
> No, I know I should have, but I didn't. I was too lazy to check.

OK. I finally bothered to checksum it and it is OK.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-26 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> Did you checksum it?

No, I know I should have, but I didn't. I was too lazy to check.

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Re: F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments

2012-03-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
stan wrote:

> Overall assessment - a smooth and positive experience.

I downloaded the Beta Release Candidate 1 and just tried to install it to a 
spare partition.

This is what happened:

The computer booted, read the DVD, said it would boot it in 3 seconds, then a 
message appeared in the upper left corner about "trying to allocate 1135 
pages... for vmlinuz" (I think it said).

Then the computer rebooted, read the DVD, said it would boot it in 3 seconds, 
then a message appeared in the upper left corner about "trying to allocate 1135 
pages... for vmlinuz" (I think it said).

Then the computer rebooted, read the DVD, said it would boot it in 3 seconds, 
then a message appeared in the upper left corner about "trying to allocate 1135 
pages... for vmlinuz" (I think it said).

Then the computer rebooted, read the DVD, said it would boot it in 3 seconds, 
then a message appeared in the upper left corner about "trying to allocate 1135 
pages... for vmlinuz" (I think it said).


It never booted the DVD and I never managed to get an install screen. The 
computer just kept rebooting.

Overall assessment: I have never experienced such a complete and total failure 
with a Fedora installation (and I have often installed alpha and beta 

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Re: upower question?

2011-11-16 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> No, that sounds like exactly the bug discussed above, and I would bet
> dollars to donuts you got an update to 'at' at the same time as you got
> an update to the kernel. The 'at' update fixes the bug.

Yes, that is correct. Along with the kernal was at-3.1.13-5.fc16.

Thanks for the info :-)
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Re: upower question?

2011-11-16 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-11-16 at 06:25 -0500, Jon Masters wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-11-16 at 05:50 -0500, Jon Masters wrote:
>> > On a recently installed system running rawhide I notice that this is
>> > not working for me. I click "suspend", my network looks
>> > hopeful, then I see the network come back up. Of course, a simple cat
>> > into sysfs
>> > does suspend the system, so it can work just fine.  Ok. So I download
>> > the xfce4-session source and start looking. Then I write a simple DBus
>> > utility to call upower directly, first to check I am allowed to suspend
>> > (which I am), then to call Suspend directly. Same behavior. Something
>> > is up in upower but before I go tearing that apart...any debug
>> > suggestions?
>> So then I go re-learning how pm-utils works, and the hooks, and in
>> particular /usr/lib64/pm-utils/sleep.d/56atd from the latest at, which
>> has been all systemd-ified but with a broken test on line 14.
>> Ah well, I guess I was overdue for digging through that anyway. I'll
>> file or hunt down whatever bug is already reported.
> Thanks for that - I've been seeing the same thing the last couple of
> days but hadn't had time to dig into it yet.

I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but on Fedora 16, since about 2 days, 
whenever I clicked suspend to RAM, the system locked the screensaver, but the 
system never suspended. This morning, I installed the new test kernel, 
3.1.1-2.fc16.x86_64, and now it suspends properly again. Could it have been 
something in the kernel?

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Re: black screen on f16 laptop after idle

2011-10-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
Dave Jones wrote:

> What graphics card ?

Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express

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Re: black screen on f16 laptop after idle

2011-10-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
Dave Jones wrote:

> well the good thing is that the machine is still alive when it comes back,
> so you should have log files showing what happened on resume.

OK. I already turned it off. I hope the relevant information in the log files 
will still be there when I turn it on again, which will probably be tomorrow or 
the next day (I don't use the laptop that much).

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black screen on f16 laptop after idle

2011-10-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
I powered up my laptop. The kdm screen was there, but I did not log in. After 
some time, perhaps 20-30 minutes, I was ready to log in. The screen was black, 
but that occurs after idle, so no problem, just wiggle the mouse. Nothing 
happened. The screen stayed black. I know the password field was focused, so I 
typed it and the computer logged in. Still black screen. I typed ctrl-alt-f2 
logged in as root. Still black screen. I typed reboot and the computer rebooted 
and I again had a visible screen.

How can I wake up the display after it has gone into a sleep mode?

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Re: console kit errors

2011-09-25 Thread Peter Gueckel
Mike Chambers wrote:

> Seems to be the fix, thanks.

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Re: grub2 menu entry for Fedora 16 is not nice

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Gueckel
Tom H wrote:

> If you set "GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Fedora" in "/etc/default/grub", you'll
> have "Fedora Linux, with Linux ..." in your grub menu.

Thanks. I made the change. Next kernel, I will see it in action. This will look 
much better.

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grub2 menu entry for Fedora 16 is not nice

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Gueckel
Why does the grub2 menu entry list Fedora like this:

Linux, with Linux 3.1.0-0.rc6.git0.3.fc16.x86_64?

Instead of like this:

Fedora 16, with Linux 3.1.0-0.rc6.git0.3.fc16.x86_64?

While os-prober finds other Fedoras on other partitions and shows them like 
(yes, I have 2 partititions with fedora 16, because I had to do a base install 
to rescue the system after the grub2 accident about 10 days ago):

Fedora release 16 (Verne) (on /dev/sda6)
Fedora ( (on /dev/sda7)
Fedora (2.6.40-4.fc15.x86_64) (on /dev/sda7)

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Re: pulseaudio on f16 using cpu

2011-09-16 Thread Peter Gueckel
Joachim Backes wrote:

> I had pulseaudio problems too, and I could get rid of them by updating
> to kernel-3.1.0-0.rc6.git0.0.fc16.x86_64 (the buggy kernel was rc5).

That is another possibility. I have noticed that, while rc5 works on this 
computer, it does not boot on my laptop.

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Re: pulseaudio on f16 using cpu

2011-09-15 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

> I have noticed that pulseaudio uses upwards of 16% CPU and when I start
> krunner to investigate, I see that there are often numerous pulseaudio
> processes all running simultaneously, but greyed out. And this, while I am
> not even using any applications that emit sound!
> It is so bad, that the mouse is often locked up for a few seconds, screens
> won't update, etc., because of the high load.
> I tried killing pulseaudio --kill ad a new one was generated and the same
> is happening.
> When I try to use an application to play music, for example, no sound is
> emitted and the application gets stuck.
> What is causing this and how do I get rid of it?

Very strange! It has been going like this all evening, to the point that I 
could barely use the system. Now, I just started kpat(ience) and it makes 
sounds when one moves that cards and suddenly all is working fine!

I wonder if there is a problem with pulseaudio and resuming the system from 
suspend to RAM?

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pulseaudio on f16 using cpu

2011-09-15 Thread Peter Gueckel
I have noticed that pulseaudio uses upwards of 16% CPU and when I start krunner 
to investigate, I see that there are often numerous pulseaudio processes all 
running simultaneously, but greyed out. And this, while I am not even using any 
applications that emit sound!

It is so bad, that the mouse is often locked up for a few seconds, screens 
update, etc., because of the high load.

I tried killing pulseaudio --kill ad a new one was generated and the same is 

When I try to use an application to play music, for example, no sound is 
and the application gets stuck.

What is causing this and how do I get rid of it?

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Re: KDE fungus growing over everything!

2011-09-11 Thread Peter Gueckel
Try it! It's edible and nutritious :-)

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Re: KDE fungus growing over everything!

2011-09-11 Thread Peter Gueckel
Tom Horsley wrote:

> I very shortly got a popup with the title "kded - KDialog"
> saying something about ~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc not
> being writable.

I don't know what causes it, but it often is the case, after freshly 
installing or updating kde to a new version, that these "not writeable" 
messages occur. You will find (at least, I found), that the files are owned 
by root instead of you. Change ownership and the message will go away.

As for the rest of it, ...???

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Re: F16: After update to grub2-1.99-1.fc16.x86_64 cannot boot

2011-09-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
Peter Gueckel wrote:

> Joachim Backes wrote:

>> Anybody has the same issue?

> Any ideas how to get grub installed properly...?

Many hours of work, my desktop computer is back. I don't care to do that 
agian (and don't ask me what I did, because I couldn't say, in any sensible 

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Re: lldpad consuming up to 65% of cpu

2011-09-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
Adam Williamson wrote:

> so if you have anaconda installed, you can 
> just remove it, remove fcoe-utils and 
lldpad, and be happy.

I installed from alive CD, so I think that is 
why anaconda is installed, and hence, with 
it, as you said, all of the other stuff.

I will uninstall as per your advice. Thanks 

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Re: F16: After update to grub2-1.99-1.fc16.x86_64 cannot boot

2011-09-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
Joachim Backes wrote:

> after each kernel update I burn a boot cd

Explain how you do this!

It wastes a lot of CDs, but saves a lot of 
wasted time trying to rescue a system.

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Re: F16: After update to grub2-1.99-1.fc16.x86_64 cannot boot

2011-09-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
Joachim Backes wrote:

> Anybody has the same issue?

Yes, please HELP! :-)

I am unable to boot my desktop computer. I 
just get a grub rescue command prompt and no 
grub commands except set seem to be 
recognized. I cannot boot into Fedora 15 or 
Fedora 16 alpha.

I am trying to fix by running the 
boot.fedora.iso CD, but I am not hopeful that 
this is the solution I want.

Any ideas how to get grub installed properly 
on a system that only had grub rescue prompt 
and will not boot into any installed fedoras?

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lldpad consuming up to 65% of cpu

2011-09-02 Thread Peter Gueckel
what is this lldpad daemonand why does it run 
continually for days on end without ever 
terminating and consume up to 65% of my 
laptop's cpu?

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