RE: F21-beta issues with NetworkManager and tunX

2014-11-22 Thread Adrian -

Adam Williamson writes:
> If you can pinpoint a fairly straightforward 'install, do X, and weird
> thing Y happens' flow, I'd file a bug - probably against NetworkManager
> indeed - with the instructions to reproduce. Thanks!

I did a reinstall. And yes, NetworkManager attempts
to manage the tun0 device created by OpenVPN.

Here are my steps:
- boot boot.iso
- do absolute minimal install
- login as root
- yum install dnf
- dnf install openvpn
- nmcli the primary ethernet into a static configuration

Here I encounter a weirdness, NetworkManager does
not setup a default route. I manually add a default route,
at which point another default route is immediately
created with extra parameters "proto static metric 1024".

So I delete the route I created, leaving the new one.

Setup my openvpn, which creates a tun0 device and
adds 0/1 and 128/1 routes by itself. However, a ip route
reveals that the 0/1 route is missing. nmcli d status
reports that tun0 is managed.

Manually adding the 0/1 route does not stick.

I close openvpn, and the tunnel. nmcli c show shows
a new connection uuid for that tun0 connection.

I nmcli c delete that connection. I nmcli n off, and thenĀ 
modify NetworkManager.conf adding no-auto-default=*
and ignore-carrier=* and repeat. Same issue happens.

I modify NetworkManager to add keyfile to the plugins,
and a [keyfile] entry specifying tun0 as an unmanaged
interface. This now gets me to the point where
NetworkManager leaves tun0 alone (something I didn't
have to do in F20) and my OpenVPN tunnel works.

There in an issue that the reinstall process revealed.
Note now, I am no longer removing ifcfg-enpXs0 and
doing everything via nmcli, as opposed to before
where I only used NetworkManager with the keyfile
plugin and had my setup totally in system-connections.
As I mentioned above, I no longer have a default route
being set up. I don't know why. A full install to the
gnome desktop reveals that when I login, absolutely
no network icon appears in the top right, but when
I add my default route (as mentioned above) a new
default route is created with the exact same route
and "proto static metric 1024" and immediately I see
the network icon appear in the top right of my desktop.

I have yet to migrate my the nmcli modified ifcfg-enpXs0
setup to my old keyfile-only setup, to see if that
still causes issues with the default route, but at this
point things are working, it's just that as I said, the
takeaway is:

NetworkManager in F21 tries to manage tunX devices,
unless explicitly told not to, unlike F20.

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Re: F21-beta issues with NetworkManager and tunX

2014-11-21 Thread Adam Williamson
On Fri, 2014-11-21 at 20:38 -0500, Adrian - wrote:
> Adam Williamson writes:
> > Um. Why did you think you need to do this? NM controls networking on
> > Fedora installs by default for several releases. It
> > uses /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* as a configuration source -
> > the presence of these files does not indicate that you're not using
> > NetworkManager, they are perfectly valid configuration for NM.
> >  
> > I can't answer your ultimate question, but I think this possibly
> > unnecessary step may be muddying the waters a bit.
> Well, it's just the purist OCD in me. I'll try a reinstall
> without doing so.
> I do _concretely_ feel that NetworkManager is doing something
> new for F21 which it didn't do before, which is jumping on new
> tunX interfaces that show up, which in my case are created by 
> OpenVPN.

That could well be the case, as I said, I don't have the knowledge to
answer the ultimate question in your original post, but it'll probably
help to whittle it down to as small a reproduction scenario as possible.
If you can pinpoint a fairly straightforward 'install, do X, and weird
thing Y happens' flow, I'd file a bug - probably against NetworkManager
indeed - with the instructions to reproduce. Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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RE: F21-beta issues with NetworkManager and tunX

2014-11-21 Thread Adrian -
Adam Williamson writes:
> Um. Why did you think you need to do this? NM controls networking on
> Fedora installs by default for several releases. It
> uses /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* as a configuration source -
> the presence of these files does not indicate that you're not using
> NetworkManager, they are perfectly valid configuration for NM.
> I can't answer your ultimate question, but I think this possibly
> unnecessary step may be muddying the waters a bit.

Well, it's just the purist OCD in me. I'll try a reinstall
without doing so.

I do _concretely_ feel that NetworkManager is doing something
new for F21 which it didn't do before, which is jumping on new
tunX interfaces that show up, which in my case are created by 

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Re: F21-beta issues with NetworkManager and tunX

2014-11-21 Thread Adam Williamson
On Wed, 2014-11-19 at 09:52 -0500, Adrian - wrote:
> Hello all,
> Did a fresh install of Fedora 21 beta via boot.iso (essentially, so not a 
> Workstation flavour).
> Transferred my F20 configuration over, to the best of my ability, this 
> involved:
> - removing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* and moving my networking to 
> be controlled by NetworkManager

Um. Why did you think you need to do this? NM controls networking on
Fedora installs by default for several releases. It
uses /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* as a configuration source -
the presence of these files does not indicate that you're not using
NetworkManager, they are perfectly valid configuration for NM.

I can't answer your ultimate question, but I think this possibly
unnecessary step may be muddying the waters a bit.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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F21-beta issues with NetworkManager and tunX

2014-11-19 Thread Adrian -
Hello all,

Did a fresh install of Fedora 21 beta via boot.iso (essentially, so not a 
Workstation flavour).

Transferred my F20 configuration over, to the best of my ability, this involved:
- removing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* and moving my networking to 
be controlled by NetworkManager
- NetworkManager.conf:


- setup my (static) wired ethernet using nmcli and place it in the home zone 
(connectivity works!)
- the default firewall zone is public

However this is where I get issues. I create openvpn tunnels manually. In 
Fedora 20 this meant:
- a routing entry was added specifing how to route directly to the remote 
endpoint (to avoid a circularity where the yet to be established tunnel 
attempts to send it's packets over itself)
- a tunX device was created
- a 0/1 and 128/1 route was added to go over said tunnel as not to disturb the 
default route

In Fedora 21 weird stuff happens. It seems that NetworkManager tries to managed 
the newly created tunX device, and my created routes change from under me.

I mitigated this by adding a [keyfile] entry in my NetworkManger.conf to set 
tunX devices for small X to be unmanaged.

I have no problem with this, per se, as this is not particuarly out-of-the-box 
setup. However, perhaps the parties involved with F21 networking can inform me 
as what higher level configuration I can perform to get this working more 

Thank you.

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