Re: getting rid of 'server reached MaxClients setting' error

2004-04-28 Thread gregames
Stas Bekman wrote:
I think this misleading error is really a bug in Apache:
I agree.
[Mon Apr 26 15:28:44 2004] [error] server reached MaxClients setting, 
consider raising the MaxClients setting

It sounds like a one-off bug to me. It reports that error when the 
number of workers is the same as MaxClients, 
it's worse than that, I think.
   which is perfectly fine. It 
should only report a problem when a new request is coming in and there 
are no free servers/threads to handle the request.
I've seen this recently while experimenting with event driven I/O built on top 
of the worker MPM.  It seems to happen when the parent is trying to increase the 
number of child processes but they haven't initialized yet and the server is 
temporarily out of worker threads.  I didn't see the number of active workers 
reach MaxClients.  Re-examining the test that leads to the message:

else if (idle_thread_count < min_spare_threads) {   <== cool
/* terminate the free list */
if (free_length == 0) { <== insufficient
I'm a little rusty on this code, but looks like free_length is increased when 
the code finds a process with at least one worker thread with SERVER_DEAD state 
in the scoreboard.  I don't see where it checks for MaxClients.


Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2004-01-09 Thread gregames
Joshua Schnee wrote:
I am attempting to set up the latest Apache server and RHEL 64bit to use 
in a Specweb99 run and am running into cgi issues.  I am very new to 
Apache, and am having difficulty getting apache to run/use/find my 
cgi-script.  Static content works fine, but I am getting improper file 
returned errors on all but the command/reset.

Would either of you will willing to help?
I am copying the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list where all the Apache 
specweb99 people hang out.  You might want to subscribe if you are going to be 
working with specweb99 for a while.  See for info 
on the mailing list and the project in general.  There are two other 
sub-projects discussed on this list but the total traffic is low.

OK, some questions.  Are you trying to use mod_specweb99 for dynamic content, or 
are you trying to use just a CGI?  If it's the latter, do any CGIs work for you? 
 Apache ships two sample CGIs in the cgi-bin install directory, printenv and 
test-cgi.  Make sure you chmod +x them or they won't work; it's a mystery to me 
why we install them without execute permissions.  If you see the CGI code 
returned to the client rather than the result of executing the script, you 
probably need to tweak your httpd.conf to tell Apache that this is a CGI and not 
just a static file.  Here's what I have:

Options ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

If you can get the Apache sample CGIs to work but still have problems, you are 
probably seeing failures at the beginning of the run where the SPEC client tests 
the various types of URLs.  Fortunately, the client prints the URLs before it 
tests them.  Cut-n-paste the failing URLs into a browser navigation bar and hit 
enter.  What does the browser display?

Hope this helps.

Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-12-03 Thread gregames
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
I enabled the POST transactions, and all of a sudden, the apache process is
now hung (this is first time I'm seeing this behaviour).. The stack is :
(gdb) t 21
[Switching to thread 21 (system thread 29207)]
#0  0xc0306850:0 in _semop_sys+0x30 () from
(gdb) bt
#0  0xc0306850:0 in _semop_sys+0x30 () from
#1  0xc0314b50:0 in semop+0xb0 () from /usr/lib/hpux64/
#2  0xc1b73220:0 in proc_mutex_sysv_acquire+0x70 ()
   from /opt/hpws/apache/lib/
#3  0xc1b73fc0:0 in apr_proc_mutex_lock+0x60 ()
   from /opt/hpws/apache/lib/
#4  0xc1b72950:0 in apr_global_mutex_lock+0x90 ()
   from /opt/hpws/apache/lib/
#5  0xc1cf37d0:0 in do_post+0x780 ()
Two possibilities:
* the command/Fetch URI is stuck also, or
* something died holding the post lock, and it didn't get automagically cleaned 
up.  I recall hearing that SysV sems are notorious for that on some platforms.

Do either of those make sense?  Any clues in the error_log?

Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-12-02 Thread gregames
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
I think I found the problem (.. and it's not the cgid exiting problem).
The problem was because the default Listen Backlog in mod_cgid was a little
small (100 outstanding connections). I got the following tusc log for the
httpd processes :
{62717} connect(13, 0x9fffbebbfe60, 94) .. ERR#239
{62849} connect(29, 0x9fffbdcbfea0, 94) .. ERR#239
I increased listen backlog and the processes are a little more happy now :)
BTW, I had to increase the "ListenBacklog" for httpd also - the default 512
caused too many "Can't connect" errors. I increased it to 1024.
I'm glad you're making progress.  But I'm wondering why raising the mod_cgid 
Listen backlog was so important.  If 100 mod_cgid connections wasn't enough at 
some point, either the workload is spikey or the steady state arrival rate of 
CGI requests is too fast for one daemon + your SPECweb99 CGI program to keep up.

If the latter is true, you should see more and more CGI requests building up 
over time in server-status with ExtendedStatus on, and a big improvement in 
throughput if you set DYNAMIC_CGI_GET=0 in the SPEC rc file.  Then it would be 
worthwhile using tusc/strace/truss with some timing options set to look for 
unnecessary delays in mod_cgid.  If that doesn't show a problem, perhaps we 
should have multiple cgid daemons running in parallel for best throughput. 
Someone brought up that idea a while back on [EMAIL PROTECTED]; cross-posting there.


Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-11-24 Thread gregames
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
Hmmn. Interesting.
1. Did you include the cgid restart fix ?
I don't think so.  It's the httpd-2.0.48 tarball + mod_specweb99.
2. Are you driving the server with the SPECweb99 recommended CGI load ?
I believe that's the standard.
Looking at server-status, I see the CGI URIs dominating the active server 
threads even with this tiny percentage of the total workload.  I'm using the 
perl script shipped with SPECweb99.  An obvious improvement would be to use a 
compiled C implementation.  But I'm not very interested in setting records or 
making CGIs run fast.  I'm more interested in speeding up mod_specweb99 and base 

3. do you mind posting the httpd.conf
> Oh.. BTW I hope you're also using worker MPM .
[EMAIL PROTECTED] built]$ bin/httpd -l
Compiled in modules:
ServerRoot /home/gregames/apache/httpd-2.0.48/built
DocumentRoot /spec_docroot

User  webuser
Group staff

LoadModule specweb99_module  modules/
LoadModule status_module modules/
LoadModule info_module   modules/
LoadModule cgid_module   modules/

UseCanonicalName Off

Listen 80

ServerLimit 700  
MaxClients  450
StartServers 50
MinSpareServers   5
MaxSpareServers 100

ServerLimit  50
StartServers  2 
MinSpareThreads   5
MaxSpareThreads  50
ThreadsPerChild  25
MaxClients 1000

ServerLimit  50
StartServers  3
MinSpareThreads   5
MaxSpareThreads 100
ThreadsPerChild  25
MaxClients 1000

# in case mod_mime isn't loaded
DefaultType text/html

# Assume no memory leaks at all
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

# it's always nice to know the server has started
#LogLevel debug
ErrorLog logs/error_log

# Some benchmarks require logging, which is a good requirement.  Uncomment
# this if you need logging.
#TransferLog logs/access_log

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

# might want to disable ExtendedStatus to do serious runs
ExtendedStatus On

SetHandler server-status

SetHandler server-info

Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-11-21 Thread gregames
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
Hi Greg,
The recent set of discussions prompted me to get some Apache numbers
out there - and when I started with the SPECweb99 run, I experienced a major
hang in the Apache, and the cgid daemon getting killed (I don't know how).
Have you also seen something similar ?
OK, I got past my build problems with httpd-2.0.48 (thanks Jeff!).  So far I'm 
not seeing any similar problems with cgid or hangs in the core server.  It's not 
going as fast as my last specweb99 run, but that's to be expected since I quit 
cheating and turned on CGIs.


Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-11-21 Thread gregames
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
cgid should _never_ exit without something in the error log.  

I tried attaching tusc to the cgi daemon - but since the daemon dies at a
random time, my log file was getting too full, and I had to just stop it. 
Why not just let tusc write to a console?  I would assume that once the problem 
hits, there won't be many more trace entries.  The relevant traces will probably 
be right on the screen, or easy to scroll back to.

I'm having build problems that don't make much sense to me with 2.0.48, so I 
can't tell you yet if I see any specweb99 weirdness with that release.


Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99

2003-11-21 Thread gregames
making public per Madhu
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
I'm using 2.0.48 and also back-ported the cgid-restart patch to 2.0.48. I
got a little further on the issue : The Apache hang is definitely caused by
the cgid exiting.
cgid should _never_ exit without something in the error log.  That makes it 
sound like a core problem, i.e. ap_process_child_status() or a signal handler is 
fubar, in addition to whatever made the cgi daemon die.

But if that is in fact happening, I would trace syscalls & signals for the cgid 
process.  (can't remember what the HPUX trace program is called, but you want 
something similar to truss/strace)

Here's what I think is happening : the SPECweb99 clients have stopped
waiting for the post log, but the CGID exited in the middle of the
processing - thus causing the SPECweb99 clients to hang (and hence Apache
also to hang) 
hmmm, remember the mod_specweb99 locking change for the post log?  I wonder if 
that is related?But AFAIK the DYN_CGI_SCRIPT cgi only does GETs, in which 
case locking on the post log won't matter.  Or are you using a cgi for more than 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: Regarding Apache 2.0.48 and specweb99
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
Hi Greg,
	The recent set of discussions prompted me to get some 
Apache numbers
out there - and when I started with the SPECweb99 run, I 
experienced a major
hang in the Apache, and the cgid daemon getting killed (I 
don't know how).
Have you also seen something similar ?
No, that sounds really bad.  But to be honest, I had CGI 
turned off in the spec 
rc file  because I had some config type problem with CGIs that 
I didn't bother 
to resolve.  I will see if I can make some progress on 2.0.48 
+ spec + CGI today 
(barring day job interruptions) and let you know what happens.

I would think that cgid would be more reliable than ever.  I 
know Jeff Trawick 
fixed a double close bug and someone put in logic to let it restart 
automatically.  But who knows?


Re: [PATCH] Get mod_specweb99 to compile against 2.0.43

2002-10-25 Thread gregames
"MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1)" wrote:
> I noticed that there were some places where u_int32_t is being used instead
> of apr_uint32_t. Is it purposefully done OR is it one of those "Oh, the apr
> interface changed" stuff ?.
> Anyways, I've included a patch that atleast gets the module to compile
> against 2.0.43. Pl. let me know if it's okay.

It works fine on Linux.  Committed, thanks!
