Re: [tex4ht] problem with slow compilation of large latex file with large math content

2016-03-26 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> The zip file is much larger, about 270 MB :( But now it
> contains everything to compile this one latex file.

​I have downloaded the previous archive. Will download this if needed.​ I
will temporarily suspend svg generation and see if tex4ht runs faster. BTW,
please don't expect a quick response from me. Will try to do as quickly as

​Best regards​
River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] problem with slow compilation of large latex file with large math content

2016-03-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 3:23 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:


For example, for one file, using Vbox, it took 14 hrs
> for make4ht to compile the file to html. On cygwin, it took
> little less than than. About 10 hrs. This is on windows 7, 64 bit
> 16 GB ram, fast intel i7-3930k CPU.

​That is terrible! But, it contradicts with my own experience. At work, we
do large documents (on an average 300 pages long, 800-1000 bibliographic
items, 500 to 800 equations, very complex math, large number of figures,
double column output) on a daily basis, but it takes a few seconds to
generate Elsevier XML output. Recently, another article with 350 pages, ~70
figures, four or five very long tables each spanning several pages, 350 bib
items, several hundred cross references, but very few math, took only 12
secs for three runs of TeX4ht to generate NLM XML output on a server where
at least 50 users are working simultaneously using same resources. The only
documents that take, say, 60 secs or a bit more time are documents with
atomic and nuclear data tables, each table running to 200 pages typically!
Otherwise, tex4ht run is a breeze in my experience that too on a server
shared by at least forty to fifty users at a time.


> But the issue is, pdflatex and lualatex take about 5 minutes
> on the same file to compile it to pdf !
> I can understand converting to HTML will take more time,
> since each equation is converted to svg image,

​on the fly? Why don't you write out the math in a file and process
separately to generate the svg images in one go?​


> It also seems tex4ht has more than one pass. As I see it
> generating these sequence of numbers  more than one time.

​tex4ht needs three passes for fixing cross links and multicolumns in

> I can make a zip file with typical large latex file
> with all the images it uses and my .cfg and main.mk4
> and the command I used to compile the latex file if
> any one wants to confirm this problem. Would this be ok?

​I would love to debug your problem. Please do send me. If it is too large
the archive, kindly put at some location and provide me the URL.


> Finally, is there a document that describes the passes/process
> that tex4ht uses to compile to HTML at some high level? Like block
> diagram, or such. I am not able to find such design document.

​A schematic diagram of a tex4ht run namely tex4ht.pdf is attached to this
mail. Hope this might help.​

​Best regards​

River Valley

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #274] tex4ht features vs. lwarp vs. ...

2016-03-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:51 PM, Michal Hoftich 

> Follow-up Comment #1, bug #274 (project tex4ht):
> That thread has lot of flaming potential, which I don't want to fire up :)
> But
> we probably should clarify some misunderstandings about tex4ht.
It is more of ​an impractical approach to tex4ht. The \Configure mechanism
in tex4ht relies on seeding of configure hooks in the original macros of a
given package used in the document. Here the question is who will do the
seeding. Eiten had done it extensively for around 400 and odd packages
popular during his time. Every day, several packages get updated, newer
packages get released, people do use many of these at their will and
freedom. Hence, in the absence of *.4ht's that have hooks-seeded functions
of newly released/revised packages, it is obvious that tex4ht will break
down. I have seen documents that use packages like xstring, breqn,
stackengine, tabstackengine, siunitex, acronym, etc at work and we are
expected to generate XML out of these documents.  Many packages like
siunitex, acronym, breqn are now written in expl3 which is another

I would consider tex4ht as a backend. Many packages sadly lack the driver
(*.4ht) for this backend. The best people to write this backend are the
authors of these packages since others need more time and in-depth
knowledge of these packages to write backend drivers.

This being the reality, personally I have chosen to redefine macros from
different packages, in an add-on configuration to be used for XML/HTML
generation. I agree that this is not the right way or preferred way, but
practically that is the only solution when one is expected to handle
hundreds of documents every day with several funny packages and functions
profusely used. This way, tex4ht works wonderfully well with minimal effort
for me and I am sure, tex4ht is the best engine among all that would
generate another markup from TeX documents.

In view of the above, I suggest that we would request authors to provide
the backend driver of their packages for tex4ht. This is the only
practically feasible solution. An example would be hyperref, the primary
author of this package (Sebastian Rahtz) wrote text4ht driver also since
Sebastian was a big user and admirer of tex4ht.

The tex4ht team might come up with necessary documentation of how to write
.4ht for a package that would largely help authors. If each author spends a
few more minutes to do their bit, usage of tex4ht will be pleasure then.
Since HTML is gaining more popularity/usage owing to support of smart
devices and for its re-flowing ability without losing format features to
suit the dimensions of device screens (a severe handicap of PDF), authors
shall invest a bit more energy to provide tex4ht support which is as
essential as the one provided for outputs like PDF.

Secondly, the permissive nature of TeX/LaTeX. $a_{\bf n}$ will create the
correct output in pdf, but will not generate the right kind of output in
MathML which should be like.






The user needs to tag math as $a_{\mathbf{n}}$ for perfect MathML output
without intervention.  Another common example found in documents is $(a
$), this would be passed by TeX, but not MathML since the closing
parenthesis is outside math. Prof William Hammond has been campaigning for
profiled LaTeX for several years now, but many users are hardly bothered
since they expect other systems to adopt to their non-standard tagging
methods. This can only result in a frustrating experience with tex4ht

> Regarding bug reports, I've tried to compile LWARP documentation. It needed
> some fixes, there was problem with \label commands used inside \caption, it
> totally explodes tex4ht. I am not sure whether \caption{caption
> text\label{some label}} is legal construct in LaTeX, but it should compile
> without errors.

​This is legal tagging and works OK for me.

> There is also missing cleveref support, which I thought I reported last
> summer, but apparently didn't. I have some basic cleveref.4ht file, which
> works except for links.
> \fbox contents often overflow the border, it is probably just some CSS
> issue
> SVG's produced by Tikz are often invalid, especially when font formatting
> commands are used in diagrams. I personally use Tikz externalization
> instead
> of built-in tex4ht support, it doesn't work correctly in most cases.

​Entirely agree with you. Maybe we can provide an extra package for tikz
(owing to its extensive usage) to write out tikz picture sources to an
external TeX file to make it easier enough to process separately, generate
pdf and convert to desired graphic format. The package will also flag the
figures automatically in HTML output.  All can be done in one go if the
user dares to invoke shell-escape.

> ​[...]​
> PS: we really need some more collaborators 

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #273] biblatex broken again

2016-03-12 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:02 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:

> i have the original tl'15 release of biblatex at hand, but no files to test
> with.  i know cvr created an extensive suite of biblatex test files, but
> the
> version i have for them is from June 7, 2015, and i'm pretty sure that is
> not
> up to date.  cvr, if you have time, can you maybe check them into the
> repository somewhere?

​The example archive is available at:​ (17.3Meg)


River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht Digest, Vol 68, Issue 10

2015-08-21 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:

> Hi CVR - it was not clear to me, and indeed still is not clear, whether
> the changes you made back in June were the final word, or if more were

Those can be safely considered final. I have tested all the example
documents that accompany biblatex.sty. It is still possible that some of
the lesser used options might trigger a bug in future. We shall not be
bothered about it at the moment.

> expected.  Thus I did not update TL at the time.

Got it, Karl.

> And then I forgot to
> check back about it.  Oh well.  I've updated TL now with the current
> version.

That is fine.

> I believe the bug report was
> The OP reported some stuff after applying your patch.
> It wasn't clear to me if those reports implied further changes, or if
> the one-off document configurations sufficed.

Yes, there was a bug of a few numbers occurring in succession at the end.
Michal identified the culprit and was fixed on the same day. I remember, we
have made changes to the sources as well and committed.


Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht Digest, Vol 68, Issue 10

2015-08-21 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Guido Milanese 

> all right now!

​That is a big relief. I thought that Karl had integrated this into TeXLive
2015. And was gearing up for another revision at this end! Guess, Karl
missed at some point.

> My warmest thanks. If I may take the liberty of doing so, I would
> recommend to post the "state of the art" somewhere. I could not find such a
> file or "info" on . If I may help for this, I
> would be honoured to contribute.

​I think this would be a good place to provide the newest version till it
is updated in TeXLive and CTAN.

​Many thanks for the good news.​

River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #254] tex4ht breaks

2015-06-09 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Michal Hoftich  wrote:

> it's `\blx@checksum`, which is defined with three parameters in
> biblatex2.sty, but without parameters in biblatex.4ht, so these
> parameters are rendered in the output. So it seems that this should be
> fixed in biblatex.4ht. As quick fix, add this definition to your .cfg
> file:
> \def\blx@checksum#1#2#3{}
> After this change, I can compile your document using oolatex and it
> seems quite OK, on first sight.

​Many thanks, Michal. Will update the sources. :)


River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in svg graphics. Does tex4ht support bounding box on svg?

2015-05-16 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 6:55 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> Currently I use svg graphics for all images since it looks better
> than png on the web. Here is a typical latex file. I use
> pdf version of the image for pdflatex and use the svg version
> for htlatex.
> I convert the pdf to svg using the program  pdf2svg which works
> much better thank inkscape I found.
> ---
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \begin{document}
> \ifdefined\HCode
>  \includegraphics[width=0.5\paperwidth]{p.svg}
> \else
>  \includegraphics[width=0.5\paperwidth]{p.pdf}
> \fi
> \end{document}
> ---

​You may kindly change the above to the following:



  {\Picture[pict]{\csname Gin@base\endcsname.svg



I got the following output for graphics inclusion part:


​Hope this is what you have been looking for.  TeX4ht needs .eps format of
the figure since it works with dvips graphics driver and hence cannot
accept any other graphics file format.
​Best regards​

River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #241] grave accent letter ` (hex 60) changes to left single quotation mark (hex 0xE2 0x80 0x98)

2015-01-15 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> Thank you CVR for the file.


> Can I use this now to try it? i.e. If I replace my copy of
> /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/cm/cmtt.htf

​You can experiment with it by keeping a copy in your working directory.
When you are sure that all your files run without any problems, then you
might update TeX4ht system.

> with the one you attached, (do it as root), will this be enough?

​That is enough.

> Or do I need to something more to activate this change? I'd like
> to try this fix in my end to see if it works for all cases.



River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] fyi, possible bug in multicol support for tex4ht when using \columnbreak

2014-11-22 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> I've posted this on tex stackexchange, in case someone might be interested:

​I would find time to sort this out and get back as quickly as possible.​

​Best regards​

River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] help on syntax add a \Configure{@HEAD}

2014-01-08 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> ---
>  \Configure{@HEAD}{\HCode{
>  extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
>  jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
>  tex2jax: {
>inlineMath: [ ['
> ,'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
>displayMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
>processEscapes: true
>  },
>  "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }
>  \Hnewline
>   }}
> ---
> When I run a tex file that uses the above .cfg,
> I get syntax errors:
> --
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \\  ->\let \reserved@e
>\relax \let \reserved@f \relax \@ifstar {\let \reserv...
> l.213 \EndPreamble
>   ?
> --

​Can you please try the following nma.cfg:


 extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
 jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
 tex2jax: {
   inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\bsl\bsl(","\bsl\bsl)"] ],
   displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\bsl\bsl[","\bsl\bsl]"] ],
   processEscapes: true
 "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }





Re: [tex4ht] How to make table of contents use correct settings of \setcounter{tocdepth} for \tableofcontents ?

2013-08-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:


This tells me that \PauseCutAt{section} have a side effect on
> generation of TOC at section level as well.
> I wanted to see a TOC at the section level, even for the second
> chapter.

In theory, it should work as you wanted. But, as you will agree, often in
practice, theory and practice are not the same. This one falls in that
category. Do we need to pursue this problem when we have several other high
priority cases pending?

Best regards


Re: [tex4ht] How to make table of contents use correct settings of \setcounter{tocdepth} for \tableofcontents ?

2013-08-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:
>> On 8/11/2013 1:36 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>>> I think, the following might help you:
>> Thanks you very much. Yes, that worked very well.
>> For completion, I  have a MWE below which generates a local TOC
>> for one chapter which is larger than the second local TOC for
>> the second chapter, both for pdflatex and htlatex.  The main
>> page TOC only shows the chapters in its TOC.
>> ps. If you would have any hints or insight for the splitting problem
Here is a more comprehensive example which helps to understand
\PauseCutAt{...} and \ContCutAt{...} to pause splitting and again continue
splitting once it is paused.



\title{test cutat}


\ifx\HCode\undefined \else
\chapter{chapter 1}

\section{section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1 subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}

\section{section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1 subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}

\ifx\HCode\undefined \else

\chapter{chapter 2}
\section{section 1 in chapter 2}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 1 in chapter 2}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 2}

\chapter{chapter 3}
\section{section 1 in chapter 3}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 1 in chapter 3}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 3}

\section{section 2 in chapter 3}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 2 in chapter 3}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 2 in chapter 3}



Re: [tex4ht] How to make table of contents use correct settings of \setcounter{tocdepth} for \tableofcontents ?

2013-08-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> On 8/11/2013 1:36 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>> I think, the following might help you:
> Thanks you very much. Yes, that worked very well.
> For completion, I  have a MWE below which generates a local TOC
> for one chapter which is larger than the second local TOC for
> the second chapter, both for pdflatex and htlatex.  The main
> page TOC only shows the chapters in its TOC.
> ps. If you would have any hints or insight for the splitting problem

Here is one of the solutions:




\title{test cutat}


\ifx\HCode\undefined \else
\chapter{chapter 1}
\section{section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1 subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}
\section{section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 2 in chapter 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1 subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 1}

\ifx\HCode\undefined \else

\chapter{chapter 2}
\section{section 1 in chapter 2}
\subsection{subsection 1 in section 1 in chapter 2}
\subsection{subsection 2 in section 1 in chapter 2}



htlatex  'html,3'


Re: [tex4ht] How to make table of contents use correct settings of \setcounter{tocdepth} for \tableofcontents ?

2013-08-10 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> A little bit of progress, but no solution yet.  I thought I update
> in case someone can help with this last part.
> I found a way to remove the section entry from the main tableofcontents
> (on first page) so that only chapters show up, like this:
> 1. chapter 1
> 2. chapter 2
> Before it was like this:
> 1. chapter 1
>1.1 section 1
> 2. chapter 2
>2.1 section 1
> This is good, which is what I wanted. The problem is that this
> solution now removed section and anything above it entries from
> the local table(s) of contents that I had in each chapter later on.
> I am not able to figure how to get that back.

I think, the following might help you:

%\setcounter{tocdepth}{0} %this causes only chapters to show up
 %but only in PDF. In html, it shows
 %section as well in the TOC, why?

\title{test TOC with tex4ht 2}


\chapter{Heading chapter 1}
\section{section 1 under chapter 1}
\subsection{subsection 1 under section 1 under chapter 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1}

\chapter{Heading chapter 2}
\section{section 1 under chapter 2}

htlatex  'html,2'

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] How to prevent 2 table of contents showing on the HTML page when splitting a document htlatex foo.tex "htm, 2" ?

2013-08-09 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> Hello;
> I have always been very confused about how the main table of contents
> is generated when splitting a document vs. not splitting the document.
> For example, running this:
>htatex foo.tex "htm"
> on the file
> \begin{document}
> \tableofcontents
> \end{document}
> produces ONE toc on the main page, which is what one expects. It has
> label on it called "Contents" but this is just text, not a link.
> Now on the same file, running this:
>   htatex foo.tex "htm,2"
> produces the same TOC as first example above, but now it makes "Contents"
> to be an actual link which clicking on it sends one to another copy of the
> on a new html page, looking the same as the one on the main index.htm page.

Can you please try the command line option 'notoc*'?

  htlatex foo.tex "html,2,notoc*"

I think, this is what you are searching for.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #188] adding support for multicols in htlatex

2013-07-31 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

One last question: When will this new update become part of tex4ht
> included in texlive itself? will it be in TL 2014?

The patches have already been committed to the literate sources of TeX4ht,
meaning, it will propagate to TeXLive in the next update.

> So if I install
> new Linux and install TL again sometime in the future, how would
> one know if this fix is there or not?

I think tlmgr will update every TeXLive update automatically. You can also
try a test file and ensure updated version.

By the way, I have added a smallish documentation of various hooks
available via \Configure command at:

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] future support for multicols in htlatex?

2013-07-12 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> About 3 years ago I asked about the use of multicols in htlatex
> http://comp.text.tex.narkive.**com/bx3C8X9N/is-it-possible-**
> to-have-table-of-contents-be-**in-2-columns
> I am writing this to ask if there are any plans for adding support
> to this in htlatex.
> I know this feature is still not official W3C item, but like many new
> things in HTML5 and CSS3, many browsers now support many of these
> features


Can you please add this as a feature request at TeX4ht project?

One of the developers might take this up when he gets sufficient time. If
not, the request will be forgotten and will remain unattended.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] How to insert HTML code at any location in the generated HTML file?

2013-07-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:

> Runaway argument?
> I see CVR solved your problem with an environment.  That's good (maybe
> we should add that environment in general), but this error indicates the
> problem is simply having a blank line (\par) in the argument, and we
> should just make \HCode \long in order to allow it.  (I admit I didn't
> actually check if something weirder is going on.)

Not sure, if making \HCode a \long\def will solve the problem, because,
\HCode gets redefined at several places and within other definitions and

I think, \ScriptEnv is the best way to inject any kind of source code into


Re: [tex4ht] How to insert HTML code at any location in the generated HTML file?

2013-07-10 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> On 7/10/2013 5:49 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:
>>  I am converting a latex document that I used to compile with
>>> latex2html to htlatex.
>> [...]
>>  What is the correct way to insert HTML code any where in
>>> the document, and have it show at that location in the HTML
>>> file? I have very large amount of HTML code that was inserted in
>>> that document.
>> You might use {verbatim} environment as in any LaTeX document.
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \begin{document}
>> \begin{verbatim}
>> any HTML code here
>> \end{verbatim}
>> \end{document}
>> Hope this helps.
>> Best regards
> Sure, I know I can use Verbatim.
> May be I did not explain the problem well.
> I want to inject HTML code, into the generated HTML itself
> (when running htlatex only)
> If I write
> --
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{verbatim}
> This is HTML head 2 
> \end{verbatim}
> \end{document}
> ---
> the HTML generated will just look like this:
>This is HTML head 2 
> Which is clearly not what I wanted.

OK. I misunderstood your problem. I think, this should solve your problem:

 Please try this:



This is HTML head 2 


Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] How to insert HTML code at any location in the generated HTML file?

2013-07-10 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> I am converting a latex document that I used to compile with
> latex2html to htlatex.


> What is the correct way to insert HTML code any where in
> the document, and have it show at that location in the HTML
> file? I have very large amount of HTML code that was inserted in
> that document.

You might use {verbatim} environment as in any LaTeX document.




   any HTML code here



Hope this helps.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #187] Undefined control sequence when using tabulary and colortbl

2013-07-07 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Joseph Wright wrote:

> URL:
>  Summary: Undefined control sequence when using tabulary
> and
> colortbl


! Undefined control sequence.
 \begin:current@color ->\let \sv:curcolor
>  \current@color
> l.4 \begin{tabulary}{\textwidth}{C}
> occurs using htlatex. (First report in

Noted, please. Will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Re: [tex4ht] [bug #186] \label error with hyperref when no sectioning command is used

2013-06-24 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 4:02 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:

> Thanks for these reports.  It looks like pretty straightforward fixes.
> I was hoping CVR would have time to look into them, but I'll work on
> them soon if he's tied up.

Apologies for the late reply. I was (and am) very much preoccupied with a
large Malayalam heritage book project. I will work on the bugs within two
days and will submit fresh bug fixed lit sources.

> karl
> P.S. On another front ... Heiko, any hope for a new oberdiek release,
> given the last-minute fixes we had to put into TL?

If that is expected within a few days, is it not wise to wait till that
release if that involves fresh hyperref release?


Re: [tex4ht] Fontspec and tex4ht

2013-05-14 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
Dear Michal,

Looks like an ingenious way to circumvent a serious handicap of TeX4ht.

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Michal Hoftich wrote:


If anyone want to try the package, it is placed at github:
> There is also some example and more info:
> At this moment, this is more proof of concept than ready to use
> package, but I am curious what do you think about this approach.

I was trying to generate a *.tsv for my language, Malayalam (code block
U+0D00 to U+0D7F) as per your instructions. The following line represents a
character in the extracted table from

U+0D05അ224 180 133
But the output file generated by the lua script had following line:


This does not seem to be correct to me. Is this OK? I am curious to use
your technique for generating epub books for a hobby project which is
available at:

All the epub books available there are generated by TeX4ht, you can
download any book and explode to see the *,xhtml files.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Collision of /usr/bin/ht with HT Editor

2013-05-08 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 2:48 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:


What distros choose to do is not up to me, but I don't want to remove ht
> from TeX Live.
> (CVR, if you have any ideas on this, of course please let me know.)

I would entirely agree with you, Karl. It is not an easy task to change the
'ht' command which is called by several scripts, some of which we know,
some we don't. Further to that, thousands of people who use TeX4ht might
have defined custom commands which internally calls ht. So, an improper
change of name can cause instances of terrible breakdown.

As you have rightly pointed out, people should not have chosen two or three
letter names for binaries or the distributions can make necessary changes


Re: [tex4ht] environment "{align}" translated into ""

2013-04-17 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Matteo Gamboz wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:37:01PM +0530, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Matteo Gamboz  >wrote:
> >
> > >   it seems that the environment "align" from amsmath is translated
> > > into an  when htlatex is run as:
> > > $ htlatex x xhtml,docbook-mml "-cunihtf" ""
> >
> > I did the same with the following command:
> >  htlatex x 'xhtml,docbook,docbook-mml'
> > and I got,
> ...
> >   
> >   
> >   
> ...
> I get the same, but I think that the element "" is
> wrong for two reasons:
> 1. the element is intended for "A mathematical equation or expression
> occurring inline." [1] but it has been generated by a latex
> environment that produces display math
> 2. the xml file is not valid against docbook 5.
> To do the validation I use emacs with nXML mode and docbook.rnc (and
> relax ng schema files from

Eitan's configurations for markup formats other than html are only proof of
concept that users may extend as much as they want. We can't expect him to
maintain all the configurations to generate perfect XML's as per their
respective DTD's, nor can the current maintainers accomplish it. You are
most welcome to take up the maintenance of docbook.4ht and docbook-mml.4ht
if you can.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] environment "{align}" translated into ""

2013-04-16 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Matteo Gamboz wrote:

> Hi all,
>   it seems that the environment "align" from amsmath is translated
> into an  when htlatex is run as:
> $ htlatex x xhtml,docbook-mml "-cunihtf" ""

I did the same with the following command:

 htlatex x 'xhtml,docbook,docbook-mml'

and I got,";>";
xmlns:xlink=""; version="5.0">







This is what I expected.


Re: [tex4ht] add metadata to docbook

2013-04-02 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Matteo Gamboz wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I'm trying to add some metadata to a docbook xml.
> I'd like to map some simple macros like "\keywords{k}" to xml fragments
> such as:
> k 

I would recommend to keep a custom definition for keywords kind of things
and hence \maketitle too in your custom *.cfg since each document class has
its own front matter setup. My bbb.cfg would look like:

%--- begin bbb.cfg ---








% end --

\printkeywords will parse your comma separated keyword list and tag each
keyword individually.

Your source document will look like:

%-begin x.tex 






% end ---

The output generated by  the command, htlatex x bbb, will look like:";>";>" />" />




Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] how to make clickable hyperlink with htlatex when using htef inside a table?

2013-03-28 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> When generating HTML from this file
> --
> \documentclass{article}%
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \begin{document}
> \[%
> \begin{tabular}[c]{|l|}\hline
> \href{}{**web site}\\\hline
> \end{tabular}
> \]
> \end{document}
> --

Please remove  \[ and \] from the sources and try again. You might depend
on .css to center your table.  Using display math to achieve the same goal
is improper markup style.


Re: [tex4ht] [bug #181] Hyperref's nolinkurl not correctly handled by tex4ht when biblatex is present

2013-03-23 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 12:39 AM, William F Hammond

> > Do we really need
> > \href{}{\nolinkurl{tex4ht}}?
> Yes, for those cases where one wants a link with a visible url
> representing the link but the author just wants to display a url
> that is not identical (usually not quite identical) to the actual
> url.

OK. I understand. This is the rationale for the bug posting. Will try to
fix the problem in TeX4ht behavior.


Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht - possible bug in amsmath.cfg

2013-03-20 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Matteo Gamboz wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 07:32:27AM +0530, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Matteo Gamboz  >wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >   I'd like to report a possible bug in tex4ht.
> [...]
> >
> > Kindly add the following either in your custom *.cfg or just after
> > \begin{document} of your document:
> >
> > \Configure{equation*}
> [...]
> >
> > If this works fine for you, I shall update the docbook-mml.4ht which
> > unfortunately does not have the configuration for starred equation
> > environment.
> Hi,
>   the proposed solution works perfectly for me (I put it after
> \begin{document}).

Many thanks, will revise docbook-mml.4ht and update.

> It is possible that I'll have other questions regarding tex4ht. Do you
> think I'd better write directly to in the future?

Yes please.

Best regards


Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht - possible bug in amsmath.cfg

2013-03-18 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Matteo Gamboz wrote:

> Hi,
>   I'd like to report a possible bug in tex4ht.
> If I compile the file
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{equation*}
> x=1
> \end{equation*}
> \end{document}
> with
> htlatex a.tex "xhtml,docbook-mml" " -cunihtf" "-cdocbk"
> I obtain the following error message:
> ...
> ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
> \endequation* b:equation*\endcsname \egroup
> l.6 \end{equation*}

Kindly add the following either in your custom *.cfg or just after
\begin{document} of your document:

  {\ifvmode \IgnorePar\fi   \EndP
 {\HCode{}\IgnorePar }
  {\ifvmode \IgnorePar\fi\EndP \HCode{}\par

If this works fine for you, I shall update the docbook-mml.4ht which
unfortunately does not have the configuration for starred equation

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] [bug #180] Bug in caption.4ht

2013-03-03 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Michal Hoftich
> URL:
>     Summary: Bug in caption.4ht


> It seems that there is a bug in caption.4ht. It redefines macro \ConfigureToc
> where incomplete \ifx s introduced.
> Sample files showing the error and patch against tex4ht literate source are
> attached.

Updated literate sources committed to svn. The new version of
caption.4ht will soon migrate to TeXLive.

Many thanks to Michal Hoftich for the bug report and patch.

River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] Wrong fontsize in footnotes with diacritics [oolatex]

2013-03-01 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 4:40 AM, Nicolai Rostov
> (patch attached)
> Hi,
> I'd like to submit a bug report. When a LaTeX document containing 2
> footnotes in which footnote #1 is plain ASCII, but footnote #2 has
> diacritics or other extended characters, is converted to OpenDocument
> Text, the number appended to footnote #1 on the bottom of the page is
> smaller than the number in footnote #2.

Thanks for the patch. The literate sources will be updated at the earliest.

By the way, while making patches, it will be useful if it is generated
from the literate sources which are available at the project site. All
the *.4ht files are always generated after updating the sources. We do
not work on the *.4ht files.

Best regards
River Valley

Re: [tex4ht] make output of tex4ht go to sub-folder without leaving temporary and intermediate files in the current folder?

2013-02-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> On 2/11/2013 12:16 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>> On 2/11/2013 7:21 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:
> btw, I do not want this to become a shell command exercise.
> If the solution seems to be to use bash to do it, I can
> easily do that myself, since I use Makefile to build
> everything, so I can add a bash commands after the
> target is build to clean things.

That is the elegant way to do, in fact, I personally depend on makefiles
for these kind of requirements.

So need to spend time on this if the solution will end
> up on using bash commands as I can do that myself.
> When I asked this at first, I thought there might be
> a htlatex specific option to do this. Since there does
> not seem to be such an option, then I can look into
> adding bash commands to my Makefile to do this.

That will be fine.


Re: [tex4ht] make output of tex4ht go to sub-folder without leaving temporary and intermediate files in the current folder?

2013-02-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:46 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> On 2/11/2013 7:21 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:
>>  On 2/11/2013 5:46 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>>>   True, aux and other scratch files still remain in your working
>>> directory.
>>>> In order to move all files to your target directory, you need to provide
>>>> \Needs{} directive in your source document. For example, I will modify
>>>> your
>>>> example document to the following manner:
>>>> --- foo-changed.tex --
>>>> \documentclass{article}%
>>>> \usepackage{graphics}
>>>> \begin{document}
>>>> \includegraphics{a.png}
>>>> \Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not -name \jobname.tex
>>>> -exec mv '{}' A \string\; "}
>>>> \end{document}
>>>> -
>>>> \Needs{...} directive is operating system dependent. The one I have
>>>> given
>>>> above is for bash in linux or unix like operating systems.  You might
>>>> provide the one fit for your OS.
>>>>  Thanks, that is useful. But is it possible to put this \Needs
>>> command in my .cfg file somehow? The reason is, I have one common
>>> .cfg file, and if this can be used in .cfg file, then I do not
>>> have to edit all my .tex file and add this command to each. I
>>> have 1,000's of small .tex files, and they all use the same .cfg file.
>> That is quite possible. You might add the following line in your *.cfg:
>>   \AtEndDocument{\Needs{...}}
>> Let that be the last directive in \jobname.lg file which is read by t4ht
>> binary.
I should not have added the above sentence. I just meant that this
particular \Needs{...} directive shall be the last one in the *.lg file,
that was the reason for the \AtEndDocument command. As you are aware, all
\Needs{...} directive will end up in *.lg file.

> I am sorry, but I am not following you. Your description is short
> and assumes knowledge of the user. It will really help if you
> could give a tiny/minimal but complete example of how all this
> is supposed to work.
> You mention that I need to put something at end of \jobname.lg,
> which I do not understand. Do I need to put the command
>   \AtEndDocument{\Needs{...}}
> in the .cfg file or in this .lg file?

*.cfg, of course. *.lg is dynamically created and the only way to get
something inserted in it is through \Needs{...} or \Css{...} directives.

> I only know about myconfig.cfg. Also, the command itself
> \Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not
> -name \jobname.tex -exec mv '{}' A \string\; "}
> seems to have hardcoded values in it. What is 'A' above? This
> folder will be different from one .tex file to another, I can't
> have it hardcoded, as I have large tree and different names for
> latex files all over. I send output of each latex file to a
> sub-folder by the same name as the latex file.

You might define a \mydir macro for the purpose.

  \def\@mydir{/.} % inialize to current directrory

Modified \Needs{...} will be:

  \Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not
   -name \jobname.tex -exec mv '{}' \@mydir\space \string\; "}

You might provide the directory name in your document at the top in each
*.tex file:



In addition, this command removed all other .tex files in
> the same folder to the folder `A` ! which is not what I want.

That is natural, because the command you have provided was expected to do
it. You might modify the find command accordingly or write individual
\Needs{...} directive for each scratch file like, \jobname.log,
\jobname.aux, so on and so forth.

> The folder `A` should really be the same as the latex file.
> So in this example, it should be `t15/`
> I really think the best solution should be to make
>  -dFolder
> which currently works, finish the job right, and move
> all these scratch and temp files to the `Folder` above
> as well. That would be the best solution to this problem.

At the moment, it can move only the output files.  You might modify the
t4ht binary, the sources are available at the TeX4ht project site. Your
help will be much appreciated.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] make output of tex4ht go to sub-folder without leaving temporary and intermediate files in the current folder?

2013-02-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> On 2/11/2013 5:46 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote:
>  True, aux and other scratch files still remain in your working directory.
>> In order to move all files to your target directory, you need to provide
>> \Needs{} directive in your source document. For example, I will modify
>> your
>> example document to the following manner:
>> --- foo-changed.tex --
>> \documentclass{article}%
>> \usepackage{graphics}
>> \begin{document}
>> \includegraphics{a.png}
>> \Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not -name \jobname.tex
>> -exec mv '{}' A \string\; "}
>> \end{document}
>> -
>> \Needs{...} directive is operating system dependent. The one I have given
>> above is for bash in linux or unix like operating systems.  You might
>> provide the one fit for your OS.
> Thanks, that is useful. But is it possible to put this \Needs
> command in my .cfg file somehow? The reason is, I have one common
> .cfg file, and if this can be used in .cfg file, then I do not
> have to edit all my .tex file and add this command to each. I
> have 1,000's of small .tex files, and they all use the same .cfg file.

That is quite possible. You might add the following line in your *.cfg:


Let that be the last directive in \jobname.lg file which is read by t4ht

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] make output of tex4ht go to sub-folder without leaving temporary and intermediate files in the current folder?

2013-02-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> Is there a way to tell tex4ht to generate all its output
> into a sub-folder from where the latex file is ?
> Suppose I have this tree
>   foo.tex
>   a.png
> -
> Where inside foo.tex there is includegraphics to a.png
> --- foo.tex --
> \documentclass{article}%
> \usepackage{graphics}
> \begin{document}
> \includegraphics{a.png}
> \end{document}
> -
> Now I want to build HTML file from foo.tex but want all
> the intermediate and any auxiliary files tex4ht generated
> (including any html files) to go to a sub-folder, say A/, so
> I'd _LIKE_ to end up with
> -
>   foo.tex
>   a.png
> +
> |
> A/ foo.htm
> I use the option
>htlatex foo.tex "" "" -dA/
> But it still leaves many many files in the same folder, and
> it only copies foo.htm and a.png to the sub-folder.

True, aux and other scratch files still remain in your working directory.
In order to move all files to your target directory, you need to provide
\Needs{} directive in your source document. For example, I will modify your
example document to the following manner:

--- foo-changed.tex --



\Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not -name \jobname.tex
-exec mv '{}' A \string\; "}


\Needs{...} directive is operating system dependent. The one I have given
above is for bash in linux or unix like operating systems.  You might
provide the one fit for your OS.


Re: [tex4ht] Issue with superscripts in titles with htlatex and biblatex

2013-01-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:17 AM, Danny Baillie wrote:

> "Orphan" superscripts (e.g. $^{87}$) in titles of journal articles are
> incorrectly displayed as subscripts with htlatex using biblatex. Orphan
> superscripts are common for mass numbers in chemical formulae. If there is
> also an orphan subscript (e.g. $_{37}^{87}$ for an atomic number) then they
> are both shown as subscripts. This doesn't bother me at all, but I thought
> you might like to know. Here is a MWE:

\textsuperscript{87}Rb works fine in htlatex+biblatex combination. However,
if you have both subscript and superscript, htlatex will fail. You need to
generate MathML for mass/atomic numbers of the element, if not spacial
position will not be as you have expected. The following form works fine:

  @article{ref, Title = {A {${}\sb{10}\sp{87}{\mathrm{Rb}}$} Bose

and will generate following output:";



Bose condensate”.

Firefox renders correctly. In short, mzlatex+biblatex with modified input
will work OK.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Possible link bug in htlatex with biblatex and arXiv

2013-01-24 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Danny Baillie wrote:

>   Can you please try the following in your document?
>   \makeatletter
>   arXiv\addcolon\space
> \Link[\abx@arxivpath/#1]{}{}#1\EndLink
> }
>   \makeatother
> If this works OK and doesn't result in any other surprises, we will
> re-release biblatex.4ht.
> Best regards
>  --
> Radhakrishnan
> River 
> Valley
>  Brilliant, that works perfectly for me, thanks. And thanks for the very
> quick response.

Welcome, nice to hear that it worked OK for you.

> I wrapped it in "\ifdefined\Link" so I can also use the document with or
> without htlatex.

May not be needed when you update biblatex.4ht, new version of which will
be committed to project svn soon. Along with this, we shall also add JSTOR,
PubMed and Google Books to the eprint list, since biblatex supports these
eprint servers as well. If you know any others, please let us know.

> While testing I noticed a biblatex issue: if "Archiveprefix" is not
> "arXiv" then the link doesn't work (in the pdf or with htlatex).

Do you mean JSTOR, etc by different Archiveprefix?



Re: [tex4ht] Possible link bug in htlatex with biblatex and arXiv

2013-01-24 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Danny Baillie wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've noticed the following issue and would welcome comment.
> If I use pdflatex or latex+dvipdf on the following example, the link in
> the .pdf is correctly directed to
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{filecontents}
> \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib}
>   @article{ref, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Eprint = {1205.1888}}
> \end{filecontents}
> \usepackage[eprint]{biblatex}
> \bibliography{\jobname}
> \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
> \begin{document}
>   \nocite{ref}
>   \printbibliography
> \end{document}
> If I use htlatex on the same example (no htlatex options), the link in the
> .html is to 1205.1888 with no prefix (i.e. it incorrectly points to the
> current directory). The relevant part of the .html is (I've removed an
> unimportant span):
>arXiv:"; > >1205.1888
> so, htlatex knows about the right url, but it's putting an incorrect one
> "on top".

Can you please try the following in your document?


If this works OK and doesn't result in any other surprises, we will
re-release biblatex.4ht.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] error when reading texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/keyval.tex, usng standalone package

2013-01-22 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi  wrote:

> I do not know if this is the right place to post this.

You're in the correct list.

> I just found an error using tex4ht when I added a new
> package called standalone.
> The latex file is complied OK with pdflatex and also with latex.
> But gives an error with htlatex. I'll show the error
> first, then the setup:

Not sure, this is going to be supported in the near future unless someone
comes forward with a *.4ht package that supports standalone.sty or the
author comes out with a tex4ht backend.

Volunteers welcome to join TeX4ht project and provide support for
unsupported packages.


Re: [tex4ht] Justification with tex4ht

2013-01-18 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:51 PM,  wrote:

> Hello list,
> is there any option to say htlatex to justify the text? I found no
> answer to this question in Google, so I try here.

Format is more controlled by your CSS than TeX4ht. You might adjust your
CSS accordingly.



Re: [tex4ht] [bug #176] Missing break between paragraphs

2012-12-19 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:10 AM, William F Hammond

> Isn't "paragraph" a LaTeX environment that is "sectional" in nature,
> roughly subsubsubsection -- not to be confused with \par
> (which is commonly invoked with a blank line -- and isn't its use
> usually deprecated?  (I don't have my books handy now.)  Does Eitan's
> code treat it explicitly?

You are right. Eitan's code does appreciate the sectional properties of
\paragraph command of LaTeX. However, when a \paragraph unit has multiple
paragraphs of textual data, these paragraphs need to be tagged with
... element. When scrreprt.cls is loaded, TeX4ht ignores this rule
while in article.cls, it is perfectly obeyed. That was the bug reported by
Frank. scrreprt.4ht needs a bit of rewriting.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] biblatex incompatibility

2012-10-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Oleg Domanov  wrote:

> And now, CVR has just released a new version
>> {2012-10-25-14:56}, and I've updated TL.  Can you check that please?
>> (Probably no help, but ...)
> No change, unfortunately. The version is 2012-10-25-14:56.

Apologies, I take full responsibility for all the confusion caused. It was
my mistake not to check oolatex output when biblatex.4ht was revised
consequent to the revision of biblatex.sty.

Fixed the problems now, committed to svn and a copy attached for Karl to
take action on the new version.

Once again, please accept my uninhibited apologies.

Best regards

Description: Binary data

Re: [tex4ht] biblatex incompatibility

2012-10-23 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Oleg Domanov  wrote:

> Thanks, Oleg. It is a great relief.
> Yes, certainly. Although I'm not sure that it is installed right --- I
> just copied 4ht files over the old installation.

That is enough.

> Thank you anyway for this great work --- especially for biblatex support.
> This is the only converter I know capable to cope with biblatex.

Trying to follow biblatex development as closely as possible, don't know
how far it is possible.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] biblatex incompatibility

2012-10-23 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Oleg Domanov  wrote:

> It seems that texlive contains an outdated package. I copied 4ht files
> from the svn and everything is fine now.
> 2012/10/23 Radhakrishnan CV 
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Oleg Domanov wrote:
>>> Strange, you have a newer version of tex4ht. I installed mine from
>>> texlive 2012 repo. Is it not enought? This used to work quite well for me.
>> Mine should be the current, I used to update everyday from svn. But, I
>> don't think that could be the reason. Let us ask somebody else to test your
>> MWE, maybe, Karl can help us.
Thanks, Oleg. It is a great relief.


Re: [tex4ht] biblatex incompatibility

2012-10-22 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Oleg Domanov  wrote:

> Strange, you have a newer version of tex4ht. I installed mine from texlive
> 2012 repo. Is it not enought? This used to work quite well for me.

Mine should be the current, I used to update everyday from svn. But, I
don't think that could be the reason. Let us ask somebody else to test your
MWE, maybe, Karl can help us.



Re: [tex4ht] biblatex incompatibility

2012-10-22 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Oleg Domanov  wrote:

> If just before running t4ht you take the .4oo file and delete the
> unnecessary \relax, everything goes fine. I even wrote a batch file
> deleting it automatically and it works fine for me. So the problem is to
> find what is responsible for inserting this superfluous \relax. This is too
> difficult for me but I hope not for CVR.

I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] dbmlatex conversion...

2012-10-22 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Zdzislaw Meglicki

> Question: is this a known problem? Should I update some of my TeX4ht config
> files? If so, which ones?
> This is a vanilla Cygwin installation downloaded with the latest version
> of TeX
> Live about two weeks ago...

Can you please send a small test file with problem? I think, input file has


Re: [tex4ht] All the compilation options in the .cfg file?

2012-09-20 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Denis Bitouzé  wrote:

> Hello,
> if I'm right, a command line as follows:
>   htlatex "config-file,xhtml,fn-in,charset=utf-8" " -cunihtf -utf8"
> may be shortened in:
>   htlatex "config-file" " -cunihtf -utf8"

Yes please.

if config-file.cfg contains:
>   \Preamble{xhtml,fn-in,charset=utf-8}


> My question is about the second set of options, namely:
>   " -cunihtf -utf8"
> is it possible to also store them in the config-file.cfg file?

Not possible. But you can define your own htlatex like custom script (say,
foolatex) which when run like


will in effect do what you wanted.

Here is a a source file which I use for html5 trials. You might modify to
suit your requirements:

  \input mkht.4ht
  \two{-cunihtf  -utf8}
  \three{#1 -d/tmp/}

\script{..} -- argument can be unix or bat

\one{...} -- can have all options passed on to LaTeX
(in your case, config-file,xhtml,fn-in charset=utf-8)

\two{...} -- options passed to tex4ht binary which post-processes dvi
(in your case,  -cunihtf -utf8)

\three{...} -- options passed to t4ht binary which generates css, images
and does all other system specific stuff like moving all output to a custom
directory, or execution of any shell specific commands.

\make{...} -- base name for your scripts.

Save the file as cmd.tex (or any name you like) and run LaTeX on cmd.tex
which will produce seven script files as shown below:

--- Writing file --- ht5latex.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5tex.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5texi.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5context.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5xetex.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5xelatex.unix ---
--- Writing file --- ht5mex.unix ---

The names are self explanatory.

Look forward to hear after your experiments.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] \autoref from hyperref with tex4ht (reborn)

2012-09-20 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Martin Heller  wrote:

> Radhakrishnan CV wrote, on 20-09-2012 08:51:
>> Please take a look at the contents of attached archive, A
>> screenshot of chapter 2 as it was rendered in Firefox is also attached.
> As far as I can tell, this works correctly on my system too.
> Thank you for the fix!

Welcome. Going with commit to SVN.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] \autoref from hyperref with tex4ht (reborn)

2012-09-19 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Martin Heller  wrote:


I think the text in the \autoref references at the top of Chapter 2 is not
> correct. When I compile martin.tex using
> htlatex martin.tex "html,4"
> I get "chapter 1", "chapter 1.1", etc. It should, as far as I can tell, be
> "Chapter 1", "Section 1.1", ...
> Here is a copy/paste from the html output:
> Chapter 2
> River Valley Technologies Figure 
> 1.1
> chapter 
> 1
> chapter 
> 1.1
> chapter 
> 1.1.1
> chapter 
> Theorem 
> 1

Many many thanks, you are right. I will get back soon.

Best regards


Re: [tex4ht] latexmk instead of 3 systematic compilations?

2012-09-17 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Denis Bitouzé  wrote:


> but, to be sure enough compilations have been done, wouldn't it be
> possible to use a makefile instead, the much powerful I know being
> latexmk?

That is up to you. You might choose any easiest method.  Three compilations
are needed to resolve all the cross links correctly. If you are sure about
previous compilations, ie., it is not stopped midway due to errors, you
need only one LaTeX run.


Re: [tex4ht] \autoref from hyperref with tex4ht (reborn)

2012-09-04 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:54 PM, Denis Bitouzé  wrote:

> Le mardi 04/09/12 à 22h40,
> Radhakrishnan CV  a écrit :
> > [...] Maybe my nameref.4ht is modified one.
> It is the case :) Here are the md5sum of yours and the TL 2012's one:
> 1033c267d0968c78f6b5239216f0cd0d  ./nameref.4ht
> a510f8a5ed6b8478825c1e8c1e45c191
>  /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/nameref.4ht

So sorry, it was my fault. Will update as quickly as possible.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] biblatex, biber, and htlatex

2012-05-21 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:


> I could easily be missing it, but I'm not seeing no specific bug report
> regarding biblatex 1.7, just your report of failure.  Can you construct
> the usual small test case / expected output vs. actual output / etc.
> so CVR (or anyone :) has a chance of doing that?

If somebody sends me a test file with necessary bib database, I shall
come back with a biblatex.4ht compatible with 1.7. Also, we shall
provide options to load previous versions of biblatex.sty (1.6, ...)
which will solve the nagging problem of dependency factor.


Re: [tex4ht] biblatex, biber, and htlatex

2012-05-20 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Karl Berry  wrote:
>    I received
>    on 14.11.2011 from Radhakrishnan.
> Fair enough :).
>    It is not yet at
> Yes, so this is what I was remembering ... I was waiting for CVR's
> confirmation/commit.

Please accept my apologies. I could not do it till date owing to
certain personal preoccupations. Now working hard to clear all the
pending bugs. Please bear with me for a few days.

>    I hope it was all right to put in on the web. It works with biblatex 1.6.
> It seems that what we really need is a biblatex.4ht that works with
> biblatex 1.7, since that is what is in TL, and (as noted) it is hardly
> trivial or desirable to downgrade.

I agree with Karl. We will provide new version of biblatex.4ht.
biblatex.sty itself is a complex package and making it work with
tex4ht needs a few days to complete. We will do that as quickly as

> I could easily be missing it, but I'm not seeing no specific bug report
> regarding biblatex 1.7, just your report of failure.  Can you construct
> the usual small test case / expected output vs. actual output / etc.
> so CVR (or anyone :) has a chance of doing that?

That is correct. I would be very happy if somebody well versed in
biblatex come forward to join the tex4ht project. If so, things would
be much more easier. I am not an expert of biblatex and without
knowing the innards of  biblatex, it is difficult to provide a long
lasting solution.


Re: [tex4ht] biblatex, biber, and htlatex

2012-05-17 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Joseph Reagle  wrote:
> My apologies, the URL for the min eg is:

Sorry to bother you again, the archive is empty.


[tex4ht] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2012-01-13 Thread Radhakrishnan CV

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Radhakrishnan

Radhakrishnan CV
Director at River Valley Technologies
Thiruvananthapuram Area, India

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Re: [tex4ht] Tables generated by htlatex are too complex for Kindle

2011-11-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Ray Seyfarth  wrote:
> Hi tex4ht Fans!
> I have prepared a book using LaTeX which looks great as a printed book
> (PDF).  However, to have an electronic version for Kindles and Nooks, I had
> to convert the book to HTML.  The htlatex command does an outstanding job of
> conversion to html, but the lines for the tables are too complex for the
> Kindle to handle properly.

TeX4ht generates the kind of tables as found in LaTeX documents.

> Is there some way to tell htlatex to generate tables with border="1"?

You might provide a simpler configuration for tabular structure after
\begin{document} in the following fashion:

the syntax is

  {at the start of table}
  {at the end of table}
  {at the beginning of row}
  {at the end of row}
  {before each cell}
  {after each cell}

{\HCode{1 colspan="\HMultispan"\fi >}}

The following is for alternate background colors for rows and unique
color first row.


Hope this will help your purpose.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] links to references using biblatex and htlatex

2011-11-09 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Joseph Reagle  wrote:
> A minimal example is now attached.

Almost fixed the problem. Will get back soon with a revised version of


Re: [tex4ht] How to indent toc better?

2011-11-07 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Mayuresh  wrote:
> I find that in the table of contents produced with htlatex the indentation
> for subsections is very small, unlike the pdf counterpart of the same
> latex source.

You need to follow html grammar here. You might adjust your .css so
that subsection toc entries will have more indentation.


Re: [tex4ht] Again biblatex

2011-10-05 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Thompson,Paul
> Thanks for your comments, Karl. I trust that you and all regarded
> my comments as supportive.

Absolutely. Me and Karl have been trying hard to make TeX4ht working
properly, write more documentation and make a new release. But
often, we both have been severely handicapped due to lack of time,
preoccupations at work, etc. If more people volunteer to take up the
maintenance of a few packages of their choice (*.4ht), a better
working TeX4ht is not a distant dream at all.  *.4ht packages need
updates or reworking whenever new version of the corresponding
mainstream LaTeX package is released at CTAN. Otherwise, TeX4ht will
break down for a user who has the updated version of a LaTeX

> I certainly for one have found that the package can be coerced to
> work.
> I wonder if some thing could be done to make packages more
> supportable. Could class files and styles be organized in some
> very consistent way to allow outsiders to work with them?

Eiten followed his own custom literate programming method which is
not very difficult to understand. Sources of all the *.4ht packages,
documentation, notes and even mails from users are available in
tex4ht-4ht.tex.  These literate sources are available in the 'lit'
directory of the project svn.  Those who are interested may kindly
grab the file, make necessary modifications, compile the document
with 'tex' thrice, you will get all the new versions of *.4ht
packages. This is the right way of modifying or maintaining TeX4ht
packages.  Hope people will volunteer to help.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Basic HTML output? No CSS option?

2011-10-03 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Benjamin Glazier
> Hi,
> Is there a way to suppress the output of html with span tags?

A line of the following style after \begin{document} can suppress the
content while rendering:

  \Css{span{display: none}}

> That is create a basic html output?

I am not sure, if I have understood your question correctly. If you
want to suppress css, you can use the command line option "-css". An
example will be:

 htlatex  'html,-css'

> Also, I have a list  and for some reason htlatex has inserted a carriage 
> return at the end of every word.
> This means I have delete every one.

Can you please send me a small file that can show the error?


Re: [tex4ht] Again biblatex

2011-09-23 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Christofer  wrote:
> Karl Berry  writes:
>> I updated it with CVR's latest version.  I forgot there was an instance
>> in the tex4ht repository.  (I updated TeX Live yesterday.)  Hope that
>> solves it.
>> If problems persist, please send a) a complete example that can be
>> compiled, and b) the exact command(s) you used to compile it.
> Using the latest version of biblatex and biblatex.4ht (revision 86) the error
> persists.
> Processing
> latex test
> bibtex test
> latex test
> mk4ht oolatex test
> the failure message postes by Christian occures again
> As Christian wrote the problem seems to be caused by the foonote command


Thanks for the bug report, will get back as soon as we can.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Tex4ht and Qt Help Project File

2011-08-26 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Franz-Joseph Barthold
> Hi to all,
> I am interested to set up the toolchain described below.
> Does somebody has already experience in this direction or is willing to
> communicate about a best practice solution using tex4ht?

TeX4ht is ideally suited for your purpose. But there is no package
that can be used off the shelf to generate your required html. If the
demand is for a highly customized html, you need to write a TeX4ht
package which needs a bit of energy and learning to know the innards
of TeX4ht. Otherwise a smallish conf will do if your requirement is
for a slightly modified html. Once this part is done, it is a pleasure
to generate your html output from your LaTeX documents.


> Additionally, I have some further latex documents on my software which up to
> now yield pdf files using pdflatex.

With your custom TeX4ht setup, you can derive both pdf and html from
the same LaTeX sources with zero effort.

> The idea now is to use tex4ht to automatically generate the html files and the
> Qt Help Project File (.qhp) of my own documents. These files are then
> transformed using qthelpgenerator into Qt Compressed Help (.qch) files.
> Together with the doxygen generated files, a complete Qt Help Collection can
> be set up. The benefit would be to generate an integrated set of all documents
> with all the goodies Qt Help is offering.
> Actually, I am thinking about (latex or tex4ht) macros which generate the
> formatted qhp-files including the necessary information.

That is quite possible. If you can provide a smallish qhp file, I
shall show you how this can be done. I would strongly encourage to do
it, since, at the end of your project, you will be able to contribute
a qhp back end for TeX4ht.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Newbie question about converting *.tex files with PDF figure references

2011-08-26 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 5:39 AM, John Helly  wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am enjoying learning htlatex's capabilities but find a puzzling behavior.  
> I think I understand that tex4ht tries to convert image files to *.png but I 
> would like to retain the PDF's since they are higher quality.  The apparent 
> attempt to produce the *.png files referred to below fails for reasons I 
> don't understand but that's not the central question I have.
> In the *.html that is produced by htlatex I find the following code:
>  src="BasemapProduction_201010010x.png" alt="PIC" 
> class="graphics">
> can be changed to
>  src="/Users/hellyj/Active/Papers/2010_USN_SERDP_SLR/BasemapProduction/Tables/LIDAR_comparison_SIOxUSGS_HiRes.pdf"
>  alt="PIC" class="graphics">
> and the *.pdf file will display correctly.
> Is it possible to prevent tex4ht from making these replacements or is this 
> something I have to do in post-processing?

Please include these lines in your document (after \begin{document})


   {\Picture[pict]{\csname Gin@base\endcsname.pdf}}


Best regards

PS: Apologies for the late reply.

Re: [tex4ht] \autoref from hyperref with tex4ht

2011-05-12 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 9:29 PM, William F Hammond
> Radhakrishnan CV  writes:
>> ...
>>> \usepackage{hyperref}
>>> ...
>>> \begin{figure}
>>>  \caption{My figure.}
>>>  \label{fig}
>>> \end{figure}
>>> See~\autoref{fig}.
>> ...
>> Attached is a newer version of nameref.4ht. In my tests, this version
>> seems to fix the problem of not only \autoref, but also \nameref which
>> was also broken.
> A brief experiment trying to write a newcommand to work
> around this
>  \newcommand{\figref}[1]{\href{\##1}{figure~\ref*{#1}}}
> suggests to me that \ref* -- hypperref's inert form of \ref
> producing the textual representation of the reference value
> without a link -- is not yet supported by tex4ht.
> And there's another issue here: the author-provided label
> key ("fig" in this example) is swallowed; it never appears
> in the html output.  So the particular location cannot be
> referenced in the standard html way as "#fig".  Instead if
> the author wanted to publish a link to the specific location
> the # reference would be, for my build, #x1-21, which one
> can hardly imagine as durable.


You're right, Bill. In a customized situation, TeX4ht can be
configured to generate output of your choice. It is very very flexible
to meet your requirements faithfully. However, the default behavior of
TeX4ht heavily relies on the input submitted to it  without need to
any extra configuration or coding.  Surely, that will miss certain
things as you have told above which is the price we pay for making
TeX4ht user friendly or less demanding from the users.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] \autoref from hyperref with tex4ht

2011-05-10 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Martin Heller  wrote:
> I've posted this on comp.text.tex too, but as tex4ht comes up rarely in that
> newsgroup I thought I might have better chances of a reply here.
> Is it possible to get the same output from \autoref using htlatex as when
> using pdflatex?
> Minimal example demonstrating the difference:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{figure}
>  \caption{My figure.}
>  \label{fig}
> \end{figure}
> See~\autoref{fig}.
> \end{document}
> When compiled with pdflatex I get "See Figure 1".
> When compiled with htlatex I get "See 1".
> Can \autoref be configured to give "See Figure 1" in both cases? I tried
> \providecommand\figureautorefname{Figure} but it doesn't do the trick.

Attached is a newer version of nameref.4ht. In my tests, this version
seems to fix the problem of not only \autoref, but also \nameref which
was also broken. If this version passes your tests, I shall update the
literate sources and nameref.4ht in the SVN.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

This is a test section.



 Figure 1: My figure. 



 Table 1: My table. 


Theorem 1 (Optional Theorem Heading) This is a theorem.
   See NormalRef: 1. See AutoRef: Figure 1. NameRef: My figure..
   See NormalRef: 1. See AutoRef: Table 1. NameRef: My table..
   See NormalRef: 1. See AutoRef: section 1. NameRef: One.
   See NormalRef: 1. See AutoRef: Theorem 1. NameRef: Optional Theorem



Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: TeX document

Description: Binary data

Re: [tex4ht] No math rendering

2011-04-16 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:27 AM, Bruno Grenet
 wrote: > Hello,
> I have read some previous messages concerning math rendering,
> especially one about MathJax (a javascript library to display
> LaTeX formulas in HTML). I think I have the same wish as the
> poster even though I am not so sure.

Why not consider moving to MathML which is now part of HTML5 specs and
already supported by browsers like Firefox and Opera?

> My wish is to configure tex4ht so that it just copies all math
> formulas into the html code. I felt like it is easy (just by
> using the \HCode command) but unfortunately I could not do what
> I want. I guess I do not understand well enough tex4ht yet.

It is not a big task to verbatim copy the TeX code for inline math.
For instance, the following code can do the job:


However, this trick will not help with displayed math. The main
problem is the resolution of cross references to equation numbers.
Since equation numbers are generated on the fly, you need to process
the displayed math in some manner before writing verbatim to your html

A possible way out shall be to write out each displayed equation,
typeset it in a box so that \label{...}'s are expanded and written to
*.aux, discard the box and verbatim input the equation file again.
Not a trivial job, but entirely doable.

> The rationale for my wish comes from MathJax: it makes a great
> job rendering LaTeX equations in HTML, and it seems that it
> works better with a pure LaTeX input than with, say, the input
> given through the jsMath option of tex4ht (even though there is
> an extension to MathJax to handle jsMath-style inputs).

Actually, it is in our TODO list to write separate packages for
MathJax. In fact, there is a request pending from MathJax developers
in this regard. Volunteers are welcome.

> Thank you in advance, and already many thanks for the great job
> done to continue Eitan Gurari's terrific work!

Welcome. Sorry for being late to respond. As you can imagine, it is
the day job which forces a procrastination.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] mk4ht misssin \endcsname inserted

2011-03-02 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 02/03/11 1:52 AM, Peter Fodrek wrote:
> Dear TeX experts,
> I would like to ask for you help
> I have and templete where
> %% insert table
> %% use as \tabin{size_in_mm}{label}{caption}{table_data}
> \newcounter{tabcounter}
> \def\tabin #1#2#3#4{
> \refstepcounter{tabcounter} \label{#2}
> \[ \makebox[#1mm][c]{#4} \]

If you would remove \[ ... \] and substitute with \begin{center} ...
\end{center}, your problem will be solved.

> %\vspace{0mm}
> \begin{center}
>  \parbox{7cm}{{\bf TABLE \arabic{tabcounter}:}\quad {\it #3 } } \\
> \end{center}
> }

Please try the attached peter.tex and see the output made at this end.

Best regards

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Description: TeX document

is set as must, then I used


 TABLE 1:   First set of experiments   


Re: [tex4ht] Output directory

2011-02-17 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 18/02/11 5:05 AM, Karl Berry wrote:
> \Needs{"mkdir -p mytmp"}
> \Needs{"mv \jobname.{4ct,4tc,aux,css,dvi,idv,html,lg,log,xref} mytmp"}
> Sure, as long as \write18 is enabled, that's another way.  If you're
> only using tex4ht on your own documents, that's ok, but it's much too
> dangerous to enable by default.

Makefile is by far the elegant solution. I depend too much on make
which is a fairy godmother for me. :)

Karl, do we need shell-escape enabled to execute commands embedded in
\Needs{...}? I am not sure about it, as I always run TeX with
shell-escape enabled by default.

However, \Needs command writes the contents to a file called
\jobname.lg, which is read by 't4ht' binary that creates the
\jobname.css and executes system commands in \jobname.lg. That is how
validation of the xml/html output is done with a parser. \write18 may
not be helpful in this matter, since during the compilation process,
we don't have the outputs available. Seems like \Needs is a safe
command for system related operations.


Re: [tex4ht] Output directory

2011-02-16 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 17/02/11 6:19 AM, Karl Berry wrote:


> I'm not aware of any such "tidy" option :(.  It would be nice, but it's
> not exactly simple to implement (nothing is :().
> I appreciate that this isn't a general solution, but FWIW, what I do is
> run everything using a Makefile and rm the stuff afterwards.  As in:
>   htlatex whatever.tex
>   rm -f *.4ct *.4tc *.aux *.dvi *.idv *.lg *.log *.tmp *.trc *.xref
>   rm -f *.4es *.png tmp
> (Of course one may not to actually delete all such files every time, etc...)

Sorry for late reply.

I think, we can make use of \Needs command in an effective manner.
Please see the following example:

%> Begin <-




\section{Section One}

This is a test for moving all files to another directory.

\Needs{"mkdir -p mytmp"}
\Needs{"mv \jobname.{4ct,4tc,aux,css,dvi,idv,html,lg,log,xref} mytmp"}


%--> End <--

You might prefer to use the system commands specific to your operating

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Does secnumdepth work in TeX4ht?

2010-10-31 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 01-Nov-2010, at 6:49 AM, Beuthe, Thomas wrote:

>> You need to configure TitleMark of paragraph and subparagraph command 
>> since the defaults are configured to be null. The following will work fine:


> This worked perfectly, as advertised.
> Thank you for the fast response!
> Is this a fix that will make its way into the standard version,
> or is this a patch that always has to be applied?

I think, the defaults chosen by Eitan seem to be good enough 
for most of the situations.  However, we shall add the tips
and tricks to the user documentation which we long to write, although
Eitan has provided all these tricks in his documentation, but
dispersed in a different style.

Best regards


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [tex4ht] Does secnumdepth work in TeX4ht?

2010-10-31 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 31-Oct-2010, at 12:39 PM, Beuthe, Thomas wrote:

> Recently I noticed that my redefinition of secnumdepth
> was not working properly on a project being compiled with TeX4ht,
> so I made up a small example to show what seems to be going wrong.
> If I input the following and compile it using "htlatex test_html_secnum":
> \documentclass{report}
> \setcounter{secnumdepth}{6}
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{6}
> \begin{document}
> \tableofcontents
> \chapter{chapter}
> \section{section}
> \subsection{subsection}
> \subsubsection{subsubsection}
> \paragraph{paragraph}
> \subparagraph{subparagraph}
> \end{document}
> The output is as follows:
> Contents
> 1 chapter
>  1.1 section
>   1.1.1 subsection
> subsubsection
> paragraph
> subparagraph
> Chapter 1
> chapter
> 1.1 section
> 1.1.1 subsection
> subsubsection
> paragraph
> subparagraph 
> In other words, the redefinition of tocdepth seems to work,
> but the secnumdepth does go past 4.  Anyone know why this migth be happening?

You need to configure TitleMark of paragraph and subparagraph command 
since the defaults are configured to be null. The following will work fine:


Also the following commands are also needed, since default configuration 
does not have \TitleMark in paragraph conf.


The test files renamed as thomas1.tex and thomas1.html are attached to this 

Best regards

   1 chapter
    1.1 section
     1.1.1 subsection subsubsection paragraph subparagraph

   Chapter 1chapter

   1.1.1subsection paragraph subparagraph


Description: Binary data

Re: [tex4ht] thin space to non-breaking space?

2010-10-02 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 02-Oct-2010, at 6:15 PM, Michael A. Allen wrote:

> Is it possible to configure tex4ht to convert the thin space \,
> into a non-breaking space? At the moment \, is converted into an
> ordinary space. [There is actually a thin space character in html but
> it seems many browsers don't recognize it, so converting to some sort
> of ordinary space seems like the best option for the time
> being. Ordinary TeX treats \, as non-breakable.]

non-breaking space:





Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht: how to make the index refer to links instead of page numbers

2010-10-01 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 01-Oct-2010, at 10:38 PM, Irshad Alam wrote:

> thanks but could u pls explain what you mean by 
>  tex '\def\filename{{scr}{idx}{4dx}{ind}} \input idxmake.4ht'
>  makeindex -o scr.ind scr.4dx
> im not a techie or a linux or latex expert so could u pls explain in detail? 
> are these commands i put in the tex file or rum as linux commands?
> what are the steps? pls could u explain step by step what i'
> d have to do?

Given below are the commands you need to execute from your shell prompt:

1. htlatex scr

2. tex '\def\filename{{scr}{idx}{4dx}{ind}} \input idxmake.4ht'

3. makeindex -o scr.ind scr.4dx

4. htlatex.scr

Hope this will help.


Re: [tex4ht] unwanted non-breaking space after \

2010-09-29 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 29-Sep-2010, at 9:56 PM, Michael A. Allen wrote:

> Thanks for the quick reply - but I think you are wrong about \ being 
> non-breaking. See
> for example - it says \ and {} are equivalent. Sorry I couldn't come up with 
> a more authoritative reference. Anyway, using {} instead of \ with tex4ht 
> does result in an ordinary space in the html code.

Sorry, you are right about '\ ' in TeX. I should have told, '\ ' is 
non-breaking space in TeX4ht parlance. It is translated to   which is 
  in Unicode.


Re: [tex4ht] unwanted non-breaking space after \

2010-09-27 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 28-Sep-2010, at 6:15 AM, Michael A. Allen wrote:

> running
> htlatex minwrk.tex
> wrongly puts a non-breaking space ( ) between LaTeX and rules
> when you examine minwrk.html
> minwrk.tex:
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> 20~km \LaTeX\ rules!
> \end{document}

'\ ' is non-breaking space. You might use '\LaTeX{} ' instead of '\LaTeX\ '.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] Again tex4ht does not work with biblatex

2010-09-26 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 26-Sep-2010, at 11:55 AM, Kristian Debrabant wrote:

> Dear Radhakrishnan,
>> Attached is a newer version of biblatex.4ht. It works fine with the example 
>> provided in your post. Also, it runs with Christian's (OP) test document in 
>> my system. If the new version works fine in your setup, I shall update the 
>> SVN with necessary notes.
> The new version runs perfectly both for my test cases and the files I apply 
> it usually - thank you very much!

Updated literate sources, generated new biblatex.4ht and both committed to SVN.


Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht: how to make the index refer to links instead of page numbers

2010-09-26 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 26-Sep-2010, at 9:09 PM, Irshad Alam wrote:

> Is there a way so that my index refer to 
> web links instead of page numbers?

Very much possible, but you need to process the index file in a different way.  

> im enclosing a sample file

Run 'htlatex scr' which will give you scr.idx among other files.

Given below are the commands to process the index file:

  tex '\def\filename{{scr}{idx}{4dx}{ind}} \input idxmake.4ht'
  makeindex -o scr.ind scr.4dx

Run 'htlatex scr' again, now you will get scr.html with hyperlinked index.  The 
scr.{html,idx,ind} are attached to this mail for your information.


What to do when one seeks to follow the sufi path and reach God? One may learn
from the personal experience of the Mujaddid. He writes in his monograph Mabda’ va
Ma‘ad about how he started his own sufi journey.
 When I experienced the desire for this path, divine grace (ilahi)
 (SWT) took me to a caliph of the family of the khwaja hazrats (qaf).
 It is from there that I attained the tariqa of these masters and I
 clung to his companionship. [Mabda’ 1, 3.1-4]
Yes! In order to attain Allah, one must attain the companionship of an authorized
deputy or khalifa of any of the sufi tariqas and learn from him.

Mabda’ va Ma‘ad, 1 

Naqshbandi tariqa 
Mujaddid starts, 2 


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Re: [tex4ht] Again tex4ht does not work with biblatex

2010-09-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 23-Sep-2010, at 12:29 PM, Kristian Debrabant wrote:

> Dear All,
> The last version of bibtex4ht (from svn) seems to be from July 2010 (see 
> However, there is still one bug remaining (with biblatex 09d), reproducable 
> by the following minimal example:


Attached is a newer version of biblatex.4ht. It works fine with the example 
provided in your post. Also, it runs with Christian's (OP) test document in my 
system. If the new version works fine in your setup, I shall update the SVN 
with necessary notes.

The problem was checksum macros, which Eitan had redefined in biblatex.4ht. 
That seems superfluous and erratic with the current revision of biblatex.sty. 
TeX4ht can very well make use of the original definition in the package, I 

Best regards

Description: Binary data

Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht: how to do block quotations

2010-09-25 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 25-Sep-2010, at 10:25 AM, Irshad Alam wrote:

> dear radhakrishnan:
> ThANks for your help. Its working, I can convert the files to html following 
> your directions. 
> Let me recapitulate what I did: 1. I put \usepackage (Tex4ht) in the 
> pre-amble of a.tex 2. then ran "htlatex a" from the command prompt 3. then 
> viewed the a.html file, in my case, using my IDE Kile
> Now I've a new question, how to translate the \emph or \textit? because when 
> I run latex the DVI file does show it emphasized but the html file is NOT 
> emphasized.

Unfortunately, I could not replicate your problem. Everything seems OK at my 

Can you ensure that your process end up with creating \jobname.css?  If not, 
please run 


from the prompt and reload the file.html in your browser. That should work fine.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] tex4ht: how to do block quotations

2010-09-19 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 20-Sep-2010, at 8:43 AM, Irshad Alam wrote:

> what to do so that the block quotations are translated properly in html, when 
> I convert my 
> latex files into html files via tex4ht package? My ultimate purpose is to 
> make them 
> into Kindle ebooks from the html. Pls note that Im a non-techie and the books 
> are 
> simple non-math, non-science books on spirituality.


> Then I latex it and the DVI file is correct.
> Then i tex4ht it and then the middle paragraph is not indented as a 
> quotation. and thats the problem.
> HTLATEX-ing the files is not an option because although this sample file is 
> simple, 
> the actual file that Ill be working with is very complex and htlatex does not 
> work there.

If you do not want to use htlatex, then you might follow the following path:



Open your file.html in a browser and see for yourself.  htlatex does all the 
above processes in one go.


Re: [tex4ht] \bigl. and \bigr. sometimes cause problems.

2010-09-11 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
,[ CVR 2010/09/11 ]
| You are still wanting to be in the stone age technology.  Please throw
| away the raster images of math and switch on to MathML. TeX4ht does an
| excellent job of converting LaTeX into MathML+XHTML which is what is
| needed to see your math documents on the web. As a proof of concept, I
| have put in an experimental chapter of my Professor's book, Cross
| Connections (which I am translating for him into MathML with TeX4ht)
| which is available at:
| You need FireFox to view the documents. STIX fonts might be necessary
| to view MathML perfectly in FireFox. I have created the documents
| without any tweaking in the source files and with a simple TeX4ht
| configuration of, say, less than 100 lines.

,[ Thomas 2010/09/12 ]
| An excellent idea, except for some hard reality in my case.
| 1) The document I am dealing with is not small, and not uncomplicated.
| 2) Almost all of the target audience will be corporate internal, and
|will therefore be using IE7. Some may still be using IE6, and a few
|might of the more adventurous have upgraded (illegally against
|corporate policy) to IE8. Virtually none will be using Firefox, and
|I can almost guarantee no one will be using Chrome. There is no way
|I can ask them to load a plugin to their browser, and even less to
|ask them to load some kind of exotic (for them) STIX fonts.  As a
|result, I am forced to aim for the lowest common denominator, plain
|vanilla html with pic math wherever things get a little

If you can't request your viewers, you might think about delivering
the same from the server side.  There are many choices like jsmath
(, MathJax
( In fact, TeX4ht has a jsmath option and a
'jmlatex' script is provided to generate html pages with math in
jsmath compatible format. jsmath and MathJax allow to keep math in
LaTeX format in the html page and to dynamically process and render
with Javascript. 

I have created an html page from your example sources and is available
as an archive at:

which has thomas.html, thomas.css and mathjax.png. The last one is a
screenshot of the page as rendered in my laptop.

MathJax is easy to setup, you need to add a few extra lines in the
header of your html page to load MathJax.js.  It can also process
MathML and render irrespective of any browser. No special fonts,
plugin, etc are needed at client side. I think, it best fits your
scheme of things.


,[ Thomas 2010/08/12 ]
| Please don't abandon the update/fix of the html+picmath aspect of
| TeX4ht.  It is and will still be needed for quite some time,a dn I
| submit these findings in the hope they can be fixed at some time in
| the future and I try and also provide workarounds as well in the
| meantime.

It might be better to approach the image problem in a different way.
What we do at work for some STM publishers is to write out all the
math (inline and display) to a separate TeX file, create dvi (separate
page for each inline or display math), use dvipng to generate png or
gif in a breeze. This saves a lot of hassles associated with the
current picmath setup. Maybe one day, we will find time to include
this feature as an option into TeX4ht once the documentation project
is reasonably finished.

,[ Thomas 2010/09/12 ]
| As a reference: have a look at all of Wikipedia.  They are still
| firmly in the picmath camp.  Do they use TeX4ht for their rendering,
| or do they use a custom engine?  I'm a little jealous of their layout.
| The in-line picmath they use is much better typeset vertically with
| respect to the html...

Wikipedia uses a custom program to generate images. I doubt, if it can
process really complex math.

,[ Thomas 2010/08/12 ]
| I would love to upgrade to the use of mathml, but the reality of the
| situation is that we are still bound by the limitations of the
| shortcomings of the MS/IE world.  Sad but true.  Maybe in 5-10 years,
| but not yet today.

People should make use of MathML, enormous number of manhours have
been expended on the development of MathML which has many advantages
like archiving, voice rendering, assistance in cop-paste operation,
reuse data in other applications like Mathmatica, hyperlinking math
elements, etc.

Best regards


Re: [tex4ht] \bigl. and \bigr. sometimes cause problems.

2010-09-10 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 10-Sep-2010, at 8:34 PM, Beuthe, Thomas wrote:

> Here's something I wanted to note. (Note: All tests were performed only on 
> Windows systems)
> When using htlatex, TeX4ht will do its best to use as much html to render the 
> math
> to try and avoid the use of picmath.  Using \left. or \right. in $ $ math 
> works fine,
> but \bigl. and \bigr. cause a very subtle error (I didn't try any of the 
> other \big... series,
> but I assume it's probably the same for these).
> For example, try entering:
> $\bigl. K_J^{2\phi} \bigr|_{2\phi}$

You are still wanting to be in the stone age technology.  Please throw away the 
raster images of math and switch on to MathML. TeX4ht does an excellent job of 
converting LaTeX into MathML+XHTML which is what is needed to see your math 
documents on the web. As a proof of concept, I have put in an experimental 
chapter of my Professor's book, Cross Connections (which I am translating for 
him into MathML with TeX4ht) which is available at:

You need FireFox to view the documents. STIX fonts might be necessary to view 
MathML perfectly in FireFox.  I have created the documents without any tweaking 
in the source files and with a simple TeX4ht configuration of, say, less than 
100 lines.

Best regards

Re: [tex4ht] dcolumn package interference.

2010-09-01 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 31-Aug-2010, at 10:41 PM, Karl Berry wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
>Use of the dcolumn package 
> I've never heard of the dcolumn package, sorry.

It is David Carslile's package to fake decimal align in LaTeX tabular and is 
part of tools bundle of LaTeX. dcolumn splits each column (with a D specifier) 
further into three columns withalignments 
respectively, so that you get a kind of alignment of digits around the centered 
column which acts as an alignment point. It is a clever way indeed to tweak 
TeX's halign and tabular macros.

But dcolumn will not work if you happen to reconfigure $ in TeX4ht. The best 
way will be to reconfigure dcolumn also if you want to change the functionality 
of $. The following will work fine:







  -10.00 &7776.0 & -10.00 &  8.0 \\
   -5.00 &19.5   &  -5.00 &  1.25\\
 \(\alpha\)  & \(\beta\).0   & \(\gamma\).0   &  1.25\\



But be warned, you will not get alignment of decimal columns as you would 

>After some searching I have found the following commands:
> If you're going to be using tex4ht to this extent, I strongly advise
> delving into its code and trying to understand what it does.  It's not
> easy, but neither CVR nor I have infinite time to devote to the project.
> More developers are needed!

I would echo what Karl has told above. We will try our best to devote as much 
time as possible to solve problems when users find a glitch. If users want html 
output of their documents, it would be nice, if they care this point while 
authoring so that some of the formatting code can be inserted for conditional 
execution depending on the output. Since html and TeX have different paradigms 
of formatting, certain things are very easy to do in CSS and some through TeX. 
A little more investment of efforts will make life easier instead of wanting to 
translate every TeX nuances or clever macros into other markup schemes. 

Best regards

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [tex4ht] Choice of LaTeX -> *ml method for all browsers?

2010-08-24 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 24-Aug-2010, at 8:12 PM, Beuthe, Thomas wrote:


> Strange.  Now if I search the entire TeXLive 2009 directory files for
> the key "if exist", I find only one instance that might be connected to
> TeX4ht in the file:
> C:\texlive\2009\texmf-dist\tex4ht\base\win32\tex4ht.env
> perhaps a misguided 
> Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
> or something?
> Before I get too far into the tex4ht.env file,
> I figure you probably are more familiar with it than I am,
> so I included it for your inspection in the upper level "example" directory.
> Is there something that's messing up in there that is
> causing it to erase my .png files?

You're right. It does not create the image files even in a Unix system with the 
tex4ht.env available in your archive. 

 t4ht -f/tex4httest 
 Entering tex4httest.lg
 System call: if exist DEL >null
 sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
 --- Warning --- System return: 512

I could successfully generate image files for your math in a GNU/Linux and OS X 
box without problems using a tex4ht.env for unix. I don't have a Windows system 
to try the example files.

Anyway, tex4ht.env for Windows doesn't seem correct to me. Karl, we need to fix 
the tex4ht.env for Win.

By the way, have you tried unix version tex4ht.env in a Win32 system? Does that 

Best regards

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [tex4ht] usage with pdftex

2010-08-12 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 11-Aug-2010, at 12:39 AM, D. R. Evans wrote:

> Radhakrishnan CV said the following at 08/03/2010 05:51 AM :
>> I'm ashamed to tell this owing to my erratic release history. But, I am
>> writing a TeX4ht package to make e-pub seamlessly from a LaTeX document
>> along with a LaTeX document class to make PDF's from the same sources to
> Do you have a feel for the extent this will require LaTex as opposed to
> plain TeX? I notice that you explicitly say "LaTeX", so I'm guessing that
> this really isn't likely to work with plain TeX. But I thought I'd ask anyway.

Translating plain TeX to html is a bit scary. You might have noticed, Eitan 
depends on ams preprint package to process plain TeX files. LaTeX provides a 
standard markup which is predictable and that is important for any conversion 
process. Yes, I would say, LaTeX is needed for effective translation or should 
follow macro packages like eplain, which again standardizes the text content.

> (All my books are plain TeX... except the one where I allowed myself to be
> talked into Word. Never again :-) )

Do you follow a custom plain TeX macro package for all your work? In that case, 
we can create a custom configuration for TeX4ht that will do the job for all 
your work without hassles.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [tex4ht] usage with pdftex

2010-08-03 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 31-Jul-2010, at 5:37 AM, Karl Berry wrote:

>  Starting with version 1.40, pdfTeX incorporates the e-TeX extensions, so
>in this installation eTeX is just a symbolic link to pdfTeX.
> Yes, I know.  That's why I suggested it.  Never mind.
>command \pdfadjustspacing=2. There are several \pdf commands in
> Ah.  Ok, that was what I was wondering.
>is subsequently going to be converted to EPUB; I don't really want
>the HTML at all, 
> Oh.  I don't know anything about EPUB generation options, but maybe CVR
> or others here do.  It's certainly been talked about at conferences and
> such, but I don't have a working software package to point you at off
> the top (or even bottom) of my head.

I'm ashamed to tell this owing to my erratic release history. But, I am writing 
a TeX4ht package to make e-pub seamlessly from a LaTeX document along with a 
LaTeX document class to make PDF's from the same sources to suit different 
ebook devices like Sony, iPad, Kindle, iPhone and of course on a computer 
screen. Since the epub package is an extension over existing TeX4ht stuff, it 
should work with most variants of TeX. Whatever the case, an epub extension is 
needed for TeX4ht and people should not be looking for alternate technologies 
since TeX can do it seamlessly. Also, we have to write extra packages for 
html5, which has a few more additional features.


Best regards

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [tex4ht] usage with pdftex

2010-08-03 Thread Radhakrishnan CV
On 30-Jul-2010, at 4:05 AM, D. R. Evans wrote:

> I have read all the documentation I can find on tex4ht and its various
> commands, but can find very few actual examples that can help me with a
> simple task:
>  I have a plain TeX file that compiles perfectly with pdfTeX. I *think*
> that means that it should be possible to run some form of tex4ht on the
> file successfully (one prior poster here said "I am using pdfTeX", so I
> think/hope that there's some way to use pdfTeX with tex4ht), but I have not
> been able to get anything to work :-(
> I started with "ht pdftex bk7.tex":

Sorry, this won't work since TeX4ht needs a dvi output from which it extracts 
the html while pdfTeX generates a pdf by default. So, tex4ht post-processor 
will weep that there is no \jobname.dvi. However, 

  ht 'pdftex -output-format=dvi' bk7.tex

will work. But the html file will have only the ASCII characters of your 
document and will not be valid html. To make a valid html from a plain TeX 
file, you have to do the following trick.

You need to wrap up your source file with following code:

 \input amstex  
 \documentstyle{amsppt}  \csname tex4ht\endcsname  



See the attached evans.{tex,html} as an example. I have also added 
\pdfadjustspacing=2 command to show that pdfTeX can be used for processing the 
file. Since you use pdfTeX, I have attached a slightly modified script, httex 
which you may kindly use for your purpose. evans.html is created with the 
following command:

 ./httex evans "xhtml,html4.4ht,unicode.4ht,mathml.4ht"

Hope this might solve your problem, if you have still more, please get back to 
the list.

Best regards

PS: Apologies for the delay. As usual, I was terribly preoccupied. But this 
time, it was not work, but another  initiative of creating a sustainable 
community in a free software village! I was talking to several people including 
the landlord who promised to sell us 25 acres of land, I see signs of the dream 
getting actualized. When you get time, please take a look at:

which is my personal blog where, you will find a posting: Plans for a 
Sustainable Community.
Title: evans.html

  I tried lots of other things too, but I won’t bore you with them all (although perhaps
they might provide amusement). I did manage at one point to create a file
with the name “bk7.html”, but it wasn’t a valid HTML file. Anyway, it finally
became obvious that without an example I was never going to get a real HTML

   (α + β)2 = α2 + β2 + 2αβ


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