[Texascavers] looking for a place to live?

2007-07-28 Thread Kate Walker

Hey -

There was a post a few days ago from someone looking for a place to live.  
Well, I could maybe have a place - share a house near Braker and I-35.  Call 
me at 512-695-1758 and we can talk over the details.



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[Texascavers] NSS Convention live report # 13

2007-07-28 Thread David Locklear
I'll probably post my report 11 and 12 when I get back home, as I have not
been near the computer lab for the past 2 days.

It is Saturday morning and the NSS Convention is over. About 50 campsites,
remain, but they all appear to be packing up and the smaller camps should be
gone shortly.

Nearly everybody is stopping to take a picture of the ton of trash left at the
front of camp. 1/4 of it is in recycle bins.There is a
mountain of broken
E-Z UP shelters twisted together like some form of artwork.

The volunteers appeared to be doing a good job with re-cycling, but
future conventions like this, are going to have to put even more
emphasis on recycling.It is a very dirty chore, but I imagine
there was a lot of trash that could have been recycled.   It
is going to take more than one person to haul this trash off.It is going to
take a crew.

The ground is wet but only soggy in a few places, so a lot of gear will have
to be dried out as soon as we get home.

I would bet that many people left earlier than they intended.If the weather
had been perfect like it had been all week, then maybe a few more people
would have stayed and done some more caving.  I think it is safe to say
that the storm put a damper on the finalle of the convention, and unfortunately,
10 years from now, people will only remember the "photo salon storm of 2007."

I will probably spend the rest of the weekend touring the commercial caves;
and I may be the only person camped here tonight ( if they let me ). My camp
is allready all by itself in the back corner of the campground.If
the hot tubs
are still up tonight, then I will take advantage of that. I wiil be
in Louisville Sunday night at an airport hotel, and fly out 6:30 in the morning
back to Houston.

I will probably go straight to work after my plane lands, and then rush
home to give my daughter, Dalena, a hug. We will have not seen
each other in
12 days and that made the convention very depressing for me.

Meanwhile, the local Indiana volunteers are very hard at work de-rigging
the convention.  There is a ton of work that has to get done this weekend.

Here is a brief critique of this years convention.

For me personally, the highlight of the convention was sitting around
camp with other cavers and eating grilled pork burgers cooked
by speleo-chef Phil Larou.

And of course, the caves that I saw were fun.

The organizers led by Mr. Hahn, did a frickin ton of work to make
us feel hospitable and to welcome us to southern Indiana.

The ginormous tent that they put up for the Howdy Party was a very
smart thing to do. Cavers seem to hang out there more than the
much larger pavillion. We need that at all future convention
campgrounds where the chance of severe weather is possible.

The storm cost the caving community here thousands of dollars.I personally
lost about $ 33 worth of stuff.  B&C Wunderwear appeared to have
a significant amount of damage and lost sales.I heard there was even
damage to the indoor vendors due to a leaking roof.

In summary it was a great convention. I am very glad I came and I am glad
I took off for 11 days to attend it. I wish I had taken off 2 more
days and I
wish I had brought a lot more money. The only cave gear I bought was a
tiny biner to put on my Swago caving pack and some caving pants.It was
like being a kid in a candy store seeing all that caving gear and not being
able to buy it.

The note below is for future convention planners:

In my opinion, the convention generates a lot of paper.I believe
someday the NSS needs to go paperless, so that in 10 years the
attendees can just look at their wi-fi electronic-reader-gadget and
get all the information they need.  Someday the sessions will need
to be broadcast
live over the internet, so that people can sit at home comfortably on their
sofas and watch it on the plasma TV.

And consideration needs to be made for the elderly cavers that like to come
to the convention just to see old friends at the banquet.

And consideration needs to be made to entertain the family members stuck
at the convention who have no interest in caves. I understand a few cavers
worked hard this year to entertain the teenagers at the JSS booth.

It is believed that there was a cleptomaniac at the convention, but I can
not confirm this. Or maybe a few people who saw an opportunity.
  I believe one of the vendors lost a $ 30 pulley. And I heard
that someone lost some food or beverages from their camp. I don't
believe anything was taken from me, but
I tried hard to keep my stuff in my car with the door locked. One caver is
missing a sack of books he bought with the speleo-author signatures in them.

I wish the NSS would have 2 or 3 gatherings each year, like the TSA does.
That way if you miss one of them then, you don't miss everything, and you
dont' have to take a week off of work.Or maybe I just need to start
going to Cave 

[Texascavers] UT Grotto Meeting

2007-07-28 Thread Aimee Beveridge

The next UT Grotto Meeting is scheduled for 1 August at 7:45 in Painter Hall 
rm. 3.28 on UT's Campus, 24th between Speedway and Guadalupe.

Travel all across the state and beyond with Peter Sprouse who will present 
slides from recent caving trips to Amazing Maze Cave, Cobb Cavern, and more.  
We'll also catch up with those who attended NSS convention. 

Next meeting 15 August.

We are looking for folks who can help with a Fall Training Program.  Contact 
David Ochel or Wes Schumacher for more information at d...@ochel.net or 
mudmal...@hotmail.com, respectively.

PS: Justin Shaw - can you contact me offlist. 

seeze ya there,

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

RE: [Texascavers] Re: About big cats

2007-07-28 Thread Tim Kohtz
About ten years ago I was camping with some old friends from Indiana in Big 
Bend. We were just north of the mountains. My friends were asking the park 
ranger about fossils so, the park ranger sent us to igneous rock. Smart move 
of conservation on the rangers part, those guys couldn't keep finds out of 
their pockets.

Anyhow, I was taking a morning walk and out of a small clump of trees a buck 
jumped out, stopped took a look at me and hauled ass. I thought that was 
kinda cool and wathched him off into the distance, (you can see forever in 
that part of the country.) Just as I started to move on, another rustle came 
from the same area. I just got a glimps of its shoulder and tail as a 
mountain lion took off like a rocket in the other dirrection. I just ruined 
his breakfast and was glad I wasn't a second choice on the menu.

From: Mike Flannigan 
To: Cavetex , speleoste...@tx.rr.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Re: About big cats
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:56:40 -0600

In 1978 or 1979 my brother and I took off from St. Louis
in a Levi's Gremlin I owned and drove to Austin for the
Willie Nelson picnic he first held on that golf course
he bought for the concerts.  BTW, does anybody here
know if that was 1978 or 1979?  I've been thinking
1979 all these years, but now think 1978.  That is when
we learned what great partiers Texans are.

Then we drove across the country to Yosemite.  Did
a 3 day hike from Porcupine Flat to the top of the
main falls, then hiked up the Merced river? to the
campground about 7 miles above the falls.  On the
way to the campground we were in the creek bottom
and had a large cat on the cliff above us.  It was not
real big and was not really stalking much, but I think
it was a mountain lion and not a bobcat.  We were
not very afraid of it even though it was pretty close -
probably only 100 ft away.  We just thought it was
checking us out, which is probably the case.


On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, speleoste...@tx.rr.com wrote:
>Subject:About big cats
>   Date:Thu, 12 Jul 2007 4:56:24 -0700
>   From: 
> To: Texascavers@texascavers.com
>Big Cats
>  By: Gary Stewart  (Gadsden, Alabama)
>I wanted to comment on the big cat story I just read and relate some of
>my experiences. The only mountain lion encounter I have had was in
>Steele, Alabama west of Gadsden in 1979. There was a cattleman in that
>area thet was offering a $1000.00 dollar reward for the killing of a
>"black panther' that had been killing his cattle. Myself and 2 friends
>decided we would try to collect on the bounty since we were young and
>stupid and I had just returned from overseas in the Navy and need the
>money. We were several miles up into an area and new we were close
>because you could smell where it had marked its territory. We went up

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