Re: [NMCAVER] portable UAV for cave locating

2010-09-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Tom Harper of the Camino Real Trails Association uses a former
radio-controlled plane in the same way - but it's not radio controlled  -
it's programmed with a small on-board computer to take off, go out and
photo and GPS suspect trail areas - and can transmit the data back -
monitor battery supply, return and land at takeoff site.  Basically does
the same as the Scout, including errors adjustments and wind compensation.
The human just programs it and starts the engine.  Cost about $1,200 but I
forwarded the aeryon Scout link on to him too.

 John Lyles  
 Sent by:   
 nmcaver-bounces@c  cc  
   [NMCAVER] portable UAV for cave 
 09/17/2010 09:22  locating
 Please respond to

Scout UAV, just what we need to discover cave entrances in New Mexico.
Includes thermal imaging and real time HD video. Fits in a suitcase...


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NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] National Public Lands Day at Fort Stanton Cave

2010-09-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
This coming Saturday 9/25/2010 will be National Public Lands Day and for
Fort Stanton Cave we'll be doing some restoration work in the Lake Room
area.  Any SWR cavers in attendance, in addition to Lake Room work, I'd
also like to send a team back to Wheeler Hall to begin work where the 1877
Wheeler Expedition and 1891 Great Divide Expedition signatures are located.
We'll meet at the cave entrance at 8:30 AM for registration, safety
briefing, pass out Tshirts, etc.


Mike Bilbo
Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area
Cave Program Manager/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA 575-354-5034
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] On the lighter side-a Klingon Cave talk......

2010-07-27 Thread Mike_Bilbo

So much for the Star Trek adventure in Vegas...

- Original Message -
From: Carl Pagano []
Sent: 07/27/2010 08:18 PM CST
To: nmcaver list
Subject: [NMCAVER] On the lighter side-a Klingon Cave talk..

Australian caves offer new tour — in Klingon
Jenolan Caves first immortalized in the Next Generation episode 'Relics'

AFP - Getty Images
Awesome Australia
by Belinda Goldsmith

updated 7/27/2010 10:22:32 AM ET

SYDNEY — Staff at the Jenolan Caves west of Sydney have added a new  
out-of-this-world attraction — a tour in the Star Trek language  
Currently a self-guided audio tour at the caves in the Blue Mountains  
is offered in eight languages, but staff came up with the idea of  
adding the fictional language Klingon as the caves did once feature  
in the popular TV series.
In the Star Trek universe, Jenolan Caves was first immortalized in  
the Next Generation episode 'Relics,' through the naming of a 'Sydney  
Class' Starship — the USS Jenolan, the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust  
said in a statement.
Now, this relationship will be developed further, when Jenolan Caves  
adds the language of Star Trek's great warrior race to a tour of  
their most popular cave.
The Jenolan cave system, located about 109 miles west of Sydney, is  
enormous with over 40 25 miles of passages and incorporating caves,  
underground rivers and natural archways.
The Klingon tour has been set up for the Nettle Cave, which attracts  
up to 200,000 visitors a year, and will start on August 22.
Jenolan Caves guide Gordon Mills said Klingon language experts  
Michael Roney Jr and Tracy Canfield earlier this month flew in from  
the United States to record the audio tour.
We wanted to do something a bit obscure and we will now be the first  
tourist attraction on this planet at least to have a Klingon tour,  
Mills, a self-described Star Trek enthusiast, told Reuters.
There is a fantasy side to caves and a timeless nature, rather like  
Star Trek, so we thought this was fitting.

Copyright 2010 Reuters. Click for restrictions.
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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Geronimo's Cave entrance was blasted!

2010-07-13 Thread Mike_Bilbo

Is the cave on BLM-managed public land?

- Original Message -
From: Michael Lorimer []
Sent: 07/12/2010 06:13 PM CST
Subject: [NMCAVER] Geronimo's Cave entrance was blasted!

Geronimo's cave is a small cave in the Robledo 
Mountains in Dona Ana
County, New Mexico.  Still it is the second 
longest (and maybe the
largest cave) in the county.  The story as I heard 
it, is that about a
year (or more) ago, there was a great bang that 
came for the entrance of
the cave.   The person telling me the story said 
that a friend of hers
heard the bang and looked up and saw a great cloud 
of dust and debris at
the entrance of the cave.  She said that the 
people who went up to the
cave said that there was a crack that came from 
the entrance and went
down to the river (possibly an erosion scar).  The 
cave entrance was
still open.   Apparently according to the story 
that was told to me, one
Leewayne Preece tried to blast the entrance shut 
because he was tired of
people crossing his land to access the cave. 
There is a northernly
access to the cave through what I believe is a 
locked gate (which
according to the records of the Dona Ana 
Assessor's office cross the
edge of Preece's land).  There is another easterly 
access via crossing
the Rio Grande that goes through BLM land and 
International Boundary
Commission land ( a winter route when the river is 
low).  I have cc'ed
the BLM and they should take this matter very 
seriously as cave

rescources in Dona Ana county are rare.

Mike Lorimer
Fort Selden, New Mexico

NMCAVER mailing list

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] TPIA for Jim Cox

2010-06-07 Thread Mike_Bilbo

It is my honor to announce that Jim Cox has won the national Take Pride in
America award in the individual category.  It is because of his selfless
service, and exhaustive and spectacular work effort that he gets this
long-overdue recognition.  I'd like to share with you the main parts of the

Type of Activity - Please select primary event/ project purpose:

Education/ Interpretation Outreach

Research/ Monitoring/ Studies

Construction (Example: Trails/ Pathways; Fences; Signs)

Volunteer Information -

Total number of event/ project volunteers:  1 nominee; 65-85 other cave
program volunteers helping

Total event/project hours for award year:   856

Community or Partner References - Please list three contacts, with phone
numbers, who are familiar with the history and success of the event/

1. Name:John Corcoran III, Director

Organization: Fort Stanton Cave Study Project

2. Name:John McLean, Hydrologist

Organization:   Retired, U.S. Geological Survey

3. Name:Deborah Buecher, Bat Biologist

Organization:   Private consultant

Project Summary -

Jim has been a major participant in cave exploration projects throughout
New Mexico for years, including playing an important role in the discovery,
documentation, and exploration of the world-class features of the Snowy
River section in the Fort Stanton Cave system.  Jim’s work has
significantly contributed to the protection and enhancement of America’s
public lands.

Snowy River Discovery

In September, 2001, a team of cavers made an amazing discovery of the Snowy
River Passage in Fort Stanton Cave National Natural Landmark, at 15 miles,
New Mexico’s third longest cave.  The 4-mile-long Snowy River calcite floor
deposit is considered the longest cave formation in the world.  As a result
of that discovery and intensive exploration, mapping scientific research by
the caving community, Congress designated the cave and surrounding
BLM-managed public lands as the Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National
Conservation Area.  Because he was already intensely involved with the
Roswell Field Office as a Cave Program volunteer, Jim Cox immediately began
assisting BLM and a Cave Program volunteer group, Fort Stanton Cave Study
Project (FSCSP), to the great benefit of the resource, BLM managers and the

Access to Snowy River had to be changed from a dangerous crawlway to an
alternate safe route, which was developed by the Cave Program volunteer
workforce in coordination with BLM.  The project location is Don Sawyer
Memorial Hall, a known area situated 50 feet above an extension of the
Snowy River Passage.  The safe route design called for a stabilizing
structure constructed from stainless steel and high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) plastic.  During the past year at his own expense and an incredible
amount of time, Jim Cox, has welded 2,500 pounds of stainless steel angle
iron into 38-pound frames, directed and participated in the packaging of
over two tons of concrete into packable 10-pound loads, and then joined
with FSCSP to haul the steel and concrete materials 1 mile into the cave.
Next, Jim actively participated with the rest of the team to construct the
facility.  The concrete was used as a grout between cave walls and the safe
route structure walls.  That work continues.


In addition to the safe route structure project, Jim has also spent much of
his free time doing project-related video documentation of cave resources.
Since the 2001 discovery, Jim has spent dozens of trips into Fort Stanton –
Snowy River Cave NCA (at least 300 hours underground).  He has spent about
2,000 hours after work and on weekends editing video data, adding
documentation, commentary, and music into documentary videos.  Half a dozen
hour-long videos plus an equal number of shorter documentation videos on
various subjects.  Jim readily passes CDs and DVDs out to BLM management,
cavers and the public at his own expense.  For public interpretation, BLM
recently added one of his video-documentation efforts the Roswell Field
Office website -

A similar version was posted in the public access section of the Fort
Stanton Cave Study Project’s new website -

Through Jim’s videography work and publication on the Roswell Field Office
website, Jim helps to instill in the public appreciation for and awareness
of federally-managed natural resources.  Jim’s determination and undying
enthusiasm has afforded far better opportunities to add to the growing body
of knowledge on Fort Stanton Cave speleogenesis.  His work and reports to
BLM are detailed and highly professional and reflect his dedication to our
preservation effort and understanding of Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave
National Conservation Area.

Project Impact. Summarize the impact and benefits of this project/ activity
on the event site, natural 

Re: [NMCAVER] WNS and NM Convention

2010-05-21 Thread Mike_Bilbo
The discussion might be moot with WNS staring us right in our faces.  Would
be good to see how WNS Vermont conducts convention and what works or not.
I believe I saw someones' recent statement in this discussion questioning
the efficiency of the decon solution - Lysol and 409 have been tested on
WNS and found to be effective.  What might be a problem is washing clothes
- it's supposed to be really hot (can't remember the temp) and may ruin
some fabrics.  Best to wash in machine and not use the dryer but instead
put out to dry in sunlight.

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] Formation Mining in Wheeler Hall (Grrrrr!)

2010-05-21 Thread Mike_Bilbo

Last Stanton Expedition we had a science trip to Wheeler Hall (beyond Hell
Hole Gate) and found evidence of relatively recent formation mining - looks
like within the past two or three seasons by recreational parties.  To stop
this, from now on, recreational trips beyond Hell Hole by persons with whom
we are not familiar are limited to 5 persons and #6 must either be an NSS
or CRF member whom BLM Pecos District knows and who knows about the other
side of Hell Hole Gate.  I'll supply requesting parties with SWR grotto and
CRF contact numbers but if requesters can't secure help from cavers whom we
know, who know beyond Hell Hole, then recreationists don't go.  Hate to do
this but we're faced with certain persons who just don't get it.  If you
thus become the guide for a recreational Hell Hole trip, I'd like you to
lay on cave ethics and minimum impact.

Also, I'll schedule for you a Leave No Trace Trainers Course or two, which
will help.  Taking that training, you become a certified Leave No Trace
Trainer.  It's a 2-day course and we'll do it at Stanton, although I am
going to conduct one June 26-27 near Albuquerque, probably the Sandias.


Mike Bilbo
Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area
Cave Program Manager/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA 575-354-5034
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Pinon Cave Trip

2010-05-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
I'll bring to Pinon Cave campsite an expanded Decon field version we use at 
Torgac's.  I plan to arrive Friday afternoon.  System is six 5-gallon buckets, 
ie two separate decon setups to accomodate everyone:  bucket #1 intial wash, 
bucket#2 Lysol dip (1 oz per gallon of water), bucket #3 rinse.  I'm not using 
the bleach method as it destroys stretchables and certain fabrics.  I'll also 
be bringing some BLM loaner gear, knee pads, gloves, helmets, headlamps, cave 

Clean clothes and gear also applies to anyone headed out to ridgewalk in case 
you end up surveying or documenting something - although a find should be 
GPSed, entrance photoed with landmarks,  and then return to camp to coordinate 
with SWR leaders/USFS..

- Original Message -
From: Ken Harrington []
Sent: 05/20/2010 04:43 PM CST
To: NM Cavers
Subject: [NMCAVER] Pinon Cave Trip

Hi all,
For those of you planning on going to Pinon Cave to help with the surveying and 
mapping efforts over the Memorial Day Weekend; Please plan on arriving with 
clean caving clothing and decontaminated equipment.  Also plan to decontaminate 
all you equipment after being in the cave.  This cave has an active bat colony. 
 Quentin Hays from BCI will be going into the cave with us to determine the 
species of the bats, an estimate of the size of the colony and to determine if 
the cave is a nursery or a hibernation location.  We will also be accompanied 
to the cave entrance by a Forest Service biologist, Patrick Mercer to observe 
Decon procedures to use should be those used at Fort Stanton at the last Fort 
Stanton expidition.  For those of you not familiar with the procedures, contact 
Mike @


If you have any questions, please contact me at



Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - It's about dancing in the 

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Pinon Cave Trip

2010-05-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
The decon procedure also has you plastic bagging your cave clothes, wiping 
exposed skin -  cameras - glasses - other sensitive items that need to stay out 
of water - with anti-bacterial wipes that I will supply, and then putting on 
fresh clothes .  

The decon is to prepare for the next cave you go to, so the decon stations are 
for you to get your gear ready for any subsequent trips that weekend or 
someplace else later.  The Lysol dip and sun drying is the actual decon.  Your 
bagged clothes are taken home to wash and I suggest outside clothesline for dry.

The loaner gear is in the event we get anyone east of Tejas and etc.

- Original Message -
From: Ken Harrington []
Sent: 05/20/2010 04:43 PM CST
To: NM Cavers
Subject: [NMCAVER] Pinon Cave Trip

Hi all,
For those of you planning on going to Pinon Cave to help with the surveying and 
mapping efforts over the Memorial Day Weekend; Please plan on arriving with 
clean caving clothing and decontaminated equipment.  Also plan to decontaminate 
all you equipment after being in the cave.  This cave has an active bat colony. 
 Quentin Hays from BCI will be going into the cave with us to determine the 
species of the bats, an estimate of the size of the colony and to determine if 
the cave is a nursery or a hibernation location.  We will also be accompanied 
to the cave entrance by a Forest Service biologist, Patrick Mercer to observe 
Decon procedures to use should be those used at Fort Stanton at the last Fort 
Stanton expidition.  For those of you not familiar with the procedures, contact 
Mike @


If you have any questions, please contact me at



Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - It's about dancing in the 

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Fwd: [MOCAVES] WNS fungus found in gray bats, Shannon Co., MO

2010-05-18 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Actually, less than one state away - it's kind of only the Panhandle away -
not that far.

Mike Bilbo
Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area
Cave Program Manager/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA 575-354-5034
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

 Lee H. Skinner  
 net   To 
 Sent by:  John J Corcoran III 
 nmcaver-bounces@c   cc 
   'Texas Cavers List',  
 05/17/2010 09:05  'New Mexico Caver Mailing List', 'Pete 
   fungus found in gray bats, Shannon  
   Co., MO 

  ... WNS was found in Western Oklahoma on a Cave Myotis.

Now just one state awaysigh.

Lee Skinner

NMCAVER mailing list

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] WNS and what to do when it reaches NM

2010-05-18 Thread Mike_Bilbo

That non-convention NM arguement is interesting.  By now you have probably 
heard that WNS is confirmed in western Oklahoma - not far, therefore, from New 
Mexico.  And if it's coming in at that latitue, it means hibernation sites for 
sure at this end and way sooner than anticipated.  It also means it's not 
relatively farfrom a number of other western states.  It's really bad news.  
Meanwhile on decon efforts, everyone  needs to step up efforts and try to 
influence others throughout the west - do all we can at the human end.

- Original Message -
From: Carl Pagano []
Sent: 05/18/2010 10:51 AM CST
To: nmcaver list
Subject: Re: [NMCAVER] WNS and what to do when it reaches NM

Unfortunately, WNS is a primary reason why conventions shouldn't be  
held in the West, specifically in New Mexico at this time or anytime  
in the near future. It seems bad enough to go back east and have to  
decontaminate before caving again here.  How about worrying about  
hundreds of cavers, all at once, out here? Think about it before the  
presentation is offered in Vermont for a New Mexico convention.

 All it will take are acts of carelessness of unwashed gear in  
the right place at the right time. This also includes clothing, hair,  
and the dirt impregnated in your boots, gloves, helmet AND light, as  
well as ANYTHING that that gear has touched before being washed,  
including the plastic tote you threw it in, which also must be  
decontaminated before you put the clean stuff back in. This also  
includes the film of dirt in the carpet in your vehicle where you  
thew the tote and it has now touched. The vehicle must also be  
decontaminated where the dirty tote is placed, or the spores will get  
on the tote, which gets on the clean gear, etc.  Multiply this by  
hundreds of cavers, not all supervised or versed as to sterile or  
decontamination techniques. It's not just about washing your  
hands.  My understanding is that if the fungus is spread by  
spores, washing with soap and water is the only way to get rid of  
them. Germicides don't always work, or work as well. That's why the  
organism forms spores, for survival. Cavers may not be the root cause  
of the spread of WNS, but they COULD BE AN ACCELERANT of it. IS IT  

Is a convention here in New Mexico a good idea right now?  
Perhaps not. It would be for the best possible and UNSELFISH of all  
reasons: the limiting of the spread of WNS, if the convention bid  
were withdrawn at present.
  Think about this hard folks. Think about it at the regional for  
orderly discussion as to the bid. Think about what Mr. Lyles wrote  
below. There is a stinging truth to it.
 (Yes, I tried, but could not avoid contracting Curmudgeon's  
disease. Probably got it from Belski).

 See you in a few weeks.
   Carl Pagano

On May 17, 2010, at 9:42 PM, John Lyles wrote:

Be prepared! Learn a new pastime besides caving: something on the  
surface, boating, knitting, skiing, hiking, backpacking, ham radio,  
writing, traveling, cooking, drinking. Just think, you'll be able  
to save up vacation while working again! WNS will get here, bats  
aren't going to stop at state borders. Meanwhile, as my old grotto  
Commander Cody Caving Club sez, Cave 'til you Puke!


Cavers can continue to help by continuing to decon between caving  
regions and especially known bat caves,
not disturbing hibernating bats, and reporting any unusual bats to  
their local FWS.
In general, bats out west are even less studied than bats out  
east.  If you know of a significant
hibernaculum, make sure it is protected (tell your friends not to  
go there in winter), and monitored.
We are more spread out here out west, so knowledge of hibernating  
bats may not be as well communicated.

keep your hopes up, Jennifer

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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Any lava caves near Fort Stanton?

2010-04-21 Thread Mike_Bilbo
David, we do have some small lava tubes you can visit while here - they are 
about 40-45 miles west in the Carrizozo Lava Flow near a vent called Little 
Black Peak.  It's also BLM-managed public land.

- Original Message -
From: David Caudle []
Sent: 04/21/2010 08:48 AM EST
Subject: [NMCAVER] Any lava caves near Fort Stanton?

 A small ! group of us are coming from TAG to help at Fort Stanton cave on May 
1. We were wondering if we might get into a lava cave while in the vicinty? 
We'd travel  50 or so miles, or more if it is to the east on our way out or 
back. The only NM lava caves I'm aware of are in northwest New Mexico.

David Caudle 
( who knows the caves of Alabama a little bit) 
NMCAVER mailing list

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] WINS in Missouri

2010-04-19 Thread Mike_Bilbo

And yikes - not good... that's basically two and a half states away from
here.  Everyone really needs to focus in on decon - at least do what we can
on the human side of it.

Mike Bilbo
Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area
Cave Program Manager/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA 575-354-5034
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

 Pete Lindsley 
 com   To 
 Sent by:  Texas Cavers List   
 nmcaver-bounces@c, New  Mexico Caver Mailing List 
 04/19/2010 12:23  
   [NMCAVER] WINS in Missouri  

From the MO cave list:

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NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] Fw: [greeningman-list] Researchers Develop Urea Electrolysis for Conversion of Urine to Hydrogen

2009-10-28 Thread Mike_Bilbo

Interesting stuff from my Burning Man buddies at the Alternative Energy
Zone (AEZ) camp.  Maybe there's some caving applications in all this.
Mike Bilbo

- Forwarded by Mike Bilbo/RFO/NM/BLM/DOI on 10/28/2009 09:57 AM -

 Sent by:  
 greeningman-list-  To 
 bounces@burningma 'dave x'  cc 
 07/06/2009 04:52  [greeningman-list] Researchers  
 PMDevelop Urea Electrolysis for   
   Conversion of Urine to Hydrogen 

Or in a similar vein you can use Urine to produce Hydrogen at greater
efficiencies than with water:

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of dave x
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 12:32 PM
To: Jim mason
Cc: Greening Man List; Eric Brooks
Subject: Re: [greeningman-list] Biodiesel Bio-Char et al.

Urine-based fuel cell: Yes, you can turn pee into power and not just by
turning a turbine after a few beers. First subject urea to enzymatic
hydrolysis to make carbon dioxide and ammonia, and then oxidize the ammonia
to nitrogen and water. But the center notes that one problem with the
system is the need for alkaline conditions that may require transport of
sodium hydroxide, a hazardous compound. Also, to achieve power generation
in the range of 0.5 - 1W, a system to concentrate the breakdown products of
urea, such as reverse osmosis, will be necessary. But for astronauts and
soldiers on the run, one attractive feature of this fuel cell concept is
the production of water as a by-product of the system.

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] FSC - Geology in Action

2009-10-13 Thread Mike_Bilbo

Heads up to anyone going into Fort Stanton Cave between now and hibernation
closure November 1.  About 500 pounds of rock came off the ceiling in the
steep trail area just before Shepherd's Hut.  Paul Dunlap and others have
pushed it aside.  Geology in action...

Mike Bilbo
Cave Program Manager

Fort Stanton National Conservation Area
Cave Program Manager
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA 575-354-5034
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Underground Inn

2009-08-17 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Hmmm, might be a place for a regional one of these days...

 Jim Evatt   
 net   To 
 Sent by: 
 nmcaver-bounces@c  cc  
   [NMCAVER] Underground Inn   
 08/15/2009 07:19  

I've lived here in NM most of my life and never knew about this unique BB!

Have a look:

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NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] Do you need a ride to ICS?

2009-07-01 Thread Mike_Bilbo

If you need a ride to Convention/ICS - I could use two more
passengers/relief drivers.  Have one rider now, Laura Rosales.  We will be
leaving from the Fort Stanton BLM Bunkhouse on July 18 and returning day
after Convention/ICS is over.  Reply by email or call my cell or NCA phone

Mike Bilbo
Fort Stanton Cave National Conservation Area,
Cave Program Manager/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Ft. Stanton Cave NCA Phone/Fax 575-354-5034
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222
Roswell Fax 575-627-0276

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] Fw: White Nose Syndrome video link

2009-05-28 Thread Mike_Bilbo

I'm not sure if this was already sent out, so apologies if it was and I
missed it.

Ravenswood Media, US Forest Service and US Fish  Wildlife have produced a
short video on White Nose Syndrome, The Battle For Bats. It can be viewed
and downloaded at Please share the link with others.


David McGowan
Ravenswood Media, Inc.
410 S. Michigan Ave., #934
Chicago, IL 60605

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Candalaria Ice and Ft. Stanton Pics

2009-05-28 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Great photos!!!

Mike Bilbo
Cave Program Manager
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
BLM Cell:  575-420-7121
Roswell Desk 575-627-0222

 Aaron Birenboim  
 Sent by:   To 
 05/28/2009 08:16  Subject 
 AM[NMCAVER] Candalaria Ice and Ft.
   Stanton Pics

My (few) pictures of Candalaria Ice and Ft. Stanton (SWR) trips are at:

The somewhat significant photos have been given descriptive names.  If you
have a lot of time, feel free to download the original-named photos, but
they are the ones that I don't feel are worth keeping.


NMCAVER mailing list

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Fort Stanton /Snowy River Cave

2009-04-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Rats - but I was enroute to the Western bat Working Group biennial meeting
in Austin, where we got the low down on WNS.  Indeed, it is very serious
and we (people in the trenches) and Westerners have lots of work to do to
keep it at bay.

And many thanks to Mark Minton for keeping WNS in the forefront via

Mike Bilbo
Cave Specialist/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace Coordinator
Roswell Field Office
2909 West 2nd
Roswell, New Mexico 88201, Desk 575-627-0222

 John Corcoran   
 John_J_Corcoran_   To 
 Sent by: 
 nmcaver-bounces@c  cc  
   [NMCAVER] Fort Stanton /Snowy River 
 04/15/2009 02:39  Cave


This invitation was just announced today.  If you can make this celebration
at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, please come!  Regards,  John
[attachment invitation.pdf]
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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] 100 uses of Seamgrip

2009-03-08 Thread Mike_Bilbo
It's a good thing no one told you about WD 40.  Trust me, you don't wanna

 jen .   
 bigredfoote@hotm   To 
 Sent by:,
 nmcaver-bounces@c   cc,,
 03/06/2009 02:11, nmcaver,,,   
   Re: [NMCAVER] 100 uses of Seamgrip  

yeah, what would we do if men stopped fixing things?

The recent male caver visitor I had from out east looked at me like I was
crazy when I mentioned JB Weld.   now I know its just a conspiracy and he
wasn't dumb.

argh, really I'll get back to packing and start driving soon Jon and Janae


 Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 16:46:59 +
 Subject: Re: [NMCAVER] 100 uses of Seamgrip


 I am very concerned about you sharing secret male secret secrets with
non-males. I believe we may have to call a tribunal.

 Ladies--please ignore Jon's demented blatherings about duct tape and
bailing wire. These products are have no use outside of taping ducts or
bailing hay. And there is no such thing as JB Weld, if he ever mentions
that, either. It's a myth. These are all the ravings of a deranged mind.
Just remember that men are simply better at fixing things, that's all.

 Jon, we'll deal with you later.

 - Original Message -
 From: Jon Broholm
 To:, Richard Bohman, Ryan
Gosciejew, paul mozal,
Randy Macan, Carrie Finn,
Cordell Brown, Janae Hunderman, Scott Nicolay
 Sent: Friday, March 6, 2009 9:36:08 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
 Subject: 100 uses of Seamgrip

 100 uses of Seamgrip, the old caver standby.  If it does all the things
that this says, it should be in the same class as duct tape and bailing

 - Jon Broholm

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[NMCAVER] Thanks for a Really Great Winter Tech

2008-12-15 Thread Mike_Bilbo
PBSS:  Great meeting, great presentations, and a great feast too - PBSS did
a real nice job putting it together!  The Nature Center was a great place
to have the meeting - very nice exhibits and nature trails (I even got a
chance to visit a quite creative geocache just out the door - on the nature
trail -


Mike Bilbo
Outdoor Recreation Planner/
BLM-NM Leave No Trace  Treadlightly Coordinator
Socorro Field Office
901 S. Highway 85
Socorro, New Mexico 87801
Desk Phone 575-838-1278, Fax 575-835-0223

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] Fatality at Fort Stanton Cave

2008-10-20 Thread Mike_Bilbo
I commend Jennifer Boyette, Carol Lucero and Jennifer Foote for their
valiant CPR work.  Within a few minutes of start of CPR by three members of
the cave trip (El Paso Archaeological Society), Jennifer Boyette and Carlo
Lucero arrived and immediately engaged in CPR, and soon Jennifer Foote
arrived and joined the effort.  Those CPR people did that work for nearly
an hour, until relieved by paramedics.

 Steve Peerman 
 .net  To 
 Sent by:  nmcaver 
 nmcaver-bounces@c  cc  
   [NMCAVER] Fatality at Fort Stanton  
 10/19/2008 08:14  Cave

To all:
At approximately 4:50 pm on Saturday, Oct. 18, 2008 a 57 year old El Paso
man (NOT a caver) on an El Paso Archeological Society trip being led by
Mike Bilbo, suffered some sort of traumatic event (heart attack, stroke, ?)
in Crystal Crawl, on the way out of the cave.  Several Fort Stanton Cave
Study Project members assisted in attempts to revive the man,
unfortunately, unsuccessfully.  Lincoln County EMS was notified and they,
along with FSCSP members successfully recovered the body out of the cave by
approximately 8 pm.  A more detailed accounting will occur later.

Steve Peerman

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream.
    attributed to Mark Twain, but no record exists of his having written

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NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [NMCAVER] NCKRI director and location

2008-06-06 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Yikes, my bad for not taking effective notes at the SWR meeting, which I
then turned over for publishing in the Southwestern Caver.  Very sincere
apologies for creating the confusion and consternation.

 George Veni 
 gveni@warpdriveo To 
 Sent by:  New Mexico Cavers 
 nmcaver-bounces@c   cc 
 06/06/2008 10:47  [NMCAVER] NCKRI director and

In the recent issue of Southwestern Cavers is the statement “Pat Seiser
gave NCKRI update on new location and director position to be advertised in
May and hired by July” in the minutes of the April 2008 SWR meeting. This
abbreviation of Pat’s comment has inadvertently caused some confusion. I am
not leaving the National Cave and Karst Research Institute and it is not
leaving Carlsbad or New Mexico. The “director position” is to hire an
Education Director for NCKRI. I expect to start advertising that position
this month (and will post a note to this list at that time) and then make
the hire as soon as we receive and select from a qualified pool of

As for our move, NCKRI is still located at 1400 Commerce Dr. in Carlsbad,
renting space from the Permian Basin Regional Training Center. We will be
staying here for another 18 months or so until our own headquarters is
built. It will be the first building of the Cascades of Carlsbad
development along the Pecos River just east of downtown Carlsbad.

All is well with NCKRI as we make steady, important steps forward. If you
have questions or want more information, feel free to contact me. Also feel
free to post this message in newsletters to anyone you think may be



George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
1400 Commerce Dr.
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220  USA
001-575-887-5517 (office)
001-210-863-5919 (mobile)
001-413-383-2276 (fax)

NMCAVER mailing list
NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] 19th Century Karst Research

2008-04-18 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Here's an interesting article I ran across on the Internet about Karl
Dezman and his mid-19th Century karst research:

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] [NM-Biodiversity] Field workshops on cave and karst science

2008-03-11 Thread Mike_Bilbo
 Sent by:  
 NM-Biodiversity@y  To 
 03/11/2008 08:48  Subject 
 AM[NM-Biodiversity] Field workshops   
   on cave and karst science   

The Hoffman Environmental Research Institute, the Mammoth Cave
International Center for Science and Learning, and Western Kentucky
University would like to announce their 2008 Karst Field Studies classes.
These week-long field classes can be taken for academic credit
(undergraduate and graduate), for continuing education credits (CEU), or as
non-credit workshops. Complete information on the Karst Field Studies
program and the 2008 class offerings can be found at

Dates: June 1-7, 2008, Instructor: Dr. Horton Hobbs, Location: Mammoth Cave

Description: Caves and other subterranean voids are unique in that they
lack light and, therefore, most are not capable of producing food.
Consequently, these dark, energy poor, extreme environments impose a suite
of restrictions on cave fauna as well as the evolution of cave-adapted
organisms. The class will examine the cave productive surface world on the
dark, consumptive cave environment. Morning sessions will be interactive
lectures and afternoons and most evenings will be spent in the field,
observing surface and subsurface ecosystems of the Mammoth Cave System.
Small group mini-projects will be conducted utilizing the scientific method
to test hypotheses related to the ecology of caves. A symposium will be
presented. Participants should be in good physical condition and prepared
for strenuous activity above and below ground throughout the week.

Dates: June 15-21, 2008, Instructors: Joel Despain and Dr. Rick Toomey,
Location: Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park, California
Description: This intensive course includes practical and hands-on
instruction concerning cave management practices - AKA: cave specialist
101. It is designed for state and federal land managers, private preserve
managers, and members of cave conservancies. The class will include three
field trips to examine relevant topics in context. Topics covered include
managing volunteers, cave gates, cave inventories and monitoring, cave
management plans, relevant laws, cave restoration, cave survey and new cave
discoveries, cave scientists and the manager, recreational cavers and much

Dates: June 8-14, 2008, Instructors: Dr. Darryl Granger with Joe Meiman,
Location: Mammoth Cave
Description: This course will be an intensive study of karst landscapes and
will emphasize current thinking on the processes at work shaping them. We
are fortunate to have as our laboratory one of the great karst landscapes
of the world, and we will, therefore, be in a unique position to gain a
deep appreciation of these fantastic landscapes through a combination of
field and classroom study. The new view of the landscape provided by such a
study can be profoundly enriching, and indeed enhance the karst experience.
Because caves are a major element of the karst landscapes, both in terms of
process and of form, their origin and morphology will be a major emphasis.
Accordingly, we will spend a significant part of the week underground in
the Mammoth Cave System as well as other caves. At least one previous
course in geology is required, although appropriate concepts will be
reviewed. The course will involve strenuous cave trips and hiking;
therefore, participants must be in excellent physical condition

Dates: June 15-21, 2008, Instructor: Roger Brucker, Location: Mammoth Cave
Description: Caves and karst form through the interaction of groundwater
and rock. Caves are the home of many kinds of unique organisms and
ecosystems. Caves and karst have also greatly influenced human settlement
and activity. For these reasons, speleology, the science of caves, is an
incredibly interdisciplinary science that draws from 


2008-02-15 Thread Mike_Bilbo

Most people have seen the Steve McQueen movie The Great Escape at least
once.  This is about that tunnel.  The story is amazing.  This is a
fascinating look at a tunnel built in a German POW camp which allowed 76
Allied POWs to escape.  Interactive map - click on numbers, and it will
tell you about it.  Then click on the word next in the same site and the
story will unfold:

And then there's Manhole, a similar project of Great Imminents...

NMCAVER mailing list

[NMCAVER] New Outdoor Store in Ruidoso

2008-02-11 Thread Mike_Bilbo

This new outdoor store in Ruidoso carries Petzl and other products.  I
suggested to the owner to think about caving gear and asked him if he had
been to Stanton, and he had not, so I invited him to come on a trip when
the cave opens.

NMCAVER mailing list

Re: [Nmcaver] ATVs in Caves

2007-11-27 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Yes, I think you're right.  That Caveman Challenge was pretty cool - it
explains the callouses on my knuckles...

 Minton, Mark 
 Sent by:  nmcaver list,   
 nmcaver-bounces@c txcaver   
 11/27/2007 11:39  Subject 
 AM[Nmcaver] ATVs in Caves 

  Last night I caught a glimpse of a Yamaha ATV commercial on the
Discovery Channel during the show Walking with Cavemen that appeared
to depict riding ATVs through caves.  I'm not sure I saw it right.  Has
anybody else seen that ad?  What a bad message to send!  :-(

Mark Minton___
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nmcaver mailing list

[Nmcaver] Silos of the 579th SMS

2007-11-27 Thread Mike_Bilbo
I know that many times you've driven by the Roswell missile silos of the
579th Strategic Missile Squadron.  Here's some answers to what they're all

Some of the Roswell silos have pretty good water in them and a few are dry,
some are bad air or H2S traps, and most provide unknown numbers of Mexican
Freetails with roosts and an unknown number of Townsends Western Big-eared
bats with hibernaculae.  I talked to an owner who tried to make his into a
house - he said radon gas became a huge problem.  Silo 10
( is the one on U.S.
380 west of town that has the open doors, which were opened several years
ago for one of the Roswell Alien shindigs.   There are 12 Atlas Model F
missile silos that were related to Walker Air Force Base (Roswell) when it
was a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base during the Cold War.  When Walker
was closed in 1967, the silos were deactivated and eventually sold.  The
website illustration is exactly what these look like.  The IF factor - if
those missiles had been used, would you be here now..?  This part of the
website was buried in the Accidents section and has the locations and air
photos for the Roswell sites -

If you know anyone who served at the Roswell sites, the website is looking
for info and the Roswell ones don't have much info right now.

nmcaver mailing list

[Nmcaver] LED Sources of Interest

2007-09-17 Thread Mike_Bilbo
Here's a couple of interesting LED sites (I don't know if cavers ever
talked to them about caver needs).  These were sent to me by one of the
super-innovative groups at the annual Burning Man event, the Alternative
Energy Zone or AEZ.  The UV LED flashlights seem to have interesting
caver-like applications:

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