Re: [Texascavers] The 'Texas Caver' Is In The Mail! - When's the Last Time You Paid Your TSA Dues?!

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Mark, I'm new to the TSA (only joined in July of 2005), and when I signed
up, I assumed it was good for 1 year from the date of signup.  I've since
learned that most grotto's and other affliates of the NSS work on a
calendar year setup, starting each year off in January.  I didn't see
anything on the website clarifying this and I haven't seen anything until
this email about dues.

Do I need to renew now or in July?



   if you can't remember, that's TOO long and it's about time you went to
 the online link to do so!

   If you are wondering if you're on the Paid Member mailing list, pls
 contact me offline and I'll let you know.

   If you're not a paid member with all honors and benefits, you can
 register online at:

   After a long absence and past fitful starts and stops, the new and
 improved and REGULARLY mailed Texas Caver has gone to the print shop
 and should be mailed out next week.

   If you have allowed your membership to expire, as our records show only
 ~150 paid members out of a TSA database showing 900 past/current
 members, you probably won't be receiving this issue.

   But, if you join before midnight tomorrow (this is a joke!), we will be
 sure that you receive the 2006 second quarter issue.

   Just in time for the Convention!

   So, get on the ball and join! Drag your mouse (and any prior members you
 may know) to the TSA website and get re-membered.

   You won't regret it!


   Mark Alman
   Editor - The Texas Caver

 Yahoo! Mail
 Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze.

Re: [Texascavers] The 'Texas Caver' Is In The Mail! - When's the Last Time You Paid Your TSA Dues?!

2007-03-26 Thread Mark Alman
You're good to go, Charles.
  Look for the TC soon and thanks for taking over the TexasCavers Email list!
  Mark Alman wrote:
  Mark, I'm new to the TSA (only joined in July of 2005), and when I signed
up, I assumed it was good for 1 year from the date of signup. I've since
learned that most grotto's and other affliates of the NSS work on a
calendar year setup, starting each year off in January. I didn't see
anything on the website clarifying this and I haven't seen anything until
this email about dues.

Do I need to renew now or in July?



 if you can't remember, that's TOO long and it's about time you went to
 the online link to do so!

 If you are wondering if you're on the Paid Member mailing list, pls
 contact me offline and I'll let you know.

 If you're not a paid member with all honors and benefits, you can
 register online at:

 After a long absence and past fitful starts and stops, the new and
 improved and REGULARLY mailed Texas Caver has gone to the print shop
 and should be mailed out next week.

 If you have allowed your membership to expire, as our records show only
 ~150 paid members out of a TSA database showing 900 past/current
 members, you probably won't be receiving this issue.

 But, if you join before midnight tomorrow (this is a joke!), we will be
 sure that you receive the 2006 second quarter issue.

 Just in time for the Convention!

 So, get on the ball and join! Drag your mouse (and any prior members you
 may know) to the TSA website and get re-membered.

 You won't regret it!


 Mark Alman
 Editor - The Texas Caver

 Yahoo! Mail
 Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
 PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.