An Hypocritical Nation Whose Heart Is Divided

2003-03-07 Thread James R. Calvert
I watched the Presidential News Conference in a state of absolute
incredulity.  Here was the President repeatedly giving his reasons
for forcibly disarming Iraq: (1) it has weapons of mass destruction,
(2) it is a threat to the United States, (3) it has murdered its own
people, (4) it has invaded another country, (5) it does not allow
dissent, etc.
Truly we are an hypocritical nation ... whose heart is divided
(Isa. 10:6; Hosea 10:2).  I say this because every single reason
given by President Bush for forcibly disarming Iraq is infinitely
more applicable to the People's Republic of China: (1) it has many
known ICBM's, (2) it has threatened to nuke Los Angeles, (3) it
holds the all-time record for murdering its own people, (4) in has
invaded and occupied Tibet, while threatening Taiwan, and (5) it has
the worst record of human rights abuse in all of recorded history,
allowing neither religious freedom nor dissent.  It is also a major
dispenser of weapons of mass destruction to known terrorist states,
selling nuclear technology, equipment, and chemical weapons to Iran,
Syria, Algeria, and Pakistan.
It is also a fact that for the past 30 years the United States has
been doing everything in its power to build the emerging Chinese
superpower.  We have given the Chinese insane trade concessions,
while transferring our most guarded military and industrial
technologies, along with much of our manufacturing base, to China.
The outrageous violation of human rights which occurred at Tiananmen
Square in 1989 should also be mentioned because it made absolutely
no difference in our trade relations with China.
In conclusion, these facts give the lie to any supposed War on
Terrorism.  If the United States were truly involved in a war on
terrorism, we would not be involved in this insane buildup of Red
China and its military.  We would not be supporting China, the most
terroristic of all nations, while continuing our genocide against
the Iraqi people.

Re: An Hypocritical Nation Whose Heart Is Divided

2003-03-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How much more proof is needed? Iraq have something china doesn't and
the U.S. wants. It's amazing the American  people cannot see this. It is
truly dis-heartening to see so many turn from you and call you crazy or a
conspiracy theorist when you try to explain things to them, when the proof
is in their face, they still cannot or will not SEE.
- Original Message -
From: James R. Calvert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 7:15 AM
Subject: An Hypocritical Nation Whose Heart Is Divided

 I watched the Presidential News Conference in a state of absolute
 incredulity.  Here was the President repeatedly giving his reasons
 for forcibly disarming Iraq: (1) it has weapons of mass destruction,
 (2) it is a threat to the United States, (3) it has murdered its own
 people, (4) it has invaded another country, (5) it does not allow
 dissent, etc.

 Truly we are an hypocritical nation ... whose heart is divided
 (Isa. 10:6; Hosea 10:2).  I say this because every single reason
 given by President Bush for forcibly disarming Iraq is infinitely
 more applicable to the People's Republic of China: (1) it has many
 known ICBM's, (2) it has threatened to nuke Los Angeles, (3) it
 holds the all-time record for murdering its own people, (4) in has
 invaded and occupied Tibet, while threatening Taiwan, and (5) it has
 the worst record of human rights abuse in all of recorded history,
 allowing neither religious freedom nor dissent.  It is also a major
 dispenser of weapons of mass destruction to known terrorist states,
 selling nuclear technology, equipment, and chemical weapons to Iran,
 Syria, Algeria, and Pakistan.

 It is also a fact that for the past 30 years the United States has
 been doing everything in its power to build the emerging Chinese
 superpower.  We have given the Chinese insane trade concessions,
 while transferring our most guarded military and industrial
 technologies, along with much of our manufacturing base, to China.

 The outrageous violation of human rights which occurred at Tiananmen
 Square in 1989 should also be mentioned because it made absolutely
 no difference in our trade relations with China.

 In conclusion, these facts give the lie to any supposed War on
 Terrorism.  If the United States were truly involved in a war on
 terrorism, we would not be involved in this insane buildup of Red
 China and its military.  We would not be supporting China, the most
 terroristic of all nations, while continuing our genocide against
 the Iraqi people.

Congressman Speaks Out on Looming Iraq War-John J. Duncan (R-TN)

2003-03-07 Thread William
Congressman Speaks Out on Looming Iraq WarU.S. Representative John J. Duncan (R-TN) Posted 3/6/2003 9:57:57 AM
March 6, 2003 
"Conservatives Against a War with Iraq" 
Most people do not realize how many conservatives are against going to war in Iraq. 
A strong majority of nationally-syndicated conservative columnists have come out against this war. Just three of many examples I could give include the following: 
Charley Reese, a staunch conservative, who was selected a couple of years ago as the favorite columnist of C-Span viewers, wrote that a U.S. attack on Iraq: "is a prescription for the decline and fall of the American empire. Overextension – urged on by a bunch of rabid intellectuals who wouldn't know one end of a gun from another – has doomed many an empire. Just let the United States try to occupy the Middle East, which will be the practical result of a war against Iraq, and Americans will be bled dry by the costs in both blood and treasure." 
Paul Craig Roberts, who was one of the highest-ranking Treasury Department officials under President Reagan and now a nationally-syndicated conservative columnist, wrote: "an invasion of Iraq is likely the most thoughtless action in modern history." 
James Webb, a hero in Vietnam and President Reagan's Secretary of the Navy, wrote: "The issue before us is not whether the United States should end the regime of Saddam Hussein, but whether we as a nation are prepared to occupy territory in the Middle East for the next 30 to 50 years." 
It is a traditional conservative position to be against huge deficit spending. 
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that a very short war followed by a five-year occupation of Iraq would cost the U.S. $272 billion, this on top of an estimated $350 billion deficit for the coming fiscal year. 
It is a traditional conservative position to be against the U.S. being the policeman of the world. That is exactly what we will be doing if we go to war in Iraq. 
It is a traditional conservative position to be against world government, because conservatives believe that government is less wasteful and arrogant when it is small and closer to the people. 
It is a traditional conservative position to be critical of, skeptical about, even opposed to the very wasteful, corrupt United Nations, yet the primary justification for this war, what we hear over and over again, is that Iraq has violated 16 U.N. resolutions. 
Well, other nations have violated U.N. resolutions, yet we have not threatened war against them. 
It is a traditional conservative position to believe it is unfair to U.S. taxpayers and our military to put almost the entire burden of enforcing U.N. resolutions on the U.S., yet that is exactly what will happen in a war against Iraq. 
In fact, it is already happening, because even if Hussein backs down now it will cost us billions of dollars in war preparations and moving so many of our troops, planes, ships, and equipment to the Middle East. 
It is a traditional conservative position to be against huge foreign aid, which has been almost a complete failure for many years now. 
Talk about huge foreign aid – Turkey is demanding $26 to $32 billion according to most reports. Israel wants $12 to $15 billion additional aid. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia want additional aid in unspecified amounts. 
Almost every country that is supporting the U.S. in this war effort wants something in return. The cost of all these requests have not been added in to most of the war cost calculations. 
All this to fight a bad man who has a total military budget of about $1.4 billion, less than 3/10 of one percent of ours. 
The White House said Hussein has less than 40% of the weaponry and manpower that he had at the time of the first Gulf War. One analyst estimated only about 20%. 
His troops surrendered then to camera crews or even in one case to an empty tank. Hussein has been weakened further by years of bombing and economic sanctions and embargos. 
He is an evil man, but he is no threat to us, and if this war comes about, it will probably be one of the shortest and certainly one of the most lopsided wars in history. 
Our own CIA put out a report just a few days before our War Resolution vote saying that Hussein was so weak economically and militarily he was really not capable of attacking anyone unless forced into it. He really controls very little outside the city of Baghdad. 
The Washington Post, two days ago, had a column by Al Kamen which said: "The war in Iraq, likely in the next few weeks, is not expected to last long, given the overwhelming U.S. firepower to be arrayed against the Iraqis. But the trickier job may be in the aftermath, when Washington plans to install an administrator, or viceroy, who would direct postwar reconstruction of the place." 
Fortune magazine said: "Iraq – We win. What then?" "A military victory could turn into a strategic defeat. . . . A prolonged, expensive, American-led occupation . . . could turn U.S. troops into 

Delta Airlines Treats Americans like Terrorists --WHAT CAN YOU DO?

2003-03-07 Thread William
Delta Airlines Treats Americans like Terrorists
WHAT CANYOU DO? click here you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more

Fw: Harry Truman always said Manure--This is good..Must remember this in court.

2003-03-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: Harry Truman always said Manure


If The Pledge of Allegiance Is Unconstitutional? 
By Dennis Miller regarding the judges who declared 
the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional:

"So, Your Honor, 
the PledgeAllegiance to our Country
is unconstitutional 
because it says 'Under God'? 
Guess that means when you were sworn in 
with your hand on the Holy Bible, 
and at the end of your oath 
repeated the words'So Help Me God' 
that makes your job unconstitutional;
therefore you have 
which means 
your ruling doesn't mean $hi+." 

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more 

[no subject]

2003-03-07 Thread Atnip

I think that to understand what and where the 
world is today everybody should read "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew 
Brzezinski. This book clarifies the desire for American politicians to rule the 
world. Where are our public servants? Guys like me don't make it in todays 
political arena.
too bad,
\\ ~ ~ // (/ 
( ) Oooo 
--\ (( 
)--- \_ 
) ) 
(_ /


FW: FLASH FACTS MARCH 10: ReCaps Feb 28 - Mar 6

2003-03-07 Thread ThePowerHourFlashFacts

LISTEN LIVE to “The Power Hour with Joyce  Dave 
” 7:00 A.M. through 10:00 A.M. – 
CT Mon.-Fri. Join Joyce 
NEW Shortwave Frequencies: LIVE 7 – 11 AM CST WWRV 
12.172  9.320 AND the replay 9 – 12 
PM on 5.050 
NEWEST STATION Albuquerque – KBTK 1310 AM! If you are in Albuquerque 
please let them know you like us! or Last new station: 
WBPS – AM 890 in Boston! WEEK DAYS 8 – 10 AM Eastern Time! 
Satellite: G1, T17, 5.58 narrow band or G9, T2, 7.3 narrow band 
Local Stations on or 
Coming to TPH the week of: MARCH 
10 to MARCH 14: 
"The News They Seem to Lose," according to talk host 
Joyce Riley vonKleist. 
MONDAY - MARCH 10: Investigative Reporter, SHERRIE GOSSETT 
supplies critical updates surrounding "Digital Angel"; plus, covers 
"Training Events" for selected citizens groups, considered to be on the 'front 
lines', in the face of crisis. 

TUESDAY - MARCH 11: Anti-Trust Attorney JOSEPH ALIOTO 
has breaking news concerning the massive, price gauging on gasoline at the pump 
-- Who is doing it, - Why they are doing it now - and How bad it 
will get!  
WEDNESDAY - MARCH 12: Documentary Producers, GERARD UNGERMAN and 
AUDREY BROHY address many questions regarding the invasion of Iraq - - the 
background relationship between Washington and Baghdad; as well as the origins, 
developments and aftermath of the 1991 Gulf 
War. VIDEO: "Hidden Wars 
of Desert Storm"  
THURSDAY - MARCH 13: DR RIC LIVA introduces a new "Diabetes 
Kit" and educates on inexpensive and natural alternatives to complete 
Order Line: 1-800-797-3697  
FRIDAY - MARCH 14: Investigative Reporter, JON RAPPOPORT 
discusses the "hot topics of the day" in regards to politics, health and the 
controlled mainstream media. NOTE: Must log in under "Subscription (FREE)" to be assigned 
a password into site. An access password will be emailed to you within 
– 7: “The News They Hope and Pray You 
Never Hear,” as Dave vonKleist regularly states. 
FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 28: CLAYTON and MIRACLE2 details specific uses of 
each of these amazing products: 
MIRACLE 2 Products are some of the most amazing products! Many 
people who have ordered the large variety of products were given an opportunity 
to share how they use the products with listeners. Clayton of Miracle II 
also added various ways to use these products. 
Highlights of uses of Miracle2 from this broadcast: 
Rashes – Place M2 Soap on area and soap it up by rubbing it on 
the skin. Rinse it off. Do this three times a day. You may 
want to add a spray of the Neutralizer on skin or rub on one layer of 
Miracle 2 GEL and leave it. 
Dry Skin, Acne, Psoriasis – Same as above and/or BATHE with M2 
soap: This is especially good because “it absorbs into the pores of 
the skin and provides oxygen within the body and cleanses the blood”, according 
to Clayton. 
NOTE: If you suffer from skin 
disorders: 1) the Miracle2 Laundry Ball becomes important 
because you need to clean your clothes, towels, sheets, etc., with natural 
products which are free of harmful, aggravating petrochemicals and adulterates. 
2) use Miracle2 in the washing machine! Use ¾ to 1 oz. directly 
from the bottle. To soften and deodorize; add neutralizer (1oz) from the 
bottle to rinse cycle. 3) Consider using the Miracle2 THAI Deodorant 
Stone [ And there is a new Miracle2 MIST Deodorant.] 4) 
Always use Miracle2 Soap as a shampoo and the Neutralizer as a 
Light Cleaning: Use Miracle2 Soap on glass, mirrors, 
countertops, stainless steel, appliances, fiberglass, leathers, and 
plastic. Use 1/8 oz to 32 ounces of water in a spray bottle. 
Medium Cleaning: Use Miracle2 Soap on dishes, floors, 
bathrooms, tile, cabinets, paneling, carpet shampoo, spot remover, upholstery, 
automobiles, mildew, brick and stone. Use 2 ounces to 32 ounces of water 
in a bucket or spray bottle. 
Heavy Cleaning: Use Miracle2 Soap on floors, grease traps, 
drains, pots, pans, ovens, doors, white sidewall tires, bad carpet stains, 
clothes and heavier cleaning of carpets and spots. Use 4 ounces to 32 
ounces of water. 
Gardens and Gardeners: Add ¼ Cup to every 32 ounces of water or 
one ounce per gallon of water and spray on all garden plants, flowers and 
shrubs. Acts as a insect repellant and natural fertilizer. 
“Use 4 ounces of Miracle2 Soap and Neutralizer to 20 gallons of water 
– spray on one acre to remove harmful insect pests and neutralize toxins within 
the soil,” Clayton instructed Gardeners. 
“Insects like ants make their own highway system and by spraying Miracle2 
Soap on their pathways you mess up their roads!” 
Decontaminate: An excellent decontaminate wash 

WHERE'S SODOM SADDAM:!!?!?!?!~ HMM..WOW~~!!! WHAT?!?!?

2003-03-07 Thread AUBATTLECRY

The Iraq Complex

According to military sources, the Pentagon has picked northern Iraq as its first ground target for good reason. Intelligence information shows that Saddam and his immediate circle of Baath party leaders have already moved their offices and families to an underground city near the northern oil city of Kirkuk. It is located between the three cities of Tepe Zardic north of Kirkuk, Taq south of Koi Sanjaq, and Chwarta north of Sulmeniyeh. Several intelligence reports place the secret city on the banks of the Lesser Zab River, protected from the east -- the border with Iran -- by the Dukan Dam and IraqÕs largest artificial lake. According to sources, this subterranean complex was first built as a storage facility for nuclear bombs and explosives. But since 1995, under SaddamÕs direction, it has expanded into a network of tunnels, roads, living quarters, offices, communications centers and radio and television facilities, from which the Baath regime expects to continue ruling the country under a U.S. attack. Members of private Italian engineering firms who sold Iraq industrial components for uranium enrichment in 1993 and 1994 are the only foreigners known to have visited the buried city. After U.S. Special Forces locate its whereabouts, U.S. military tacticians plan to destroy it with the help of the same airborne missiles and bunker-blasting bombs that were fired against AfghanistanÕs cave systems Ð especially the AGM-86 B cruise missile. Following the aerial assault, ground forces will storm the tunnels leading into the secret city. Their hope is that the capture and fall of his underground metropolis will suffice to bring SaddamÕs regime crashing down. On the other hand, the Iraqi leader will certainly have had the foresight to build an extensive system of escape tunnels to take him in safety to central and southern Iraq if his secret city comes under attack. (WND archive)

Shalom v'khesed b'shem Y'shua HaMesheack aleyick! = Grace and peace to you all in the name of Y'shua thee Messiah

Justice Felix Frankfurter -U.S. Supreme Court "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes." 

World War III is being fought NOW. It is being fought with "Information Warfare" using psychological warfare, sophisticated mind control techniques, propaganda, misinformation, intimidation, fear, and manipulation. It is, in fact, a usually quiet war being fought mostly with silent weapons... but it will become very loud and very destructive. "Ordo Ab Chao" dictates that the old order be completely and thoroughly destroyed before the "new order," the Third Wave, or Third Way, can be established.

 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2Peter 1:20) 
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2Timothy 3:16,17) 
PSALM 105:15, EPHSNS 6:12; 
1 JOHN 2:26,27;
REVELATION 3:7-13; 14:14;2 THESS. 2:10-12; JAMES 4:4; REVL. 14:14-16, REVL. 20: 1, 4  5, 10; 1 JOHN 2:26,27

Re: Fla. officials warn of bacteria outbreak

2003-03-07 Thread Astro

I used to live on the beach in South Florida and these 
advisories are nothing new. This happens frequentlybecause theypump 
raw sewage through underwater pipelines out into the ocean. Most 
ofthe pipelines extend a couple of miles out from the shoreline and 
thesewageis carried away by theGulf Stream currents and 
effectively dispersed.Many of these sewage pipes are very old and prone 
toleakage. When Ilived in Miami, a large underwater pipeline broke 
wide open and was pouring tons of raw sewage into the bayuntil it was shut 
down and repaired.What a mess!They've had quite a few other 
similar incidents over the years.The tides and currentsnormally take 
care of these pollution problems, but some times they 

Most visitors don't even realize raw sewageis being 
pumpedinto the Ocean, they never see any of the pipelines and the Chamber 
of Commerce and Department of Tourism certainly isn't going to tell them about 
it.The average visitor looks at the crystal clear water and assumes it's 
safe to swim in.Most of the time it is, but not always.

These water advisory reports are bad for tourism so they try 
and keep a lid on most of them. This article doesn't say 
anything about it, but it sounds to me like they have another pipeline that's in 
need of repair. Again.


2003-03-07 Thread PPAINE
Angry North Korean General:ill fight US troops to the NORTH Korean Colonel General Lichan Bok clenched his fist in fury as he spat out his defiance of the hated US yesterday.
Full Story Click Here

U.S. considers withdrawing troops from South Korea
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Thursday the stationing of U.S. troops near the border with North Korea has become intrusive to South Korea, and said forces could be moved southward or out of South Korea altogether. 
Full Story Click Here

North Korea is worlds real threat to peace
In a terrifying exclusive report from inside the pariah nation, we show it is preparing for a devastating conflict against America. 
Full Story Click Here

Whats wrong with this policy? Saddam must disarm but Kim Jong Il may keep his nuclear weapons
The Bush administration was accused yesterday of resigning itself to North Korea restarting its nuclear weapons program. 
Full Story Click Here   

President Bushs policy: Well let North Korea have their missiles We hope they wont sell them to other nations
Responding to news reports Wednesday, the Bush administration said it will not accept North Korea expanding its nuclear arsenal, and a senior official said he was ''reasonably optimistic'' that Washington could work with neighboring nations to halt a drive by the Kim Jong Il regime to build new nuclear bombs. 
Full Story Click Here   

Red China says North Korea may accept inspections
China on Thursday said North Korea has expressed its readiness to accept US inspections on its alleged nuclear programme so as to end the worsening Pyongyang-Washington stand-off. 
Full Story Click Here   

Whats the penalty for treason? Hughes and Boeing pay minor fine for transferring missile technology to Red China
Two top American aerospace companies said Wednesday that they had agreed to pay a record $32 million in fines to settle civil charges that they unlawfully transferred rocket and satellite data to China in the 1990s. 
Full Story Click Here

Pravda: US parachuted mice
onto Iraqi farms
One of the main causes of the hunger which afflicts the Iraqi people is the policy adopted by the USA, for more than eight years now, of sending viruses against Iraqi crops and the policy of dropping thousands of mice by parachute to destroy what little we have. 
Full Story Click Here   

Saddam orders Iraqi troops to wear American uniforms
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has ordered uniforms replicating those worn by U.S. and British troops and will issue them to paramilitary fighters who would attack Iraqi civilians and blame it on Western forces, the U.S. Central Command charged on Thursday. 
Full Story Click Here

Baghdad residents finally realize war is imminent
The first attacks could come within days now, and suddenly the Iraqi capital is filled with the tension of last-minute planning for war.
Full Story Click Here

U.S. asks 60 nations to expel some Iraqis
The United States has asked about 60 countries to expel selected Iraqis who officials say are undercover agents possibly poised to attack American interests overseas, officials said. 
Full Story Click Here

Saudis allows massing of U.S. troops near its border with Iraq
Saudi Arabia is said to have allowed the United States to deploy troops and aircraft near the Iraqi border.
Full Story Click Here

Turkish military chief backs US invasion plan
Ankara: The Turkish armed forces have firmly endorsed a United States proposal to send combat troops through Turkey for an assault on Iraq, adding to pressure on the country's parliament to reconsider its refusal to authorize the deployment. 
Full Story Click Here

What secret plan? Kofi Annan denies UN plan to run Iraq
The United Nations has done extensive contingency planning for administering a postwar Iraq, but has no secret plan for running the country, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said yesterday.
Full Story Click Here

Whose name is on the checkbook? US wants to transfer control of Iraqi oil revenue 
To prepare for a potential humanitarian crisis in Iraq, the Bush administration is planning to ask the Security Council to transfer future control over Iraq's purchase of food and supplies from Baghdad to the United Nations, whether or not the council supports a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Full Story Click Here

Courtesy of: