A 'Help Wanted' ad found on the web

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

A 'Help Wanted' ad found on the web:http://www.google-watch.org/jobad.html

Deployment Engineer (with security 

Spooks on board at Google
Matt Cutts, a software engineer at 
Google since January 2000, used to work for the National Security Agency and has 
a top-secret clearance. Google would like to hire more like him. Can you trust 
Google with a database of all the search terms you've ever used? 

Welcome to -1984- Cameras and Microphones in Cell Phones to watch you.....

2003-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Microphones and cameras monitoring you now? George Orwell would be 
I love how they lull the americans into thinking this is something "GOOD" 
for them..They don't see the implications in all this technology.


March 13, 2003 -- 
"Smart" telephones may one day be able to sense when you are too busy to be 
interrupted and ask the caller to leave a message. 
Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania are working on the 
technology, which could be used in instant-messaging systems and office and 
mobile phones. 
Tiny microphones, cameras and sensors reveal body language, and computer 
software analyzes the signals to determine whether someone is too occupied to 
take a call. 

Pounding a computer keyboard, closed office doors, speaking to another person 
and the time of day are possible signals of being busy. 
Four people at work rated how busy they were as sensors monitored the 
signals. The ratings were correlated with the behaviors, and the computer 
program picked out the most important signs. 
Ain't Karma A Bitch!


Russia will fight US In Iraq ? here comes WWIII

2003-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that the US is hell-bent on it's own destruction. I wonder how 
many of the Americans Realize if we go to war in Iraq, we are going to war with 
the WORLD? 
I think we should all go up to the first person we see and slap him in the 
face, shake him, hit 'em with ice water, and wake him from his slummber. I watch 
people coming and going about their biz. and listen to them drone out the pro - 
bush, pro- war reterique (sp) looking like zombies, and fear the panic that will 
hit the streets when they do awaken and realize exactly what just 
"PRAVDA"Thousands of Russians Volunteer to Fight U.S.Wed Mar 
12 10:56:07 200365.218.73.132Around ten thousand Russian citizens 
have applied for entry visas into Iraq to defend this country against the 
planned aggression by the warmongering USA and UK, according to the Iraqi 
Embassy in Moscow. Iraqi Ambassador to Moscow, Abbas Khalaf, declared 
last week that the Embassy had received around 3,500 requests, a number which 
has multiplied in the last few days, according to sources in the same Embassy. 
The requests come from young males, some with combat experience, who 
describe themselves as volunteers who are willing to defend Iraq against the 
illegal armed aggression of the USA and the United Kingdom, two countries which 
continue to follow a belligerent stance on crisis management, wholly outside the 
generally accepted concepts of a New World Order based upon multilateralist 
approaches to problem solving, based upon the United Nations Organisation, a 
position championed by president Putins Russian Federation. For those 
who present an adequate reason for travelling to Iraq, the Embassy provides a 
visa and transportation, free of charge. Timofei BYELO PRAVDA.Ru
Ain't Karma A Bitch!


Buget Unveiled Today Contains Large Cuts In Medicare And Veterans Programs

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

Republican Buget Unveiled Today Contains Large Cuts In Medicare, Medicaid, And 
Other Domestic Programs

The budget 
that House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle unveiled today contains deep and 
widespread cuts in basic domestic programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, veterans 
programs, student loans, school lunches, child care, food stamps, cash 
assistance for the elderly and disabled poor, and many other programs. 
If enacted, these would represent the deepest cuts in such programs in 
U.S. history. 

If the 
committees cut all programs within their jurisdictions the cuts would 

$214 billion in Medicare reductions over ten years (the budget 
also provides $400 billion for a Medicare prescription drug 
$93 billion in Medicaid, the basic health insurance program for 
low-income families, children, and elderly and disabled 
$15 billion in veterans programs; 
$12 billion in food stamps; and
$7 billion in farm programs.


Blue-Ribbon Business Group Issues Stern Warning 
on Deficits And Advises Against Further Tax Cuts 
The report from CED — a highly respected 
research and policy organization that consists of 250 corporate CEO’s, 
university presidents, and similar officials — strongly opposes the 
Administration’s proposals to institute further tax cuts and to make the 2001 
tax cut permanent, because of the effects that such actions would have on 
long-term deficits. CED warns that if no action is taken, projected 
long-term deficits will reach dangerous levels and reduce national income and 
standards of living for future generations. CED calls for a combination of 
spending restraint, Social Security and Medicare reforms, and tax increases to 
meet the very serious long-term fiscal challenges the nation faces.

Cooking Intelligence for War

2003-03-13 Thread William
Cooking Intelligence for WarRay McGovern Panorama Posted 3/12/2003 8:20:14 AM
Two members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) appeared on German TV’s equivalent of “60 Minutes” on March 6 to discuss the use/abuse of intelligence to support the US administration’s case for attacking Iraq. Ray McGovern and David MacMichael were among the former CIA officers interviewed by Channel One’s “Panorama,” whose interviewers were asking questions seldom heard in American media. 

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity  March 12, 2003MEMORANDUM FOR CONFUSED AMERICANSSUBJECT: Cooking Intelligence for War Two members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) appeared on German TV’s equivalent of “60 Minutes” on March 6 to discuss the use/abuse of intelligence to support the US administration’s case for attacking Iraq. Ray McGovern and David MacMichael were among the former CIA officers interviewed by Channel One’s “Panorama,” whose interviewers were asking questions seldom heard in American media. As a service to confused Americans, we have translated the G!
erman portions of the program and append the complete transcript.We would note that the interviews were taped before the latest indignities regarding US intelligence came to light—the forged letters earlier adduced as proof that Iraq was seeking to obtain uranium from Africa for its nuclear program, for example. Our embarrassment is actually too painful to dwell at any length on other recent indignities—UN inspector ElBaradei’s preliminary finding that Iraq has no nuclear weapons program, the gaffes made by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his debut as imagery analyst before the UN Security Council, and his praising as “exquisite” a graduate school paper masquerading as top secret intelligence from the UK—to name just a few. Embarrassments of this kind receive little play among those American TV commentators who are helping the administration beat the drums for war. Such stories usually hit the cutting room floor. S!
imilarly, no airtime in this country is provided to veterans of the US Intelligence Community, unless some can be ferreted out who march to the same drumbeat. Some of us have had the extraordinary experience of been erased at the last minute from the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal and invited-then-disinvited to/from TV programs like Jim Lehrer and Fox News.Ordinarily, we would not mind being marginalized; we are used to it. But our country seems to be just days away from a fateful decision to go to war. And many of our former colleagues and successors are facing a dilemma all too familiar to intelligence veterans—the difficult choices that must be faced when the demands of good conscience butt up against deeply ingrained attitudes concerning secrecy, misguided notions of what is true patriotism, and understandable reluctance to put careers—and mortgages—on the line.In the face of impending catastrophe we feel a responsibility t!
o speak out—if only to remind the present generation of intelligence officers that they do have choices and that in the longer run their consciences will rest easier if they face squarely into those choices. As the transcript below indicates, the situation in the media is quite different in Europe, where TV is open and hospitable to various viewpoints, pointed questions, and rigorous analysis. We have no illusions that American TV would host a no-holds-barred discussion of US intelligence performance regarding Iraq—or regarding September 11, for that matter. We do sense, however, that there are millions who crave more than the mantras sung by the administration and, sadly, now echoed by the Director of Central Intelligence. It is primarily for them that we make available below the “Panorama” transcript. We appeal to those still working inside the Intelligence Community to consider turning state!
’s evidence. Daniel Ellsberg, one who knows, recently noted that truth telling, in time, can stop a misguided march to war. Ellsberg and our former CIA colleague, Sam Adams, spoke out courageously to expose the lies of the Johnson administration and to put the brakes on the war in Vietnam—but, sadly, not in time. Sam is now deceased, but Ellsberg recently appealed to insiders at intelligence agencies “to tell the truth and save many, many lives.” We Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join in that urgent appeal.We are encouraged to learn that just yesterday a long-time Australian intelligence officer resigned in protest against the handling of US intelligence and his government’s support of US policy on Iraq. So it is indeed possible for intelligence officers to join Foreign Service counterparts like John Brady Kiesling and John H. Brown who already put principle and conscience before obedience and personal advan!
cement in choosing to resign from the Department of State.  Richard Beske, San Diego  Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe   William Christison, 


2003-03-13 Thread Atnip

By Phillip DayThe Campaign for Truth in 
Medicine/Europewww.campaignfortruth.comIn Europe, we're told all the time about 'bad, 
wicked' America. But howmany eyes are turned on what the new superpower of 
the 21st century is upto - the European Union?Some FACTS now 
follow which will affect ALL Europeans:Did you know that the European 
Union, soon to dwarf the USA with apopulation of 450 million after May 2004, 
has a constitution planned forthis summer that, once signed, will end its 
member states' ability ever toleave, short of war?Did you know that 
the European Union has criminalised the sale of hundredsof perfectly safe 
vitamin, mineral, food supplement and herbal productswith effect from July 
2005?Were you aware that all members of the EU's governing structure, 
togetherwith the tens of thousands of bureaucrats and civil servants who run 
theunion, have been granted A LIFETIME IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION and are, 
bytheir own admission, above the law?Did anyone tell you this also 
goes for the sinister new European policeforce? Under the new EU Arrest 
Warrant, Europol has now been granted powersto arrest and detain any citizen 
speaking out against the EU for up to 9months without having to provide any 
evidence.Have you been told that if your country is talked into adopting 
the euro,all your nation's gold reserves, all silver stocks and dollar 
assets willbe handed over to the EU's central bank, leaving your nation 
independentlyincapacitated and unable to re-launch its 
independence?Did you know that the European Union, which now imperiously 
runs theeconomies of 15 countries (soon to expand to 25), has been unable 
even tohave its own accounts signed off EIGHT YEARS IN SUCCESSION? This is 
becauseof the corruption and criminal fraud carried out by its officers, who 
arepredictably protected by the above blanket immunity from 
prosecution.As members of a corrupt and unaccountable European Union, 
shortly to becoerced into joining the euro, is Britain to get the future she 
deserveswhile everyone studiously looks the other way?If you were 
unaware of even ONE of the above facts, and you care about yourfuture and 
the future of Europe, why not come along to one of my UKnational tour 
meetings close to where you live to see what can be done.This has nothing 
really to do with politics. It's to do with finding thecause of the 
problems, and then laying the axe to the root of the tree.Thanks for 
reading.Phillip Day's UK 'Let's Fix Britain' 
tourDates, details and tickets available at www.campaignfortruth.comor by calling (01622) 832386The new book is 'Ten 
Minutes to Midnight'Available at www.credence.orgENDS

FBI Probes Fake Evidence of Iraqi Nuclear Plans

2003-03-13 Thread jeani


FBI Probes Fake 
Evidence of Iraqi Nuclear Plans 
By Dana Priest and 
Susan SchmidtWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, March 13, 2003; Page 

The FBI is looking into the 
forgery of a key piece of evidence linking Iraq to a nuclear weapons program, 
including the possibility that a foreign government is using a deception 
campaign to foster support for military action against Iraq.
"It's something we're just 
beginning to look at," a senior law enforcement official said yesterday. 
Officials are trying to determine whether the documents were forged to try to 
influence U.S. policy, or whether they may have been created as part of a 
disinformation campaign directed by a foreign intelligence service.
"We're looking at it from a 
preliminary stage as to what it's all about," he said.
The FBI has not yet opened a 
formal investigation because it is unclear whether the bureau has jurisdiction 
over the matter.
The phony documents -- a 
series of letters between Iraqi and Niger officials showing Iraq's interest in 
equipment that could be used to make nuclear weapons -- came to British and U.S. 
intelligence officials from a third country. The identity of the third country 
could not be learned yesterday.
The forgery came to light 
last week during a highly publicized and contentious United Nations meeting. 
Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency 
(IAEA), told the Security Council on March 7 that U.N. and independent experts 
had decided that the documents were "not authentic."
ElBaradei's disclosure, and 
his rejection of three other key claims that U.S. intelligence officials have 
cited to support allegations about Iraq's nuclear ambitions, struck a powerful 
blow to the Bush administration's argument on the matter.
To the contrary, ElBaradei 
told the council, "we have to date found no evidence or plausible indications of 
the revival of a nuclear program in Iraq."
The CIA, which had also 
obtained the documents, had questions about "whether they were accurate," said 
one intelligence official, and it decided not to include them in its file on 
Iraq's program to procure weapons of mass destruction.
The FBI has jurisdiction over 
counterintelligence operations by foreign governments against the United States. 
Because the documents were delivered to the United States, the bureau would most 
likely try to determine whether the foreign government knew the documents were 
forged or whether it, too, was deceived.
Iraq pursued an aggressive 
nuclear weapons program during the 1970s and 1980s. It launched a crash program 
to build a nuclear bomb in 1990 after it invaded Kuwait. Allied bombing during 
the Persian Gulf War in 1991 damaged Iraq's nuclear infrastructure. The 
country's known stocks of nuclear fuel and equipment were removed or destroyed 
during the U.N. inspections after the war.
But Iraq never surrendered 
the blueprints for its nuclear program, and it kept teams of scientists employed 
after U.N. inspectors were forced to leave in 1998.

© 2003 The 
Washington Post Company 

Sources: Egyptian gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip

2003-03-13 Thread jeani

"We will starve 
terrorists of funding. From this day forward, any nation that continues to 
harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile 
regime". (Bush speech of September 20, 2001). 

What is wrong with this 
picture? Tell me why the hellis Bush paying an Egyption al Qaeda 
foot soldier terrorist $27 million? He is aiding and abetting a 
known Al-Qaeda foot soldier/terrorist andBush should be arrested and put 
in jail for being a hostile regime. This is nothing short of 
treason. Unfreaking unbelievable. How does that work? Bush can 
fund known terrorists but no one else can and get away with it. What a 
wack job. 


Sources: Egyptian 
gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip
From Kelli 
ArenaCNN Justice Correspondent
Egyptian radical will get $27 million as a reward for giving the United States 
information that led authorities to alleged September 11, 2001, mastermind 
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, government sources said Wednesday.
The sources, confirming a 
story previously reported in a British paper and in Newsweek, said the unnamed 
Egyptian was captured during a raid in Quetta, Pakistan, last month. The 
Egyptian was described as an al Qaeda foot soldier.
Officials said he not only 
claimed the $25 million award that was being offered by the U.S. government for 
information that led to Mohammed's arrest, but also demanded $2 million more to 
help cover the costs of his family moving to Great Britain. He is being paid the 
money, the sources said.
Mohammed, who has been linked 
to several al Qaeda attacks in the past five years, was arrested in a raid led 
by Pakistanis on March 1 in a house outside Islamabad. He was one of the FBI's 
most wanted terrorists.
FBI agents are continuing to 
run down leads from information retrieved in the arrest of Mohammed. Sources 
said about a dozen investigations resulted from the information, in various U.S. 
cities including Washington, New York and Los Angeles.
Agents are trying to find any 
evidence of sleeper cells operating in the United States as they run down names 
and other leads found in Mohammed's computer and papers.
Some of the other leads being 
looked into concern the money trail; agents are checking bank 
Government sources said 
Tuesday that evidence was found after Mohammed's arrest that money was 
transferred into the United States after the September 11, 2001, terrorist 
attack. Sources were more specific Wednesday, saying the transfers happened in 
November 2001. 

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Shearey

You guys don't get it, do you? 

Ijust read one of your Ten Ways to 
Stop the War with E-mail. You want us to 

"Send an 
email to every member of the UN Security Council at the same time, 
urging them to vote against war:" 

My first question is why are you endorsing 
and acquiescing the UN Security Council? Don't you realize that by asking the 
S.C. to vote against the war, you are acquiescing to their authority? When are 
you going to wake up? Why are you having people recognize the Security 
Council?The united States of America is a sovereign nation. We Don't need 
no stinking UN Security Council. You deal directly with President Bush and your 
Congress as well as other We The People's through your e-mails. Don't succumb to 
psyops actions.


  - Original Message - 
  To: The Power Hour 
  Cc: Power Hour Flash 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:22 
  Subject: 101 Ways To Stop A War On 
  101 Ways To Stop A War 
  On Iraq
  Compiled and 
  written by Guy Dauncey, Victoria, BC, Canadawww.earthfuture.com 
  One Way to Stop the 
  War for All of Us
  up the belief that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Put fear to one side, and replace it with the confidence that we 
  can solve our many problems, if 
  we work together. We are incredibly creative, inventive people. We have to do 
  this. What other option do we have?
  There is a Native American story about a grandfather, 
  talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy that he has two wolves inside 
  him that are struggling with each other. The one is the wolf of peace, love 
  and kindness. The other is the wolf of fear, greed and 
  "Which wolf will win, 
  grandfather?" asks the young boy.
  "Whichever one I feed," is the 
  We may only have days to make a 
  So please, do everything you can. 
  Ten Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  EmailTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  PenTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  SignsTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  BodyTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  MindTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  SpiritTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  FriendsTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  HeartTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  OrganizationTen Ways for the Whole World to Stop the 
  WarOne Way to Stop the War for All of 
  Full 17 Page Printable PDF File (48kb)

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

There are 101 different suggestions on how to stop the 
war.If you don't like one of the suggestions given, there are 100 more to 
choose from.


A Slap at France, Brown-Waite's Bill Would Bring the Boys Home

2003-03-13 Thread jeani

Has she lost her 
freaking mind? Did she forget to put her brain back into the top of her 
cranium when she took it out last night? What a sick, perverted political 
ghoul. She wants to exhume 56,000 bodies from France and another 13,000 
from Belgium to teachthem a lesson for not supporting the Bush killing 
machine.HaveBush and his administration forgot that the 
cemetary in which the deadare buriedin France and Belgium was given 
to the US by them. What does she plan to do with the remains? 
Reanimate them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance 24/7.


Article published 
Mar 13, 2003A Slap at France, Brown-Waite's Bill Would Bring the Boys 
HomeBy Cory ReissLedger Washington 
BureauWASHINGTON -- America's relationship with France is about to hit 
a new low.Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Brooksville, is writing legislation 
that would encourage the exhumation and return of American war dead buried in 
France and Belgium. She expects to introduce the legislation today out of 
frustration with those countries' opposition to a war in Iraq."Many 
people visit the graves of their parents and grandparents who served in World 
War I and World War II and are buried in France and Belgium," said Brown-Waite, 
whose district includes a portion of Polk County north of Interstate 4 between 
State Road 33 on the east and the Hillsborough County line on the west. "The 
question becomes, `Should we continue to support their eco-nomy when the French 
government has turned their back on us?' "Many Americans are boycotting 
French wine and cheese for the same reason. A House Republican leader Tuesday 
banned the word "French" from the chamber's cafeteria menus, turning french 
fries and French toast into freedom fries and freedom toast.The culinary 
censorship has earned laughs from talk-show audiences, but the mothers of 
several soldiers killed in combat groaned at the idea that people might dig up 
soldiers after so long because of this feud."After all these years -- to 
me, when a person is buried, it's sacred ground," said Dorothy Oxendine, 
president of American Gold Star Mothers, whose members have lost children in 
combat. Oxendine's son was killed in Vietnam in 1968.Brown-Waite's bill 
would require the Department of Defense to exhume and return the bodies on 
request by a qualified family member. The soldiers could be buried at a national 
cemetery or, if the family wishes, turned over for private burial.Ken 
Graham, 65, sparked the legislation two weeks ago when he approached Brown-Waite 
at a rally in Florida and told her he wanted to bring his father home. Melborn 
Graham was killed fighting in France in 1944 and buried in Alsace-Lorraine. 
Graham, who was 7 when the telegram announcing his father's death arrived at 
their home in Enterprise, Ala., has never been to the cemetery.He said 
he has always thought it was wrong that Americans were left overseas instead of 
brought home. Over the years, he said, French policy has caused his frustration 
to mount, boiling over with France's position on Iraq. He said anti-Americanism 
has made France an unfit place for American soldiers who fought 
there."I'm really upset," said Graham, who lives in Hernando County. 
"It's just not true that they're buried in an honorable place over 
there."More than 56,000 Americans are buried in France and more than 
13,000 in Belgium from both world wars. A frequent complaint about the French 
position on Iraq is that the traditional ally has forgotten that America lost so 
many lives fighting for France.Brown-Waite said she didn't know if many 
people would ask for the exhumations if her bill were to pass. "But I do believe 
we should give them the opportunity. . . . It'll send a loud and clear 
message."A spokeswoman for the French embassy said repatriation of 
American soldiers would take this dispute to a far different level than renaming 
french fries on Capitol Hill."The french fries, it's a joke," said Agnes 
von der Muhll, the embassy spokeswoman. "If the other thing would happen, it 
would be very, very sad. We didn't forget. We will never forget what 
contribution America made to our peace and security."Asked whether she 
is angry with France, Brown-Waite said, "I am certainly not going out and buying 
any French designer clothes, I'll tell you that right now, nor drinking French 
wine."Frank Fogner, a Vietnam veteran from Little River, S.C., was 
patrolling the halls of Congress on Wednesday to observe budget hearings. He 
said the United States should cut or reduce financial assistance to any country 
that opposes the war and denounced France in particular. Asked whether American 
soldiers should be exhumed over this, he shifted his weight 
uncomfortably."There is such a thing as too extreme," he 
said.It's not clear if the government would relocate bodies if asked 
without the legislation. Messages left with the American Battle Monuments 

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Shearey

I'm sure you're a nice person Astro, but 
let the record show that Astro supports the UN Security Council's authority over 
the united States of America. 

I don't agree with you.


  - Original Message - 
  To: Joseph A. Shearey ; The Power Hour 
  Cc: Power Hour Flash 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:01 
  Subject: Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On 
  There are 101 different suggestions on how to stop the 
  war.If you don't like one of the suggestions given, there are 100 more 
  to choose from.

Re: A Slap at France, Brown-Waite's Bill Would Bring the Boys Home

2003-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

idea of turning french fries into freedom fries has about the effect of when 
americans boycotted chinese restuarants here when the chinese captured our spy 
plane several years back.
 So what about all the Americans who think the 
french are doing the right thing? Will she want to ship them to france or 
 I am going to pack my bagsWhen does the 
next concorde leave?

  - Original Message - 
  To: The Power Hour List 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:58 
  Subject: A Slap at France, Brown-Waite's 
  Bill Would Bring the Boys Home
  Has she lost her 
  freaking mind? Did she forget to put her brain back into the top of her 
  cranium when she took it out last night? What a sick, perverted 
  political ghoul. She wants to exhume 56,000 bodies from France and 
  another 13,000 from Belgium to teachthem a lesson for not supporting the 
  Bush killing machine.HaveBush and his administration forgot 
  that the cemetary in which the deadare buriedin France and Belgium 
  was given to the US by them. What does she plan to do with the 
  remains? Reanimate them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance 24/7. 
  Article published 
  Mar 13, 2003A Slap at France, Brown-Waite's Bill Would Bring the Boys 
  HomeBy Cory ReissLedger Washington 
  BureauWASHINGTON -- America's relationship with France is about to 
  hit a new low.Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Brooksville, is writing 
  legislation that would encourage the exhumation and return of American war 
  dead buried in France and Belgium. She expects to introduce the legislation 
  today out of frustration with those countries' opposition to a war in 
  Iraq."Many people visit the graves of their parents and grandparents 
  who served in World War I and World War II and are buried in France and 
  Belgium," said Brown-Waite, whose district includes a portion of Polk County 
  north of Interstate 4 between State Road 33 on the east and the Hillsborough 
  County line on the west. "The question becomes, `Should we continue to support 
  their eco-nomy when the French government has turned their back on us?' 
  "Many Americans are boycotting French wine and cheese for the same 
  reason. A House Republican leader Tuesday banned the word "French" from the 
  chamber's cafeteria menus, turning french fries and French toast into freedom 
  fries and freedom toast.The culinary censorship has earned laughs from 
  talk-show audiences, but the mothers of several soldiers killed in combat 
  groaned at the idea that people might dig up soldiers after so long because of 
  this feud."After all these years -- to me, when a person is buried, 
  it's sacred ground," said Dorothy Oxendine, president of American Gold Star 
  Mothers, whose members have lost children in combat. Oxendine's son was killed 
  in Vietnam in 1968.Brown-Waite's bill would require the Department of 
  Defense to exhume and return the bodies on request by a qualified family 
  member. The soldiers could be buried at a national cemetery or, if the family 
  wishes, turned over for private burial.Ken Graham, 65, sparked the 
  legislation two weeks ago when he approached Brown-Waite at a rally in Florida 
  and told her he wanted to bring his father home. Melborn Graham was killed 
  fighting in France in 1944 and buried in Alsace-Lorraine. Graham, who was 7 
  when the telegram announcing his father's death arrived at their home in 
  Enterprise, Ala., has never been to the cemetery.He said he has always 
  thought it was wrong that Americans were left overseas instead of brought 
  home. Over the years, he said, French policy has caused his frustration to 
  mount, boiling over with France's position on Iraq. He said anti-Americanism 
  has made France an unfit place for American soldiers who fought 
  there."I'm really upset," said Graham, who lives in Hernando County. 
  "It's just not true that they're buried in an honorable place over 
  there."More than 56,000 Americans are buried in France and more than 
  13,000 in Belgium from both world wars. A frequent complaint about the French 
  position on Iraq is that the traditional ally has forgotten that America lost 
  so many lives fighting for France.Brown-Waite said she didn't know if 
  many people would ask for the exhumations if her bill were to pass. "But I do 
  believe we should give them the opportunity. . . . It'll send a loud and clear 
  message."A spokeswoman for the French embassy said repatriation of 
  American soldiers would take this dispute to a far different level than 
  renaming french fries on Capitol Hill."The french fries, it's a joke," 
  said Agnes von der Muhll, the embassy spokeswoman. "If the other thing would 
  happen, it would be very, very sad. We didn't forget. We will never forget 
  what contribution America made to our peace and 

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

"I'm sure you're a nice person Astro, 
but let the record show that Astro supports the UN Security Council's authority 
over the united States of America. I don't agree 
with you."

LetWHATRECORD show that I 
support theUnited NationsSecurity Council?

I merely said there are 101 suggestions 
for you to choose from,and ifyou don't like one suggestion then 
choose another.

If Ioffered to buyyou some 
ice cream and we wentinto a icecream parlor that sold101 
different flavors, and you said "but they have pistachio - 
Ican'tstand pistachio!" and I said to you: "yes, but there are 100 
otherdifferent flavors for you to chose from" does that mean that I 
love pistashcio ice cream?

If the truth be known, I have 
extremely mixed and ambivalent feelings about the United Nations. 

For the record: I have not written any 
letters, sent any emailsor made any phone calls to the United 
Nations. Ever.

I thinkmy record unequivocally 
proves - if youchose to examine it- that I have never made any 
personal statements suggesting support for, or endorsement of, the United 

Pleaserefrain frommaking 
suchpretentous assumptionsand false 

What I have been doing is making phone 
calls and sending emails to my Congressional representatives,attending 
weekly non-political religous candlelight peace vigils, speaking out as a 
disabled veteran and member of Veterans For Peace, passing along important 
information on the Internet about the lies being perpetrated to the American 
publicby those who arepromoting this war and doing whatever else 
Ican do to support those who are trying to make a difference with the 
ultimate goal of arriving at a peaceful solution. From my 
perspectivethis is not a 
leftwing-rightwing-conservative-liberal-democrat-republican issue. My 
opposition to this war is strictly on moral and ethical 

None ofthe activitiesI've 
been involved in over the course of the past year has anythingto 
dowith supporting the United Nations, which in my opinion, is essentially 
irrelevant in light of the fact our chickenhawk brigade in Washington DC is 
going to have their bloody war regardless of what the United Nations chooses to 
do, one way or another.

The only the reason the White House 
warhawksare interacting with the United Nations in the first place 
isbecause they havea misguided belief that in doing so it will give 
their warplans some sort of perceived legitimacy. They 
havecarefully orchestrated theirUnited Nations horse and pony media 
show.They could really care less about the what the UN thinks 
asit's all intentional smoke and mirrors designed to distract attention 
from their real agaenda and ultimate goals. From allappearances, they have failed to 
convince anyone or present a credible compelling case for 

The only thing that will save us now is 
praying to ourAlmighty Lord up in Heaven, and for all concerned citizens 
who oppose the war to really pour on the heatto Congress this coming 

Now is the timeto speak out and 
make our feelings known to everyone in Washington DC. The hour 
isbecomingextremely late andour freedoms and lives are at 

Hoping for a peaceful 


Canadians Refute Bush, Point by Point

2003-03-13 Thread William
Canadians Refute Bush, Point by PointHaroon Siddiqui Toronto Star Posted 3/13/2003 9:45:57 PM
March 13, 2003 
Canada Should Sit Out This War 
"U.S. credibility on Iraq has eroded to an extent that it is becoming hard to believe anything from the Bush administration."
It was said the war on Iraq was coming after the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. That was three months ago. Then it was supposed to be coming right after the annual Muslim pilgrimage of Haj. 
That was a month ago. 
The delay is instructive. 
People power can propel governments to gum up the works of the world's biggest war machine, even if briefly. 
Now that the threat of a veto has forced the United States to postpone a United Nations vote, if only temporarily, the Canadian compromise, or a version thereof, is back in play. 
But as reasonable as Jean Chrétien's, and now Tony Blair's, proposal to give Iraq a new deadline may sound, it is deeply flawed. 
It only postpones war. In fact, it guarantees it by pre-authorizing war in case Iraq does not disarm. We know now what the U.S. will say then: that Iraq has not complied. 
More than a new deadline — which only the inspectors should set, anyway — we need clearer rules to end Iraqi dodging on the one hand and American rush to war on the other. 
Chrétien has been courageous in stating categorically that Canada is not in the business of "regime change." 
Also, that Canada will not join the war without U.N. authorization. 
He needs to clarify three more points, to light our own path ahead. It is the U.N., not the U.S., that should set the "benchmarks" for Iraq and also make the final call on whether Iraq is in breach. 
The U.N. authority to go to war must be clear, not implicit. 
Should the Canadian/British proposal go nowhere, the Americans and the British will likely revert to their current position, which is to not ask the Security Council to vote on the use of force but rather on whether Saddam Hussein is in breach of U.N. resolutions. That would not constitute a full U.N. mandate for war, the way most Canadians would understand. 
Canada should refuse to join the war under such a circumstance. 
In case the Anglo-American resolution is vetoed but does win a majority of nine votes, Canada should not accept the predictable American spin that the outcome somehow legitimizes unilateral American action. 
A veto is a veto, whatever one thinks of this outdated mechanism. In having to swallow it, America will taste its own medicine. 
It has cast more vetoes than any democracy. Only the Soviet Union and its successor state, Russia, have cast more, 117 to 73. 
Chrétien needs to hold firm to his commitment to the international rule of law. 
He should not be offering to hold the back door open for George W. Bush to rush out to a war which lacks both legal and moral legitimacy. 
The Bush administration's staggering dishonesty can best be seen in the number of times the U.N. inspectors have had to shoot down its unsubstantiated assertions. 
Both Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei are seasoned international civil servants who understand the value of non-partisanship. 
But they felt compelled to set the record straight. 
First, Blix: 
No, his inspectors were not spied on. No, the Iraqis could not have had advance knowledge of the sites to be inspected. No, he did not think Iraqi agents were posing as scientists, or that real scientists were being whisked out of the country to avoid interrogations. 
No, he found no evidence of Iraqis hiding or moving banned materials in or out of the country. 
No, he did not believe that Iraq had cleaned up some sites before inspections, as Colin Powell alleged, using before and after satellite pictures that Blix exposed as having been taken "several weeks apart." 
No, the trucks that Powell identified as mobile labs producing biological weapons were not in the germ warfare business; they were carrying food-tasting and seed-processing equipment. 
No, Iraq had not hidden the long-range missiles that the inspectors ordered destroyed: "These weapons were declared; they were not clandestine." 
No, he found no evidence that Iraq was producing and storing chemical or biological weapons in underground bunkers. 
No, he saw no persuasive evidence of Iraqi links to Al Qaeda. "There are other states where there appear to be stronger links." 
Now, ElBaradei: 
No, there was no uranium bought from Niger. Documents purporting to show that were forged. 
No, the International Atomic Energy Agency found no evidence that high-strength aluminium tubes were imported for uranium enrichment. 
Even if they were, it was unlikely that Iraq had the capacity to redesign them for such usage. 
No, there is no evidence of Iraq using imported high-strength magnets in its nuclear program. 
No, there is no evidence of a resumption of "prohibited nuclear or nuclear-related activities." 
Despite being contradicted on so many fronts, Powell is now saying with a straight face that he has "new information" that Iraq is