2003-03-21 Thread Harley123H

Fw: Support Our Troops

2003-03-21 Thread phil sweet

- Original Message - 
From: spiker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Support Our Troops

 The Department of Defense has a great web site for those who wish to
 support our troops.  The site includes a number of ways you can express
 your thanks, such as donating pre-paid calling cards so the troops can
 stay in touch with their families back home or sending virtual thank you
 cards.  This web site can be found at:

Critics Say U.S. Lacks Legal Basis for Attack

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WE are sooo screwed! I hope they bring 
bush up on charges of war crimes
Critics Say U.S. Lacks Legal Basis for 
Attack By Felicity 
Barringer New York Times
 Thursday 20 March 2003
 UNITED NATIONS, March 19 — Diplomats who had failed 
for the last two months to agree on a unified approach to the Iraq crisis met 
here today, with the foreign ministers of France, Germany and Russia offering 
angry post-mortems on the diplomatic debacle and arguing that the planned 
American-led invasion to disarm Iraq and oust Saddam Hussein had no basis in 
international law.
 Speaking of various Security Council resolutions on 
the Iraq crisis, Foreign Minister Igor S. Ivanov of Russia said "not one of 
these decisions authorizes the right to use force against Iraq outside the 
United Nations charter." Like his counterparts from France and Germany, he 
continued to argue that the inspections process had achieved results in 
disarming Iraq. 
 Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer of Germany, 
referring to the widespread finger-pointing over the diplomatic impasse, said, 
"The Security Council has not failed," adding, "The Security Council is not 
responsible for what is happening outside the United Nations."
 Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and the British 
foreign secretary, Jack Straw, chose to skip the meeting. Mr. Powell underlined 
the snub by meeting with the Angolan foreign minister, João Bernardo de Miranda, 
in Washington while the Council session was under way. 
 The Security Council members also heard a report 
from one of the chief weapons inspectors, Hans Blix, who discussed the progress 
of the inspections that were aborted on Monday and expressed regret both at the 
abrupt cessation of inspections and the earlier, limited cooperation of the 
Iraqi government. 
 The oddity of a meeting being held to discuss an 
unrelated matter was underlined by the American ambassador, John D. Negroponte, 
who said, "Considering a work program at this time is quite simply out of touch 
with the reality that we confront." 
 The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, 
emphasized the human consequences of war, saying the Iraqis were "heavily 
dependent on the food ration which is handed out each month to every family in 
the country" and which has been suspended with the removal of United Nations 
personnel from Iraq. 
 The festering ugliness of the relationships between 
France, and Britain and the United States was underscored by the remarks of the 
French foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, to reporters outside the Council 
 "I believe this kind of criticism that we have seen 
in the last few days is absolutely unfair," Mr. de Villepin said. "Let us not 
seek out scapegoats." 
 (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, 
this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior 
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational 
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

Heads in the Sand

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Guess who's gona pay for all this? As if we didn't 
already know!

 Go to 
 Heads in the 
Sand New York Times | Editorial
 Thursday 20 March 2003
 The biggest wartime secret fiercely kept by the 
White House seems to be the estimated dollar cost to the nation's taxpayers of 
invading, pacifying and rebuilding Iraq, from first shot to last. Congress is 
now flailing through a budget debate without this vital chunk of information on 
the public books. Instead, Republican leaders are laboring to lock in the second 
stage of President Bush's deficit-stoking tax cuts before presenting lawmakers 
with the full sticker shock of his war and its effect on the rising tide of red 
ink. Wartime patriotism, not rational disclosure, is being invoked as a motive 
for blindly approving a budget plan that even without the war costs factored in, 
will slash critical domestic programs, allow upper-bracket Americans another big 
tax break and greatly compound Bush deficits that already stretch across the 
next decade.
 Senate Democrats have failed in their worthy attempt 
to hold off approval of new tax cuts until the war's costs are clear. 
Off-the-wall estimates of $100 billion or more for the combat alone are floating 
around, but the administration remains about as transparent as a Stealth bomber 
in specifying the likely price. The president obviously fears that this 
information might feed the public debate about the wisdom of the war — or at 
least the wisdom of his tax cuts. 
 A few Republicans in both houses are restive about 
joining the evolving spectacle of cutting government revenues and services — 
even war veterans' programs — while deepening the deficit and taking a budgetary 
flier on Iraq. But in the face of Republican leaders' intransigence, the main 
hope for even denting the tax cut scheme seems an alternative Senate proposal 
that would cut the president's $725 billion plan down to $350 billion. This 
would presumably kill his $396 billion proposal to end the dividend tax. 
Opponents of all new tax cuts are balking at allowing Mr. Bush this half-a-loaf 
victory. But it may be the only available brake as the president and House 
leaders work to wrap a woeful budget outlook firmly in the flag.
 (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, 
this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior 
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational 
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

An explainatioin and my apologies

2003-03-21 Thread Astro

Dear Joyce and Dave and friends of the Power Hour,I have been 
informed that I should not haveposted the Iraqi baby eaterstory to 
this list because it was inappropriate and "garbage" and that thePower Hour 
is about exposing the truth.Kindly allow me a few words of 
explaination. That is precisely why I postedit - so everyone could see 
that it is indeed garbage and to expose it sothat the truth may be 
known.That particular story was posted on What Really Happened 
yesterday, one ofthe most highly visited websites on the Internet, and 
although I have havenot personally communicated with the website's owner, 
Mike Rivero, I wouldassume that is why he also posted it. To expose it as 
dangerous garbage.We all know how quickly Internet rumors spread. 
I personally believe -although I have no proof - that the baby eater article 
may be sinisterblack-ops and the writer put a sly disclaimer on it saying it 
was "satire"to protect himself - but knowing full well that some other sick 
idiot mightread it, grab it, perform a quick cut and paste job - 
deletely thedisclaimer - and then start passing it on as fact. This is 
how Internetrumors and so-called urban legends get started. There are plenty 
of gulliblepeople out there that would believe such a story like this, 
especially afterthe fabricated incubator stories of 1991. Sure, we all 
know those storiesare faked, but think of how many people there are who do 
not possess theknowledge and information we do, and who probably still 
accept the 1991incubator stories as a fact. Now that is a truly scary 
thought.I'm appalled and disgusted by this story as much as any of you 
are. Mypurpose for posting it was to bring it to everyone's attention 
so that itcould be nipped in the bud and stopped dead in it's tracks. The 
best way tostop rumors and misinformation is to expose them far and 
wide.If my intentions have been misconstrued, I profusely aspologize to 
everyone.I'm not a secret government disinformation agent or provocateur and 
I haveno devious hidden agendas. I don't play games, I'm up front with 
everyoneabout my beliefs and opinions and I tell people what I think. Even 
if peopledisagree with me - which is fine, and many people do - they usually 
respectmy honesty. I take great personal pride in being honest and 
maintaining mycredibilty. That's all I have, I value it more than anything 
else, and Iwill defend it to the end.For what ever it's worth, I've 
been following Joyce and Dave's work sinceI996 when I first received a copy 
of their Gulf War video which helped me tostart seeing through all the lies 
and deception. Joyce and Dave have helpedopen my eyes to many other 
acts of government corruption and deception and Ithank God for leading me to 
them. I consider them as trusted friends and mypersonal teachers who have 
educated me and raised my awareness on manyimportant issues over the 
years.I'm a disabled veteran and I strongly support Joyce and Dave's 
work andlisten to the Power Hour every day. I stand shoulder to shoulder 
with themin their committment and determination to support and defend all of 
ourveterans - and exposing the truth. We may not agree on everything, 
butthere is no quarrel on these core beliefs.I sincerely apologize 
if I have offended anyone by trying to expose garbageand trash for what it 
is. I believe it's better to know about something - nomatter how awful it is 
- so that if an awful rumor such as this ever shouldget started, we know 
where it came from and can immediately dismiss it forwhat it is.I 
assure you I would never intentionally do anything to discredit Joyce orDave 
or the Power Hour or any of it's efforts as I have nothing but thehighest 
respect for them and everyone on this list. If anyone believes Ihave used 
poor judgement, I can accept your opinions and humbly acknowledgethem. I 
would only ask for your kind forgiveness. I have been guilty ofusing poor 
judgement in the past, but fortunately I keep learning from mymistakes by 
the Grace of God.Regardless of what your final decision is, I will 
continue to support Daveand Joyce and the Power Hour.Respectfully 
yours,Warren GammelOcala, Florida


2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

Re: An explainatioin and my apologies

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your mea culpa. accepted by me.But then I 
wasn't offened. I saw what you were doing.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Power Hour Flash 
  Cc: The Power Hour 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:45 
  Subject: An explainatioin and my 
  Dear Joyce and Dave and friends of the Power Hour,I have been 
  informed that I should not haveposted the Iraqi baby eaterstory to 
  this list because it was inappropriate and "garbage" and that thePower 
  Hour is about exposing the truth.Kindly allow me a few words of 
  explaination. That is precisely why I postedit - so everyone could 
  see that it is indeed garbage and to expose it sothat the truth may be 
  known.That particular story was posted on What Really Happened 
  yesterday, one ofthe most highly visited websites on the Internet, and 
  although I have havenot personally communicated with the website's owner, 
  Mike Rivero, I wouldassume that is why he also posted it. To expose it as 
  dangerous garbage.We all know how quickly Internet rumors 
  spread. I personally believe -although I have no proof - that the 
  baby eater article may be sinisterblack-ops and the writer put a sly 
  disclaimer on it saying it was "satire"to protect himself - but knowing 
  full well that some other sick idiot mightread it, grab it, perform a 
  quick cut and paste job - deletely thedisclaimer - and then start 
  passing it on as fact. This is how Internetrumors and so-called 
  urban legends get started. There are plenty of gulliblepeople out there 
  that would believe such a story like this, especially afterthe fabricated 
  incubator stories of 1991. Sure, we all know those storiesare faked, 
  but think of how many people there are who do not possess theknowledge and 
  information we do, and who probably still accept the 1991incubator stories 
  as a fact. Now that is a truly scary thought.I'm appalled and 
  disgusted by this story as much as any of you are. Mypurpose for 
  posting it was to bring it to everyone's attention so that itcould be 
  nipped in the bud and stopped dead in it's tracks. The best way tostop 
  rumors and misinformation is to expose them far and wide.If my 
  intentions have been misconstrued, I profusely aspologize to everyone.I'm 
  not a secret government disinformation agent or provocateur and I haveno 
  devious hidden agendas. I don't play games, I'm up front with 
  everyoneabout my beliefs and opinions and I tell people what I think. Even 
  if peopledisagree with me - which is fine, and many people do - they 
  usually respectmy honesty. I take great personal pride in being 
  honest and maintaining mycredibilty. That's all I have, I value it more 
  than anything else, and Iwill defend it to the end.For what ever 
  it's worth, I've been following Joyce and Dave's work sinceI996 when I 
  first received a copy of their Gulf War video which helped me tostart 
  seeing through all the lies and deception. Joyce and Dave have 
  helpedopen my eyes to many other acts of government corruption and 
  deception and Ithank God for leading me to them. I consider them as 
  trusted friends and mypersonal teachers who have educated me and raised my 
  awareness on manyimportant issues over the years.I'm a disabled 
  veteran and I strongly support Joyce and Dave's work andlisten to the 
  Power Hour every day. I stand shoulder to shoulder with themin their 
  committment and determination to support and defend all of ourveterans - 
  and exposing the truth. We may not agree on everything, butthere is 
  no quarrel on these core beliefs.I sincerely apologize if I have 
  offended anyone by trying to expose garbageand trash for what it is. I 
  believe it's better to know about something - nomatter how awful it is - 
  so that if an awful rumor such as this ever shouldget started, we know 
  where it came from and can immediately dismiss it forwhat it is.I 
  assure you I would never intentionally do anything to discredit Joyce 
  orDave or the Power Hour or any of it's efforts as I have nothing but 
  thehighest respect for them and everyone on this list. If anyone believes 
  Ihave used poor judgement, I can accept your opinions and humbly 
  acknowledgethem. I would only ask for your kind forgiveness. I have been 
  guilty ofusing poor judgement in the past, but fortunately I keep learning 
  from mymistakes by the Grace of God.Regardless of what your final 
  decision is, I will continue to support Daveand Joyce and the Power 
  Hour.Respectfully yours,Warren GammelOcala, 

Urgent...Confirm or deny

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CAN anyone confirm or deny? Cnn reporters expelled 
from Iraq?
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

The twenty lies of George W. Bush

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just recieved from another 

Please send as far and wide as 
possible.Robert SterlingEditor, The Konformisthttp://www.konformist.comWSWS.orgThe 
twenty lies of George W. BushBy Patrick Martin20 March 
2003Monday night's 15-minute speech by President Bush, setting a 48-hour 
deadline for war against Iraq, went beyond the usual distortions, 
half-truths, and appeals to fear and backwardness to include a 
remarkable number of barefaced, easily refuted lies.The enormous 
scale of the lying suggests two political conclusions: the Bush 
administration is going to war against Iraq with utter contempt for 
democracy and public opinion, and its war propaganda counts heavily on the 
support of the American media, which not only fails to challenge the lies, 
but repeats and reinforces them endlessly.Without attempting to be 
exhaustive, it is worthwhile listing some of the most important lies and 
contrasting Bush's assertions with the public record. All of the false 
statements listed below are directly quoted from the verbatim transcript of 
Bush's remarks published on the Internet.Lie No. 1: "My fellow 
citizens, events in Iraq have now reached the final days of 
decision."The decision for war with Iraq was made long ago, the 
intervening time having been spent in an attempt to create the political 
climate in which US troops could be deployed for an attack. According to 
press reports, most recently March 16 in the Baltimore Sun, at one of 
the first National Security Council meetings of his presidency, months 
before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Bush 
expressed his determination to overthrow Saddam Hussein and his willingness 
to commit US ground troops to an attack on Iraq for that purpose. All that 
was required was the appropriate pretext - supplied by September 11, 
2001.Lie No. 2: "For more than a decade, the United States and other 
nations have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi 
regime without war."The US-led United Nations regime of sanctions 
against Iraq, combined with "no-fly" zones and provocative weapons 
inspections, is one of brutal oppression. The deliberate withholding of 
food, medical supplies and other vital necessities is responsible for the 
death of more than a million Iraqis, half of them children. Two UN officials 
who headed the oil-for-food program resigned in protest over the 
conditions created in Iraq by the sanctions. The CIA used the inspectors 
as a front, infiltrating agents into UNSCOM, the original inspections 
program. The CIA's aim was to spy on Iraq's top officials and target Saddam 
Hussein for assassination.Lie No. 3: "The Iraqi regime has used 
diplomacy as a ploy to gain time and advantage. It has uniformly defied 
Security Council resolutions demanding full disarmament..."Iraq has 
never "defied" a Security Council resolution since the end of the Persian 
Gulf War in 1991. It has generally cooperated with the dictates of the UN 
body, although frequently under protest or with reservations, because many 
of the resolutions involve gross violations of Iraqi sovereignty. >From 1991 
to 1998, UN inspectors supervised the destruction of the vast bulk of the 
chemical and biological weapons, as well as delivery systems, which Iraq 
accumulated (with the assistance of the US) during the Iran-Iraq war, 
and they also destroyed all of Iraq's facilities for making new 
weapons.Lie No. 4: "Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime have 
failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful 
men."According to the Washington Post of March 16, referring to the 
1991-1998 inspection period: "[U]nder UN supervision, Iraq destroyed 817 
of 819 proscribed medium-range missiles, 14 launchers, 9 trailers and 56 
fixed missile-launch sites. It also destroyed 73 of 75 chemical or 
biological warheads and 163 warheads for conventional explosives. UN 
inspectors also supervised destruction of 88,000 filled and unfilled 
chemical munitions, more than 600 tons of weaponized and bulk chemical 
weapons agents, 4,000 tons of precursor chemicals and 980 pieces of 
equipment considered key to production of such weapons."Lie No. 5: "The 
Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons 
ever devised."The Washington Post article cited above noted that CIA 
officials were concerned "about whether administration officials have 
exaggerated intelligence in a desire to convince the American public and 
foreign governments that Iraq is violating United Nations prohibitions 
against chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons and long-range missile 
systems." The article quoted "a senior intelligence analyst" who said the 
inspectors could not locate weapons caches "because there may not be much of 
a stockpile."Former British Foreign Minister Robin Cook, who resigned 
from the Blair government Monday in protest over the decision to go to war 
without UN authorization, declared, "Iraq probably has no 

Re: An explainatioin and my apologies

2003-03-21 Thread HRH

Hi Warren

Well I was not offended and was well aware of what it was all about.
Problem is, as simple human beings we tend to react without thinking to what
we hear and see.

Seen and heard worse on the government controlled propaganda networks.

Keep your chin up



Astro wrote:

  Dear Joyce and Dave and friends of the Power Hour,
I have been  informed that I should not haveposted the Iraqi baby eater
story to  this list because it was inappropriate and "garbage" and that the
Power Hour  is about exposing the truth.
Kindly allow me a few words of  explaination. That is precisely why I posted
it - so everyone could see  that it is indeed garbage and to expose it so
that the truth may be  known.
That particular story was posted on What Really Happened  yesterday, one
the most highly visited websites on the Internet, and  although I have have
not personally communicated with the website's owner,  Mike Rivero, I would
assume that is why he also posted it. To expose it as  dangerous garbage.
We all know how quickly Internet rumors spread.  I personally believe -
although I have no proof - that the baby eater article  may be sinister
black-ops and the writer put a sly disclaimer on it saying it  was "satire"
to protect himself - but knowing full well that some other sick  idiot might
read it, grab it, perform a quick cut and paste job -  deletely the
disclaimer - and then start passing it on as fact. This is  how Internet
rumors and so-called urban legends get started. There are plenty  of gullible
people out there that would believe such a story like this,  especially after
the fabricated incubator stories of 1991. Sure, we all  know those stories
are faked, but think of how many people there are who do  not possess the
knowledge and information we do, and who probably still  accept the 1991
incubator stories as a fact. Now that is a truly scary  thought.
I'm appalled and disgusted by this story as much as any of you  are. My
purpose for posting it was to bring it to everyone's attention  so that it
could be nipped in the bud and stopped dead in it's tracks. The  best way
stop rumors and misinformation is to expose them far and  wide.
If my intentions have been misconstrued, I profusely aspologize to  everyone.
I'm not a secret government disinformation agent or provocateur and  I have
no devious hidden agendas. I don't play games, I'm up front with  everyone
about my beliefs and opinions and I tell people what I think. Even  if people
disagree with me - which is fine, and many people do - they usually  respect
my honesty. I take great personal pride in being honest and  maintaining
credibilty. That's all I have, I value it more than anything  else, and I
will defend it to the end.
For what ever it's worth, I've  been following Joyce and Dave's work since
I996 when I first received a copy  of their Gulf War video which helped me
start seeing through all the lies  and deception. Joyce and Dave have helped
open my eyes to many other  acts of government corruption and deception and
thank God for leading me to  them. I consider them as trusted friends and
personal teachers who have  educated me and raised my awareness on many
important issues over the  years.
I'm a disabled veteran and I strongly support Joyce and Dave's  work and
listen to the Power Hour every day. I stand shoulder to shoulder  with them
in their committment and determination to support and defend all of  our
veterans - and exposing the truth. We may not agree on everything,  but
there is no quarrel on these core beliefs.
I sincerely apologize  if I have offended anyone by trying to expose garbage
and trash for what it  is. I believe it's better to know about something
- no
matter how awful it is  - so that if an awful rumor such as this ever should
get started, we know  where it came from and can immediately dismiss it for
what it is.
I  assure you I would never intentionally do anything to discredit Joyce
Dave  or the Power Hour or any of it's efforts as I have nothing but the
highest  respect for them and everyone on this list. If anyone believes I
have used  poor judgement, I can accept your opinions and humbly acknowledge
them. I  would only ask for your kind forgiveness. I have been guilty of
using poor  judgement in the past, but fortunately I keep learning from my
mistakes by  the Grace of God.
Regardless of what your final decision is, I will  continue to support Dave
and Joyce and the Power Hour.
Respectfully  yours,
Warren Gammel
Ocala, Florida

Secret e-bomb _ which can disrupt electronics _ appears ready for battlefield test in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Secret "e-bomb" _ which can disrupt 
electronics _ appears ready for battlefield test in IraqBy Matt Crenson; 
Associated Press Writer 
analysts predict U.S. forces will test a new "E-bomb" during the expected 
invasion of Iraq as part of a 21st century blitzkrieg designed to render Iraqi 
leader Saddam Hussein's forces blind, deaf, dumb and incapable of retaliation - 
electronically.The highly classified bombs creates a brief pulse of 
microwaves powerful enough to fry computers, blind radar, silence radios, 
trigger crippling power outages and disable the electronic ignitions in vehicles 
and aircraft."They would be useful against any adversary that is 
dependent on electronic systems," said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst at the 
Lexington Institute, a think-tank based in Arlington, Virginia.In modern 
warfare, electronics undergird virtually every weapon more sophisticated than a 
rifle or hand grenade. For that reason, Air Force scientists have worked for 
decades on a practical way of producing powerful but brief pulses of microwaves 
that can incapacitate electronic equipment without damaging buildings or harming 
people.Officially, the Pentagon does not acknowledge the weapon's 
existence. Asked about it at a March 5 news conference at the Pentagon, Gen. 
Tommy Franks said: "I can't talk to you about that because I don't know anything 
about it."However, military analysts say a number of unclassified 
documents suggest that such a device is ready for the 
battlefield."There's been a lot of discussion behind closed doors in the 
Pentagon and in the trade press that these things are now being tested," 
Thompson said.According to a 2000 report by Air Force Col. Elaine M. 
Walling, scientists at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico have created 
microwave sources that generate up to 10 times the amount of energy that Hoover 
Dam produces in a day.Such powerful pulses can incapacitate electronic 
equipment without damaging buildings or harming people, making them an 
attractive weapon whenever civilian casualties are a concern.In 
laboratory tests, microwave pulses can melt silicon chips, pushing their 
circuits far beyond their capacity to conduct electricity. But on the 
battlefield, even the most impressive E-bomb's effects rapidly diminish with 
distance. Although E-bombs' capabilities are classified, military analysts 
believe their range is a few hundred yards (meters) at most.That 
relatively short range decreases the odds that hospitals, orphanages and other 
civilian infrastructure will be affected, unless they are directly adjacent to 
or networked with military targets."I think it is almost always more 
humane to use this compared to a conventional weapon," Thompson said.The 
bombs' effects are also hard to predict, analysts say. The surge of electricity 
produced by a microwave pulse could go directly to the nearest bank of military 
supercomputers, or it could just as easily be shunted harmlessly into the 
ground."The effects are hard to focus. The moment the energy is absorbed 
into wiring or other electrically conductive material, you don't know where it's 
going to go," Thompson said.Those uncertainties and others may prevent 
E-bombs' playing a major role in the anticipated U.S. offensive against Iraq, 
said Lt. Col. Piers Wood, a military analyst at the defense policy think-tank"There will be a few commanders who will see these 
and get to try them out," Wood said. "We're not talking about arsenals of these 
things."Defense experts are particularly eager to see if E-bombs can 
reach into deep underground bunkers that could otherwise be neutralized only by 
tactical nuclear weapons. By shutting off the electricity, a microwave weapon 
could render a bunker uninhabitable by disabling lighting, security systems, 
ventilation and computers.Evenually, Wood said, other nations may 
acquire high power microwave weapons; American forces, which depend so heavily 
on technology, would be particularly vulnerable to them.He predicted 
that soon all military electronics will have to be protected from high power 
microwaves by metal casings, with sophisticated circuit breakers connected to 
any incoming 
wires.High-power microwave (HPM) / E-Bomb CLICK 
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 

Re: Arab World Erupts in Fury Over Iraq Attack

2003-03-21 Thread HRH


Virtually no coverage on protests against GW2 outside UK Plc except for some
in US and Japan.

I have also noticed that BBC, ITN and SKY NEWS are often referring to
the US and British war machine as
UN FORCES or the UN COALITION. These terms are being used more frequently
each day.



  Buckle up boys and girls...The ride is
about to  beginMake sure you have food and water in supply!
to  Original
   Arab World Erupts in Fury Over
Iraq Attack  
   By Nadia Abou  El-Magd
 Associated Press
   Thursday 20 March 2003
   CAIRO, Egypt  Hundreds of thousands
of people  marched on American embassies in world capitals Thursday to protest
the war  against Iraq, including a violent clash in Cairo, where demonstrators
hurled  stones and metal barricades and pounded on cars.
   Riot police in the Egyptian capital
used water  cannons to keep about 1,000 stone-throwing demonstrators, mainly
students from  the American University in Cairo, from reaching the U.S. Embassy.
   The protesters began throwing metal
barricades when  riot squads tried to block them from joining about 500 Muslim
Brotherhood and  communist anti-war demonstrators about 50 yards from the
downtown embassy.  Police took swings at demonstrators' heads with batons,
but some also were heard  to shout: "Don't hit them! Don't hit them!"
   Soon, demonstrators broke through and
more than  2,000 people were surrounded by riot police. Demonstrators shouted
"Down with  Arab leaders!" and "Leave, leave Mubarak!" in reference to Egyptian
President  Hosni Mubarak  an indication of the anger many Arabs feel toward
their own  governments for failing, in their view, to act strongly enough
to avoid war.
   By late afternoon, about 5,000 people
had regrouped  in downtown Cairo's Tahrir Square. As they set out again toward
the embassy,  police sprayed them with soapy blue water and stone-throwing
   Police also unleashed several police
dogs, sending  protesters running. There were no reports of dog bites.
   Essam el-Eryan, a prominent Muslim
Brotherhood  member among the protesters, said: "American interests shouldn't
feel safe in  the Arab region. Iraq should be supported to transform the
swift war that the  U.S. wants to gang and city fights, to make Iraq a graveyard
to the  Americans."
   "This way, American people will revolt
against this  war," he said.
   As demonstrators scattered, charging
through  downtown streets, many shops and restaurants closed, including a
Hardee's  fast-food restaurant. A nearby KFC, however, was open, and demonstrators
hadn't  damaged any businesses.
   Violence also erupted in Manila, Philippines.
Police  used shields and truncheons to disperse about 300 anti-war activists
trying to  approach the U.S. Embassy, injuring at least 12 demonstrators,
protest leaders  said.
   Although small in number, anti-war
protests at the  tightly guarded seaside embassy have become more aggressive
and boisterous, and  police have responded this week with dispersals and
   Throughout the day, a phalanx of police
kept  protesters on a road several yards away from the embassy, where they
burned a  U.S. flag and portraits of President Bush and Philippine leader
Gloria Macapagal  Arroyo, one of the staunchest Asian allies of the U.S.-led
war on terrorism.
   More than 100,000 people, many of them
high school  and university students, marched to the U.S. Embassy in Athens,
Greece, chanting  "No to the war" and "Americans, killers of people." More
demonstrations were  planned for Friday and the weekend.
   Greece's largest labor union called
a three-hour  nationwide strike for Friday, followed by a march to the embassy.
The governing  Socialist Party has called on Greeks to attend the protests
and teachers' unions  gave students the day off to participate.
   The American Community School in Athens
was closed  for security reasons until March 24. More than 50 children from
the U.S. embassy  attend the school.
   In a related development, a suburban
branch of  Citibank was slightly damaged by a firebomb, police said. There
was no claim of  responsibility. Police have increased security at American
businesses around  Greece.
   In Italy, a two-hour nationwide general
strike was  called for late afternoon.
   Earlier, students, labor union members
and other  protesters marched in several Italian cities. An estimated 45,000
people turned  out in Milan. Police in Rome blocked anti-war demonstrators
marching up Via  Veneto toward the U.S. Embassy, while tens of thousands
of students, workers and  other Italians blocked highways and train tracks
   In Paris, about 10,000 youths protesting
the war  gathered at the Place de La Concorde beside the heavily guarded
U.S. Embassy for  an evening demonstration. Earlier, they railed against
the "unilateral war of  the United 

Americans Face Check Points As War Begins

2003-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Face Check Points As War BeginsAmericans Face Car Inspections, Armed Patrols 
As War Begins With IraqThe Associated 
PressMarch 20 — With traffic-stalling vehicle 
checks on interstates, armed patrols inside subway tunnels and briefcase 
inspections at heartland statehouses, Americans encountered a new level of 
heightened security on the home front Thursday. Most seemed to take the 
inconvenience in stride.Nuclear power plants were a special focus. 
Security was fortified at generating stations in Maryland, Alabama and Ohio, 
where tours of the Davis-Besse facility in Port Clinton were canceled following 
the first round of airstrikes in Iraq.At the nation's largest nuclear 
plant, the Palo Verde station west of Phoenix, National Guard troops carrying 
M-16s stood guard. It might have been a terrorist target, U.S. Energy Secretary 
Spencer Abraham told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, 
though he declined to provide details about intelligence 
reports.Around-the-clock patrols began at Palo Verde after the nation's 
terror alert level was raised to "high" Monday night, and state homeland 
security director Chuck Blanchard called the plant "probably the safest place 
today in Arizona."On interstates and at airports across the country, law 
officers scanned car trunks and truck beds for signs of anything suspicious. In 
Maryland, police stopped trucks weighing more than 5 tons along Interstate 95, 
creating a rush-hour backup for morning commuters.Orange barricades 
stopped traffic at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport, where vehicle inspections were 
under way. Travelers and airport employees accepted the heightened security with 
little complaint."I'm definitely more nervous now that war broke out 
because I work at the airport," said cab dispatcher Jose Rodriguez. "We have to 
look at people more closely, but I'm not losing sleep. I'm just being more 
cautious."Connecticut rail commuter Mary Kostyk agreed that authorities 
must do whatever they can "to make it clear to anyone who has designs against us 
that we're prepared."She and fellow commuters were sure to feel the 
security presence. Hundreds of troopers and National Guard members were 
dispatched to patrol rail tunnels and ride subways in New York, Connecticut and 
New Jersey. On Thursday, officers with bomb-sniffing dogs roved New York's Grand 
Central Terminal.Commercial railways were also under additional 
surveillance. The Association of American Railroads is operating a 24-hour 
security center to scan intelligence reports for anything 
unusual.Nebraska-based Union Pacific, the nation's largest railroad, 
increased security at key railyards, tracks, tunnels and bridges after the war 
began.Security concerns cast a shadow over many events where crowds were 
expected.The NCAA basketball tournament began as scheduled Thursday, but 
security was ratcheted up at nationwide venues. Some events were canceled, 
including the remaining performances of "Faust" at New York's Metropolitan 
Opera. A San Francisco road race was rerouted to avoid the Golden Gate 
Bridge.The war and the security precautions did leave some jittery. 
Several Los Angeles residents called the California Highway Patrol asking if 
bomb shelters had been set up in the city.From urban hubs to the 
prairies of middle America, state leaders cranked up emergency operations 
centers to monitor the initial days of the war and be ready to dispatch 
additional patrols as needed.In Iowa, state emergency officials hunkered 
down in an underground command post complete with a high-tech communications 
system and reinforced concrete walls a foot thick. The bunker was built to 
withstand an earthquake, but for the next few days it is home to key officials 
from the state's transportation, public health, emergency management and public 
safety agencies."We're waiting and reacting and carrying on as the 
situation warrants," said Lucinda Parker of the Iowa Emergency Management 
Division.Ten National Guard members staffed phones at Minnesota's 
operations center, but the call volume was light in comparison to the days after 
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Department of Public Safety spokesman 
Kevin Smith said."When Sept. 11 happened, it was obviously a shock to 
the system," he said. "It's much different this time. People were kind of 
expecting this war to begin."Though many security measures had been in 
place since the alert level was raised Monday, additional safeguards, notably at 
the nation's statehouses, materialized on the first full day of war.A 
line formed inside the only public entrance at the state Capitol in Topeka, Kan. 
All visitors even prominent lobbyists were required to sign in. At the 
statehouse in Columbus, Ohio, patrol officers dug through the belongings of 
visitors and employees alike.Lynda Heyl, who works for Ohio State 
University's school of agriculture, didn't mind having her bag and bulky day 
planner checked as 


2003-03-21 Thread Atnip

UK On-Line Teletext - 17 March 2003.FEARS OVER ANTHRAX 
VACCINEAn anthrax vaccine has been found to containa banned 
substance which could threatentroops' health, a probe found.MoD 
tablets were analysed and found to containsqualene, which can damage nerves, 
cardiactissue and skin, ITV1's Tonight with TrevorMcDonald 
reports.The MoD said it "does not add" squalene tovaccines, adding 
it is a naturally-occurringsubstance found in some food.---Make 
sure the URL ends in: "indent=2" .
Blank Bkgrd.gif

Rocket Hits Oil Refinery Depot in SW Iran-Sources

2003-03-21 Thread flashbac
Title: Rocket Hits Oil Refinery Depot in SW Iran-Sources 

Rocket Hits Oil Refinery Depot in SW Iran-Sources 

ReutersFriday, March 21, 2003; 2:23 PM 

TEHRAN (Reuters) - A rocket hit an oil refinery depot in southwestern Iran 
close to the border with Iraq and two people have been injured, Iranian 
government sources told Reuters on Friday.
The sources said it was not clear where the rocket, which hit the depot in 
the city of Abadan, had come from. Abadan is about 30 miles east of the southern 
Iraqi city of Basra.
It hit the building around 7:45 p.m. local time, they said. 

© 2003 Reuters 


Description: Binary data

Iraqi Bunkers Called Virtually Indestructible. Serb, German Engineers: Swimming pool, Gourmet Kitchen 90 metres Below Baghdad Palace

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

Bunkers Called Virtually Indestructible
German Engineers: Swimming pool, Gourmet Kitchen 90 metres Below Baghdad 



Friday, March 21, 2003


Hussein's chances of surviving the U.S. bombing assault on his capital may 
depend on an elaborate series of underground tunnels and bunkers built for the 
Iraqi leader, mostly by Yugoslav engineers in the 1970s and 1980s.
little is known about the fabled and labyrinthine network of underground tunnels 
that stretches for kilometres under the streets of Baghdad, and even out into 
the Iraqi desert, Western military analysts believe they can comfortably 
accommodate thousands of people and even house military command posts and 
Many of the 
Iraqi bunkers and tunnels were built by Aeroinzenjering, a Serbian engineering 
firm that used to be under military control in the former Yugoslavia.
The firm, 
which is now privately owned and based in Belgrade, also built airports in 
With a few 
other Serbian construction companies, it accepted numerous contracts from Saddam 
Hussein's government in the 1970s and 1980s to build a network of interlinked 
tunnels and bunkers for the dictator's protection in the event of a war, and 
possibly to hide weapons.
The Serb 
companies also worked on palaces and mansions for Saddam Hussein and important 
members of his inner circle.
The Iraqis 
reportedly paid for these massive construction projects, which cost several 
billion dollars, with oil that was shipped to the regime of former Yugoslavian 
president Slobodan Milosevic.
The Iraqi 
leader enjoyed close relationships with Yugoslav dictators, including Josip Broz 
Tito, the Communist leader, and the now-deposed Mr. Milosevic, with whom he 
forged a secret military alliance just before NATO bombed Yugoslavia in the 
spring of 1999.
According to 
some of the Yugoslav engineers who worked on the tunnels and bunkers, they are 
virtually indestructible.
shelters can resist a direct hit by a 2,000-kilo TNT bomb or a 20-kiloton 
explosion as close as a kilometre away," a Yugoslav engineer told London's 
Guardian newspaper.
Resad Fazlic, a retired colonel of the former Yugoslav People's Army, told a 
local television network in Bosnia that Yugoslav military officials supervised 
the building of two fallout shelters in Baghdad for Saddam in the late 
The same 
group was also responsible for a few smaller facilities elsewhere in Iraq 
modelled after a huge bunker built in 1969 for Tito near the Bosnian capital of 
Saddam's most 
lavish and well-equipped bunker is said to be buried 90 metres (295 feet) 
underneath the main presidential palace in Baghdad.
By some 
accounts, this subterranean structure is an impressive feat of engineering, 
equipped with walls almost three metres (9 feet 10 inches) thick, reinforced 
with steel. It is reached through a secret passageway leading from the basement 
of the palace.
According to 
a recent report in the German magazine Focus, the bunker under the Baghdad 
palace is the work of the same construction company that built air-raid shelters 
for Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Duesseldorf-based firm Boswau  Knauer began 
construction in 1982 when the Iraqi leader feared a nuclear attack from 
neighbouring Iran.
The bunker, 
which is thought to have cost US$90-million, is said to be equipped with a 
swimming pool, a gourmet kitchen, a recreation room and nursery for Saddam 
Hussein's grandchildren and children of key members of his inner circle. His 
bedroom is decorated in a Napoleonic motif, with a tent-style king-sized bed on 
a wood inlay frame.
There is also 
a "war room," where the Iraqi dictator can monitor events above-ground using 
state-of-the-art technology.
The bunker is 
reportedly able to withstand fire, bombs, gas attacks and missiles. It has its 
own air-filtration system that screens out poisonous gases, and stores of food 
and water to last a year.
A British MP 
who visited Saddam Hussein in one of his Baghdad bunkers last year said the 
Iraqi leader appeared to spend much of his time living underground.
"We were so 
deeply underground, my ears were popping," said George Galloway, a member of the 
Labour party.
According to 
Con Coughlin, a British journalist who has written a biography of Saddam 
Hussein, another of his personal bunkers was built beneath a cinema in the 
basement of the Al-Sijood administrative complex close to the presidential 
"Small by 
Saddam's standards [it is about nine metres by five metres] it nevertheless 
contained enough electronic equipment, computers, teleprinters and fibre-optic 
communications links for Saddam to maintain contact with his troops throughout 
the country," Mr. Coughlin writes in his book Saddam: King of Terror.

2nd U.S. marine killed in attack on Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

2nd U.S. marine 
killed in attack on Iraq




  Canadian Press; Associated 


Two U.S. 
marines have died in the attack on Iraq, the U.S. Central Command said Friday. 

The first 
marine, from the 1st Marine Division, died early Friday after leading his 
infantry platoon in a firefight to secure an oil-pumping station in southern 
The marine 
was wounded while battling a platoon of Iraqi infantry and was transported by 
helicopter to a surgical company in Kuwait. 
The second 
marine, from the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, died Friday at about 4 p.m. 
while fighting enemy Iraqi forces near the port of Umm Qasr.
©Copyright2003Canadian Press; Associated Press

Re: 2nd U.S. marine killed in attack on Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Rebekah

only two so far, my aren't we doing good! Rebekah

jeani wrote:

  2nd U.S.
marine  killed in attack on Iraq




Canadian Press; AssociatedPress





Two U.S.  marines have died in the attack on Iraq, the U.S. Central Command
said Friday.  
The first  marine, from the 1st Marine Division, died early Friday after
leading his  infantry platoon in a firefight to secure an oil-pumping station
in southern  Iraq. 
The marine  was wounded while battling a platoon of Iraqi infantry and was
transported by  helicopter to a surgical company in Kuwait. 
The second  marine, from the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, died Friday
at about 4 p.m.  while fighting enemy Iraqi forces near the port of Umm Qasr.
Copyright2003Canadian Press; Associated Press

Key developments in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

Key developments in 





Latest developments in the Iraq crisis as of 5:25 
-- The United 
States and Britain escalated the war by launching their long-awaited massive 
campaign from the air, and pushed ground troops one-third of the way to Baghdad. 
U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his 
lieutenants are ``starting to lose control of their country.'' 
-- Two U.S. 
marines died in combat in southern Iraq. One was battling Iraqi infantry to 
secure an oil pumping station. The second was fighting near the strategic port 
of Umm Qasr, which the U.S. marines eventually controlled. 
-- Eight 
British and four U.S. marines died when their helicopter crashed south of Umm 
Qasr. The cause was under investigation. No hostile fire had been reported. 

-- Iraq fired 
its sixth missile into Kuwait, but it was shot down by Patriot missiles. The 
Kuwaiti military identified the latest as an al-Fatah missile, among the banned 
weaponry UN inspectors were hunting for. 
-- Hundreds 
of Iraqi soldiers have surrendered to coalition forces in southern Iraq. 

-- Turkey 
agreed to allow U.S. warplanes to fly over its territory after an initial delay 
while the two sides worked out a disagreement over whether Turkey can move its 
own troops into northern Iraq. It was not immediately clear how the issue was 
-- Police 
clashed with anti-war demonstrators outside the U.S. Embassy in Yemen, 
triggering an exchange of gunfire that killed three people and injured dozens as 
outrage over the war erupted in cities around the world.
©Copyright2003Canadian Press

African press vilifies Bush over Iraq war

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

African press 
vilifies Bush over Iraq war


  Fri Mar 21,11:49 AM ET


- Newspapers across Africa poured scorn on US President George Bush on 
over the war in Iraq (news - web sites). 



AFP Photo 

In the South Africa, the 
weekly Mail and Guardian called Bush a "whore, who, more than any of his 42 
predecessors, has prostituted himself to his country's industrial interests." 

"What a senseless war!" 
Kenya's Daily Nation lamented on its leader page. 

The paper warned that Bush 
"had embarked on a path that could make the world even more unsafe." 

"One thing is sure. In many 
parts of the world, this will not be seen as a war against the Iraqi 
dictatorship; it will be seen as an assault on a people and a religion. 

"That will do nothing for the 
cause of world peace," the editorial said. 

"The recklessness of the 
attack on Iraq may cause the existing world order to fragment. Iraq itself may 
break up into two or three ethnic units corresponding to the Ottoman provinces 
from which it was created," said Uganda's government-run New Vision. 

The newspaper lambasted the 
US for invading Iraq while giving "intransigent support" to Israel in the 
conflict with the Palestinians, saying this was "ultimately the greatest danger 
to the long-term security of the United States, not the fictitious threat from a 
tin-pot dictator." 

In Morocco, La Vie Economique 
wrote that Osama bin Laden (news - 
web sites) "arose from the rubble of the first Gulf war (news - 
web sites)." 

"How many more bin Ladens 
will come out of the ruins of the second, when Mr Bush has finished his little 
game?" the paper asked. 

Aujourd'hui Le Maroc warned 
that "Bush's messianic crusade" would result in the polarisation of the world 
into different terrorist camps, while Maroc-Ouest newspaper concentrated on 
Moroccans' anger at the "intolerable injustice" of the Iraq war. 

It warned of "excesses and 
anarchy" and "fanatical religious movements... which are simply waiting for the 
right moment to ruin the country." 

Islamic newspaper Al Asr 
wondered if the United States was oblivious to the fact that the war could be 
seen as justifying "reactions against American interests around the world." 

Under the headline 
"Adventurism," Liberation wrote that the United States, which has "hardly ever" 
heeded distress calls from people of the developing world, "has this time 
invited itself in, uninvited and illegally, to deliver so-called freedom to the 
Iraqi people, in a hail of bombs and missiles." 

In Senegal, the Sud-Quotidien 
denounced "this illegal aggression and the possible end of international law," 
while Wal-fadjri said: "This war is neither legitimate nor justified, and it 
defies the international community." 

"With this second war against 
Iraq and the sidelining of the UN, most of the world's nations feel threatened 
by 'American unilateralism'," Le Soleil newspaper wrote, envisioning a "new 
geopolitical configuration" after the conflict. 

"The United States sees this 
as laying down the foundations for their enduring world supremacy, starting in a 
region that is situated at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe, and that 
contains vast oil reserves," Le Soleil wrote. 


All of the daily newspapers 
in Tunisia ploughed a similar furrow. 
Le Temps warned that the war 
set a precedent for "law of the strongest" dominating international relations. 

"Humanity ... would do well 
to seriously rethink the United Nations (news - 
web sites) because a world without safeguards is inevitably destined for chaos," 
said the Quotidien. 
"It is totally paradoxical 
that America, which portrays itself as the defender of democracy and human 
rights, bombs and invades Iraq in the name of these same values," Essabah wrote. 

Turkish Troops Move Into North Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

Troops Move Into North Iraq


  minutes ago

SILOPI, Turkey 
(Reuters) - A Turkish commando force of around 1,500 men crossed into 
northern Iraq (news - web sites) on Friday 
night, a precursor to eventual larger deployment, a Turkish military official 
told Reuters
The United States has told 
Turkey it would not welcome a large unilateral Turkish incursion into northern 
Iraq, where Kurdish authorities are suspicious of Turkish motives. 

Turkey says it needs troops 
in Iraq to control refugees and forestall any attempt to create a Kurdish state. 

Kurdish groups have said they 
will resist any Turkish invasion. 

Turkey has kept a small 
garrison in northern Iraq for many years, to fight Turkish Kurdish rebels based 

After weeks of negotiations, 
Turkey said on Friday it had agreed to allow U.S. warplanes to overfly Turkish 
territory in attacks on Iraq, but rejected American demands it keep its troops 
out of the Kurdish-controlled north. 

Foreign Minister Abdulah Gul 
announced after the overflight agreement was announced that Turkish troops would 
move into Iraq to keep any refugees in camps on Iraqi territory and prevent them 
spilling over into Turkey. 

He also said Turkey had 
suffered from the activity of Turkish Kurdish rebels based in the north since 
the region went beyond Baghdad's control after the 1991 Gulf War (news - 
web sites). 

"Turkish troops will go. A 
vacuum was formed in northern Iraq and that vacuum became practically a camp for 
terrorist activity. This time we do not want such a vacuum," he said. 

In Washington, a U.S. 
officials said in reaction to Gul's statement that the United States had not 
agreed to such a move. 

"We know the Turks think that 
it's necessary to use the military to establish a humanitarian corridor in the 
north but frankly we don't agree," the Bush administration official, who asked 
not to be named, said. 

"At this point we're still 
discussing with them, but we haven't agreed to and don't think the military is 
necessarily the way to do that, to take care of the humanitarian situation (in 
northern Iraq)," the official said. 

Saddam Decrees Rewards for Capture, Death of Enemy Troops

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

Decrees Rewards for Capture, Death of Enemy Troops



Associated Press 
Friday, March 
21, 2003

-- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has decreed that any Iraqi who kills 
an enemy soldier will get a reward equivalent to $20,000 Cdn, the official Iraqi 
News Agency reported. 
According to the 
presidential decree, $40,000 Cdn will go to anyone who captures an enemy soldier 
alive, the news agency reported. 
Shooting down an enemy 
fighter plane is worth $80,000 Cdn, a helicopter, $40,000 Cdn, and a missile, 
$8,000 Cdn. 
The agency reported that an 
Iraqi who shoots down an enemy fighter jet or helicopter and kills the pilot 
will get $20,000 Cdn, and twice as much if he captures the pilot alive. 

©Copyright 2003The Associated Press

What do you say?

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

What do you 
By Bill 
BurkettOnline Journal Contributing Writer
March 19, 
2003—I've sat in total grief for the past three years, watching the 
institutions of America being spent as if they were lottery winnings.
I don't want to say it, "But 
I told you so."
In January of 1998 and what 
seems like a full lifetime ago, I was stricken by a deadly case of 
meningoencephalitis. I was returning from a short duty trip to Panama as a team 
chief to inspect the hand over of Ft. Clayton to the Panamanians. I had been 
'loaned' from the senior staff and state planning officer of the Texas National 
Guard to the Department of the Army for a series of these special projects after 
angering George W. Bush by refusing to falsify readiness information and 
reports; confronting a fraudulent funding scheme which kept 'ghost' soldiers on 
the books for additional funding, and refusing to alter official personnel 
records [of George W. Bush].
George W. Bush and his 
lieutenants were mad. They ordered that I not be accessed to emergency medical 
care services, healthcare benefits I earned by my official duty; and I was 
withheld from medical care for 154 days before I was withdrawn from Texas 
responsibility by the Department of the Army, by order of the White 
I was a pawn then caught in a 
struggle for right and wrong, but also caught within a political struggle 
between a man who would do anything to be 'king' of America and an institution 
of laws that we knew as America.
For five years, I have fought 
my battles around two fronts; the personal retaliation that was waged against me 
and the individual organizational unlawful acts and practices waged against our 
But I first had to survive. 
Without a single bit of help, contact and in spite of threats against my life 
and that of my family, I have had to relearn to walk and to live. My daily pain 
is far worse than anything I could have previously imagined. I suffer from 
extreme constant headaches, body pain and even my hair hurts. I now have a 
severe seizure disorder which we are starting to gain slight control 
My mother faced her final 
four years guiding and supporting me through my struggle to live. My wife, 
Nicki, and our four wonderful children totally reshaped their lives in support 
of this struggle as well. But, only three dear friends from those military days 
dared to help me. CW3 George Conn gave up his career and was released from duty 
for his support. He is now a civilian personnel specialist in Europe for the US 
Army. CW4 Harvey Gough actively fought for medical care for me. He received a 
court martial and was kicked out of the Army after an illustrious 28-year 
career. He filed suit for some of the comments made within their retaliation at 
him; including calling him a "Goddamned Jew" and threatening him with actions by 
making comments such as "we're going to treat you worse than the Jews in 
LTC Dennis Adams tried to 
operate within the system to get me medical support. When he was deposed and 
served as a witness within the district court case; Dennis was retired from 
The only benefits that we 
have received have come at the end of a court order; and they have been under 
constant challenge. Needless to say, we know the White House counsel personally. 
We know Dan Bartlett, Karen Hughes, Joe Allbaugh, Don Evans, and many others 
very personally. Dick Cheney used to be a close friend. No longer. 
So when asked by many "what 
should we do?" on this beautiful, but very sad morning, I can't help but remind 
everyone that for over three years, since the spring 2000 campaign, I have 
forecasted the actions that have taken place in great detail. I know GW Bush and 
his inner circle very well.
As I said, a UN vote would 
not stop GW Bush from attacking Iraq. Nor will anything else. And weapons of 
mass destruction will be discovered in great quantities; but the entire affair 
will stink to high heavens because it will be as staged as the White House press 
conference you just viewed.
The human death toll will 
publicly not be mentioned, yet in truth, it will far exceed 120,000. Our vast 
size and force will quickly break the back of any Iraqi resistance, yet we will 
not break their spirit. This is a society which has learned to live in troubled 
politics. They will go about their business while seething inside. There will be 
small uprisings, but they will quickly be crushed. The emotion and anger that we 
will have built will spill over into other countries and meld like an alloy with 
other problem areas of the Middle East, becoming a deeper seated problem. We 
will have insured that America's dynasty is nearing an end.
While GW Bush will be cast as 
a conquering hero by his political team and accepted by the population as such, 
history will treat him as Napoleonic. Bush will reach a new lofty level of 
acceptance by 

News from the Middle East

2003-03-21 Thread PPAINE

Hell Rains Down on Iraqis
Naseer Al-Nahr, Arab News War Correspondent BAGHDAD, 22 March 2003  The United States and Britain unleashed a devastating air assault on this city yesterday as their ground forces thrust deep into Iraqi territory toward the capital. The air attack triggered giant fireballs, deafening explosions and huge mushroom clouds above the city center. US planes also... (full story). 

Scuds Fall Into Watery Grave off Kuwait
Abdul Rahman Almotawa, Arab News War Correspondent KUWAIT CITY, 22 March 2003  A vehicle carrying a team of Arab News journalists was shaken at about 8.30 p.m. yesterday as a surface-to-surface Scud missile launched by Iraq on Kuwait passed by the vehicle and fell into the sea.It was the second Iraqi missile to end up in... (full story). 

War Waged in a Surreal Landscape
Barbara Ferguson, Arab News War Correspondent AN AIR BASE IN KUWAIT, 22 March 2003  The war to liberate Iraq has taken on a surreal dimension here. Since Thursday morning, when President George W. Bush told the world that US Tomahawks had been launched and that war had begun, journalists and US Marines in Kuwait have... (full story). 

Cooling Their Heels in Kuwait
Essam Al-Ghalib, Arab News War Correspondent KUWAIT, 22 March 2003  According to the Kuwait Ministry of Information, nearly a thousand journalists have arrived in Kuwait over the past two months to cover the war in Iraq. Media representatives from newspapers, television, and radio have arrived from over 70 countries, carrying tickets with no return date... (full story). 

Thousands Defy Ban on Pro-Iraq Prayers and Demonstrations in Jordan
Mohammed Alkhereiji, Arab News War Correspondent AMMAN, 22 March 2003  A day after the Jordanian Interior Ministry warned imams against using mosques to further any political agenda or incite demonstrations, a violent mob gathered yesterday outside the Kalumati Mosque near the Israeli Embassy. Around 200 riot police cordoned off the streets leading to the mosque,... (full story). 

Editorial: Bye-Bye CNN
22 March 2003 Shock and awe, now that it has arrived, is giving the Western satellite networks what they have been waiting for  a boost to their ratings, and images that occupy their viewers for sustained periods of time. For an hour on Thursday, CNN showed a fuzzy, static night vision image... (full story). 

Baghdads Night of Terror
Robert Fisk, The Independent Iraqi President Saddam Husseins main presidential palace, a great rampart of a building 20 stories high, simply exploded in front of me  a cauldron of fire, a 100ft sheet of flame and a sound that had my ears singing for an hour after. The entire, massively buttressed edifice shuddered... (full story). 

My Dear Americans
Tariq A. Al-Maeena, [EMAIL PROTECTED] US President Bush has declared a war on Iraq. He calls it Operation Iraqi Freedom. In a televised address to the nation he said, These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign. But the truth is far from it. It is not a war. It... (full story). 

Road to Jerusalem Is Through Baghdad
Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid We laughed when Baghdad announced  on the day it launched its border war with Iran  that the road to Jerusalem passed through Tehran. Later, when he marched his troops south, Saddam said the road to Jerusalem passed through Kuwait.Today the American administration has borrowed that same idea, confirming... (full story). 

Economy Feels the Pinch of War
Javid Hassan, Arab News Staff RIYADH, 22 March 2003  The reverberations of the war were felt across a broad spectrum of the socio-economic landscape in the capital. Diplomatic missions in Riyadh geared up arrangements to cope with any exodus from Kuwait. Business activities were at a low ebb, while the travel and hotel industry... (full story). 

People in Jubail Relaxed, Hope for Speedy End to War
Molouk Y. Ba-Isa, Arab News Staff JUBAIL, 22 March 2003  On Thursday night, as the bombs began falling on Baghdad, traffic was thin on the 100 km drive from Alkhobar to Jubail. Along the route to the industrial city there were several checkpoints illuminated with mobile halogen lights. The most active checkpoint was the one... (full story). 

US Capture of Safwan Could Speed Up War
Saeed Haider, Gulf Bureau DAMMAM, 22 March 2003  For the second time in 12 years, American troops have set foot in Safwan, an Iraqi border town no more than 65 km from downtown Basra, the southern Iraqi city and center of Iraqi oil production. It is the second time in 12 years that... (full story). 

Foreign Missions Prepare for Possible Influx >From Kuwait
Saeed Haider, Gulf Bureau KHAFJI, 22 March 2003  Foreign missions are stationing officials in this border town anticipating an influx of their citizens from Kuwait city. The Indian and Philippine embassies have posted officials in Khafji to coordinate with immigration officials in case nationals of their respective countries cross over the border from... (full story). 


2003-03-21 Thread flashbac

With everything else going on, now 

Cases SARS Mysterious Illness Found In Carolinas"

With SARS Diagnosed In Virginia"

testing, testing, 1, 2, 3,...

2003-03-21 Thread Atnip

anybody out there? I normally recieve between 100 and 150 emails aday and 
have probably only recieved 15 or 20. methinks sumthins up!!
Blank Bkgrd.gif


2003-03-21 Thread Atnip

Anybody know anything about Paula Paine, I have been trying to reach her 
for awhile now with no response???
Paula, if your out there contact me please.
Blank Bkgrd.gif

[Fwd: [mtcp-announce] Demonstrate]

2003-03-21 Thread HRH


 Original Message 


  [mtcp-announce] Demonstrate

  Fri, 21 Mar 2003 22:58:33 +






1. NS Article and New Site
  We had hoped to have the latest article by Mark Thomas for the New 
Statesman but have not had a copy from Mark yet, hopefully this will be 
with us over the weekend and then we will forward it to you.  For those 
who haven't been to the site recently then please go and check it out, 
it was relaunched on Wednesday.  At the moment it is in the early 
stages so let us know if you see any broken links/etc.

2. Demonstrate
   People across the world are getting involved in anti-war protests and 
direct action in an attempt to get the war stopped, or at least cause 
trouble for those countries involved.  If you have been, or are going 
on, a demonstration, march or getting involved in direct action then we 
want to hear from you. Send all text via the contact page, and if you 
have a mobile phone with digital camera then pictures can be sent 
straight to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
We will endeavour to use as many of the submissions as we can.

3. Mark Thomas Sells Out
Mark Thomas has, once again, successfully returned to the live stage 
with a nationwide tour of the UK for which nearly half of all gigs have 
already sold out.
  A majority of the 56 dates have sold out, with other shows selling 
fast, as people snap up the chance to see Mark in his latest live show 
"Mark Thomas: A Minor Celebrity Discusses War Crimes". In the show Mark 
discusses the current situation in Iraq, US  UK exposing hypocrisy, 
greed and the working of the propaganda system.
  According to the Guardian the show shows that Mark's "time has 
come." Show-goers have praised the show with one saying, "Wow! If you 
thought he was inspirational on the TV you need to see him live. The 
gathering storm clouds of war have made me want to do something but 
seeing the show last night has left me determined to act in some way."
  At the show  CD's, T-shirts and White Ribbons will be available for 
purchase in aid of various charities and campaigns.

4. Labour Dung Deal
Anti-war protesters led by comedian Mark Thomas have dumped horse-shit 
on the steps of the Labour Party headquarters.Bemused passers-by 
looked on as seven sacks of dung were spread near the door of the party 
offices in Old Queen Street, Westminster, in a protest against conflict 
in Iraq.
  Mark said: "This is what the people of Britain think of the second 
UN resolution, which despite the Government's claims, does not 
specifically call for war on Iraq."On top of the heap of dung they 
left anti-war white ribbons and signs on posts stuck into the pile 
saying: "US/UK 2nd Resolution" and "Blair-Bush 2nd Resolution" over the 
picture of a cow.

5. Peace Ribbons
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), the Campaign Against Arms 
Trade (CAAT), the Green Party, Greenpeace and the Campaign for 
Accountability for American Bases (CAAB), together with Mark Thomas 
have launched the 'White Ribbons for Peace' campaign. The organisations 
have come together with Mark to urge everyone to show their opposition 
to war by wearing a common symbol, a white ribbon.
  Any proceeds of the sale of the ribbons will go to help pay for 
taking Mr Blair, Mr Hoon and Mr Straw to the International Criminal 
Court should this war go ahead and crimes against humanity be carried 
  If the UK is involved in the use of force against Iraq which 
breaches international humanitarian law (IHL), a coalition of law 
professors and leading NGOs around the world are committed to taking 
the case to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  Mark Thomas said: "I hope the white ribbon for peace becomes a 
common sight that helps demonstrate the massive opposition to this 
unjust, illogical and illegal war. Any money raised will be used to try 
and make Blair legally accountable for any war crimes and crimes 
against humanity committed in our name. If you stand for peace and want 
to put Blair in the dock, buy a white ribbon." Find out more at the 
White Ribbons website.


If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following command in the body of 
email message:
unsubscribe mtcp-announce
  or from another account:
unsubscribe mtcp-announce [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you
have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself) 
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. This is the general rule 
for most mailing lists when you need to contact a human.



Iran Oil Depot Hit by Rocket, Iran Warns U.S., UK

2003-03-21 Thread jeani

Iran Oil Depot Hit 
by Rocket, Iran Warns U.S., UK
Mar 21, 5:07 PM ET
TEHRAN (Reuters) - An oil refinery depot 
in southwestern Iran close to the Iraqi border was hit by a rocket on Friday, 
officials said, and the Islamic Republic warned Washington and London to respect 
its airspace. 


officials, who asked not to be named, told Reuters it was not clear where the 
rocket, which hit the depot in the city of Abadan at around 7.45 p.m. local time 
(11:15 a.m. EST), had come from. 

"When it 
happened the city of Abadan shook," Hossein, a government employee, told Reuters 
by telephone from Abadan which is about 30 miles east of the southern Iraqi city 
of Basra, and on the opposite side of the Shatt al-Arab estuary from Iraq 
(news - web sites)'s Faw peninsula. 

The Faw 
peninsula adjacent to Abadan was secured earlier on Friday by British forces 
advancing into Iraq as part of a land attack against Iraqi President Saddam 
Hussein (news - 
web sites). 

Hossein said 
two guards at the Abadan depot were injured. Government officials were unable to 
give any further details on the extent of the damage. There was no indication 
that operations at Abadan's oil refinery were affected and no reports of any 
other missiles falling on Iranian territory. 

The official 
IRNA news agency, without referring directly to the Abadan incident, said Iran's 
Foreign Ministry had expressed its opposition to the violation of its airspace 
to the ambassadors of Britain and Switzerland, which represents U.S. interests 
in the Islamic Republic. 

severed diplomatic relations with Tehran shortly after the 1979 Islamic 

IRNA said the 
Foreign Ministry's director general of legal affairs Mehdi Danesh Yazdi asked 
the envoys, who represent the two counties with the largest military involvement 
in the attack on Iraq, "to prevent such events from happening in future." 

Heavy bombing 
by U.S. and British forces during the attack on Faw shattered windows and caused 
villagers to flee in panic in neighboring Iran, according to IRNA. 

Iran, which 
fought an eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s in which hundreds of thousands 
were killed on both sides, has condemned the U.S.-led attack on its western 
neighbor, but vowed not to be drawn into the conflict. 

Familiar, Haunting Words

2003-03-21 Thread jeani 
Familiar, Haunting 
BreslinMarch 20, 2003At 8 o'clock last night, the Sikh 
in a blue turban in the subway change booth at 42nd Street gave me a little wave 
and I waved back. Suddenly, he was a front-line soldier in a war. I designate 
the subway at Times Square as a prime target in America in the war with 
Iraq.I had just been at the public library, where I discovered the 
speech that started World War II. I print much of it here. It is darkly familiar 
to what we have been hearing here, when for the first time in American history 
we became all the things we ever hated and invaded another country. Herewith the 
speech:Address by Adolf Hitler to the Reichstag, Sept. 1, 
1939.For months we have suffered under the torture of a problem 
which the Versailles Diktat created - a problem that has deteriorated until it 
becomes intolerable for us ...As always, I attempted to bring about, by 
the peaceful method of making proposals for revision, an alteration of this 
intolerable position. It is a lie when the outside world says that we only tried 
to carry our revisions through by pressure. Fifteen years before the National 
Socialist Party came to power there was the opportunity of carrying out these 
revisions by peaceful settlements and understanding. On my own initiative I 
have, not once but several times, made proposals for the revision of intolerable 
conditions. All these proposals, as you know, have been rejected - proposals for 
the limitation of armaments and, even if necessary, disarmament, proposals for 
the limitation of warmaking, proposals for the elimination of certain methods of 
modern warfare ... You know the endless attempts I made for peaceful 
clarification and understanding of the problem of Austria, and later of the 
problem of the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia. It was all in vain.It 
is impossible to demand that an impossible position should be cleared up by 
peaceful revision, and at the same time constantly reject peaceful revision. It 
is also impossible to say that he who undertakes to carry out the revisions for 
himself transgresses a law, since the Versailles Diktat is not law to 
us.In the same way, I have tried to solve the problems of Danzig, the 
Corridor, etc., by proposing a peaceful discussion. That the problems had to be 
solved was clear. It is quite understandable to us that the time when the 
problem was to be solved had little interest for the Western Powers. But time is 
not a matter of indifference to us ...For four months I have calmly 
watched developments, although I never ceased to give warnings. In the last few 
days I have increased these warnings ...I made one more final effort to 
accept a proposal for mediation on the part of the British government. They 
proposed, not that they themselves should carry out the negotiations, but rather 
that Poland and Germany should come into direct contact and once more pursue 
negotiations.I must declare that I accepted this proposal and worked out 
a basis for these negotiations which are known to you. For two whole days I sat 
in my government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish 
government to send a plenipotentiary or not. Last night they did not send us a 
plenipotentiary, but instead informed us through their ambassador that they were 
still considering whether and to what extent they were in a position to go into 
the British proposals. The Polish government also said they would inform Britain 
of their decision.Deputies, if the German government and its leader 
patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from 
the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience 
are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice. I, therefore, decided last night 
and informed the British government that in these circumstances I can no longer 
find any willingness on the part of the Polish government to conduct serious 
negotiations with us.The other European states understand in part our 
attitude. I should like all to thank Italy, which throughout has supported us, 
but you will understand for the carrying on of this struggle ... we will carry 
out this task ourselves.This night for the first time, Polish regular 
soldiers fired on our territory. Since 5:45 a.m. we have been returning the fire 
and from now on bombs will be met with bombs. Whoever fights with poison gas 
will be fought with poison gas. Whoever departs from the rules of humane warfare 
can only expect that we shall do the same ... until the safety, security of the 
Reich and its rights are secured.***On that night, Hitler used 
this dry, unimaginative language to start a world war that was to kill 60 
million, and they stopped counting.Last night, George Bush, after speech 
after speech of this same dry, flat, banal language, started a war for his 
country, and we can only beg the skies to keep it from spreading 

Redeem This Day of Shame

2003-03-21 Thread jeani,3604,918782,00.html

Redeem This Day of Shame 
MurrayFriday March 21, 2003The 
The assault on Iraq which began yesterday is a war 
the British people do not want. Never before, at least since public opinion 
first became a serious political consideration, has this country gone to war 
with only a minority of the population in support. 
Tens of thousands across the 
country drove that point home yesterday, in the biggest ever display of 
coordinated civil disobedience on the streets of our towns and cities. Many more 
will march for peace in London tomorrow. Tony Blair's appeal for national 
support for the war effort is already falling on deaf ears. 
Despite the government's 
efforts over the past few days to re-spin the attack on Iraq as if it were now 
supported by a new national consensus, the anti-war movement - unprecedented in 
its scope and representativeness - is clear: we cannot and will not support this 
The logic is simple. If it is 
right to oppose a crime when it is being publicly contemplated, how much more 
important is it to do so when it is in the process of commission. It is not 
those who oppose the war who need to justify themselves, but those Labour MPs 
who assured their local parties as recently as last weekend that they would 
never support war without UN authority, only to do just that days later. 
Ministers will, of course, 
play on the sympathy of many people for British troops. Yet the fact remains 
that they are not fighting in the interests of the British people, nor on behalf 
of any international community, but for a reactionary and dangerous US 
administration to which Tony Blair has subordinated our country. 
The prime minister was, 
however, clearly right when he told the Commons this week that the conduct of 
this crisis will shape world politics for the next 20 years. For him, that 
apparently means a generation in which international affairs will be conducted 
on the basis of a disregard for law and UN authority, and an unconditional 
subordination to US imperial power. 
That outlook is not shared by 
the other major powers, France, Russia, China and Germany among them. The great 
majority of the countries of the world appear no more ready to embrace the 
hegemony of the US today than they did that of the British empire a century ago. 

The most sobering aspect of 
the great power split provoked by George Bush's unilateralism is the reminder 
that, in the past, neo-colonial conflicts like this one have often led to much 
larger wars. So now is the time to speak out, or risk becoming complicit in a 
repetition of some of the worst crimes of the 19th and 20th centuries. 
Blair's responsibility for 
this crisis cannot be concealed by the week's big lie - that it is all the fault 
of the French. The prime minister did not get the second security council 
resolution which he so craved because the majority of the council opposed him 
and the US administration was not interested anyway. 
It is far more likely that, 
had Britain adopted the firm position of France and Germany from the beginning, 
a peaceful solution to the crisis could have been found. Instead, he has given 
comfort to the wild men in charge in Washington throughout by denying them the 
total international isolation their policies warrant. 
As it is, it is the prime 
minister himself who is isolated. His war is opposed by most of the people he 
was elected to represent, and denounced by virtually every expert on 
international law except the attorney general, as well as by almost every other 
country he would like to claim as a friend. 
The course of events in the 
Gulf itself is unpredictable. Blair is banking on a sense of fatalism and 
powerlessness to immobilise the majority opposed to the aggression; but he knows 
he has no margin for error in either military or political events as they 
unfold. Beyond the coalition of Conservatives and the minority of Labour 
backbenchers supporting the invasion, public opinion is unlikely to tolerate 
either British military casualties or Iraqi civilian casualties on any 
significant scale, given that it was never convinced of the case for war in the 
first place. 
It should have been possible 
to avoid the possibility of either. But Tony Blair has chosen loyalty to the US 
president over the people of this country. As a result, tomorrow will see the 
largest-ever demonstration against a war in which British troops are fighting, 
while they are doing so. That is the pass to which Tony Blair has brought the 
country, even before the British people start to reap the inevitable whirlwind 
the prime minister is sowing in the Middle East. This is a day of shame for 
Britain. Only the actions of ordinary people standing up for peace and democracy 
can now redeem it. 
· Andrew Murray 
is chairman of the Stop the War Coalition, which has called tomorrow's 
demonstration in London 

Bush's Groom and Gloom

2003-03-21 Thread Astro


  My true 
  feelings aboutthe following2 items are unprintable. 
  "Extremely disgruntled" is a polite understatement.
  A BuzzFlash News Analysis


  March 21, 2003



  Groom and Gloom 
  As reported in the Washington Post, the White 
  House is quite peeved that video of Bush getting groomed and acting jolly 
  was broadcast prior to his "we're bombing Iraq" announcement:
The White House is vowing a strong retaliatory 
response after the BBC aired live video of President Bush getting his 
hair coiffed in the Oval Office as he squirmed in his chair and 
practiced on the teleprompter minutes before Wednesday night's speech 
announcing the launch of military operations against Saddam Hussein. 
(See: Link)

  Many BuzzFlash Readers have asked us where they can 
  see these videos. You can download videos of that broadcast from the 
  globalfreepress web site at the URL below:
[Link Update: BuzzFlash Readers have been having 
difficulty accessing the above link, we imagine due to the traffic. You 
may find more luck trying it again later in the evening or over the 
weekend, or you can visit the The Smoking Gun for a shorter version of 
the footage:]
  As reported by Knight Ridder Newspapers (See: Link), "Minutes before the speech, an internal 
  television monitor showed the president pumping his fist. "Feels good," he 
  said." Although BuzzFlash could not accurately point to that moment, 
  something else about the broadcast bothered us.
  When you watch the videos, think about the fact that 
  Bush is about to tell the world that he's sending our soldiers to possibly 
  die, but definitely to kill innocent people in Iraq as our military bombs 
  and shoots its way to Saddam. Think about that and contrast that with 
  Bush's jovial, playful attitude, seen unfiltered in the Dutch broadcast 
  (digitized in the 11.3M "BushGroomed2.mpg"):
  Hey, Bush, it sure is funny thinking about all those 
  innocent Iraqi women and children who are going to die painful and 
  horrible deaths because of your bombs, isn't it? Just downright slap-happy 
  funny. We bet you haven't had this much fun since you mocked Karla Faye 
  Tucker's plea for clemency (See: Link) and 
  executed at least 135 people while Governor of Texas (See: Link | Link 2).
  And then the show really begins and Bush puts on his 
  face of concern and tempered anxiety. What a farce. What a shameful, 
  despicable farce. Every moment fabricated.
  And now, back to the war coverage.
  WATCH THE BOMBING 03-21-03Ari Fleischer is taking fairly 
  hostile questions from the press right now.Apparently the folks in the 
  press are nearly as horrified by the bombardmentas I am.Ari 
  just admitted that W didn't watch the bombing. What a coward, huh? 
  Youought to see what YOU have authorized. It's YOUR doing 
  buddy.How many times is Ari going to make that lame and completely 
  discredited9/11-Saddam-Al-Qaeda link argument?This is an 
  immoral administration that will say or do anything to advanceits 
  goals.Today is certainly all the proof you need of 
  that.Update: I'm told W is already on his way to take a weekend 
  off at CampDavid. We're in the middle of a war and this joker leaves 
  Washington?Now that's commitment to his job, eh?
  He ordered the airstrikes and then, with 
  his tail between his legs, W promptly headed out of town

video US helicopter marked 666 The Beast

2003-03-21 Thread Harley123H

You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not
the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists.  - Abbie Hoffman

email stripper

2003-03-21 Thread Peggy Furmaniak

Sorry to bother everyone with this. BUT who had 
the great "email stripper" link at the bottom of their emails? I 
downloaded it and now I lost it. Thanks so much.