Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Shearey

You guys don't get it, do you? 

Ijust read one of your Ten Ways to 
Stop the War with E-mail. You want us to 

"Send an 
email to every member of the UN Security Council at the same time, 
urging them to vote against war:" 

My first question is why are you endorsing 
and acquiescing the UN Security Council? Don't you realize that by asking the 
S.C. to vote against the war, you are acquiescing to their authority? When are 
you going to wake up? Why are you having people recognize the Security 
Council?The united States of America is a sovereign nation. We Don't need 
no stinking UN Security Council. You deal directly with President Bush and your 
Congress as well as other We The People's through your e-mails. Don't succumb to 
psyops actions.


  - Original Message - 
  To: The Power Hour 
  Cc: Power Hour Flash 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:22 
  Subject: 101 Ways To Stop A War On 
  101 Ways To Stop A War 
  On Iraq
  Compiled and 
  written by Guy Dauncey, Victoria, BC, 
  One Way to Stop the 
  War for All of Us
  up the belief that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Put fear to one side, and replace it with the confidence that we 
  can solve our many problems, if 
  we work together. We are incredibly creative, inventive people. We have to do 
  this. What other option do we have?
  There is a Native American story about a grandfather, 
  talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy that he has two wolves inside 
  him that are struggling with each other. The one is the wolf of peace, love 
  and kindness. The other is the wolf of fear, greed and 
  "Which wolf will win, 
  grandfather?" asks the young boy.
  "Whichever one I feed," is the 
  We may only have days to make a 
  So please, do everything you can. 
  Ten Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  EmailTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  PenTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  SignsTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  BodyTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  MindTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  SpiritTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  FriendsTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  HeartTen Ways to Stop the War with Your 
  OrganizationTen Ways for the Whole World to Stop the 
  WarOne Way to Stop the War for All of 
  Full 17 Page Printable PDF File (48kb) 

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

There are 101 different suggestions on how to stop the 
war.If you don't like one of the suggestions given, there are 100 more to 
choose from.


Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Shearey

I'm sure you're a nice person Astro, but 
let the record show that Astro supports the UN Security Council's authority over 
the united States of America. 

I don't agree with you.


  - Original Message - 
  To: Joseph A. Shearey ; The Power Hour 
  Cc: Power Hour Flash 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:01 
  Subject: Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On 
  There are 101 different suggestions on how to stop the 
  war.If you don't like one of the suggestions given, there are 100 more 
  to choose from.

Re: 101 Ways To Stop A War On Iraq

2003-03-13 Thread Astro

"I'm sure you're a nice person Astro, 
but let the record show that Astro supports the UN Security Council's authority 
over the united States of America. I don't agree 
with you."

LetWHATRECORD show that I 
support theUnited NationsSecurity Council?

I merely said there are 101 suggestions 
for you to choose from,and ifyou don't like one suggestion then 
choose another.

If Ioffered to buyyou some 
ice cream and we wentinto a icecream parlor that sold101 
different flavors, and you said "but they have pistachio - 
Ican'tstand pistachio!" and I said to you: "yes, but there are 100 
otherdifferent flavors for you to chose from" does that mean that I 
love pistashcio ice cream?

If the truth be known, I have 
extremely mixed and ambivalent feelings about the United Nations. 

For the record: I have not written any 
letters, sent any emailsor made any phone calls to the United 
Nations. Ever.

I thinkmy record unequivocally 
proves - if youchose to examine it- that I have never made any 
personal statements suggesting support for, or endorsement of, the United 

Pleaserefrain frommaking 
suchpretentous assumptionsand false 

What I have been doing is making phone 
calls and sending emails to my Congressional representatives,attending 
weekly non-political religous candlelight peace vigils, speaking out as a 
disabled veteran and member of Veterans For Peace, passing along important 
information on the Internet about the lies being perpetrated to the American 
publicby those who arepromoting this war and doing whatever else 
Ican do to support those who are trying to make a difference with the 
ultimate goal of arriving at a peaceful solution. From my 
perspectivethis is not a 
leftwing-rightwing-conservative-liberal-democrat-republican issue. My 
opposition to this war is strictly on moral and ethical 

None ofthe activitiesI've 
been involved in over the course of the past year has anythingto 
dowith supporting the United Nations, which in my opinion, is essentially 
irrelevant in light of the fact our chickenhawk brigade in Washington DC is 
going to have their bloody war regardless of what the United Nations chooses to 
do, one way or another.

The only the reason the White House 
warhawksare interacting with the United Nations in the first place 
isbecause they havea misguided belief that in doing so it will give 
their warplans some sort of perceived legitimacy. They 
havecarefully orchestrated theirUnited Nations horse and pony media 
show.They could really care less about the what the UN thinks 
asit's all intentional smoke and mirrors designed to distract attention 
from their real agaenda and ultimate goals. From allappearances, they have failed to 
convince anyone or present a credible compelling case for 

The only thing that will save us now is 
praying to ourAlmighty Lord up in Heaven, and for all concerned citizens 
who oppose the war to really pour on the heatto Congress this coming 

Now is the timeto speak out and 
make our feelings known to everyone in Washington DC. The hour 
isbecomingextremely late andour freedoms and lives are at 

Hoping for a peaceful 
