[Therion] new Therion?

2015-12-18 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Cool! That should great!

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Wookey  wrote:

> +++ Philip Schuchardt [2015-12-18 13:44 -0500]:
> > Hey, I'm the primary developer for Cavewhere. I though I would chime in.
> >
> > Cavewhere is open source, under the GPL, although I think I need to
> > actually upload that bit (tonight). It's currently on github, as
> mentioned on a
> > previous post. It currently runs under, Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu
> > Linux. Since most linux users are complete computers nerds, they get
> > the fun job of compiling it themselves. Although my friend, Jon L is
> > creating a debian installer. I need to check with him on the status of
> > that.
> I'm happy to help with Debian packaging, or sponsoring as I currently
> package most of the available cave software tools for Debian. (I'm
> also happy for someone else to do it :-)
> Wookey
> --
> Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
> http://wookware.org/
-- next part --
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[Therion] new Therion?

2015-12-18 Thread Philip Schuchardt
It's been a while since I've used therion map editor (7 or 8 years). I'll
have to re-check it out. From my memory, it was to slow to create working
maps. For example using cavewhere on the last 3 week expedition, I was able
to create working cave maps on the same day as the survey. I even did it on
small 8" windows tablet. It was great because we had working maps to use on
the very next day. I'm not talking small cave either. We probably map
around ~10km per expo.

I guess I'm confused about how "NSS way" differs from other cave survey.
Specifically, what am I missing? Are you talking about digital survey with
TopoDroid or PocketTopo?


On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Martin Sluka  wrote:

> Phil,
> as I may say, with help of right button of mouse (contextual menus) in
> therion map editor I’m 10 times faster as you in cavewhere in video.
> Any other format for data than plain ASCII is not acceptable for me.
> Simple reason is 90 percent of experiences in Therion is to look for errors
> (or bugs). Without ASCII text, simple search and replace, it is unreal. All
> examples I saw, all maps I saw on NSS forum are simple caves. But my
> experiences are mazes, labyrinths, where the logical surveyors thinking and
> small scraps principle is the base. To construct cave map from scraps in
> correct way that 3D model will be real and without any strange relicts is a
> goal.
> There is an idea to add to Therion generation of models based on splay
> shots. There are simple things based on VTK export from Loch, but very
> promising, now.
> You are expert in OpenGL. As I saw, there is quite easy to imagine 3D
> editor for much better documentation of caves and generation of maps from
> such data. 3D model using splay shots, divided to two half-scraps (ceiling
> and floor) with possibility to interactive add details is my dream.
> But I’m too old, Stacho and Martin are too busy.
> And if you’ll document cave on Mars in NSS way it will be NSS way. But
> there are other cavers on Earth using different techniques, different
> habits. To coerce them to change their way of mapping or to recalculate
> their data before they may use the software is not the best idea.
> That’s all.
> m.s.
> > 18. 12. 2015 v 19:44, Philip Schuchardt :
> >
> > Hey, I'm the primary developer for Cavewhere. I though I would chime in.
> >
> > Cavewhere is open source, under the GPL, although I think I need to
> > actually upload that bit (tonight). It's currently on github, as
> mentioned on a
> > previous post. It currently runs under, Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu
> > Linux. Since most linux users are complete computers nerds, they get
> > the fun job of compiling it themselves. Although my friend, Jon L is
> > creating a debian installer. I need to check with him on the status of
> > that.
> >
> > Cavewhere only currently produces centerlines from survex and compass
> > imports. We do have plans to generate walls from LRUDs. It's just not
> > a high priority because 5 other software projects (survex, compass,
> > walls, breakout, therion) already do it.
> >
> > I do have 5km cave in therion that I'll probably want to imported into
> > cavewhere some day. That feature isn't really on the horizon. I'll
> > probably never support therion as a backend because it's simply to
> > much work and there are better painting libraries out there. That
> > being said there's no painting capabilities in Cavewhere. This could
> > be added in the future since Qt support a very powerful painting
> > engine call QGraphicsScene. Currently we're more focused on creating
> > quick working maps from sketches.
> >
> > We're in the process of converting Cavewhere's sqlite / protobuf
> > (binary format) into human readable json format call Metacave
> > (https://github.com/jedwards1211/metacave).  This will allow cavewhere
> > files to play nicely with version control and humans...
> >
> > @Martin, I'm not sure why Cavewhere is a US only app? I've used on
> > China expos ;).  If any of you have some helpful hints you can post
> > them on cavewhere's bug tracker or email me directly.
> >
> > Also I apologize in advance for fragmenting the cave software space
> > even more! This is just a fun side project of mine, and you don't have
> > to use it. BTW, we do use survex for loop closure, so no worries
> > there. :D
> >
> >
> > Wahoo!
> > Phi|ip
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.sk
> > http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
-- next part --
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[Therion] new Therion?

2015-12-18 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Hey, I'm the primary developer for Cavewhere. I though I would chime in.

Cavewhere is open source, under the GPL, although I think I need to
actually upload that bit (tonight). It's currently on github, as mentioned on a
previous post. It currently runs under, Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu
Linux. Since most linux users are complete computers nerds, they get
the fun job of compiling it themselves. Although my friend, Jon L is
creating a debian installer. I need to check with him on the status of

Cavewhere only currently produces centerlines from survex and compass
imports. We do have plans to generate walls from LRUDs. It's just not
a high priority because 5 other software projects (survex, compass,
walls, breakout, therion) already do it.

I do have 5km cave in therion that I'll probably want to imported into
cavewhere some day. That feature isn't really on the horizon. I'll
probably never support therion as a backend because it's simply to
much work and there are better painting libraries out there. That
being said there's no painting capabilities in Cavewhere. This could
be added in the future since Qt support a very powerful painting
engine call QGraphicsScene. Currently we're more focused on creating
quick working maps from sketches.

We're in the process of converting Cavewhere's sqlite / protobuf
(binary format) into human readable json format call Metacave
(https://github.com/jedwards1211/metacave).  This will allow cavewhere
files to play nicely with version control and humans...

@Martin, I'm not sure why Cavewhere is a US only app? I've used on
China expos ;).  If any of you have some helpful hints you can post
them on cavewhere's bug tracker or email me directly.

Also I apologize in advance for fragmenting the cave software space
even more! This is just a fun side project of mine, and you don't have
to use it. BTW, we do use survex for loop closure, so no worries
there. :D


[Therion] easyer to handle?

2008-02-19 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I glad that there are choices!


On Feb 19, 2008, at 2:03 PM, Martin Green wrote:

> On 2/8/08, Philip Schuchardt  wrote:
>> For now, Therion is definitely the best thing out there.
> Not wishing to troll too much, but I would not be too quick to rule
> out tunnel.  It is relatively user centric and is in active
> development.  It is in a state where complicated plans can be
> produced.  http://www.freesteel.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Tunnel
> Martin
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] easyer to handle?

2008-02-08 Thread Philip Schuchardt

I completely agree.  I really like Therion and I've drawn large  
systems with it.  In contrast of a user centric system, Therion is  
system centric, where the user must conform to the system.  It is  
definitely takes more time and effort to develop a user centric system.

I'm currently trying to develop a more user friendly cave drawing  
software, called Cavewhere (www.cavewhere.org).   It's currently under  
heavy development and has a long long way to go.  You can't even draw  
or enter a centerline.  There are some major underlying design issues  
that I'm fixing right now.  For now, Therion is definitely the best  
thing out there.


On Feb 8, 2008, at 7:09 AM, Martin Sluka wrote:

> On 8.2.2008, at 12:50, Stefan Oswald wrote:
>> We draw on therion in our caving club, but we have a few problems,
>> which i want to report to you, we also have made a little
>> "brainstorming"...
>> It is always very difficult to introduce new people, no software
>> engineers, into therion, also i had great problems. The map editor
>> user interface gives many options, but thereby it is not really
>> easy to handle, the same with the layout. It is difficult to
>> produce a good looking plan-layout with text and so on.
>> A generall icon-interface, such as most leading CAD programmes use
>> would be much more efficient in our opinion. Is this planed in
>> final version?
>> In Therion you draw something and you do not know what it will  
>> exactly
>> look like. For handling the Programm it would be easyer if you could
>> immediately see the result without pressing F9, opening the .pdf,
>> take a look at the result, close it again (Windows) and return to
>> therion.
>> just an idea.
>> Also showing other scraps (.th2 files) in map editor, as with CAD
>> for Cavers (Autocad) would be an option.
>> To abstract we mean placing focus on usability would make it easyer
>> for many people using therion, not only in our club.
> Hi Stefan,
> you are absolutely right, your arguments or wishes are evergreen from
> the very beginning of therion.
> BUT, therion is a piece of software "as is". It was made by two men
> (with help of several others). Both authors are very busy now and
> there is no any space to rewrite for example xtherion map editor from
> scratch.
> Another BUT - the format of data is open, the source code is
> available. So there is theoretically no any problem to make new map
> editor for therion. Wysiwyg, with menus, icons, etc., etc. AND
> compatible with Linux, MacOSX and Windows. AND free.
> Good luck
> Martin
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Cavewhere Experiment

2008-01-27 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I have heard of CAVE's being liked through the internet before. Most CAVE's 
have major software portability problems.  Unlike desktop computers, where 
software is very portable,  CAVE's usually have custom hardware and software 
to run them.  This makes it very difficult to link caves through the 
internet.  I wish CAVE's where less expensive so individuals could afford 
them.  ;)

Philip Schuchardt

On Sunday 27 January 2008 2:32 am, Eric Madelaine wrote:
> Oh, this kind of CAVE...
> We have one in Sophia-Antipolis, and there is an ongoing project for
> building a new one that will be built at INRIA, my institute, in 2008.
> I did not realize in your first message it was this. And I was not aware
> of any caving software that would be rebdered in a CAVE...
> BTW, there are also experiments for linking CAVEs through the internet,
> allowing people from different sites to interoperate in a single virtual
> scene... are you aware of those ?
> Eric.
> Philip Schuchardt a écrit :
> > I wish.  Unfortunetally, it's a virtual environment and you have to be
> > physically be there.
> >
> > There is a little more information on what a Cave Automatic Virtual
> > Environment is:
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAVE
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Philip Schuchardt
> >
> > On Saturday 26 January 2008 4:12 am, Eric Madelaine, INRIA wrote:
> >> Hi Philip,
> >>
> >> Is this a virtual session, can we participate over the net ???  ;)
> >>
> >> Philip Schuchardt a écrit :
> >>> Help evaluate the next generation of cave visualization and mapping
> >>> software with the VT-CAVE!
> >>>
> >>> Requirements for participating:
> >>> Basic knowledge of caves and cave features such as domes, pits, multi-
> >>> level passages, and drainage paths.  You must be over 18 years old to
> >>> participate and must NOT have extensive preexisting knowledge of Omega
> >>> (24.5mi / 39km), the longest and deepest cave in Virginia.  If you
> >>> have any questions about the requirements,  email me.
> >>>
> >>> Benefits:
> >>> You will be able to use new technology for visualizing cave data.  You
> >>> may gain a better knowledge of the structure of Omega.
> >>>
> >>> Session Length:
> >>> 1 hour
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Cavewhere Experiment

2008-01-26 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I wish.  Unfortunetally, it's a virtual environment and you have to be 
physically be there.  

There is a little more information on what a Cave Automatic Virtual 
Environment is:

Philip Schuchardt

On Saturday 26 January 2008 4:12 am, Eric Madelaine, INRIA wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> Is this a virtual session, can we participate over the net ???  ;)
> Philip Schuchardt a écrit :
> > Help evaluate the next generation of cave visualization and mapping
> > software with the VT-CAVE!
> >
> > Requirements for participating:
> > Basic knowledge of caves and cave features such as domes, pits, multi-
> > level passages, and drainage paths.  You must be over 18 years old to
> > participate and must NOT have extensive preexisting knowledge of Omega
> > (24.5mi / 39km), the longest and deepest cave in Virginia.  If you
> > have any questions about the requirements,  email me.
> >
> > Benefits:
> > You will be able to use new technology for visualizing cave data.  You
> > may gain a better knowledge of the structure of Omega.
> >
> > Session Length:
> > 1 hour
> >
> > When:
> > Contact me for scheduling your session.  Schedule early because
> > session slots fill up fast.
> >
> > Open Sessions -- January 28, 2008 to February 15, 2008
> > Monday 10AM to 11PM
> > Tuesday 4PM to 11PM
> > Wednesday 10AM to 11PM
> > Thursday 4PM to 11PM
> > Friday 10AM to 5PM
> >
> > Where:
> > Torgerson 3050 – The VT CAVE, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Philip Schuchardt
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.sk
> > http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Cavewhere Experiment

2008-01-25 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Help evaluate the next generation of cave visualization and mapping  
software with the VT-CAVE!

Requirements for participating:
Basic knowledge of caves and cave features such as domes, pits, multi- 
level passages, and drainage paths.  You must be over 18 years old to  
participate and must NOT have extensive preexisting knowledge of Omega  
(24.5mi / 39km), the longest and deepest cave in Virginia.  If you  
have any questions about the requirements,  email me.

You will be able to use new technology for visualizing cave data.  You  
may gain a better knowledge of the structure of Omega.

Session Length:
1 hour

Contact me for scheduling your session.  Schedule early because  
session slots fill up fast.

Open Sessions -- January 28, 2008 to February 15, 2008
Monday 10AM to 11PM
Tuesday 4PM to 11PM
Wednesday 10AM to 11PM
Thursday 4PM to 11PM
Friday 10AM to 5PM

Torgerson 3050 – The VT CAVE, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] therion 0.5.1 uploaded to Debian

2008-01-03 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Okay, so I just built the development version, usually the most stable  

I get the same hash table warning issues.

Loch does work and doesn't segfault on my machine.  Did you rebuild  
your lox models?  There was a binary file bug in lox file that only  
effects AMD64 arches.

Philip Schuchardt

On Jan 3, 2008, at 6:16 PM, Wookey wrote:

> On 2008-01-03 13:13 -0500, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
>> Hmmm, runs on my AMD64 box.  I'm also running Gentoo and not Debian,
>> but that shouldn't matter.
> Which version? Plain 0.5.1 tarball?
> If I do
> make debian-config; cd loch; make
> the resulting loch still segfaults on running.
> Wookey
> -- 
> Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian
> http://wookware.org/
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] therion 0.5.1 uploaded to Debian

2008-01-03 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Hmmm, runs on my AMD64 box.  I'm also running Gentoo and not Debian,  
but that shouldn't matter.

Philip Schuchardt

On Jan 3, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Wookey wrote:

> I finally got round to uploading the work I did in January to Debian
> proper. So there is now a current Therion in unstable as well as
> experimental, and the various long-standing bugs are fixed.
> The new packages use texlive instead of tetex, as Debian has
> transitioned to these, and the wiki docs are included in the
> therion-docs package (that's currently the wiki docs as of about a
> year ago. I'll update those too shortly).
> The package now appears in Applications/Science/Geoscience in line  
> with
> current menu policy (I'll do an update of Survex with this property  
> too
> soon).
> You can see current package status here:
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/therion.html
> and build logs here:
> http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=therion
> Please try them out if you can and report any problems.
> I've included the current debian diff below in case Stacho wishes to
> include any of it upstream (I'm afraid I've trampled all over your
> nice multiplatform build stuff stacho, but a few bits of the diff are
> probably worth incorporating upstream).
> This has raised a few issues worthy of note.
> 1) 64-bit loch
> Wolfgang Zillig reported in April that he couldn't get loch to work on
> his AMD64 box. It doesn't work on mine either. I'll post more details
> in that thread.
> 2) gcc warnings
> The therion code generates hundreds of warnings if you do a build with
> default gcc4.2.2 like this:
> thdataleg.h:141: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant  
> to 'char*'
> thdataleg.h:141: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant  
> to 'char*'
> thdataleg.h:141: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant  
> to 'char*'
> I've worked around that for now using -Wno-write-strings but I think
> the correct fix is to use const in the function prototypes to match
> the  declarations. You can see a log of the full set of whinges
> here if someone wants to go through them:
> http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?pkg=therion;ver=0.5.0-2;arch=ia64;stamp=1199241505
> The gcc docs suggest that -Wno-deprecated should also stop these
> warnings, but that doesn;t seem to work. Not sure if I was just having
> finger trouble/too much beer over xmas there, but it really didn't
> seem to stop them all.
> 3) New sample data
> I had a bit of trouble building this, so it's not in the current
> package, but I've worked it out now (paths and dependencies was the
> issue) and so will integrate it into the docs package on the next
> upload.
> It's a nice piece of work. Is this intended to replace the wiki docs
> eventually?
> 4) tcl version.
> Does Therion care if tcl 8.4 or 8.5 is used? I've left it defaulting
> 8.4 for now, but I guess 8.5 would work and would be preferred? A
> quick test suggests that it works fine.
> 5) library linkages:
> The shared-library analyser points out that we link to all the wxgtk
> libs but only actually use some of them. This is wrong.
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.6.so.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libwx_gtk2u_qa-2.6.so.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.6.so.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libwx_baseu_xml-2.6.so.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libwx_baseu_net-2.6.so.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libvtkImaging.so.5.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libvtkIO.so.5.0 (it uses none of its symbols).
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/therion-viewer/usr/bin/loch shouldn't
> be linked with libz.so.1 (it uses none of its symbols).
> I think the reason is that the build uses:
> $(shell wx-config --libs --gl-libs) to list the wx libs so gets all of
> them. I haven't fixed this yet as I'm not sure what the best fix is.
> Should we just list the libs that actually are used, or is there a way
> to use wx-config to DTRT?
> 6) No desktop files
> Therion doesn't appear to have any desktop files so it doesn't appear
> in the main menus of xfce/gnome/kde. Anyone done any, or care to do
> some?
> Wookey
> -- 
> Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian
> http://wookware.org/
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] compiling therion under Ubuntu AMD64

2007-04-16 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Yea.  I have the same texture problem in linux.   Textures work fine in VTK.

On Monday 16 April 2007 5:22 am, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> Ok, thanks for your information. I'm not a specialist in programming
> (especially C/C++) and also again a beginner in linux as this is the
> first time after 2 years that I use linux again.
> If I can help you finding the bug, just tell me.
> Wolfgang
> Stacho Mudrak schrieb:
> >> I also have a NVidia card in my computer! Does it help if I send you the
> >> output from the compilling?
> >
> > Unfortunatelly not. It is a bug, that is present also on NVidia
> > machines. Only in some very rare harware/software configurations, it
> > works on Linux also.
> >
> >> Can it be that it has to do with the changed
> >> Makefile (removed -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng -lktkzlib)?
> >
> > I do not think so - this has nothing to do with rendering. All that has
> > to be done is to add checking of OpenGL return codes to the loch codes
> > to see, where the problem is hidden. But there is no switch for it right
> > now. It needs to be coded. I am sorry for this.
> >
> > Regards, S.
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.sk
> > http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] compiling therion under Ubuntu AMD64

2007-04-15 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I think I explained it wrong???

Your image dimesion needs to be a factor of 2.

overlay.png  has a dimesion of 128x128 or
overlay2.png has a dimesion of 512x256

Is that what your doing?

You can easily re-scale the images using gimp.  

Philip Schuchardt

On Sunday 15 April 2007 4:55 pm, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> it does not change much: it is still gray but in some cases strange
> triangles occur.
> I've tested 0.5 2 4 and 8 as factors. But with 8x the limits of my
> computer seem to be almost reached.
> Any other ideas?
> Greetings
> Wolfgang
> PS: I'm using 0.5.0 v of therion. Has something changed in the
> development version?
> Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > You have interpolate the pixel graphics.
> >
> > On Sunday 15 April 2007 4:13 pm, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> >> Hi Philip,
> >>
> >> what do I have to do? Interpolating the pixel graphic or changing
> >> something in my .th file?
> >>
> >> Greetings
> >> Wolfgang
> >>
> >> Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> >>> Ahh.  The linux version of loch has a bug preventing rendering correct
> >>> texture mapping.  I think it has to do with openGL problem factor of 2
> >>> texture mapping.  The textures dimensions need to be a factor of 2. 
> >>> I'm just guessing that this is the problem.  Try to re-scale your
> >>> overlay to be a factor of 2(1, 2, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 ... etc).  Tell us
> >>> if it works.
> >>>
> >>> Philip Schuchardt
> >>>
> >>> On Sunday 15 April 2007 3:30 pm, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> >>>> I had to adapt the path to vtk and remove -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng -lktkzlib
> >>>> from the makefile. (the terminal was not configured to scroll through
> >>>> so many lines and therefore I did not see the uppermost error) . There
> >>>> were a lot of warnings like:  "warning: dereferencing type-punned
> >>>> pointer will break strict-aliasing rules" during compillation. If
> >>>> needed I can send you the full screen output.
> >>>>
> >>>> I can compile my project but the surface graphic is missing! Only a
> >>>> gray surface is displayed. Is this due to the skipped parameter
> >>>> -lvtkjpeg? Do I need to compile vtk from sources? I've installed
> >>>> libvtk5 and libvtk5-dev (5.0.2-4ubuntu1).
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for any help
> >>>> Wolfgang
> >>>>
> >>>> Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> >>>>> I am not sure, but probably loch compilation does not work by
> >>>>> default. List of libraries needed for loch is at loch/README.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards, S.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> is there somewhere a list with all the libraries that are needed to
> >>>>>> compile therion under linux? Or a kind of manual?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I just tried "make" but I'm getting errors, so I suppose that I miss
> >>>>>> some libraries.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Greetings
> >>>>>> Wolfgang
> >>>>>> ___
> >>>>>> Therion mailing list
> >>>>>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>>>>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ___
> >>>>> Therion mailing list
> >>>>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>>>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>>>
> >>>> ___
> >>>> Therion mailing list
> >>>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Therion mailing list
> >>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Therion mailing list
> >> Therion at speleo.sk
> >> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] compiling therion under Ubuntu AMD64

2007-04-15 Thread Philip Schuchardt
You have interpolate the pixel graphics. 

On Sunday 15 April 2007 4:13 pm, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> what do I have to do? Interpolating the pixel graphic or changing
> something in my .th file?
> Greetings
> Wolfgang
> Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > Ahh.  The linux version of loch has a bug preventing rendering correct
> > texture mapping.  I think it has to do with openGL problem factor of 2
> > texture mapping.  The textures dimensions need to be a factor of 2.  I'm
> > just guessing that this is the problem.  Try to re-scale your overlay to
> > be a factor of 2(1, 2, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 ... etc).  Tell us if it works.
> >
> > Philip Schuchardt
> >
> > On Sunday 15 April 2007 3:30 pm, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> >> I had to adapt the path to vtk and remove -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng -lktkzlib
> >> from the makefile. (the terminal was not configured to scroll through so
> >> many lines and therefore I did not see the uppermost error) .
> >> There were a lot of warnings like:  "warning: dereferencing type-punned
> >> pointer will break strict-aliasing rules" during compillation. If needed
> >> I can send you the full screen output.
> >>
> >> I can compile my project but the surface graphic is missing! Only a gray
> >> surface is displayed. Is this due to the skipped parameter -lvtkjpeg? Do
> >> I need to compile vtk from sources? I've installed libvtk5 and
> >> libvtk5-dev (5.0.2-4ubuntu1).
> >>
> >> Thanks for any help
> >> Wolfgang
> >>
> >> Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> >>> I am not sure, but probably loch compilation does not work by default.
> >>> List of libraries needed for loch is at loch/README.
> >>>
> >>> Regards, S.
> >>>
> >>> Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> is there somewhere a list with all the libraries that are needed to
> >>>> compile therion under linux? Or a kind of manual?
> >>>>
> >>>> I just tried "make" but I'm getting errors, so I suppose that I miss
> >>>> some libraries.
> >>>>
> >>>> Greetings
> >>>> Wolfgang
> >>>> ___
> >>>> Therion mailing list
> >>>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Therion mailing list
> >>> Therion at speleo.sk
> >>> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Therion mailing list
> >> Therion at speleo.sk
> >> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.sk
> > http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] compiling therion under Ubuntu AMD64

2007-04-15 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I had to modify the make file to get it to build.

On Sunday 15 April 2007 2:31 pm, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> I am not sure, but probably loch compilation does not work by default.
> List of libraries needed for loch is at loch/README.
> Regards, S.
> Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > is there somewhere a list with all the libraries that are needed to
> > compile therion under linux? Or a kind of manual?
> >
> > I just tried "make" but I'm getting errors, so I suppose that I miss
> > some libraries.
> >
> > Greetings
> > Wolfgang
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.sk
> > http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Meeting in London?

2007-02-20 Thread Philip Schuchardt
E. I wish I could come...  

Philip Schuchardt

On Tuesday 20 February 2007 9:00 am, Martin Budaj wrote:
> I'll stay in London on March 30 -- April 2. If anybody would like to
> discuss Therion and its future, we could arrange a meeting one
> evening.
> Martin
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] loch question

2007-02-16 Thread Philip Schuchardt
My experience shows that the lox file isn't very portable.  Of course, I was 
moving for amd64 to x86.

On Friday 16 February 2007 5:16 am, marco corvi wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 14:56 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> > Quoting marco corvi :
> > > does the loch-model export handles surface bitmaps
> > > together with surface grids ?
> > > i know that one can get a neat grey surface if he/she uses a grid.
> > > is it possible to put a bitmap on it instead of the grey blanket ?
> >
> > Yes (if you have both (grid & bitmap) specified withing single surface
> > object).
> >
> > But unfortunatelly, it works only on Win32. I have not find out yet,
> > why it does
> > not work on Linux (well very rarely it works on Linux also :).
> > Have you tried on windows?
> ok, i can create the lox file on linux and see it with loch on windows.
> [ only with jpeg bitmap, not png ].
> so probably it is a loch problem.
> thanks, marco
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] loch crash.

2007-02-11 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Don't compile wxWidgets with unicode support.  Then the code should work.

On Sunday 11 February 2007 2:07 am, Michael Lake wrote:
> Hi
> Stacho asked:
> > Another point - we have to be sure, that the problem is in loch. Could
> > you please try to compile and run default wxWidgets OpenGL samples?
> > (e.g. samples/opengl/cube). If it will work, the problem is in loch, if
> > not, the problem is in wxWidgets OpenGL canvas.
> Good point.
> cube$ ls
> Makefile  cube.cpp  cube.h
> cube$ make
> g++ -c `wx-config --cxxflags` -o cube.o cube.cpp
> cube.h:49: error: default argument for parameter of type 'const wxString&'
> has type 'const char [13]'
> cube.h:53: error: default argument for parameter of type 'const wxString&'
> has type 'const char [13]'
> cube.cpp: In constructor 'ScanCodeCtrl::ScanCodeCtrl(wxWindow*, wxWindowID,
> int, const wxPoint&, const wxSize&)':
> cube.cpp:68: error: conversion from 'const char [1]' to 'const wxString' is
> ambiguous
> /usr/include/wx-2.6/wx/string.h:643: note: candidates are:
> wxString::wxString(wxChar, size_t) 
> /usr/include/wx-2.6/wx/string.h:633: note:
> wxString::wxString(int) 
> so it looks like there are lots of things wrong. It could be that I just
> dont have something else for development that I need installed maybe ?
> Mike Lake
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] loch crash. [was usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvtkjpeg]

2007-02-08 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I would supsect that your video card drivers are crashing loch.  Make sure you 
built you kernel with glx support for your graphics card.   

Run glxinfo and tell us what you get.

Philip Schuchardt

On Thursday 08 February 2007 9:59 pm, Michael Lake wrote:
> Hi all
> It's a while since the last email where loch was failing with:
> loch$ ./loch
> The program 'loch' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.
> The error was 'GLXBadContext'.
>   (Details: serial 24 error_code 155 request_code 143 minor_code 5)
>   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
>that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
>To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
>option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
>backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> function.) loch$
> Philip Schuchardt asked:
> > What video card do you have?
> It's an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated
> Graphics Controller on a Dell Inspiron 620 laptop.
> Stacho asked:
> > Did you have loch working on your machine before?
> > If you will compile loch in debug mode and run it from GDB, it should
> > report more info about where in the code the problem is.
> > cd loch
> > make clean config-debug all
> > gdb -se ./loch
> OK I have done that. at the (gdb) prompt I type run and I get...
> (no debugging symbols found)
> (no debugging symbols found)
> The program 'loch' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.
> The error was 'GLXBadContext'.
>   (Details: serial 24 error_code 155 request_code 143 minor_code 5)
>   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
>that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
>To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
>option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
>backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> function.)
> Program exited with code 01.
> I haven't used gdb before so I'll need some guidance on helping here.
> Also I have installed therion-viewer_0.5.0-1_i386.deb from Wookies site.
> It also crashes with the same error.
> Mike Lake
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Cave Overlays on Google Maps Web Sites

2007-02-01 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Also you can not go under the surface of Google Earth, for obvious usability 

On Thursday 01 February 2007 8:24 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting Julian Todd :
> > This file has Z-coordinates.  In googleearth it's still treated as
> > flat.  I was hoping that I'd get something rendered in 3D but underneath
> > the terrain, which I could see above the flat terrain if I turned the 3D
> > terrain off.  This doesn't happen.  Has this been investigated?
> Yes. Google Earth is able to render also absolute Z coordinate (just
> one flag can be added to the coord spec), but then you are not able to
> see caves, when terrain is turned on.
> > Getting our 3D surveys rendered into the googleearth seamlessly (so we
> > can throw away all our current viewers with their funny controls and
> > ridiculous content-starved binary 3D formats) is something worth
> > aspiring to.  However, the land will tend to obscure the caves.
> All we need is "terrain transparency" slider in Google Earth :)
> S.
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Surface Bitmap size and pdf

2006-11-30 Thread Philip Schuchardt
5km by 5km area isn't that large...

On Thursday 30 November 2006 3:58 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> I have a good sized jpg.  I don't think it is really that big.  It more of
> the streching over a wide area.
> The line that in an issue:
> bitmap wolf-ariel.jpg "0 0 512000 41256616 1279 947 517116 4130400"
> Error:
> This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
> entering extended mode
> (./data.tex{/usr/share/texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg} (./th_enc.tex)
> (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex)
> (./th_fontdef.tex{/usr/share/texmf/dvips/
> config/pdftex.map})
> (./th_formdef.tex) (./th_pagedef.tex
> ! Dimension too large.
> \bitmapcorr ...rr by\overlap \ycorr =#6bp\advance
>   \ycorr by\extraS
> \advance ...
> l.46 ...13}{1180.657953}{10525550.209759}{\THBMPa}
>   %
> ! Dimension too large.
>  \ycorr
> \dimtobp #1->\tmpdimen =#1
>   \tmpdimen =0.996264\tmpdimen \edef \tmpdef {\the
> \...
> \bitmapcorr ... \wdth {\tmpdef }\dimtobp {\ycorr }
>   \edef \hght
> {\tmpdef }\pdf...
> l.46 ...13}{1180.657953}{10525550.209759}{\THBMPa}
>   %
> .jp g>) (./th_pages.tex) [1] )
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Surface Bitmap size and pdf

2006-11-30 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I have a good sized jpg.  I don't think it is really that big.  It more of the 
streching over a wide area.

The line that in an issue:
bitmap wolf-ariel.jpg "0 0 512000 41256616 1279 947 517116 4130400"

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
entering extended mode
(./data.tex{/usr/share/texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg} (./th_enc.tex)
(./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex) 
(./th_formdef.tex) (./th_pagedef.tex
! Dimension too large.
\bitmapcorr ...rr by\overlap \ycorr =#6bp\advance 
  \ycorr by\extraS 
\advance ...
l.46 ...13}{1180.657953}{10525550.209759}{\THBMPa}
! Dimension too large.

\dimtobp #1->\tmpdimen =#1
  \tmpdimen =0.996264\tmpdimen \edef \tmpdef {\the 

\bitmapcorr ... \wdth {\tmpdef }\dimtobp {\ycorr }
  \edef \hght 
{\tmpdef }\pdf...
l.46 ...13}{1180.657953}{10525550.209759}{\THBMPa}

) (./th_pages.tex) [1] )

[Therion] 3d Model Bitmap

2006-11-30 Thread Philip Schuchardt

I'm trying to get the surface bitmap working on 3d model in loch.  What file 
format should the bitmap be in?  jpg format compiles but nothing shows up in 
the model.  An example would be really helpful.

Philip Schuchardt  

[Therion] Compiling the latest source on Mac OS X

2006-10-17 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I need to finish converting the makefiles to the cmake... Cmake should 
automatically find all the include directories and libraries. 


On Monday 16 October 2006 10:11 pm, Wookey wrote:
> On 2006-10-15 10:02 +0200, thierrygonon wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've just downloaded the latest version of therion (0.4.1, dev. snapshot
> > of 2006_10_12).
> > When I compile these sources, everything goes OK till it starts to
> > compile loch, the new 3D viewer... The problem mainly seems to be in
> > some headers : it answer frequently that it doesn't find the vtk
> > headers, such as vtkPointData.h, so that it generates a lot of
> > consequent errors
> > But in my case, I have an installation of vtk, coming with Paraview...
> > This should be ok, no ? Otherwise, how can I show the path to these
> > headers to the compiler ???
> > Apart from this point, it works well !!
> Set the path in the loch Makefile.
> e.g. (on a debian system)
> VTKPATH = /usr/include/vtk-5.0
> it will no doubt be different on your setup.
> I had to change the libs list as well.
> Wookey

[Therion] Code submittion

2006-10-10 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I think CMake is a good option:


On Tuesday 10 October 2006 10:04 pm, Wookey wrote:
> On 2006-10-10 17:21 -0400, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > Where can I submit changes to the source.  We really need svn and trac...
> I have put my (ther debian) version of therion in
> svn://wookware.org/therion
> This includes some fixes so that loch builds under g++ 4.1 without
> a load of warnings.
> However this is version has also had the makefiles hacked about with
> to get rid of a lot of the cross-platform stuff, and make it build in
> debian-world, and tom has been deleted, so it's not 'upstream source
> of therion'.
> I put it up so people could collaborate on packaging v0.4
> I could check in plain upstream therion as well if people felt this
> was as sensible place to keep the definitive version, but that's
> really up to stacho (who may not want to use SVN at all) or may prefer
> to set it up on the therion server (it makes sense).
> The patch is at http://wookware.org/therion_0.4.0-1.diff.gz
> where you can fish out the loch/*.cxx patches and ignore the rest
> (I would like to discuss the makefile setup sometime. It is
> currently nice and simple to read but much of the make-work is
> actually done by perl-scripts and the cross-platform support is fairly
> primitive. I would like to bin the perl and make the makefiles use
> make constructs to decide what to do, and get smarter about library
> config (pckconfig, for example). This way lies autoconf, which I'm
> not sure is an improvement, but there is certainly room for
> improvement I think. If we could agree this that would be better than
> me making the debian version very different.)
> Is there any point keeping libtom in the source? Is it not entirely
> superceded by loch?
> Wookey

[Therion] 0.4.0 ...

2006-10-02 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I got it working by removing -lwxzlib-2.6 and adding -lpng12 to 

PLIBS = $(shell wx-config --libs --gl-libs) -lpng12 -L$(VTKPATH)/lib/vtk 
$(VTKLIBS) -lpthread


On Monday 02 October 2006 6:19 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> I have wxGTK 2.6.3 install but wxzlib-2.6 does not seem to exist anywhere
> on the system...  wxGTK was compiled --with-zlib.  At the end of the
> ./configure it says "zlib = sys"
> In the make file this directory does not exist:
> -L/usr/local/include/vtk-5.0/lib/vtk
> I have vtk-5.0.2 installed.
> Philip
> On Monday 02 October 2006 3:22 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > My system can't seem to find these libs:
> > -lwxzlib-2.6 -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng  -lvtkzlib
> >
> > What version of wxWidgets and VTK are you using.
> >
> > Philip
> >
> > On Monday 02 October 2006 12:33 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > > I had problems untarring the new version:
> > > http://therion.speleo.sk/stats/get.php?filename=therion-0.4.0.tar.gz
> > >
> > > Development version seems to work.
> > >
> > > On Monday 02 October 2006 5:34 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> > > > ... including new 3D viewer named LOCH is able to download on the
> > > > server.
> > > >
> > > > To compile it on Linux, you will need wxWidgets and VTK.
> > > >
> > > > Regards, S.
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > Therion mailing list
> > > > Therion at speleo.cz
> > > > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Therion mailing list
> > > Therion at speleo.cz
> > > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.cz
> > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] 0.4.0 ...

2006-10-02 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I have wxGTK 2.6.3 install but wxzlib-2.6 does not seem to exist anywhere on 
the system...  wxGTK was compiled --with-zlib.  At the end of the ./configure 
it says "zlib = sys"

In the make file this directory does not exist:

I have vtk-5.0.2 installed.


On Monday 02 October 2006 3:22 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> My system can't seem to find these libs:
> -lwxzlib-2.6 -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng  -lvtkzlib
> What version of wxWidgets and VTK are you using.
> Philip
> On Monday 02 October 2006 12:33 pm, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > I had problems untarring the new version:
> > http://therion.speleo.sk/stats/get.php?filename=therion-0.4.0.tar.gz
> >
> > Development version seems to work.
> >
> > On Monday 02 October 2006 5:34 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> > > ... including new 3D viewer named LOCH is able to download on the
> > > server.
> > >
> > > To compile it on Linux, you will need wxWidgets and VTK.
> > >
> > > Regards, S.
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Therion mailing list
> > > Therion at speleo.cz
> > > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.cz
> > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] 0.4.0 ...

2006-10-02 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I had problems untarring the new version: 

Development version seems to work.

On Monday 02 October 2006 5:34 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> ... including new 3D viewer named LOCH is able to download on the server.
> To compile it on Linux, you will need wxWidgets and VTK.
> Regards, S.
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Therion by examples

2006-09-29 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Sweet!  Awesome documention.  To me, it feels like Therion is documented far 
better then any other cave mapping software.

Keep up the GREAT work! :)
Philip Schuchardt

On Friday 29 September 2006 12:42 pm, Ladislav Blažek wrote:
> Hi all,
> new tutorial Therion by examples by Marco Corvi is available on the wiki
> pages. Thanks Marco.
> Direct link: http://wiki.speleo.cz/therion-wiki/doku.php?id=en:tbe
> L.B.
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] SVN or CVS repository

2006-09-19 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Is there a SVN or CVS repository that we can commit source code changes to?  

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Therion site down?

2006-09-18 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Is the Therion website down?

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Shape Files

2006-09-05 Thread Philip Schuchardt
There is also ArcView which is the closed source version.  It is not cheap.

Philip Schuchardt

On Tuesday 05 September 2006 4:08 am, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> Hi Stacho,
> all GIS (Geographic Information Systems) include shp import, for example
> GRASS GIS http://grass.itc.it/ . There is also QGIS http://qgis.org/ and
> QGIS is more easy to use and can be regarded as a free GIS format viewer.
> Hope that helps.
> Wolfgang
> I don't know which library you've found, but do you know:
> http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/
> Stacho Mudrak schrieb:
> > Hmmm, I have found s SHP export library, but I am not able to find any
> > free SHP 3D viewer. Is there any?
> >
> > Thanks, S.
> >
> > Quoting Stacho Mudrak :
> >>> Does Therion export 3d shape files?
> >>
> >> Not yet. But I can try to add it - it should not be complicated I hope.
> >> I will
> >> put it on the top of TODO list.
> >>
> >> S.
> >> ___
> >> Therion mailing list
> >> Therion at speleo.cz
> >> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.cz
> > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] therion meeting

2006-05-09 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Could you guys post the topics and what you guys discussed at the meeting on 
the listsrv?

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] therion meeting

2006-05-09 Thread Philip Schuchardt
If only there were teleporters. 

On Tuesday 09 May 2006 3:31 am, Martin Sluka wrote:
> There will be the meeting of therion users from August 1th till
> August 3th at
> Slovakia in Lower Tatra mountains not far from Cave of dead bats. The
> coordinates are: 48°56'N, 19°36'E , 1550 m altitude. The
> accommodation will be in regular tourist hut, with food, electricity,
> warm water and so on. There will be also a meeting of Slovak
> speleological society from 3. - 7.8. 2006 there, so it is possible to
> be there till  August 7th and do some caving.
> Please send me a mail, if you are interesting to participate on this
> meeting and what would be interesting for you to solve.
> BTW - the straight distance from Bad Aussee is only 455 km.
> Best regards
> Martin
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Slope symbol needed

2006-05-04 Thread Philip Schuchardt
AMER is the suffix for American.  I dont believe it is an "official" NSS 
symbol but it shows up on ever american map I own.  I really need to learn 
Metapost and tex so I can do what ever I want to therion.

Philip Schuchardt

On Thursday 04 May 2006 4:04 pm, Wookey wrote:
> +++ Philip Schuchardt [06-05-04 14:56 -0400]:
> > This is how you overload metapost symbols.
> snip example. Thanx very much for the quick and complete response -that
> works.
> I now see the gradient symbol you have used is a
> strange kind of 'crows-foot' thing. I am not familiar with that one. Is the
> 'AMER' suffix 'American'? IS this NSS symbols or something else?
> Wookey

[Therion] Large area problem

2006-05-04 Thread Philip Schuchardt
You might need to split the room into smaller scraps.

On Thursday 04 May 2006 3:12 pm, Andrew Atkinson wrote:
> http://mulucaves.org/Api_Chamber.zip

[Therion] Slope symbol needed

2006-05-04 Thread Philip Schuchardt

This is how you overload metapost symbols.

# thconfig file ###
input layout.th
source main.th

#One page map
export map -layout plan -output ABC.pdf
export map -layout print -output ABC_Printable.pdf

## Heres my layout.th 
layout plan
  scale 1 200 #Working map scale
  #scale 1 400
  #scale 1 600 #1" to 50'
  #base-scale 1 600
  units imperial
  legend on
  color map-fg altitude
  transparency on
  debug station-names

  doc-author "Philip Schuchardt"
  code tex-map
\cavename={Alva Blankenship Cave (WORKING COPY }
\comment{Cartography By: Philip Schuchardt and Philip Balister  \copyright 
2006 VPI Cave Club}

code metapost
def l_wall_bedrock_AMER (expr P) =
  pickup PenA;
  thdraw P;

def p_gradient_AMER (expr pos,theta,sc,al) =
U:=(.15u, .4u);
T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos;
pickup PenC;

#Left Hand side
thdraw (-.3u, -.2u) -- (-.7u, .1u);
thdraw (-.2u, -.1u) -- (-.4u, .6u);

thdraw (0u, 0u) -- (0u, .9u);

#Right side
thdraw (.3u, -.2u) -- (.7u, .1u);
thdraw (.2u, -.1u) -- (.4u, .6u);


def a_sand_AMER (expr p) =
  %  thclean p;
  pickup PenC;
  path q; q = bbox p;
  picture tmp_pic; 
  tmp_pic := image(
for i = xpart llcorner q step .3u until xpart urcorner q:
  for j = ypart llcorner q step .3u until ypart urcorner q:
draw origin shifted ((i,j) randomized 0.2u) withpen PenC;
  clip tmp_pic to p;
  draw tmp_pic;

def a_debris_AMER (expr p) =
pickup PenC;
path q, qq; q = bbox p;
picture tmp_pic; 
tmp_pic := image(
  for i = xpart llcorner q step u until xpart urcorner q:
   for j = ypart llcorner q step u until ypart urcorner q:
  qq := punked 
 randomized (u/2))
 rotated uniformdeviate(360) 
 shifted ((i,j) randomized u);
   if xpart (p intersectiontimes qq) < 0:
thclean qq;
thdraw qq;
clip tmp_pic to p;
draw tmp_pic;

  initsymbol ("a_sand_AMER");
  initsymbol ("a_debris_AMER");
  initsymbol ("p_gradient_AMER");
  initsymbol ("l_wall_bedrock_AMER");

  symbol-assign area sand AMER
  symbol-assign area debris AMER
  symbol-assign line wall:bedrock AMER
  symbol-assign point gradient AMER


Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Slope symbol needed

2006-05-04 Thread Philip Schuchardt

This is my overloaded symbol for gradient point.  I want to make a line symbol 
for gradient but I havent gotten around to it. 

code metapost
def p_gradient_AMER (expr pos,theta,sc,al) =
U:=(.15u, .4u);
T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos;
pickup PenC;

#Left Hand side
thdraw (-.3u, -.2u) -- (-.7u, .1u);
thdraw (-.2u, -.1u) -- (-.4u, .6u);

thdraw (0u, 0u) -- (0u, .9u);

#Right side
thdraw (.3u, -.2u) -- (.7u, .1u);
thdraw (.2u, -.1u) -- (.4u, .6u);


 initsymbol ("p_gradient_AMER");

Philip Schuchardt

On Wednesday 03 May 2006 11:34 pm, Wookey wrote:
> British cavers are complaining that therion doesn't have a BCRA-type slope
> symbol. I know I know learn metafont and do one myself but time is short
> and i'm hoiping it's easy for an expert so I can get MArtin to do it :-)
> Here:
>  http://cucc.survex.com/expo/smkridge/161/300dpi/balley.png and
>  http://cucc.survex.com/expo/smkridge/161/300dpi/knoss.png
>  are examples showing typical use - the filled black triangles in boulder
> alley and the smaller ones at over the rainbow, then more in knossos
> chamber, tower blocks,tower hamlets and waterfall chamber.
> Long thin ones are used for very steep slopes. Short fat ones for more
> normal sloping floors.
> Can you help, or give me a lcue for where to start doing it myself?
> Also I just noticed there is a therion 0.3.10. Did I miss an announcement
> for this? I'll do a debian upload now I know about it, anyway.
> Wookey

[Therion] Point scaling.

2006-05-01 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I am drawing a large map and had to in increase the scale from 1:200 to 1:600.  
Therion seems to scale walls and lines really well but the point symbols stay 
the same size for any scale.  Is there anyway to scale the  point symbols, 
other then typing -scale tiny |small | normal | large | huge for each point 

Philip Schuchardt  

[Therion] Scaling issues with .3d files

2006-04-06 Thread Philip Schuchardt
The patch fixes the AMD64 scaling problem... Can you please add this patch to 
the snapshot?

On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 08:51:15AM -0500, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> Nope that didnt fix it.

Ah yes, I need to also fix the get32() function.  Can you try the
attached patch?  To apply it:

cd therion-0.3.9
patch -p0 < img.patch

(if you've already made the previous change it'll say the first hunk is
already applied and ask if you want to reverse the patch - just say no
and ignore the first hunk failing to apply).

And then rebuild and reinstall.

-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: img.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 835 bytes
Desc: not available

[Therion] Survey Names

2006-04-06 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Thank you!  You guys and Therion rock! :-D

Philip Schuchardt

On Thursday 06 April 2006 5:07 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting Philip Schuchardt :
> > Is there anyway to make the debug station names smaller?
> In the new developement snapshot, this should be possible.
> Currently, there is no easy way to do this, but it is possible. You just
> need to redefine fonts_setup metapost macro using layout. Just add
> following code to your layout:
> code metapost
> def fonts_setup (expr t,s,m,l,h) =
>   write "\def\updown#1#2{\vbox{" &
> "\offinterlineskip" &
> "\setbox100=\hbox{#1}" &
> "\setbox101=\hbox{#2}" &
> "\ifnum\wd100>\wd101\hsize=\wd100\else\hsize=\wd101\fi" &
> "\centerline{\box100}\vskip4pt" &
> "\centerline{\box101}}}" &
> "\def\thlabel{\thnormalsize}" &
> "\def\thremark{\thsmallsize\si}" &
> "\def\thaltitude{\thsmallsize}" &
> "\def\thstationname{\thsmallsize}" &
> "\def\thdate{\thsmallsize}" &
> "\def\thheight{\thsmallsize}" &
> "\def\thheightpos{\thsmallsize+\ignorespaces}" &
> "\def\thheightneg{\thsmallsize-\ignorespaces}" &
> "\def\thframed{\thsmallsize}" &
> "\def\thwallaltitude{\thtinysize}"
>   to "mptexpre.tex";
>   write "\def\thtinysize{\size[" & decimal max(optical_zoom*t,0) & "]}" &
> "\def\thsmallsize{\size[" & decimal max(optical_zoom*s,0) & "]}" &
> "\def\thnormalsize{\size[" & decimal max(optical_zoom*m,0) & "]}" &
> "\def\thlargesize{\size[" & decimal max(optical_zoom*l,0) & "]}" &
> "\def\thhugesize{\size[" & decimal max(optical_zoom*h,0) & "]}"
>   to "mptexpre.tex";
>   write "\def\thstationname{\size[4]}" to "mptexpre.tex";
>   write EOF to "mptexpre.tex";
> enddef;
> initialize(Scale);
> endcode
> It may look crazy at first sight, but it is not so bad. I have just added
> this line to the standard code:
>   write "\def\thstationname{\size[4]}" to "mptexpre.tex";
> And this line tells metapost to use font size 4 for station names. In the
> near future, we would like to inspect metapost & tex macros once more and
> make them more user friendly and also add more examples to therion book. At
> least color labels should be supported soon.
> HTH, S.
> > On Wednesday 05 April 2006 1:58 am, Martin Sluka wrote:
> > > On 5.4.2006, at 2:52, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > > > Is there an easy way to add survey station labels to all the
> > > > stations without
> > > > going through all the scraps and adding survey name points?
> > > >
> > > > Philip Schuchardt
> > > > ___
> > >
> > > With last versions of therion add to layout section of thconfig file:
> > >
> > > debug station-names
> > >
> > >
> > > Martin
> > > ___
> > > Therion mailing list
> > > Therion at speleo.cz
> > > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> >
> > ___
> > Therion mailing list
> > Therion at speleo.cz
> > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Survey Names

2006-04-05 Thread Philip Schuchardt
Is there anyway to make the debug station names smaller?

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 1:58 am, Martin Sluka wrote:
> On 5.4.2006, at 2:52, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to add survey station labels to all the
> > stations without
> > going through all the scraps and adding survey name points?
> >
> > Philip Schuchardt
> > ___
> With last versions of therion add to layout section of thconfig file:
> debug station-names
> Martin
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Symbolic links.

2006-04-05 Thread Philip Schuchardt
This is what I am doing...

./cavename  contains svx files
./cavename/notes  scans of notes
./cavename/segments  scraps cut from notes
./cavename/therion/  th files
./cavename/therion/th2/   th2 files
./cavename/therion/th2/notes -> ../../notes

Symbolic links work inside of th2 files ei manually writing the path in the 
th2 file.  When you try do it in xtherion with the image add, it breaks 
because the finder uses the absolute path and not the symbolic path.  

../../notes also works when manually inputed into the th2 file.

Philip Schuchardt

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 11:18 am, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> I am sorry, I have wrongly understood original mail.
> Obviously it is a bug somewhere in xtherion. I will try to check and fix
> it.
> Thanks, S.
> Quoting Philip Balister :
> > I'm having trouble figuring out why you need a symbolic link .
> >
> > Our survey data is stored something like this
> >
> > ./cavename  contains svx files
> > ./cavename/notes  scans of notes
> > ./cavename/segments  scraps cut from notes
> >
> > Here I am a little unsure what the other Philip has done
> > ./cavename/therion  contains files for therion
> >
> > I believe that the other Philip's problem is that therion does not like
> > it when you refer to scraps like this ../segment/file.png, but I am not
> > 100% certain of this. So he creates a symbolic link to work around the
> > original problem.
> >
> > Philip
> >
> > Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> > > We would like to keep files portable. If they will refer to images
> > > outside current folder, you can not simply pack the folder you want to
> > > modify, but
> >
> > you
> >
> > > need to pack all the time entire project. Then it is also difficult to
> >
> > split
> >
> > > the work between more people.
> > >
> > > If you do not like having same images on two places, you can simply use
> >
> > symbolic
> >
> > > links on unix-like systems.
> > >
> > > S.
> > >
> > > Quoting Philip Schuchardt :
> > >> When I want to insert a new image I get an error message.  Why can't
> >
> > therion
> >
> > >>open images that follow a symbolic link?
> > >>
> > >>notes -> ../../notes
> > >>
> > >>Error Message:
> > >>Picture
> /home/blitz/documents/clubs/caving/survey/wolf/ElvisGrotto3/notes/trip007-F
> > >>not in file
> > >>path /home/blitz/documents/clubs/survey/wolf/ElvisGrotto3/therion/th2
> > >>
> > >>Philip Schuchardt
> > >>___
> > >>Therion mailing list
> > >>Therion at speleo.cz
> > >>http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Therion mailing list
> > > Therion at speleo.cz
> > > http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Metapost changing warningcheck

2006-03-15 Thread Philip Schuchardt
With a big cave I have scale set to = 1 200.  Then I get these warnings from 
metapost.  Is there anyway to set warningcheck to 0?  With metapost .60 and 
above, 4096 isn't really an issue.

-- Error Message -
The equation I just processed has given some variable
a value of 4096 or more. Continue and I'll try to cope
with that big value; but it might be dangerous.
(Set warningcheck:=0 to suppress this message.)

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Scaling issues with .3d files

2006-03-14 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I took out must the data and only have 2 survey stations and I get same error.  
Is there something wrong with this data?  Do I need to downgrade survex to 
make it work? 

-- EG3.svx 
*begin EG3

*entrance A2

*units tape feet

*begin  ; Trip 1
*date 2004.07.04
*calibrate declination 7.55
*team "Blah" Notes
*team "Blah" Instruments
*team "Blah" Lead Tape

*data normal from to compass tape clino 

;from   to  compass tapeclino   
A1  A2  285 7.6 -7


*end EG3

On Tuesday 14 March 2006 8:59 pm, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 08:19:36PM -0500, Philip Schuchardt wrote:
> > 10> Vertical range = 42949672.68m (from 20 at 42949672.68m to 21 at
> > 0.00m) 11> North-South range = 42949672.86m (from 495 at 42949672.86m to
> > 21 at 0.00m) 12> East-West range = 42949672.91m (from 15 at 42949672.91m
> > to 21 at 0.00m)
> This looks like some weird coordinate wrap-around, since 42949672.91m is
> 0xfffb cm, which is -5cm if interpreted as a signed value.
> I think the problem must be in the data being fed into Survex, since
> Survex itself doesn't store coordinates in integer cm until after this
> point (they're used to store coordinates in the .3d file).
> Cheers,
> Olly
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.cz
> http://www.speleo.cz/mailman/listinfo/therion

[Therion] Scaling issues with .3d files

2006-03-14 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I am trying to import a survex .3d file into therion. Currently, I am just 
trying to get all survey point into a pdf file.  Anyway, I get a weird error 
about scaling. Does anyone know how to fix this? 

- thconfig -
input layout.th
source main.th

export map -layout plan -output Alva_Blankenship_Cave.pdf

-- layout.th 
layout plan
  scale 1 200
  units imperial
  legend on
  color map-fg altitude
  transparency on

  doc-author "Philip Schuchardt"
  code tex-map
\cavename={Alva Blankenship Cave}
\comment{Cartography By: Philip Balister and Philip Schuchardt  \copyright 
2006 VPI Cave Club}

  code metapost
def l_wall_bedrock_AMER (expr P) =
  pickup PenA;
  thdraw P;

def p_gradient_AMER (expr pos,theta,sc,al) =
U:=(.15u, .4u);
T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos;
pickup PenC;

#Left Hand side
thdraw (-.3u, -.2u) -- (-.7u, .1u);
thdraw (-.2u, -.1u) -- (-.4u, .6u);

thdraw (0u, 0u) -- (0u, .9u);

#Right side
thdraw (.3u, -.2u) -- (.7u, .1u);
thdraw (.2u, -.1u) -- (.4u, .6u);


  initsymbol ("p_gradient_AMER");
  initsymbol ("l_wall_bedrock_AMER");

  symbol-assign line wall:bedrock AMER
  symbol-assign point gradient AMER


- main.th -
survey "EG3"
import EG3.3d
endsurvey "EG3"

- Compile
therion 0.3.10
initialization file: /etc/therion.ini
reading ... done
configuration file: thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ... done
preprocessing database ... done
scanning centreline tree ... done
searching for centerline loops ... done
calculating station coordinates ... done
processing survey data ... 
### cavern log file 
 1> Survex 1.0.38
 2> Copyright (C) 1990-2005 Olly Betts
 4> Survey contains 772 survey stations, joined by 0 legs.
 5> There are 0 loops.
 6> Survey has 772 connected components.
 7> Total length of survey legs =0.00m (   0.00m adjusted)
 8> Total plan length of survey legs =0.00m
 9> Total vertical length of survey legs =0.00m
10> Vertical range = 42949672.68m (from 20 at 42949672.68m to 21 at 0.00m)
11> North-South range = 42949672.86m (from 495 at 42949672.86m to 21 at 0.00m)
12> East-West range = 42949672.91m (from 15 at 42949672.91m to 21 at 0.00m)
13>  772 0-nodes.
# transcription 
 4> 772 : eg3.ah38 at EG3
 6> 772 : eg3.ah38 at EG3
10> 20 : eg3.a2 at EG3 -- 21 : eg3.a1 at EG3
11> 495 : eg3.a40 at EG3 -- 21 : eg3.a1 at EG3
12> 15 : eg3.a8 at EG3 -- 21 : eg3.a1 at EG3
13> 772 : eg3.ah38 at EG3
 end of cavern log file 
calculating basic statistics ... done
processing extended elevation ... done
processing references ... done
selecting export objects ... done
processing projection plan ... done
writing Alva_Blankenship_Cave.pdf ...
therion: error -- scale too large -- maximal scale for this configuration is 
1 : 928886

[Therion] tkImg - PNG

2006-03-14 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I think there are changes to get therion to work with AMD64.  I had no problem 
compiling it.

Philip Schuchardt 

On Tuesday 14 March 2006 8:01 pm, Wookey wrote:
> +++ Philip Schuchardt [06-03-14 18:14 -0500]:
> > I am having trouble getting therion(3.10 - 2006-03-06 Snapshot) to
> > recognize png files.
> Hmm, I hadn;t realise there was a new snapshot. What's new? I'm giving a
> demo of Therion this weekend so it's useful to know if there is anything
> significant I should be showing off.
> Wookey

[Therion] tkImg - PNG

2006-03-14 Thread Philip Schuchardt
I am having trouble getting therion(3.10 - 2006-03-06 Snapshot) to recognize 
png files.  I have installed tkImg 1.3... I am running gentoo on an AMD64.  
Any suggestions?  How can I test that tkImg is really working? I havent 
gotten it to work on any other versions of therion.

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Weird Error

2005-12-13 Thread Philip Schuchardt
On Tuesday 13 December 2005 5:17 pm, you wrote:
> On Monday 12 December 2005 9:18 pm, you wrote:
> > Maps compile fine on my 600 mhz P3 and my x86 notebook. They fail to
> > compile on my AMD64 box.
> >
> > therion 0.3.9
> > configuration file: thconfig
> > reading ... done
> > reading source files ... done
> > preprocessing database ... done
> > scanning centreline tree ... done
> > searching for centerline loops ... done
> > calculating station coordinates ... done
> > calculating basic statistics ... done
> > processing extended elevation ... done
> > processing references ... done
> > selecting export objects ... done
> > processing projection plan ... done
> > average distortion: 2.14%
> > writing walters_fold_cave_plan.pdf ...
> > therion: error -- unknown exception
> >
> > Using:
> > xtherion 0.3.9
> > Linux adrastea 2.6.13-gentoo-r3 #1 SMP Tue Nov 15 11:15:32 EST 2005
> > x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ AuthenticAMD
> > GNU/Linux
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Philip Schuchardt
> Does anyone know how get therion to work with a debugger?  Currently, I
> have tried changing the Makefile to:
> CXXPFLAGS = -O0 -g
> CCPFLAGS = -O0 -g
> And recompiling it. ddd(GUI gdb) still complains about (no debugging
> symbols found) and I can't look at the source or step through it.  Any
> ideas about getting a debugger to work with the source?
> Philip Schuchardt

Sweet! I fixed it. And it is fairly simple. This fix should fix the  therion: 
error -- unknown exception, which I was reporting earlier.

In the Makefile:
Just add -m32 option to the compiler and linker flags.  This will force gcc 
and g++ to compile the under 32 bit.  In my case it was compiling 64bit code 
due to my 64bit linux installation.  I guess therion doesn't run under 64bit 
at the moment. This fix shouldn't effect x86 users (I haven't test it 
though).  The fix works with 0.3.10 and it will probably work with 0.3.9 (I 
havent tested it).   Hopefully, this fix will be in the next version of 
therion. ;)

My modified makefile(Part):
CXX = g++
CC = gcc
CXXPFLAGS = -m32 #Change this line
CCPFLAGS = -m32 #Change this line
LDPFLAGS = -s -m32  #Change this line
THXTHMKCMD = ./therion

Happy mapping!
Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Weird Error

2005-12-13 Thread Philip Schuchardt
On Monday 12 December 2005 9:18 pm, you wrote:
> Maps compile fine on my 600 mhz P3 and my x86 notebook. They fail to
> compile on my AMD64 box.
> therion 0.3.9
> configuration file: thconfig
> reading ... done
> reading source files ... done
> preprocessing database ... done
> scanning centreline tree ... done
> searching for centerline loops ... done
> calculating station coordinates ... done
> calculating basic statistics ... done
> processing extended elevation ... done
> processing references ... done
> selecting export objects ... done
> processing projection plan ... done
> average distortion: 2.14%
> writing walters_fold_cave_plan.pdf ...
> therion: error -- unknown exception
> Using:
> xtherion 0.3.9
> Linux adrastea 2.6.13-gentoo-r3 #1 SMP Tue Nov 15 11:15:32 EST 2005 x86_64
> AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
> Any ideas?
> Philip Schuchardt

Does anyone know how get therion to work with a debugger?  Currently, I have
tried changing the Makefile to:


And recompiling it. ddd(GUI gdb) still complains about (no debugging symbols
found) and I can't look at the source or step through it.  Any ideas about
getting a debugger to work with the source?

Philip Schuchardt

[Therion] Therion cuts off part of my map

2005-09-22 Thread Philip Schuchardt

Sorry for that post. I problem on my part... I had a line with the type
label instead of type wall.

On Thursday 22 September 2005 20:56, you wrote:
> > Why does therion cut off part of my map?  I did fixed the problem by
> > putting dummy survey station to get the rest of my map on the pdf file.
> > There must be a better way...
> >
> > Philip