[tw] Multiple File TiddlyWiki Request

2009-05-20 Thread alx

Is there a plugin that will store a TiddlyWiki's tiddlers in separate
files or alphbetically separated directories?


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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

On May 21, 1:56 am, rtimwest  wrote:

At the risk of entertaining lurkers while irritating the users who
receive this by email I shall make a few comments in order to get a
NET time stamp (including the date) for my journal entries :-)

For those who have adopted .beat time I have no quarrel. It's horses
for courses and a personal preference. Although I wonder at the
mathematical gyrations it has created for anyone but a drummer:-)

Dividing the day into 1000 segments modulo 24 sounds like some of the
weird math Andrew Wiles used to solve Fermat's Last Theorem.
Nonetheless I respect .beat time as a cute way of encrypting
calendars.  However once one accepts it, it is just as precise as
converting 22/7 th's into decimal which is in very wide spread use.

On the other hand NET time is derived from UTC which has already taken
wobbling planets into consideration. The numbering system to the base
60 has stood the test of time since Babylonian days.  It has a
mystical relationship to 12, 24 and 360 which serendipitously happens
to be the chosen number of degrees in a circle.

(The French tried 400 degrees once, and even determined the
circumference of the Earth using it. But it failed to catch on with
anyone but the Scandinavians and nerds who put Grads on scientific

One can navigate with NET time since all charts use nautical miles
which are derived from the degrees of the  Earth's circumference, so
there is a direct relationship between NET time and distance without
troubling with a 24 hour system.

See how easily it works out that instead of miles per hour conversions
it can be degrees per degree. There's no messy mathematical errors to
contend with so airline pilots can radio their wives their position
and they can have dinner waiting when they arrive. There is a
relationship between degrees and cooking times so the wives can tell
just when to start the baked dinner (and at what temperature) from
where the pilots are.  It's yet another  serendipitous degree per
degree relationship :-)

So to that end I propose that TiddlyWiki adopts NET time. We'll just
call it TWNET. To make it easy I have made a tiddler for TiddlyWikiers
to get started until Tim finishes our macro.

You can see it demonstrated on the latest version of

Since that may be but temporary you can get it here as well

I'll just make a note of this historical moment.  It is TWNET 086' 27"
21-May-2009... everywhere!

Morris ;-}

On May 21, 1:56 am, rtimwest  wrote:
> Morris,
> Thanks for the kind words. No amount of experience in the proprietary
> world of PL/SQL gives much in the way of tools to contribute to free
> software, I'm glad for the opportunity. The program itself should get
> a lot better in the next few iterations.
> > and zero time begins at an odd
> > place at a factory.  It's awkward to convert and really depends on
> > everyone adopting it completely after an extremely difficult learning
> > curve which will never happen.
> Not sure I understand why it matters when zero time begins in any one
> location?
> > Then I discovered NET time.  It begins at Greenwich and goes from 0 to
> > 360,  The units are degrees which means each degree is 4 minutes long
> > so there is 15 degrees in an hour. That makes it easy to convert to
> > the old local time anywhere in the world by knowing the longitude.
> > It runs parallel with local time and is easily adapted to learn and
> > can be converted to conventional local time in your head for reference
> > if needed
> Interesting, I haven't run across that. I'll look into it, but I'm...
> not yet convinced.  Seems that you'd lose most of the advantages
> of .beats (one of which is that it's entirely separate from the old
> system), but I'll study the issue.
> I'm sure we could bore everyone here to tears with this stuff.  If you
> want to discuss it, maybe we should take it to e-mail?  Mine is on the
> site.
> > Looking at your plugin it seems it could easily be converted to NET
> > time.  http://newearthtime.net/I'dlike to try if I can't convince
> > you to :-)
> If I understand the basics, seems like an easy mod. If I do it, I
> think you just volunteered to test it. ;-)
> I wonder if it would be preferable to have them as separate plugins,
> or to have one that just adds more time systems to TiddlyWiki?  I can
> think of arguments for both sides... having one cuts down on
> redundancy, there'd be no need to stack very similar code.  On the
> other hand, how many people would ever want to use more than one
> alternate time system at once?  I wonder if making one catchall
> program might make it harder to find (by program name or whatever) for
> those interested in one particular system?
> Anyone have any thoughts?
> > Speaking of plugins there is a standard format that is used that you
> > might have a look at.  
> Knew I'd have to deal with that when

[tw] Auto-build mainmenu ideas?

2009-05-20 Thread DrCory

I 'm a sporadic user of TW, and I'm working on a database project.

One of the things I'd like to do is cross reference the tiddlers. By
that I mean; each tiddler lists those tiddlers which reference it. I
know the 'references' dropdown on the toolbar does this, but I want to
list it within the tiddler content.

Another thing I'd like to do is to have a self building mainmenu. I
now know I can do that by using the tagging macro in the mainmenu and
tag the tiddlers I want listed in there. That way I don't have to
build the mainmenu maually. What I don't like about this method is
that TW makes the lists with bullet points, and heads the list with
"tagging." Both of those I'd like to change.

Any suggestions?


p.s. I haven't played much with MPTW and taggely tagging, I suspect
you're going to point me in that direction
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[tw] Re: A Slight Coloring Issue

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Shulman

> On my site I have a light blue color that i can't find in any of the
> style related tiddlers. It shows up when you click the popup menu
> School > Summer 2009. The site is here:www.chriscassidy.net. I am at
> my wit's end trying to find the color in the code. If anyone can help,
> it would be greatly appreciated.

It's defined programmatically by PopupPlugin:
#nestedpopup {background:#2E5ADF; border: 1px solid #0331BF; margin-
left:1em; }
You should be able to override this by pasting the above line into
your [[StyleSheet]] and then altering the values to suit your

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Shulman

> Not near ready for prime time, though- it's bare-bones function, poor
> formatting, few comments, no docs, meets no standards yet, and there
> are some sections I want to refactor.

Try this alternative bit of code for formatting a decimal # with zero-
padding... it generates the same '000.00' format as your code, but
doesn't involve any while() loops:

function formatBeats(b) {
var out='000'+b.toString()+(b==Math.floor(b)?'.':'')+'000';
return out.substr(out.indexOf('.')-3,6);

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[tw] A Slight Coloring Issue

2009-05-20 Thread Chris Cassidy

On my site I have a light blue color that i can't find in any of the
style related tiddlers. It shows up when you click the popup menu
School > Summer 2009. The site is here: www.chriscassidy.net. I am at
my wit's end trying to find the color in the code. If anyone can help,
it would be greatly appreciated.

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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread rtimwest


> You could, but so far it doesn't bore.  So please stay here for the
> lurkers around... ;-)

Well, okay, but remember you asked for it... discussions of time
systems can get truly Byzantine, sometimes even heated (which seems
odd for such a "dry" subject, but ask me how I know...), and tend to
have nothing in particular to do with TiddlyWiki.


For anyone interested:

On the progress front, I've incorporated Eric's helpful suggestions
and as of right now my site is weaned off of the old (well, a few days
old) "newJournalSIT" macro entirely.  It's been rewritten as a plugin,
no installation steps required, and is now driving the journal titles
and an UNALTERED version of Eric's "DigitalClock" for the real-time

Not near ready for prime time, though- it's bare-bones function, poor
formatting, few comments, no docs, meets no standards yet, and there
are some sections I want to refactor.



I had a hard time finding ANYTHING on NET time, until I ran across it
as an acronym for "New Earth Time". That led to some information...


seems to be the main site, though the Wikipedia entry:


Is a lot easier to deal with.

I don't see any fundamental problem in implementing it, though there
are some potentially thorny details.

Still a bit unconvinced of it's advantages... point by point:

> I looked at Swatch time some time ago had an applet on my site and
> studied its implications.  The trouble is it was designed for
> commercial reasons to sell watches...

Not sure I really see that as a problem, but we all get to determine
our own ethical systems. It's not like they tried to make the system
proprietary. If a company can sell more product by giving the world a
useful tool, I can't see refusing to use it to better things in order
to deny the company any benefit from it.

>  ...and zero time begins at an odd
> place at a factory.

Really lost me there. Not sure why that would matter- what does
midnight in Greenwich or Biel have to relate to for you in Australia
or me in the US?  In any case "zero time" is only an hour different in
the two systems.

>>It's awkward to convert...

It is awkward to convert both mentally and precisely, but either is
easy enough. I have no problem knowing about what Internet Time I
typically get up, eat, and go to bed- you get accustomed to that
pretty quickly. Knowing what time things happen locally is not
intrinsically easier with any given notation, it's just what you're
used to. "Daylight Savings Time" is harder, and certainly makes less

> ...and really depends on
> everyone adopting it completely

I think I respectfully disagree there. It depends on people adopting
it, but not completely. It was never intended to be a replacement for
local time, just an additional tool. I think it will be generations,
perhaps several generations, before people quit using the archaic
system for local time, but we need something different very soon for
synchronous global communications, and I think it's actually easier if
it's very distinct from the old system.

> ... after an extremely difficult learning
> curve

Not really. There's nothing intrinsically difficult about it, and
doing arithmetic with a day divided into 1,000 units is much, much
simpler than the system we've grown accustomed to by the time we can
tie our shoes.

> which will never happen.

THAT may certainly be true. I've often gotten into trouble by
underestimating society's resistance to change.

> Then I discovered NET time.  It begins at Greenwich and goes from 0 to
> 360,  The units are degrees which means each degree is 4 minutes long
> so there is 15 degrees in an hour. That makes it easy to convert to
> the old local time anywhere in the world by knowing the longitude.

Um, you mean time zone? The local time is not going to be 4 minutes
different than Greenwich for each degree of longitude separating you
from it.

I agree that it's probably easier to mentally convert NET to local
time and vice-versa, but I personally see that as a disadvantage. In
Internet Time, by keeping the notation, display, and nomenclature
completely different, they've separated the "namespaces" in our minds,
so theres' little potential to get crossed up. Calling the 360
divisions of the day "degrees" is fine, but calling the finer
divisions "minutes" and "seconds" (based on longitude, of course) is
bound to cause confusion.

It seems to me that the two systems share one great advantage: in each
it's the same time everywhere. However, while dealing with a day
divided into 360 parts is not too bad, when you get into "minutes" and
"seconds" you're dealing with elapsed time and interval computations
based on 360x60x60, which is certainly no simpler than 24x60x60, and
is the sort of system that's led to the current nonsensical situation
where (as I've pointed out) a typical microwave oven runs for LONGER
if you key in "80" than it does if you

[tw] What in the world did I do wrong?

2009-05-20 Thread Dave Gifford - http://www.giffmex.org/

Hi all,

I thought I had this TW perfect so that my lovely and talented
assistant Suni could enter the data. However when she tried to use
Monkey Tagger dropdowns to add a tag in edit mode, it reverted the
tiddler back to view mode. I had tested it before and the Monkey
Tagger worked fine (yes, the file has deprecated functions plugin).
But now it doesn't. Any clue as to what I've done wrong?

Here is the file


Appreciate any wisdom I can get on this one. Blessings,

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[tw] Re: Before I give up - database/spreadsheet features?

2009-05-20 Thread Måns

Hi Matt

> I would need separate "queries"
to look for tiddlers with missing or invalid data, different sorted
lists, etc. <

As long as you don't have missing data(or field-)names as a needed
value in the first part of the fET it's not nessecary to make separate
"queries" - they will just appear as "undefined" in the resulting list/
table. This way you will quickly get an overview and see what you
haven't specified yet ie:

If you havn't specified author . it will be rendered as "undefined".

<|>|>|>|>|>| !<\> |h\n"
+"| # | Titel | [[Author|Sort by author]] | [[Theme|Sort by theme]] |
Cover | Note | <\> |h\n"'
end 'count+" books\n"' none '"no books \n"'>>

Regards Måns Mårtensson

On May 20, 11:10 pm, "Matt L."  wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I am very close to giving up hope that TW will fit my
> requirements...
>    I have various lists (books, movies, passwords, etc) that would fit
> quite well in an advanced spreadsheet or database - sortable columns,
> validated data, required fields, etc.  I cannot seem to find any
> functionality that encompasses all of these features easily.
> I have tried using the DataDB plugin, but it cannot sort on either the
> display or editing modes, so it is easy to lose track of data (new
> entries always end up on the bottom of the list).
> I am hesitant to try using a combination of DataTiddlerPlugin and
> FormTiddlerPlugin and ForEachTiddlerPlugin - it seems like it would
> take a fair bit of effort to set up.  I would need separate "queries"
> to look for tiddlers with missing or invalid data, different sorted
> lists, etc.
> Using extended fields would not work either - they appear on every
> tiddler, and would still require using the ForEachTiddler plugin to
> generate lists and find missing data.
> Using a plain table and the TableSortingPlugin is okay for display
> purposes, but has no validation and editing a table with a large
> number of both rows and columns quickly becomes unmanageable.
> I couldn't find anything that cleanly allows me to edit table cells
> inline (without going into edit mode).  I even looked for external
> tools and Firefox extensions.
> Does anyone have any ideas that I have not tried yet?  If I cannot
> come up with something else, I may just stick my "big lists" into
> Google Docs and leave everything else in TW...
> Here is an example of one of my lists:
> * Author
> * Title
> * Format (validated: ebook, audio, hardcover, softcover)
> * Owned (validated and required - y/n)
> * Year Read (blank allowed)
> * Audiobook available from library (validated and required - y/n)
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
>     - Matt L.
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[tw] Re: Before I give up - database/spreadsheet features?

2009-05-20 Thread Måns

Hi Matt
I've learned to use fETs, sortable tables and formTemplates over the
past few months. This way I get automatically updated tables - and I'm
very happy with the results.
It's true that it won't happen for you  if you want it to work in a
way that you are used to in spreadsheet applications - but in TW it's
much more "organic" and now I prefer TW's fET produced tables to the
spreadsheet way...
I have used Dave Giffords bibblywiki (http://www.giffmex.org/
bibblywiki.html) formtemplate and changed his very sparse fET lists
into sortable tables, and now I've got automatically updated sortable
When I change anything in the forms - it gets instantly reflected in
my tables. If I make a new tiddler tagged with AuthorBook, it gets
into the table right away - AND is sorted exactly as I defined in the
fET. ie: sortBy 'tiddler.title.toUpperCase()' or sortBy 'tiddler.data
("author")' or sortBy 'GroupTitle = tiddler.data("primtopic")
In another context a found a way to view and edit fielddata from
inside a sortable table by using this syntax: | < linebreaks not to
break the table... but it's usable!!) You could simply have an
automatically generated wikilink to the tiddlers with the data, in
each row like this: [["+tiddler.title+"]] - when you click the link it
opens up the tiddler with the formtemplate, and you make your changes
directly in the tiddler. The tables are updated from these changes -
not the other way around...
I don't think you should give up yet. Take Dave Giffords bibblywiki
(http://www.giffmex.org/bibblywiki.html) for a spin - and make the
changes you want... I'm sure you will prefer it to the spreadsheet...

YS Måns Mårtensson

On May 20, 11:10 pm, "Matt L."  wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I am very close to giving up hope that TW will fit my
> requirements...
>    I have various lists (books, movies, passwords, etc) that would fit
> quite well in an advanced spreadsheet or database - sortable columns,
> validated data, required fields, etc.  I cannot seem to find any
> functionality that encompasses all of these features easily.
> I have tried using the DataDB plugin, but it cannot sort on either the
> display or editing modes, so it is easy to lose track of data (new
> entries always end up on the bottom of the list).
> I am hesitant to try using a combination of DataTiddlerPlugin and
> FormTiddlerPlugin and ForEachTiddlerPlugin - it seems like it would
> take a fair bit of effort to set up.  I would need separate "queries"
> to look for tiddlers with missing or invalid data, different sorted
> lists, etc.
> Using extended fields would not work either - they appear on every
> tiddler, and would still require using the ForEachTiddler plugin to
> generate lists and find missing data.
> Using a plain table and the TableSortingPlugin is okay for display
> purposes, but has no validation and editing a table with a large
> number of both rows and columns quickly becomes unmanageable.
> I couldn't find anything that cleanly allows me to edit table cells
> inline (without going into edit mode).  I even looked for external
> tools and Firefox extensions.
> Does anyone have any ideas that I have not tried yet?  If I cannot
> come up with something else, I may just stick my "big lists" into
> Google Docs and leave everything else in TW...
> Here is an example of one of my lists:
> * Author
> * Title
> * Format (validated: ebook, audio, hardcover, softcover)
> * Owned (validated and required - y/n)
> * Year Read (blank allowed)
> * Audiobook available from library (validated and required - y/n)
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
>     - Matt L.
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[tw] Re: Before I give up - database/spreadsheet features?

2009-05-20 Thread Ken Girard

Take a look at: http://no-sin.com/wiki/WorkTracker.html#Completed

I use custom templates/fields, HideWhen, ForEach, TableSorting,
ToggleTag, etc.
Try using "add new request" button to see how I add new entries.

Yes, it is a lot to set up at first, but once it is in there, it is
nothing to do.

Make each row in your list be a tiddler, then have them all linked
together by some common denominator, like all tiddler tagged 'book'.
Refine it further in a different tiddler by adding in more conditions
(All books where the author is "Elizabeth Donald").

Also if you look at the "Search - Assigned to" tiddler you can see an
example of a customized search that uses a preset field to match.

Ken Girard

On May 20, 4:10 pm, "Matt L."  wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I am very close to giving up hope that TW will fit my
> requirements...
>    I have various lists (books, movies, passwords, etc) that would fit
> quite well in an advanced spreadsheet or database - sortable columns,
> validated data, required fields, etc.  I cannot seem to find any
> functionality that encompasses all of these features easily.
> I have tried using the DataDB plugin, but it cannot sort on either the
> display or editing modes, so it is easy to lose track of data (new
> entries always end up on the bottom of the list).
> I am hesitant to try using a combination of DataTiddlerPlugin and
> FormTiddlerPlugin and ForEachTiddlerPlugin - it seems like it would
> take a fair bit of effort to set up.  I would need separate "queries"
> to look for tiddlers with missing or invalid data, different sorted
> lists, etc.
> Using extended fields would not work either - they appear on every
> tiddler, and would still require using the ForEachTiddler plugin to
> generate lists and find missing data.
> Using a plain table and the TableSortingPlugin is okay for display
> purposes, but has no validation and editing a table with a large
> number of both rows and columns quickly becomes unmanageable.
> I couldn't find anything that cleanly allows me to edit table cells
> inline (without going into edit mode).  I even looked for external
> tools and Firefox extensions.
> Does anyone have any ideas that I have not tried yet?  If I cannot
> come up with something else, I may just stick my "big lists" into
> Google Docs and leave everything else in TW...
> Here is an example of one of my lists:
> * Author
> * Title
> * Format (validated: ebook, audio, hardcover, softcover)
> * Owned (validated and required - y/n)
> * Year Read (blank allowed)
> * Audiobook available from library (validated and required - y/n)
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
>     - Matt L.
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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Mark S.

The code I'm seeing on your site says version 0.2. The current code
should say 0.21. Maybe you didn't upload after experimenting?

Just checking.


On May 20, 12:47 pm, Morris Gray  wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I've been unsuccessful in making antisesame work on my site.  I've
> disabled your other versions, tried it on various little branches, I
> copied and pasted your antisesame code (but not your tiddlers I admit)
> I am a bit thick in the head right now though.
> Perhaps you could try it on the latest version of my site since that's
> what I tried it on. You got it all fresh in your mind so you might
> find I was doing something wrong.
> Oh I did notice the +s and -s do get mixed up when trees are open on
> startup, I think that was always the case.
> Morris
> On May 21, 4:24 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > Hi Morris,
> > I've just updated plugin2 with a new, undocumented feature.
> > Undocumented, because we'll have to see if its worth it.
> > Now when you specify the settings, you can specify a "sesame" and an
> > "antisesame" tag. Like
> >   'collapsed: false, antisesame: "closed" '
> > "sesame" (case matters) gives the name of the tag to indicate that a
> > tiddler should be OPEN by default. "antisesame" gives the name of the
> > tag to indicate that a tiddler should be CLOSED by default.
> > So far, I haven't found any use for "sesame" -- in fact, I'm not
> > entirely sure that it works -- it may be that it only works when you
> > have a rootless tree.
> > But for your purposes, the 'antisesame' does seem to work. So if you
> > say that you want a menu to be open (collapsed: false), but specify
> > 'antisesame' as "closed", and then tag each of the tier two menu items
> > with "closed", then the tree will be open, but each of the branches
> > will be closed.
> > I allow you to specify your own tags, in case you're already using
> > "open" and "closed" for something, or in case you want to have
> > different menu trees with different defaults.
> > The extra code to do this may slow things down a bit ... not sure.
> > Seems fine on FF so far. Oh, code seems to work on IE 6 so far as
> > well ... if you want to put that on your front page.
> > Persistence problems ... well, one thing at a time ;-)
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
> > On May 20, 2:51 am, Morris Gray  wrote:
> > > On May 20, 1:53 pm, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > Well done Mark.  I have added Plugin2 to my site.  It is working just
> > > fine, have a look.
> > > For a big menu like I'm using to see how it feels; opening the whole
> > > thing is a bit over the top.
> > > However I put it in the persist state and it remembers where it was
> > > when you last had it open during any session but doesn't persist with
> > > a reload.
> > > The next problem is how to keep it partially open because I'd like a
> > > chosen number of top levels to be open on startup.  You might be
> > > interested to know that my first three levels are three different
> > > tiddlers and are where they are because of tags.  However they
> > > obviously inherit the open all command.
> > > > I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed your stylesheet setup.
> > > Not at all but we do need to work something out for the images
> > > though.  I can't guarantee I can keep them on my site for everyone for
> > > all time. You might try ImageShack.
> > > Keep on truckin' :-)
> > > Morris
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[tw] Before I give up - database/spreadsheet features?

2009-05-20 Thread Matt L.

Hi all,
   I am very close to giving up hope that TW will fit my

   I have various lists (books, movies, passwords, etc) that would fit
quite well in an advanced spreadsheet or database - sortable columns,
validated data, required fields, etc.  I cannot seem to find any
functionality that encompasses all of these features easily.

I have tried using the DataDB plugin, but it cannot sort on either the
display or editing modes, so it is easy to lose track of data (new
entries always end up on the bottom of the list).

I am hesitant to try using a combination of DataTiddlerPlugin and
FormTiddlerPlugin and ForEachTiddlerPlugin - it seems like it would
take a fair bit of effort to set up.  I would need separate "queries"
to look for tiddlers with missing or invalid data, different sorted
lists, etc.

Using extended fields would not work either - they appear on every
tiddler, and would still require using the ForEachTiddler plugin to
generate lists and find missing data.

Using a plain table and the TableSortingPlugin is okay for display
purposes, but has no validation and editing a table with a large
number of both rows and columns quickly becomes unmanageable.

I couldn't find anything that cleanly allows me to edit table cells
inline (without going into edit mode).  I even looked for external
tools and Firefox extensions.

Does anyone have any ideas that I have not tried yet?  If I cannot
come up with something else, I may just stick my "big lists" into
Google Docs and leave everything else in TW...

Here is an example of one of my lists:

* Author
* Title
* Format (validated: ebook, audio, hardcover, softcover)
* Owned (validated and required - y/n)
* Year Read (blank allowed)
* Audiobook available from library (validated and required - y/n)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
- Matt L.
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[tw] Re: FatSlicePlugin

2009-05-20 Thread Dave Parker

Thanks Paul, I'll give it a try...

On May 20, 3:38 am, "Paul Downey (psd)" 
> > There's a discussion 
> > here:http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_frm/thread/546c0d777...
> > ...back in October about this experimental plugin that gives you
> > "slices with multiple columns"
> I think the word "experimental" was really around whether the
> functionality was suitable for inclusion in the core. I don't think
> that conversation has moved on since then.
> The plugin is here:
>    http://whatfettle.com/2008/07/FatSlicePlugin/
>    http://svn.tiddlywiki.org/Trunk/contributors/PaulDowney/plugins/FatSl...
> > Is this something that will be worked on any further?  
> Well, it does what I needed at the time, and little more.
> > What I mean is,
> > should I be using this in a big project, or is there a more current/
> > stable way of doing the same thing now?
> Not that I'm aware of .. I suggest you give it a whirl, and let me
> know if you have any issues .. I'm keen for this not to balloon, so
> might push back on requests for new features, but that doesn't stop
> you or anyone else building a version which better suites their needs,
> in fact I'd encourage that since there may indeed be better approaches
> in this area worth exploring.
> Paul (psd)
> --http://blog.whatfettle.com
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[tw] Re: Appearance Settings issues in non-Firefox Browsers

2009-05-20 Thread Chris Cassidy

Thanks so much. It works perfectly. I tried something similar and
PluginManager found an error every time.

On May 20, 4:06 pm, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> > On my site I would ideally like the animations to be off by default
> > and the SinglePageMode Plugin to display one tiddler at a time and it
> > works fantastically in firefox. In any other browser, however, neither
> > of these work. (Safari, Opera, and IE tested) Is there a way to fix
> > this or is firefox the only browser that can work properly?
> Settings are usually stored as cookies.  However, some browsers seem
> to have problems with cookies for locally-stored (file://) documents.
> In addition, because the cookies are tied to a specific browser, the
> settings don't travel with the document, so that if you view it with a
> different browser (or on a different system), your local cookie-based
> settings are not applied.
> Fortunately, it is possible to "hard code" a setting so that it *will*
> travel with the document, regardless of where it is stored or what
> browser/system is used to view it:
> First, create a tiddler called [[CookieJar]], containing lines like
> this:
> config.options.chkAnimate=false;
> config.options.chkSinglePageMode=true;
> Next, tag that tiddler with 'systemConfig' (so it will can be
> processed as a plugin)
> Then, save and reload your document.  During startup, the lines of
> code in the CookieJar will be invoked, and the values indicated will
> be applied, overriding any local cookie value that may (or may not) be
> defined for those settings.
> Note: to make the CookieJar settings easier to maintain, you might
> want to try:
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#CookieManagerPlugin
> In particular, you should check out the "bake cookies" button, which
> will automatically generate the CookieJar contents from the current
> cookie-based settings.  You can then edit the resulting CookieJar to
> tailor the settings to your needs.
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Extended fields...other input types?

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Shulman

> ...unfortunately I realized once I tried it that by definition these
> custom fields will appear on every tiddler - thereby defeating my
> purpose of data integrity.


provides a kind of 'typed' tiddler mechanism that associates a custom
ViewTemplate and/or EditTemplate with particular tiddlers by tagging
them with a specific tag value that is also used as a prefix on the
custom template titles.  For example, with TaggedTemplateTweak
installed, any tiddlers tagged with 'book' (or 'Book') could
automatically use BookViewTemplate/BookEditTemplate, while tiddlers
tagged with 'movie' would use MovieViewTemplate/MoveEditTemplate.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

Hi Mark,

I've been unsuccessful in making antisesame work on my site.  I've
disabled your other versions, tried it on various little branches, I
copied and pasted your antisesame code (but not your tiddlers I admit)
I am a bit thick in the head right now though.

Perhaps you could try it on the latest version of my site since that's
what I tried it on. You got it all fresh in your mind so you might
find I was doing something wrong.

Oh I did notice the +s and -s do get mixed up when trees are open on
startup, I think that was always the case.


On May 21, 4:24 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Hi Morris,
> I've just updated plugin2 with a new, undocumented feature.
> Undocumented, because we'll have to see if its worth it.
> Now when you specify the settings, you can specify a "sesame" and an
> "antisesame" tag. Like
>   'collapsed: false, antisesame: "closed" '
> "sesame" (case matters) gives the name of the tag to indicate that a
> tiddler should be OPEN by default. "antisesame" gives the name of the
> tag to indicate that a tiddler should be CLOSED by default.
> So far, I haven't found any use for "sesame" -- in fact, I'm not
> entirely sure that it works -- it may be that it only works when you
> have a rootless tree.
> But for your purposes, the 'antisesame' does seem to work. So if you
> say that you want a menu to be open (collapsed: false), but specify
> 'antisesame' as "closed", and then tag each of the tier two menu items
> with "closed", then the tree will be open, but each of the branches
> will be closed.
> I allow you to specify your own tags, in case you're already using
> "open" and "closed" for something, or in case you want to have
> different menu trees with different defaults.
> The extra code to do this may slow things down a bit ... not sure.
> Seems fine on FF so far. Oh, code seems to work on IE 6 so far as
> well ... if you want to put that on your front page.
> Persistence problems ... well, one thing at a time ;-)
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On May 20, 2:51 am, Morris Gray  wrote:
> > On May 20, 1:53 pm, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > Well done Mark.  I have added Plugin2 to my site.  It is working just
> > fine, have a look.
> > For a big menu like I'm using to see how it feels; opening the whole
> > thing is a bit over the top.
> > However I put it in the persist state and it remembers where it was
> > when you last had it open during any session but doesn't persist with
> > a reload.
> > The next problem is how to keep it partially open because I'd like a
> > chosen number of top levels to be open on startup.  You might be
> > interested to know that my first three levels are three different
> > tiddlers and are where they are because of tags.  However they
> > obviously inherit the open all command.
> > > I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed your stylesheet setup.
> > Not at all but we do need to work something out for the images
> > though.  I can't guarantee I can keep them on my site for everyone for
> > all time. You might try ImageShack.
> > Keep on truckin' :-)
> > Morris
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[tw] Re: Extended fields...other input types?

2009-05-20 Thread Matt L.

Thanks Eric!  That is what I was looking for...

...unfortunately I realized once I tried it that by definition these
custom fields will appear on every tiddler - thereby defeating my
purpose of data integrity.

Thanks again for your help!  Sorry to have wasted your time...

  - Matt L.

On May 20, 10:50 am, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> >    In my quest to make TW easily usable for database-like purposes, I
> > started looking at extended fields.  Adding a simple text input field
> > is easy, but is it possible to add a drop-down list field instead?
> Try this:
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#ListboxPlugin
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#ListboxPluginInfo
> enjoy,
> -e
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[tw] Re: Appearance Settings issues in non-Firefox Browsers

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Shulman

> On my site I would ideally like the animations to be off by default
> and the SinglePageMode Plugin to display one tiddler at a time and it
> works fantastically in firefox. In any other browser, however, neither
> of these work. (Safari, Opera, and IE tested) Is there a way to fix
> this or is firefox the only browser that can work properly?

Settings are usually stored as cookies.  However, some browsers seem
to have problems with cookies for locally-stored (file://) documents.
In addition, because the cookies are tied to a specific browser, the
settings don't travel with the document, so that if you view it with a
different browser (or on a different system), your local cookie-based
settings are not applied.

Fortunately, it is possible to "hard code" a setting so that it *will*
travel with the document, regardless of where it is stored or what
browser/system is used to view it:

First, create a tiddler called [[CookieJar]], containing lines like


Next, tag that tiddler with 'systemConfig' (so it will can be
processed as a plugin)

Then, save and reload your document.  During startup, the lines of
code in the CookieJar will be invoked, and the values indicated will
be applied, overriding any local cookie value that may (or may not) be
defined for those settings.

Note: to make the CookieJar settings easier to maintain, you might
want to try:
In particular, you should check out the "bake cookies" button, which
will automatically generate the CookieJar contents from the current
cookie-based settings.  You can then edit the resulting CookieJar to
tailor the settings to your needs.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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[tw] Appearance Settings issues in non-Firefox Browsers

2009-05-20 Thread Chris Cassidy

On my site I would ideally like the animations to be off by default
and the SinglePageMode Plugin to display one tiddler at a time and it
works fantastically in firefox. In any other browser, however, neither
of these work. (Safari, Opera, and IE tested) Is there a way to fix
this or is firefox the only browser that can work properly?


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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Weir

On May 20, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Mark S. wrote:

> I've just updated plugin2 with a new, undocumented feature.
> Undocumented, because we'll have to see if its worth it.

Somewhere TreeView was described as being "like Windows Explorer." I  
think I know the answer, but thought I would ask to make sure, and to  
get the feature request out there:

Might it be possible to provide for rearranging items in the tree,  
e.g., by dragging?

I wonder also about controlling tiddlers from the tree, e.g., close a  
selected tiddler, all tiddlers at a node, or ranges of tiddlers and  
nodes of tiddlers.

Probably asking a lot, but they say, "If you don't know ask."

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread FND

>> I'm sure we could bore everyone here to tears with this stuff.  If you
>> want to discuss it, maybe we should take it to e-mail? 
> You could, but so far it doesn't bore. So please stay here for the
> lurkers around... ;-)

I for one would be happy if people at least adopted UTC - but even that 
seems unlikely.

-- F.

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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Mark S.

Hi Morris,

I've just updated plugin2 with a new, undocumented feature.
Undocumented, because we'll have to see if its worth it.

Now when you specify the settings, you can specify a "sesame" and an
"antisesame" tag. Like

  'collapsed: false, antisesame: "closed" '

"sesame" (case matters) gives the name of the tag to indicate that a
tiddler should be OPEN by default. "antisesame" gives the name of the
tag to indicate that a tiddler should be CLOSED by default.

So far, I haven't found any use for "sesame" -- in fact, I'm not
entirely sure that it works -- it may be that it only works when you
have a rootless tree.

But for your purposes, the 'antisesame' does seem to work. So if you
say that you want a menu to be open (collapsed: false), but specify
'antisesame' as "closed", and then tag each of the tier two menu items
with "closed", then the tree will be open, but each of the branches
will be closed.

I allow you to specify your own tags, in case you're already using
"open" and "closed" for something, or in case you want to have
different menu trees with different defaults.

The extra code to do this may slow things down a bit ... not sure.
Seems fine on FF so far. Oh, code seems to work on IE 6 so far as
well ... if you want to put that on your front page.

Persistence problems ... well, one thing at a time ;-)


On May 20, 2:51 am, Morris Gray  wrote:
> On May 20, 1:53 pm, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Well done Mark.  I have added Plugin2 to my site.  It is working just
> fine, have a look.
> For a big menu like I'm using to see how it feels; opening the whole
> thing is a bit over the top.
> However I put it in the persist state and it remembers where it was
> when you last had it open during any session but doesn't persist with
> a reload.
> The next problem is how to keep it partially open because I'd like a
> chosen number of top levels to be open on startup.  You might be
> interested to know that my first three levels are three different
> tiddlers and are where they are because of tags.  However they
> obviously inherit the open all command.
> > I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed your stylesheet setup.
> Not at all but we do need to work something out for the images
> though.  I can't guarantee I can keep them on my site for everyone for
> all time. You might try ImageShack.
> Keep on truckin' :-)
> Morris

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[tw] Treeview comments and bugs

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

Transferred from thread http://tinyurl.com/o37b47 because bloat.

On May 21, 1:01 am, Mike Norman  wrote:

> I tried the experimental treeview and it worked on my system (WinXP/
> SP3, Firefox 3.0.10); however, when
> I navigated away, the portion of the page where the Menu was did not
> get re-drawn by FF - tried a couple
> different sites, forced a refresh: nothing worked. Somehow, the Menu
> 'damage' doesn't get 'repaired'.
> Anyone else see this?

Are you talking about:
Built on FF3.05 - Vista , tested on IE7 and Chrome

You say you've tried a couple of different sites; was it your own
implementation of TreeView plugin?  It sounds like a CSS problem.
There have been several ways of accessing the CSS and images floating
around.  I've changed the name of  the CSS tiddler from
jquery.treeview.css to JqueryTreeviewCSS because something didn't like
the dots.

The latest instructions are under SetUp on the Treeview menus. I've
put a version number on it now to avoid confusion I've started with
Version: 1.0.1

Please keep us informed.


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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread Dirk Zemisch
Hi Tim, hello All,

rtimwest  wrote:

> I'm sure we could bore everyone here to tears with this stuff.  If you
> want to discuss it, maybe we should take it to e-mail? 

You could, but so far it doesn't bore. So please stay here for the
lurkers around... ;-)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread rtimwest


Thanks for the kind words. No amount of experience in the proprietary
world of PL/SQL gives much in the way of tools to contribute to free
software, I'm glad for the opportunity. The program itself should get
a lot better in the next few iterations.

> and zero time begins at an odd
> place at a factory.  It's awkward to convert and really depends on
> everyone adopting it completely after an extremely difficult learning
> curve which will never happen.

Not sure I understand why it matters when zero time begins in any one

> Then I discovered NET time.  It begins at Greenwich and goes from 0 to
> 360,  The units are degrees which means each degree is 4 minutes long
> so there is 15 degrees in an hour. That makes it easy to convert to
> the old local time anywhere in the world by knowing the longitude.
> It runs parallel with local time and is easily adapted to learn and
> can be converted to conventional local time in your head for reference
> if needed

Interesting, I haven't run across that. I'll look into it, but I'm...
not yet convinced.  Seems that you'd lose most of the advantages
of .beats (one of which is that it's entirely separate from the old
system), but I'll study the issue.

I'm sure we could bore everyone here to tears with this stuff.  If you
want to discuss it, maybe we should take it to e-mail?  Mine is on the

> Looking at your plugin it seems it could easily be converted to NET
> time.  http://newearthtime.net/I'd like to try if I can't convince
> you to :-)

If I understand the basics, seems like an easy mod. If I do it, I
think you just volunteered to test it. ;-)

I wonder if it would be preferable to have them as separate plugins,
or to have one that just adds more time systems to TiddlyWiki?  I can
think of arguments for both sides... having one cuts down on
redundancy, there'd be no need to stack very similar code.  On the
other hand, how many people would ever want to use more than one
alternate time system at once?  I wonder if making one catchall
program might make it harder to find (by program name or whatever) for
those interested in one particular system?

Anyone have any thoughts?

> Speaking of plugins there is a standard format that is used that you
> might have a look at.  

Knew I'd have to deal with that when moving from macros to plugins, if
not before.

> Also I think you modified the TW core with some
> of your styling. This causes trouble because of the frequent updates
> of the core.

Nope. At least, don't think so. Not sure what "styling" you're
referring to in particular, but the Internet Time program certainly
does nothing of that sort. I added a few characters to the button
label and button prompt mostly to aid my own debugging, but that's
about to go away since we're losing interest in any particular
application of the code anyway (fine by me, I'm a back-end programmer
by nature). Other than that, nothing.

I have a couple of other substitute macros that I'm using on the site,
but they're just mostly just wrappers for the core macros, no low-
level stuff.


> On May 20, 9:40 pm, rtimwest  wrote:
> > I've got a "non-techie" question..
> > I did a Google image search, and virtually nobody's TiddlyWiki site
> > (always excluding yours, Eric) has much of anything up in the upper
> > right corner, title or subtitle areas.
> > Is it just that there's no convenient (non-programmer) way to float
> > something to the right in that area, or is there a real downside to
> > doing it?
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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Mike Norman

I tried the experimental treeview and it worked on my system (WinXP/
SP3, Firefox 3.0.10); however, when
I navigated away, the portion of the page where the Menu was did not
get re-drawn by FF - tried a couple
different sites, forced a refresh: nothing worked. Somehow, the Menu
'damage' doesn't get 'repaired'.

Anyone else see this?

Mike Norman

On May 20, 3:33 am, Morris Gray  wrote:
> On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
> > Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
> > interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
> > I have the time to try it out.
> To see it working you only have to click here:
> http://twt-notes-treeview-experimental.tiddlyspot.com/
> If and when you get time you can download it and experiment.
> Instructions are provided to try it in your own TW but you will need
> something like that in the above link to add items to the menu
> easily.  Or you can add the tags manually.
> Hi Dickon,
> I tried it in you site offline and it works perfectly whether it works
> on TiddlyWeb you will have to try it.
> Morris
> On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
> > Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
> > interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
> > I have the time to try it out.
> > Iain

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[tw] Re: Extended fields...other input types?

2009-05-20 Thread Eric Shulman

>    In my quest to make TW easily usable for database-like purposes, I
> started looking at extended fields.  Adding a simple text input field
> is easy, but is it possible to add a drop-down list field instead?

Try this:


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[tw] Re: Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

> I did a Google image search, and virtually nobody's TiddlyWiki site
> (always excluding yours, Eric) has much of anything up in the upper
> right corner, title or subtitle areas.

Welcome to the Group Tim. The empty space is an old (western culture)
marketing technique :-) Empty space draws your eye away from it to the
important information to the left from which one is used to start

However it would be a good place to put a clock, if it is the right
one :-)  I like your beat time clock, a sterling achievement.

I looked at Swatch time some time ago had an applet on my site and
studied its implications.  The trouble is it was designed for
commercial reasons to sell watches and zero time begins at an odd
place at a factory.  It's awkward to convert and really depends on
everyone adopting it completely after an extremely difficult learning
curve which will never happen.

Then I discovered NET time.  It begins at Greenwich and goes from 0 to
360,  The units are degrees which means each degree is 4 minutes long
so there is 15 degrees in an hour. That makes it easy to convert to
the old local time anywhere in the world by knowing the longitude.
It runs parallel with local time and is easily adapted to learn and
can be converted to conventional local time in your head for reference
if needed

Looking at your plugin it seems it could easily be converted to NET
time.  http://newearthtime.net/ I'd like to try if I can't convince
you to :-)

Speaking of plugins there is a standard format that is used that you
might have a look at.  Also I think you modified the TW core with some
of your styling. This causes trouble because of the frequent updates
of the core.  There are shadow tiddlers for that like  MarkupPostBody,
MarkupPostHead, MarkupPreBody, and MarkupPreHead for scripts and

Anyhow I think it's good to have a professional database man in the
group :-)


On May 20, 9:40 pm, rtimwest  wrote:
> I've got a "non-techie" question..
> I did a Google image search, and virtually nobody's TiddlyWiki site
> (always excluding yours, Eric) has much of anything up in the upper
> right corner, title or subtitle areas.
> Is it just that there's no convenient (non-programmer) way to float
> something to the right in that area, or is there a real downside to
> doing it?
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[tw] Extended fields...other input types?

2009-05-20 Thread Matt L.

Hi all,
   In my quest to make TW easily usable for database-like purposes, I
started looking at extended fields.  Adding a simple text input field
is easy, but is it possible to add a drop-down list field instead?  I
want to ensure data integrity, so I need to make sure input is limited
to valid entries.  For example, I want to use separate TW's for my
book list, movie list and password list.  On my book list, I would
like to see a drop-down of what type of book it is - hardcover,
softcover, audio or ebook.  On my movie list, I want to know if I own
it or wish to buy it or neither.
   I have tried using the DataDB plugin, but it has some features
missing that I need - like sorting.  I am hesitant to try using a
combination of DataTiddlerPlugin and FormTiddlerPlugin and
ForEachTiddlerPlugin - it seems like it would take a fair bit of
effort to set up.  If anyone has any other suggestions of features I
have missed, I am more than open to ideas.

   - Matt L.
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[tw] javascript how to sort datatiddler

2009-05-20 Thread okido

I use the script below, it should sort on name and show 10 tiddlers,
name is a data tiddler field, with normal field it works fine, this
data field is not recognised.

   var out="";
   var tids=store.sortTiddlers(store.getTaggedTiddlers
   for (var t=0; t

[tw] Title Right?

2009-05-20 Thread rtimwest

I've got a "non-techie" question..

I did a Google image search, and virtually nobody's TiddlyWiki site
(always excluding yours, Eric) has much of anything up in the upper
right corner, title or subtitle areas.

Is it just that there's no convenient (non-programmer) way to float
something to the right in that area, or is there a real downside to
doing it?

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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

On May 20, 1:53 pm, "Mark S."  wrote:

Well done Mark.  I have added Plugin2 to my site.  It is working just
fine, have a look.

For a big menu like I'm using to see how it feels; opening the whole
thing is a bit over the top.

However I put it in the persist state and it remembers where it was
when you last had it open during any session but doesn't persist with
a reload.

The next problem is how to keep it partially open because I'd like a
chosen number of top levels to be open on startup.  You might be
interested to know that my first three levels are three different
tiddlers and are where they are because of tags.  However they
obviously inherit the open all command.

> I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed your stylesheet setup.

Not at all but we do need to work something out for the images
though.  I can't guarantee I can keep them on my site for everyone for
all time. You might try ImageShack.

Keep on truckin' :-)


On May 20, 1:53 pm, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Thanks for the encouragement, Morris.
> I've just made an update. There is now a new macro (treeview2 off of
> TreeviewPluginPlugin2) that will allow you to specify the other tree
> styles and some basic settings such as animation, collapse state,
> speed.
> I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed your stylesheet setup so
> maybe people won't be so puzzled when they see the site and wonder
> what its supposed to do. I've also put a referral to your site in the
> opening text. Let me know if you want it worded differently or more
> prominently ;-)
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On May 18, 4:43 pm, Morris Gray  wrote:
> > On May 19, 7:36 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > Hi Morris,
> > > Looking good.
> > > The way you installed the CSS, by putting the name of the tiddler, is
> > > that standard TW, or is there a plugin that makes that possible?
> > Oh I just named the CSS tiddler the name of the javascript because I
> > was lazy and copied and pasted, also I turned it off and on so many
> > times it stood out in the Timeline so I could find it easily... Its
> > just a tiddler name.  What you might not have noticed is that it is
> > inserted near the bottom of my messy StyleSheet as a nested
> > stylesheet.
> > By the way you've done a wonderful job on the plugin for first time
> > around... or any time around for that matter :-)
> > I basically set up my site to save you time so you would have an
> > actual working situation to run it through the mill and get it to the
> > release stage that much quicker.  There has been a lot of people
> > waiting a long time for something like this.
> > I've been changing it and uploading it constantly so get the latest
> > version.  I'm going to give it a rest now.
> >http://twt-notes-treeview-experimental.tiddlyspot.com/index.html
> > A very tired Morris :-)
> > On May 19, 7:36 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > Hi Morris,
> > > Looking good.
> > > The way you installed the CSS, by putting the name of the tiddler, is
> > > that standard TW, or is there a plugin that makes that possible?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mark
> > > On May 18, 1:02 pm, Morris Gray  wrote:
> > > > On May 19, 2:47 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > > > Just a guess, but I suspect that the server at dynamicdrive stops
> > > > > serving up the all-important images after it has been hit by a 3rd
> > > > > party site more than 3 or 4 times. Think this may be a common
> > > > > technique to prevent abuse. BUT, if you download the TW file, and open
> > > > > from your own system, I think you'll find that it works. Possibly dc
> > > > > doesn't care if local pages use their images.
> > > > I think I've worked a few bugs out. I don't see the refresh problem
> > > > however I did put the images on my own site because I felt
> > > > uncomfortable accessing DynamicDrive.  It is now independent I think
> > > > except for the images.  Perhaps Eric will tell us a way to access the
> > > > images via CSS using the Attach plugin.
> > > > I think I've 'almost' got everything working now. It needs tidying up
> > > > a lot but I've rushed some instructions.
> > > > Please give it a try and add a few things and see what needs fixing.
> > > >http://twt-notes-treeview-experimental.tiddlyspot.com/index.html
> > > > Morris
> > > > On May 19, 2:47 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > > > Hah! And now I have the same problem! On all remotely hosted TW's. But
> > > > > everything is OK on locally hosted TW's.
> > > > > If you go to Morris' site, and refresh a couple times, you may find it
> > > > > stops working there as well.
> > > > > Just a guess, but I suspect that the server at dynamicdrive stops
> > > > > serving up the all-important images after it has been hit by a 3rd
> > > > > party site more than 3 or 4 times. Think this may be a common
> > > > > technique to prevent abuse. BUT, if you download the TW file, and open
> > > > > from your own system, I think you'll find that it works. Possibly dc
> > > > > doesn't care if local p

[tw] Re: FatSlicePlugin

2009-05-20 Thread Paul Downey (psd)

> There's a discussion 
> here:http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_frm/thread/546c0d777...
> ...back in October about this experimental plugin that gives you
> "slices with multiple columns"

I think the word "experimental" was really around whether the
functionality was suitable for inclusion in the core. I don't think
that conversation has moved on since then.

The plugin is here:



> Is this something that will be worked on any further?  

Well, it does what I needed at the time, and little more.

> What I mean is,
> should I be using this in a big project, or is there a more current/
> stable way of doing the same thing now?

Not that I'm aware of .. I suggest you give it a whirl, and let me
know if you have any issues .. I'm keen for this not to balloon, so
might push back on requests for new features, but that doesn't stop
you or anyone else building a version which better suites their needs,
in fact I'd encourage that since there may indeed be better approaches
in this area worth exploring.

Paul (psd)
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[tw] Re: PrettyLink to a macro.. Swatch Internet Time in TiddlyWiki

2009-05-20 Thread rtimwest


Thanks for taking a look. I'll respond to this and then move any
further discussion to the other section.

I think we're very much on the same page; this first (pre-Alpha)
version does leverage Date.formatString, n times for however many "@@"
Biel-date strings (probably should be once for all), and again with
the whole string for local datetime, just as you suggest. The big
difference in what you're saying seems to be the point of
interception, that the replacement macro really isn't necessary, and I
agree that the hijack approach on the Date method itself is much more

Not sure I would have had the audacity to try it as a first attempt
even if I had been aware that the hijack syntax applied to core
objects (it's doing that with button object, I wasn't thinking of
broader applications at the time), but I will. Should be fun.

It's going to need another name...


On May 19, 11:01 pm, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> > A couple of days ago it occurred to me that it might be preferable to
> > have the core date-handling routine as a stand-alone pure Javascript
> > function (declared as a window variable), so that it could be called
> > by any other program in TiddlyWiki... or maybe even ported elsewhere.
> > If anyone decides to critique the code, please keep in mind that less
> > than three weeks ago I had never touched a line of Javascript.
> Even though you are just starting out with both TiddlyWiki and
> Javascript, it's quite apparent that you 'grok' software, and you've
> done reasonably well by following the patterns in the existing code.
> However, for this particular use-case, there may be a *much* simpler,
> more generalized way to add your functionality...
> The key is to know that the TW core is already defining an
> extended .formatString() method that converts standard JS Date()
> objects into formatted text strings, using specified 'date format
> codes':
> --
> Date.prototype.formatString = function(template)
> {
>         var t = template.replace(/0hh12/g,String.zeroPad(this.getHours12(),
> 2));
>         t = t.replace(/hh12/g,this.getHours12());
>         t = t.replace(/0hh/g,String.zeroPad(this.getHours(),2));
> ...
>         t = t.replace(/\\/g,"");
>         return t;};
> -
> When applied to a date object ('this'), the function uses regular
> expressions to selectively match and replace the various format codes
> (e.g., "0hh12", "hh12", etc.) contained in the input parameter
> ('template') with their respective values and then returns the
> resulting text string.
> For your purposes, all you really want to do is to add your "bbb.bb"
> and @...@ format processing to the existing .formatString() code, so
> that use of the SIT format codes with all *existing* TW features --
> including the core's <> macro, as well as any plugins that
> render formatted dates -- without needing any new macro definitions at
> all!
> The best way to do this is to *hijack* the existing function, like
> this:
> //save existing function
> Date.prototype.formatString_SIT_orig=Date.prototype.formatString;
> //redefine function
> Date.prototype.formatString = function(template) {
>    ... SIT processing goes here ...
>    ... replaces "bbb.bb" and "@...@" sequences in template ...
>    // let core do rest of the work...
>    return this.formatString_SIT_orig(template);
> }
> When .formatString() is invoked, any SIT format sequences in the input
> 'template' (date format string) are first replaced with their
> respective output text (e.g. 921.54) and then the modified template is
> passed on to the core so any remaining format codes can be converted.
> Of course, the specific code for "SIT processing" is up to you to
> figure out... but I think you get the idea...
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
> note: in order to avoid becoming too "tech heavy" in this group,
> further discussions about TiddlyWiki plugin development and javascript
> programming techniques should be moved to the TiddlyWikiDev group.
> Thanks.
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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Alex Hough

It looks fantastic.
May I suggest something for a future tweek: make it so that it works
without external files.

Maybe characters can be used for the line  such as : _ | –


2009/5/20 Morris Gray :
> On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
>> Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
>> interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
>> I have the time to try it out.
> To see it working you only have to click here:
> http://twt-notes-treeview-experimental.tiddlyspot.com/
> If and when you get time you can download it and experiment.
> Instructions are provided to try it in your own TW but you will need
> something like that in the above link to add items to the menu
> easily.  Or you can add the tags manually.
> Hi Dickon,
> I tried it in you site offline and it works perfectly whether it works
> on TiddlyWeb you will have to try it.
> Morris
> On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
>> Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
>> interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
>> I have the time to try it out.
>> Iain
> >

t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17
skype: alexhough
delicious: alexhough

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[tw] Re: Strange. default values in config tiddler not reset after reload on local TW, yet on online version its ok.

2009-05-20 Thread Alex Hough

Removing trasnclusion of values solves this problem. Somehow, old
values get caught up in transclusion.

2009/5/20 Alex Hough :
> I think it is when values are transcluded into other tiddlers that
> they are not refreshed. on my example, i transcluded twice.
> Alex
> 2009/5/20 alex :
>> If anyone else gets this problem, I solved it by adding the variables
>> using inline script. The script is executed when the tiddler is
>> loaded, so the default values are defined right before they are
>> needed, not at the outset. Is this a good practice?
>> ALex
>> On May 19, 10:11 pm, alex  wrote:
>>> its a problem with firefox. fine in safari.
>>> browser = Firefox/3.0.10
>>> I've tried clearing cookies and clearing private data - there some
>>> values i added ages ago that won't go away, won't get overwriten by
>>> the default values.
>>> Alex
>>> On May 19, 9:37 pm, Alex Hough  wrote:
>>> > DefaultValues tidder contains the below is tagged with systemConfig.
>>> > When viewed online [1] [2] they all show up as default values.
>>> > Despite refreshing my local version, the default values seem to take
>>> > no effect.
>>> > I characterise this as strange. I simply don't understand. I guess it
>>> > is easiliy explained.
>>> > HELP
>>> > Any help would be most gladly received
>>> > best wishes
>>> > Alex
>>> > 
>>> > DefaltValues
>>> > 
>>> > config.options.txtOurOrg = "The Organisation";
>>> > config.options.txtOurDepartment = "Your Department";
>>> > config.options.txtMyUnit = "Your Unit";
>>> > config.options.txtOurPeerUnits = "Peer Units";
>>> > config.options.txtDepartmentManagers = "Other departments";
>>> > config.options.txtMyManager = "Your Manager";
>>> > config.options.txtManagersManager = "Your Manager's Manager";
>>> > config.options.txtCustomersOrServiceUsers = "Customers or Service
>>> > users";
>>> > config.options.txtSuppliers = "Suppliers";
>>> > config.options.txtOurPartners = "Your Partners";
>>> > config.options.txtOperationalEnvironment = "Operational Environment";
>>> > ---
>>> > systemConfig
>>> > [1]http://scio-maturity-model.googlegroups.com/web/OMM.html?gda=akXMLT8A...
>>> > [2]http://r.a.hough.googlepages.com/OMM.html
>> >>
> --
> t: 0161 442 2202
> m: 0781 372 50 17
> skype: alexhough
> delicious: alexhough

t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17
skype: alexhough
delicious: alexhough

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[tw] Re: Strange. default values in config tiddler not reset after reload on local TW, yet on online version its ok.

2009-05-20 Thread Alex Hough

I think it is when values are transcluded into other tiddlers that
they are not refreshed. on my example, i transcluded twice.


2009/5/20 alex :
> If anyone else gets this problem, I solved it by adding the variables
> using inline script. The script is executed when the tiddler is
> loaded, so the default values are defined right before they are
> needed, not at the outset. Is this a good practice?
> ALex
> On May 19, 10:11 pm, alex  wrote:
>> its a problem with firefox. fine in safari.
>> browser = Firefox/3.0.10
>> I've tried clearing cookies and clearing private data - there some
>> values i added ages ago that won't go away, won't get overwriten by
>> the default values.
>> Alex
>> On May 19, 9:37 pm, Alex Hough  wrote:
>> > DefaultValues tidder contains the below is tagged with systemConfig.
>> > When viewed online [1] [2] they all show up as default values.
>> > Despite refreshing my local version, the default values seem to take
>> > no effect.
>> > I characterise this as strange. I simply don't understand. I guess it
>> > is easiliy explained.
>> > HELP
>> > Any help would be most gladly received
>> > best wishes
>> > Alex
>> > 
>> > DefaltValues
>> > 
>> > config.options.txtOurOrg = "The Organisation";
>> > config.options.txtOurDepartment = "Your Department";
>> > config.options.txtMyUnit = "Your Unit";
>> > config.options.txtOurPeerUnits = "Peer Units";
>> > config.options.txtDepartmentManagers = "Other departments";
>> > config.options.txtMyManager = "Your Manager";
>> > config.options.txtManagersManager = "Your Manager's Manager";
>> > config.options.txtCustomersOrServiceUsers = "Customers or Service
>> > users";
>> > config.options.txtSuppliers = "Suppliers";
>> > config.options.txtOurPartners = "Your Partners";
>> > config.options.txtOperationalEnvironment = "Operational Environment";
>> > ---
>> > systemConfig
>> > [1]http://scio-maturity-model.googlegroups.com/web/OMM.html?gda=akXMLT8A...
>> > [2]http://r.a.hough.googlepages.com/OMM.html
> >

t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17
skype: alexhough
delicious: alexhough

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[tw] Re: Here's an example of a tree structure (treeview) implemented on TW

2009-05-20 Thread Morris Gray

On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
> Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
> interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
> I have the time to try it out.

To see it working you only have to click here:


If and when you get time you can download it and experiment.
Instructions are provided to try it in your own TW but you will need
something like that in the above link to add items to the menu
easily.  Or you can add the tags manually.

Hi Dickon,

I tried it in you site offline and it works perfectly whether it works
on TiddlyWeb you will have to try it.


On May 20, 9:57 am, IainS  wrote:
> Am I missing something - what does it look like at the end? It sounds
> interesting but I am not sure what it looks like and not sure whether
> I have the time to try it out.
> Iain
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[tw] Re: Linking to tiddlers from hotspot on image

2009-05-20 Thread Kino

Ah! Now I understand! ...and it works fine!

Thank you for your assistance - I've been searching for just this
thing for months!

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