Re: mGSD Replacement?

2011-07-13 Thread bgbg bg
You can handle the large size of the file by cleaning it up. There is
a tiddler called [[Cleanup]] that deletes done actions, inactive
tickles etc older than 14 days. If you edit the tiddler, you can
change the 14 days value to something safer (I use 28 days).

This doesn't solve the problem of accessing mGSD via Android thought

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Angrydot wrote:
 Any suggestions for a replacement for mGSD that 1) is free or very low
 cost, 2) is web-based, 3) has an Android app, 4) has subprojects?

 I love mGSD and have used it since the monkey days. I use it on My file has gotten about 1 MB and is getting slow
 (very slow sometimes), plus I am more mobile now with an Android
 phone, 2 laptops, and a desktop computer.

 I looked at, RTM, Todoist, MLO, ActionComplete, Producteev,
 Astrid, ThinkingRock and several others. None compare to mGSD,
 subprojects being a key feature of mGSD that is lacking or not up to

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Re: mGSD Replacement?

2011-07-13 Thread Jim McD
Having used mGSD since 2006, I keep it on a USB thumb drive
(encrypted) rather than tiddly spot.  The thumb drive is probably

I have wanted to replace mGSD for a couple of years now, mostly
because mGSD is unsupported and never updated.  However the
alternatives don't stack up.  mGSD is the only one that is cross
platform, light weight, fast and allows a good, close implementation
of GTD.  Sooner or later though, mGSD will be left behind by advancing
standards :-(.  For example, it still uses the blink token, which is
deprecated and only supported by Firefox.


On Jul 13, 7:29 am, bgbg bg wrote:
 You can handle the large size of the file by cleaning it up. There is
 a tiddler called [[Cleanup]] that deletes done actions, inactive
 tickles etc older than 14 days. If you edit the tiddler, you can
 change the 14 days value to something safer (I use 28 days).

 This doesn't solve the problem of accessing mGSD via Android thought

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Angrydot wrote:
  Any suggestions for a replacement for mGSD that 1) is free or very low
  cost, 2) is web-based, 3) has an Android app, 4) has subprojects?

  I love mGSD and have used it since the monkey days. I use it on My file has gotten about 1 MB and is getting slow
  (very slow sometimes), plus I am more mobile now with an Android
  phone, 2 laptops, and a desktop computer.

  I looked at, RTM, Todoist, MLO, ActionComplete, Producteev,
  Astrid, ThinkingRock and several others. None compare to mGSD,
  subprojects being a key feature of mGSD that is lacking or not up to

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[tw] Re: Just can't figure it out, EditSectionPlugin

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Simmons
Hi, Axel —
You can add a style attribute to the textarea tag near the very end of 
the plugin script, like so:

 textarea name=content rows=15 cols=80 autocomplete=off 
 onchange=return config.macros.editSection.changed(this,event)/textarea

That ought to do the trick. 

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[tw] Re: shared pool of tags for multiple TWs

2011-07-13 Thread HansBKK

I'm happy to help you, but as you say it became a pretty wide-ranging topic, 
so rather than my trying to write a small book's worth of summary, why 
don't you ask some specific questions and I'll do my best to give you 
details of the solutions that worked best for me.

These questions could be based on snippets of my problem postings, or 
directly addressing what you're trying to accomplish in your use case.

Keep the hierarchical tagging side from the master pool of tiddlers 
idea, as they are completely separate ideas.


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[tw] Re: Just can't figure it out, EditSectionPlugin

2011-07-13 Thread HansBKK
Note that specifying a specific font like that will be of limited use if the 
TW's going to be viewed on different OSs.

Here's a more generic font stack if you are targeting Trebuchet-like 

font-family: Segoe UI, Bitstream Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream 
Vera Sans, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Verdana Ref, sans serif;

Note one should go (left to right) from rare/specific to common/general for 
best results. And of course actual font selection is largely a matter of 
taste - but watch out for wildly different font size issues between 
platforms, for example I removed Candara from this stack (wherever I stole 
it 8-) as it's much smaller than the rest, at least on windoze.

In case you just used Trebuchet as a random example, here's a few more of my 
favorite font stacks for various purposes:

/* Georgia-based serif stack */ 
font-family: Constantia, Lucida Bright, Lucidabright, Lucida Serif, 
Lucida, DejaVu Serif, Bitstream Vera Serif, Liberation Serif, Georgia, 

/* Sans-serif, Verdana-based */ 
font-family: Lucida Grande, Verdana, Lucida Sans Unicode, DejaVu Sans, 
Bitstream Vera Sans, Lucida Sans, sans-serif;

/* monospace */
font-family: Andale Mono WT, Andale Mono, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans 
Typewriter, DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Monaco, 
Courier New, monospace;

/* Traditional Garamond-based serif stack */ 
font-family: Palatino Linotype, Palatino, Palladio, URW Palladio L, 
Book Antiqua, Baskerville, Bookman Old Style, Bitstream Charter, 
Nimbus Roman No9 L, Garamond, Apple Garamond, ITC Garamond Narrow, 
New Century Schoolbook, Century Schoolbook, Century Schoolbook L, 
Georgia, serif;
/* Times New Roman-based serif stack */
font-family: Cambria, Hoefler Text, Utopia, Liberation Serif, Nimbus 
Roman No9 L Regular, Times, Times New Roman, serif;

/* Helvetica/Arial-based sans serif stack */
font-family: Frutiger, Frutiger Linotype, Univers, Calibri, Gill Sans, 
Gill Sans MT, Myriad Pro, Myriad, DejaVu Sans Condensed, Liberation 
Sans, Nimbus Sans L, Tahoma, Geneva, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, 
sans serif;


Actually, found my reference, probably where I got most of these:

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[tw] Re: sliders output is different font?

2011-07-13 Thread joel
Thank you Scott.  Yes, refreshing does fix the problem, but I can't
guarantee that other users will be so forgiving.  I notice that Eric's
nestedSliderPlugin has some code specifically for IE... something
about clipping problems?  Interesting also that IE8 is singled out
as being a bit problematic with fonts, by, for example
which says that:
  The value inherit is not supported in IE7 and earlier. IE8
requires a !DOCTYPE. IE9 supports inherit.
Unfortunately, I need this to work on IE systems.  Should I perhaps be
playing with the !DOCTYPE?

On Jul 13, 5:43 pm, Scott Simmons wrote:
 I think that has something to do with the browser's on-the-fly sizing of
 fonts.  I've noticed the same thing in IE8, for example, though it doesn't
 happen in IE9 or Firefox.

 If you're seeing the same thing I am, then you should be able to clean up
 the text by refreshing the TiddlyWiki.  (For me, it's slider panels in the
 Main Menu, SideBarTabs, and SideBarOptions where I see the effect on IE8 on
 my older XP computers.  Since the sliders' state is set by cookie,
 refreshing loads them in the opened state from the get-go, with smooth
 fonts.  If your sliders are inside a tiddler in the main DisplayArea, try
 getting the permalink from the TW toolbar -- or just adding #MyTiddlerName
 the URL -- and then load your TW with the sliders already open.)

 If this is indeed the effect you're seeing, you may be able to get around it
 by switching browsers (at least for your TiddlyWiking), since some handle it
 better than others.  Beyond that, I've never found a solution to the
 uglified display — but maybe someone will come along and drop some knowledge
 on us both!  :)

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[tw] mutiple tag-fields oder tagging-fields?

2011-07-13 Thread Cyrill

will it be possible to use in TW mutiple tag oder tagging fields and
if affimative, what have to be changed ?

I konw that every tiddler can contain individual added fields and I
think it will be usefull to use there all avantgages of tags or


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[tw] Re: mutiple tag-fields oder tagging-fields?

2011-07-13 Thread HansBKK
I'm not sure I understand so I'll try to re-phrase what I think you're 

Is it possible to store some of a tiddler's tags in an alternative field and 
still have all the native functionality of tagging as if they were all 
stored in the usual field?

Please let us know if the above is different from what you're asking.

This forum has had past threads that have discussed having a division 
between system or backstage tags, to be used for application 
functionality separate from user or content tags, but as far as I know 
the answer is no, or at least it would take a significant amount of 
development effort.

However this fine plugin will allow you to 
group your tags by function in the user interface, definitely helps me to 
keep my 1000+ tags sorted, only displaying the top 50 or so in a half-dozen 
groups, but allowing users to quickly search for the remainder.

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[tw] Re: Getting Details of a future date

2011-07-13 Thread PMario
Open a TW and put this into your eg: Firebug console: Command editor
and execute

new Date(20110714).formatString('!DDD') - !Thursday


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[tw] Re: Changing color of Dates

2011-07-13 Thread TW-User
Thank you

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[tw] Re: mutiple tag-fields oder tagging-fields?

2011-07-13 Thread Cyrill
Thanks Hans,

your explication gives what i asked for.. and thanks for the plugin,
that I used already.
The reason is to align and facilate the entering of new tiddlers.

The Datastructure needs much more refering tags than tiddlers - if the
answer is no the only solution will be with fields and pregiven
listboxes for selecting the tags.
To refer to 1000 tiddlers the data will include probably 3000 to 5000
tags or taggins.


On 13 Jul., 14:35, HansBKK wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand so I'll try to re-phrase what I think you're

 Is it possible to store some of a tiddler's tags in an alternative field and
 still have all the native functionality of tagging as if they were all
 stored in the usual field?

 Please let us know if the above is different from what you're asking.

 This forum has had past threads that have discussed having a division
 between system or backstage tags, to be used for application
 functionality separate from user or content tags, but as far as I know
 the answer is no, or at least it would take a significant amount of
 development effort.

 However this fine pluginhttp://tagsearch.tiddlyspot.comwill allow you to
 group your tags by function in the user interface, definitely helps me to
 keep my 1000+ tags sorted, only displaying the top 50 or so in a half-dozen
 groups, but allowing users to quickly search for the remainder.

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[tw] @@ rendering issue (bug?)

2011-07-13 Thread Russ Thomas
Hi guys

Not sure if this is a bug... the following does not render properly:

@@font:normal 10pt monospace;C:\this\is\a\path\@@ and @@font:normal 10pt

while this DOES render properly:

@@font:normal 10pt monospace;C:\this\is\a\path\@@
@@font:normal 10pt monospace;C:\this\is\a\path\too\@@

In the problem case, (first case), depending on something I haven't yet
determined, I either see the first path, or the second - but not both.


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[tw] Re: Permalinks refering to the same Wiki

2011-07-13 Thread Jan Johannpeter
Thanks a lot Hans! This is really a much better solution!

Am 13.07.2011 09:35, schrieb HansBKK:
 It might help us help you if you described the big picture of what
 you're trying to accomplish rather than implementation details.
 Perhaps Eric's story plugins would be helpful?

 These both also work with his MatchTags

 as does

 to create a link to open a set of tagged tiddlers with a single click.

 As you can see, getting familiar with the capabilities Eric brings to
 TW will be very much worth your while. . .

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[tw] Re: mutiple tag-fields oder tagging-fields?

2011-07-13 Thread HansBKK
In my humble opinion that's just whacked, and I thought *I* was tag-crazy! 
But hey it's your tiddlywiki 8-)

I still reckon tagsearch would be able to help out with the most common sets 
of tags, grouping them together to select visually, quicker than other 
alternatives I've found, automatically deselecting alternatives (like radio 
buttons) if you like, etc.

Then something like Intellitags for the rest in the normal edit window, I 
find that combination works OK for my thousand or so indexing terms.

By the way have a look at my pretty recent thread on keeping a standardized 
set of tags in one master TW and sharing that out for tagging purposes in 
as many children TWs as you like. Being able to maintain the taggly 
tiddlers all in one place really helps once performance issues force you to 
split your content out into multiple files. . .

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[tw] column header not showing

2011-07-13 Thread jt
I am trying to use the gridplugin so that I can have the editing in
cell capability but can not get a column header to show. Using Version
The code using is
grid tags:[[this]] columns:[[Date EndDate]] inline wikify edit 

The Test Wiki has in it
Date: 3/3/3
EndDate: 3/4/5

The dates show in columns, the row shows Test, The cells can be edited
and changes show back up in the Test Wiki but no show in columns.  The
table shows   which is hidden and I click on them they turn to 
but no show.
I'm sure it is something simple or is it that the plugin is out of

Enjoying TW

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[tw] Re: column header not showing

2011-07-13 Thread Måns
Hi jt

... but can not get a column header to show.

Maybe it's css related. Try putting this into your StyleSheet tiddler:

.viewer .grid thead td { color:red;background:transparent; }

It made my grid headings visible..

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: URGENT: Who owns raemes and

2011-07-13 Thread Kosmaton

I just noticed a similar case - all content ( favicon etc) of my veminra 
space, as opposed to the theme it uses, had been included in another space 
by someone experimenting with TW/TS. I got in touch with them (there was a 
link to their site) and they've kindly fixed it right away.

How about a flag to disallow inclusion of a particular space? To distinguish 
'building spaces' from 'building block spaces'.


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[tw] StoryViewer Macro referring to the Tiddler itself

2011-07-13 Thread Jan Johannpeter
Hello dear community
I tried to create standart macro which could put in each storytiddler to
make it oben it story.
 I tried this openStory +tiddler.title+ Zusammenstellung öffnen
öffnet alle Einträge der ersten Stunde which didn't work.
How do I do this correctly?

By the way: Wouldn't it be an Idea to create a checkbox to autocreate a
basic OpenStory button in the storytiddler in the Plugin?

greetings Jan

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[tw] Re: Just can't figure it out, EditSectionPlugin

2011-07-13 Thread axelm
Thanks for the tip Scott, but no go.
I have put your code in the plugin itself and the EditSectionPluginPanel, 
but no luck.
All I can change in the EditSectionPluginPanel is the cols and rows, 
everything else, I can change to anything I want, it is just being ignored.

here is the EditSectionPluginPanel contents:

form style=white-space:nowrap style=height:40em position:relative
input type=hidden name=title value=
input type=hidden name=section value=
input type=text name=newsection value= style=width:68% 
--input type=button value=save style=width:15%
--input type=button value=cancel style=width:15%
onclick=Popup.remove(); return false;
div class=editor2textarea name=content rows=20 cols=50 
autocomplete=off style=width:30em style=height:30em style=border:10 
style=font-family:Baskerville style=font-size:10pt
onchange=return config.macros.editSection.changed(this,event)


Thanks for any help,


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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki file can't / won't / is not saving... eep!

2011-07-13 Thread sanna
hmm... now it is saving fine, with no other changes on my part, except
for waiting a few hours.

oh, well. at least it is now working. :)

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[tw] Question about styling with TaggedTemplateTweak

2011-07-13 Thread Dave Gifford -
Hi guys

I have been digging through here trying to find this on my own, but I

I am using TaggedTemplateTweak to distinguish tiddlers by tag. All I
would really like to do is have all the external links inside a
tiddler tagged suchandsuch to be a certain color. But I have no idea
how to do that in the suchandsuchViewTemplate.


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[tw] Re: Question about styling with TaggedTemplateTweak

2011-07-13 Thread HansBKK
Warning - I'm not too sure about the below, so if a more knowledgeable TWer 
sees mistakes, corrections would be appreciated. . . 

This plugin is designed to change the view/edit *templates* to your 
customized ones, not change the display of the inline text within your 
tiddler's content. I think (just guessing really) if you put your external 
URLs in custom fields, and then use your custom templates to assign those 
fields specific CSS classes, then your custom rules in StyleSheet could 
dictate how those classes display. 

Another way - use the inline CSS @@ syntax around the URLs whose appearance 
you want to change, this doesn't require anything special with templates or 

If you're looking for a something to automagically distinguish offsite URLs 
and apply custom styling to just those, I don't know how to implement that, 
but I suspect it would need to be done by custom javascripting.

Hope this helps. . .

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[tw] Re: Question about styling with TaggedTemplateTweak

2011-07-13 Thread Dave Gifford -
Sorry Hans, I know there is a way to do what I mentioned without
manually adding syntax around every link. It either amounts to
tweaking the suchandsuchViewTemplate or adding a secondary Stylesheet.
Just don't know how to do either


On Jul 13, 10:22 pm, HansBKK wrote:
 Warning - I'm not too sure about the below, so if a more knowledgeable TWer
 sees mistakes, corrections would be appreciated. . .

 This plugin is designed to change the view/edit *templates* to your
 customized ones, not change the display of the inline text within your
 tiddler's content. I think (just guessing really) if you put your external
 URLs in custom fields, and then use your custom templates to assign those
 fields specific CSS classes, then your custom rules in StyleSheet could
 dictate how those classes display.

 Another way - use the inline CSS @@ syntax around the URLs whose appearance
 you want to change, this doesn't require anything special with templates or

 If you're looking for a something to automagically distinguish offsite URLs
 and apply custom styling to just those, I don't know how to implement that,
 but I suspect it would need to be done by custom javascripting.

 Hope this helps. . .

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