Thank you Scott.  Yes, refreshing does fix the problem, but I can't
guarantee that other users will be so forgiving.  I notice that Eric's
nestedSliderPlugin has some code specifically for IE... something
about "clipping problems?"  Interesting also that IE8 is singled out
as being a bit problematic with fonts, by, for example
which says that:
  The value "inherit" is not supported in IE7 and earlier. IE8
requires a !DOCTYPE. IE9 supports "inherit".
Unfortunately, I need this to work on IE systems.  Should I perhaps be
playing with the !DOCTYPE?


On Jul 13, 5:43 pm, Scott Simmons <> wrote:
> I think that has something to do with the browser's on-the-fly sizing of
> fonts.  I've noticed the same thing in IE8, for example, though it doesn't
> happen in IE9 or Firefox.
> If you're seeing the same thing I am, then you should be able to "clean up"
> the text by refreshing the TiddlyWiki.  (For me, it's slider panels in the
> Main Menu, SideBarTabs, and SideBarOptions where I see the effect on IE8 on
> my older XP computers.  Since the sliders' state is set by cookie,
> refreshing loads them in the opened state from the get-go, with smooth
> fonts.  If your sliders are inside a tiddler in the main DisplayArea, try
> getting the permalink from the TW toolbar -- or just adding #MyTiddlerName
> the URL -- and then load your TW with the sliders already open.)
> If this is indeed the effect you're seeing, you may be able to get around it
> by switching browsers (at least for your TiddlyWiking), since some handle it
> better than others.  Beyond that, I've never found a solution to the
> uglified display — but maybe someone will come along and drop some knowledge
> on us both!  :)

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