[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi @Wolfgang

You'll find some documentation about templating in the TiddlySpaceDocs
if you search for "tscan": 

I checked out plugins.tiddlyspace.com, however there was nothing -
then I went to http://translations.tiddlyspace.com, made a clone (by
including it into a new space) and called it extentions:
I changed the SiteTitle and the tagname "translation" to "plugin" in
the tscan macro used in the Welcom tiddler: http://extentions.tiddlyspace.com
It shows all sites with a SiteInfo tiddler tagged with "plugin"
If you click on the icon in the middle of the backstage you'll get
searchoptions which will let you search across the TiddlySpaceVerse
for anything you want...

You can create a Space which will fetch all kinds of material
published on TiddlySpace - and you are free to do so.
If you have a great idea for collecting documentation about plugins
(i.e. get the description slice and throw it into the template )
please sign up to TiddlySpace and I'll add you as a member of the
extentions space...

TiddlySpace isn't a new TiddlyWiki - it's a framework which lets us
use and exploit new ways of using tiddlywiki online - it has some
great features, like creating HTML representations of tiddlers and
binary files (yes you can upload images etc ...)

It would be really nice if some of "the old hackers" started using it
- so things could get more available from one place - TiddlySpace...

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

On 9 Nov., 01:36, wolfgang  wrote:
> > But it doesn't answer where are the plugins and the "hot news" and the
> > doc, etc...
> Wished it were otherwise - but I can only relate all too well.
> Actually took a break for quite some time from TW group and was
> happily using a TW version 2.5. When I checked back to find out what a
> year and whole version number later has additionally brought, I only
> found developers speech, which I was unable to understand. So I'm
> still almost clueless - the only new feature I just got aware of a day
> ago I can't find instructions for to be able to use it to it's full
> potential. Add to that that already now some even so consistently well
> designed plugins like Eric's don't work anymore... oh well..
> It's really no surprise that only very few new users get attracted.

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread wolfgang
> You'll find some documentation about templating in the TiddlySpaceDocs
> if you search for 
> "tscan":http://docs.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BtsScan%20macro%5D%5D

Thanks. Not much time right now. But right away: I seem to have been
mistaken thinking the new templating feature would be a feature of the
TW core itself. Now it seems it's actually a TiddlySpace plugin which
doesn't do much more than ForEach already could since a long time in

> If you click on the icon in the middle of the backstage you'll get
> searchoptions which will let you search across the TiddlySpaceVerse
> for anything you want...

I must be doing something wrong, because when I search for 'plugin' I
get 16 entries, for the 'systemConfig' tag 8, and both together it
shows just 9 plugins?? (in each of my TWs I'll find more...)

> You can create a Space which will fetch all kinds of material
> published on TiddlySpace - and you are free to do so.
> If you have a great idea for collecting documentation about plugins
> (i.e. get the description slice and throw it into the template )
> please sign up to TiddlySpace and I'll add you as a member of the
> extentions space...

You know what I do when I need to search for a plugin? I open an old
13MB TW where I imported all plugins until two years ago, exactly
because 'TiddlyHub' seemed never to catch up. 1300 systemConfigs and
almost 300 scripts in total. Though it's outdated I still always find
something useful or a hind where to look for.

At the time of it's creation FF wasn't that stable and often crashed
with this TW. Now that would be very improved..

> TiddlySpace isn't a new TiddlyWiki - it's a framework which lets us
> use and exploit new ways of using tiddlywiki online - it has some
> great features, like creating HTML representations of tiddlers and
> binary files (yes you can upload images etc ...)

If I can already have all these features in a standalone, why would I
dare to go there without the ability to create minimal testcase wikis
to ask for help, or find a mistake myself as a non-developer? All
those dependencies make it that much less hack-able.

> It would be really nice if some of "the old hackers" started using it
> - so things could get more available from one place - TiddlySpace...

Ok, I might give it a trial. But first would want to know what the 3
'includes': system-plugins, 'system-info' and 'system-images' do. Do I
need all these 83 'excludeLists' tiddlers, or can I delete them and
still have it fully functioning as with a regular stand-alone TW?

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi Wolfgang

>  can I delete them and still have it fully functioning as with a regular 
> stand-alone TW?

Yep :-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] ReIntro and feedback request about news space.

2011-11-09 Thread PMario
In reply to: http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/msg/2d2039216c76c818
( a post from "Important Message from Eric" [2])

I started a new topic, because this post will be way to - off topic -
to respond in erics post. It directly mentions something that I made,
which wasn't intended as a joke [5].

On Nov 9, 12:40 am, Yoann Babel  wrote:
--- snip ---
> and http://news.tiddlyspace.com /??? is that a joke ?? I don't have a
> clue of what this page is about.
Just to be sure. Did you see the "About" [1] page. If yes, the
discription contained, doesn't seem to be good enough. But without any
"constructive" feedback, what's missing, I didn't even have the chance
to make it better.

> Doesn't (at first glance) exactly give you the ideia of a great
> organised active communnity, no ?
Have a look at the intro message [3] and feel free to post here, to
make things better.

> And for the documentation, you give plenty of links ... but the
> question is : how easy are they to find WITHOUT asking on this
> list 
> idem for the plugins.
> How easy are they to find by themselfs ???
You are right. Documentation, is spread over too many places. IMO this
seems to be a (sometimes frustrating) side effect from TWs "non
linear" nature.

> TW ?
> The mailing list is not too active. No plugins announced for month ...
> Is Eric the only one standing ???
I don't think, that the mailing list is not active. The search term
"intro" [4] uncovers some of my recent posts/plugins

> and what about TW5 ??? no new on this list for so many time ... do I
> have to know the secret link hidden somewhere ?
IMO a lot of conceptual ideas have been integrated into TiddlySpace
but this should be answered by Jeremy.

> not so easy to "do" ;-)
My invitation from above still stands :)

have fun!

[1] http://news.tiddlyspace.com/#About
[5] http://news.tiddlyspace.com/

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread PMario
My response is off topic so it is there:

have fun!

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi Wolfgang
Sorry for the short answers...
> I seem to have been> mistaken thinking the new templating feature would be a 
> feature of the> TW core itself. Now it seems it's actually a TiddlySpace 
> plugin which> doesn't do much more than ForEach already could since a long 
> time in> stand-alones?
As I understand it is a feature of the tw-core itself -  You should be
able to do sth like:<> > I must be doing something wrong, because
when I search for 'plugin' I> get 16 entries, for the 'systemConfig'
tag 8, and both together it> shows just 9 plugins?? (in each of my TWs
I'll find more...)
I only get 9 tiddlers tagged with systemConfig as well? - Don't know
why... > You know what I do when I need to search for a plugin? I open
an old> 13MB TW where I imported all plugins until two years ago,
exactly> because 'TiddlyHub' seemed never to catch up. 1300
systemConfigs and> almost 300 scripts in total. Though it's outdated I
still always find> something useful or a hind where to look for.> > At
the time of it's creation FF wasn't that stable and often crashed>
with this TW. Now that would be very improved..
If you ported your plugins (maybe as packages with two, three or more
related plugins and scripts) to TiddlySpace you can collect all of
them in your own library/space of plugins and scripts -1 To provide an
overview for visitors2 Let other spaceusers benefit from your
collection3 Have a FAST loading TW with direct access to ALL plugins
and scripts you have collected .. > If I can already have all these
features in a standalone, why would I> dare to go there without the
ability to create minimal testcase wikis> to ask for help, or find a
mistake myself as a non-developer?
You can still create minimal testcases - Just create a new subspace
and delete all systembags (or make them private)
> All those dependencies make it that much less hack-able.
I don't agree - I still think of a space as a normal TiddlyWiki. You
get some extra options to interact with other spaces - and  share your
work in ways that wasn't possible before..As long as you don't change
any of the TiddlySpace-system-plugins TiddlySpace is just sth. which
happens from the backstage.IF you change some of the TSsystemPlugins/
tiddlers you might get in trouble when there is an upgrade taking
place - otherwise you are left alone with your own TW
> Ok, I might give it a trial. But first would want to know what the 3> 
> 'includes': system-plugins, 'system-info' and 'system-images' do.
If you click on the backstage to the left - select "Tiddlers" ->
"Spaces" and click each spacename you'll get a list of tiddlers
included from those spaces...
> Do I need all these 83 'excludeLists' tiddlers, or can I delete them and> 
> still have it fully functioning as with a regular stand-alone TW?
Yes You can, however I usually just include "classictheme" found at
http://themes.tiddlyspace.com (include it by writing "classictheme" in
the "includes"tab in the backstage to the left).Then I have a "normal"
looking TW, which behaves like one I would download from
Downloading and uploading.
It's very easy to upload an original "one-file"TW from Your hdd to
TiddlySpace. Simply select import from the backstage and choose
whether the uploaded tiddlers should be Private or Public. (If you
change your mind you can always batchconvert them from the backstage
Since uploading a TW to TiddlySpot has stopped working - this IS the
way to get your local TW to the net. (If you don't use your own server
and a ftp-client of course...)
I download a Space in three different ways:1) Go to the backstage to
the left - click the export tab and click download.(I don't really
need this because it downloads ALL plugins also the TiddlySpace
specific plugins and tiddlers - and I don't believe the synchronize
back to the server thing seems to work very well - please correct me
if I'm wrong...)2) Same as 1) however I import all tiddlers except
those which are serverspecific into a "normal" empty TW.(I change
View- and EditTemplates accordingly - so they don't use/try to show
user icons etc... - If I used "classictheme" - that's not a
problem... )3) I import the tiddlers I want from a Space (TiddlySpace
is Cors enabled) directly into a local TiddlyWiki...
Cheers Måns Mårtensson

On 9 Nov., 10:55, wolfgang  wrote:
> > You'll find some documentation about templating in the TiddlySpaceDocs
> > if you search for 
> > "tscan":http://docs.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BtsScan%20macro%5D%5D
> Thanks. Not much time right now. But right away: I seem to have been
> mistaken thinking the new templating feature would be a feature of the
> TW core itself. Now it seems it's actually a TiddlySpace plugin which
> doesn't do much more than ForEach already could since a long time in
> stand-alones?
> > If you click on the icon in the middle of the backstage you'll get
> > searchoptions which will let you search across the TiddlySpaceVerse
> > for anything you want...
> I must be doin

[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Sorry - sth happened to the formatting when I copied the message text
from another (locked) instance of this thread...
I will try to correct it here:

Hi Wolfgang

Sorry for the short answers...

> I seem to have been mistaken thinking the new templating feature would be a 
> feature of the TW core itself. Now it seems it's actually a TiddlySpace 
> plugin which doesn't do much more than ForEach already could since a long 
> time in stand-alones?

As I understand it is a feature of the tw-core itself -  You should
able to do sth like:

> I must be doing something wrong, because
when I search for 'plugin' I
> get 16 entries, for the 'systemConfig'
tag 8, and both together it
> shows just 9 plugins?? (in each of my TWs I'll find more...)

I only get 9 tiddlers tagged with systemConfig as well? - Don't know

> You know what I do when I need to search for a plugin? I open
an old> 13MB TW where I imported all plugins until two years ago,
> because 'TiddlyHub' seemed never to catch up. 1300 systemConfigs and
> almost 300 scripts in total. Though it's outdated I
still always find
> something useful or a hind where to look for.
> At the time of it's creation FF wasn't that stable and often crashed
> with this TW. Now that would be very improved..

If you ported your plugins (maybe as packages with two, three or more
related plugins and scripts) to TiddlySpace you can collect all of
them in your own library/space of plugins and scripts -
1 To provide an
overview for visitors
2 Let other spaceusers benefit from your
3 Have a FAST loading TW with direct access to ALL plugins
and scripts you have collected ..

> If I can already have all these features in a standalone, why would I
> dare to go there without the ability to create minimal testcase wikis
> to ask for help, or find a mistake myself as a non-developer?

You can still create minimal testcases - Just create a new subspace
and delete all systembags (or include "classictheme" or make them

> All those dependencies make it that much less hack-able.

I don't agree - I still think of a space as a normal TiddlyWiki. You
get some extra options to interact with other spaces - and  share
work in ways that wasn't possible before..
As long as you don't change any of the TiddlySpace-system-plugins
TiddlySpace is just sth. which
happens from the backstage.IF you change some of the TSsystemPlugins/
tiddlers you might get in trouble when there is an upgrade taking
place - otherwise you are left alone with your own TW

> Ok, I might give it a trial. But first would want to know what the 3
> 'includes': system-plugins, 'system-info' and 'system-images' do.

If you click on the backstage to the left - select "Tiddlers" ->
"Spaces" and click each spacename you'll get a list of tiddlers
included from those spaces...

> Do I need all these 83 'excludeLists' tiddlers, or can I delete them and> 
> still have it fully functioning as with a regular stand-alone TW?

Yes You can, however I usually just include "classictheme" found at
http://themes.tiddlyspace.com (include it by writing "classictheme"
the "includes"tab in the backstage to the left).Then I have a
looking TW, which behaves like one I would download from

Downloading and uploading.

It's very easy to upload an original "one-file"TW from Your hdd to
TiddlySpace. Simply select import from the backstage and choose
whether the uploaded tiddlers should be Private or Public. (If you
change your mind you can always batchconvert them from the backstage

Since uploading a TW to TiddlySpot has stopped working - this IS the
way to get your local TW to the net. (If you don't use your own server
and a ftp-client of course...)

I download a Space in three different ways:
1) Go to the backstage to the left - click the export tab and click
download.(I don't really
need this because it downloads ALL plugins also the TiddlySpace
specific plugins and tiddlers - and I don't believe the synchronize
back to the server thing seems to work very well - please correct me
if I'm wrong...)

2) Same as 1) however I import all tiddlers except those which are
serverspecific into a "normal" empty TW.(I change
View- and EditTemplates accordingly - so they don't use/try to show
user icons etc... - If I used "classictheme" - that's not a
problem... )

3) I import the tiddlers I want from a Space (TiddlySpace is Cors
enabled) directly into a local TiddlyWiki...

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread twgrp
I just added some to the tip jar.
Having gone back and forth to TW over the years I've "met" so much
generosity in this community, but Eric is truly in a class by himself.

BTW, regarding contributions, I found this service a while back:
It has a different, hmm, slice to it. Briefly, you decide *in advance*
how much you want to spend on contributions for that month. If flattr-
button A is clicked 10 times, button B 4 times and button C 1 time -
then, at the end of the month, A gets 10/15 of the whole sum , B gets
4/15 and C 1/15. I think it is a perfect concept for a community.

Another note regarding contributions, especially for super
contributors such as Eric:
I've long missed a central place dealing with "all" things tiddly. I
believe the problems mentioned in this thread are much due to a
lacking central effort (ie, the info/plugin/etc often exists...but
where?) Attempts solving parts of this, or even all of this, have been
made [1] but non quite succesful yet. IF there was such a place,
including eg. a discussion board or a knowledge wiki and [links to]
plugins, we could include something like the above mentioned
flattr.com solution in the templates for *every* post made and every
[link to] a plugin! Instead of eg. adding stars to a post, one could
voluntarily click for a little contribution (and without going through
the paypal hassle every time).

Heck, what about UnaMesa hosting a regular PayPal account that the
users voluntarily could pay into in advance to then 'distribute' as
per the flattr idea? If we had such a central place, I imagine it
should be an easy task to make a flattr-like local plugin. Then, as
per the flattr idea, at the end of the month (or other fequency?)
there is an automated payout into the receivers paypal accounts. You
know, I wouldn't even mind seeing an individual like Eric setting up a
private account where I could put in a little money that can then -
flattr like - be automatically distributed on eg a monthly basis to
*other* contributors paypal accounts. (Someone as established in the
community and so incredibly generous would likely not suddenly
"disappear"). Or maybe the team behind tiddlyweb/tiddlyspace which
seems to be the ideal place for a central community site.

Yet an idea would be to host such a flattr-type button in (some) very
plugins! It would bring the contribution out much more in the open and
remind people as they fiddle with their TW's. Note that if the user
has not pre-paid anything, then pressing such a button does not result
in anything so he has nothing to worry about. For someone like Eric,
an idea would be a flattr type plugin that, when installed by the
user, creates a button in the head for all other ELS plugins that the
user has installed, and when pressed it executes... etc.
This concept would not solve the potential wish to tip for verbal
contributions, such as here on the board, but maybe it's a step in the
right direction and worthy of a try?

Come to think of it, TW "ought to" have a backstage tiddler showing
statistics ranking the frequency of use for the plugins, or rather the
names of the plugin creators - and possibly a donation button next to
each ("My goodness, this guy has contributed to x% of my general TW
use!? He deserves a little click here!")

Further ideas:
A polling type system. When experts share their knowledge here or in
the form of plugins there is a risk that they only serve a few, or
even one, individual. A poll e.g regarding which plugins to develop
should increase the chances for contributions and tips by serving many
at a time. Would be perfect for a central community type place but
also possible as a stand alone (perhaps on tiddlyspace).

An extension of this would be "collective fund raising type tipping
solution". I started writing an explanation for this here but decided
that I'll let you think about it yourself because it would involve
some intricacies that I believe had better 'mature in the head' before
discussed. Just one thing though; Do recall that contributions are
voluntary to begin with, as is putting in dev time. Also, if the money
were to be placed with an intermediary host as suggested above, then
it wold again merely be a matter for the 'user' to decide how to
*distribute* money that is *already* given for contributions! (Eg. I
put in X dollars and then click 5 times on "issue" #6, 2 times on #12
and 1 time on #4)

I've seen other places such as, hm, was it the discussion boards for
phpBB or MyBB (they are open source forum software) where individuals
offer their professional services for solving specific issues and
prioritizing the individuals that contribute monetarily to them.
Obviously charging money does not need to restrict the open source
nature of the resulting code. (BTW their discussion forums use their
own forum software)


Tiddlywiki.org - http://tiddlywiki.org/
Tiddlyhub/repository - http://plugins.tiddlywiki.org/plugins/
The Community space - http://commu

[tw] On Leaving BT and Osmosoft

2011-11-09 Thread Jeremy Ruston
After four and a half years, I've decided to leave BT in order to
return to working as an independent consultant. Osmosoft will continue
within BT under the leadership of Matt Lucht, and I'll be doing some
work back to Osmosoft to help out. The formal announcement is here:


I'm hoping that through consulting I'll be able to work with a wider
range of people who are interested in TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb and
TiddlySpace. I also intend to focus some much needed time on
TiddlyWiki. I've started work on improving the content of
tiddlywiki.com, and am starting work on replacing the TiddlyWiki build
tools cook and ginsu with a more flexible toolchain based on node.js.
Once those two bits of infrastructure are in place then I'll pick up
TiddlyWiki5 again. I'm enjoying this work immensely; one of the
frustrating consequences of my position at BT was that I couldn't
spend much time coding.

I'm enjoying the feeling of decompressing. To be sincere and
constructive in working for an organisation like BT, you have to take
on the problems and perspective of the organisation as a whole. The
process is fascinating and instructive, and I've learned a lot from
it. But now I have the luxury of exchanging those concerns for some
much simpler ones: making TiddlyWiki good, and being able to earn a
living because of it.

I'll do my best to answer any questions,

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: ReIntro and feedback request about news space.

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi Mario

> I started a new topic, because this post will be way to - off topic -
> to respond in erics post. It directly mentions something that I made,
> which wasn't intended as a joke [5].

I think it was a brilliant idea and I'm trying to feature it on a
danish version of tiddlyspace here:

My hope is that danish linux and open source communities will use
tiddlyspace.dk (or similar) as the framework for communication and

I still have to do a lot of pr-work - I'm trying to indtroduce both
TiddlyWiki and TiddlySpace to danish users via blogs, in a magazine
(Fri-IT), videopodcasts (kanaltux.dk) and on groups G+ and linux-
abc.dk, where I have written a bunch of tutorials...

My latest writeup (work in progress)(for Fri-IT) is made on a
triptychtheme clone: http://fri-it-tiddlyspace.gir.dk ...

I'm trying to make my (danish)version of TiddlySpace easier to
navigate/more accesible by creating "tscans" à la @translations in
spaces for "plugins", "apps", "tips" etc - which can be found directly
via the tiddlyspace frontpage - there's still a lot of work to
do ...

I think it's crucial to have a lot of active users and they don't
neccesarily have to have the same agenda for using the service IF
things like your News Space is going to be effective...

Your @News Space - and your @Groupie idea and Jon's Caspian-ii Space
are perfect starting points for creating a new type of collaborative/
social spaceinteraction, where "tweets"/microblogging can turn out to
be fullblown projects with a lot of material interwoven/shared between
an indefinite number of participants - macrocontent could be hte
result ;-)

However we NEED some more users - not "just" great programmers working
"behind the scenes"... !!!

> You are right. Documentation, is spread over too many places. IMO this
> seems to be a (sometimes frustrating) side effect from TWs "non
> linear" nature.

TiddlySpace helps a lot - and I think it might help even more if
contributors like Yoann and Wolfgang would port their work to
I think they would LOVE to see other users interact with their
creations - TiddlySpace is a great "TiddlyPlace" to do that :-)

> I don't think, that the mailing list is not active. The search term "intro" 
> [4] uncovers some of my recent posts/plugins

Mario - your and Tobias' contributions to the TiddlyWikiVerse these
past two years has been FANTASTIC and not just "kept things alive" - I
have really enjoyed following your progres and using your
contributions - both CSS and plugins.
I admire the fact that you both did the "jump" to TiddlySpace and
contributed to make it into what it is now: a plethora of many, many
possible combinations of themes and plugins.
To me, you (Tobias, Jon, Fnd and Eric) stand out as the ones who has
shown us all that nothing is impossible - and new things can happen -
if you'r a dilligent, innovative and openminded craftsman...
Thanks for all of your GREAT work - and please don't let hard times or
ignorance kill the spirit!!!
It's not always pleasant to be the pioneer who enters unchartered land
- however I hope you'll get paid too - in one way or another - because
your work has been invaluable for TW, this community and
TiddlySpace... - no "amateur hour" at all - but a playground for
geniusses like yourself!!
The idea of "selling" TW better and to a broader audience might be
someone elses "playground" - and we all have an interest in getting
the message out - however there is no reason why things can't happen
at the same time - and I think TiddlySpace is a huge step forward in
that direction...

I'm an amateur - both as a TW-user and as a salesman, however I
introduce all my students, their parents and my collegues to TW
(almost) every time I communicate with them.
I write articles and tutorials and discuss TW with (almost) every
individual I encounter on groups anywhere - either as a container for
information we share or as a possible solution for almost any kind of
informational problem they encounter... I think I say, or write
"TiddlyWiki" or "http://sth.tiddlyspace.com - or gir.dk" at least 10
times pr day -  I guess that is what I can do

Please keep up the good work - and the spirit :-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

> IMO a lot of conceptual ideas have been integrated into TiddlySpace
> but this should be answered by Jeremy.
> > not so easy to "do" ;-)
> My invitation from above still stands :)
> have fun!
> mario
> [1]http://news.tiddlyspace.com/#About
> [2]http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_thread/thread/25c4ce...
> [3]http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_thread/thread/3f01fd...
> [4]http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/search?group=tiddlywiki&q=i...
> [5]http://news.tiddlyspace.com/

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[tw] Re: ReIntro and feedback request about news space.

2011-11-09 Thread Julio
Hello Mans and all,

Had there been a +1 button I would have given you one.
My same sentiments indeed.
Without the generosity and constant efforts of this community I would
have lost interest a looong time ago.
Just my 2 cents.
**Well, back to listening... :)**

Best regards,


On Nov 9, 9:13 am, Måns  wrote:
> Hi Mario
> > I started a new topic, because this post will be way to - off topic -
> > to respond in erics post. It directly mentions something that I made,
> > which wasn't intended as a joke [5].
> I think it was a brilliant idea and I'm trying to feature it on a
> danish version of tiddlyspace here:http://tiddlyspace.gir.dk
> My hope is that danish linux and open source communities will use
> tiddlyspace.dk (or similar) as the framework for communication and
> development...
> I still have to do a lot of pr-work - I'm trying to indtroduce both
> TiddlyWiki and TiddlySpace to danish users via blogs, in a magazine
> (Fri-IT), videopodcasts (kanaltux.dk) and on groups G+ and linux-
> abc.dk, where I have written a bunch of tutorials...
> My latest writeup (work in progress)(for Fri-IT) is made on a
> triptychtheme clone:http://fri-it-tiddlyspace.gir.dk...
> I'm trying to make my (danish)version of TiddlySpace easier to
> navigate/more accesible by creating "tscans" à la @translations in
> spaces for "plugins", "apps", "tips" etc - which can be found directly
> via the tiddlyspace frontpage - there's still a lot of work to
> do ...
> I think it's crucial to have a lot of active users and they don't
> neccesarily have to have the same agenda for using the service IF
> things like your News Space is going to be effective...
> Your @News Space - and your @Groupie idea and Jon's Caspian-ii Space
> are perfect starting points for creating a new type of collaborative/
> social spaceinteraction, where "tweets"/microblogging can turn out to
> be fullblown projects with a lot of material interwoven/shared between
> an indefinite number of participants - macrocontent could be hte
> result ;-)
> However we NEED some more users - not "just" great programmers working
> "behind the scenes"... !!!
> > You are right. Documentation, is spread over too many places. IMO this
> > seems to be a (sometimes frustrating) side effect from TWs "non
> > linear" nature.
> TiddlySpace helps a lot - and I think it might help even more if
> contributors like Yoann and Wolfgang would port their work to
> TiddlySpace.
> I think they would LOVE to see other users interact with their
> creations - TiddlySpace is a great "TiddlyPlace" to do that :-)
> > I don't think, that the mailing list is not active. The search term "intro" 
> > [4] uncovers some of my recent posts/plugins
> Mario - your and Tobias' contributions to the TiddlyWikiVerse these
> past two years has been FANTASTIC and not just "kept things alive" - I
> have really enjoyed following your progres and using your
> contributions - both CSS and plugins.
> I admire the fact that you both did the "jump" to TiddlySpace and
> contributed to make it into what it is now: a plethora of many, many
> possible combinations of themes and plugins.
> To me, you (Tobias, Jon, Fnd and Eric) stand out as the ones who has
> shown us all that nothing is impossible - and new things can happen -
> if you'r a dilligent, innovative and openminded craftsman...
> Thanks for all of your GREAT work - and please don't let hard times or
> ignorance kill the spirit!!!
> It's not always pleasant to be the pioneer who enters unchartered land
> - however I hope you'll get paid too - in one way or another - because
> your work has been invaluable for TW, this community and
> TiddlySpace... - no "amateur hour" at all - but a playground for
> geniusses like yourself!!
> The idea of "selling" TW better and to a broader audience might be
> someone elses "playground" - and we all have an interest in getting
> the message out - however there is no reason why things can't happen
> at the same time - and I think TiddlySpace is a huge step forward in
> that direction...
> I'm an amateur - both as a TW-user and as a salesman, however I
> introduce all my students, their parents and my collegues to TW
> (almost) every time I communicate with them.
> I write articles and tutorials and discuss TW with (almost) every
> individual I encounter on groups anywhere - either as a container for
> information we share or as a possible solution for almost any kind of
> informational problem they encounter... I think I say, or write
> "TiddlyWiki" or "http://sth.tiddlyspace.com- or gir.dk" at least 10
> times pr day -  I guess that is what I can do
> Please keep up the good work - and the spirit :-)
> Cheers Måns Mårtensson
> > IMO a lot of conceptual ideas have been integrated into TiddlySpace
> > but this should be answered by Jeremy.
> > > not so easy to "do" ;-)
> > My invitation from above still stands :)
> > have fun!
> > mario
> > [1]http://news.tiddlyspace.c

[tw] Re: On Leaving BT and Osmosoft

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi Jeremy

> To be sincere and constructive in working for an organisation like BT, you 
> have to take
> on the problems and perspective of the organisation as a whole. The
> process is fascinating and instructive, and I've learned a lot from
> it. But now I have the luxury of exchanging those concerns for some
> much simpler ones: making TiddlyWiki good, and being able to earn a
> living because of it.

I wish you all the best - and hope to hear about your new ventures on
these threads!
As you can read from recent posts there are a lot of
thinking(concerns) going on -  on the same matter: "Earning a living
because of TW", "Using TW as the platform for a new single-page app"
or "making professional strategies with TW" etc ...

It's something of a coincidence that both Eric Shulman and You are in
a similar situation?!
Please get in contact and enjoy that you have some common grounds.
I believe we can all benefit from your ventures into the private
consulting business... - even if it's "just" some new plugins or a
"new application" based on TW.
Please ask if you need help of any kind..

Congratulations, good luck - and all the best.

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Tackling File Importing in modern browsers

2011-11-09 Thread rakugo
I've had a go at rewriting the TiddlyWiki file importer using the
HTML5 file api http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/

It works in Firefox but not Chrome but it seems hopeful. It would be
good for others to try it out.

Simply slot this plugin into your shiny new Firefox version which you
cannot import from:
and hopefully importing will be possible again...

Let me know how you get on.

See the related issue here:

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[tw] WriteType as a TiddlyWiki?

2011-11-09 Thread Måns
Hi TwWizards

I just discovered WriteType, and I wonder if it would be feasible/
possible to create a TiddlyWiki clone with (almost) already available
plugins?? :

"WriteType is a free (and open source) program that helps younger
students experience success in writing. It is designed especially for
schools to transform technology from a barrier into an opportunity for
success. Some major features include:

Word Completion — As students type, word suggestions appear on the
right-hand side of the screen to complete the word being typed.
Clicking on the desired word will finish the word. WriteType will also
learn a student’s habits over time and make more relevant suggestions
based on what has already been written.
Reading Back the Document — WriteType will read back written text,
allowing students to catch errors they may not have caught reading it
back themselves.
Highlighting — Sections of the document can be quickly highlighted
while typing or while listening to the document being read back. This
lets students quickly flag areas they need to go back and review.
Grammar checking — WriteType will underline simple grammar and
formatting mistakes in the document, and offer to make the necessary
Auto-correction — Common errors, such as typing isnt instead of isn’t,
will be corrected automatically without the need for intervention."

Read more here:  http://www.socsci.umn.edu/~shinn024/writetype/index.html

If we could autogenerate a filtered list (suggestions) based on what
is being written in a tiddler (in editmode) - maybe with Eric's
PreviewPlugin as a wikifier/middlestep - and this list is getting it's
words/material from a line separated list of words (a glossary in any
language) - maybe some bits from an already existing "alias macro"
could do the job of autogenerating the "suggestions list"??
If clicking one of the suggested aliases would result in writing that
word instead of what was typed - that would awesome - however not a
necessary requirement 

There are already online "reading back" devices which can be embedded
some way or another - even if it just has to be an external link...

Highlighting: @@,,@@

Grammar checking is part of a modern browser..

Auto-correction could be something that only happens when you click
done - and again I recon the AliasPlugin (in a modded version for
text) and a simple lineseparated list "some glossary" - can do the

Just an idea for develloping an app which might SELL TW as a writing
aid program ;-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread tiddlygrp
Hi Eric,

I wish you success.  Your plugins are a great inspiration.

What makes your work so important is that it is focused on tiddlywiki
itself.  I value that much more than the developments in tiddlyspace.
For me tiddlyspace looks just like another server based system, but
tiddlywiki is special.

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[tw] Re: On Leaving BT and Osmosoft

2011-11-09 Thread tiddlygrp
Hi Jeremy,

that sounds like great news for yourself and tiddlywiki.  I hope that
you new found freedom will give you the opportunity to develop
tiddlywiki further.

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[tw] Re: TW as SQLite front end

2011-11-09 Thread tiddlygrp
Hi Okido,

there was a server based tw implementation using sqlite (and tcl) as a
backend called twiki.  The  filename was

Also you can use tw with the firefox addon pow (webserver for firefox)
to access sqlite db's.  However that needs programming.

On Nov 7, 6:23 pm, okido  wrote:
> Is there anybody out there who connected TW as a front end to a SQLite
> DB ?
> Thanks, Okido

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Re: mGSD feature request: Done Actions list with scroll-Bar in Project template

2011-11-09 Thread blaabaer
many thanks!
It looks a bit different, (the header is part of the scrolling text now, 
and it is always there, also when empty). 

But it is more than good enough for me!


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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread wolfgang
> Sorry for the short answers...

Thanks for taking the time for such detailed responses, Måns. Try to
keep myself short.

>  You should be able to do sth like:
> <>

Why should I spent many, many hours to recreate what ForEachTiddler
already does? - maybe only to realize that it wont be as capable?

> If you ported your plugins...

First they aren't mine, and I know for sure at least Eric wouldn't be
glad to have his earlier versions of plugins or scripts distributed.
They are already collected without the slightest need of the for me
not understandable or hackable technology of Tiddlyspace. For sharing
it I only would have to share a link to my dropbox (but only if Eric
explicitly allows). And it already loads under 3 seconds from my
drive, which no online version could beat.

By the way, I already made a detailed link list of all TWs with update
dates from which I imported everything from on tiddlywiki.org's page:
"Where do I find plugins?". Tiddyspace's new version only made this
list gone! For destroying former already sparse contributions of this
community TiddlySpace wouldn't have been needed, don't you think?

> I don't agree - I still think of a space as a normal TiddlyWiki.

Well, I shouldn't have followed your earlier answer under time-
pressure: that I could delete everything as it is the case with a
'normal' TW  (..without making a backup ;-). I beat my self and
destroyed my first Tiddlyspace faster than any TW before: under a

Do I need a paid consultant now I can't afford? - Certainly not,
because standalone TWs simply work. Or I'm able to track a serious
error myself.

As it seems now Tiddlyspace isn't normal and client centered at all.
It's crowded with tiddlers which aren't delete or tagable, so in my
view they don't deserve to be called 'tiddlers', even in it's most
minimal state it's tab tags is already crowded with tags with no use
for any user.

Please clean this up, at the most have only one single systemConfig
tiddler with all the Tiddlyspace stuff, it's anyway completely
interdependent and undocumented stuff which should really be invisible
or shadowed. And better still, include it with a script in
MarkupPostBody shadowed tiddler.

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[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread Tobias Beer

First and foremost, you have been the #1 resource in the TiddlyWiki
community for as long as I know it and I would not like at all to
slowly see you leave this place.

I am most grateful that you parted some of your valuable knowledge on
the inner workings of this marvelous piece of self-empowerment with
me ...and most all of us here and elsewhere.

I believe, TiddlyWiki has a lot of potential to empower individuals on
so many levels. But those potentials cannot fully unfold for a number
of reasons which, I believe, are...
- the standalone paradigm, lacking fundamental server-side and
messaging concepts as well as a harmonized "external resource
- an overblown core that imposes much more than a "core" really has
to ...or perhaps a basic MVC pattern that woud allow to easily swap,
at least, the VC part of the portfolio
- an incredibly powerful TiddlyWeb which, presumably, way too quickly
had been pushed onto a "market" (?!?) dressed up in TiddlySpace

...but let's not blame TiddlySpace for things. It sure has helped to
further improve its much more essential foundation... which is
TiddlyWeb... thanks to a certain group of very inspirational
masterminds behind both, including Jeremy.

When it comes to good ol' TiddlyWiki, I would have hoped by now that a
core had emerged (with TiddlyWiki 5?) which is streamlined in just the
same way as a linux kernel supposedly is... or maybe was in some
idealized, imaginary version of it.

I agree with most of the so far articulated criticism, especially with
all those that call for - and have long called for (including myself)
- a powerful COMMUNITY PLATFORM, i.e. a plugin / documentation / use-
case / etc...  repository for the TiddlyVerse.

I wish this TiddlyVerse had a different "core" in terms of a central
vision, basic tentets and yes, marketing efforts, ...for a "good" and
open-source cause... which made it way more accessible to "the world"
at large.

I believe, the missing link truly is a server-side that comes along
with the very same spirit of simplicity, expressiveness and
flexibility as TiddlyWiki... which to mold and bake one is free to
explore ...with a reasonable level of expertise, of course ...and,
well, resource requirements.

Besides being based on python, I don't even think that TiddlyWeb is
that far from being exactly that. Heck, if python hosting were as
popular and freely available as PHP hosting, TiddlyWeb would have
gained significantly more momentum by now.

Although Wolfgang (and in terms of silence, Eric, too) expressed a
certain reluctancy, I do indeed believe that TiddlySpace (or rather
TiddlyWeb) is a much understated technology that follows exactly this
paradigm... opening up the idea of whatever a "tiddler" represents to
a larger public.

But then, there is a certain conflict of interest between the self
empowering, standalone TiddlyWiki that we know and have grown to
cherish with all its somewhat hidden, yet feature rich expressiveness
which sure is difficult to decipher and to unveil for noobs or which
for one (who is required to follow "governance" principles or one who
desperately wishes there was a multiuser enabled environment) finds
difficult to rely on the one hand ...and the "centralized" hack- and
expandable community-thing, namely Tiddlyspace, that makes content
generation and sharing "oh so easy" on the other... but maybe also

Rather than providing a solid server side, TiddlySpace tries to
compete on a playground where by default it seems to have a tough
standing in terms of marketing budget, conversion potential or
professional appearance that in no way compare to that of Facebook,
Google+ or many, many other content authoring and sharing platforms
like Tumblr, Soup.io and Co.

Maybe, just maybe, TiddlySpace not only hardly lives up to the
potential that TiddlyWeb has in store but also imposes a governance
pattern to current (server-side) TiddlyWiki development efforts which
creates a funny feeling to a significant number of formerly self-
empowered tiddly-enthousiast.

One thing is for sure, ServerSides are the way to go in the
TiddlyWorld... based on the powerful idea of a tiddler (or whatever
you want to call it) and the ease of web based data manipulation that
javascript provides... to end users.

The missing link has always been equally powerful, adaptable server-
sides... providing a persistence layer based on the most simple
patterns conceivable... if not, exactly those that TiddlyWeb already
does entail.

If TiddlyWebWiki were to marry with projects like Diaspora,
BitTorrent, even Erlang, then we could talk business... but I find it
hard to believe that a "have your TiddlySpace" kind of playground will
live up to its underlying potential, at all... although I do indeed
enjoy my admittedly unstructured (and way too random) 5 minutes of
playing with it here and there.

Although I would believe that Eric himself never seemed to participate
in or muh care for the server side of the re

[tw] Re: Important Message from Eric

2011-11-09 Thread iain
I would like to reiterate much of what has been said here, firstly the
praise for Eric's work and support for the whole TW community.

But secondly I too have thought that TW is slowly dying. I am a user
not a developer - I want tools for my work because I love my work
(history and archaeology) and am not skilled or particularly
interested in programming. I have modified and customised  Dave
Gifford's/Morris Gray's basic tool for note taking but am frustrated
by problems with updating the basic TW core and with browser
incompatibilities. Surely these are key issues, something you
shouldn't need to figure out work arounds to deal with.

I am beginning to wonder whether for what I use TW for, which is note
taking and organisation of historical information, Microsoft (there I
said it) One Note might not be more effective and user friendly.



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