Re: [tw] Re: TiddlyFox encoding

2012-12-24 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Michał

Sorry for the delayed reply, I've been only slowly catching up with a huge
email backlog. And thank you to you and Chris for figuring out the jQuery

Can you publish the source code of your add-on? I'd be interested to
understand what it does differently. Can it be structured as a pull request
to TiddlyFox, or does it work in a different way?

Many thanks,


On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 2:19 PM, wrote:

 I had the same problem with wrong encoding when using this addon and TW
 2.6.5. I have investigated the issue and wrote my own addon from scratch
 using Mozilla Add-on Builder. You can download it from Note that you need to uninstall TiddlyFox before
 testing mine because both addons don't work together properly.

 I'll let you test it and if it works fine, either I'll try to fix Jeremy's
 addon or agree with him to take mine because two simple addons doing the
 same thing certainly don't make sense; this is why I haven't published mine
 on Mozilla Add-ons website.

 Some technical remarks: jQuery embedded in TW 2.6.5 contains one two-byte
 UTF-8 character, it's just after the (e.browser.safari=!0),j.test(fragment 
 of the file. This character isn't encoded correctly by TiddlyFox
 while my addon handles it properly. The easiest test is to download empty TW
 2.6.5, modify a tiddler,
 enter some unicode characters like ąę, save, and compare with non-edited
 empty TW 2.6.5 in encoding-aware diff tool. If both files have UTF-8
 encoding, the relevant bit in jQuery doesn't differ, and your edited
 tiddler is correct as well, you have a confirmation that the addon works


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Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: Cannot edit or delete a few tiddlers

2012-12-24 Thread rafaeld
Thank you, David, for the quick and thoughtful reply. I'm still working 
through your possible things to try.

I saw last week that you had created dGSD and appreciated your significant 
contribution to the community. My biggest fear with TW/MGSD is lack of 
support and development. You are addressing that. I just took a quick look 
at dGSD. (I like the books feature!) My main question is whether you intend 
to stick with it for a couple of years. Knowing that would give me more 
confidence to try it. (Also, I use Areas a lot. dGSD doesn't deprecate 
those, does it?)

Thank you again for your reply and your contributions to the community.

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[tw] Re: Cannot edit or delete a few tiddlers

2012-12-24 Thread rafaeld
I actually decided to try to jump directly to using dGSD. Having trouble 
importing in FF 17, so am trying to do in FF14. Even though I'm using the 
import tiddler plugin and have source file in same directory, it just hangs 
trying to open the list of tiddlers. 

So I downloaded another empty version of dGSD. Before i've done anything to 
the file, I get the error in macro plugins message, and find no clear 
solutions in Google. 

It's Christmas Eve and I don't expect support on this today (or tomorrow). 
Do your life, everybody. 

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[tw] Re: Cannot edit or delete a few tiddlers

2012-12-24 Thread David Szego
Wiln reply in detail later, but 2 tips - import using #start:safe in FF14 is 
almost guaranteed, and dont import with the browse-for-file button, put 
file:///same-path-to-your-tw/dGSD-export.html in the import URL field, then 
click open.

Thanks for jumping in! And I suspect I'll be at it for quite a while so long 
as browsers and TW5 (eventually) support everything smoothly! Glad you like the 
books feature... thats the whole reason I started using a TW at all, but since 
I couldnt find a good book notes keeper I decided I had to write one, so then 
of course I had to write a project manager to manage the project of writing a 
book notes keeper,and so came dGSD. After that I was finally able to write a 
book notes keeper. You know how these things happen!!

Happy holidays,

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[tw] Re: Cannot edit or delete a few tiddlers

2012-12-24 Thread rafaeld
David, I am replying now while it's fresh in my mind. I don't expect you to 
reply for perhaps 48 hours or next week if you're doing away.  Happy 

I'm doing all the following using FF14 on MSWin7 (I generally use Linux, 
but moved to my Win box where I have FF14). Also, I'm downloading a fresh 
version of dGSD, copying it and renaming the file but making no other 
changes except as noted below. The operations below are performed on the 
file that was the renamed copy:

If I use #start:safe, that seems to disable all plugins and I get CORS 
error (even just putting in full path or file only, without browsing) when 
trying to important source TW file in same directory. However, the way to 
work around CORS error is TiddlyFileImportr plugin. But even if I install 
it, I can't activate it because I'm in #start:safe and no plugins can be 

If I do NOT use #start:safe, when i click on plugins I see error in 
macroplugins.  That's even before i try to install TiddlyFileImportr so 
I don't bother. 

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[tw] Unable to import tiddlers from Tiddlythemes website because CORS not enabled

2012-12-24 Thread Julie Gray

Hi there, please could the tiddlythemes webmaster enable CORS on his site 
so that I can import the themes (see error below). Or is it something else?

Any help/advice much appreciated.


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