[tw] Re: Win 7 64 bit - Tiddlydesktop throws internal javascript error

2018-01-13 Thread Brian Kennedy
Thank you Jeremy.

On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 3:47:56 PM UTC+2, Brian Kennedy wrote:
> I have a problem using Tiddlydesktop on Win7
> When I edit a tiddler I (almost) always get an  internal javascript error 
> when I close it or attempt to save it.
> However it works fine on Firefox.
> It may be relevant to note that I am using it to track tasks as in this 
> tutorial by Francis  Meetze
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMGpAW0z_Bo=PLzZCajspPU_UjFn0uy-J9URz0LP4zhxRK
> As the files are 2MB I have not attached them but will if anyone asks.
> My setup is this:
> Win 7 64 bit Enterprise ver 6.1
> IE is default browser (11.0.96)
> TiddlyDesktop version 0.0.9
> Editing files work fine on Firefox 57.0.4 64bit (no TiddlyFox)
> Thanks,
> Brian

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[tw] is there a way to get the "find" function in TW desktop version?

2018-01-13 Thread Dave
is there a way to get the "find" function in TW desktop version?

I've made the switch to TW desktop, but I find I miss having the browser 
function of "ctrl-f" to find words on the screen if I have a lot of text 
going on.  Is there a way to get this function?  I know the normal "Search" 
will find the tiddler, but it doesn't show it on the screen where the exact 
word is.


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[tw] Re: Please send me links to your themes, adaptations, plugins, macros, etc

2018-01-13 Thread Dave Gifford - http://www.giffmex.org/
Up to 250 entries. Added a number of things. Same place: 

On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 10:53:18 AM UTC-5, Dave Gifford - 
http://www.giffmex.org/ wrote:
> Hi all
> I am starting a modest index of TiddlyWiki tools here: 
> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM. To paraphrase Troy 
> McClure, "You might remember me from such cult classics as TiddlyVault and 
> TiddlyWiki for the rest of us." This project won't be as fancy as those. I 
> am doing this for my own benefit, but I am making it available for anyone 
> who wants to bookmark it. I am using Dynalist rather than TiddlyWiki since 
> Dynalist is faster for creating multilevel outlines that collapse and 
> expand. 
> I am open to anyone sending me - by private message, not as a reply here - 
> links to their themes, adaptations, tools (plugins and macros and ui 
> tweaks), how to tutorials, and stuff you used TW for. I will be super busy 
> for the next month or so, including 6 days of traveling back to Mexico, so 
> this will be a slow effort for now. Please be patient. Also, if it is 
> really technical stuff only for the most advanced, I might not include it 
> or I might only paste the links into a 'Developers only' category. I am 
> looking more for stuff tailored to newbies or to modestly skilled tweakers 
> and creators like me.
> I am also looking for things I remember but can't find my links to - the 
> old glass theme someone made, some of the very first stuff matabele did, 
> experiments with presentations and slideshows, various task management / 
> GTD adaptations and experiments...
> Thanks in advance for anyone who helps me out. 

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[tw] Found a Telegram group about Tiddlywiki

2018-01-13 Thread PLATO
 Tiddlywiki Group:https://t.me/Tiddlywiki2spot

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[tw] [TW5] "Field image" plugin

2018-01-13 Thread Junopus

I made a plugin to embed image into a single tiddler: 

Let me introduce this plugin.

The drag'n drop mechanism of TiddlyWiki is great, but I am often annoyed to 
name every single image tiddler.
I always have to make an unique name of image tiddlers despite the fact 
that I use almost all images only once.
I've hoped long that I could embed images inside a single tiddler, and I 
figured out a way to do that.
Technically, it's simply set the base64-encoded dataURI to arbitrary field 
and refer it by img tag: "" (After the version 5.1.16 
be released, the tag string will be automatically copied to clipboard).

Please take a look at this plugin and try it.

Thank you,

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[tw] Re: How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
You don't mention what tabs you want this used in. It turns out that you 
can over-ride timeline behavior (used by the Recent tab and others) by 
making a tiddler with the following contents:

\define timeline-title()
<$list filter="[all[current]regexp:tags[\bJa\b]]" 
variable="dum">@@color:red;<$view field="caption"><$view 
<$list filter="[all[current]!regexp:tags[\bJa\b]]" variable="dum"><$view 
field="caption"><$view field="title"/>

Make it global by marking it with $:/tags/Macro

Note that this uses regular expressions and can be 'tricked' if for some 
strange reason you tag something with "Ja Ja" or "Ja Ja Ja". In other 
words, depending on the tag name you pick, it might be confused by tags 
with multiple words in them.

Good luck

-- Mark

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 3:39:38 PM UTC-8, Surya wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have the field "caption" automatically set to a value, if a 
> tiddler is tagged with Ja.
> The value should be @@color:lightgreen;TheTitleOfTheTiddler@@
> In this way the tiddlers tagged with Ja are shown in lightgreen letters on 
> the sidebar.
> How do I automatically set a field value?
> And the problem is, that the title is always different.
> I made the same with the background of the tiddler-title, tagged with Ja 
> with:
> div.tc-tagged-Ja .tc-tiddler-title { background-color: lightgreen; }
> In that way, the background of the title gets automatically lightgreen, if 
> it is tagged with Ja.
> But how to do with the caption-field?
> Regards, Surya

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[tw] Re: How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi Tony,

I know that the sidebar displays caption rather than title - but with the 
colours set from the palette, is it not so? Changes in the palette changes 
a lot of other places too.


Den søndag den 14. januar 2018 kl. 01.18.46 UTC+1 skrev TonyM:
> The side bar displays the caption rather than title if they exist. By 
> placing formats in the caption title it may change the display.
> I would create a custom list and tag it to appear in the sidebar, ion that 
> I would put the Color and logic there rather than in each caption. Perhaps 
> have a caption Color field.
> Tony

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi again Surya,

Your TW will work on tiddlyspot if your tiddlywiki contains everything for 
your solution to work. If you want things saved to tiddlyspot, you have to 
work on your wiki there from the browser. Or upload a new wiki.

I am working in single file TW, so uploading my wiki uploads everything.

You work in one file where you have that OR on your tiddlyspot wiki. 
Nothing will automatically go anywhere.

Working in your wiki on tiddlyspot saving is NO problem. Tiddlyspot has 
backup (love that one). Now I wrote about sharing wiki but really you can 
create a password protected wiki on tiddlyspot, if you so wish.

If you are nervous for your wiki, create a tiddlyspot and put a fresh empty 
tiddlywiki there. Then you have tried it and you can drag and drop tiddlers 
to it, when you surf to find solutions for your next task.


Den søndag den 14. januar 2018 kl. 00.48.21 UTC+1 skrev Surya:
> Okay
> No, I didn't do anything like this before.
> If I would upload it to http://tiddlyspot.com, would the tiddlers & 
> solution I made of my wiki (TW5) work there??
> Would I have to upload there also my plugins, which are needed for some 
> solutions in my wiki?
> And if I have new solutions, are they automatically saved / uploaded 
> there? I think no...?
> Same questions for http://tiddlywiki5.tiddlyspot.com/. I have TW5 version 
> 5.1.15.
> Surya

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[tw] Re: How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread TonyM
The side bar displays the caption rather than title if they exist. By placing 
formats in the caption title it may change the display.

I would create a custom list and tag it to appear in the sidebar, ion that I 
would put the Color and logic there rather than in each caption. Perhaps have a 
caption Color field.


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[tw] Re: How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
Hi Birthe,

I discovered this great feature just a few days before :-)
if I have tiddler called joke and shown in the sidebar and write manually 
in the caption-field @@color:red;funny@@, then I see this tiddler like this 
in the sidebar

You can see it in my picture about the popup-problem in the task-list. In 
the sidebar on the right side there is one tiddler in lightgreen, the 
others are all in lightgrey.

But I would to have that automatically done, because
1. it's less work :-)
2. This tag often changes and it's an important tag to see the difference 
between tiddlers in the sidebar.

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[tw] Re: How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi Surya,

How would that change color in the sidebar?


Den søndag den 14. januar 2018 kl. 00.39.38 UTC+1 skrev Surya:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have the field "caption" automatically set to a value, if a 
> tiddler is tagged with Ja.
> The value should be @@color:lightgreen;TheTitleOfTheTiddler@@
> In this way the tiddlers tagged with Ja are shown in lightgreen letters on 
> the sidebar.
> How do I automatically set a field value?
> And the problem is, that the title is always different.
> I made the same with the background of the tiddler-title, tagged with Ja 
> with:
> div.tc-tagged-Ja .tc-tiddler-title { background-color: lightgreen; }
> In that way, the background of the title gets automatically lightgreen, if 
> it is tagged with Ja.
> But how to do with the caption-field?
> Regards, Surya

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
No, I didn't do anything like this before.
If I would upload it to http://tiddlyspot.com, would the tiddlers & 
solution I made of my wiki (TW5) work there??
Would I have to upload there also my plugins, which are needed for some 
solutions in my wiki?
And if I have new solutions, are they automatically saved / uploaded there? 
I think no...?

Same questions for http://tiddlywiki5.tiddlyspot.com/. I have TW5 version 


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[tw] How to: Automatic setting field value if a tiddler has a special tag

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki

I'd like to have the field "caption" automatically set to a value, if a 
tiddler is tagged with Ja.

The value should be @@color:lightgreen;TheTitleOfTheTiddler@@

In this way the tiddlers tagged with Ja are shown in lightgreen letters on 
the sidebar.

How do I automatically set a field value?

And the problem is, that the title is always different.

I made the same with the background of the tiddler-title, tagged with Ja 
div.tc-tagged-Ja .tc-tiddler-title { background-color: lightgreen; }
In that way, the background of the title gets automatically lightgreen, if 
it is tagged with Ja.

But how to do with the caption-field?

Regards, Surya

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi Surya,
Well you have a tiddlywiki with a solution to a problem others might also 
have.  If you made a copy of your TW and deleted private details, you would 
need to add a few example tiddlers to show the workings of it. You could 
upload it to tiddlyspot. http://tiddlyspot.com go there and fill the form. 
That will give you your very own wiki on tiddlyspot. (But it will be the 
TWclassic). You can upload your TW5 example from your local drive by 
opening it in the browser, open controlpanel saving and the tab marked 
tiddlyspot. Here you give the details you used creating your tiddlyspot. 
That should save your TW to tiddlyspot. When you check that all went well, 
remember to refresh the browser or you will look the first created 

I do not know if you have tried that before. But it would be good 
experience for you. You would also be able to use your tiddlyspot to put 
tiddlers you have questions about. It is easier for others to test 
solutions given something to work on. Much better than pictures.

You could also use Mats solution http://tiddlywiki5.tiddlyspot.com/ That 
will give you a copy on tiddlyspot, but it is version 5.1.14 and you would 
need to add your tiddlers to it.


I would like you to consider sharing a minimal tiddlywiki - that is with 
>> some example tiddlers
> >>>What do you mean with it? Should I create a public wiki in the internet?
> And HOW should I do it?? 

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[tw] Re: can not update tiddlywiki via php, on a password protected folder in cpanel

2018-01-13 Thread Mobil Home
the message is: saver-handler: Saving wiki with method autosave through 
saver upload

But even without password protecting the folder in cpanel, saving is not 
working now.

After the "starting to save wiki" message comes no confirmation message, 
and the save button stays red.

After I enter my tiddlywiki saver password, I never press the save button 
to "save" that password, but that Is I suppose, is not necessary.

What could be the problem?

If it's able to start the saving process, why is it not able to finish it?

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
It works :-)))

I just renamed it like this
<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider Januar" 
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Februar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider Februar" 
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

And so on...

Thanks a lot!!!

I would like you to consider sharing a minimal tiddlywiki - that is with 
> some example tiddlers

>>>What do you mean with it? Should I create a public wiki in the internet?
And HOW should I do it?? 

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[tw] Re: Datepicker skipping back a day?

2018-01-13 Thread passingby
Is it possible to sort a list on multiple fields? I was thinking I could 
save a date on separate fields such as year, month and day. But then the 
next problem would be of sorting a list tiddler first on year and then 
month and then on day. Is it possible?

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi Surya,

In you earlier examples you used qualify macro to create your states, that 
is why you did not need to create new state tiddlers for each. You might be 
able to do so here also. That or diffent names. I think your suggestion 
should work, I haven't tested.


Den lørdag den 13. januar 2018 kl. 22.53.39 UTC+1 skrev Surya:
> Hi Birthe,
> Oh wow THANKS :-)))
> In your first list they all popup because they use the same state tiddler. 
>> you will need a state tiddler for each of them  for them to work 
>> independently.
> >>>Do you mean this *$state="tiddler-slider"* in
> <$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
> <$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider"* 
> mode="block">
> <$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>
> Should I write it like this
> <$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
> <$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider Januar"* 
> mode="block">
> <$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>
> <$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Februar)">
> <$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider Februar"* 
> mode="block">
> <$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>
> And so on...
> And do I have to create then a tiddler called "tiddler-slider Januar" and 
> a tiddler called "tiddler-slider Februar" and so on?
> Thanks for helping me :-))
> Surya

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[tw] Re: Calling all TiddlyServer users

2018-01-13 Thread coda coder

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-6, coda coder wrote:
>> 3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?
> None that I can think of.  I'll defer to others on this.

See? Almost as soon as I posted my answer above, someone else asks for 
something many might find useful. It wasn't asked for in the context of TS, 
but still...


What do you think Arlen? Could you add APIs addressable from wikitext to do 
something like the above?  Execute OS scripts might be nice, too.

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
Hi Birthe,

Oh wow THANKS :-)))

In your first list they all popup because they use the same state tiddler. 
> you will need a state tiddler for each of them  for them to work 
> independently.

>>>Do you mean this *$state="tiddler-slider"* in
<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider"* 
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

Should I write it like this
<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider Januar"* 
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Februar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" *$state="tiddler-slider Februar"* 
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

And so on...

And do I have to create then a tiddler called "tiddler-slider Januar" and a 
tiddler called "tiddler-slider Februar" and so on?

Thanks for helping me :-))

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[tw] Re: [TWC] Local files with TiddlyDesktop or TiddlyServer?

2018-01-13 Thread Jon

> What do you mean by "local files... impossible with current browsers" ? 
> Have you seen https://pmario.github.io/file-backups/ ?

Sorry, maybe not clear. Not worried at the moment about saving the TW 
(Waterfox + TiddlyFox still works) - looking to be able to have a macro 
write a data file to disk.

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
Hi Surya,

In your first list they all popup because they use the same state tiddler. 
you will need a state tiddler for each of them  for them to work 

*Good work on your part *to solve your todo list problem. I would like you 
to consider sharing a minimal tiddlywiki - that is with some example 
tiddlers...not your own data, of course. That might be of help for someone 
else AND make it easier if someone have suggestions to make it even better.


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[tw] Re: Calling all TiddlyServer users

2018-01-13 Thread coda coder

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 2:45:35 PM UTC-6, Arlen Beiler wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I would like to hear your thoughts on TiddlyServer now that it has been 
> out for a few months. So here are a few questions.
> 1. What do you like about it?

It just works.

I like that I can use olde-worlde flatfile TWs *AND* node-style TWs side by 
side or spread over my entire LAN.

> 2. What is one improvement that would significantly make it more usable 
> for you?

In the core? Nothing.  Setup confused me a lot in the beginning.  I came at 
it without any experience of setting up a node TW beforehand. My node 
experience in general is pretty good, as is my flatfile TW experience, so 
perhaps a review/rewrite of the setup guide might be a good idea.

> 3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?

None that I can think of.  I'll defer to others on this.

> 4. What, if any, would you say is its Achilles's heel?
Nothing I've found.  It runs and runs for weeks on end. 

The answers will help me know where to direct my focus next.
> Of course, continued maintenance requires time, and time requires income. 
> My work has nothing to do with Tiddlywiki and so there is no way 
> financially for me to maintain TiddlyServer on a regular basis. If you 
> support TiddlyServer financially, it will allow me to direct more of my 
> attention to developing it. I enjoy working with TiddlyServer and 
> TiddlyWiki but I am not able to direct a lot of attention to it at the 
> present. 
Time I paid a visit to paypal.

There is, of course, no reason you need to, but it seemed right and fair to 
> make my current situation known in case anyone would like to contribute. Be 
> sure to mention TiddlyServer if you contribute. Or mention a PR or Issue 
> number on the TiddlyServer repo. I guarantee you that will get my attention 
> :)
> https://www.paypal.me/Arlen22
> And just so you know, a settings page is already next on the roadmap. I 
> figured I'd mention that, because it has been requested quite a bit. 
> Thank you,
> Arlen

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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread coda coder
Ah, the joys of IEEE-754...

<$if "anyone wants to see the gory details of fp in javascript (and a slew 
of other languages all of which are dependent on today's CPUs)">


On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 2:09:28 PM UTC-6, Evan Balster wrote:
> Hey, all —
> I get 5.6005 as a result (instead of 5.6).
> Right now formula uses the JavaScript style for displaying numbers by 
> default, and it's pretty terrible.  The inaccuracy is "floating point" 
> error and any reasonable system would round it off somehow.  To get rid of 
> it, refer to the "fixed" and "precision" options in FormulaWidget:  
> http://evanbalster.com/tiddlywiki/formulas.html#FormulaWidget
> I'm probably going to change how numbers are formatted, likely using 
> numeral.js  or something like it.  This is one of 
> a few compatibility-breaking changes I'm thinking about for the big update.
> On Saturday, 13 January 2018 13:28:30 UTC-6, ste...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi Evan, 
>> I just ran into a weird problem. When I enter
>> (= sum(1.5,1.2,2,0.9) =)
>> (= 2+1.2+0.9+1.5 =)
>> I get 5.6005 as a result (instead of 5.6). If I change the 
>> numbers slightly, I get the correct result. 
>> Is this a bug, or is there a well known explanation I'm not aware of?
>> Kind regards,
>> Stef

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Re: [tw] What's "$:/"?

2018-01-13 Thread TonyM

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Re: [tw] Re: KaTeX does not do what I need

2018-01-13 Thread Ste Wilson
\overrightarrow{AB} seems to work for me on the katex site. 

I've tried it in tiddlywiki 5.1.1
5 (the latest release) and as you say it doesn't work. 

I opened the latest version posted by Jeremy above and tried 
$$\overrightarrow{AB}$$ in a new tiddler and it works so it seems to be 
something added between the current and new versions. 

If you drag the new katex plugin linked above into your tiddlywiki it should 
work... Back up first :)

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Re: [tw] Re: Using Tiddly as a Wiki

2018-01-13 Thread Arlen Beiler
The best way to allow multi-user access seems like it would be a data
folder synced to a git repo. This would not work perfectly but it should
work well.

Having an index autogenerated as a build step somehow would also work.

Seems like there should be a way to host the wiki on GitHub.io and allow a
static wiki to pull in the latest version from the repo so people can read
it. Probably something along the lines of loading the tiddlers from the
repo and then calling boot after it's done.

Just a random idea that should work. TiddlyWiki teases me with its endless

On Jan 10, 2018 23:52, "'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki" <
tiddlywiki@googlegroups.com> wrote:

It really sounds like you need wikimedia or some other concurrent,
multi-user wiki product.

There's a thread on making TW read-only:


It comes down to various ways of hiding the controls from users.

-- Mark

On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 6:06:58 AM UTC-8, j.po...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm using TW5 as a notebook about permaculture. It's now running as npm
> app, http auth protected on nginx proxy and I've written a shell script
> that autocommits changes in the tiddlers directory to my github repo.
> I'd like to publish the wiki and allow other people to write to it. But I
> want to be more on the safe side when it comes to the opening the wiki. Now
> I was trying to google answers to my questions, but i struggle to find a
> reliable source of informations on TW5 and it's plugins. I'll list some
> features that I'm missing (or possibly just don't know how to reach them
> easily).
>- *registration* and *login*
>- possibly with *email sending*
>- *ACL* or some other way to prevent regular users from editing core
>and shadow tiddlers
>- possibly *CAPTCHA* on anonymous tiddler editing if the login feature
>is not an option
>- *versioning* and/or *tiddler history* (e.g. tiddler file is backed
>up with a number/date postfix when the "edit" button is pressed, history
>button is visible at top of tiddler to get back to whichever point in
>- *locking, merging or simultaneous editing* of tiddlers
>- limiting number of edits per user, per day or so
> If none of the previous is possible, I'd like to just publish my wiki for
> read-only access say as a new instance of the app (say edit.mywiki.org
> for editing and mywiki.org for public).
> I'll be glad for any input and thanks for a great soft (and sorry if I'm
> missing some obvious answers).
> Thanks,
> Jakub
> --
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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
Now my problem with this last list:

At first I made this list with:
tid="ToDo-Liste (Januar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Februar)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (März)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (April)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Mai)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Juni)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Juli)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (August)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (September)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Oktober)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (November)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

<$vars tid="ToDo-Liste (Dezember)">
<$appear show="<$text text=<>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<>/>

Nice looking and working :-)
But: When I click on one listed list (e.g. "ToDo-Liste (April)"), it pops 
up, but all other popup too.

Then I made it in another way with:
; {{Node Commands}}
: <$list filter="[prefix[ToDo]sort[title]]">
class="tc-popup-keep max800"
<$transclude mode="block"/>
.max800 {max-width:800px;}
In that way, when I click on one listed list, only this one pops up :-)
But: It isn't nice looking, no good overview.
And the listed tasks in the listed list, which is on the right side of this 
list, are ...how to say... like pressed together, because on the right side 
of the tiddler isn't enough place to show it in a good way.
I'll make a picture to show what I mean.

Does anybody know how to solve it in either the first list or the second 
Thanks, Surya

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[tw] Re: can not update tiddlywiki via php, on a password protected folder in cpanel

2018-01-13 Thread xanatoswetzel
Hello Mobil,

I do not know cpanel.

But when I understand it right you need to create an alternative Tiddly 
Because you must send not only the Tiddlywiki Data but also the username 
and password for your cpanel account.

Best wishes

Am Freitag, 12. Januar 2018 19:39:58 UTC+1 schrieb Mobil Home:
> Hello Quaraman,
> no the .php file doesn't know that it's in a password protected folder, it 
> doesn't know anything about the .htaccess file. 
> How should I modify the .php file, to make saving work in a password 
> protected folder? It's hosted on Linux, I password protected the folder 
> with CPanel.

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[tw] Calling all TiddlyServer users

2018-01-13 Thread Arlen Beiler
Hello everyone,
I would like to hear your thoughts on TiddlyServer now that it has been out
for a few months. So here are a few questions.

1. What do you like about it?
2. What is one improvement that would significantly make it more usable for
3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?
4. What, if any, would you say is its Achilles's heel?

The answers will help me know where to direct my focus next.

Of course, continued maintenance requires time, and time requires income.
My work has nothing to do with Tiddlywiki and so there is no way
financially for me to maintain TiddlyServer on a regular basis. If you
support TiddlyServer financially, it will allow me to direct more of my
attention to developing it. I enjoy working with TiddlyServer and
TiddlyWiki but I am not able to direct a lot of attention to it at the

There is, of course, no reason you need to, but it seemed right and fair to
make my current situation known in case anyone would like to contribute. Be
sure to mention TiddlyServer if you contribute. Or mention a PR or Issue
number on the TiddlyServer repo. I guarantee you that will get my attention


And just so you know, a settings page is already next on the roadmap. I
figured I'd mention that, because it has been requested quite a bit.

Thank you,

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[tw] Re: How to build recurring tasks in existing tiddlers?

2018-01-13 Thread 'Surya' via TiddlyWiki
Hi all,


> Also I think that when you find the answer your solution will have grown 
> considerably in size.
> I have settled with a tiddler with the foolish title "Now is now" it has 
> tag Task and the fields due and why. The why field has the value 
> ***DEADLINE***. In my tasklist I have a button Now that sets the above 
> mentioned tiddlers due field to now date. It will get listed with my other 
> tasks and all listed above that one will have passed deadline.
> >>>Before beginning with all these task-things my wiki had 2,7MB. When I 
had installed ToDo Now it had 3,3MB, without it, but with 
installed, it has now 2,8MB I think, the size is okay now.

Your mentioned tiddler: I don't understand, for what it could be useful for 

I am a bit surprised, that nobody could help me just a little bit. With 
really no knowledge and almost no experience (Tiddlywiki now since 1 month) 
I found out solutions for at least some questions related to this thread. I 
had to ask Google and tried and tested with a lot of errors for hours and 
hours. I am always reading solutions and then just guessing what all the 
signs and symbols (like e.g. { [ > / $ and so on) could mean.

Okay, I am not happy with these solutions, but it is hmmm... okay
I found an answer for how to sort the list at first by X and second by Y. I 
don't remember anymore how, because I tested so many things now and gave up 
this sorting by to parameters. Why couldn't nobody answer me that question??

But, well, enough wondered now...

My solution is now the following:

*Plugins I have for my tasks:*
Checklist Plugin ($:/plugins/tgrosinger/tw5-checklist)
Appear widget ($:/plugins/tobibeer/appear)

I create my tasks with an edit button with:
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param={{!!title}}/>
edit title

At the beginning of the title I write the date, when I have to do it (e.g. 
18.01.01). It is for sorting the tasks by 1. todo-deadline and 2. the 
title. And also for being able to see the todo-deadline in the lists.
When I now finished a task I move it to the next deadline with clicking on 
the edit button and then write the new deadline in the title of the 
tiddler. I am not happy with that, but didn't find out another solution.

I made lists for every 12 months. These lists show the title of the tasks, 
sorted by title (because the title has the deadline at the beginning it is 
automatically sorted first by deadline second by title). When I click on a 
task-title in this list, it popups with the task-tiddler.
*A list of all Tasks for e.g. April with:*
\define makeState()

<$list filter="[tag[ToDo]prefix[18.04]sort[title]]" variable="mytitle">

<$set name="stateTiddler" filter="[addprefix[$:/temp/state/]]" 
<$wikify name="qualstate" text=<>>

* <$button class="tc-btn-invisible" popup=<>><$text text=<<

<$reveal type="popup" position="below" state=<>>

<$tiddler tiddler=<>>

<$transclude tiddler=<>/>

.mypopup {
min-width: 380px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
background-color: #ff;
padding: 1em;
margin: 4px 0 0 0;
text-shadow: none;
line-height: 1.4;

*And then I have a list with all 12 lists in it- only the title of the 
When I click there e.g. on "ToDo-List (April)" all the tasks I have to do 
in April popup and when I then click there on a tasks, the task-tiddler 
pops up.
For this last list, I have again a question. For better reading here I post 
it in the next.

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Re: [tw] Re: Workflow for using TW5 Server when Mobile

2018-01-13 Thread Arlen Beiler
Yeah, someone needs to modify the file system sync adapter plugin to
automatically save a copy of the wiki to a specified location on server

Of course, that could be made even easier on TiddlyServer because the
difference between the two is small. Which gives me an idea. Data folders
could have a .html extension, which would make it seemless.

Sorry, tired right now, so maybe this idea is way off :)

On Jan 9, 2018 20:57, "cpjobling"  wrote:

> Unfortunately, I'm on iOS!
> On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 12:27:57 UTC, Stephen Wilson wrote:
>> on android you can run nodejs tiddlywiki from the Temux app
>> On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 12:21:57 UTC, cpjobling wrote:
>>> Is there a workable workflow that allows you to run TW5 as a server on
>>> your desktop or laptop, pack-up and move to Quine when mobile, then merge
>>> changes with server when you get back to base?
>>> I have my server wiki on Dropbox so the tiddly files are available.
>>> The docs imply that you can archive a server wiki as a single file, but
>>> it’s not so clear if you can go from a single-file wiki back to a server
>>> wiki.
>>> I guess I’m really asking is a server TiddlyWiki 5 useable as a
>>> single-page wiki without too much work? I don’t mind having to do some
>>> pre-processing before going on the road as it can probably be automated.
>>> I know that I could host a server on the public internet, but my current
>>> provider deson’t support Node.
>> --
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> msgid/tiddlywiki/48ca9c59-29a4-4abe-8c58-646f03a1f2bc%40googlegroups.com
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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread Evan Balster
Hey, all —

I get 5.6005 as a result (instead of 5.6).

Right now formula uses the JavaScript style for displaying numbers by 
default, and it's pretty terrible.  The inaccuracy is "floating point" 
error and any reasonable system would round it off somehow.  To get rid of 
it, refer to the "fixed" and "precision" options in FormulaWidget:  

I'm probably going to change how numbers are formatted, likely using 
numeral.js  or something like it.  This is one of a 
few compatibility-breaking changes I'm thinking about for the big update.

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 13:28:30 UTC-6, ste...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Evan, 
> I just ran into a weird problem. When I enter
> (= sum(1.5,1.2,2,0.9) =)
> (= 2+1.2+0.9+1.5 =)
> I get 5.6005 as a result (instead of 5.6). If I change the 
> numbers slightly, I get the correct result. 
> Is this a bug, or is there a well known explanation I'm not aware of?
> Kind regards,
> Stef

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[tw] Re: Presenting: field value selector

2018-01-13 Thread J Mc
While I think this is a very useful feature, I can't get it to work with 
any other fields in my tiddlers.
Can you put an example on Tiddlyspot or give some help please
J Mc

On Tuesday, 26 September 2017 01:01:05 UTC+1, TonyM wrote:
> Mat,
> Thanks, for this. Personally I think this is an essential feature. It is 
> some what related to my comments on Fields as first class citizens 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!msg/tiddlywikidev/iw59ThjJID8/bQoqHJNtBAAJ;context-place=forum/tiddlywikidev
> Great work
> Tony
> On Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 2:53:55 AM UTC+10, Mat wrote:
>> *TWaddle Global Enterprises Incorporated Limited International Multisuper* 
>> presents 
>> the...
>> field value selector 
>> a drop down to select *field value* when creating new field
>> This is just a *small* tool for *wikitext developers*. Not very sexy for 
>> the general user.
>> Similar to the "new field name" dropdown, this shows a dropdown listing 
>> existing *field values* for that field name.
>> The incentive to create this was the *list-before* and *list-after* 
>> fields - it is frustratingly impossible to remember the title names to fill 
>> in. In the process of solving this, I made the dropdown general to handle 
>> values for all fields.
>> This does NOT overwrite any shadow tids - but the cost is that the little 
>> arrow appears below the "new field" area, rather than integrated into it.
>> <:-)

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Re: [tw] Re: Datepicker skipping back a day?

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
I think you are experiencing, what I did yesterday. I saw the date set back 
i en field, but after having had to refresh my wiki, the date was right 
again. Browser refresh is what helps? (It would be so much more fun if it 
was Gandalf)

By the way I tested @Passingby suggestion, with UTC and without. About 1 
hour difference, and that should be correct in my case.


Den lørdag den 13. januar 2018 kl. 18.57.01 UTC+1 skrev Pit.W.:
> Hi Tony,
> I had the same phenomen of skipping back a day. It disappeared after I 
> reinstalled the datepicker plugin. This worked with several TWs, both file 
> and node.
> Why? No clue. Gandalf? Dumbledore? Does software have selfhealing 
> capabilities?
> I do not use hours, just dates. If I test it with hours, I have a gap of 1 
> hr ( I am Greenwich +1). This is a phenomen which has been mentioned before 
> and is known.
> I would be interested to learn how you add or substract dates.
> Pit.W

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Re: [tw] Re: KaTeX does not do what I need

2018-01-13 Thread j3d1H
Diego Mesa: I was trying to use \overrightarrow{AB}.

Ste Wilson: That is the site I was talking about.

Jeremy Ruston: I must have just barely missed it, because that's the site I 
looked at, and it didn't work there either. I have tried installing it on 
my wiki, and it worked.. but now it won't. When I drag the plugin's link to 
my wiki, even after fully uninstalling KaTeX, the links to the plugin 
itself won't work, and if I import those, the plugin does nothing. Did I 
break something?

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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread stefct4
Hi Evan, 

I just ran into a weird problem. When I enter

(= sum(1.5,1.2,2,0.9) =)

(= 2+1.2+0.9+1.5 =)

I get 5.6005 as a result (instead of 5.6). If I change the 
numbers slightly, I get the correct result. 

Is this a bug, or is there a well known explanation I'm not aware of?

Kind regards,


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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread BurningTreeC
Evan, you know what? I solved it reading what I posted :D

thanks for this plugin - I think now I kinda get it

it's huge

have a nice weekend

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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread BurningTreeC

> The latest version of Formula has some implementation errors in the 
> modulo, trim and subtitute functions.  These have been found and patched, 
> but the change isn't yet released, as I'm working on some major 
> enhancements for release today or tomorrow.

thanks Evan, I've only seen that and thought I'll mention it, maybe it helps

I'm also trying the regexreplace function but can't get it to work as I 
want, the first operand gets accepted if written in quotes but then the 
input has also to be wrapped in quotes to be replaced:

like: input: (= Hello, "Hello", "Goodbye" =) --> nothing ... but: (= 
"Hello", "Hello", "Goodbye" =) --> Goodbye

I guess I'm doing something wrong because I totally don't get regex or 
there's a small glitch somewhere

good weekend,

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Re: [tw] Re: Datepicker skipping back a day?

2018-01-13 Thread Pit.W.

Hi Tony,

I had the same phenomen of skipping back a day. It disappeared after I 
reinstalled the datepicker plugin. This worked with several TWs, both 
file and node.

Why? No clue. Gandalf? Dumbledore? Does software have selfhealing 

I do not use hours, just dates. If I test it with hours, I have a gap of 
1 hr ( I am Greenwich +1). This is a phenomen which has been mentioned 
before and is known.

I would be interested to learn how you add or substract dates.


Am 2018-01-13 um 01:44 schrieb TonyM:


For the record I have the same problem with a multiple date solution I 
have built and need an effective solution. I am at +10 and +11 in 
daylight savings time (DST). If I wish to add or subtract a date say 
to next week, yesterday or tomorrow, the result is not always friendly.

I would like to click into automatic DST, or have my current date/time 
reflect my browsers at all times,

Lets share our learnings.


On Friday, 12 January 2018 19:06:11 UTC+11, passingby wrote:

I just noticed something strange while playing around with
datepicker from here http://kixam.github.io/TW5-datePicker/

If i write <$edit-date> into a new tiddler and then let the view
render, and pick a date, it picks up the date and then right
before my eyes skips back by one day! So if i pick 12th of jan it
becomes 11th of january. Can anybody confirm this to be happening
or I am in need of sleep?

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[tw] Re: Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual

2018-01-13 Thread Birthe C
I think the answer is here: 


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Re: [tw] js code within tw5?

2018-01-13 Thread passingby

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 6:45:01 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> It’s worth stressing that I’m still dedicated to keeping TiddlyWiki 
> Classic working. The new things I’ve made like TiddlyFox, TiddlyDesktop and 
> Xememex all support TiddlyWiki Classic alongside TiddlyWiki 5. I regard TWC 
> and TW5 as siblings.
> I’ve emphasised before that if you’re a happy user of TiddlyWiki Classic 
> and you don’t need the features of TiddlyWiki 5, then you should just keep 
> using TiddlyWiki Classic.
> TiddlyWiki 5 will continue to improve and be better at many things over 
> the years ahead, but it’ll never be a better TiddlyWiki Classic than 
> TiddlyWiki Classic.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.

Thank you Jeremy! 

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[tw] Re: Formula: Spreadsheet-like mathematics for TiddlyWiki

2018-01-13 Thread Evan Balster
Hello, Simon —

The latest version of Formula has some implementation errors in the modulo, 
trim and subtitute functions.  These have been found and patched, but the 
change isn't yet released, as I'm working on some major enhancements for 
release today or tomorrow.

Added a GitHub issue to document this:  

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 00:04:52 UTC-6, BurningTreeC wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> I'm trying your plugin now and I've seen that the modulo function doesn't 
> work as I expect,
> maybe I'm doing something wrong or there's a bug
> all the best,
> Simon

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Re: [tw] What's "$:/"?

2018-01-13 Thread Ste Wilson
Can someone retitle this thread 'What the "$:/"'? 

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Re: [tw] Win 7 64 bit - Tiddlydesktop throws internal javascript error

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Brian, Birthe

I’ve confirmed the issue on Windows 10, so I think it’s a general Windows 
issue. The odd thing is that the same code works OK on the Mac. I’ll 

Best wishes


> On 12 Jan 2018, at 12:54, Birthe C  wrote:
> I have had the same problem with danish letters in filename or filepath. 
> Changing the names cured the problem. And I did not either have any problems 
> in Firefox.
> Birthe
> -- 
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Re: [tw] What's "$:/"?

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
> You can find an explanation of system tiddlers here: 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#SystemTiddlers 
I’ve updated that tiddler for 5.1.16:
Tiddlers are classified as system tiddlers if their title starts with the 
special string $:/. The only difference from ordinary tiddlers is that they are 
hidden from most searches and lists in the sidebar. (In particular, system 
tiddlers are shown in the "More/System" list).

System tiddlers provide a simple way to hide the internal components of 
TiddlyWiki  so that they don't clutter 
things up, getting in the way of the users content.

Many of the system tiddlers follow the convention of using further slashes to 
delineate the components of the title. For example: 

You don't need to create your own system tiddlers, but it can be useful when 
customising TiddlyWiki . For example, if you 
create a custom palette you might call it $:/_MyPalette so that (a) it is 
hidden from searches/lists and (b) it will appear at the top of the system 
tiddler list for easy reference.


As ever, further improvements welcome,

Best wishes


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[tw] Re: Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual

2018-01-13 Thread JWHoneycutt
I have the same question.

On Monday, November 6, 2017 at 8:04:59 PM UTC-5, Diego Mesa wrote:
> Hello! 
> I am just wondering if this book was ever released?
> Thanks!
> On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 8:52:00 AM UTC-6, Ed Dixon wrote:
>> I think this is awesome and also an excellent opportunity to raise TW5 
>> awareness in general to the public...

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Re: [tw] js code within tw5?

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
It’s worth stressing that I’m still dedicated to keeping TiddlyWiki Classic 
working. The new things I’ve made like TiddlyFox, TiddlyDesktop and Xememex all 
support TiddlyWiki Classic alongside TiddlyWiki 5. I regard TWC and TW5 as 

I’ve emphasised before that if you’re a happy user of TiddlyWiki Classic and 
you don’t need the features of TiddlyWiki 5, then you should just keep using 
TiddlyWiki Classic.

TiddlyWiki 5 will continue to improve and be better at many things over the 
years ahead, but it’ll never be a better TiddlyWiki Classic than TiddlyWiki 

Best wishes


> On 12 Jan 2018, at 17:22, passingby  wrote:
> @Mark S. 
> Well thank you for your explanation. At least now your confirmation assures 
> me that its not me who is missing something in plain sight. 
> @xanato..thanks for those links! I should look into them. But the problem for 
> me is that I have always been only a hobbyist/entry level programmer with 
> just basic knowledge of constructs and code patterns. And with a full time 
> job which is quite different from this, there are long gaps after each stint.
> -- 
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Re: [tw] TW5 Server Version has gotten into a weird state

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi cpjobling

I don’t see anything amiss with your tiddlywiki.info  
file. Does the “tiddlers” subfolder contain any files called tiddlywiki.files? 
I’d be happy to look at it if you’ve kept a copy. Can you post the wiki folder 
as a zip file? Or you could send it directly to me if you’d prefer.

Best wishes


> On 12 Jan 2018, at 19:08, cpjobling  wrote:
> I rebuilt the wiki from a new fresh version using drag and drop and copy and 
> paste ... but I'd still like to know what went wrong.
> -- 
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[tw] Re: can not update tiddlywiki via php, on a password protected folder in cpanel

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Mobil

I'm afraid I don't have any experience with PHP servers.

> If I disable the password protection for the folder, saving works.

With saving working, can you report on the message you see in the browser 
developer console when saving? It should be something like: "saver-handler: 
Saving wiki with method save through saver download"

Best wishes


On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 6:39:58 PM UTC, Mobil Home wrote:
> Hello Quaraman,
> no the .php file doesn't know that it's in a password protected folder, it 
> doesn't know anything about the .htaccess file. 
> How should I modify the .php file, to make saving work in a password 
> protected folder? It's hosted on Linux, I password protected the folder 
> with CPanel.

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Re: [tw] Background color from color palette

2018-01-13 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Steve

Untested, but try this:

<$list filter="[tag!sort]">
<$vars slidenum={{!!slidenum}}>
<$wikify name="rgb" text=<>>
<$action-setfield background-color=<>/>

Given that you’ve got a transclusion in the variable ‘bgcolor’, the wikify 
widget is simply rendering that transclusion, ie converting it into the 
underlying value.

Best wishes


> On 12 Jan 2018, at 17:48, stevesuny  wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm creating a simple slideshow macro, and trying to set the background color 
> of tiddlers dynamically from the color palette.
> I've added this to ViewTemplate (actually, I copied the 
> $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate from https://tiddlywiki.com/talkytalky/ 
> ) which allows me to set background color 
> according to the background-color field.
> \define frame-styles()
> background-color: $(backgroundColour)$;
> border-color: $(backgroundColour)$;
> \end
> In my current color palette tiddler ($:/palettes/DWS)  I've added these lines:
> 1: #DEFF65
> 2: #FF9563
> 3: #FF7575
> 4: #5AD3FF
> 5: #A7FF7B
> In each of my tiddlers to be colored, I have a field slidenum set to 1..5.
> In my macro I've got this define: 
> \define bgcolor() {{$:/palettes/DWS##$(slidenum)$}}
> And I am using these commands to try to set the background color for each 
> tiddler:
> <$list filter="[tag!sort]">
> <$vars slidenum={{!!slidenum}}>
> <$action-setfield background-color=<>/>
> It almost works, but in my background-color field, instead of the value from 
> the palettte tiddler, I get:
> {{$:/palettes/DWS##1}}
> Some sort of escaping, I'm sure. Any help much appreciated!
> //steve.
> -- 
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[tw] Re: Checkbox change cursor

2018-01-13 Thread Marcus
Alright, thank you, that works.

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[tw] Re: [TWC] Local files with TiddlyDesktop or TiddlyServer?

2018-01-13 Thread okido
Hi Jon,

Reading local text files is possible, I use d3.js and some inline 
JavaScript in FF57.
Download the d3.js from github, past it in a tiddler and tag with 
Paste the following inline js in a tiddler and provide the right 
path/filename and tiddlername to save. InlineJavascriptPlugin is required.

  d3.text("path/filename.txt", function(data) {
  store.saveTiddler("LoadedDataD3", "LoadedDataD3", data, 
config.options.txtUserName, new Date(), "tags")

There you go.

Have a nice day, Okido

Op zaterdag 13 januari 2018 00:08:18 UTC+1 schreef Jon:
> Hi,
> I have some highly modified TWCs that are important but way too much 
> trouble to convert to TW5 (until maybe retirement puts a lot of time into 
> my hands).
> It would be very useful for a couple of these to be able to read and write 
> local files. Impossible with current browsers, but perhaps possible with 
> TiddlyDesktop or TiddlyServer? If so, can someone spoon-feed me some basics 
> to help me get started? I'm experienced with TW, but not at all experienced 
> with nodejs or nw. The files could be either ordinary text files or 
> externally stored tiddlers, it doesn't really matter, as long as I can read 
> and write them with javascript.
> Thanks!
> Jon

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[tw] Re: Checkbox change cursor

2018-01-13 Thread BurningTreeC

I think something like this in a Stylesheet would be a way to do it

input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
cursor: crosshair;

Am Samstag, 13. Januar 2018 10:31:02 UTC+1 schrieb Marcus:
> Hello,
> is there a chance to change the mouse cursor at the checkboxes?
> I've found the $:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js  but I don't know what 
> to do there.
> Many Thanks. 

I hope this helps,

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[tw] Checkbox change cursor

2018-01-13 Thread Marcus

is there a chance to change the mouse cursor at the checkboxes?

I've found the $:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js  but I don't know what 
to do there.

Many Thanks. 

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