Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Twixie - Solve the saving problem - New release 0.5.26

2016-01-13 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, Antergos is just an installer for a classic Arch Linux distro so it 
must not be the problem, i will follow your advices and come back to you if 

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[tw] Re: [EOL-TS] Message from TiddlySpace

2016-01-12 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi tobias and mario, i agree with both of you on this!

I'd say: "What an opportunity, to build something new!"

I don't know what you have in mind but i'm sure that if you plan to start 
something i would feel very sorry to miss this opportunity to get involved 
Ps: You can count on *at least a 20$ *donation from my part for this 


Le mardi 12 janvier 2016 11:20:40 UTC+1, PMario a écrit :
> On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 11:08:16 AM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:
>> Hi Mario,
>>> TiddlySpace Service will see the "End of Life" in December 2016. 
>> Sad story there. What a waste of opportunity.
> I'd say: "What an opportunity, to build something new!"
> -m

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Twixie - Solve the saving problem - New release 0.5.26

2016-01-05 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, thank you for your work this looks promising! For now on my linux i'm 
having a problem when i try to launch it so i have a few questions:

- Does it need to be run with as "sudo" ?
- I have given it permission to be run as a application but does it need it 

Apparently it creates the self contained file without problems but when i 
double-click it the webpage stays empty and display a error from the 
server: "Err_empty_response" (the server has not send any data)

Same message when launching the twexe file itself. Any idea why ?

Config: Antergos / Chromium 47.0.25 (64bits)

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[tw] Re: Need some help with $set or $reveal widgets

2015-09-29 Thread Spangenhelm
Shame on me you are exactly right! it is just that i was too focused on the 
filter part my mind just forgot about the rest of the bad!
I will add your solution to my "tw manual" ! Many thanks

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[tw] Re: Need some help with $set or $reveal widgets

2015-09-28 Thread Spangenhelm
Ok this is what i have used in my case with the advices of Evolena:

<$edit-text tiddler="Temp Tiddler" placeholder="Title" field="draft.title" 
tag="input" type="text"/>

This is a input where i can enter any title for a new tiddler, then aside 
of it:

<$set name="myVariable" filter="[{Temp Tiddler!!draft.title}is[tiddler]]" 
value="exist" emptyValue="">
<$text text=<>/>

which allow me to display a message if the name is already taken (i was 
having trouble to find the right number of brackets and braces in the 
filter attribute)

first we need to modify a shadow tiddler before use (because of a refresh 
issue, discussed here:

Due to Tobias a PR is pending to correct this for the next tw version 

Thank you both for your help! Btw Tobias no big deal but it's a "L" at the 
end of "Spangenhelm" not a "i" ;-)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Bug? <$set> widget with filter does not trigger refresh

2015-09-28 Thread Spangenhelm
Congratulations apparently it works great ! Hope the pull request will be 
accepted for the next version!


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[tw] Re: OT: ubuntu touch

2015-09-28 Thread Spangenhelm
Thanks i have just tried and as i expected i can open (but not directly i 
have to enter its path manually in my browser) and edit a tw but not save 
(on the Aquaris at least) because it tries to "open with" when we hit the 
download button then a message appear saying that there are no applications 
adapted to handle this kind of content..

I suppose that saving on tiddlyspot might work though.


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[tw] Re: OT: ubuntu touch

2015-09-27 Thread Spangenhelm
You were talking about transfering from cellphone to cellphone but can you 
use telegram to transfert files to your computer ? And, just for the 
curiosity, have you tried to use one of your tw on your phone directly 
(like opening, editing and saving a tw file present in the phone?) i guess 
we can open and edit but there are no saving system atm right?

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[tw] Need some help with $set or $reveal widgets

2015-09-27 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi everybody,
i have created a form where i can enter a title (and several other fields 
at the same time) that allows me to create a new tiddler but i need to be 
sure that the name of the new tiddler does not already exist otherwise it 
will be replaced without warning when i will create it so i have tried to 
use the $set widget with a value and emptyvalue attributes to display a 
message wether the name is taken or not by another tiddler but i am having 
troubles to set it, same thing with the $reveal widget.
In this case the value to test (the new name) is located in a field called 
"draft.title" in a tiddler called "Temp Test" (any name with a space)

Thank you for your help and time, much appreciated ;-)
Ps: i have no obligation on what to use so if you have another idea i'm 
open to suggestions.

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Bug? <$set> widget with filter does not trigger refresh

2015-09-17 Thread Spangenhelm

> Unfortunately, it's really hard to make example code for your case, 
> because drafts have a title of "Draft of myMagicTitle", and editing the 
> title of a non-draft tiddler creates duplicates!

Well apparently this works in my case (for a tiddler nammed "Test")

<$set name="myVariable" filter="[field:title[Test]]" value="exists" 
emptyValue="do not exist">
<$text text=<>/>

But still have the refresh issue like you do.. maybe i will just try to use 
the "reveal" widget which can work a little like this i think.
While waiting for a solution..


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[tw] Re: OT: ubuntu touch

2015-09-17 Thread Spangenhelm
Question: have you tried to transfert files via bluetooth on your aquaris ? 
I did try on my linux and it does recognize and connect to my phone but 
every transfert fail no matter what without error messages to help. I have 
also just tried on a mac : same thing. Maybe from windows?

I may call the support to see if the problem comes from the phone or, but i 
don't think, the os itself.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki as a password store

2015-09-17 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi guys! Good question: I guess you are right about the security risks for 
a cloud-based use (i effectively use tw for storing my credentials but 
offline only so far, and it is clearly missing a autofill feature though!)

Btw Mario you said you were using ubuntu touch on your mobile? So do i ! 
What brand is your phone? Bq? mine is (Aquaris 4.5 Ubuntu Edition) and i'm 
pretty happy with it altough there is no easy to sync it with the cloud 
except via google.. Or have you find a way to do so? Webdav/Cardav and 
things like that do not seems to be available yet afaik...


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[tw] Re: [How to] [TW5] Multiple tag fields

2015-09-17 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, i'm trying to understand the purpose of this but my mind refuse lol: is 
there a place where we can see this in action or could you provide a 
screenshot please ?
I have tried to copy what you have published above but without success..

Thank you

Ps: congratulations too for the poster, looks nice and clean !

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Bug? <$set> widget with filter does not trigger refresh

2015-09-16 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, i am interested in this issue too because i have a problem with 
conditionnal assignement of a variable using the <$set> widget (see below 
the summary)

Conditional Variable Assignment:

This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values 
according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example 
that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called 

<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" 
value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<>/>

This one does not seem to refresh either so whatever you put in the filter 
part the widget display the default value. Strange but it might be simply 
related to your problem..
Also if, as pmario proposed, you do publish it in github's issue please 
don't forget to add the link to it here so we can follow it.

Thank you

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[tw] Re: Presenting: The TiddlerSidebar plugin prototype

2015-08-01 Thread Spangenhelm
+1! This looks promising (think about filling the infos about you, like a 
link to your profile or an email adress and maybe a link to this group?)

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[tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-01 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, even if the idea is good (please think of adding a "select all/none" 
option in the import process) there are hundreds of opened issues (some 
since 2013!) that needs your attention way more than this don't you think?

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[tw] Re: Opening French community

2015-06-27 Thread Spangenhelm
This can be really nice and it's a good idea ! +1 i have added it to my 

Btw i have much appreciated the tw on your personnal site! It looks really 
great !


Le vendredi 26 juin 2015 20:02:44 UTC+2, Sylvain Naudin a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm pleased to announce the opening of the forum for the* French 
> TiddlyWiki community* :
> This forum follows the TWCamp Paris I organized on June 6, and with a 
> shared commitment to continue the event.
> It's powered by *Discourse*, an Open Source software I wanted to try.
> With OcalTW agreement (contributor to the french classic edition and 
> current owner of domain name).
> We also want to maintain a blog ( with howto, in 
> addition to the forum (and Twitter account @TiddlyWikiFR 
> )
> Welcome on board :)
> Sylvain

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[tw] Re: Creating a simple checklist with checkboxes inside a tiddler

2015-06-18 Thread Spangenhelm
Hi, i do not understand something: what would you like to list ? a simple 
checklist ? If you do not want to use multiple tiddlers for that then i 
guess you would need some javascript because in tw everything is a tiddler..


Le mercredi 22 avril 2015 13:19:45 UTC+2, Shash a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Instead of a numbered list, I just want to create a simple checklist with 
> check boxes inside a tiddler. However I do not want to create multiple 
> tiddlers with a tag and list it inside a particular tiddler. Also after 
> clicking inside the checkbox I want the content to strike out. 
> Is there a simple way to achieve this.
> Thanks!
> Shash

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