Re: [time-nuts] Lady Heather Server On Raspberry Pi 2 Model B?

2016-01-12 Thread Mike George


A few recommendations for troubleshooting.

In /etc/ser2net.conf comment out the 4 default lines (/dev/ttyS0-3)
so that the line Nick provided is the only config present.

Stop ser2net:
 /etc/init.d/ser2net stop
then restart:
 /etc/init.d/ser2net start

Make sure ser2net is running:
 ps -ef | grep ser2net

If not, tail /var/log/syslog and see if any errors were reported on 

Normally you just see a single line reporting successful startup.

If it is running , make sure it is listening on the socket you specified 

   netstat -tln | grep 3200

you should see a line with under local address

There is additional troubleshooting you can do depending on results
of above steps.

Good luck.


On 1/12/2016 03:58, Ed Armstrong wrote:
More details please. I've installed it, but can't make it work. My 
USB/serial cable is /dev/ttyUSB0 just like yours. I used your .conf 
file. But lady heather says connection rejected.


On 1/11/2016 8:00 PM, Nick Sayer via time-nuts wrote:

I answered my own question. :)

ser2net works perfectly as a “server” for LH. I’m using a USB to 
serial adapter and the ser2net.conf line for it is

3200:raw:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT LOCAL

And for LH, /ip=n.n.n.n:3200 works.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS Disciplined TCXO

2015-10-21 Thread Mike George

There were some postings on the list for this over the summer.
I think he was going to sell them on Tindie.

On 10/20/2015 16:53, Bryan _ wrote:

Saw this on the Hackaday site if anyone is interested.

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Re: [time-nuts] Comparing the BeagleBone Black Raspberry Pi asNTP servers

2015-03-22 Thread Mike George


On this page:

they list an alternative console only image:

It might be easier starting with that if you don't intend to use graphics.


On 3/22/2015 03:46, David J Taylor wrote:

On the BBB, were you running the fully loaded release, or the minimum
console version of the OS?
Which specific version of the OS?

--- Graham


The download was:

 bone-debian-7.8-lxde-4gb-armhf-2015-03-01-4gb.img.xz (547,024,548 bytes)

which was from the Recommended Debian Images from:  Perhaps there are some services 
or background tasks I can disable to reduce the CPU steady load from 
its present 16% average level?

David GM8ARV

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Re: [time-nuts] June 30 2015 leap second

2015-01-12 Thread Mike George
The referenced article indicates that they apply the smear to their NTP 
servers and allow
the clients to track the servers.  This approach would place some limits 
on the minimum

lead time you would need to implement the smear.

1) you would have to start early enough for the servers to detect the 
change.   Unless
Google has an internal policy to limit maxpoll you would expect the 
clients to be operating
at the default value of 1024 seconds.  They would have to start well 
before 1024 seconds

to allow the clients to detect the change and start tracking.

2) NTP has a maximum slew rate of 500ppm ( .
In practice you wouldn't be able to use this full range because the 
clients would already

have some error in their clocks.

The scary part of the referenced article is in the third to last paragraph:

and Google engineers developing code don’t have to worry about leap 

That seems like the kind of attitude that would have caused such a mess 
with computer

timekeeping in the first place.

On 1/11/2015 09:31, Tom Van Baak wrote:

The google code is lie(t) = (1.0 - cos(pi * t / w)) / 2.0 and they are wise 
not to publish the actual window value, w. If it were me I'd make it somewhere between a 
couple of seconds or couple of minutes but I too would not make it a published or 
hardcoded constant.

Here's the link again:

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Re: [time-nuts] 53132A Cooling fan

2015-01-11 Thread Mike George

I replaced one last year.
I used a Delta EFB4012HD from Digi-Key but it isn't in stock currently.

I just looked up the specs on the fan I removed and matched it to
the fans available.   There were multiple suitable substitutes.

On 1/11/2015 00:59, Loïc Moreau wrote:

My 53132A cooling fan is becoming extremely noisy so I have to fix it or find 
ear plugs fast.

If anybody as encountered the same problem witch I suppose is common I will be 
interested if there is replacement part easily available for that purpose.


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Re: [time-nuts] Looking for GPSDO for home use

2014-04-16 Thread Mike George


I saw you post to David on the Time Nuts list offering availability of a 
If you have additional units available  I would be interested in one as 

Let me know if you have any available and the cost.

Mike George

On 4/15/2014 14:03, Tom Van Baak wrote:


If you're just calibrating a frequency counter you may not need a GPSDO. A 
simple GPS 1PPS is all you need; just measure the time from the 1PPS to the 10 
MHz, wait a minute or an hour or a day and do it again. This will show you the 
time drift, from which you can calculate the frequency error.

Still, having a 10 MHz GPSDO available is usually more convenient, so I would 
not talk you out of it.

If you don't want to spend time to design your own GPSDO, or to build one of 
the dozen homebrew projects on the web, I would recommend you get a Trimble 
Thunderbolt. They are as turn-key as you can get, but also allow great hacking 
if you so choose.

I have some left over from the group buy. If you're interested contact me 


- Original Message -
From: David Feldman
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 8:27 AM
Subject: [time-nuts] Looking for GPSDO for home use

I found this reflector after searching for GPSDO that would be suitable for 
individual purchase/use. Each time I found an article about GPSDO projects, 
that lead me to a surplus GPS module that is either no longer available, not 
current production, undocumented, or otherwise difficult to source. I don't 
mind doing my own building/integration, and am not adverse to starting with a 
used or suplus component, I'm not sure where to start in terms of sourcing the 
GPS module/antenna/etc. My main need is for something to serve as a primary 
frequency standard (i.e., 10 MHz output) I can use to set a voltage controlled 
OCXO I just installed in my (otherwise cheap chinese) frequency counter. It 
seems there are some modules that have/had 10 kHz output; that would work too. 
Even 1 PPS output seems like a workable starting point, but at the expense of a 
different and/or more difficult path to get to a 10 MHz reference signal I seek.

Any advance or pointer to source (reasonable cost, whatever that means!) would 
be appreciated.



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Re: [time-nuts] Using GPS to Fine Tune a Rubidium Frequency Standard.

2014-03-28 Thread Mike George


I am a QEX subscriber and have that issue but I haven't built
the circuit.

The author referenced Brooks Shera as the basis for his work.

He uses a Trimble Resolution T GPS for a PPS reference and an
LPRO-101 Rubidium oscillator for the 10MHz.
His circuit divides the 10MHz output from Rb by 100 and
compares the phase of the 100kHz against the PPS.
A PIC16 MCU is the controller and uses the phase data to control
an external DAC to drive the Rb frequency control pin.

There were a couple of other time  frequency related articles in 2013
if you decide to get the CD.


On 3/21/2014 09:20, Anders Time wrote:

Does anyone have a copy of the QEX 2013 november article(Bill Kaune) Using
GPS to Fine Tune a Rubidium Frequency Standard?

I´m really interested in this subject, but I can´t find this magazine in
Sweden. I have contacted QEX, but it is very difficult to buy back-issues.

Have any one built this frequency standard and can tell me more about the
You can access the source code for the project here:

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Re: [time-nuts] NIST time services

2014-03-22 Thread Mike George
The PRUs (Programmable Realtime Unit) aren't a feature of ARM in general 
(they are not present
on the Raspberry Pi for instance).  The BeagleBone has 2 PRUs as you 
describe.  It uses the TI Siatra

ARM variant.
ARM just describes the core architecture.  Manufacturers tack on all 
sorts of proprietary peripherals

depending on what they envision as it's primary target market.

Mike George

On 3/22/2014 15:54, Chris Albertson wrote:

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:

I can see a use for an inexpensive GPSDO with a built-in
gigabit ethernet or USB3  port powering an NTP server.

Neither of those is a good way to transfer time to an NTP server.
Both Ethernet and USB are packetized.   The best way is with a simple
wire with a square wave pulse on it that pulses ones per second.
Nothing can be more simple or accurate.

The trick is to build an NTP server that can react deterministically
to the pulse.   I think an ARM based system could far outperform an
Intel based one.   ARM has two independent PRUs.  These are little
32-bit processes each with 4K of memory that are build right on the
same chip as the main ARM CPU.   The PRUs purpose built for real time
task and can handle nanosecond level timing.   In most existing system
the PRUs are ignored and everything is done using the ARM.

The other way to improve things even better is to not even bother to
have a link from the GPSDO to the NTP server.  Why not simply run the
NTP server software on the same processor as the GPSDO?   Just one of
the little PRUs is more than powerful enough to run a GPSDO.  They are
a 32-bit uP that runs at 200MHz, one instruction per clock.  The PRUs
don't run any operating system code but have access to all of the
ARM's memory and interrupts.  A PRU is way-overkill for a GPSDO.
Doing this eliminates the link cable from the GPSDO to the NTP server.
  If the ARM CPU can't handle 6 billion requests per day then buy many
copies the ARM based systems.  They are cheap.

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Re: [time-nuts] NIST time services

2014-03-22 Thread Mike George
The PRU on the BeagleBone each include an enhanced capture module that 
can be used as you describe.
It has a 32 bit timer that is latched into one of the capture 
registers.  The timers are independent of
the timer used by the Linux system so I'm not sure how you would tie 
them into use with NTP.  But they
do look like they would be useful for monitoring a GPSDO as Chris 
described.  There are 4 capture
registers in each eCAP so they would also be useful for 
monitoring/timestamping other signals.

On 3/22/2014 17:44, Hal Murray wrote: said:

Would you know which other systems include the PRUs?  Is it only in the TI
products?   It seems like an ideal solution to the problem of
non-deterministic latency.

There is a much simpler solution - avoid the latency by using a counter/timer
to capture the counter on an external event.  (That may assume you are using
the same counter for timekeeping.)  Many ARM chips come with a blizzard of
peripherals. Good counter/timers are common.

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Re: [time-nuts] NIST time services

2014-03-22 Thread Mike George

PRU appears to be unique to TI.

I have only used Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, and Cubieboard.
The Cubieboard (Allwinner CPU) has a lot of IO pins like the
Beaglebone but nothing like a PRU.

Mike George

On 3/22/2014 16:53, Chris Albertson wrote:

Thanks,  Yes of course ARM refers only to ARM

Would you know which other systems include the PRUs?  Is it only in
the TI products?   It seems like an ideal solution to the problem of
non-deterministic latency.

This may not even be required.  There is no point to extreme levels of
accuracy because the weak link with any NTP server is the Internet.
NTP's purpose is to transfer time over unreliable data links and these
links will always be the limiting factor.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Mike George wrote:

The PRUs (Programmable Realtime Unit) aren't a feature of ARM in general
(they are not present
on the Raspberry Pi for instance).  The BeagleBone has 2 PRUs as you
describe.  It uses the TI Siatra
ARM variant.
ARM just describes the core architecture.  Manufacturers tack on all sorts
of proprietary peripherals
depending on what they envision as it's primary target market.

Mike George

On 3/22/2014 15:54, Chris Albertson wrote:

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX

I can see a use for an inexpensive GPSDO with a built-in
gigabit ethernet or USB3  port powering an NTP server.

Neither of those is a good way to transfer time to an NTP server.
Both Ethernet and USB are packetized.   The best way is with a simple
wire with a square wave pulse on it that pulses ones per second.
Nothing can be more simple or accurate.

The trick is to build an NTP server that can react deterministically
to the pulse.   I think an ARM based system could far outperform an
Intel based one.   ARM has two independent PRUs.  These are little
32-bit processes each with 4K of memory that are build right on the
same chip as the main ARM CPU.   The PRUs purpose built for real time
task and can handle nanosecond level timing.   In most existing system
the PRUs are ignored and everything is done using the ARM.

The other way to improve things even better is to not even bother to
have a link from the GPSDO to the NTP server.  Why not simply run the
NTP server software on the same processor as the GPSDO?   Just one of
the little PRUs is more than powerful enough to run a GPSDO.  They are
a 32-bit uP that runs at 200MHz, one instruction per clock.  The PRUs
don't run any operating system code but have access to all of the
ARM's memory and interrupts.  A PRU is way-overkill for a GPSDO.
Doing this eliminates the link cable from the GPSDO to the NTP server.
   If the ARM CPU can't handle 6 billion requests per day then buy many
copies the ARM based systems.  They are cheap.

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Re: [time-nuts] HP53131A Fan/Blower

2014-02-28 Thread Mike George


I replaced a fan in a 53132 by looking up the specs
on the existing fan and matching to one that was available.
On the 53132 I used Digi-Key 603-1009-ND.

The fan was part of the power supply as you said.
The wires are soldered to the board.

Good Luck,
Mike George

On 2/27/2014 18:35, Tony Greene wrote:

Has anyone found a suitable replacement or a source for the fan/blower in the 
HP53131A ?  I have talked to Agilent and the fan/blower is not a seperate item, 
its part of the power supply board.

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