Re: [time-nuts] apple Xcode

2013-05-20 Thread k6rtm

As others have offered, if you're developing for iOS or OSX, you have little 

It has a comprehensive suite of tools -- for some, too comprehensive, leading 
to that old adage about how to eat an elephant -- one bite at a time. 

The entire Xcode suite has a large learning curve, yet the individual tools are 
approachable, so you can take it a step at a time. While I'll do stuff at the 
command line on Linux systems, I'll use the tools Xcode provides for me when 
I'm on the Mac. 


Bob K6RTM 

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Re: [time-nuts] time-nuts Digest, Vol 101, Issue 70

2012-12-09 Thread k6rtm

Thanks for that! A great deal of what makes the Arduino popular, as you've 
identified, is the ease of use through the IDE. 

I just finished re-doing code for a portable RF power meter (AD8307, LTC1288), 
and the Arduino implementation was quick, easy, and provides a lot more 
capability. I used one of the $20 small form factor Arduino devices, rather 
than the full-sized board. 

I looked at the MSP430 when it came out, and it looked interesting, but I 
wasn't interested in the learning curve of yet another system. 

This looks like one to check out -- thanks again! 

73 de Bob K6RTM 

Message: 1 
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 21:30:06 -0700 
From: Joseph Gray  
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Subject: [time-nuts] For Arduino lovers and haters 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

I'm posting this seemingly off topic information, because many times a 
Time Nut needs to do something with a microcontroller (witness the 
recent discussion about GPSDO's). 

Sometimes, you just want to throw something together for a quick test 
or for a temporary project... 

I have never used an Arduino, but I see them mentioned all the time, 
with numerous projects and code posted on the net. A while back, I did 
pick up a few MSP430 Launchpads, as they were so inexpensive. I 
started teaching myself C, but kept getting sidetracked with other 
things. In any event, the simplified C-style of an Arduino program, 
and the huge quantity of code out there is attractive. 

What does Arduino have to do with the MSP430 Launchpad? Well, a few 
guys ported the Arduino IDE to the launchpad. The project is called 
Energia and is found here: 

With some minor pin remapping, many Arduino programs (I won't call 
them sketches) can be run on the Launchpad. Considering that the 
Launchpad is $4.30 (with free shipping) and an Arduino board is 
several times that, it makes the Launchpad even more attractive. Of 
course, you don't have the Arduino addon boards (shields) with the 
Launchpad, but you may not need all that for a particular project. 

One item of particular note - the Energia IDE was just updated to 
include the new TI Stellaris Launchpad. This is a very powerful ARM 
Cortex board that costs very little. I got two for $5 each with free 
shipping, on a pre-release special deal. 

As an example of just getting something done without reinventing the 
wheel, I just got in one of those AD9851 DDS modules that you find 
online from China. For now, I just wanted to make sure that the module 
worked (I have a particular use for it later). I quickly found an 
Arduino program online that uses the same DDS module. All it took was 
some pin remapping to make it work with the MSP430 Launchpad and the 
Energia IDE. I was able to quickly verify that the DDS module works 
just fine. 

Sorry for the long winded post, but I thought some here would find 
this information of use. Eventually, I'll get back to learning C. 
Right now, the project I'm doing requires me to learn Python :-) 

Joe Gray 

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Re: [time-nuts] RasberryPi, timing and GPS receivers

2012-10-16 Thread k6rtm
I've been looking at the Raspberry Pi for a number of projects as well, and 
have been running one for a few weeks. 

My take on the early stability concerns/complaints are that the majority of 
those are due to poor power supplies, with some assistance from the Raspberry 
Pi design. 

Measure what you have for DC at TP1 and TP2; it should be close to 5 volts. 

The polyswitch self-resetting fuse on the power input introduces series 
resistance (in the wrong place); on my unit it measures 0.36 ohms (4-wire 
measurement with my HP33401A). Couple this with a cheepie USB supply that's 
already below 5 volts, and you're on thin ice. Do anything that spikes power 
consumption, such as Ethernet, GPU, or plugging in USB devices, and you 
generate more of an IR drop across the polyswitch which can cause erratic 
operation or resets. 

Use a good power supply -- 5 volts at an amp. Adafruit sells one that's 5V/2A 
for under $10. 

Or you can bypass some of the protection components and connect your +5 supply 
to TP1 and TP2. 

Running mine from a solid power source the only problems I've had are with my 
own crummy code... 

Bob K6RTM 


Message: 5 
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:06:19 -0600 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Subject: [time-nuts] RasberryPi, timing and GPS receivers 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes"; 

Hello everyone, 

I started a new project for myself where I would use the RasperryPi 
Linux board 
as a NTP server. 

My goal is to design a custom board for the Pi and mount a GPS 
receiver on it. With this combination, I should be able to configure 
NTP for the Pi and thus have the Pi act as a Stratum 1 NTP server. 

The new RasberryPI has 512MB memory so it should be fine for running 
just ntpd. 

Question: What GPS timing module should I go with? No more Motorola 
Oncore so what's best right now? Who sell modules? What are the price 

Your comments are most welcome. 

-George, N2FGX 

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Re: [time-nuts] Symmetricom Presentation -- hijacked to LightSquared

2011-12-05 Thread k6rtm
The CSAC presentation from Symmetricom is fabulous -- I'll wait for the $300 
version before I start a group buy... 

Not to scratch yet again at a still festering wound, but also on the agenda was 
a summary from FAA on Lightsquared:

Executive summary: LightSquared breaks GPS in ways that some users can't even 
design around (Slide 9 on June 2011 NPEF assessments). 


Message: 4 
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2011 19:03:31 -0800 
From: gary  
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Subject: [time-nuts] symetricom presentation 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 


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[time-nuts] Raven Industries GPS in-line L1 Amplifier

2011-11-06 Thread k6rtm
eBay auction for Raven Industries in-line GPS L1 amplifier 

Item number 370437343397 

$25 plus shipping 

Raven Industries Inline GPS Amplifier 
Model LA-12-1575-100N 

Female N Connectors on each end 

I've ordered one; he's got around ten remaining. 


Bob K6RTM 

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[time-nuts] (OT) Patents...

2011-10-01 Thread k6rtm
>From a previous (now hijacked) thread-- 

>> I wouldnt try to read patents. These are convoluted beasts, written by 
>> lawyers 
>> for lawyers. If you want to understand the technology, read the papers. Most 
>> of them are eithe freely available or for a small fee. If you have a good 
>> university nearby you can find them for sure in the physics library. 
> Having read some of the patents I know that they can be quite 
> descriptive. There is a new tradition in patent-writing which you are 
> refering to, but that is rare with older patents. 

As a patent attorney, I resemble that remark! 

My undergrad work was physics and computer science. Yes there are plenty of 
obfuscatory patents out there. 

However... My job when I write a patent application is to describe the problem 
and the solution in as clear and concise a manner as possible. 

U.S. patent applications have two broad requirements, enablement and best-mode. 
Enablement means someone of average skill in the art should be able to read the 
patent and go build one without undue experimentation. Best-mode means you're 
telling people the best way you know how to solve the problem at the time you 
filed the patent. That's what I want to do -- describe the problem, and then 
teach someone how to build the solution, to build one that works, keeping 
things crisp, clear, and concise. 

As to going and reading the papers... Some times, yes -- but when I worked with 
Labs (and with Rick) I'd get disclosures from some folks that would start out 
with a 12 page derivation of PLL stability criteria -- Danny, we don't need 
that in the patent! Yes, we can cite Gardner's book, but we don't have to teach 
people how PLLs work when we're trying to patent a particular aspect of PLL 
operation! Or the disclosures that start out "Recall the retarded solution to 
Maxwell's Equations as shown in..." That's not going to make it into the patent 

Clear and concise, that's what I do. 

I'll be happy to carry on further discussion off-list, and return to trying to 
figure out if I really want to pick up a used Datum Tymserve 2100... 

Bob K6RTM 

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[time-nuts] Efratom FRS Manual now on ko4bb

2011-05-18 Thread k6rtm
I've uploaded the Efratom FRS manual to the Recent_Uploads section of ko4bb's 

bob k6rtm 

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[time-nuts] Efratom FRS manual PDF available

2011-05-18 Thread k6rtm
One of the posters to the newsgroup (remember 
newsgroups?) posted a PDF scan of the Efratom FRS manual, including schematics. 

3mb, if there is interest in it, someone point me to a place to upload it. 

bob k6rtm 

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Re: [time-nuts] HP59309A clock

2011-04-27 Thread k6rtm
Saying that the HP59309A clock is an HP-IB device is somewhat misleading... 

It's a very early HP-IB device. No microprocessor control. Not even the complex 
state-machine of the 8660 series. 

I'm doing this from memory, but it's like your memory of the dry heaves -- a 
little fuzzy around the edges, but still intense... 

You have an HP-IB command to reset the clock. 

Then you have HP-IB commands to increment different fields. 

So to set the date to the 13th, you send the increment date command 13 times... 

I think you get the idea. 

The resulting code to set the clock is easy enough to write, and once you write 
it, you never, ever want to look at it again. 

Well, I guess it is interesting in its own pathological way... 

73 bob k6rtm 

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Re: [time-nuts] Housing LPRO and Thunderbolt together

2011-04-22 Thread k6rtm
My two cents, from living with both Thunderbolts and LPROs. 

They are entirely different kinds of beasts, and aren't suitable for long-term 
cohabitation without work. 

Tbolts like thermally stable environments, and are happier (meaning ADEV 
trending towards zero) when they are powered up in a stable environment for a 
long time (and with an antenna having a clear view of the sky). 

LPROs on the other hand, require a heatsink or thermal mass to dump heat and 
keep the baseplate at a safe operating temperature (if you're running one for 
more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time). The nature of the rubidium beast 
is also such that once it's locked, it's not going to vary a whole lot; I also 
don't tend to run a rubidium all the time, unlike the thunderbolts. 

I'm looking to package a LPRO in a portable-ish manner with a backup battery 
good for an hour or so of operation. The idea is to check/trim it with a 
(non-portable) Thunderbolt and then carry it to where it's needed. 

Are you proposing to use the rubidium to provide a reference until the tbolt 
acquires lock? 

73 bob k6rtm 

Message: 2 
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:48:07 +0100 (BST) 
Subject: [time-nuts] Housing LPRO and Thunderbolt together 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 

I have a dilemma and wish to access the collective wisdom of the group to 
a solution. 

I am building a clock generator based on a Thunderbolt. I have an LPRO and 
also locate this in the same enclosure. I will also add a distribution amp and 
divide chain in due course. 

The ultimate purpose of the set up is to provide a self contained clock 
generator set for my other test equipment, and also an experimental workstation 
for Rubidium and GPS disciplined experiments. 

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Re: [time-nuts] Selecting a used HP sweep/frequency generator

2011-04-14 Thread k6rtm

For that frequency range, I like the 3314A - 1 to 20 MHz with sweep, bursts, 
gate, arb, and an easter egg. Lots of modulation capabilities. 

No easy way to synch it to 10MHz, as it runs off an internal crystal clock (2 
MHz?). I've thought about bootlegging it to my house (tbolt) standard, but 
haven't done that yet. 

My real RF sweeper is a boat anchor, an old 8660C, which was incredibly cheap 
by the pound when I got it... 

I paid around $200 for the 3314A on the usual auction site two or three years 
ago; the current batch listed seem high. 

bob k6rtm 

Message: 2 
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 11:38:58 -0400 
From: Bob Bownes  
To: Bob Bownes  
Subject: [time-nuts] Selecting a used HP sweep/frequency generator 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

Thought I would consult the assembled wisdom here. 

I'm looking for an HP frequency generator with sweep capability in the 
1-20Mhz range. I can live with 1-11, and would really love 1-55, but 
1-20 seems to be the most common. Other instruments I already own 
cover 10 and up. The goal here is to have something complementary to 
the 8640B, the 8620, and the 10m-20G sweeper. 

The candidates at present are the 3324 and 3325. 

The questions are: 

1) Of the 3324 and 3325, are there any of the A/B/C/etc variants to 
favour or avoid? 

2) Are there any other candidates to consider? 

This is for home, not work. Cost is, of course, a consideration. I 
already have 10mhz standard, so being able to lock to that is a plus. 



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Re: [time-nuts] Tbolt temperature question

2011-04-04 Thread k6rtm

Mine hovers around 36 degrees C +/- about 1.5 degrees C. Given the time, I'm 
going to start working with LH's active temperature control, and will be 
looking to settle on something between 34 and 38 degrees C, at least that's my 
current guess. 

Over 45 definitely seems warm to me! 

bob k6rtm in sunny silicon valley 

Message: 6 
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 11:50:55 -0500 
From: msproul  
Subject: [time-nuts] Tbolt temperature question 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" 

What is the normally expected oven temperature range of the Thunderbolt? 

Over the past year the temperature of my Tbolt, as reported by Lady Heather, 
has slowly increased from the low 40"s C to the high 40"s. The maximum 
temperature has now crept up to 50 C and is shown today at 50.8 C. At 
50 C the LH 
temperature display changes from white to yellow which suggests a warning. 
All other parameters appear to be normal. 

Does the 50.8 C indicate a potential problem? Is something failing? What is the 
maximum temperature that should be expected? 

Thanks for any help. 



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Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt setup

2011-03-15 Thread k6rtm

Welcome to the family. I'll focus on antennas, care, and feeding. 

Thunderbolts tend to be somewhat deaf, and need higher gain antennas (around 35 
dB) than more modern GPS receivers. They also like a clear view of the sky, 
particularly to the Equator. Hams will tell you that a low-loss feedline at 
operating frequency is very important. That can be a quality RG6 (75 ohm line), 
or a 50 Ohm line such as 9913 or Times Microwave LM400. The shorter the antenna 
run the better, but a good view of the sky is paramount. My GPS antenna shares 
a mast with my Davis weather station on top of our 2 story house; the cable run 
is LM400 down to the ham shack. 

I like the Symmetricom 58532A antenna, available on the usual auction place. I 
got mine from an HK or Chinese seller. 

The power supply should be low noise and stable. The Thunderbolt wants to live 
in a place with a fairly stable temperature. As you advance in stages of time 
nuttiness first you worry about clean power, then clean uninterruptable power, 
and then you start worrying about active temperature control. The active 
temperature control means you have a windows box running Lady Heather 24x7. If 
you're really a time nut, then you'll want to get a Symmetricom GPS antenna 
splitter and at least two Thunderbolts; one to run as your stable reference, 
and the other to work on. Sanity is highly overrated. 

You want to pick up a copy of Lady Heather from John's website, here: 
You can do this well in advance of actually having your own Thunderbolt, 
antenna, and all the fixins'... 

Assuming you have a windows box to run it on, one of the really great things 
about the software is that it comes with a desktop shortcut that will start it 
up connected to one of John's Thunderbolts, so you can "see" one in action and 
get an idea for what a Thunderbolt looks like when its running. 

You should of course peruse the archives, looking for clues on Thunderbolts and 
supporting Symmetricom bits. One of the denizens of the list may still have one 
of the antenna splitters. Who knows, might be able to find someone to cough up 
a Thunderbolt as well (for a reasonable price). 

Advice and opinions, of course, are free and worth every penny... Question 

bob k6rtm in drizzly silicon valley 


Message: 7 
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 20:14:20 -0700 
From: Shawn Tayler  
To: Time-Nuts  
Subject: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt setup 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 


After some consideration and the acquisition of a 5370 and a couple MRT Rb 
sources I've decided that I should get serious and get a Time-Nuts starter 
reference. So what help can the group offer on navigating the Thunderbolt 
offerings out there? Any pit falls to watch for ? 

All comments are appreciated! 

Sent from my iPhone 


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Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt Supply

2011-02-10 Thread k6rtm

I use a +12 volt linear supply (an open-frame leftover) with a 7805 for the +5 
rail. For -12, I use a 2 watt isolated dc-dc converter (leftover from another 

As others have stated, the +12 rail seems to be the noise sensitive one. 

73 bob k6rtm in silicon valley 


Message: 4 
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:16:55 -0800 
From: Larry McDavid  
Subject: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt Supply 
To: Timenuts  
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

Greetings! I am a new member of the mail list. I've been using a HP 
Z3801A GPS-steered standard but have just acquired a Trimble Thunderbolt 
GPS Disciplined Clock. 

I'm seeking a recommendation for a power supply for this Thunderbolt 
receiver. There is much discussion about noise from some switching 
supplies and the effect on phase noise of the 10 MHz output. The 
Thunderbolt manual specifies the following supply and loads: 

+12 vdc 750 mA 
+ 5 vdc 400 mA 
-12 vdc 10 mA 

This combination is somewhat unusual in that the highest current is on 
the 12 volt output rather than the 5 volt output. I'm asking if list 
members have a favorite power supply for this unit, why and where I can 
obtain one. 

Best wishes, 

Larry McDavid W6FUB 
Anaheim, CA (20 miles southeast of Los Angeles, near Disneyland) 

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[time-nuts] Symmetricom / HP 58538A Lightning Arrestor

2011-01-21 Thread k6rtm
Apropos of Chris complaining about possible lightning damage, a chap on *bay is 
selling a bunch of these 
at $30 each plus $15 for shipping. 

No connection with the seller other than being a satisfied customer. 

--bob k6rtm in sunny silicon valley 
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[time-nuts] Changes in new LH 3 beta of 5-Jan?

2011-01-06 Thread k6rtm
Okay, I'll bite -- what are the changes in the new Lady Heather 3.0 Beta dated 
5 Jan? 

bob k6rtm in silicon valley -- looking for grain of wheat lamps for an hp 8660C 

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference

2011-01-03 Thread k6rtm
While you can try and run multiple GPS receivers off a single antenna using an 
off the shelf mini-circuits splitter, a bias tee, and a handful of dc blocks, 
you're likely to run into just this kind of problem. 

It's more than just the "normal" HP overdesign that has their GPS splitters 
like the 58535A comprising: 
an input narrowband (L1) filter feeding a low-noise gain block, 
the gain block feeding a splitter, and 
each output leg of the splitter having its own narrow band (L1) filter followed 
by a pad to improve isolation/return loss. 

73 bob k6rtm in not yet raining silicon valley 

Message: 6 
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 15:59:24 - 
From: "Rob Kimberley"  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference... 
To: "'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'" 
Message-ID: <01cbab5f$319dd060$> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

Yes, I've seen this. On installations in the past, when we were putting up 
dual GPS systems, we always put them at least 10 metres apart. What is 
actually best practice, is to put one at one end of building and the other 
one at the other end. 

Rob Kimberley 

-Original Message- 
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Mark J. Blair 
Sent: 03 January 2011 2:19 AM 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference... 

On Dec 30, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Burt I. Weiner wrote: 
> Has anyone run into a situation where two GPS Navigation type 
Antenna/Receivers interfere with each other? 

It's possible that LO leakage from one is jamming the other. When doing 
mobile GPS receiver testing at work with a single antenna feeding multiple 
receivers through a splitter, we sometimes had to insert attenuators in each 
receiver's antenna feed to keep them from jamming each other. 

Mark J. Blair, NF6X  
Web page: 
GnuPG public key available from my web page. 

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna

2010-12-30 Thread k6rtm

The thunderbolt receiver is notably deaf. While a more-or-less standard 24dB 
antenna will work, you'll get better results with a higher gain antenna, such 
as one made for this kind of work. eBay may be your friend. The HP/Symmetricom 
58532A is 30dB of gain (or a little more). A chap in HK sells them for $40 a 
pop, $10 shipping, really hard to go wrong. (Don't confuse with the Symmetricom 
Timing Antenna, which has a GPS receiver built into it and isn't suitable for 
our type of craziness.) I swapped out an older 24dB active antenna with a 
58532A and saw a noticeable improvement in stability at the tbolt outputs. 

Two GPS receivers from one GPS antenna -- the kicker is providing DC power to 
the amplifier in the antenna. HP/Symmetricom make a nice bit of kit for doing 
this, Mini-Circuits has one as well, GPS signal splitters. They have fairly 
narrow bandpass filters and a low-noise amplifier to overcome the loss in the 
splitter, and a DC network to supply power to the amplifier and the antenna 
from the GPS receiver. 

The HP/Symmetricom unit is the 58535A. N connectors. You can pound nails with 
it. It's heavier than a thunderbolt, maybe twice as heavy. I use one for 
driving two thunderbolts off the same antenna. Also available in a 4 port 
version. If you're good at surface mount rework, you can increase the gain a 
bit, as the output ports have pads on them (to increase isolation/return loss). 

There's a MiniCircuits one, the MCL ZAPD-3DB-1575-3 GPS Antenna Amplifier 
Splitter , on eBay currently for the remarkably low price of $25. Usually these 
suckers go for $100 or more, as the sellers usually understand that they've got 
a specialized bit of kit and price it accordingly. 

Expensive, but if you're going to be driving multiple GPS receivers and 
comparing them, the alternative (using separate antennas) leads to madness. Of 
course if you're reading this list, you're well on the path as it is! 

Watchful waiting on eBay -- I watched a few of the splitters go for $150 or 
more, and pounced when I saw one for a price I was willing to pay. 

That MiniCircuits one looks like a good deal... 

If you want to do lightning protection, Ham Radio Outlet in Anaheim, or one of 
the other Ham Radio stores can get you a protector with N connectors that's 
rated for 1 - 2 GHz. Not cheap, but then again, neither is your house. We 
aren't in Florida, but it only takes one... 

73 bob k6rtm in not yet raining silicon valley 

Message: 7 
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:25:46 -0800 
From: Chris Albertson  
Subject: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

A few questions about GPS antenna 

1) I read the Thunderbolt user manual and did not find any meaningful 
spec on the antenna except that it is amplified and uses DC power in 
the coax. What signal level is the Thunderbolt expecting? oes it 
want a 24dB antenna or more or much less? 

2) I want to feed two GPS units with one roof mounted antenna. I 
figure that splitters are just a transformers and will not pass DC to 
power the antenna. There must be an easy way around this. 

3) Do people really run coax straight from a GPS antenna into their 
house with no protection from lightening? Maybe a GPS antenna is a 
small target compared to a 100 foot wire antenna in Florida 

Chris Albertson 
Redondo Beach, California 

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Re: [time-nuts] Advice on a freq time standard.

2010-12-26 Thread k6rtm

We'll be happy to give you advice, and that advice will be worth every penny 
you've paid for it! 

Some of us on the list find a GPSDO (such as a thunderbolt, or Z3801A/58503A) 
quite adequate for providing time and frequency for racks of test gear. Add a 
distribution amp (such as the TAPR one) and you can serve 10 MHZ to lots of 
gear. With something like a tbolt and the Lady Heather program running on a 
spare PC, you'll have not only disciplined frequency, but a good time standard 
as well. 

You didn't say what you wanted to do as far as the ham gear was concerned. If 
it's providing a frequency standard to gear in the shack, a GPSDO should work 
well; one caveat being who wins when you transmit on the low bands such as 40 
and 20 meters and RF is wandering about the shack. 

If you're looking for something to stabilize your 10 GHz and higher bricks 
while on mountain tops, a different answer may be better. I'll call myself a 
novice-time-nut, and offer my suggestion that a rubidium may be better for that 
kind of use, as once it warms up it will be on frequency and stay there; that 
warmup time is on the order of minutes, compared to the half hour or more for a 
GPSDO to figure things out. You could keep the rubidium trimmed with the shack 
GPSDO so it's pretty close when you need to haul it. 

As with ham radio, the price ranges associated with different levels of advice 
vary substantially. Watching the crazies on eBay can get you a good used 
rubidium for under $100, and a thunderbolt for about the same, or less if 
you're lucky. 

Then again, your own cesium standard might be nice... Don't know how it's going 
to interact with the Henry 4K in the corner of the room, but that's what makes 
these hobbies fun, right? 

73 bob k6rtm in not yet raining again silicon valley 

Message: 8 
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 16:56:33 -0700 
From: Jerry  
Subject: [time-nuts] Advice on a freq time standard. 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

I am looking for a time/frequency standard for use with my ham radio 
and test equipment. There seem to be several surplus units available 
at inexpensive prices. I bought a Z3801A/58503A which would have meet 
my needs but had to return it when I found that the firmware would not 
control the outer oven. I am seeing Z3816A's and Tbird units that 
seem to be readily available at reasonable prices and I am wondering 
if I need to continue to look for a Z3801A with the HP 10811 OCXO or 
if either the Z3816A or the Tbird unit would be a good replacement to 
generate a 10 MHz signal with a 10 -12 spec locked to the GPS 
satellites. If either of these two are acceptable which is the best 
and are there any gotchas to look out for. Reading this group is 
being very informative and I would appreciate any suggestion. 

Thanks, Jerry W5RCQ 


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[time-nuts] (from HP list) Frequency Standards: Basics and Applications

2010-12-12 Thread k6rtm
>From the HP equipment list, thought it might be of interest here: 


Posted by: "" k6yaz 
Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:16 pm (PST) 
A useful and interesting textbook, "Frequency Standards Basics and 
Applications" by Dr. Fritz Riehl, published in 2004, is available on 
for free download. It is 543 pages in length. 

It is a pure pdf file, not a scanned copy. 

Los Angeles, CA 


You need a facebook account or a free scribd account to download the pdf. 

73 bob k6rtm 

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Re: [time-nuts] Software defined spectrum analyzer

2010-12-11 Thread k6rtm
The Signal Hound is an interesting gadget. It's far more "portable" than my HP 
8594E! And yes, the 10 MHz ref input on the back does help; without an external 
reference it does tend to wander around. 

Their website says they've replaced the original model with a rev "B" which 
adds a preamp and also temperature compensation. They were saying over the 
summer they'd have a tracking gen option as well, but I don't see it. 

The tricks they use (sorry, "advanced digital signal processing techniques"), 
such as shifting the LO around and watching what a signal of interest does to 
determine if it's real or not makes some fundamental assumptions about the 
signal of interest, such as that it's more or less the same during the multiple 
passes with different LO values. If the signal of interest doesn't play by 
those assumptions, all bets are off. 

The website says that, if you're trying to measure wide bw signals, 20 MHz or 
wider (such as 802.11g, 802.11n), or hoppers (bluetooth?) you have to throw it 
into a mode where it only does high-side mixing. 

73 bob k6rtm 

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[time-nuts] 85630A Manual Available

2010-12-10 Thread k6rtm
I have a freshly scanned in manual for the HP 85630A Scalar 
Transmission/Reflection Test Set. 

It's a raw PDF, 10.6 MB in size. 

The 85630A when used with an 859X series spectrum analyzer with tracking 
generator (option 010) and the 85714A scalar measurements personality card lets 
you make transmission and reflection measurements from 300 KHz - 2.9 GHz. 

If you're interested in a copy of the manual, let me know and I'll e-mail it to 

Oh, while Santa and the elves found the 85630A and its manual for me, they 
haven't had any luck finding the 85714A personality card. Any assistance, or 
listings of the code (if they exist) would be appreciated. 

73 bob k6rtm 

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Re: [time-nuts] OT: End of an Era

2010-12-05 Thread k6rtm
Onizuka steerable dishes-- 

Friday afternoon departing the Salt Mines, both dishes had been removed, 
leaving the pedestals and az/el mounts. 

The big fixed dishes were still there -- perhaps nobody met the reserved price 
on those... 

bob k6rtm 

Message: 6 
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 07:54:19 + (UTC) 
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OT: End of an Era 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 

Last time I drove by (Thursday) they were still there; maybe they were working 
on the one closest to Yahoo (or maybe I was just worn out and didn't notice). 
I'd love to have one moved to my back yard, but the neighbors would probably 
complain (and the power lines would be too close). 


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[time-nuts] Lady Heather Wish-list

2010-12-04 Thread k6rtm
Lady Heather is a tremendous program for working with the Thunderbolt. 

As I move things to another machine, I find myself struggling with "just what 
options did I whack to get that display?" 

So my wishes for the next (beta) version: 

--- keep options in a file that I can move to get the same display 


-- a command to show what command-line options to use on LH startup to get the 
current display. 

Not earthshaking, but would be nice to have. 

And my continued thanks to all who have contributed to LH, and to this list. 


bob martin k6rtm 

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[time-nuts] OT: End of an Era

2010-12-04 Thread k6rtm
The last two steerable dishes at Onizuka AFB (The Blue Cube) in Silicon Valley 
are being disassembled. 

One of those local landmarks, highway 237 at Mathilda. 

Did anyone see them listed on eBay? 


Bob Martin K6RTM 

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Re: [time-nuts] 10.23 MHz SC cut 10811 compatible crystals available

2010-11-15 Thread k6rtm

Sign me up for one. I'll even save you the postage! 

Bob K6RTM (down the street) 


Message: 2 
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 21:25:59 -0800 
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist"  
Subject: [time-nuts] 10.23 MHz SC cut 10811 compatible crystals 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

Someone was asking about SC cut crystals to play with. 
I have a few dozen 10.23 MHz SC cut crystals that are 
interchangeable with 10811 10 MHz crystals, except for 
the frequency difference. They were made for a GPS 
version of the 10811 that never saw the light of day. 
Any interest in these? 

Rick Karlquist 


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Re: [time-nuts] Determining Time-Nut infection severity.

2010-10-24 Thread k6rtm
Dave suggests a wonderful metric for our disease! 

Of course a single scalar value can't completely cover it. I suggest that it 
needs an error bound (I hesitate to suggest "deviation"), perhaps relating to 
the accuracy of other time devices under common ownership. As an example, in 
addition to two tbolts, two LPROs, a few 10811's (most of them in instruments, 
only one running around loose), I have a 100+ year old Seth Thomas mantle clock 
that has a temperature variation which would make Warren cry. The 40+ year old 
Regulator-style wind-up clock in a different part of the house runs about five 
minutes fast. And then there's the other Regulator-style clock that's dead on, 
twice a day (broken mainspring that still needs replacement)... 

Then again, some members of this esteemed list should get values assigned based 
on the contributions they've made. I'm thinking of my neighbor down the street, 
Rick N6RK, who deserves at least a 16 based on his work, and Warren who has 
earned a similar number based on helping (and educating) others. 

respectfully submitted, 

bob k6rtm in drizzly silicon valley 

Message: 4 
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 15:53:37 -0700 
From: David Martindale  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Determining Time-Nut infection severity. 
To:, Discussion of precise time and frequency 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 


On the other hand, this does suggest a plausible metric for nuttiness: 
the negative of the base-10 log of the frequency uncertainty of the 
best reference you own. So the scale for fully qualified nuts starts 
at 9 and goes upward. Lower numbers are indicative of non-nuts (just 
owning a quartz watch puts you at about 5, at least if you care about 
its accuracy). 



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Re: [time-nuts] Maintaining boatanchors (was Capacitor Failures)

2010-10-22 Thread k6rtm
I've got a lot of old(er) HP and Tek test gear. Built to last, the manuals 
include schematics and theory of ops, and they still perform. 

It's not the old electrolytics that scare me -- it's the old EPROMs. All those 
wonderful micro-based instruments with their extensive self-test on startup 
routines -- sooner or later enough of that trapped charge will leak out, and 
bits will start flipping... 

What to do? Pop out the parts and rewrite them? Dump them to disk as well? 

bob k6rtm 

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Re: [time-nuts] Cesium standard prices

2010-10-21 Thread k6rtm
Awww... Aggravation? Don't you mean "challenge?" 

And taming a CS reference is a stepping-stone to your own H maser, right? 

(I'm still at the tbolt - Rubidium stage of time-nuttiness, and having a lot of 
fun, thanks to a bunch of folks on this list.) 

bob K6RTM in sunny silicon valley 

Message: 10 
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 20:08:22 -0700 (PDT) 
From: Perry Sandeen  
Subject: [time-nuts] Cesium standard prices 
To: ""  
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 


Talk about ask and ye shall receive! 

I want to thank all who have contributed answers on and off line. 

It appears at this time that in the case of a low end CS for me, that the 
remuneration is not worth the aggravation. I have far many too many projects to 
complete to be a nanny to what will probably be a quality time black hole. 

Perhaps after I get more projects finished and have a few more shekels saved up 
a CS will become feasible. 



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Re: [time-nuts] antennas

2010-09-27 Thread k6rtm
Rather than put up two antennas, why not use one, and pick up a HP/Symmetricom 
GPS splitter? (Mini-Circuits makes a similar unit). You can find them on eBay 
for various prices. The Symmetricom one, the 58535A, supports 2 GPS receivers. 
It has a built-in amplifier and filters, so it provides high isolation between 
the GPS units. It's powered from the GPS units, and passes power to the 

The downsides are that it costs more than a pair of cheap antennas, it's heavy 
(heavier than the Thunderbolt!), and uses type N connectors. 

But it's low noise, and you only have one antenna and feedline to worry about. 

73 bob k6rtm 

Message: 3 
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 15:56:47 -0400 
From: "Heathkid"  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] DS1620 Variants in the Thunderbolt 
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" 
Message-ID: <795f7aa593814ecb9aa24f0b55cad...@d1x25bd10> 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"; 

Thanks for all the information on the DS1620. 

As it turns out, both of the TBolts (remember I got the from two different 
sellers and appear identical) have the Trimble OCXO, v3.00 firmware, but the 
DS1620's are marked as follows: 



Interestingly, the first one appears to have been swapped out at some point 
(flux residue all over the chip / had to clean it off to read the markings). 
I've already ordered another "D1" to swap out the "E2" but really need to 
get them both up and running (still trying to figure out how to mount the 
antennas!) and see how much difference there really is. 

73 Brice KA8MAV 

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Re: [time-nuts] WG mounting h/w (2)

2010-09-20 Thread k6rtm
Another mystery solved! 

My (late) father-in-law spent most of his career at Varian-Eimac, mostly 
working on TWTs, BWOs, and the occasional magnetron. In one batch of his 
goodies, along with the H&S SMA torque wrench, was a little box with some 
tapered metal pins! I've wondered what those were for, and now I know! 

He was very happy when his daughter brought home someone who knew what vacuum 
tubes were, even if he did think that the RF work I did as a ham, even the 144 
and 440 MHz stuff, was still practically DC... 

Bob K6RTM 

Message: 2 
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 08:19:25 + 
From: Kit Scally  
Subject: [time-nuts] WG mounting h/w (2) 
To: ""  
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 


Well, still not strictly, strictly true ! 
In Ku & K band earth stations I've worked in, I've never seen shoulder screws 
used, although the equipment used was mainnly from the USA. 
Next to you precision adaptors, SMA torque wrenches etc in your personal goodie 
box are sets of tapered pins, about 35-40mm long - that fit various diameter WG 
mounting holes (the old metric vvs Imperial issue again). 

You insert a pair of pins on diagonal corners then add bog-standard SS hardware 
to the opposite diagonals & tighten. The tapered pins are then removed and 
replaced with another pair of screws/nuts. This ensures absolute (?) internal 
WG slot alignment. There are a few variations on this theme if you must have 
absolutely minimum RL within that section of guide or if one guide face is 
threaded. Hex-headed bolts are usually used. 

That may explain why shouldered bolts are seldom seen. 

Tapered WG pins fall into the 99.% unobtainium class of materials. 


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Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt initial check out?

2010-09-20 Thread k6rtm
Go with Lady Heather. Install it using John's files 
(from, and use the 3.0 Beta 
code -- it's far more solid than the "production" code shipped by a lot of 

One of the really great things that happens when you install it is that you get 
a shortcut to a Tbolt at John's place. You can double-click on that icon and 
see a working Tbolt! A lot of the parameters are going to look different, but 
you can get a look at one that's working. 

If you're serious about this (you'll know in a few hours) I recommend setting 
up Lady Heather in its client/server mode, even if you think you're only going 
to be running it for yourself. This is described in the documentation; as 
mentioned earlier the most complex part may be figuring out which COM port 
you're on. 

A big advantage to the server-client setup is that you can ask a Thunderbolt 
Wizard (such as Warren) to take a look at it, opine on its qualities, and give 
you insightful and useful suggestions for getting the most out of your 
particular beast. You can also check in on it remotely. 

Yes, this requires punching a hole in your firewall. Hopefully you're using a 
(hardware) stateful firewall such as in a stand-alone router or switch, in 
addition to the Windows firewall. (a different approach is to allow ssh or 
other secure tunnel into the box and use a tool such as VNC). 

Have fun! There's a wealth of information (and opinion) in the archives. 

73 Bob K6RTM 

- Original Message - 
From: "russell"  
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 4:47:54 PM 
Subject: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt initial check out? 

This is my first attempt at having a time reference for my home lab. I have 
recently ordered a pulled / untested Tbolt (board in box wo/ power supply) from 
ebay. It has a 5 day right to return if non functional. While waiting to 
receive the unit, I have been getting things ready here (antenna, power 
supplies w/ connector, and TboltMon). 

My question. Is there a check out procedure or list of things that I can 
test quickly to determine if I have received a functional unit with a decent 
oscillator? I just want to make sure I have not been sent a dud. Longer term I 
can read more, learn, monitor and tweak its performance. I am only trying to 
make sure I have a good platform to start with. 

Thanks for you advice / comments. 
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Message: 6 
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:31:09 +0200 
From: francesco messineo  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt initial check out? 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 


On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:21 PM,  wrote: 
> Between Tboltmon and Ladyheather, you'll see that your unit either works or 
> it doesn't. My bet is that it will work just fine, even if the antenna is 
> indoors- and then you won't be able to stop watching it (esp. with lady 
> heather) for at least a few hours... Have fun! 

well, this is not entirely true. I once witnessed a tbolt that 
partially worked, it wasn't able to save the position so it needed to 
do a self survey at each power down and the temperature sensor 
appeared also not working as it reported always the same (improbable) 
temperature. It also wouldn't save any parameter different from a 
factory default. 
10 MHz output and pps were present. The vendor sent a replacement unit 
by the way. 
Just for the record anyway... 

best regards 



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[time-nuts] Semi-OT: Hardware for WR-90 waveguide sections?

2010-09-18 Thread k6rtm
Not completely OT, as stable and accurate timebases are very useful in 
microwave systems... 

What's the proper hardware to use for connecting WR-90 (10GHz) waveguide 
sections? I figure 8-32 brass or stainless, avoiding anything magnetic. 

Bob K6RTM in Silicon Valley 

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Re: [time-nuts] LPRO101 orientation vs lock

2010-09-16 Thread k6rtm
Aha! Once again, Google is your friend -- 

shows the Efratom Rubidium module, and it's a double-width unit. That gives 
plenty of room to mount the module horizontally, and plenty of room above and 
below for fins and fans. 

When I get my time machine working, one of the things I want to go back and 
stock up on are Tek 5xx prototyping kits. The single-width kits are rare enough 
these days (and expensive), but the double-width ones are pure unobtanium! 

Bob K6RTM 

On Sep 16, 2010, at 2:51 AM, wrote: 

> I got one of the ebay LPRO-101s about 6 months ago and played with it for a 
> while, but had problems maintaining a lock. First of all, it has a heat sink 
> bolted to the bottom that is just a little larger than the LPRO itself, 
> including being about 1.25" thick( 1" fins). Typical frequency when locked is 
> 10,000,000.007 on a 5360A clocked by a Z3801A. 
> Both then and now, it takes about 45 seconds to lock from cold, and will stay 
> locked for about 45 minutes. I found that in the position with the heat sink 
> on the bottom will stay locked the longest (up to a few days), but then it 
> becomes intermittent. Other positions will lock for a while, but bottom down 
> always works the longest. 
> For those of you who employed these in TM5xx or similar plugins, did you have 
> lock issues? Is my unit just old? 
> Dave 

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Re: [time-nuts] LPRO101 orientation vs lock

2010-09-16 Thread k6rtm
I assume you mean Tektronix TM5xx or 5xxx modules. 

I haven't seen an LPRO plugin, but considered doing one for my TM506 rack. My 
conclusion was that I couldn't get rid of enough heat without cutting custom 
fins for the LPRO. 

Recall that the physics package in the LPRO is the biggest source of heat, and 
looking at the unit with the connector facing you and on the left, the physics 
package is along the right side toward the rear of the unit. I decided the way 
to mount the LPRO if I had to go vertical was with the physics package closest 
to the top, to minimize the components that got baked. (I welcome recalibration 
of this opinion from more knowledgeable sources!) 

If I could cut fins for the new "top" edge, as well as a good plate for the 
bottom, and some fans, i might be able to get rid of enough heat to make it 
work. I considered mounting the LPRO to the rear of the module connectors, in 
the area containing the linear power supply components. 

I reconsidered on recalling admonishments in the LPRO docs and on this list 
that cesiums do not like magnetic fields! Mounting the unit next to large power 
transformers wouldn't seem to be suck a good idea... 

You might have better luck running it in a TM5006 rack, as they have much 
better cooling and airflow (a reason to get rid of that 506 and pick up a 

I've had good results with my LPRO mounted on a half inch plate of T6061 
aluminum and an old AMD heatsink+fan mounted above the physics package, held in 
place with arctic silver heat transfer compound and spring-loaded wire clips 
going to the plate. I've been meaning to run noise studies to see if the fan 
causes any problems (vis a vis mag fields). 

Since I expect to be using the LPRO only occasionally, I've been trying to talk 
my son into making me a steampunk-themed case, something like rosewood with 
brass corners and detailing... 

Cheers and 73 -- Bob K6RTM in sunny silicon valley 

On Sep 16, 2010, at 2:51 AM, wrote: 

> I got one of the ebay LPRO-101s about 6 months ago and played with it for a 
> while, but had problems maintaining a lock. First of all, it has a heat sink 
> bolted to the bottom that is just a little larger than the LPRO itself, 
> including being about 1.25" thick( 1" fins). Typical frequency when locked is 
> 10,000,000.007 on a 5360A clocked by a Z3801A. 
> Both then and now, it takes about 45 seconds to lock from cold, and will stay 
> locked for about 45 minutes. I found that in the position with the heat sink 
> on the bottom will stay locked the longest (up to a few days), but then it 
> becomes intermittent. Other positions will lock for a while, but bottom down 
> always works the longest. 
> For those of you who employed these in TM5xx or similar plugins, did you have 
> lock issues? Is my unit just old? 
> Dave 
> ___ 
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Re: [time-nuts] Timing Distribution in Mountainous Terrain

2010-09-09 Thread k6rtm

As far as getting a signal through mountainous terrain, look at NVIS antennas 
for HF -- we use them for Field Day for just that kind of communications, 200 - 
300 miles in mountainous terrain. Figuring out propagation delays is going to 
be interesting with NVIS though. 

73 de Bob K6RTM 

Message: 3 
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 11:37:46 -0400 
From: "Ralph Smith"  
Subject: [time-nuts] Timing Distribution in Mountainous Terrain 
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 

We have a requirement for approximately ten radio sites to be synchronized 
to within 30 ns of each other. Ordinarily you could throw in an 
appropriate GPSDO and be done with it. However, we also have the 
reqirement to be able to operate independent of GPS for up to six days. If 
we were able to have each site within line of sight of another, and could 
form a network including all sites, we could do differential time 
measurement between the mutually visible sites and correct in that way. 
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Absolute time accuracy is not 
critical, but relative time accuracy is. Does anyone out there have any 


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[time-nuts] OT: Weather Stations

2010-09-03 Thread k6rtm

The first graphic is of a friend and colleague's weather station just down the 
road. I'd prefer that both graphics were side by side, but Weather Display 
doesn't give me that flexibility without going to a fully custom web page 
(something I'm hesitant to do). 

The remainder is more or less standard WD displays. 

73 -- bob K6rtm in Cupertino 


Message: 6 
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 23:02:15 -0700 
From: WB6BNQ  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OT: weather stations 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 

Hi Bob, 

I went and looked at your weather page and found it quite confusing. I guess 
you are in Cupertino, yet the first chart states Sunnyvale. I guess after the 
first two charts is the data for your weather station represented in two 
different formats of a spreadsheet style and then a data and chart form. 

Am I reading that right ? Or, which one of the displays is from your weather 
station ? 

Thanks for clearing that up for us dummys that don't have a weather station, 


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[time-nuts] OT: weather stations

2010-09-02 Thread k6rtm

I'm also running weather display: 

I don't know an easy way to automagically sync the Davis clock with the tbolt 
other than what WD offers (LH and WD are hosted on the same Windows box, and LH 
whacks the clock on that box). I make sure the rain gauge is clear a few times 
a year. I don't have a problem with feathered visitors leaving samples in my 
rain gauge -- the other antennas on the roof, a discone on one mast and an 
eggbeater on the other, don't offer comfortable perches. Not as comfortable as 
the 70 foot tree across the street -- which is mostly in the due North blank 
spot, or the other large trees nearby. But a two-story house and an elevation 
mask of at least 20 degrees make those trees not an issue as far as GPS signals 
are concerned. 

73 de Bob K6RTM in Silicon Valley 


Message: 1 
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 00:32:15 -0400 
From: "Heathkid"  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Freestanding mast 
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" 
Message-ID: <1f8f92c02e434600b1354911e0b2d...@d1x25bd10> 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 


Don't get me started on my Davis Instruments Vantage Pro 2 with "BIRDS"... 
and the rain bucket! ;) How many times have you cleaned yours out this 
year? Spiders and Wasps are the worst. But... unfortunately, my flag pole 
is now the weather station mount (wireless version) and it's too far away to 
mount my multiple GPS antennas. 

I run both Weather Display and VWS (and a LOT of other software for the 
weather station)... what are you running? Do you know of anyway to sync the 
timestamps of the weather station to a Thunderbolt? 

73 Brice KA8MAV 

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Re: [time-nuts] Freestanding mast

2010-09-02 Thread k6rtm
I've a Symmetricom(HP) 58532A antenna on a six foot mast -- T6061 aluminum 
schedule 40 pipe. Not as cheap as cast schedule 40 from the home store, but a 
lot lighter! The previous mast was a length of cheezy Radio Shack antenna mast 
-- thin wall stuff. The mount for the 58532A wanted larger diameter schedule 

Oh, that mast also supports a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather package -- 
the GPS antenna is on the mast, which is between the rain collector bucket and 
the anemometer mast. The rain bucket is due south of the GPS antenna, and below 
the GPS antenna horizon. While the anemometer mast holds the anemometer 
assembly up a few inches, it's due north, so it's in the region where the GPS 
birds don't go anyway, and is below the elevation mask angle as well as the 
angle at which the birds appear. Life is full of compromises... 

We get very little snow and/or ice here, but usually have storms in the winter 
with 50+ MPH winds. A 10 foot stick of the cheezy thin wall held up the weather 
instruments for a number of seasons with no problems. The 58532A doesn't add 
appreciable cross section in comparison to the rain bucket. I don't anticipate 
problems with the larger diameter mast, and would expect a 10 foot length to be 
quite stable. T6061 aluminum is a favourite for antenna construction. (I went 
with the six foot length as it was available as scrap.) 

Separate 24 hour antenna surveys with the weather sensors six inches or so 
below the GPS antenna, and then with the weather sensors at their nominal 
operating height with respect to the GPS antenna did not show easily observable 
differences in tbolt operation. 

73 de Bob K6RTM in Silicon Valley 


Message: 2 
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 20:46:00 -0400 
From: "Charles P. Steinmetz"  
Subject: [time-nuts] Freestanding mast 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed 

I'm curious what the best freestanding mast is for a timing antenna 
(think Lucent timing antenna or marine "mushroom" GPS antenna -- 
light and pretty small). The mast would have its highest support at 
rooftop or chimney-top level, and could extend from there as far 
downward as the ground with additional supports as required. Should 
be able to survive at least Category 2 winds and heavy snow and ice. 

What reasonably available mast material no more than, say, 3" in 
maximum cross-section would allow the most vertical extension above 
the highest support, and how much extension would that be? I'm 
thinking 10 feet of 2" or so thin-wall steel tube may be OK, but 
beyond that I don't know. Tubing is probably not the optimum shape, 
but I assume the availability of other engineering shapes (say, "+" 
cross-section) is likely to be limited. 




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Re: [time-nuts] Type synch

2010-08-28 Thread k6rtm

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 18:31:14 -0500 
From: "Bill Hawkins"  
Subject: [time-nuts] Does GPS time reception work everywhere all of 
the time? 

Depending on what you mean by "synchronization" you may also want to look at 
IEEE-1588 (Time Synch) and the work done by John Eidson (at HP/Agilent). 

IEEE-1588 lets you tightly synchronize devices (and data collection) over 
Ethernet networks. 

(I worked with John at HP/Agilent.) 


Bob Martin K6RTM in Silicon Valley 

To: "'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'" 
Message-ID: <9ef30a464fa04d31b14e6060d19ad...@cyrus> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

I'm involved with time synchronization of control system 
computers for multi-national businesses. GPS springs to 
mind as a way to synchronize time anywhere. Or is it? 
What about monsoon rains? 

The Internet is available almost everywhere that control 
computers are used, but many users prefer to use a data 
diode between them and the Internet. Control computers 
are now essential for manufacturing processes. Some of 
the processes run constantly for years without stopping 
for any kind of security update. Some of the downtimes 
cost millions of dollars per day. 

A GPS time system allows the control systems to be 
synchronized in time, so that messages sent periodically 
through the data diodes will have the correct time stamp 
on various events that occur in the process. 

But does that work everywhere all of the time? Where can 
I find answers? 

Thanks in advance, as we used to say. 

Bill Hawkins 

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Re: [time-nuts] Antenna problems

2010-08-22 Thread k6rtm

Antenna gain and placement make a lot of difference. Yesterday I swapped out my 
old Trimble active patch antenna (24 - 26 dBc) for an HP/Symmetricom 58532A 
antenna (30+ dBc). It's on the roof of our two story house, at the end of 
probably 20 meters of reasonable quality feedline (LMR400). 

As Warren will attest, my signal levels (which weren't too bad before), are now 
much better, with >48 dBc readings in the central ring, elevations above 60 
degrees, with a relatively clear view of the sky. As the manufacturer's 
literature suggests, the Thunderbolt was designed for high gain antennas, and 
is pretty damn deaf in comparison to most modern designs. But then part of 
being a time-nut is getting equipment considered obsolete by many to outperform 
its original specifications. 

I'm still doing signal strength measurements (in Lady Heather, S - A - D, and Z 
for Zoom if you want to see a larger plot). Over 36 to 48 hours, that will show 
me if I still have problems with nearby trees. 

I also use an HP/Symmetricom GPS splitter, the 58535A. The splitter, antenna, 
and the antenna mount (as well as the thunderbolt) were all sourced from eBay. 
There are more of the 58532A antennas available from the same seller (in Hong 
Kong) currently, at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, the folks selling the 
splitters seem to know what they have, and have priced them accordingly. 

Putting on my VHF/UHF ham radio hat for a moment, you know that good feedline 
and good connectors are a must. Sloppy practices and poor quality in feedline 
and connectors can easily cost you 6dB or more at the relatively low frequency 
of 1.5 GHz, not tolerable in such weak signal work as GPS. 

And take Warren's advice -- I think he has quite the sideline tuning up 
Thunderbolts around the world! He's given me many useful suggestions, and more 
interesting questions to ponder. 

Best 73 de Bob K6RTM in Silicon Valley. 

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Re: [time-nuts] Mounting hardware for HP/Symmetricom 58532A GPS antenna -- M4 x 0.7?

2010-08-18 Thread k6rtm

Many thanks! While waiting for a backup to complete, I dug out the traditional 
box of unsorted hardware each of us probably has. Rummaging through the box 
turned up four very pretty torx-headed stainless screws the proper size and 
length. They're not quite captive in the new mount, but the gasket holds them 
in place. I'm going to dig through the box for more; I'd rather have extras in 
my kit when I'm up on the roof, as one is certain to try and escape on me! 

For those looking for the answer later on, the 58532A GPS antenna uses M4 x 0.7 

Didier -- I didn't spot that detail in the HP/Symmetricom manuals available on 
the net. They only show the assemblies. 

73 de Bob K6RTM in Silicon Valley 

Message: 3 
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 02:07:30 + (GMT) 
From: Flemming Larsen  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Mounting hardware for HP/Symmetricom 58532A 
GPS antenna? 
To:, Discussion of precise time and frequency 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 

M4 x 0.7 
-- FL 

--- Den ons 18/8/10 skrev Didier Juges : 

Fra: Didier Juges  
Emne: Re: [time-nuts] Mounting hardware for HP/Symmetricom 58532A GPS antenna? 
Til: "Time-Nuts"  
Dato: onsdag 18. august 2010 17.36 

You may want to chec the manual, it's on my web site. 

Didier KO4BB 

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[time-nuts] Mounting hardware for HP/Symmetricom 58532A GPS antenna?

2010-08-18 Thread k6rtm
Just received my well used 58532A GPS antenna; the pipe mount arrived 

I've looked at available documentation on the WWWeb and haven't found an answer 

what size hardware do you use for the antenna? 

I know that the answer is NOT 10-32! That's what's on the pipe mount, and those 
are too big. 

Is this thing metric? I don't have access to a lot of hardware right now to 
check. If it's possibly metric, I'm better off going to a different hardware 
store than if it's American sizes. 

Many thanks! 

K6RTM Bob in Silicon Valley 
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Re: [time-nuts] buffer amp transformers...

2010-08-04 Thread k6rtm
I think I'm a time-nut; as symptoms I include (1) a lot of Mini-Circuits parts 
on my bench, (2) searches on eBay for Mini-Circuits goodies, and (3) the desire 
to know how my LPRO, 10811, and Thunderbolt are different, and how much better 
a Thunderbolt would be with a 10811 double-oven in it... 

Anyway, here's an eBay auction for 25 T-626 1:1:1 transformers -- item number: 

which look like just the thing for this amp... 

73 de bob k6rtm in silicon valley 

Message: 4 
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 10:05:39 +1200 
From: Bruce Griffiths  
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Buffer / distribution amplifier for TCXO 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed" 

Bruce Griffiths wrote: 
> In which case a linear distribution amplifier is probably required. 
> With only a ~3V supply available, options for the distribution 
> amplifier topology are somewhat limited. 
> In principle you could use an emitter follower driving 4 other emitter 
> followers with a resistor in series with the emitters of the output 
> devices and the AC coupled loads to match the source to the 
> interconnecting cable impedance to minimise reflections without 
> requiring excessive dissipation in the emitter followers. 
> With the low voltage supply available, using an RF choke is series 
> with the emitter follower's emitter to ground resistor will also be 
> useful in achieving the required dynamic range. 
> Bruce 

A more efficient buffer amplifier circuit schematic is attached. 

The series transformer feedback stage has high input impedance and an 
output impedance matched to the transmission line (yes it works well 
with long transmission lines as well). 
However a trifilar wound RF transformer is required. 

In principle the various GPS receivers could be connected to taps along 
an end terminated transmission line using feedthrough connections with 
compensation for the tap shunt capacitance if necessary. 

A lower impedance line (eg 50 ohms) could also be driven at the expense 
of a higher collector current. 
In this case the value of R3 would need to be reduced to around 100 ohms 
or so. 

-- next part -- 
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End of time-nuts Digest, Vol 73, Issue 12 
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Re: [time-nuts] Prologix GPIB controllers

2010-08-01 Thread k6rtm

Wonderful product! Combine it with the EZGPIB software and KE5FX's packages, 
and you're set. 


KE5FX -- 

Both run under windows (I'm running them under VMWare on OSX, currently with 
Lady Heather on the secondary display showing how my Thunderbolt is doing with 
the quieter power supply). EZGPIB lets you get up to speed quickly in dealing 
with GPIB devices. KE5FX has a number of very useful tools that he's written, 
as well as pointers to more. 

One of the great uses for EZGPIB is to go out and enumerate your GPIB (HPIB) 
devices -- so if someone has changed the default address, it's one call in 
EZGPIB to scan the address space and let you know what's out there (with the 
exception of write-only devices like the 59306A relay box). 

73 de K6RTM Bob in Silicon Valley (but works too) 


Message: 9 
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 20:18:01 -0400 
From: "Heathkid" < > 
Subject: [time-nuts] HP 5335A and HP-IB (GP-IB) 
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" 
< > 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 

I just purchased a HP 5335A and would like to know the group's opinion on 
the following: 

73 Brice KA8MAV 
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