Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-29 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Henk ten Pierick wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2007, at 23:38, Dave Brown wrote:
>> Henk
>> Do any of the spurious signals show on the SA with a search antenna
>> (located in your lab environment)connected instead of the PRS10?
>> DaveB
> No, they are not. I can see spurious if and only if the PRS10 is  
> powered. When I open the PRS10 and search with a loop antenna, then I  
> see the whole spectrum up to 600MHz. Most of the power comes from the  
> board with the micro which runs at 10MHz. I expect that there is a  
> parasitic coupling of this micro 10MHz to the PRS10 output.  This can  
> explain why the spurious level increases with frequency to higher  
> than the spectrum analyzer noise level at say 500MHz. The micro slew  
> rate can explain why it decreases again into the noise above 700MHz.  
> The spurious is only there if the micro runs. It is not clear to me  
> why I can see this spurious and other PRS10 owners can not. May be a  
> different run or version of the PRS10. My PRS10 has serial 5099.
> Henk
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list

If indeed the micro is the source of the spurious frequencies that other 
PRS10's do not exhibit, then either you've got an unusually fast micro 
or there is something wrong/different in the micro supply decoupling 
and/or EMI filtering. The PCB layout could differ or different or even 
extra components may have been used in the other PRS10's.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-29 Thread Henk ten Pierick

On Apr 25, 2007, at 23:38, Dave Brown wrote:

> Henk
> Do any of the spurious signals show on the SA with a search antenna
> (located in your lab environment)connected instead of the PRS10?
> DaveB

No, they are not. I can see spurious if and only if the PRS10 is  
powered. When I open the PRS10 and search with a loop antenna, then I  
see the whole spectrum up to 600MHz. Most of the power comes from the  
board with the micro which runs at 10MHz. I expect that there is a  
parasitic coupling of this micro 10MHz to the PRS10 output.  This can  
explain why the spurious level increases with frequency to higher  
than the spectrum analyzer noise level at say 500MHz. The micro slew  
rate can explain why it decreases again into the noise above 700MHz.  
The spurious is only there if the micro runs. It is not clear to me  
why I can see this spurious and other PRS10 owners can not. May be a  
different run or version of the PRS10. My PRS10 has serial 5099.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread Dave Brown
Do any of the spurious signals show on the SA with a search antenna 
(located in your lab environment)connected instead of the PRS10?

- Original Message - 
From: "Henk ten Pierick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" 

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

> Hi Poul-Henning,
> 1. It is not a stupid question but a very valid one.
> 2. I was aware of the EMI possibility and tried ferrites on the
> supply and signal wires with no result.
> 3. I will try batteries but have to find enough of them.
> 4. On the spectrum analyzer, I checked the amplitude setting and 
> 10dB
> change gave 10dB change of signal level. Also a mixer level change
> had no influence on the spurious.
> Henk
> On Apr 25, 2007, at 22:07, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>> I'm going to ask a seemingly stupid question, but bear with me:
>> Are you sure those signals are really present on the output ?
>> The reason why I ask is that you are in a frequency territory where
>> EMI is both radiated and conducted so you have to be really careful
>> with your setup, grounding in particular, to make sure you do not
>> actually measure the PRS10 acting as an antenna.
>> The best way to ensure this, is to run your PRS10 off batteries,
>> Sealed Lead Acid for instance, and the only other connection to
>> the PRS10 should be the coax to the spectrum analyzer.
>> Poul-Henning
>> -- 
>> Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>> FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
>> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by
>> incompetence.
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Henk ten Pi
erick writes:

>2. I was aware of the EMI possibility and tried ferrites on the  
>supply and signal wires with no result.

If your powersupply is not very high quality, you are almost certain
to create a ground-loop through the power-cords of the power-supply
and the spectrum analyzer.

That's why batteries are such a good thing: they don't offer a path
for ground loops.

If you have a isolating transformer, you can try that in the signal
cable between the oscilloscope and the PRS10, but it's not as good
as running off batteries.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/25/2007 12:49:47 Pacific Daylight Time,  

spurious. The spurious seem to be harmonics of the 357MHz   
synthesizer, we see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonic. (The marker   
is on the 3rd harmonic). The spurious between 500MHz and 700MHz are   
not yet explained. Around 357MHz are sidebands at 290kHz  distance.

Does anyone have schematics?

Hi Henk,
if you can't fix the unit (seems it has much more spurs than my unit) then  
maybe a simple high-quality low ESR 100pF to ground after a 4.7 Ohm  series 
resistor on the 10MHz output may reduce the high-frequency  stuff a bit...

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread Henk ten Pierick
Hi Poul-Henning,

1. It is not a stupid question but a very valid one.

2. I was aware of the EMI possibility and tried ferrites on the  
supply and signal wires with no result.

3. I will try batteries but have to find enough of them.

4. On the spectrum analyzer, I checked the amplitude setting and 10dB  
change gave 10dB change of signal level. Also a mixer level change  
had no influence on the spurious.


On Apr 25, 2007, at 22:07, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> I'm going to ask a seemingly stupid question, but bear with me:
> Are you sure those signals are really present on the output ?
> The reason why I ask is that you are in a frequency territory where
> EMI is both radiated and conducted so you have to be really careful
> with your setup, grounding in particular, to make sure you do not
> actually measure the PRS10 acting as an antenna.
> The best way to ensure this, is to run your PRS10 off batteries,
> Sealed Lead Acid for instance, and the only other connection to
> the PRS10 should be the coax to the spectrum analyzer.
> Poul-Henning
> -- 
> Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by  
> incompetence.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp

I'm going to ask a seemingly stupid question, but bear with me:

Are you sure those signals are really present on the output ?

The reason why I ask is that you are in a frequency territory where
EMI is both radiated and conducted so you have to be really careful
with your setup, grounding in particular, to make sure you do not
actually measure the PRS10 acting as an antenna.

The best way to ensure this, is to run your PRS10 off batteries,
Sealed Lead Acid for instance, and the only other connection to
the PRS10 should be the coax to the spectrum analyzer.


Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread Henk ten Pierick


Thank you all for the frequency plots of the PRS10. It is very  
interesting to see these and find the differences.
In the mean time I have restarted my PRS10 and have seen that some  
spurious signals are large at start up and reduce after that. I have  
attached a screen shot of the hp8590 spectrum analyzer showing the  
spurious. The spurious seem to be harmonics of the 357MHz  
synthesizer, we see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonic. (The marker  
is on the 3rd harmonic). The spurious between 500MHz and 700MHz are  
not yet explained. Around 357MHz are sidebands at 290kHz distance.

Does anyone have schematics?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/25/2007 11:55:53 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

>And  on the opposite front, the TSC-5120 isn't very happy with a square  
>wave input, particularly if harmonics fall within its input  range.  The 
>symptom is lots of spurs showing up in the phase  noise plots.  Adding a 
>low pass filter with an appropriate cutoff  helps a lot.

Very true! Have seen these spurs on the 5210A as well. A sharp 13MHz or so  
cut-off filter will help that.

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread John Ackermann N8UR

> Also, try making the sine wave of the PRS10 into a nice, fast edge rate  
> square-wave with a Fairchild NC7SZ04 driver inverter for example. The 
> Wavecrest  
> units don't work as well with sine waves as with square waves. On the SZ04, 
> put 
>  a 10nF cap in series to the input, and a 1 MEG resistor from it's input pin 
> to  it's output pin. Feed the chip from a very low noise 5V power source. 
> Insert a  40-50 Ohm resistor into the output path going to the coax. Put an  
> attenuator/AC-coupler into the coax so the Wavecrest doesen't get  overloaded 
> by 
> the 2.5Vpp DC signal. Result: low noise comparator/buffer :)

And on the opposite front, the TSC-5120 isn't very happy with a square 
wave input, particularly if harmonics fall within its input range.  The 
symptom is lots of spurs showing up in the phase noise plots.  Adding a 
low pass filter with an appropriate cutoff helps a lot.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-25 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/24/2007 15:14:11 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>>  It is unclear to me if the spurious is normal or not. The spurious of   
>> my PRS10 is 60dB down the 10MHz so it is strange that you see  no  
>> spurious.

Hi Henk,
try running your PRS10 from a Pb battery, with nothing else connected (no  
RS232 etc).
The plot I sent you was from a PRS running from a switching power supply,  
with RS-232 connected to some other stuff.
Also, try making the sine wave of the PRS10 into a nice, fast edge rate  
square-wave with a Fairchild NC7SZ04 driver inverter for example. The Wavecrest 
units don't work as well with sine waves as with square waves. On the SZ04, put 
 a 10nF cap in series to the input, and a 1 MEG resistor from it's input pin 
to  it's output pin. Feed the chip from a very low noise 5V power source. 
Insert a  40-50 Ohm resistor into the output path going to the coax. Put an  
attenuator/AC-coupler into the coax so the Wavecrest doesen't get  overloaded 
the 2.5Vpp DC signal. Result: low noise comparator/buffer :)

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-24 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Brooke Clarke wrote:
> Hi:
> Sorry.  That was a phase plot in the same folder on my computer.  
> Here's my spectrum plot.
> Have Fun,
> Brooke

The 15MHz, 25MHz and 35MHz spurs are possibly produced by the internal 
microprocessor (400ns cycle time clocked at 10MHz).
The lamp oscillator at around 150MHz may also contribute spurs.
The synthesizer may also contribute spurs.
It would have been nice if the lamp excitation oscillator was locked to 
the 10MHz crystal.

The poor close in phase noise performance is probably due to the use of 
saturation as a limiting mechanism in the 10MHz crystal oscillator.
Using cutoff would have been better, however varying the oscillator 
transistor collector voltage with a DAC to control the amplitude is 


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-24 Thread Brooke Clarke


Sorry.  That was a phase plot in the same folder on my computer.  Here's my 
spectrum plot.

Have Fun,


Brooke Clarke wrote:

Hi Henk:

Here is a spectrum plot from my PRS10.  But it's also connected to the 
SR620 so I'm not sure where the spurs are coming from.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Henk ten Pierick wrote:

Hi Said,

Thanks for the picture.
I have inserted a 100MHz lowpass between the PRS10 and the Wavecrest  
tot remove the spurious signals.
There is a large difference in phase noise close to the carrier as  
calculated by the Wavecrest.
It is unclear to me if the spurious is normal or not. The spurious of  
my PRS10 is 60dB down the 10MHz so it is strange that you see no  


On Apr 24, 2007, at 20:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/23/2007 10:51:38 Pacific Daylight Time,

Your  picture's input level is 5dBm.
The SRS spec for PRS10 is 7dBm output.  Were is the difference?

Did you measure wideband spectrum of the  PRS10 output? Up to 1GHz?

retry: the attachement was too big first time I tried sending this:

Hi Henk,

I measured my PRS-10 tonight on an 8563E, you can see the output  is  

There are a bunch of spurs up to 200MHz, nothing noteworthy above  
that,  I
checked to 1GHz. See the attachement. Some of these spurs don't  look 
like  they

are harmonics, but it would take time to investigate all spurs.

Hope this helps you,

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-24 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Brooke Clarke wrote:
> Hi Henk:
> Here is a spectrum plot from my PRS10.  But it's also connected to the 
> SR620 so I'm not sure where the spurs are coming from.
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke

60Hz spur - mains related?
70Hz spur from internal phase modulation frequency used in PRS10?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-24 Thread Brooke Clarke

Hi Henk:

Here is a spectrum plot from my PRS10.  But it's also connected to the SR620 so 
I'm not sure where the spurs are coming from.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Henk ten Pierick wrote:

Hi Said,

Thanks for the picture.
I have inserted a 100MHz lowpass between the PRS10 and the Wavecrest  
tot remove the spurious signals.
There is a large difference in phase noise close to the carrier as  
calculated by the Wavecrest.
It is unclear to me if the spurious is normal or not. The spurious of  
my PRS10 is 60dB down the 10MHz so it is strange that you see no  spurious.


On Apr 24, 2007, at 20:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/23/2007 10:51:38 Pacific Daylight Time,

Your  picture's input level is 5dBm.
The SRS spec for PRS10 is 7dBm output.  Were is the difference?

Did you measure wideband spectrum of the  PRS10 output? Up to 1GHz?

retry: the attachement was too big first time I tried sending this:

Hi Henk,

I measured my PRS-10 tonight on an 8563E, you can see the output  is  

There are a bunch of spurs up to 200MHz, nothing noteworthy above  
that,  I
checked to 1GHz. See the attachement. Some of these spurs don't  look 
like  they

are harmonics, but it would take time to investigate all spurs.

Hope this helps you,

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time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-24 Thread Henk ten Pierick

Hi Said,

Thanks for the picture.
I have inserted a 100MHz lowpass between the PRS10 and the Wavecrest  
tot remove the spurious signals.
There is a large difference in phase noise close to the carrier as  
calculated by the Wavecrest.
It is unclear to me if the spurious is normal or not. The spurious of  
my PRS10 is 60dB down the 10MHz so it is strange that you see no  



On Apr 24, 2007, at 20:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/23/2007 10:51:38 Pacific Daylight Time,

Your  picture's input level is 5dBm.
The SRS spec for PRS10 is 7dBm output.  Were is the difference?

Did you measure wideband spectrum of the  PRS10 output? Up to 1GHz?

retry: the attachement was too big first time I tried sending this:

Hi Henk,

I measured my PRS-10 tonight on an 8563E, you can see the output  
is  +6dBm.

There are a bunch of spurs up to 200MHz, nothing noteworthy above  
that,  I
checked to 1GHz. See the attachement. Some of these spurs don't  
look like  they

are harmonics, but it would take time to investigate all spurs.

Hope this helps you,

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time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-23 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/23/2007 11:27:39 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>I  will zip and send off list.


>> Do you have the Vectron OCXO   specs?
> No, but someone on this list mentioned some time ago  that they sold  
> these
> units to Vectron (Bruce?) and  posted some specs, I forgot who that was
>  unfortunately...

>It is not clear to me if it is possible to measure  the PRS10 10Hz  
>phase noise spec with the Wavecrest.
>Any  idea?

I used a SIA-3000 in FFT mode for phase noise measurements, they really are  
not that great for that purpose. Don't think we can get down to -130dBc at 
10Hz  with accuracy.
Then again one could measure loads of TI data on the DTS, and do an FFT on  
that data.

>  I had a third DTS unit for parts, and that unit's Vectron was out   
> of spec
> (just shy of 100MHz at full mechanical deflection  unfortunately).  
> Datecode 1994,
>  so not too  bad.

>So, if I need parts

No prob :)
I suspect that replacing the simple Vectron 100MHz OCXO with a more modern,  
lower noise Wenzel etc could improve the instruments performance. That OCXO  
should be locked to GPS as well of course :)

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-23 Thread Henk ten Pierick

On Apr 23, 2007, at 20:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Your nice picture shows a -95dBc phase  noise at 10Hz.
>> The SRS spec for PRS10 is -130dBc at 10Hz. Can you  explain that
>> difference of 35dBc?
> The X axis is labeled in exponential form by the TSC instrument, it's
> actually -95dBc/Hz at 1Hz (10E0), and -130dBc/Hz at 10Hz (10E1)  
> just  meeting the
> SRS specifications

I should have looked better

>> Did you measure wideband spectrum of the PRS10 output? Up to  1GHz?
> Not yet, but I will try that tonight.
>>  BTW: do you have Visi for windows by any chance?
> An old evaluation  version3
> Can I get a copy for evaluation from you please? I bought version  
> 1.16,  very
> old and have been desperately trying to find a more modern version  
> that  runs
> on Win2K etc.

I will zip and send off list.

>> Do you have the Vectron OCXO  specs?
> No, but someone on this list mentioned some time ago that they sold  
> these
> units to Vectron (Bruce?) and posted some specs, I forgot who that was
> unfortunately...

It is not clear to me if it is possible to measure the PRS10 10Hz  
phase noise spec with the Wavecrest.
Any idea?

> I had a third DTS unit for parts, and that unit's Vectron was out  
> of spec
> (just shy of 100MHz at full mechanical deflection unfortunately).  
> Datecode 1994,
>  so not too bad.

So, if I need parts


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-23 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/23/2007 10:51:38 Pacific Daylight Time,  
Hi Henk,

>The $900 unit on ebay was a DTS2070.
>Yes, I have bought  that unit for my home lab but it has not yet arrived.

Same OCXO as the DTS2075...

>  Attached is a PRS-10 phase noise plot I measured here with a  
>  TSC-5120A  unit.
> You can see pretty low spurs, but only a 100KHz  measurement range.  
> One  would
> think to have a  perfect oscillator until plugging in the PRS-10  
> into  the
> Wavecrest...

>Your nice picture shows a -95dBc phase  noise at 10Hz.
>The SRS spec for PRS10 is -130dBc at 10Hz. Can you  explain that  
>difference of 35dBc?

The X axis is labeled in exponential form by the TSC instrument, it's  
actually -95dBc/Hz at 1Hz (10E0), and -130dBc/Hz at 10Hz (10E1) just  meeting 
SRS specifications.

>Your picture's input level is 5dBm.
>The SRS spec for  PRS10 is 7dBm output. Were is the difference?

I think this falls almost within the range of the output of the PRS-10 (6 -  
8dBm range), but I may have used a 1.5dB attenuator for better VSWR (don't  
remember), but for phase noise measurements I don't usually add  attenuation.
Also, I think that power number by the TSC-5120A is not very accurate  itself 
(single digit resolution etc).

>Did you measure wideband spectrum of the PRS10 output? Up to  1GHz?

Not yet, but I will try that tonight.

>  BTW: do you have Visi for windows by any chance?

An old evaluation  version3

Can I get a copy for evaluation from you please? I bought version 1.16,  very 
old and have been desperately trying to find a more modern version that  runs 
on Win2K etc.

>  I have two DTS units, one with about 2.7ps jitter on the  100MHz   
> output
> another with about 3ps. I wonder if replacing  the  internal Vectron  
> 100MHz OCXO
> (which really is  very low tech - I opened one  and it actually uses  
> a  CA3130 as
> the oven controller :( ) would improve the  unit's  performance??

>Do you have the Vectron OCXO  specs?

No, but someone on this list mentioned some time ago that they sold these  
units to Vectron (Bruce?) and posted some specs, I forgot who that was  
I had a third DTS unit for parts, and that unit's Vectron was out of spec  
(just shy of 100MHz at full mechanical deflection unfortunately). Datecode 
 so not too bad.


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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-23 Thread Henk ten Pierick

On Apr 22, 2007, at 23:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Henk,
> great to hear that you got a Wavecrest DTS-2075!! That machine can   
> detect
> spurs that phase noise measurements are oblivious too. Spurs cause  
> nasty
> deterministic jitter of course.

That DTS2075 is at my employers lab.

> That must have been the unit for sale on Ebay  for
> $900?

The $900 unit on ebay was a DTS2070.
Yes, I have bought that unit for my home lab but it has not yet arrived.

> Attached is a PRS-10 phase noise plot I measured here with a  
> TSC-5120A  unit.
> You can see pretty low spurs, but only a 100KHz measurement range.  
> One  would
> think to have a perfect oscillator until plugging in the PRS-10  
> into the
> Wavecrest...

Your nice picture shows a -95dBc phase noise at 10Hz.
The SRS spec for PRS10 is -130dBc at 10Hz. Can you explain that  
difference of 35dBc?

Your picture's input level is 5dBm.
The SRS spec for PRS10 is 7dBm output. Were is the difference?

Did you measure wideband spectrum of the PRS10 output? Up to 1GHz?

> BTW: do you have Visi for windows by any chance?

An old evaluation version3

> I have two DTS units, one with about 2.7ps jitter on the  100MHz  
> output
> another with about 3ps. I wonder if replacing the  internal Vectron  
> 100MHz OCXO
> (which really is very low tech - I opened one  and it actually uses  
> a CA3130 as
> the oven controller :( ) would improve the  unit's performance??

Do you have the Vectron OCXO specs?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/22/2007 15:55:37 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>Resonance in bypass/filter/coupling network coupled  with slight non 
>linearity in an amplifier or AGC detector  diode?

Hi Bruce, 
yeah sounds probable, I wonder why Wenzel and SRS don't use low pass  filters 
though since these spurs can intermodulate with circuitry using the  10MHz...

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Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
>  Spurs cause nasty deterministic jitter of course. 
Only if the spurs are not harmonics.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
> Hi Henk,
> I have a expensive 10MHz ultra-low-noise Wenzel oscillator that we bought  
> some months ago that has similar very nasty noise on it's output.
> See the attached HP8563E plot, you can see the worst spur at 280MHz at  
> -56dBm, which is about -50dBc/Hz!
> The Wenzel has a measured phase noise floor of -169dBc/Hz at  10Khz.
> In comparison, see our Jackson-Labs Fury GPSDO output measured exactly  the 
> same way - one can only see the second and third harmonic everything else  is 
> killed by the seventh-order low pass filter.
> I asked Wenzel about this noise, and they said "we see it too, it's  caused 
> by the HP8563E spectrum analyzer itself, we are not worried about  it".
> Well, Wenzel went silent when I sent them the attached plots of an  MTI-230 
> OCXO raw output, and our Fury GPSDO output both measured on the same  8563E 
> setup. Never heard from them since.
> I think the measurements show that it's pretty important to put a low  pass 
> filter on the output of OCXO's.
> I wonder what is generating such high frequency, high energy spurs in  these 
> OCXO's.
> bye,
> Said 
Actually a bandpass filter is even better, particularly for higher 
frequency OCXOs, but don't get too aggressive in lowering the bandwidth 
or the phase instabilities of the filter will degrade the performance. 
Rather a combination of a low pass and a high pass filter with reasonbly 
wide bandpass so that the effect of minor component instabilities only 
have a small effect on the phase of the desired OCXO output frequency. 
If there are any spurious output frequencies relatively close to the 
deired frequency then a bandstop filter tuned to the unwanted frequency 
has better phase stability at the desired frequency than  anarrow band 
bandpass filter tuned to the desired output frequency. For the ultimate 
in phase stability avoid ferrite core inductors, air core or powdered 
iron core inductors have lower (close in) phase noise.

Resonance in bypass/filter/coupling network coupled with slight non 
linearity in an amplifier or AGC detector diode?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread SAIDJACK
In a message dated 4/22/2007 12:55:08 Pacific Daylight Time,  


>The PRS10 has a phase noise spec of -130dBc at  10Hz distance. The  
>only way for me to measure this is with a  Wavecrest 2075 and the  
>PRS10 was not a expected. It was not  better than my R&S SMX. Trying  
>to find out why I found the  spurious which also are seen by the  
>Wavecrest. I will filter the  spurious out of coarse and re-measure  
>but are at least surprised  to find this frequency spectrum.
>I know that there are more PRS10  owners with the time-nuts, I expect  
>them to be phase-noise-nuts  as well.


Hi Henk,
great to hear that you got a Wavecrest DTS-2075!! That machine can  detect 
spurs that phase noise measurements are oblivious too. Spurs cause nasty  
deterministic jitter of course. That must have been the unit for sale on Ebay  
Attached is a PRS-10 phase noise plot I measured here with a TSC-5120A  unit. 
You can see pretty low spurs, but only a 100KHz measurement range. One  would 
think to have a perfect oscillator until plugging in the PRS-10 into the  
BTW: do you have Visi for windows by any chance?
I have two DTS units, one with about 2.7ps jitter on the  100MHz output 
another with about 3ps. I wonder if replacing the  internal Vectron 100MHz OCXO 
(which really is very low tech - I opened one  and it actually uses a CA3130 as 
the oven controller :( ) would improve the  unit's performance??

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time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread Henk ten Pierick

The PRS10 has a phase noise spec of -130dBc at 10Hz distance. The  
only way for me to measure this is with a Wavecrest 2075 and the  
PRS10 was not a expected. It was not better than my R&S SMX. Trying  
to find out why I found the spurious which also are seen by the  
Wavecrest. I will filter the spurious out of coarse and re-measure  
but are at least surprised to find this frequency spectrum.
I know that there are more PRS10 owners with the time-nuts, I expect  
them to be phase-noise-nuts as well.


On Apr 22, 2007, at 20:47, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:

> Henk, I don't know particulars about the PRS10, but spurs anywhere  
> that
> are 60dB down are probably not a problem; check the docs and I'll bet
> that non-harmonic spurs are only spec'd at maybe 40dB down (and I'd
> argue that the 58th harmonic no longer counts as a harmonic; the
> harmonics they're talking about are low order).
> John
> Henk ten Pierick said the following on 04/22/2007 02:28 PM:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry for the reply, hit the wrong button. But:
>> The output spectrum of my just bought PRS10 has spurious frequencies
>> from 580MHz in steps of 10MHz up to 680MHz. The 580MHz and 680MHz
>> signals just above the noise. The 630MHz amplitude 60dB down the
>> 10MHz. Does anyone know if this a normal output?
>> Henk
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread John Ackermann N8UR
Henk, I don't know particulars about the PRS10, but spurs anywhere that
are 60dB down are probably not a problem; check the docs and I'll bet
that non-harmonic spurs are only spec'd at maybe 40dB down (and I'd
argue that the 58th harmonic no longer counts as a harmonic; the
harmonics they're talking about are low order).


Henk ten Pierick said the following on 04/22/2007 02:28 PM:
> Hello,
> Sorry for the reply, hit the wrong button. But:
> The output spectrum of my just bought PRS10 has spurious frequencies
> from 580MHz in steps of 10MHz up to 680MHz. The 580MHz and 680MHz
> signals just above the noise. The 630MHz amplitude 60dB down the
> 10MHz. Does anyone know if this a normal output?
> Henk
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] retry: PRS10 has spurious frequencies

2007-04-22 Thread Henk ten Pierick

Sorry for the reply, hit the wrong button. But:

The output spectrum of my just bought PRS10 has spurious frequencies
from 580MHz in steps of 10MHz up to 680MHz. The 580MHz and 680MHz
signals just above the noise. The 630MHz amplitude 60dB down the
10MHz. Does anyone know if this a normal output?


time-nuts mailing list