[Tinyos-help] RE: the TOS_MsgPtr var holds what

2006-09-26 Thread Pablo Gil Montaño
I don't understand very well what you mean when you say that "within which the receiveMsg() command is called...", but I think I can perhaps help you a little bit.When you want to receive something you just need to use the interface ReceiveMsg (GenericComm provides this interface, so just wire your component to it). Interface ReceiveMsg signals the event ReceiveMsg.receive() when a packet comes. It will give you a TOS_MsgPtr. As you have well guessed, if MsgPtr is a TOS_MsgPtr variable, MsgPtr-data contains the useful data. If you useful data is of type DataType, just do this:DataType* pointerToUsefulData;pointerToUsefulData = (DataType*) MsgPtr-data;Now you can access all the fields in your data using variable pointerToUsefulData. For instance, if DataType has field named tempValue, you just do this to access it:where_you_want_to_save_the_received_data=pointerToUsefulData-tempValue;Anyway, you have examples
 about this in the tinyos tutorial [1], and more documentation in the file ReceiveMsg.nc in tinyos-1.x/tos/interfaces.[1]: http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-1.x/doc/tutorial/index.htmlprimalfear 69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: hello   thanku very much for ur reply..   buti have another doubt..what i am doing is receiving the packets from the radio using the function TOS_MsgPtr receive(TOS_MsgPtr received) within which the receiveMsg() command is called ..till here it is fine but my doubt is1. the received parameter variable in the func holds whatdoes it holds the starting value of the packet or what .. 
 2. if i want to view only the data coming from the radio other than the address and the length etc.so can i view this databy writing as  received-data[i]; or something else.  3. in my code i called for HPLUART.put(received-data[i]) within a for loop.this is giving only the first two values of the data which i want to view..but i want all data,length of the data,crc etc.. can u help me out with these...  
  with regards,  
		LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.yahoo.com___
Tinyos-help mailing list

RE: [Tinyos-help] Installation error, what to do?

2006-09-26 Thread Giri Baleri
You could add --nodeps flag to the command line to remove
i.e. use the command rpm --nodeps --force --ignoreos -Uvh


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
sundaresh sundaralingam
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:57 AM
To: Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] Installation error, what to do?

Hi all,

I have installed  tinyos1.1.0. 
When I try to update the package with this command rpm --force
--ignoreos -Uvh tinyos-1.1.10Jan2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm 

I get an error like below:

error: Failed dependencies:
   nesC = 1.1.1 is needed by  tinyos-1.1.10Jan2005cvs-1

What must I do to correct this ? I copied the rpm file in c:/tinyos,
does that cause this error, any specific folder to copy it into?

Please help, thanks in advance.



Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] RE: regarding the crc

2006-09-26 Thread Pablo Gil Montaño
I think that when you receive a packet through ReceiveMsg or Receive interfaces you don't have to check the CRC, since it has already been checked and you just won't receive the packet if the CRC was incorrect.primalfear 69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: hello   thanku very much..bcaz of ur valuable suggestions i am able to progress a bit faster...thanks once again.   when i am using the TOS_Msg structure, the last two bytesbefore the sync byte(7e) are the crc bytesi want to verify whether the crc value of the packet which i received from the other mote through the radio is correct or not..but i am not able to understand from which byte to which byte the crc has been
 calculated.i tried many a times removing few bytes from the packet structure(view in the hyperterminal using the generic base or tosbase) such as the sync bytes,packettype etc and then tried to calculate the crc but my crc is not talling with the crc generated,...i could not find out from which byte the crc is been calculated...   can u helpme out with this,
  with regards,   
		LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.yahoo.com___
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] make mica2 (error).

2006-09-26 Thread sundaresh sundaralingam
Hi all,I tried make mica2 in the Blink directory and i get this error:$ make mica2mkdir -p build/mica2 compiling Blink to a mica2 binary
ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe -Os -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/platform/mica2 -finline-limit=10 -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=125 -Wnesc-all -target=mica2 -fnesc-cfile=build/mica2/app.c -board=micasb -DCC1K_DEFAULT_FREQ=RADIO_916BAND_CHAN
Blink.nc -lmncc: not foundmake: *** [exe0] Error 127What must I do ?Thanks.Sundaresh.
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MICAz VS TELOS

2006-09-26 Thread walid hamdi

Would you please tell me about the applications where
Telos is better than Micaz and vice versa?

If you would begin from scratch, would you buy Micaz
motes or Telos? Why?

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[Tinyos-help] ADC switch channel

2006-09-26 Thread lamiaimeil
Hi all,
I have a 3-axis accelerometer mount on tmote sky.
Every axis (x,y and z) is connected with a different
pin of the expansion connector and I want to sample a
channel and switch to the next (from x to y and from y
to z) cyclical. I must do it at 6000Hz but I see that
the ADC time for switch from a channel to another is
10ms(!) so I can go at maximum rate of 100Hz.. I can't
believe that an ADC that can sample at 200KHz take
10ms for switching on channels.. How can I do to
improve this frequency?
I try to look on MSP430 user guide and I see there is
a register called ADC12MCTLx (ADC12 Conversion Memory
Control Registers) where I can switch the input
channel setting INCHx. Do this mean I must use
assembly code? If yes, how can I do this?
Thanks in advance.

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2006-09-26 Thread Joe Polastre

See /opt/moteiv/tos/sensorboards/invent/MicrophoneDriver*.nc


On 9/25/06, Raj Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Joe
I am working on an application wherein we are to acquire data from
multichannels of accelerometer.After acquring say 500 points per channel at
2000 hz we are to store them in a flash.During this storing of data the
sampling goes on so that there is no loss of data. So we require DMA based
sampling.I have been able to achieve single channel DMA based data
acqusition but not able to find how to extend the the same to three
channels.I have used MSP430ADCsingle for single channel.Also we are using

Raj Kumar
ACES 2069
IIT Kanpur
Ph 0512-3241300 ,0512-259-8069

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] How to use ACK in TOSSIM

2006-09-26 Thread Douglas R Herbert


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:20:30 -0700
From: Philip Levis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] How to use ACK in TOSSIM
To: Michael Schippling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: tinyos-help_list tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

On Sep 25, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Michael Schippling wrote:


I'm not entirely certain that ACKs work in TOSSIM, like rssi

ACKs work in TOSSIM. The default (TR1000) radio stack actually  
emulates the ACK bit pattern, etc. I do not know about the CC1000  
stack from Harvard or the CC2420 stack in beta/. In particular, I  
don't know what the ACK loss model is.


ACKs do not work for the CC1000 in TOSSIM by default.  A co-worker and I 
have a corrected version, in which the ACKs work, if there is interest.  
In addition to correcting ACKs, we have set sendDone to return FAIL on 
non-broadcast messages if an ACK is not received.  This seems much more 


Douglas R Herbert
SeNDOR Research Group
Center for Wireless Systems and Applications
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University

Mailbox:  465 Northwestern Ave.  #158
West Lafayette, IN  47907
Lab:  Physics Building, Rm. 50
Lab Phone:765-494-3010
Email:drh - at - purdue.edu
Site: http://shay.ecn.purdue.edu/~herbertd
Site: http://shay.ecn.purdue.edu/~sendor

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Installation error, what to do?

2006-09-26 Thread sundaresh sundaralingam
Servey,Thanks for the speedy reply. :)I just downloaded
nesC version 1.2.7a from sourceforge. Installation went on fine. But
when I updated to the Jan2005 version it gave me the same error again.I tried updating to the package which you suggested and this is the error i received :
error: tinyos-1.1.15Dec2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm: headerRead failed: region tr

ailer: BAD, tag 1561827911 type 468591732 offset -299205266 count -153414613error: tinyos-1.1.15Dec2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm

 cannot be installedRegards,Sundaresh.
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Re: David! Please help with nesC

2006-09-26 Thread David Gay

On 9/26/06, Сергей Кушнир [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello, David!
I have made some changes to this patch: a little bit about configure.in and 
make some corrections in line numbers.
Then I have copied my patch tinyos-binutils-2-16-1.diff in binutils2-16 tree 
and execute command:
patch -p1 tinyos-binutils2-16-1.diff
I have saw these lines:
 patching file bfd/configure.in
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 8 with fuzz 1.
 patching file gas/config/tc-avr.h
 patching file gas/config/tc-msp430.h
 patching file gas/expr.c
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 1923 (offset 10 lines).
Patch process seems to be accomplished - I have tested patched files on 
difference - it's exists 8-)
Then I once more have installed Binutils 2.16.1  GCC 3.4.6  AvrLibc 1.4.4. When AVR Libc 
was in configuring process, it was tested avr-gcc for supported mcu (attinyxxx, atmegaxxetc). 
And in all lines was word no - Is that very strange? :-/
Ok, all were reinstalled and I have tryed to make Blink for mica2. IT DOESNT 
WORK!! :cry: It's show me same errors...
May be I have incorrect patched binutils? Could you take a look at my patch 

Patch looks fine. You might want to check you're actually using the
patche binutils (gcc is a little picky about how it picks the
assembler to run - you have to configure binutils and gcc with the
same --prefix). I'd remove the old binutils, check that compilation
fails, then install the new one (making sure it is the new one ;-)).

There's of course a chance some change from 2.15 to 2.16.1 has broken
the patch. But I won't have time to look into that for a few days.

David Gay

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Serial In-Programming or Ethernet In-programming

2006-09-26 Thread walid hamdi
Could anybody tell me please the difference between
MIB510 (serial) and MIB600  (Ethernet) in putting the
application on the mote!

Do we need the same commands like:

Make micaz install .. or do they have different
installing commands.

Please Help!

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Sleep mode,micaz,tinyos-1.x

2006-09-26 Thread Jacob Sorber
You can use timers with HPLPowerManagement, at least with the Mica2/Dot/Z motes. The only problem I have had is that occasionally they get lost, especially if the timer interval is short. My solution has been to always use repeating timers rather than one-shot timers. That way, if you lose one event, the timer will eventually fire again. Once I made that change and wrote my code with the assumption that my 1 second timer might fire in 2 seconds, then it all worked fine.
Best of luck,Jacob SorberOn 9/25/06, Munaretto, Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear all,i had a look in the mail archives about the sleep mode for micaz, but it is not so clear to me how to handle it.
I found that it is necessary to use the HPLPowerManagementM.nc interface, but if you enable it, you cannot use the timers in your code if the node is in the sleep mode.So, if i enable the powermanagement, is the node set in the sleep mode? and if yes, how can i run my code by using my main timer (it is important to post my tasks!)?
the last question: in order not to have problems in the usage of this interface, is it enough to call the enable function at the beginning (in the starting phase) of my code?Thanks very much for your availability,
cheersDaniel___Tinyos-help mailing listTinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Ответ: Installation error , what to do?

2006-09-26 Thread Сергей Кушнир

Hi, Sundaresh! It means that version of nesC compiler in TinyOS 1.1.0
is older than 1.1.1. You have to install the newer version of it. The
last version is 1.27 and you can get it here
But why do you install 1.1.10? Try better the latest CVS snapshot
1.1.15 ;-). I have worked with it without any problems.
Best regards, Sergey

2006/9/26, sundaresh sundaralingam [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi all,

I have installed  tinyos1.1.0.
When I try to update the package with this command rpm --force --ignoreos
-Uvh tinyos-1.1.10Jan2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm

I get an error like below:

error: Failed dependencies:
   nesC = 1.1.1 is needed by  tinyos-1.1.10Jan2005cvs-1

What must I do to correct this ? I copied the rpm file in c:/tinyos, does
that cause this error, any specific folder to copy it into?

Please help, thanks in advance.


С уважением, Кушнир Сергей

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Re: David! Please help with nesC

2006-09-26 Thread Сергей Кушнир

Hello, David!
I have made some changes to this patch: a little bit about configure.in and 
make some corrections in line numbers.
Then I have copied my patch tinyos-binutils-2-16-1.diff in binutils2-16 tree 
and execute command:
   patch -p1 tinyos-binutils2-16-1.diff
I have saw these lines:
patching file bfd/configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 8 with fuzz 1.
patching file gas/config/tc-avr.h
patching file gas/config/tc-msp430.h
patching file gas/expr.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1923 (offset 10 lines).
Patch process seems to be accomplished - I have tested patched files on 
difference - it's exists 8-)
Then I once more have installed Binutils 2.16.1  GCC 3.4.6  AvrLibc 1.4.4. When AVR Libc 
was in configuring process, it was tested avr-gcc for supported mcu (attinyxxx, atmegaxxetc). 
And in all lines was word no - Is that very strange? :-/
Ok, all were reinstalled and I have tryed to make Blink for mica2. IT DOESNT 
WORK!! :cry: It's show me same errors...
May be I have incorrect patched binutils? Could you take a look at my patch 

Best Regards

Description: Binary data
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] how interrupts are handled in tinyos

2006-09-26 Thread gagan gaba
can somebody please guide me how interrupts are
handled in tinyos 1.1.0 .
i have gone through all the tiny os material available
on net but couldnt able to find how interrupts are
generated and handled and how tinyos get back to its
last task.

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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MSP430 BSL history

2006-09-26 Thread R. Steve McKown

I notice that many MSP430-based mote designs, like the Telos revisions, 
interject special 'handshaking' between the serial port DTR# signal and the 
MSP's RST# pin in BSL configurations.  Is there any reason beyond prevention 
of unwanted uC resets by spurious toggling of DTR# that historically caused 
such design decisions?  I'm way too new to TinyOS to recall, and google 
hasn't been very helpful.

Thanks for your thoughts,
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] FTSP on Tmotes

2006-09-26 Thread Cory Sharp
I would be very hesitant to say anything is an absolute guarantee. Brano from Vanderbilt identified a note in the MSP430 User's Guide regarding potentially corrupt readings of a timer based on a asynchronous clock source. This seemed like the likely source of errors in corrupt time values. The user's guide indicated the workaround is to take a majority vote of the timer readings to determine a valid reading. With that fix and without a deeper analysis of the issue, it seems like there is still an infinitesimal chance getting of a corrupt reading, though a corrupt reading is at least significantly less likely than before. Asserting anything stronger than that would require a longer study which I have not performed.
CoryOn 9/25/06, harish prabhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Cory, This is with reference to the volcano monitoring paper of Matt Welsh and his team (mentioned below). In this paper, two problems have been mentioned with regards to FTSP. 1) The problem with the clock driver (apparently seen only on Tmotes) that seems
 to return bogus timestamps. 2) FTSP does not check validity of time sync messages.The first seems to have been fixed in the change to TimerM.nc in /tos/platform/msp430done in February 2006.

Does this guarantee that there will be no bogus timestamps anymore ?Given the fact that this fix has been done, can we assume that the time filtering/timerectification approach mentioned in the paper is not required anymore ?

On 9/20/06, Omprakash Gnawali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Matt Welsh and his group has an OSDI paper:Fidelity and Yield in a Volcano Monitoring Sensor Network
http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/papers/volcano-osdi06.pdfin which they report similar error. You might want to read that paper
if you are trying to use FTSP on Tmotes because the paper talks about
different techniques they used to get FTSP to work well.- om_p Hi All, Has anyone tried FTSP on Tmotes ? If yes, what was the accuracy obtained ? Is it of the order of micro-seconds ?
 I was trying it but I cannot see better than millisecond accuracy. Regards, Harish

___Tinyos-help mailing listTinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MSP430 BSL history

2006-09-26 Thread Joe Polastre

Unwanted reset when inserting and removing from USB.


On 9/26/06, R. Steve McKown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I notice that many MSP430-based mote designs, like the Telos revisions,
interject special 'handshaking' between the serial port DTR# signal and the
MSP's RST# pin in BSL configurations.  Is there any reason beyond prevention
of unwanted uC resets by spurious toggling of DTR# that historically caused
such design decisions?  I'm way too new to TinyOS to recall, and google
hasn't been very helpful.

Thanks for your thoughts,
Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MSP430 BSL history

2006-09-26 Thread Cory Sharp
Also, on some platforms such as Linux, it would hold the mote in reset unless the serial port was actively open for read/write.CoryOn 9/26/06, Joe Polastre
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Unwanted reset when inserting and removing from USB.
-JoeOn 9/26/06, R. Steve McKown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I notice that many MSP430-based mote designs, like the Telos revisions,
 interject special 'handshaking' between the serial port DTR# signal and the MSP's RST# pin in BSL configurations.Is there any reason beyond prevention of unwanted uC resets by spurious toggling of DTR# that historically caused
 such design decisions?I'm way too new to TinyOS to recall, and google hasn't been very helpful. Thanks for your thoughts, Steve ___
 Tinyos-help mailing list Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU 
https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help___Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] make mica2 (error).

2006-09-26 Thread Michael Schippling

One hopes that you have installed the whole TOS development environment...

Try this in the bash shell:
enfield:schip [206] type ncc
ncc is /usr/local/bin/ncc

You may not have that directory in your PATH.

sundaresh sundaralingam wrote:

Hi all,

I tried make mica2 in the Blink directory and i get this error:

$ make mica2
mkdir -p build/mica2
compiling Blink to a mica2 binary
ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe -Os -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/platform/mica2 
-limit=10 -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=125 -Wnesc-all 
-target=mica2 -fn
esc-cfile=build/mica2/app.c -board=micasb 
0 -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0xba77cf40L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x4519150bL Blink.nc 
http://Blink.nc -lm

ncc: not found
make: *** [exe0] Error 127

What must I do ?



Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] how interrupts are handled in tinyos

2006-09-26 Thread Michael Schippling

There was just a huge discussion of interrupts and async functions
on this list, perhaps even this month. This is a good search start:

If you want the actual TOS code that wraps ints you'll have to go
search _every_ source file, just like the rest of us. Sorry, I don't
know where it is...I would start in the platform/avrmote (for mica's
anyway) directory and work back through all the includes...

The phrasing of your question leads me to wonder if you are asking
about the basics of interrupt handling however, if that is the case
the micro-controller spec-book is probably the best place to look.
On the atmega128 the RETI instruction is used to...yup...
RETurn from Interrupt.


gagan gaba wrote:

can somebody please guide me how interrupts are
handled in tinyos 1.1.0 .
i have gone through all the tiny os material available
on net but couldnt able to find how interrupts are
generated and handled and how tinyos get back to its
last task.

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Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MSP430 BSL history

2006-09-26 Thread R. Steve McKown
On Tuesday 26 September 2006 11:20 am, Joe Polastre wrote:
 Unwanted reset when inserting and removing from USB.

On Tuesday 26 September 2006 11:28 am, Cory Sharp wrote:
 Also, on some platforms such as Linux, it would hold the mote in reset
 unless the serial port was actively open for read/write.


 On 9/26/06, R. Steve McKown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I notice that many MSP430-based mote designs, like the Telos revisions,
  interject special 'handshaking' between the serial port DTR# signal and
  the MSP's RST# pin in BSL configurations.  Is there any reason beyond
  prevention of unwanted uC resets by spurious toggling of DTR# that
  historically caused such design decisions?  I'm way too new to TinyOS to
  recall, and google hasn't been very helpful.
  Thanks for your thoughts,
  Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] ditto is not running

2006-09-26 Thread Cory Sharp
Bandu,I'm not sure what's going on. Can you try compiling Ditto from the application directory in /opt/moteiv/apps/invent/Ditto and installing again?Let me know if that helps, thanks,Cory
On 9/23/06, bandu khote [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After rebooting to moteiv application Ditto both the tmote invent flash all three leds  rapidly and then no led/speaker/mic work.  Any pointer what is going wrong.  Thanks
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[Tinyos-help] micaz support

2006-09-26 Thread jose m
Hi,I'm using tinyos 1.1.0-1is and doesn't have micaz support. Wich version has it?José 
Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
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Probalo ya! ___
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Question about tasks in Tinyos 1.x

2006-09-26 Thread KANG HUI
Dr. Levis:
If a command has the following code

command result_t A.p(){
   post TaskB();
If some module call A.p(), the execution sequence is : first A.p() is
put into the task queue and runs to
completion, and then TaskB will be executed until a later time. And the
return value of A.p() is whether TaskB be put into the task queue.
So command and event function is also two kinds of tasks. But a C-like
function such as
void f(){
is not a task and will return immediately.
Is my understanding right? Please correct me. Thanks.


Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Problems Compiling on Fedora Core 4 Related to offsetof()

2006-09-26 Thread Jason Hemann
Dear TinyOSers,  I am trying to compile TinyOS 1.1.0 on Fedora Core 4, and ran into a problem that many others have had relating to offsetof().   When I try to compile, I get 4 error messages of the sort  /opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/types/AM.h:157: parse error before `struct' As I understand the problem, the offsetof() macro has been changed since Linux kernel 2.6.9. Instead of using a generic method, it is now replaced by a compiler specific function __builtin_offsetof() which is not recognitized by nesc.  I have found the patch located in the message  http://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/tinyos-help/2005-September/012275.html  But do not know how or where to install the patch. If someone could give further instructions for installing this patch, replacing my old version of gcc, or any other way to solve this problem, I would be ever so appreciative.  Thank you, Jason Hemann  Jason
 HemannOne Trinity Place # 663San Antonio, Texas 78212713 702 7524 
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Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Problems Compiling on Fedora Core 4 Related to offsetof()

2006-09-26 Thread Chad Metcalf

Patch files are applied thusly:

patch -p0  tinyos.patch

You need to be in the top level directory and it assumes the patch was
made there. Otherwise you might need to alter the -p option. I seem to
recall that patch was a -p1 but I don't recall.

But you might be able to use a newer version of nesc which doesn't
need the patch. The latest and greatest works for me for my TinyOS 1.x
work. But I can't comment on 1.1.10.


On 9/26/06, Jason Hemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear TinyOSers,

 I am trying to compile TinyOS 1.1.0 on Fedora Core 4, and ran into a
problem that many others have had relating to offsetof().

 When I try to compile, I get 4 error messages of the sort
 /opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/types/AM.h:157: parse error before `struct'
 As I understand the problem, the offsetof() macro has been changed since
Linux kernel 2.6.9. Instead of using a generic method, it is now replaced by
a compiler specific function __builtin_offsetof() which is not recognitized
by nesc.

 I have found the patch located in the message

 But do not know how or where to install the patch. If someone could give
further instructions for installing this patch, replacing my old version of
gcc, or any other way to solve this problem,  I would be ever so

 Thank you,
 Jason Hemann

Jason Hemann
One Trinity Place # 663
San Antonio, Texas 78212
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Question about tasks in Tinyos 1.x

2006-09-26 Thread Cory Sharp
Kang,Please search the TinyOS Help archives. It seems like we discuss this at length at least once a month. A handy form for search ing is here:
http://www.moteiv.com/community/TinyOS_InformationShort answer: commands and events are just like C functions, they're not tasks.CoryOn 9/26/06, 
Dr. Levis:If a command has the following codecommand result_t A.p(){ ... post TaskB(); ...}If some module call A.p(), the execution sequence is : first A.p() isput into the task queue and runs to
completion, and then TaskB will be executed until a later time. And thereturn value of A.p() is whether TaskB be put into the task queue.So command and event function is also two kinds of tasks. But a C-like
function such asvoid f(){}is not a task and will return immediately.Is my understanding right? Please correct me. Thanks.Regards,Hui___Tinyos-help mailing list

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RE: [Tinyos-help] make mica2 (error).

2006-09-26 Thread Bryn Smith
That is an installation error. It means that it cannot find the nesC for
TinyOS compiler called ncc. What version are you running? What system
are you running on? Linux or Cygwin? Have you installed from source,
rpms or cvs?

If you provide this information it may help. You may also want to go
through the installation procedures carefully.


Bryn Smith

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
sundaresh sundaralingam
Sent: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 10:26 PM
To: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] make mica2 (error).

Hi all,

I tried make mica2 in the Blink directory and i get this error:

$ make mica2
mkdir -p build/mica2
compiling Blink to a mica2 binary
ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe -Os -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/platform/mica2
-limit=10 -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=125 -Wnesc-all
-target=mica2 -fn
esc-cfile=build/mica2/app.c -board=micasb
0 -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0xba77cf40L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x4519150bL Blink.nc
ncc: not found
make: *** [exe0] Error 127

What must I do ?



Tinyos-help mailing list

RE: [Tinyos-help] Serial In-Programming or Ethernet In-programming

2006-09-26 Thread Bryn Smith
I don't know anything about the MIB600, you might have to have a look on the 
crossbow website (www.xbow.com).

For the MIB510 you need to type something like:
make micaz install mib510,device
Where device is the serial port, eg /dev/ttyS0 for COM1, /dev/ttyS1 for COM2 
(note the S is uppercase!)

Hope this helps,

Bryn Smith

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of walid hamdi
Sent: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 11:32 PM
To: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] Serial In-Programming or Ethernet In-programming

Could anybody tell me please the difference between
MIB510 (serial) and MIB600  (Ethernet) in putting the application on the mote!

Do we need the same commands like:

Make micaz install .. or do they have different
installing commands.

Please Help!

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Question about tasks in Tinyos 1.x

2006-09-26 Thread KANG HUI
Hi, Cory,
Thank you for you reply.
But on the mailing list, most of them deal with interrupt and event
handler. When I concern about is the command function and task.
If as you said command function is like C function and returns
immediately, why does nesC need asyn command? Asynchrous command
function executes immediately and preempt tasks.
Is command function without asyn like task will be deferred for some
time. For example,
   (1)Non asyn command function
 In component A, it call B.process(), which isn't defiedn as a asyn
command. Then B. process() will be put into the task queue and executed
(2) asyn command function
 Component A call B.process(), which is asyn command. Then B.process()
execute immediately and preempt other tasks in the task queue.

So my conclusion is that command function without asyn is like task,
insead of C-function.


On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Cory Sharp wrote:


 Please search the TinyOS Help archives.  It seems like we discuss this at
 length at least once a month.  A handy form for search ing is here:


 Short answer: commands and events are just like C functions, they're not


 On 9/26/06, KANG HUI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dr. Levis:
  If a command has the following code
  command result_t A.p(){
 post TaskB();
  If some module call A.p(), the execution sequence is : first A.p() is
  put into the task queue and runs to
  completion, and then TaskB will be executed until a later time. And the
  return value of A.p() is whether TaskB be put into the task queue.
  So command and event function is also two kinds of tasks. But a C-like
  function such as
  void f(){
  is not a task and will return immediately.
  Is my understanding right? Please correct me. Thanks.
  Tinyos-help mailing list

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Re: [Tinyos-help] FTSP on Tmotes

2006-09-26 Thread harish prabhu
Hi Cory, I was continuing my experiment and I do observe that there are bogus timestamps despite the fix and as you mention, they are less frequent than before.  I understand that the problem arises because of trying to read the timer (based on 
 an async clock source) when it is running.TimerM component ultimately uses Timer B of the MSP430. Is it possible to use Timer A and provide a new LocalTime.read exclusively for the purpose of FTSP ? Is Timer A used in any important component ?
( I notice that it is used by LocalTimeMicroC/some ADC component - can this be done away with if I do not use it in my application ?) If I can use Timer A exclusively, will the following steps work ? : 1. Start timer A in continuous mode using 
TimerA.setMode(). 2. Set the mode to halted using TimerA.setMode() 3. Read the TAR register using TimerA.read() 4. Restart timer A in continuous mode using TimerA.setMode() Thanks and Regards,Harish
 On 9/26/06, Cory Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would be very hesitant to say anything is an absolute guarantee. Brano from Vanderbilt identified a note in the MSP430 User's Guide regarding potentially corrupt readings of a timer based on a asynchronous clock source. This seemed like the likely source of errors in corrupt time values. The user's guide indicated the workaround is to take a majority vote of the timer readings to determine a valid reading. With that fix and without a deeper analysis of the issue, it seems like there is still an infinitesimal chance getting of a corrupt reading, though a corrupt reading is at least significantly less likely than before. Asserting anything stronger than that would require a longer study which I have not performed.
CoryOn 9/25/06, harish prabhu 

Hi Cory, This is with reference to the volcano monitoring paper of Matt Welsh and his team (mentioned below). In this paper, two problems have been mentioned with regards to FTSP. 1) The problem with the clock driver (apparently seen only on Tmotes) that seems
 to return bogus timestamps. 2) FTSP does not check validity of time sync messages.The first seems to have been fixed in the change to TimerM.nc in /tos/platform/msp430done in February 2006.

Does this guarantee that there will be no bogus timestamps anymore ?Given the fact that this fix has been done, can we assume that the time filtering/timerectification approach mentioned in the paper is not required anymore ?

On 9/20/06, Omprakash Gnawali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Matt Welsh and his group has an OSDI paper:Fidelity and Yield in a Volcano Monitoring Sensor Network
http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/papers/volcano-osdi06.pdfin which they report similar error. You might want to read that paper
if you are trying to use FTSP on Tmotes because the paper talks about
different techniques they used to get FTSP to work well.- om_p Hi All, Has anyone tried FTSP on Tmotes ? If yes, what was the accuracy obtained ? Is it of the order of micro-seconds ?
 I was trying it but I cannot see better than millisecond accuracy. Regards, Harish

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