Re: [Tinyos-help] Sending info in CTP

2011-08-21 Thread Omprakash Gnawali
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:44 PM, FraN J wrote:
 Im doing some research about CTP, want to modify it ant test if i can
 improve the energy consumption but im new to nesC and im having some
 troubles with the code.
 By now, i added a new field to the route_info_t structure defined in
 TreeRouting.h. I also added the same field to the ctp_routing_header_t
 structure defined in Ctp.h so the field get sent each time the node send a
 beacon avertising his routeInfo.
 When a node changes his parent (in the task updateRouteTask), if the best
 neighbor found in the routing table is even better than our actual parent,
 the node is going to change his actual parent.
 In that moment i need to send 2 messages, 1 to my old parent and 1 to the
 new to let them know the changes, so my question is:
 ¿How can i do that? I've been reading some related TEP's and some nesC
 tutorials, but i got stuck at this point so i appreciate any help or advice

You need to send a regular single hop message. You can use AMSenderC to do that.

- om_p

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] BLIP + DHCPv6 + Dibbler?

2011-08-21 Thread Johny Mattsson
Hi all,

I'm trying to get a DHCPv6 setup to work here, using Dibbler as the DHCP
server. The PppRouter application happily requests and obtains an address
via DHCPv6 over the PPP serial link. However, none of the nodes it talks to
over the radio (only, no serial involved) manage to obtain an address. I see
the DHCPv6  REQUEST packets get relayed/encapsulated by the PppRouter and
passed on over the serial link just fine. Setting up Dibbler to actually
listen for relayed messages is what I'm having no luck with. I've Read The
Fine Manual, and I still can't get it to work. If I add a:

iface relay1 {
  relay ppp0
  class {
pool fec0::3-fec0::

section to my server.conf, then dibbler-server segfaults on startup. If I
add an interface-id statement to that iface section, then it doesn't crash
and goes on to bind to the all-dhcp-servers address, but then it tries to
re-bind to the link-local address of ppp0 (which is already bound in order
to provide the PppRouter with an address), and exits with an error.

Is there anyone out there who has this working and could give me some hints
(or a server.conf even)?

Thank you,
Johny Mattsson
Senior Software Engineer

DiUS Computing Pty. Ltd.
*where ideas are engineered
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Urgent : C Program on Windows to perform telosb content reading

2011-08-21 Thread Yasir Javed Kiani

I am writing a small program in C/C++ to read the contents received at 
BaseStation (Tinyos app) in Windows. My hardware is telosb. 
I have followed Serial Port Communication tutorials 
and . I 
am able to develop the connection but i am reciveing vague messages. Please if 
anyone has gone through the development of sniffer in C/C++, kindly help

Yasir Javed Kiani
Research Engineer
R-TRACK Project___
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Urgent : C Program on Windows to perform telosb content reading

2011-08-21 Thread Yasir Javed Kiani

I am writing a small program in C/C++ to read the contents received at 
BaseStation (Tinyos app) in Windows. My hardware is telosb. 
I have followed Serial Port Communication tutorials 
and . I 
am able to develop the connection but i am reciveing vague messages. Please if 
anyone has gone through the development of sniffer in C/C++, kindly help

Yasir Javed Kiani
Research Engineer
R-TRACK Project___
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] [Researchers] ICC'2012 - Call for Tutorials

2011-08-21 Thread Profa Dra Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare

ICC 2012
June 10-15, 2012

Call For Tutorials

Organizing committee of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2012) invites submission of tutorial proposals for
half-day or full-day presentations on topics of interest of the conference
in the area of communications and networking.

The following information must be included in the tutorial proposals.
Please limit the length of your proposal to no more than 4 pages:

* Title of the tutorial proposal
* Full name, title, and affiliation of the instructor(s)
* A short summary of the tutorial proposal
* A short biography of the instructor(s)
* Intended length of the tutorial (half-day or full-day)
* Detailed outline of the tutorial
* Intended audience and importance of the topic
* Objective and motivation, prior history of the tutorial presentation
* Your preferred day of the tutorial if it is accepted (Monday or Friday)

Tutorial proroposals should be submitted in a PDF file for review via
EDAS. To submit your proposal, please click on Tutorial Proposal

Deadline for submission of tutorial proposals: 6 September, 2011.

All complete proposals will be judged and ranked using the following
criteria and authors of selected proposals will be contacted at a later

a. Importance of the topic
b. Timeliness of the topic
c. Track record of the instructor
d. Previous history for instructing tutorials

Tutorials will be held on Monday June 11 and Friday June 15, 2012. Any
questions should be sent to the IEEE ICC 2012 Tutorials Chairs. Please
note that final decisions on accepting tutorial proposals as well as the
length and day of presentation will also reflect space limitations at the
conference venue and the conference program requirements. Tutorial
speakers will be compensated in accordance to the IEEE Communications
Society policies.

If you have any questions about submitting your proposal, please contact
the Tutorials Chair, Azzedine Boukerche or Tutorials Co-Chair Abbas

Profa Dra Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare 
Papyrus – Revisão de Textos  

USJ – Sao Jose Municipal University  
UFSC – Distributed Mobile Computing  Network Security CNPq Research Group 
IEEE Latin America Transactions, Editor-in-chief 

Researchers mailing list
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