[Tinyos-help] Hlep me with power consumption!

2006-08-17 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  Currently, I try to estimate energy consumption of motes, I search in www.tinyos.netand found this reporthttp://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~shnayder/ptossim/mica2bench/summary.htmlHowever, I am not sure in some states of mote and I want to ask you foryour help.  My question is: along with transmitting and receiving states, what isstates of CPU and Radio? In my experiment, I made no modify to let motesinto sleep state.I read some where said that, mote will automaticaaly change to sleepstate if there is no packet to transmit or receive. So I wonder howmotes can detect the incoming packet? Or it turn on anf offperiodically? Besides, I also want to know how motes can detectcollision before
 transmitting. Could you please give me some suggestions?Thanksin advance! Regard! Tran Chi Hieu[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Send Tinyos-help mailing list submissions totinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDUTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visithttps://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-helpor, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to[EMAIL PROTECTED]You can reach the person managing the list at[EMAIL PROTECTED]When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of Tinyos-help digest..."Today's Topics:1. Stargate and Tmote (Santosh
 Godbole)--Message: 1Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:21:30 +0530From: "Santosh Godbole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [Tinyos-help] Stargate and TmoteTo: Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Hi,I have a mesh network of tmote motes. I want to connect Xbow's Stargateto this mesh network. Is it possible? If so, how?Thank you,Santosh-- next part --An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: http://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/tinyos-help/attachments/20060816/4cfb5c00/attachment-0001.htm--___Tinyos-help mailing
 listTinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDUhttps://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-helpEnd of Tinyos-help Digest, Vol 40, Issue 63*** 
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with my problem!

2006-07-14 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!In my program, I modified the application in the Tutorial Lesson 7. I have to program 3 motes, one mote as a source node that transmits packet at fixed interval of time, one node as a relay node (it just forward whatever packet it receives) and one node as base station that read packet from both the source node and relay node (TosBase). I use Listen.java to read packet from the base station. However, I have a problem that I myself can not explain.  When I start running my program, by using Listen.java I can see packet from the source node, but not from the relay node. However, when I turn off and after that turn on the switch of therelay node by manual I can see both packets from the source node and the relay node but the green led does not toggle (In my program, I want the green led at the relay node toggle whenever it receive new packet). Here is my program for Relay
 node:  includes MyMsg;  module RelayM {  provides interface StdControl; uses { interface Leds; interface ReceiveMsg as ReceiveCmdMsg; interface SendMsg as SendCmdMsg; interface StdControl as CommControl; }}  implementation {   enum { QUEUE_LENGTH = 5 };   TOS_MsgPtr msg;  int8_t bcast_pending; TOS_Msg buf; uint8_t i, currentqueue; uint16_t queue[QUEUE_LENGTH];   task void forwarder() { call SendCmdMsg.send(TOS_BCAST_ADDR, sizeof(MyMsg), msg); }  event result_t SendCmdMsg.sendDone(TOS_MsgPtr pmsg, result_t status)
 { if (status == SUCCESS) bcast_pending = 0; return status; }   command result_t StdControl.init() { msg = buf; bcast_pending = 0; currentqueue=0; for(i=0; iQUEUE_LENGTH; i++) queue[i] = 1; return (call CommControl.init()); }   command result_t StdControl.start(){ return (call CommControl.start()); }   command result_t StdControl.stop(){ return (call CommControl.stop()); }inline char is_new_msg(struct MyMsg *bmsg) { if (bcast_pending) return 0;for (i=0; iQUEUE_LENGTH; i++) {if ((bmsg-seqno) == queue[i]) return 0; else
 { queue[currentqueue++]= bmsg-seqno; if ( currentqueue == QUEUE_LENGTH) currentqueue=0; return 1; } }  }   inline void remember_msg(struct MyMsg *bmsg) {   bcast_pending = 1;  }   event TOS_MsgPtr ReceiveCmdMsg.receive(TOS_MsgPtr pmsg){ TOS_MsgPtr ret = msg; struct MyMsg *data= "" MyMsg *)pmsg-data; call Leds.greenToggle();  if (is_new_msg(data)) { remember_msg(data);
 data-hop_count++; data-source = TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS; ret = msg; msg = pmsg; post forwarder(); }  return ret; } } // end of implementation  Could any body help me with this trouble?  Many thanks! 
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Re: [Tinyos-help] how to let mote sleep

2006-07-03 Thread Hieu Tran
  As Tim said Whenever there are no more tasks to run, TinyOS automatically sleeps. So I wonder how mote can continute to receive radio signal? (ex: in case the base station send radio signal to the mote). May be it have to wake up periodically?  Whenever there are no more tasks to run, TinyOS automatically sleeps.HTH,Tim 
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with power range and signal strength!

2006-06-27 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I searched in the archieves and found some of the topics that disscuss about power range however I still have problem with it.in the CC1000ControlM at the line:// Set default parameter values // POWER 0dbm gCurrentParameters[0xb] = ((8  CC1K_PA_HIGHPOWER) | (0  CC1K_PA_LOWPOWER)); call HPLChipcon.write(CC1K_PA_POW, gCurrentParameters[0xb]);I guess I can make a change to power range here so I make change : gCurrentParameters[0xb] =1;//I want to change to the minimum power range call HPLChipcon.write(CC1K_PA_POW, gCurrentParameters[0xb]);After that I recompile my program and run it. However It seems that my change does not go in to effect (the range
 is still large).  Can you tell me the correct way to make the change to the power range?I have one more question about signal strength.I made the change at the TOS_Base, I try to read the signal strength from TOS_Msgevent TOS_MsgPtr RadioReceive.receive(TOS_MsgPtr Msg) {  cmd= (struct MyMsg *)Msg-data;  temp1 = (int8_t) (((Msg-strength)8)  0xF);//take 8 MSB  cmd-data[17] = temp1;//put in to packet at data[17]temp2 = (int8_t) ((8(Msg-strength))  0xF);//take 8 LSBcmd-data[18] = temp2;//put in ton packet at data[18]  ..  Here is MyMsg structure:  typedef struct MyMsg { uint16_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t
 source; uint8_t hop_count; uint16_t destaddr;   int8_t data[18];} MyMsg;  After that, I use Listen program to read signal strength value, however all the times these values are always 0 or 1 (convert to decimal number). Can anyone tell me is this a correct way to receive signal strength? If correct, how canconvert this value to dBm?many thanks!  Tran!   
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with MIG!

2006-05-22 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  In my work, I want to creat my own structure (say, MyMsg). I creat file MyMsg.h and put in the directory/apps/Project. I want to creat the class MyMsg.java in the directory.../tools/java/net/tinyos/tools. I made the change to the Makefile in the tools directory as follow:MSGS = DelugeConsts.java DelugeAdvMsg.java DelugeReqMsg.java DelugeDataMsg.java SimpleCmdMsg.java LogMsg.java MyMsg.java##MyMsg#  MYMSG_LIB=$(TOS)/../apps/ProjectMyMsg.java:  $(MIG) -java-classname=$(PACKAGE).MyMsg $(MYMSG_LIB)/MyMsg.h MyMsg -o $@HoweverI do not know how tore-run this file to creat the MyMsg.java class? Could you help me some advice.   Regards!P/S to Roberto: thanks you for your reply!  
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[Tinyos-help] How to generate java class by MIG?

2006-05-22 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  In my work, I want to creat my own structure (say, MyMsg). I creat file MyMsg.h and put in the directory/apps/Project. I want to creat the class MyMsg.java in the directory.../tools/java/net/tinyos/tools. I made the change to the Makefile in the tools directory as follow:MSGS = DelugeConsts.java DelugeAdvMsg.java DelugeReqMsg.java DelugeDataMsg.java SimpleCmdMsg.java LogMsg.java MyMsg.java##MyMsg#  MYMSG_LIB=$(TOS)/../apps/ProjectMyMsg.java:  $(MIG) -java-classname=$(PACKAGE).MyMsg $(MYMSG_LIB)/MyMsg.h MyMsg -o $@HoweverI do not know how tore-run this file to creat the MyMsg.java class? Could you help me some advice.   Regards!
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with java!

2006-05-21 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!I try to compile and run the ListenRaw class in net/tinyos/tools. This file is compiled successfully, however when I run : java ListenRaw -h (-h mean help) the Cygwin window display "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ListenRaw".I check in www.java.sun.com it said this error is because of no definition of the class could be found. What does it mean? Can you help me to solve this trouble?  Thanks!
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Help me with type of struct!

2006-05-13 Thread Hieu Tran
Thank you so much.  However, in my case, if I add LogMsg into "args" union. I am not sure for 2 possibilities:  - Can I still use BcastInject since this program is written to support old SImpleCmd struct? For me, it is really complecated to make change to some java programes.  - Since "args" is union, I can only use one field at the moment. In my program, I want the packet have to the destination address (in the "read_log_args rl_args" field, in my program it is TOSBase mote address) and sample values (ex: photo values). So can I use union here?  I look forward to hearing from you!  Regards!  Tran Chi Hieu  Michael Schippling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  it looks like someone thought this would be a good idea and includedsome intriguingly named objects in
 SimpleCmdMsg.h. Like "start_sense_argsss_args" and "LogMsg". But I don't find them used anywhere.You could probably add LogMsg to the "args" union andcreate a new action type for returned sense data. Just make surethe whole struct size is under 29 bytes as defined in types/AM.h.Hopefully the rest of the code will ignore messages it doesn't understand.MSHieu Tran wrote: Hi all! I am doing a simulation in TinyOS tutorial, Lesson 7 (Injecting and  Broadcasting packets). I have 3 motes, in that one mote programmed  as TOSBase. Two motes programmed with Bcast, in which one mote as Relay  node (receive packet and forward, mote address 1), one mote as  destination (mote address 2). I modify the BcastInject, from cygwin command I want to tell mote 2 to  do something. (mote address is received from command as argument and put  in the SimpleCmdMsg struct):
  typedef struct SimpleCmdMsg { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args; read_log_args rl_args;// I put mote address here uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args; } SimpleCmdMsg;   (For example If I want to tell Mote 2 Led_on, from cigwin I type  .led_on 2)  Packet will be transmitted from TOSBase - Relay Node (Mote 1) (it  receive packet, check mote address, and know that packet does not belong  to it, it forward packet ) - Destination (Mote 2).  with simple applications such as led_on, sound_on, my simulation work well.  Now, I want to tell mote 2 to do some other works, such as it take light  samples from sensing board and transmit these values back to TOSBase  (mote 2 - mote 1 - TosBase). Of
 course I will have to modify  BcastInject and Bcast. However, I do not know how to put these values in  the SimpleCmd struct to transmit.  typedef struct SimpleCmdMsg { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args; read_log_args rl_args; uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args; } SimpleCmdMsg; How can I put the sample values in to the SimpleCmd struct? Because I learnt that BcatsInject, Bcast all use SimpleCmd struct to  transmit and receive packet. Do I need to use other struct in my  simulation? (in both directions, from TOSBase to Destination and from  Destination to TOSBase). In that case, can I still use BcastInject?  can you give me some suggestion to overcome this trouble? Many thanks!  Regards!   
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[Tinyos-help] How can I search all the sent emails!

2006-05-13 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  How can I search some information in all the email sent before? Because, I have many unclear thing and I want to search it before sending email to ask you.  I registered the tinyos-help one month before, so Ido not havemany thing to search.  Regards!
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with type of struct!

2006-05-12 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am doing a simulation in TinyOS tutorial, Lesson 7 (Injecting and Broadcasting packets). I have 3 motes,in that one moteprogrammed asTOSBase. Two motes programmed with Bcast,in which one mote as Relay node (receive packet and forward, mote address 1), one mote as destination (mote address 2).  I modify the BcastInject,from cygwin command I want to tell mote 2 to dosomething. (mote address is received from command as argument and put in the SimpleCmdMsg struct):typedef struct SimpleCmdMsg { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args;   read_log_args rl_args;// I put mote address here
 uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args;} SimpleCmdMsg;  (For example If I want to tell Mote 2 Led_on, from cigwin I type .led_on 2)Packet will be transmitted from TOSBase - Relay Node (Mote 1) (it receive packet,check mote address,and know that packet does not belong to it, itforward packet ) - Destination (Mote 2).with simple applications such as led_on, sound_on, my simulation work well.Now, I want to tell mote 2 to do some other works, such as it take light samples from sensing board and transmit these values back to TOSBase (mote 2 - mote 1 - TosBase). Of course I will have to modify BcastInject and Bcast. However, I do not know how to put these values in the SimpleCmd struct to transmit.typedef struct SimpleCmdMsg
 { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args;   read_log_args rl_args; uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args;} SimpleCmdMsg;  How can I put the sample values in to the SimpleCmd struct?  Because I learnt that BcatsInject, Bcast all use SimpleCmd struct to transmit and receive packet. Do I need to use other struct in my simulation? (in both directions, from TOSBase to Destination and from Destination to TOSBase).  In that case, can I still use BcastInject?can you give me some suggestion to overcome this trouble? Many thanks!Regards! 
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with analog-digital converter!

2006-05-10 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am a new to TinyOS. I am doing a simulation with one moteprogrammed with TOSBase and one mote programmmed with SimpleCmd. I use BcastIject to send radio packet from TOSBase to SimpleCmd. There is no problem with the simulation (because all are included in tutorial). However, I have some questions but I myself can not explain. They are:  - What component in TOSBase mote is responsible for converting digital signal (received from laptop) to analog signal?  -What component in TOSBase mote is responsible for coding? (because I see in the TOS_Msg structure, it has CRC field to check CRC, and many other fields), what kind of coding mechanism is used here?  -What untimate component in TOSBase mote is responsible for transmitting radio signal out to SimpleCmd mote  - What first component is responsible for receiving analog signal in SimpleCmd mote?- Whatcomponent is
 responsible forconverting analog signal to digital signal in SimpleCmd mote?  Can you give me someanswers for my questions?  Many thanks!  In BcastInject, I modify it with destination address is received from command. After that, I put this address in the read_log_arg variable of SimpleCmd. Here are some structes in SimpleCmd
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with SimpleCmd!

2006-05-09 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am a new to TinyOS. I am doing a simulation with one mote program with TOSBase. I use BcastIject to send radio packet. In BcastInject, I modify it with destination address is received from command. After that, I put this address in the read_log_arg variable of SimpleCmd. Here are some structes in SimpleCmd:  typedef struct { uint16_t destaddr;} read_log_args;  // SimpleCmd message structuretypedef struct SimpleCmdMsg { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args; read_log_args rl_args; (I put destination address here) uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args;} SimpleCmdMsg; 
   The packet is sent with broadcast address. I want to programming one node as the relay node. It receives radio packet, make comparision of its TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS with destination address (encapsulated in SimpleCmd). If these addresses are equal, the node keep the packet, other it forward the packet.In the program for the relay mote, I declare cmd as a SimpleCmd structure pointer that point to packet  struct SimpleCmdMsg * cmd = (struct SimpleCmdMsg *) msg-data;and I make comparision with commandif (cmd-args.rl_args=TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS) I run the make mica2 to compile this program. However, the Cygwin display "Incompatible types in assignment"(cmd-args.rl_args=TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS)  I can not figure it out what is wrong with this. Can yougive me some advice?  Many
 thanks!  I want to programming one mote as a relay node, it receive radio packet (SimpleCmd structure including destination address), and whenreceiving the packet, it make a coparision of destination address in the received packet with its address. If they are equal, the node keep the packet, if not it forward the packet to the destination. However, I do not know how a node can take itshelf address (MOTE address, presume I have set the MOTE address of 2). Can you give me some advice?  Many
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with SimpleCmd!

2006-05-09 Thread Hieu Tran
Sorry, I think in the command if (cmd-args.rl_args=TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS)  it must be if (cmd-args.rl_args==TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS).  However, when I change this, the Cygwin display "invalid operands to binary ==". How can I solve this problem? Thanks alot.  Hi all!  I am a new to TinyOS. I am doing a simulation with one mote program with TOSBase. I use BcastIject to send radio packet. In BcastInject, I modify it with destination address is received from command. After that, I put this address in the read_log_arg variable of SimpleCmd. Here are some structes in SimpleCmd:  typedef struct { uint16_t destaddr;} read_log_args;  // SimpleCmd message structuretypedef struct SimpleCmdMsg { int8_t seqno; int8_t action; uint16_t
 source; uint8_t hop_count; union { start_sense_args ss_args; read_log_args rl_args; (I put destination address here) uint8_t untyped_args[0]; } args;} SimpleCmdMsg;The packet is sent with broadcast address. I want to programming one node as the relay node. It receives radio packet, make comparision of its TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS with destination address (encapsulated in SimpleCmd). If these addresses are equal, the node keep the packet, other it forward the packet.In the program for the relay mote, I declare cmd as a SimpleCmd structure pointer that point to packet  struct SimpleCmdMsg * cmd = (struct SimpleCmdMsg *) msg-data;and I make comparision with commandif
 (cmd-args.rl_args=TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS) I run the make mica2 to compile this program. However, the Cygwin display "Incompatible types in assignment"(cmd-args.rl_args=TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS)  I can not figure it out what is wrong with this. Can yougive me some advice?  Many thanks!
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with MOTE address!

2006-05-08 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am a new to TinyOS. I want to programming one mote as a relay node, it receive radio packet (SimpleCmd structure including destination address), and whenreceiving the packet, it make a coparision of destination address in the received packet with its address. If they are equal, the node keep the packet, if not it forward the packet to the destination. However, I do not know how a node can take itshelf address (MOTE address, presume I have set the MOTE address of 2). Can you give me some advice?  Many thanks!
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with MultiRouter!

2006-05-06 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am new to tinyos. I am doing the project with relay channels. I see in the directory Tos/Lib/Route have MultihopRouter configuration file and I want to compile it with make mica2, and make mica2 docs to have a graphic picture. However, when I change directory to ..tos/lib/Route and type make mica2 the cygwin display "make: *** no rule to make target 'mica2'. Stop"  I see in other applications, all have makefile, but in the Route directorym there is no makefile. Do I need to create a make file to compile the MultihopRouter application?  Can you help me with this trouble? Many thanks!  Regards!  Tran Chi Hieu
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with TOSSIM!

2006-05-05 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am just getting started with Tinyos tutorial. In Tutorial 5, in part "Tiniviz: The TOSSIM User Interface", I try to run simulation   export DBG=usr1  tinyviz -run build/pc/main.exe 30However, the Cygwin display "Could not find aplatform specific version of TOSMsg  Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.tinyos.message.avrmote.TOSMsg"  and it stop running simulation.  Can you give me some advice to solve this problem. Many thanks!
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[Tinyos-help] Mailing list submissions!

2006-04-30 Thread Hieu Tran
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[Tinyos-help] Help me with oscilloscope GUI!

2006-04-28 Thread Hieu Tran
Hi all!  I am just getting started with TinyOS and Nesc. From the tutorial 6, I ran the Serial Forwarder Program and I can see the packet counter sent over the serial port. Next I move to the oscilloscope GUI, in the tutorial said:"Leaving the serial forwarder running, execute the command:  java net.tinyos.oscope.oscilloscope"However, I can not type this command on the cygwin window since the Serial Forwarder program is running. Thats why I can not see the GUI simulation. Any one give me some help to overcome this trouble?  Many thanks!
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