re: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Mike Palij

On Thu, 28 Jan 2016 20:08:38 -0800, Carol DeVolder wrote:

Dear TIPSters,
I am currently teaching about the Theory of Signal Detectability,
Stevens's Power Law, and ROC curves in my Sensation and
Perception course.

I have to admit that I find your lumping Stevens' Power law
with SDT and ROC (or, depending upon the phenomenon
being studied MOC or Memory Operating Characteristic
curves or AOC or Attention Operating Characteristics or
the more general measure AUC or Area under the Curve).
Given that SDT was developed in the context of detecting
weak signals in presence of noise while the Power law is
supposed to represent the relationship of stimulus magnitude
to sensory/subjective magnitude, I find it hard to reconcile
the two theories into a single framework.

Historically, Fechner leads to Stevens (among others)
for relating stimulus energies to sensation -- all above
an "absolute threshold" (if one believes in such a thing).
SDT does away with the concept of threshold in favor of
describing a person's performance in term of sensitivity
(ability to detect a stimulus, usually in a background of
noise of some sort) and bias or willingness to say "Yes"
(in a Yes-No task; other response in multiple alternative
tasks) which if often assumed to be independent of sensitivity
(but may be wrong in certain situations).  This is why simple
measures of "accuracy" like "percent correct" are often
misleading indicators of a person's ability to detect or
discriminate stimuli.

Do any of you have any examples that you work on in class
or use to illustrate how to implement them?

You do understand that the types of task you would use with
SDT (ROC is just one way to represent the performance on
SDT tasks) would be different from those used with Power law?
If you put a gun to my head and say you'll blow my brains out
if I don't come with appropriate tasks, I'd suggest:
(1) Showing how the Self-Reference Effect (SRE; typically
a recognition memory task that uses SDT analysis -- see
the Http:// website for their implementation)
(2) How to use magnitude estimation procedures for various
social phenomena, such as seriousness of different crimes.
If Hugh Foley is still on Tips, he can provide more information
about this type of research from when he worked with Dave
Cross and others at Stony Brook back when he was in grad
school (a cohort of mine).

I want to do several things. First, I want to be able to
explain the logic of SDT, the power law, and ROCs.

It is probably me but I would have said the following instead
of what you wrote above:
(1) What is SDT, how it is a model of decision-making about
stimuli when they are difficult to detect or discriminate (not
limited to human; animal psychophysics have also used SDT
analysis), and how the ROC provides a convenient representation
of the performance on a SDT task (i.e., it shows the degree of
sensitivity as reflected by d' or a similar measure, the effect of
payoffs and probabilities of stimuli [placement of Beta along the
ROC curve], and accuracy [the area under the ROC curve]).

Second, I want to be able to make the topics relevant and
convince the students that these concepts are active in their
daily lives.

I think you need to be a little bit more specific about which "concepts"
you're referring to.  Stevens' power law is just one example of the
"psychophysical law" and it has a number of problems associated
with it -- see the entry on Wikipedia for a brief presentation on the
objections to it:'_power_law
Shepard has shown that what researcher what to do when it comes
to the psychophysical law if show the following relationship:
Sensation = f(stimulus energy)
The problem is that we cannot directly observe sensation so we
typically rely upon the following empirical relationship:
Response = f(stimulus energy)
In both cases, f(stimulus energy) is a mathematical function relation
stimulus energy to sensation or response but the function can take
a variety of form (just ask any Fechnerian ; -).  Shepard, however,
has pointed out that this assume that there is a simple relationship
between response and sensation or
Response = f(sensation)
which can be ignored -- it has been ignored or over simplified in
Stevens and other psychophysical functions.  So, the equation
that is possibly operating is:
Response = f(sensation[f(stimulus energy]))
That is, the observed response on, say, a magnitude estimation
task is the result of a function of a function, each may differ for
different stimuli.

With respect to SDT, originally it was based on Wald's statistical
decision theory which we are most familiar with whenever we use
the Neyman-Pearson framework for doing statistical analysis in
contrast to classical Fisherian analysis (i.e., it involves the concepts
of Type II errors, statistical power, confidence errors, etc.).  So,
SDT represents a model of how (some) people might make decisions
in certain situations (if one were so 

RE: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Peterson, Douglas (USD)

E-mail in three parts
1. The activity I use to demonstrate SDT
2. Why SDT is useful and applicable
3. Why ROC curves are better in application

I use "the dice game" activity when teaching SDT and ROC curves and find that 
it helps students really grasp how shifting the criterion has no effect on 
estimated d' but does change estimated beta.  How the game is played.  I role 3 
six-sided dice.  Two of the dice are normal ranging from 1-6 and the third die 
(called the signal) is either 0 (1-3) or 1 (4-6).  The goal of the game is to 
determine based on the total number of all three dice whether the signal die is 
a 0 or a 1.  The regular dice produce the noise in which the signal is either 
hidden or not.  

You can play the game a few times and then ask students how they decide when to 
say signal or no signal, most will develop a natural criterion point and which 
totals above some number result in saying signal (you may need an aside on the 
gambler's fallacy too).  You can manipulate signal strength by making the value 
of the signal die larger (e.g., 0,3 or 0,6) and play again.  They will see that 
the stronger the signal, the easier it is to be accurate.  You can also 
introduce pay-off matrices in terms of points for hits vs. correct rejections 
and watch their criterion shift in one direction or the other.  This is all fun 
but the real power of the game is in the next step.

You can create the probability function for both outcomes for every dice total 
(and it isn't overwhelming because there are only 36 possible noise totals and 
36 possible signal+noise totals).  For example: a total of 2 must be (1-1-0; 
with the last number representing the signal die value).  A total of 4 can be 
(1-3-0, 3-1-0, 2-2-0 for the no signal combinations and 1-2-1, 2-1-1 for the 
signal present combinations).  I have my students draw these on graph paper and 
the patterns of number of combinations becomes obvious.  Further, if they draw 
the distributions for two different signal strengths and they will see the s+n 
curve shift to the right.  Once you have these distributions you can choose any 
criterion (let's say 8 or higher total I say signal) and calculate the hit and 
false alarm rate.  Hit rate will be 21/36 or 58.3%  (there are 21 combinations 
of the two regular dice plus 1 that produce a total of 8 or higher) and the 
false alarm rate will be 15/36 or 41.6%.  With these two values students can 
use a computational estimate for d' (d'=z(hit)-z(FA)).  I have a spreadsheet 
that does this OR use this website by Ian Neath 
(  Thus for the example d' is .422 
and beta (is 1 which isn't computed on the website).  Students can chose 
different criterion and should note that d' changes only slightly (because it 
is an estimate) but beta will shift (the website uses C which is easier to 
interpret because no bais is zero with values being either positive for 
conservative - less accepting of a Type 1 error -  criterion point and negative 
for less conservative - less accepting of a Type 2 error).

The primary value of SDT is for comparison of two circumstances where there is 
bias toward one type of error or the other and you wish to compare the two 
situations.  For example, lets say we are designing a severe weather indicator 
for small aircraft.  One display results in 97% hits (correctly recognizing 
severe weather when it is present) but also produces (65% false alarms).  Is 
that display better or worse than one that produces only 80% hits and 9% false 
alarms?  Based on SDT estimates of d' the second display is better (d' of 2.18 
for the latter and 1.49 for the former).  The big difference is that the two 
displays produce different bias in responding and if we were to adopt the same 
level of bias in the second display resulting in 97% hit rate we would find 
that the associated FA rate would be 38%.  Gee, wouldn't it be nice if we could 
somehow visualize how that works?  You can with an ROC curve.  But the even 
more important question is do you want a weather display that encourages MORE 
risky decisions even if it is better in terms of absolute signal detection?  I 
use SDT analysis all the time in Human Factors applications, you'll find it (or 
a derivative) in medial research and anyone who has been to the eye doctor 
should be able to appreciate that comparing two images repeatedly until you 
can't tell a difference could be considered a process of driving d' between the 
two option to zero (I'll have to think about this one a little more).  

I take the example I explained in PART 2 and plot it with hit rate on the 
y-axis and FA rate on the X-axis.  Two points are difficult to compare because 
one has a much better hit rate but the other has a better FA rate.  Assuming we 
can manipulate bias in our observers you can use instructions or incentives to 
generate more points and start to estimate the curve associated with each 

Re: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Paul Brandon
The main point I liked to make about Signal Detectability is that there is no 
such thing in the sense that a given stimulus has a given strength below which 
it cannot be detected.
First you must define the response being controlled by the stimulus.
We are really talking about changes in the likelihood of occurrence of a 
specified response given the presence of a certain stimulus situation.
A particular change in the strength of a stimulus may increase the likelihood 
of one response enough for it to be emitted, while not a different response.
So SDT is really about behavior under stimulus control, not just stimuli.

for my own experimental application:
"Brandon, Paul K. 
 A Signal Detection Analysis of Counting Behavior (1981). 
 in Quantitative Analysis of Behavior vol.I, Michael Commons and John A. Nevin, 
eds., Ballinger”

On Jan 28, 2016, at 10:06 PM, Carol DeVolder  wrote:

> Dear TIPSters,
> I am currently teaching about the Theory of Signal Detectability, Stevens's 
> Power Law, and ROC curves in my Sensation and Perception course. Do any of 
> you have any examples that you work on in class or use to illustrate how to 
> implement them? I want to do several things. First, I want to be able to 
> explain the logic of SDT, the power law, and ROCs. Second, I want to be able 
> to make the topics relevant and convince the students that these concepts are 
> active in their daily lives. And third, I want to give them some 
> opportunities to practice. I've already talked about hits, misses, false 
> alarms, and correct rejections in class, and using payoffs to manipulate 
> response criteria, now I want to make it all applicable.I welcome any and all 
> ideas. 
> Thank you very much.
> Carol

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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Re: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Mike Palij

On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 07:47:20 -0800, Paul Brandon wrote:

The main point I liked to make about Signal Detectability is
that there is no such thing in the sense that a given stimulus
has a given strength below which it cannot be detected.

Exactly right,  The old idea of an absolute threshold is
shown to be wrong because it is not the threshold that
varies and produces a normal distribution (or other
probability distribution) of sensations but there is an
intrinsic background level of "noise" (be it neural or
a combination of factors) that exists and is used as a
reference level that the new distribution of "signal+noise"
is compared to.  Thus, the ratio of the signal+noise
distribution to the noise distribution (i.e., the likelihood ratio),
serves as the basis for making a decision. The
comparison of this ratio L(S+N/N) to Beta (criterion or
a fixed value of L(S+N/N) for the combination of payoffs,
probabilities of signals/stimuli, distributions, etc.) is what
serves as the person's/organism's decision rule:

If L(S+N/N) > Beta, say "Yes" or "Stimulus present"
if L(S+N/N) < Beta say "No" or "Stimulus absent"
If L(S+N/N) = Beta guess. ;-)

So, unlike the old absolute threshold notion that there is
an energy level that cannot be detected, we have sensations
that are produced even by weak stimuli and the only question
is do they produce a S+N distribution of sensations that differs
from noise alone.  Of course, our willingness to say "Yes" is
only partly determined by this because the pay-off matrix
(costs of being wrong, benefits of being right) and probability
of the stimulus) play important roles.

First you must define the response being controlled by the
stimulus. We are really talking about changes in the likelihood
of occurrence of a specified response given the presence of
a certain stimulus situation. A particular change in the strength of
f a stimulus may increase the likelihood of one response enough
for it to be emitted, while not a different response.

Don't forget the effect of context on underlying noise distribution.
Detecting the presence of a weak flash of light through a pinhole
or a small area of a computer screen will be affected by whether
you do the task in a room with bright lighting or completely dark.
David Krantz & Co have estimated that it might take a single
quantum of light to activate a rod in the eye under conditions of
pure darkness for the dark adapted eye (remember the commercials
that said one could see the light of candle several thousand feet
away on a dark night [assuming no light pollution]) but under ordinary
light conditions, a stimulus, even a weak one, will require many more
quanta in order to produce a sensation that leads to detection or,
in other words, a d-prime not equal to zero or a Hit rate not = False
Alarm rate (or AUC = .50).

So SDT is really about behavior under stimulus control, not just 

for my own experimental application:

Your behavioristic tendencies are showing. ;-)

"Brandon, Paul K.
A Signal Detection Analysis of Counting Behavior (1981).
in Quantitative Analysis of Behavior vol.I, Michael Commons and John 
A. Nevin,

eds., Ballinger"

Remember Skinner's comparison of his approach to that of Tolman
that I mentioned in a previous post?  Tolman asserted that certain
variables operated within the organism while Skinner argued that
those variables operated in the environment.  The latter gives rise to
notions like "stimulus control" while the former gives rise to the
evaluation of evidence, an internal process.  This then raises the
question of whether SDT is correctly specified or even the correct
model (perhaps Luce's choice axioms provide a better description).

-Mike Palij
New York University

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RE: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Mike Palij

On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:49:23 -0800, Douglas Peterson wrote:

... SDT continues to be applicable in a number of settings,
particularly medical tests, many use a the AUC that Mike mentions
and while this isn't technically SDT (no z transforms) the ROC
method is identical (here is a short and good example 

A few points:
(1) As I mentioned in an earlier post, SDT is based on Wald's
statistical theory which serves as the basis for the Neyman-Pearson
framework for statistical testing.  The decision matrix originally
developed is a 2 x 2 table where the rows represent the response
("yes" or "no", "present" or "absent", etc.) and the columns
represent the "true state of nature", that is, stimulus was presented
or not presented (this is knows with absolute certainty since they
are selected by the researcher; given that the "true state" is known,
the question that remains is how well do the responses or decision
match the true state -- if the Hit rate is 100% and Correct Rejection
ate is 100%, then there the False Alarm rate = 0.00 and the Miss
rate = 0.00, in other words, performance is perfect which with
weak stimuli in psychophysics rarely/never occurs).

(2) I am puzzled by Peterson's statement that AUC is not really
SDT given that it's equivalent A' was developed by memory
researchers as early as the 1960s and has been shown to be
part of SDT.  In the experiment on the "Self
Reference Effect", the dependent variable is a version of A'
that represents the area under "curve" created by the single
pair of Hit and False Alarm rates.  One reference on this point
is the following:
Macmillan, N. A., & Creelman, C. D. (1996). Triangles in ROC
space: History and theory of "nonparametric" measures of
sensitivity and response bias. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
3(2), 164-170.

Given that the ROC/MOC/AOC is presented in a unit square
-- the x-axis represents the probability of a false alarm is limited
to the range 0.00 to 1.00 and the y-axis represents the prob of
a Hit which also ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 -- chance performance
is represented by the diagonal line representing P(Hit)=P(FA).
In traditional SDT this implies d-prime is zero.  It also implies
that the area under the performance curve is 0.50 which can
be interpreted as a measure of accuracy; in this case, it represents
chance performance (hence the term "chance diagonal").  In
most Yes-No recognition memory experiments, only one hit rate
and one false alarm rate is obtained.  For nonrandom performance,
this provides a single point above the chance diagonal, forming
a triangle with the chance diagonal as the base.  The sum of
the area of the triangle and the area under the chance diagonal
(i.e., 0.50) becomes a measure of accuracy.  As the Hit rate
increases and the False Alarm rate decreases, the area in the
triangle increases -- in the limit when the False Alarm rate is zero,
the triangle fills the upper space and A' or AuC is 1.00 or the
entire area of the unit-square.  Thus, perfect performance is
represented by A' = AuC = 1.00.

(3) In making a medical diagnosis or interpreting a medical test,
the same reasoning above is employed but the terms differ::

Hit rate becomes True Positive Rate = "Sensitivity"

Correct Rejection become True Negative Rate = "Specificity"

For more on these ideas and how they are used to determine how
good your usual medical test is, see the Wikipedia entry:
This entry eventually leads to d-prime but go to the Wikipedia
entry on ROC curves for alternative measures; including AuC:

This my third post to TiPS today, so no more till the morrow.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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RE: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Peterson, Douglas (USD)
No argument here.  Just me not being clear.  

A' and AUC are valid measures comparing two systems and much more interpretable 
than other SDT measures given the parameters as Mike explains but they are not 
direct measures of SDT parameters as typically explains.  Pastore, Crawley, 
Berens and Skelly (2003) present a good discussion of the issues including the 
advantages and disadvantages of A'.  Specifically, A' is not independent from 
bias and is actually a poorer estimate when performance is nearer to perfect in 
terns of hits or false alarms.   For the 3 of us who care about this issue, 
estimates of d' aren't much good in those extremes either.  Macmillan and 
Creelman (1991) suggest adjusting hit rates of 100% to 1-(1/2n) an false alarm 
rates to 1/2n and I don't have any reason to doubt that I just don't see it 
used very often.

The use of the sensitivity/specificity reporting doesn't capture both the 
sensitive and response bias as explained in SDT examples (i.e.g, estimate of 
the distance between the two distributions (I believe this the reason that this 
entry is clear to distinguish the sensitivity index, called d' as something 
different from sensitivity as true positives).  The two approaches might be 
considered two sides of the same coin but they are not the same side of the 
same coin.  

Macmillan, N.A., & Creelman, C.D. (1991). Detection Theory: A User’s Guide. NY: 
University Press.

Pastore, R.E., Crawley, E.J., Berens, M.S., & Skelley, M.A.  (2003).  
"Nonparametirc" A' and other modern misconceptions about signal detection 
theory. Psychonomic Builletin and Review, 10(3), 556-569.


Doug Peterson, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
The University of South Dakota
Vermillion SD 57069

From: Mike Palij []
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 12:05 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Cc: Michael Palij
Subject: RE: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:49:23 -0800, Douglas Peterson wrote:
>... SDT continues to be applicable in a number of settings,
>particularly medical tests, many use a the AUC that Mike mentions
>and while this isn't technically SDT (no z transforms) the ROC
>method is identical (here is a short and good example
>  )

A few points:
(1) As I mentioned in an earlier post, SDT is based on Wald's
statistical theory which serves as the basis for the Neyman-Pearson
framework for statistical testing.  The decision matrix originally
developed is a 2 x 2 table where the rows represent the response
("yes" or "no", "present" or "absent", etc.) and the columns
represent the "true state of nature", that is, stimulus was presented
or not presented (this is knows with absolute certainty since they
are selected by the researcher; given that the "true state" is known,
the question that remains is how well do the responses or decision
match the true state -- if the Hit rate is 100% and Correct Rejection
ate is 100%, then there the False Alarm rate = 0.00 and the Miss
rate = 0.00, in other words, performance is perfect which with
weak stimuli in psychophysics rarely/never occurs).

(2) I am puzzled by Peterson's statement that AUC is not really
SDT given that it's equivalent A' was developed by memory
researchers as early as the 1960s and has been shown to be
part of SDT.  In the experiment on the "Self
Reference Effect", the dependent variable is a version of A'
that represents the area under "curve" created by the single
pair of Hit and False Alarm rates.  One reference on this point
is the following:
Macmillan, N. A., & Creelman, C. D. (1996). Triangles in ROC
space: History and theory of "nonparametric" measures of
sensitivity and response bias. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
3(2), 164-170.

Given that the ROC/MOC/AOC is presented in a unit square
-- the x-axis represents the probability of a false alarm is limited
to the range 0.00 to 1.00 and the y-axis represents the prob of
a Hit which also ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 -- chance performance
is represented by the diagonal line representing P(Hit)=P(FA).
In traditional SDT this implies d-prime is zero.  It also implies
that the area under the performance curve is 0.50 which can
be interpreted as a measure of accuracy; in this case, it represents
chance performance (hence the term "chance diagonal").  In
most Yes-No recognition memory experiments, only one hit rate
and one false alarm rate is obtained.  For nonrandom performance,
this provides a single point above the chance diagonal, forming
a triangle with the chance diagonal as the base.  The sum of
the area of the triangle and the area under the chance diagonal
(i.e., 0.50) becomes a measure of accuracy.  As the Hit rate
increases and the False Alarm rate decreases, the area in the
triangle increases -- in the limit when the False Alarm rate is zero,
the triangle 

[tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Carol DeVolder
Thank you all for your great responses. Mike, I knew I could count on you,
and yes, I read your message in its entirety. :)  Why I lumped all of that
together is that it is all lumped together in the unit we are on. I talked
about each separately, but since my students tend to be math phobes, I
wanted to not only convey how each procedure is carried out, but really
wanted some mundane examples in addition to practical. And Annette, I am
reading through the information on Wixted's page.
Thanks again to all, I appreciate your help.

Carol DeVolder, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
St. Ambrose University
518 West Locust Street
Davenport, Iowa  52803

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Re: [tips] signal detection and ROC curves

2016-01-29 Thread Paul Brandon

On Jan 29, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Mike Palij  wrote:

>> So SDT is really about behavior under stimulus control, not just stimuli.
>> for my own experimental application:
> Your behavioristic tendencies are showing. ;-)

I’ll take that as a compliment ;-).

>> "Brandon, Paul K.
>> A Signal Detection Analysis of Counting Behavior (1981).
>> in Quantitative Analysis of Behavior vol.I, Michael Commons and John A. 
>> Nevin,
>> eds., Ballinger"
> Remember Skinner's comparison of his approach to that of Tolman
> that I mentioned in a previous post?  Tolman asserted that certain
> variables operated within the organism while Skinner argued that
> those variables operated in the environment.  The latter gives rise to
> notions like "stimulus control" while the former gives rise to the
> evaluation of evidence, an internal process.  This then raises the
> question of whether SDT is correctly specified or even the correct
> model (perhaps Luce's choice axioms provide a better description).
> -Mike Palij
> New York University

As I read Skinner (and I’ve read most of it) he never denied the existence of 
immediate causation (internal mediating processes) — but he doubted that the 
state of neurology during his time was adequate to account for behavior at the 
level of internal mechanisms.  So we’re not talking about the same variables 
here; Tolman was talking about intervening variables (a mechanism mediating 
between environmental variables and behavior), while Skinner was talking about 
independent, directly observable variables (environment, history) as better 
predictors of behavior.

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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