Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Focus issue

2024-01-10 Thread Cam Farnell

To answer my own question: the focus was being given to another widget after 
the code in question had executed.

That said, I still don't understand why focus_set followed by update_idletasks 
followed by focus_get would return None, but tkinter something works in strange 
and mysterious ways.



On 2024-01-10 08:44, Cam Farnell wrote:

In a rather large program I have this code:


The goal is to have TextWidget get the focus. Usually it does, but there is one 
particular circumstance when it does not get the focus. The "print" lines I 
added for debugging.

The output from the print functions is:


TextWidget is an instance of rpWidgets.ColorizedText which is created thus:

class ColorizedText(tkinter.Text):

which is to say, it's just a tkinter.Text to which I've added methods.

I've tried creating a minimum example without success.

My questions is: how is it possible for TextWidget to NOT have the focus 
immediately after a call to focus_set?

Changing focus_set to focus_force makes no difference.

Invoking update_idletasks() after the focus_set makes no difference.

The TextWidget in question is visible on the screen, and pressing Tab a couple 
of times does get it the focus.

Having spent some hours chasing this I'm a tad frustrated, but quite open to 
suggestions about what to look for.


Cam Farnell

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Focus issue

2024-01-10 Thread Cam Farnell

In a rather large program I have this code:


The goal is to have TextWidget get the focus. Usually it does, but there is one 
particular circumstance when it does not get the focus. The "print" lines I 
added for debugging.

The output from the print functions is:


TextWidget is an instance of rpWidgets.ColorizedText which is created thus:

class ColorizedText(tkinter.Text):

which is to say, it's just a tkinter.Text to which I've added methods.

I've tried creating a minimum example without success.

My questions is: how is it possible for TextWidget to NOT have the focus 
immediately after a call to focus_set?

Changing focus_set to focus_force makes no difference.

Invoking update_idletasks() after the focus_set makes no difference.

The TextWidget in question is visible on the screen, and pressing Tab a couple 
of times does get it the focus.

Having spent some hours chasing this I'm a tad frustrated, but quite open to 
suggestions about what to look for.


Cam Farnell

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Text: immutable strings

2018-10-26 Thread Cam Farnell

Hi Vasilis,

I've done this successfully. Bind an event handler to the KeyPress event of the 
text. Check the tags and if they are inside immutable text and the key is 
something that would change the text the return 'break' which will stop the 
processing of the key.


Cam Farnell

On 2018-10-26 12:12 p.m., Vasilis Vlachoudis wrote:

Hi all,

I have a Text() widget and I want to display some values tab formatted.
The values should be prefixed  with a text-label which is immutable by the user
something like

   label: valuelabel: value

the user should be able to edit the values but not the labels.
I know that I can insert the label as a window create_window(Label())
but for very big files it becomes extremely slow

If I tag the labels, can I forbid the Text widget to disallow the text editing
over this specific tag?

Thanks in advance
Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Help related to tkinter on Mac

2018-03-27 Thread Cam Farnell

Hello All,

I've developed a simple flowcharting program in Python 2.7 + Tkinter which I am 
about to release as open source. All the development was done on an Xubuntu box 
so it works under Linux and, thanks to the magic of VirtualBox, I've tried it 
successfully under a couple of version of Windows. Under Macs it is more 
problematic. What I've found so far is:

- If you run it under the Python 2.7 that comes with the machine then you get a 
message about it not finding a config file, which is normal for first-time 
startup, but then it hangs without even starting the GUI and there is no way to 
interrupt it to see what is going on.

- If you run it under Python 2.7 which was installed with the package manager 
"brew" ( then it works.

Neither of the people who tried if for me on their Macs know much about Python, 
and I certainly don't know much about Macs.

Therefore I'm hoping that someone on this list who has a Mac and knows 
something about Python might be willing to give it a try. Based on that I could 
make changes or at least update the web site to let Mac users know what the 
situation is.

The web site with information and the download link is:

Many thanks

Cam Farnell
Halifax, NS, Canada

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Dealing with a Tk reference

2016-09-04 Thread Cam Farnell

I've been using New Mexico Tech example code from here:

to create a top-level menu. The example code is:

top = self.winfo_toplevel()
self.menuBar = tk.Menu(top)
top['menu'] = self.menuBar

self.subMenu = tk.Menu(self.menuBar)
self.menuBar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=self.subMenu)
self.subMenu.add_command(label='About', command=self.__aboutHandler)

and that works just fine. In particular it creates a Menu using:

self.menuBar = tk.Menu(top)

and then assigns it to the top-level using:

top['menu'] = self.menuBar

In my application it is not convenient to keep the reference to the Menu in 
self.menuBar. Later when it comes time to add another another cascade to the 
menu I was hoping to be able access the menu bar using:

menuBar = top['menu']

but in fact having done that, menuBar not a tk.Menu object as I was hoping but rather a 
string, such as ".3070843372L", which is presumably a reference to a tk object.

So my question is: how to use the string to access the corresponding tk.Menu 
object? There's probably some magic way to do that but a bunch of internet 
searching didn't turn it up.



Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter Text Undo

2014-04-11 Thread Cam Farnell

Am I missing something here? I was trying the Tkinter Text widget's undo 
feature. It works, sort of, but if for example you delete some text then when 
you undo the delete the text comes back but all it's tags are gone. Really? 
If that's how it actually works and not just me being stupid, it makes the undo 
feature almost totally useless.

Could someone who knows more about this than me shed some light on this? Python 
2.7.3 on Ubuntu Linux.


Cam Farnell
Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Standard colors

2014-02-17 Thread Cam Farnell

Hi Emiliano,

Thanks for your reply. Yes they are documented, but per my post what I am 
looking for is a PROGRAMATIC way that my application can get the list of 
colors, sort of like how in Python you can use dir(__builtin__) to get a list 
of all the built-in functions.


Cam Farnell

On 14-02-16 01:33 PM, Emiliano Gavilan wrote:

El 16/02/2014 14:03, Cam Farnell escribió:
  Hello all,
  Tkinter supports a bunch of standard colors, for example something like:
  MyButton = Button(activebackground='red')
  works and somebody, somewhere, knows that 'red' means #FF'.
  What I'm trying to find out is if there is a programatic way of getting a 
list of the colors that are available. Anyone know this offhand? A quick look 
through was not overly illuminating. I'm using Python 2.7.2 and 
whatever version of tk/tcl came with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

They are documented.


Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] DRAG and DROP image

2012-09-03 Thread Cam Farnell

You might check out this page:

which gives a description of how to implement drag and drop in tkinter.

On 12-09-03 02:28 AM, rhixz06 wrote:

hey guys!hmm... I'm kinda new in friends and I were developing
an educational game,..I just want to ask if you know an easiest way to drag
and drop an image in tkinter please I need a reply thanks,..

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] [REQ] Tkinter programmer

2012-03-04 Thread Cam Farnell


On 12-03-04 02:27 PM, fresher wrote:

yeah... but if i am able to do that i wont ask. so now I am asking for
help or for full project. thank you.

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Button-press on Menubuttons

2011-11-26 Thread Cam Farnell

I have a bunch of Menubuttons in my application, lets call them A, B and C.

Each Menubutton is bound to ButtonPress-1 so, before the menu choices are 
displayed, I can enable/disable some of those choices depending on the situation at 
the time, and each binding leads to its own Menubutton-specific handler.

If the user clicks on Menubutton-A then the corresponding handler runs as 
expected. If, without making a choice from menu A, the user then clicks on 
Menubutton-B then - and this is the nub of the problem - the handler bound to 
Menubutton-B does NOT run. If the user now clicks on Menubutton-C, then the 
handler for B, yes B, runs.

Is this a bug, a feature or me being stupid? I'm running Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 
10.04. The simplest demonstration example I could manage follows. Clicking on 
Menubutton A shows, in the label to the right of the Menubuttons, that the 
handler ran. If you then click immediately (without selecting any of the dummy 
menu choices or otherwise making the open menu go away) on Menubutton B then 
the handler does not run. If you then click on Menubutton A (or for that, click 
again in Menubutton B) then the handler for B runs.

I've already developed a workaround for my particular application, but this 
strikes me as anomalous behavior.


Cam Farnell

import Tkinter as tk

class Application(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)

self.MenuButtonA = tk.Menubutton(self,text='Menu Button A')
T = tk.Menu(self.MenuButtonA)
T.add_command(label='Dummy 1')
T.add_command(label='Dummy 2')
self.MenuButtonA['menu'] = T

self.MenuButtonB = tk.Menubutton(self,text='Menu Button B')
T = tk.Menu(self.MenuButtonB)
T.add_command(label='Dummy 1')
T.add_command(label='Dummy 2')
self.MenuButtonB['menu'] = T

self.InfoLabel = tk.Label(self,text='-')

def HandlerA(self,Event):
self.InfoLabel['text'] = 'Handler A'

def HandlerB(self,Event):

self.InfoLabel['text'] = 'Handler B'

app = Application()
app.master.title(Sample application)

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Recommendations on when to use pack vs. grid layouts?

2010-12-09 Thread Cam Farnell

Another option is to use Rapyd-TK ( It only 
uses pack but it makes it trivially easy to add additional frames and it also 
makes it really easy to rearrange the layout of your widgets, something not 
easy with pack or grid by themselves.


Cam Farnell wrote:
Are there any best practice tips regarding when one should use pack vs. 
grid for their layouts?
 From what I've been reading via google, the concencus seems to be that 
grid can handle any pack scenario but not vice-versa.


Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Angled text on canvas.

2010-11-20 Thread Cam Farnell

Hmm. Need to draw text on an angle on a canvas but no mention of angled text in 
the documentation.

Does anyone know if there is actually a way to do this or is it time to 
implement a vector font and do it the hard way?


Cam Farnell
Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Desperate GUI Help Please!!

2010-03-16 Thread Cam Farnell


A post which in essence says please write my application for me is pretty 
much a guaranteed way to annoy people - who are generally busy writing their own 
applications - or to simply be ignored.

A better approach would be to figure out what part of Tkinter isn't working as 
you expect, construct the *smallest* possible code that demonstrates the 
problem (hint: this will NOT be an entire section of your application) and 
submit that to this list.



thomas1984 wrote:


I need to make a GUI which has a fixed window size approx 390 (width) X 6020

It needs to have a fileMenu containing File About Exit. In the file
menu it needs a menuItem called new route.

When you click on new route it needs to display a new window with a
listBox.. When a user selects an item from the list box and clicks OK - it
should pass this value to the original window.

The difficulty here is that the main body of the GUI window, needs to
display an image BUT it needs to be an image that is able to be drawed on.

Below is my code for drawing on the image... It is an EXAMPLE - but i
need it like this i.e. by importing the ImageDraw library.

# Do the proper imports for this script
from Tkinter import *
import os, sys
import Image
import ImageDraw
# Load the image
im =\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\mm.gif)
print Unable to load image
# Get a drawing surface for the image
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
# Draw the circle
# Draw the line
# and show off the result
draw.line((0, 0) + (0,55), fill=000, width=22)
draw.text((50, 50), hey)

Below is my code for the list box example..

from Tkinter import *
class ListBoxTest :
def __init__(self) :
self.root = Tk()
self.list_box_1 = Listbox(self.root)
self.delete_button = Button(self.root, text=Delete,
def DeleteSelection(self) :
items = self.list_box_1.curselection()
pos = 0
for i in items :
idx = int(i) - pos
self.list_box_1.delete( idx,idx )
pos = pos + 1
def Show(self) :
for i in range(0, 10) :
s = Item  + str(i)
self.list_box_1.insert( END,s )

Below is my code for the Canvas and Window BUT the canvas does not hold an
image I have drew on

from Tkinter import *

class AppUI(Frame):

def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master, relief=SUNKEN, bd=2)

self.menubar = Menu(self)

menu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
self.menubar.add_cascade(label=File, menu=menu)

menu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
self.menubar.add_cascade(label=Edit, menu=menu)

except AttributeError:
# master is a toplevel window (Python 1.4/Tkinter 1.63), config, -menu, self.menubar)

canvas = Canvas(width = 300, height = 200, bg = 'white')
canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)

gif1 = PhotoImage(file = 'mm.gif')
canvas.create_image(50, 10, image = gif1, anchor = NW)

root = Tk()

app = AppUI(root)


 Is there anyone here who can put these elements together and maybe make
this GUI for me? I'm really stuck and as you can see by the code examples I
have gave this a shot, but I don't know how to finish it off - If someone
can do this for me - it would be great as I can look at the code and learn.

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Need help on gui focus l

2009-10-14 Thread Cam Farnell

The code given exhibits the problem on my Ubuntu Linux box. For the sake of 
clarity I enumerate three windows involved in this code:

- The MAIN window which has a button marked popup in it.
- The CHILD windows which has a button marked filedialog in it.
- The OPEN window which is the tkFileDialog

On my machine clicking on the popup and filedialog buttons works ok, but once you select a file 
and click OPEN, then what is on top and visible is the MAIN window whereas what the original poster wanted was to see 
the CHILD window. Even worse, if (starting from scratch again) you click the popup button, then drag the 
resulting CHILD window to a slightly new position then click the filedialog button, the OPEN window appears 
*under* the CHILD window which seems less than useful.

Cam Farnell

Michael Lange wrote:

I cannot reproduce this behavior here (linux), maybe it is a platform
specific problem ? I tried the follwing which works for me as expected:

### CODE ###
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog

root = Tk()

top = Toplevel()
top.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', top.withdraw)

def filedialog():
print tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()

b0 = Button(top, text='filedialog', command=filedialog)
b0.pack(padx=100, pady=100)

def popup():

b1 = Button(root, text='popup', command=popup)
b1.pack(padx=100, pady=100)
### CODE ###

In case I just did not understand exactly your problem,
could you post a short code snippet here that shows
the problem and tell us which platform you are using, please ?


Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] non-GUI event detection in Tkinter mainloop()

2009-05-20 Thread Cam Farnell

The only way I know of to do this is to use after to invoke a function which does the 
file checking and whatever else is required. That function sets another after - with 
perhaps a one second delay or whatever seems appropriate - to invoke itself. Thus the function is 
invoked repeatedly to keep track of the file. It isn't pretty but it works.

Cam Farnell

O'Gorman, Lawrence (Larry) wrote:
I’m trying to figure out if Python and Tkinter can offer a solution to 
my following problem. I want to monitor a file and when that file is 
changed, I want to detect that event and have my window change its text 
from “File Unchanged” to “File has Changed.”


That is, I can produce a function to periodically sample the 
modification time of a file and if it is different than my last sample 
time, then this function will return an indication that the file is 
changed. I want this file-change event to be captured by the tkinit 
mainloop(), which I will then use to change the appearance of my window.


I understand that any GUI event (mouse, keyboard, etc.) can be detected 
in the mainloop(), but I have seen no indication in the documentation 
and discussions that a file-change can produce an event that can be 
detected in the mainloop(). Does anyone know if I can do this? If so, 
how? Or, if there is an alternative way than mainloop() to get a window 
to change upon a file-change, that would be helpful, too.

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Kinetic Scrolling and Keyboard Shortcuts in Menus

2008-08-31 Thread Cam Farnell

I ran into exactly this keyboard shortcut issue while writing the Rapyd-Tk 
Python development environment ( My solution 
is based on these functions, where the left part is the usual menu label and 
the right part is the shortcut. If the length of the shortcut text varies a lot 
you can compute the width on the fly as is done in Rapyd, otherwise just use 
some reasonable constant.

def PadToWidth(LeftPart,RightPart,Width,Widget):
   Given left and right parts, return string of specified width in pixels.
   o LeftPart is the string to be left justified in the result.

   o RightPart is the string to be right justified in the result.
   o Width is the desired width, in pixels, of the result.
   o Widget the calculation is done with reference to the font set for this 
   Note that since we pad with space characters, the result will be as close as

   possible to the target size but will not necessarily be exactly the 
   of pixels requested.
   UsedPixels = TextMeasure(LeftPart+RightPart,Widget)
   PadPixels = Width - UsedPixels
   PadCount = int(round(float(PadPixels) / float(TextMeasure(' ',Widget
   return '%s%s%s'%(LeftPart,' '*PadCount,RightPart)

def TextMeasure(Text,Widget):
   Measure size of Text, in pixels, if displayed in Widget.
   return int(, measure, Widget[font]
   ,-displayof, Widget.master, Text ))

Johnston Jiaa wrote:

Also, I have set keyboard shortcuts for some functions in my program.  
The functions these shortcuts call are also linked to menu items in the 
menu bar.  How can I get the menu labels to reflect the keyboard 
shortcuts for each relative command?  I know I can set the shortcut as a 
string in the label manually, but it will be stupid, not flush with the 
right edge of the menu, like in other programs.

Thanks for helping my program not be stupid

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] simple way of clearing out a text widget

2008-08-11 Thread Cam Farnell

Well one of the best ways is to read the manual first. Some quite reasonable 
TkInter documentation is available here:

You might look for documentation on the Text widget and then Methods on Text 
widgets. The Text widget is pretty good at dealing with text; I'm sure there will 
be some way of getting rid of unwanted text.


Alexnb wrote:

I am wondering, what is the best way to clear out a text widget. If it
matters, I will still want to use that text widget again. 

Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] how to search a directory from a Tkinter program

2008-03-19 Thread Cam Farnell
A good start would be to read the documentation for the Python OS module.

Cam Farnell

brindly sujith wrote:
 i am developing an application in tkinter
 i want to know whether we have any option to search a directory from 
 tkinter program
 please answer me
 thank you
 Tkinter-discuss mailing list
Tkinter-discuss mailing list

Re: [Tkinter-discuss] having trouble, newbie

2008-03-18 Thread Cam Farnell
1) Use grid_columnconfigure and grid_rowconfigure to create a dummy extra row 
and column beyond 
the columns and rows you actually use and set weight to 1. The dummy row and 
column then soak up any 
extra space and the actual widgets float up the the top left. It took me a 
while to figure this out. 
Any column/row index greater than what you actually use will do.

2) Use geometry to set the window size.

3) use focus_set.

There is good tkinter documentation at this URL:

although it doesn't tell you about the columnconfigure trick.

Here's a simple example:

from Tkinter import *
Root = Tk()
BB = Button(text='HelloWorld')

Cam Farnell

inhahe wrote:
 I'm trying to make a simple app in tkinter and am having two problems
 1, i can't figure out how to put widgets in the top left of the main 
 window.  no matter what i try with row, column and sticky parameters it 
 puts my buttons in the middle of the window.
 2, i pass width=800 and height=600 to Frame.__init__ and my window still 
 comes up tiny, just barely big enough for two buttons. 
 oh, while i'm at it--how do I make it so when the the window is created 
 it gets focus, like a ... real app?
 Tkinter-discuss mailing list
Tkinter-discuss mailing list

[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter slows down

2008-01-07 Thread Cam Farnell
I'm creating a program which displays spreadsheet-like data using 
hundreds of labels. At first this works fine, however after a few 
redisplays it starts slowing down dramatically.

A small test program, without the distractions of the real program is:

from Tkinter import *
def Go():
 LabelList = []
 for J in range(30):
 print J
 for L in LabelList: L.grid_forget()
 LabelList = []
 for Row in range(20):
 for Col in range(20):
 L = Label(r,text='%s'%J)
r = Tk()

This runs quickly at first but gradually slows down to a crawl during 
the latter iterations. Anyone have any idea what is causing this to go 
slow or how I could speed it up? I'm running Python 2.4.3 on an Ubuntu 
6.06 system.


Cam Farnell
Tkinter-discuss mailing list