Re: [TLS] ML-KEM key agreement for TLS 1.3

2024-03-14 Thread Sofía Celi
* Tuesday, March 5, 2024 9:15 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* [TLS] ML-KEM key agreement for TLS 1.3

__ __

I have uploaded a preliminary version of ML-KEM for TLS 1.3
<>  and have a 
more fleshed out <> version to be 
uploaded when datatracker opens. It is a straightforward new `NamedGroup` to support key 
agreement via ML-KEM-768 or ML-KEM-1024, in a very similar style to -hybrid-design 

__ __

It will be nice to have pure-PQ options (that are FIPS / CNSA 2.0
compatible) ready to go when users are ready to use them.

__ __



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TLS mailing list

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
she/her, they/them.
Chair of hprc at IRTF, pquip at IETF, and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] WGLC for draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design

2022-08-22 Thread Sofía Celi

Dear, all,

On 22/08/2022 14:24, Bas Westerbaan wrote:
Here they're speaking about adding non-FIPS PQ to a non-PQ FIPS 
kex,[2] but the other way around is also ok — what am I missing?

Let's assume Kyber is FIPS-approved. Indeed, you'll be able to have
a FIPS library with Z generated by Kyber and T generated by X25519
(but not other way around).
As X25519 is not FIPS-approved, the lab won't be able to test it,
hence you can't declare any security on that scheme. This will be
reflected in the security policy (as a "non-approved algorithm, with
no security claimed"). In theory, X25519 may produce wrong results
and your product still gets FIPS certificate as the algorithm is
security irrelevant. It is similar situation as we have today, but
with Z generated by P-256 and T by Kyber.

What, I think, is more valuable for those who need FIPS, is to be
able to have hybrid construction in which both algorithms are properly
tested and certified by the FIPS lab.

Also, in that case, Z can be generated by either PQ or non-PQ as
both are FIPS-approved.

I support this. I definetly support adding P256+Kyber512 (or any of the 
NIST curves + Kyber). For actual FedRAMP purposes, the most valuable 
thing, as Kris says, is to have them both being FIPS approved (and using 
a FIPS-certified implementation or sumitting it all for FIPS 
certification). Even if Kyber becaomes FIPS-approved, one will have to 
used a FIPS-certified implementation of it in other to be able to claim 
the FIPS-approved hybrid approach (and even then it depends how/where it 
is used). As far as I know, only the NIST curves are both FIPS approved 
and some of their implementations have a certification.

Thank you,

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
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TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Before we PQC... Re: PQC key exchange sizes

2022-08-07 Thread Sofía Celi

Dear, all,

On 06/08/2022 13:00, Rob Sayre wrote:
On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 10:15 PM Benjamin Kaduk <>> wrote:

It's annoying to the attacker when they have to use their expensive
and finicky
hardware once (or multiple times) for each individual
message/exchange they
want to break,

Well, I can agree with the term "expensive", but I'm not sure what you 
mean by "finicky". Are you saying they only work sometimes? It seems a 
bit hand-wavy to say that.

I've seen quantum computers before. They are room-sized, but not that 
big. I still find the term "quantum annoying" rather imprecise.

Maybe this is better (taken for the Eaton and Stebila paper in reference 
to PAKEs):

If a scheme is quantum annoying, then being able to solve one discrete 
logarithm (in the case of DH, for example, sic) does not immediately 
provide the ability to compromise a system; instead, each discrete 
logarithm an adversary solves only allows them to eliminate a single 
possible password. Essentially, the adversary must guess a password, 
solve a discrete logarithm based on their guess, and then check to see 
if they were correct.


It is difficult to asses how 'annoying' this will be for a quantum 
computer. For a strong noise-free quantum computer is probably not 
annoying but for something in between (which is what we might get in the 
upcomign years) it might be.


Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
3D0B D6E9 4D51 FBC2 CEF7  F004 C835 5EB9 42BF A1D6

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Before we PQC... Re: PQC key exchange sizes

2022-08-07 Thread Sofía Celi

Dear, all,

On 06/08/2022 07:15, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:

On Fri, Aug 05, 2022 at 07:16:06PM -0700, Rob Sayre wrote:

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 5:16 PM Sofía Celi  wrote:

There is a notion of being 'quantum annoyant' to a quantum computer:

I've encountered the term "quantum annoyant" a few times. Is there a
precise definition that could be referenced? Maybe [0]?

I don't find the references I know of very satisfying, and I would
translate "annoyant" to "doesn't actually work".



I think [0] is the reference (or at least very similar content) I've seen in 
previous discussions of this topic.

It's annoying to the attacker when they have to use their expensive and finicky
hardware once (or multiple times) for each individual message/exchange they
want to break, rather than being able to amortize the cost of running the
quantum computer across many protocol runs that are broken by that computer.
They'd have to be selective about what to decrypt (quickly), rather than just
getting "everything" -- while a QC does provide massive speedups, it does still
take some actual amount of time to run, and we can build protocols so that
the runtime of the QC is a practical constraint on the attacker's ability, even
if it is not necessarily a theoretical constraint on them.

Correct. Note that it doesn't mean that a QC will not break it at the 
end, but just that is is 'annoying' to perform such operations over and 
over. Edward Eaton and Douglas Stebila properly defined the "property" 
over here: It was first mentioned 
during the PAKE selection process at CFRG by Thomas:

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
3D0B D6E9 4D51 FBC2 CEF7  F004 C835 5EB9 42BF A1D6

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Before we PQC... Re: PQC key exchange sizes

2022-08-07 Thread Sofía Celi

Dear, all,

Late to reply to some emails. I was just travelling ;)

 > I am now thinking in terms of 'Post Quantum Hardened" and "Post
 > Qualified". Hardening a system so it doesn't completely break
under QCC
 > is a practical near term goal. Getting to a fully qualified
system is
 > going to be a root-and-canal job.

There is a notion of being 'quantum annoyant' to a quantum computer:
perhaps that might be an starting point for other schemes that do no
have a post-quantum counterpart as of right now. For others, a hybrid
approach should definitly be taken such that classical cryptography
still protects data.

I am using PQC to protect the data and Threshold-ECC to protect the data 
with separation of roles.

Unfortunately, Threshold-ECC does not have a propely assesed quantum 
secure version. There is some thoughts over here if interested: 


Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
3D0B D6E9 4D51 FBC2 CEF7  F004 C835 5EB9 42BF A1D6

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Before we PQC... Re: PQC key exchange sizes

2022-08-05 Thread Sofía Celi
finitely yes; otherwise – who cares.

__ __

PQC hardening the initial key exchange should suffice provided that
we fix the forward secrecy exchange so that it includes the entropy
from the primary. This would bring TLS in line with Noise and with
best practice. It would be a change to the TLS key exchange but one
that corrects an oversight in the original forward secrecy

__ __

If your rekey depends on the initial key values, and/or uses only
Classic crypto – how can you provide Forward Secrecy?

The TLS nomenclature is confused here. To me a session key is what I 
apply to data, i.e.

session = KDF (ephemeral-agreement)

My rekey uses the initial values plus the ephemeral exchange, ie

session = KDF (initial-exchange + ephemeral-agreement)

So the key I use to encrypt the data is secure if either the 
initial-exchange is secure or the ephemeral-agreement is secure. I have 
not proved that but any inability to produce such a proof should 
probably stand as indicating a limitation in the current state of the 
art in formal proofs of security than the protocol design.

What I propose using in a minimally PQC hardened exchange is:

session = KDF (initial-exchange + initial-PQC + ephemeral-agreement)

That is one option but not the only one. There are

0) Classic initial, no forward secrecy
1) Classic initial + PQC initial, no forward secrecy
2) Classic initial + PQC initial, classical forward secrecy
3) Classic initial, classical forward secrecy + PQC forward secrecy
4) Classic initial, PQC forward secrecy
5) Classic initial + PQC initial, PQC forward secrecy
6) Classic initial + PQC initial, classical forward secrecy+ PQC forward 


Given that Google has spent the past five years telling people that 
security signals absolutely don't work, they are going to face a billion 
dollar anti-trust suit from certain CAs if they then try to provide a 
new security signal to show off support for PQC crypto. So persuading 
sites to deploy PQC support might be challenging.

The big difference between PQC initial and PQC forward secrecy is that 
if the PQC agreement is going to take place as an initial key agreement, 
the public key has to be attested by the TLS server certificate. It is 
this move that makes '0RTT' possible. As I keep saying, 0RTT is not 
really a thing, we just have clever ways to conceal parts of the 
protocol by moving them into a different protocol. If we want Kyber to 
work as 0RTT, we have to use the same techniques.

Not sure if I follow, so apologies in that. We already have a hybrid 
mechanism to add to the key exchange phase of TLS: The KDF 
functions used during the Key Schedule are not targeted by a quantum 
computer so if the initial master key is quantum-safe, so are the 
subsequent ones for the KDFs.

The term 'interactive' is used very differently in protocol design and 
cryptography. DH and ECDH are mutual key exchanges. Alice and Bob both 
receive a shared secret that both contribute to equally. Kyber is a 
unilateral key exchange, Alice encrypts to Bob's public key without 
using her key. If we want to have a mutually authenticated key exchange, 
Bob is going to have to encrypt something to Alice's public key.

That is correct. Such is the way KEMs work. We don't have that 
counterpart in post-quantum that we can attest to a high level of 
security. This is not so evidently needed in TLS but it is on Signal, 
OTR, and other protocols. I recently sent an email to the pqc mailing 
list around the matter:

Thank you,

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
3D0B D6E9 4D51 FBC2 CEF7  F004 C835 5EB9 42BF A1D6

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] PQC key exchange sizes

2022-07-27 Thread Sofía Celi>

TLS mailing list

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
Reach me out at:
3D0B D6E9 4D51 FBC2 CEF7  F004 C835 5EB9 42BF A1D6

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] TLS@IET110: Agenda Topics

2021-02-23 Thread Sofía Celi
Dear Chair,

On behalf of the authors, I would like to shortly present this draft:

I'm requesting a 5 minutes slot.

Best Regards,

Sofía Celi
Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, but mainly at
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TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] comments on draft-subcerts

2020-08-17 Thread Sofía Celi
Dear Nick and list,

The PR is here now:
Looking forward to been submitted to WGLC#2.


Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, but mainly at
FAB9 3EDC 7CDD 1198 DCFD  4558 91BB 6B45 6F44 2D02

TLS mailing list

[TLS] comments on draft-subcerts

2020-08-13 Thread Sofía Celi
Dear, list,

Sorry for sending this past the last call.

Few comments on the draft, which are:

- On Section 1:

"For clarity, we will refer to the certificate issued by the CA as a
"certificate", or "delegation certificate", and the one issued by the
operator as a "delegated credential" or "DC"."

I think this sentence can be their own paragraph, so it does not get
lost with the rest of the text. It will be good to clarify as well the
usage of 'credential', 'delegation', 'delegator' terms used through out
the document. It will be really nice to clarify the term 'credential' as
it sometimes seems to be used to refer to 'delegated credential', and
sometimes to the 'Credential' struct.

- On section 7.3

"Delegated credentials do not provide any additional form of early
revocation. Since it is short lived, the expiry of the delegated
credential would revoke the credential. Revocation of the long term
private key that signs the delegated credential also implicitly
revokes the delegated credential."

Not sure how the implicit revocation will work. It is my understanding
that the sole way to check that a DC is revoked is by verifying its
valid time, and this is the way that renders it 'invalid'.
Maybe, the DC is valid until it expires regardless if the long-term
private key is revoked, as I don't see a way to mark the DC invalid when
the long-term private key revokes. But perhaps, I'm understanding this

In that case, how the DC signed by a revoked key will be treated? Should
it wait until they expire to render them completely explicitly invalid?

I have other minor editorial changes that I'll send as a PR.


Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, but mainly at
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