Dear, all,

I wrote some of the open challenges of putting post-quantum cryptography into protocols over here: The document is very open ended atm but the idea is to develop into a list of concrete problems.

As I mentioned on our talk at the TLS WG meeting, I am planning a next instation of this workshop for around November to precesily talk about these challenges (the website is not yet updated as some people have asked ;)): I'll send a reminder to this list once there is more information about it.

Thank you,

On 27/07/2022 21:54, Rob Sayre wrote:

There's also data from the old Chrome/Cloudflare experiment, in the discussion section: <>

I /think/ the discussion says that sending handshake messages somewhat above the MTU didn't matter much, except on the slowest connections. They do hesitate to settle on a reason for that.

As for compatibility in general, it seems premature to worry about. If an implementation adds PQC support, and finds it doesn't work for underlying fragmentation reasons, they'll surely have to fix that too.


On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 12:06 PM Bas Westerbaan < <>> wrote:

    On the QUIC side, there is the "*Q*uantum Ready" interop test:

    On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 8:57 PM Kampanakis, Panos
    <>> wrote:

        Gotcha. This is a reasonable explanation for a potential
        problem, but I would also like to see experimental proof that
        DTLS implementation X, Y, Z have the problem. TLS
        implementations don't deal with big ClientHellos today so we
        could assume they would have a problem, but when tested they do
        OK for the most part.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: TLS < <>>
        On Behalf Of Ilari Liusvaara
        Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 10:42 AM
        To: < <>> <
        Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL][TLS] PQC key exchange sizes

        CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.
        Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
        the sender and know the content is safe.

        On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 02:27:12AM +0000, Kampanakis, Panos wrote:
         > Hi Ilari,
         > > - DTLS-level fragmentation. There are buggy implementations
         > >   break if one tries this.
         > DTLS servers have been fragmenting and sending cert chains
        that don’t
         > fit in the MTU for a long time. Is this buggy on the TLS
        client side?

        These problems are specific to fragmenting Client Hello.
        Handling fragmented DTLS Client Hello is different from handling
        fragmented DTLS Certificate (and even more so in DTLS 1.3). I
        think DTLS specification just pretends both cases are the same.
        They are not.

        QUIC implementations could have similar issues with multiple
        initial packets, but operating QUIC with fast
        failure-independent fallback would make failures soft.

        There is the general principle that if some protocol feature is
        not used in the wild, it tends to break, even if required part
        of the protocol. Either by implementation being poorly tested
        and buggy, assuming the feature does not exist, or being missing
        Combine this with interop failures having outsize impact and old
        versions sticking around far longer than desriable. And I do not
        think fragmented Client Hellos in DTLS or multiple initials in
        QUIC are seen much.

        One trick with DTLS would be sending client hello with no key
        shares. Causes extra round-trip, but any server that selects PQC
        causing fragmentation would presumably be capable of handling that.


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Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, specially Brave.
Chair of hprc at IRTF and anti-fraud at W3C.
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