Re: [TMIC] Flying

2006-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just found this and realized I never responded. I just went to Hilo to visit my daughter, and previously went to the mainland to visit my sister. (I had some free mileage :)
The flying itself didn't bother me at all. What was hard, though, was just being away from my own bed and the energy it took to pack everything I needed.

Re: [TMIC] baclofen 30 MG A DAY

2006-08-06 Thread Lynn Pouliot

I was taking baclofen 20mg twie a day. I recently went down to 10mg 
twice a day. Now I notice my calf are very tight when I wake up in the 
morning. But so far the spasms have not increased. 

Lynn P in RI

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 5:29 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] baclofen 30 MG A 
  I did not have real bad spasms but wastaking Valium 
  every time I got spasms and it worked.My new neurologist 
  prescribed Dantrolene for stiffness. Firstone 25 mg. per day, now 
  I am up to three per day. It hasn't helped the stiffness but I have only 
  had spasms a couple of times in the almost month I have been on 
  I hope you find something that helps.
  Gary in Michigan
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:07 
Subject: [TMIC] baclofen 30 MG A 

are you guys taking ?? THANKS SOO MUCH 

[TMIC] Johns Hopkins

2006-08-06 Thread Trudy

I want to thank you all so
much for all the great information and sharing that is done on this site.

I do not post very often
because I'm don't feel very qualified. But I'm starting to feel a part of this awesome

I went to Johns Hopkins and
saw Dr. Carlos Pardo. He was fantastic. There is an on going debate as to
whether I have MS or TM. He gave me a thorough exam, looked thru all my X-rays,
compared the ones from 2/07/02 and told me that at this point in time he would
diagnosis TM. I am on Lyrica 75mg. 3 x a day. I just started that in May. But
at the same time I fell and have stress fracture and have been in a wheelchair
for 7 weeks. So tho my legs feel very different from when I was on
2400mg of Neurontin. I don't know if it's the Lyrica or the fact that I have
not been allowed to put any weight whatsoever on my right leg. For me unless I
can see my legs I have no idea where they are or what they're doing. I use a
walker to get around. I also started Lexapro for depression after the fall. I guess
it's working but there have been so many dark days. But I have a strong faith
and believe with all my heart that I am never alone.. my family, my friends and
my God will keep me strong.

So I have shared my latest
and I hope in some way it might help someone on this list.


In hot, hot, hot Virginia!!

Re: [TMIC] Flying

2006-08-06 Thread gbthomas8374

That's great you were able to take the trip and it was a 
pretty good--I know what you mean about being away from your own "domain" and 
schedule. That was also good that the flying was o.k.

Gary in Michigan

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 3:18 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Flying
  I just found this and realized I never responded. I just went to Hilo 
  to visit my daughter, and previously went to the mainland to visit my 
  sister. (I had some free mileage :)
  The flying itself didn't bother me at all. What was hard, though, was 
  just being away from my own bed and the energy it took to pack everything I 

[TMIC] Fw: Latest re Dane White.

2006-08-06 Thread Deborah Nord Capen

Hi Everybody,
I am copying the latest information 
on Errol's grandson. Poor little guy needs a lot of help.

Saturday, yesterday saw Mavis and myself drive down to see Dane in 
Dane is looking reasonably good, having regained his birth weight, he is 
allowed to breast feed each day at least once but tires after about seven 
minutes. He thenhas a long sleep. He is still hooked up to 
monitors, infusers and otherebits and pieces, although his IDC has been 
removed last week. During aantibiotic via the mouth he responded well 
and exercised his lungs well whenhaving his lines flushed.

The specialists met again with Shaun and Liv Thursday last week and they 
wish to allow Dane to get a little stronger before his heart operation. It 
will be quite a procedure. He is now three weeks old, (22 days 
today, Sunday) and has only been home two 

Thanks again for your prayers and kindwishes. It is all helping 
our little bloke.More later when we learn more.Love and Kind Regards 
from Errol  Mavis and family, South East 


2006-08-06 Thread Dex Packard

- Original Message - 
From: Dex Packard 

To: Dex Packard 
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 9:25 AM
Subject: Fw: ART OF SPIN

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: ART OF SPIN
**Jane, a professional genealogical 
researcher,discovered that Hillary 
Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, a 
fellowlacking in character, was hanged 
for horse stealing and trainrobbery in Montana in 
1889. The only known photograph of Remus shows 
himstanding on the gallows. 
On the back of the picture is this 
inscription:"Remus Rodham; horse thief, 
sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885,escaped 1887, robbed 
the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by 
Pinkertondetectives, convicted and 
hanged in 1889." 
Jane emailed Hillary Clinton @NY. Gov 
for comments.Hillary's staff of 
professional image adjusters cropped 
Remus'spicture, scanned it, enlarged the 
image, and edited it with imageprocessing software so that 
all that's seen is a head shot. The 
accompanying biographical sketch is as follows: "Remus 
Rodham was a famous cowboy in the MontanaTerritory. His 
business empire grew to include acquisition 
ofvaluable equestrian assets and 
intimate dealings with the Montanarailroad. Beginning in 
1883, he devoted several years of his life 
toservice at a government facility, 
finally taking leave to resume hisdealings with the 
railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a 
vitalinvestigation run by the renowned 
Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889,Remus passed away 
during an important civic function held in his 
honorwhen the platform upon which he was 
standing collapsed." 

[TMIC] Lyrica

2006-08-06 Thread Diane

There have been extensive discussions about Lyrica on this list and I didn't
pay much attention because it didn't concern me personally. My neuro
has now started me on it and I have a couple of questions about dosage
and side-effects. If some of you who are on Lyrica could write me
directly, we won't fill everybody's mailbox. Thanks.
Diane in Canada


2006-08-06 Thread MissPrissGrandma

As I read your letter, it sounded like one I could have written word for 
word. I am going nuts not knowing what is wrong with me. My TM 
started in 1975 with terribly painful spasms in the large muscles in my thigh 
and my bladder was beginning to 'not work'. I walked, very weakly, into 
the hospital on a Saturday night and when they finally cathed me the next day, I 
filled up two bags. Dangerous!! I believe it was on that Sunday that 
a neurosurgeon came to do the spinal tap. I remember by then my legs were 
becoming paralyzed and it was difficult to roll up into a ball. The NS 
diagnosed it as MS but I never saw him again and my neurologist who 
followed me for the next five months always said it was TM and not MS. I 
saw the neurologist a couple of times after I got out of the hospital. I 
think the last time was after the birth of my son in 1979. Shortly after 
that we moved to NC and I am sure he retired.

I was fine for 30 years until several years ago. I had a job as a 
medical transcriptionist and sat at a computer 10 hours a day. I started 
falling and couldn't walk up the one step it took to get into my apt. 
Finally one of those falls resulted in a spiral fracture to my right leg and the 
falls and strains and sprains continued. Lots of reasons to stay off of my 
feet and stay in bed. Somewhere along the way I remember having an open 
MRI of my spinal cord which was clear but I continued to worsen. I had 
seen a neuro here in Charlotte before the falls, etc because of some weird pain, 
etc and by the time April of 2005 came and I couldn't walk, the neuro wouldn't 
admit me because I hadn't seen him in two years or so. Finally, my 
husband's MD agreed to admit me and while in the hospital, some neuro was sent 
in on consult but he just said I wouldn't fit in his MRI or CT so come back when 
I had lost a bunch of weight. He basically blew me off. With the 
help of a very strong 'industrial' walker I was able to take 7 steps in the 
hospital which qualified me to go to rehab. After about 3 weeks in rehab I 
was able to take maybe 30 steps but then I come home and only get a chance to 
walk twice a week with PT at home and I lose everything quickly. After a 
short trip to Myrtle Beach with my husband going to a conference I came home to 
a high temp, throwing up, a UTI, I guess, etc, I was back in the hospital. 
This was less than a month after getting out of rehab. Come to find out I 
had blood clots and my blood sugar (I am not a diabetic) was way high. I 
was a sick puppy. This time I couldn't take any steps and rehab wouldn't 
take me back so I got shipped off to anursing home about 1 1/2 hours 
away. There were a bunch of young kids running the rehab there and their 
hot topic every day was where they were going for lunch. When I left there 
in August, I could barely take 10 steps. Again, I came home and lost all 
of my strength. My feet have not touched the floor now since Sept of 
2005. I am stuck in bed, stuck in my room (wheelchair won't fit thru the 
door) and stuck in the house. I called some neuros but the wide wheelchair 
prevented me from getting an appointment with any of them. I have had two 
suicide attempts recently but only one admission. They don't have staffing 
on the psych ward for a patient needing so much medical attention. 

I do have a couple of things I am cautiously optimistic about. 
Supposedly a motorized wheelchair has been approved and ordered and would 
be able to ride a special bus to appts and a transfer system that will help me 
slide from one place to the other. My doctor doesn't know what to do with 
me. I can't really go to him - he is a bariatric specialist - yet my old 
wheelchair didn't fit through his door and my ins co won't pay the 800.00 round 
trip fee to see him anymore. Thank goodness he finally RX'd Flexeril after 
months and months of pain pills that didn't help. I was in constant pain 
even sitting on the side of the bed but the Flexeril seems to have kicked 
it. Unfortunately, he will only give me a minimal amount as I am a 
'suicide risk.' I also seem to be still getting Hydrocodone, by the Grace 
of God, and Ambien and Clonazepam which my psych started me on about 5 years 
ago. I can't go a day without them.

So that is my story, I don't know where I am,I don't know where I am 
going but I know I am tired of looking at these four walls and this bed. I 
think it has been probably 6 weeks since I have been out of this bed even tho I 
have my own lift. Six weeks ago was the last suicide attempt. Damn 
that charcoal was nasty!!

Hildred in Charlotte, NC
It might be hot outside, but I can't go outside to tell you! (One 
positive thing!)