RE: [TMIC] baclofen 30 MG A DAY

2006-08-07 Thread Butcher, Bernie [SFS]

I take Tizanidine - 10mg 
before bed - works great!
2mg at lunch


Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:07 PMTo: 
tmic-list@eskimo.comSubject: [TMIC] baclofen 30 MG A 

 HELP NEED SOMETHING FOR SPAZMS.this makes them WORSE what are 
you guys taking ?? THANKS SOO MUCH 

Re: [TMIC] curious about an order from tm site

2006-08-07 Thread Melissa

I ordered them months ago also and never received 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Krissy Z ; TM List 
  Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 10:13 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] curious about an 
  order from tm site
  Krissy, I think there might be a 
  problem with the supplier. My cousin ordered 3 or 4 months ago and never 
  received the bags or boxes. She reordered and still never received 
  them. Just this week she called the supplier.They are 
  placing the order again for my cousin, we'll see if she receives it. You 
  might want to give the supplier a call. 
- Original Message - 
Krissy Z 

To: TM List 
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 9:18 
Subject: [TMIC] curious about an order 
from tm site
I ordered the ink cartridge recycle bags on 7/20. I am just 
curious how long they would take to get to me? (if anyone knows...)tanks 
ya...Krissy ZoddaTri State Support Group 
In pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~ 

Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new 
Yahoo! Mail Beta.

[TMIC] New to list

2006-08-07 Thread Marie Wimberly

This is my first post to the list but I read your 
posts every day. I was stricken with TM January 15, '06. I've been 
through the MRI's, Spinal Tap, tons of blood tests,etc. The neuro says 
it's TM. Have lots of pain here, there and everywhere. Never have a 
good night sleep. I wake up at least every hour, get up move around to 
relieve some of the stiffness and pain. I've tried Lyrica and Cymbalta and 
both gave me severe diarrah. My balance is off, I'm always stumbling into 
things and people look at me as if I'm drunk (I don't drink). On top of 
TM, I have diabetes. My neuro says if you have more control over your 
diabetes it will take care of most of your symptoms. Well, I've had 
diabetes for 15 years and most of my symptoms occured with the onset of 
TM. If only Drs could walk (or wear) our shoes for a mile. Thank God 
I can walk although it was hard at first but it gradually improved. Sorry 
to ramble on but my prayers go out to all of you. By the way my birthday 
is November 12.



2006-08-07 Thread HeyJude48506
Title: AOL Email


  Hi All and Frank,
  As usual, I need some advice and help. I am so darn mad 
  I almost cannot stand it! (actually, can't STAND it, at all) 
  I think that most of you know I have been waiting and waiting 
  to go to the seating clinic so that I can get my tilting/reclining 
  wheelchair so that I can get out of this danged bed I have been in since 
  Well, the telephone woke me up early this morning with the 
  good news from my doc's office that all of this time the clinic they were 
  sending me to is out of my HMO's territory!!! I hate ineptness so 
  What have I done lately to hurt anybody? (feeling sorry 
  for myself)
  I have been in this da bed (that I am so thankful to 
  have) since the first of December with two broken legs, after being 
  Paralyzed with complete TM for 4 years (for those of you who do not know 
  this), and I want to get up and in my chair so badly I almost can't stand 
  I can't sit in the chair for more than 1/2 hour because my 
  legs swell inside the casts so badly and become so painful that I can't 
  take it and have to go to bed in order to raise them. 

  Besides that, I have a pressure sore inside the anal cavity 
  (caused by the ischema (sp) bone) that bleeds profusely when I perform my 
  normal bowel program. I was so looking forward to the new (my old 
  one was stolen) seat for the new wheelchair...
  (feeling even more sorry for myself)
  I just don't know what to do any more. I need help with 
  some ideas and answers. I don't know how to fight "city hall" any 
  longer and am almost out of the strength needed to do it. It's all 
  who have all of the power...They are in charge and what I/we say is of 
  little or no consequence. Iam getting so pissed!!! (anger) 
  Why is it always one step forward and three steps 
  Dr. Frank, I added your name to this email because you know 
  what I need to say and who I mostly need to say it to in order to get 
  something moving in the proper manner, by doing whatever it is in the 
  proper order, addressing the right people! And, I want ACTION, 
  now! What do I do, how do I do it, and who do I address my actions 
  to? Help me, please!
  Some of you have already been helping from behind the 
  List. Sally, the Nutritionist wrote a lovely letter addressing how 
  the use of a new wheelchair that raises up above my cooktop so that I 
  could take charge of making our meals using healthier foods (Dave does his 
  best, but cooking is not his strong suit...), so that it would help 
  byenhanced healing of pressure sores and stomach ulcers, my weight 
  loss, and all over general health. 
  People have been sending me loving support through the 
  grapevine and I appreciate it all so very, very much. And I 
  appreciate all that Dave does. He takes care of me all by one comes in to help and we can't afford to pay any type of 
  service. He takes care of the animals, the house, the five acres, 
  the laundry, all of my needs (staying up half the night last night because 
  I had such deathly diarrhea I was in tears), and he works six/ten to 
  twelve hour nights a week, at 54 years old. I don't mean ever to 
  sound like I don't appreciate him.
  Anyway, I'm sorry for getting out of control with this. 
  And for being so needy. But I am at my wits end and need whatever 
  kind of help any of you can give.
  Peace and Prayers,

[TMIC] OT:Osteoarthritis Nutrition Tips

2006-08-07 Thread Krissy Z
Osteoarthritis Nutrition Tips   Stiffness, pain and swelling of joints are common symptoms of osteoarthritis. Aside from getting regular exercise (low-impact is the best) and maintaining a healthy weight, consider the following nutritional changes to help prevent or lessens symptoms.  Eat foods rich   in antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables are good sources, and may help reduce tissue damage from inflammation. Get enough omega-3s. Oily fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, walnuts, freshly ground flaxseed or a good omega-3 supplement may help reduce the inflammation and pain of arthritis. Regularly use ginger and turmeric for their natural anti-inflammatory properties.  Krissy ZoddaTri State Support Group
 Leader(603)589-1894'm In pretty Good Shape  For the Shape I am in~ 
		See the all-new, redesigned  Check it out.

Re: [TMIC] HMO's

2006-08-07 Thread HeyJude48506
Title: AOL Email


  What state do you 
  live in? (besides the state of frustration?) It might make a difference in what 
  advice any of us might be able to give you to find you 
  about that. I live in Michigan and have Blue Care Network insurance 

[TMIC] Unsubscribe

2006-08-07 Thread Alan Junghans
Please unsubscribe me from the list.  I'll be gone for 2 weeks and don't 
want a full box when I get back.  Not that I don't want to hear from 
everyone, but I will...awww crap just unsubscribe... haha!!!


Re: [TMIC] New to list

2006-08-07 Thread Flores917

In a message dated 8/7/2006 7:05:28 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 

  This is my first post to the list but I read your 
  posts every day. I was stricken with TM January 15, '06. I've been 
  through the MRI's, Spinal Tap, tons of blood tests,etc. The neuro says 
  it's TM. Have lots of pain here, there and everywhere. Never have 
  a good night sleep. I wake up at least every hour, get up move around to 
  relieve some of the stiffness and pain. I've tried Lyrica and Cymbalta 
  and both gave me severe diarrah. My balance is off, I'm always stumbling 
  into things and people look at me as if I'm drunk (I don't drink). On 
  top of TM, I have diabetes. My neuro says if you have more control over 
  your diabetes it will take care of most of your symptoms. Well, I've had 
  diabetes for 15 years and most of my symptoms occured with the onset of 
  TM. If only Drs could walk (or wear) our shoes for a mile. Thank 
  God I can walk although it was hard at first but it gradually improved. 
  Sorry to ramble on but my prayers go out to all of you. By the way my 
  birthday is November 12.
Marie sorry to say welcome to the club, but be sure that my prayers are 
with you.

Juan M 
Flores11773 Two Towers Dr El Paso, TX 79936Tel: (915) 

[TMIC] unsubscribe

2006-08-07 Thread Kismet6
Please unsubscribe me from the list.
