This is my first post to the list but I read your posts every day.  I was stricken with TM January 15, '06.  I've been through the MRI's, Spinal Tap, tons of blood tests,etc.  The neuro says it's TM.  Have lots of pain here, there and everywhere.  Never have a good night sleep.  I wake up at least every hour, get up move around to relieve some of the stiffness and pain.  I've tried Lyrica and Cymbalta and both gave me severe diarrah.  My balance is off, I'm always stumbling into things and people look at me as if I'm drunk (I don't drink).  On top of TM, I have diabetes.  My neuro says if you have more control over your diabetes it will take care of most of your symptoms.  Well, I've had diabetes for 15 years and most of my symptoms occured with the onset of TM.  If only Drs could walk (or wear) our shoes for a mile.  Thank God I can walk although it was hard at first but it gradually improved.  Sorry to ramble on but my prayers go out to all of you.  By the way my birthday is November 12.

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