Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California - Barbara, Everyone

2007-05-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Barbara, All,

I also had LTD Disability until my highly paid neurologist made a 
mistake on a medical
review form.  He was about to move to a big new job and clearly wasn't 
paying attention.
Among other things, he wrote that I could bend, get on all fours, and 
sit for 8 hours.  All
totally wrong, and just what the insurance company needed to stop my 
payments.  I got
the doctor to write a letter admitting that he was wrong, but of course, 
the LTD company
said his letter wasn't 'credible' and I never got my LTD reinstated.  So 
all I have is SSDI,
which I am grateful for, and would be on the street without, but I lost 
half of my monthly income.

Just a message to say what I'm sure you already know,  make sure you see 
every form
your doctors fill out before they go anywhere.  Btw, the insurance 
company was notorious
for denying and terminating legitimate claims, and has been sued by many 

Just my 1  1/2 cents.  :)


Hi Todd,
This would and could really mess up my LTD insurance from my employer 
though.  Everybody needs to know how their disability insurance from 
their employer works if they are going to try to return to work.
In my case, if I were to try to return to work, and worked for a short 
time,  then not be able to continue, I would lose my LTD disability 
benefits.  This is true even on a part-time basis.  If I were to ever 
try to get another job at a later date and attempt to get LTD coverage 
again, I would then also have a pre-existing condition.   This is true 
even with the same company.   If I ever returned and left due to not 
being able to work,  my same company would never hire me back.  But, 
they'd sure love to get me off of their disability payment role.  I'm 
costing them too much money, and will continue until I am capable of 
working full-time or reach age 65. 
This has nothing to do with SSDI or SSI, however, it is very important 
to know.  Please review your documentation if you do not already know 
the ins and outs of your plan.
Hugs, Barbara A 

See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California - Barbara, Everyone

2007-05-27 Thread Candis Kalley
Not only make sure you see every form your doctors fill out before they go 
anywhere, also get copies ASAP for your files.  You never know when you will 
need them.

Candis Kalley
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Wolfthal 
Sent: 5/27/2007 4:05:25 AM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California - Barbara, Everyone

Hi Barbara, All,

I also had LTD Disability until my highly paid neurologist made a mistake on a 
review form.  He was about to move to a big new job and clearly wasn't paying 
Among other things, he wrote that I could bend, get on all fours, and sit for 8 
hours.  All
totally wrong, and just what the insurance company needed to stop my payments.  
I got
the doctor to write a letter admitting that he was wrong, but of course, the 
LTD company
said his letter wasn't 'credible' and I never got my LTD reinstated.  So all I 
have is SSDI,
which I am grateful for, and would be on the street without, but I lost half of 
my monthly income.

Just a message to say what I'm sure you already know,  make sure you see every 
your doctors fill out before they go anywhere.  Btw, the insurance company was 
for denying and terminating legitimate claims, and has been sued by many states.

Just my 1  1/2 cents.  :)

Hi Todd,

This would and could really mess up my LTD insurance from my employer though.  
Everybody needs to know how their disability insurance from their employer 
works if they are going to try to return to work.

In my case, if I were to try to return to work, and worked for a short time,  
then not be able to continue, I would lose my LTD disability benefits.  This is 
true even on a part-time basis.  If I were to ever try to get another job at a 
later date and attempt to get LTD coverage again, I would then also have a 
pre-existing condition.   This is true even with the same company.   If I ever 
returned and left due to not being able to work,  my same company would never 
hire me back.  But, they'd sure love to get me off of their disability payment 
role.  I'm costing them too much money, and will continue until I am capable of 
working full-time or reach age 65.  

This has nothing to do with SSDI or SSI, however, it is very important to know. 
 Please review your documentation if you do not already know the ins and outs 
of your plan.

Hugs, Barbara A 

See what's free at 

Re: [TMIC] OT, OT...Friendship

2007-05-27 Thread LadyNotes
Thank you so very much for that heart warming poem.  It  is very fitting for 
this group.  

C-4 quad since July 2,  2005

** See what's free at


2007-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just have to ask: What is this LTD you're all talking about?  In Hawaii, the 
only choices are Workers' Comp and Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI).  My TM 
wasn't work related, so of course I don't qualify for Workers' Comp.  And they 
said that since I had more than 2 weeks of sick leave when TM hit, that I 
didn't qualify for TDI.  (Several people checked that for me b/c it didn't 
sound like it makes sense, but that's the law here!)  
So I've had no income whatsoever since I got TM in May of 2005 other than the 
few weeks of sick leave and vacation pay that I had left, and the donated 
vacation leave that several of my co-workers gave me.  I live alone and have no 
source of income, other than the option to sell my house.  I had some savings, 
and the cash that I took out of my house when I refinanced it before my pay 
checks stopped coming.  Of course, at the time, I had no idea I'd be out of 
work for 2 years so didn't take much out.  I've been trying to get SSDI for 
over a year, and just now got MedQuest so I won't have to pay $300/mo COBRA for 
health insurance, and I go in next week for an interview for food stamps!
Sorry.  I'm really complaining here, aren't I!  I shouldn't, b/c I've also 
received help from some of my family and my church for the last year (not my 
idea, but at the advice of my Bishop, who said not to wait until my funds were 
totally depleted to accept help, b/c then it would require a lot of help!).  
But of course that's temporary, to say nothing of not wanting to take advantage 
of others.  I need to either get back to work or sell my house, but hate to 
sell when I'm so much closer to getting well enough to work!
Sorry - thanks for listening to me complain.  I guess I just had to vent a 
little!  And I'm happy for those of you who are getting LTD!


2007-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aha!  Okay - that makes sense!  I thought of it as the 'long term' version of 
TDI and wondered why we didn't have it here!  Sounds like those who have it are 
having trouble with it - which is even worse since they had to pay for it 
Thanks for your response.


2007-05-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Look up 'LTD' in the dictionary and find the definition 'TROUBLE'!

My experience was, they just want to collect the premiums, period.  I will
give you one well documented example of what my insurance company did
to someone.  They sold a lot of policies to doctors.  One of the doctors, an
eye surgeon, developed tremors in his hands.  My LTD company paid his
benefits for a short while, then STOPPED!  They actually said he was faking
and could work.  They videotaped someone playing football in the doctor's
yard and said it was him, except it WASN'T him, it was his son.  He sued
them in court and was awarded millions of dollars.  The doctor indeed
had Parkinsonian tremors.  I think that those LTD employees who terminated
his payments, should be made to go to surgeons with hand tremors.  They
are utterly disgusting.  CBS did an expose of the particular  company on
60 Minutes, as did Dateline.

Perhaps there are good LTD companies.  Mine sent an investigator to
my home to harrass me.  I'm sorry I couldn't sue them.  I just didn't
feel well enough, and that's what they count on.



Aha!  Okay - that makes sense!  I thought of it as the 'long term' 
version of TDI and wondered why we didn't have it here!  Sounds like 
those who have it are having trouble with it - which is even worse 
since they had to pay for it themselves!

Thanks for your response.

RE: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-05-27 Thread Trudy
I would strongly encourage anyone on this list to share with us whatever is
going on in their life. I and many others have vented to this group.
Whether it be about pain, husbands, wives, the children, the way others
treat us in the stores and restaurants and just life in general. Bernard
Pelow certainly shared his frustrations and pain as he watched his daughter
go thru a horrendous time in her life. I think he might have been
overwhelmed by e-mails. but we care... some know a great deal more (Our
dear doctor F) .. and some are the caretakers who also need to have a place
to vent or share or's a bit of a risk to put yourself
out there. and sometimes you're going to be misunderstood. but who else can
really understand how you feel.

I am truly sorry to hear that this person is in constant, intense pain.
He/She is in my prayers as are all of those on our TM list!



Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:37 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Getting Humble...


This is a subject that I have not seen debated in the five years I have been
a member of this exclusive club of amazing, diverse people brought together
by a common problem...TM.


I recently received an email from someone who has been on the list quite a
while.  This person has troubles just like the rest of us and we help one
another when we can, but I only tonight found out that they are in extreme
pain and at times can only sit for a few seconds at a time. Yet, they take
any amount of time they can handle to use their knowledge to educate us and
promote dialogue between us, in spite of being racked by pain.


This person is one of the walking wounded and was, I thought, in pretty
good condition. Tonight, I learned that conception has not been true...and I
find myself amazed to find the depth of their disability.


Now, I am wondering how important it is for us to put on a happy face and
keep our infirmities to ourselves rather than getting honest and sharing our
limitations with the possibility of connecting with someone else, especially
new members in need of knowing that they are not crazy and other people have
the same problems that they do?


I believe that it is possible to maintain a positive attitude while humbling
ourselves enough to show others on the List the true person we are.  There
are ways to share our pain, frustration, loss, etc. without sounding like a
whining baby.


Who believes that it is important to put our honest personage out there?
Does it help others?  Does it help ourselves  to talk about things?  Or does
it serve others better to be stoic about our disease?  I'd really like to


I love you all,

Jude  T3 to T8, Complete para with no b or b control, 

  and not a lot of hope of ever walking again.


Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

2 Corinthians 4:17


See what's free at . 

Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California - Barbara, Everyone

2007-05-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Talked to several lawyers.  Both about suing the doctor and suing the 
insurance company.

Re: suing the doctor, lawyers said it wasn't really malpractice, (it is 
to me), so they wouldn't

take it.

The EXPERIENCED lawyers wanted a lot of money up front.  I did in fact 
get one lawyer
to take the case against the LTD on contingency, but he had no 
experience with ERISA law, and gave up.

ERISA = *Employee Retirement Income Security Act --- Very conplex law that
requires a specialist, and there aren't too many lawyers that understand it.

As far as me getting screwed as you so delicately put it, the company lost
an account worth hundreds of thousands of dollars because of what they did
to me.  It would have been much smarter, and cheaper, for them to pay me.
You never know who has friends responsible for signing contracts with
insurance companies.  ;-)



Larry Throne wrote:


Did you ever talk with a Lawyer? It sounds as though you might have 
had two cases here. One against the LTD company and another against 
the Doctor. The problem is the time factor has most likely passed. 
Sorry you got screwed my friend.

Larry in Rainy Oklahoma


From: /Kevin Wolfthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]/
To: /
Subject: /Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California -
Barbara, Everyone/
Date: /Sun, 27 May 2007 04:03:32 -0400/

Hi Barbara, All,

I also had LTD Disability until my highly paid neurologist made a
mistake on a medical
review form.  He was about to move to a big new job and clearly
wasn't paying attention.
Among other things, he wrote that I could bend, get on all fours,
and sit for 8 hours.  All
totally wrong, and just what the insurance company needed to stop
my payments.  I got
the doctor to write a letter admitting that he was wrong, but of
course, the LTD company
said his letter wasn't 'credible' and I never got my LTD
reinstated.  So all I have is SSDI,
which I am grateful for, and would be on the street without, but I
lost half of my monthly income.

Just a message to say what I'm sure you already know,  make sure
you see every form
your doctors fill out before they go anywhere.  Btw, the insurance
company was notorious
for denying and terminating legitimate claims, and has been sued
by many states.

Just my 1  1/2 cents.  :)


Hi Todd,
This would and could really mess up my LTD insurance from my

employer though.  Everybody needs to know how their disability
insurance from their employer works if they are going to try
to return to work.
In my case, if I were to try to return to work, and worked for

a short time,  then not be able to continue, I would lose my
LTD disability benefits.  This is true even on a part-time
basis.  If I were to ever try to get another job at a later
date and attempt to get LTD coverage again, I would then also
have a pre-existing condition.   This is true even with the
same company.   If I ever returned and left due to not being
able to work,  my same company would never hire me back.  But,
they'd sure love to get me off of their disability payment
role.  I'm costing them too much money, and will continue
until I am capable of working full-time or reach age 65. 
This has nothing to do with SSDI or SSI, however, it is very

important to know.  Please review your documentation if you do
not already know the ins and outs of your plan.
Hugs, Barbara A 

See what's free at

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Windows Live Hotmail. 

Re: [TMIC] double vision and dancing eyes...

2007-05-27 Thread Natalie Boyles

How can he tell its not the muscles or nerves? Did he do tests? You have
something wrong, as bouncy, double vision ain't right. I have read that
you can have lesions, but they may not be visible on even today's high tech
mri machines. It wasn't until I had mri's on the newest of machines with
certain parameters and dye used that my lesions showed. Ask for more tests,
mris, tests for muscles disorders.

Sad thing, even if they find our lesions most times they cannot help us
anyhow, except to help us deal with it all. Yes, I have had symptoms like
yours, but they went away all by themselves. Hope yours disappear like mine
did. No, I still do not know for sure what caused mine.
Best Wishes
Natalie B

On 5/26/07, Oma Haidarzada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm writing this email to find out if anyone had the following symptoms as
i do:
my vision continuously bounces up and down and I have double vision also.
It is not because of the meds because I have already cut down on the meds.
It is not a lesion since I had an MRI done indicating nothing is there.
It's not my muscles since the doctor said the connection of the eyes are
Has anyone had the same symptoms and if so can you please inform me of
what I can do?

Much Thanks,

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.*

Re: [TMIC] double vision and dancing eyes...

2007-05-27 Thread JHarper33
I am wondering if what you are experiencing is nystagmus.  There is more 
info. on it here:
I have had kind of a bouncing vision occasionally, more so  towards the 
beginning of TM onset, not so much recently. I have occasional  double vision 
in my 
left eye that they can't tell me the reason for. One  opthamologist says it 
is an astigmatism, but I would think an astigmatism would  cause problems all 
the time rather than just occasionally.
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 5/26/2007 11:40:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm writing this email to find out if anyone had the following symptoms  as i 
my vision continuously bounces up and down and I have double vision also.  It 
is not because of the meds because I have already cut down on the meds. It  
is not a lesion since I had an MRI done indicating nothing is there. 
It's not my muscles since the doctor said the connection of the eyes are  
Has anyone had the same symptoms and if so can you please inform me of  what 
I can do?
Much Thanks,


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