Re: [TMIC] Questions

2008-10-03 Thread jrushton
Hi, Jude!  So wonderful to be hearing from you and that you are doing better.  
God bless you, dear one!

I was told by the first neuro I saw at the onset that one of the 'theories' for 
TM was the varicella-zoster (chicken pox virus) which is also the 'causative 
virus of herpes zoster which makes sense in what your provider says.  The 
virus, once it is in our system, never leaves of can also show up as that 
horribly painful shingles.  Anyone that has been stricken with that can attest 
to that.

Jeanne in Dayton

Re: [TMIC] Questions

2008-10-03 Thread ACAROE
Its funny you should talk about cold sores and herpes virus.  I never  had a 
problem with that in the past and that was the first thing I was asked  when I 
got sick (Sept. 05).   Right now I have sores on my tongue  which is probably 
some sort of herpes.  Very annoying.  I am taking an  antibiotic but I know 
that does not kill a virus.   2 of my daughters  (grown) also had mild cases of 
shingles this past year.   Maybe we all  have the chicken pox virus in our 
systems.   Feel good, Rosalie
In a message dated 10/3/2008 2:58:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


I always hate when my email is filled with forwarded  messages. I usually 
just delete then and very rarely pass them  on.
I feel exactly the same  way.  I delete more email, even from my very best 
friend, who  sends me every darn joke out there on the Internet.  Every  once 
a while there are photographs that are too cute and I  appreciate those.  The 
political messages I can live without  hearing.  I know how I feel; I know 
who I am going to vote  for, and I can decide for myself when there are issues 
on the  table to be discussed.
What I'm trying to say is  this forum is for Transverse Myelitis and I'd like 
to read email  having to do with this disease and how each of us is coping 
with  it on a daily basis.  Maybe there are new members wanting to  ask 
questions about TM...
Heck~I have a  question.  Has anyone ever been told that their TM is related  
to the Herpes virus?  When I get sick, I always get a cold  sore on the 
corner of my mouth...never anywhere else.  But  the doctors say that my herpes 
viral titers are sky high and can  find no reason for them to be like that.
Has anyone else been told  that TM is caused by a virus?
Love, Hugs   Prayers.


 New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining,  
Movies, Events, News  more. _Try it  out_ 
( !

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News  more. Try it out!  

Re: [TMIC] Questions

2008-10-03 Thread L T CHERPESKI
AOL EmailJude, it is so good to hear from you!  Welcome back - we've missed 
you, dear lady.  

I am curious to know why your herpes viral titers are so high when you get 
sick, especially when you don't have any real symptoms.  I know when most of us 
gave our gallon of blood when first diagnosed, they tested for absolutely 
everything!  No stone unturned.

Again, welcome back Jude.  Looking forward to hearing more from you.
I've missed you!!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 12:58 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Questions

  I always hate when my email is filled with forwarded messages. I 
usually just delete then and very rarely pass them on.

  I feel exactly the same way.  I delete more email, even from my 
very best friend, who sends me every darn joke out there on the Internet.  
Every once in a while there are photographs that are too cute and I appreciate 
those.  The political messages I can live without hearing.  I know how I feel; 
I know who I am going to vote for, and I can decide for myself when there are 
issues on the table to be discussed.

  What I'm trying to say is this forum is for Transverse Myelitis 
and I'd like to read email having to do with this disease and how each of us is 
coping with it on a daily basis.  Maybe there are new members wanting to ask 
questions about TM...

  Heck~I have a question.  Has anyone ever been told that their TM 
is related to the Herpes virus?  When I get sick, I always get a cold sore on 
the corner of my mouth...never anywhere else.  But the doctors say that my 
herpes viral titers are sky high and can find no reason for them to be like 

  Has anyone else been told that TM is caused by a virus?

  Love, Hugs  Prayers.


  New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, 
Movies, Events, News  more. Try it 

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-10-03 Thread L T CHERPESKI
A warm welcome to you Lynne.  Larry is right.  You will find this group to be 
very understanding, full of love and support and nothing embarrasses us!  We've 
pretty much talked about everything here.  This is a safe haven. I hope you'll 
feel comfortable and just jump in with any questions or concerns you may have. 
Looking forward to getting to know you.

Linda (in Eagle, Idaho)
  - Original Message - 
  From: Larry Thronemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:48 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

  As we say around here, glad you found us, sorry you had too. Welcome home. 
You will find this bunch wonderfully helpfull and underestanding. Don't 
hesitale asking any questions. You can get a lot of love and support here, all 
you have to do is ask.
  Larry in Oklahoma who is going out to mow.
   Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 06:38:39 -0700
   Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!
   At Patti's suggestion at yesterdays support group meeting I decided to join 
   My name is Lynne and I have had TM for 4 years now. I am able to walk with 
a cane now, after spending almost a year in a wheel chair.
   Prior to TM i worked as a registered nurse.
   I am married and have two sons ages 22 and 25.
   Along with TM we are dealing with helping care for father in law who has 

Re: [TMIC] 34th TM Birthday

2008-10-03 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Larry, Happy 34th!  You are an inspiration to us all.  It sounds like you're 
going to have a full house there for some time.  It can really be a lot of fun 
- keeps you young.

Hey, I know someone else who apparently just won the lottery in England also.  
Don't forget to send your bank account number to that guy in Africa.  It would 
be a shame to miss out on all those millions they want to send you!

Linda in Eagle, Idaho
  - Original Message - 
  From: Larry Thronemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:41 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] 34th TM Birthday

  Thanks, I'm doing well and evidently I've just won the lottery in England. 
All I have to do is send my bank account number to some guy in Africa to get my 
money. Oh geeze, how lucky am I!

   Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:28:54 -0700
   Subject: RE: [TMIC] 34th TM Birthday
   I have tried since Saturday to say Happy 34th but keep getting my 
messages back from the tmic as undeliverable. I hope this one gets to you. I've 
wondered where you were and hoped you were busy and not sick. It sounds like 
you have a full house now, with lots vying for your attention. I'm glad you 
checked in and shared with us. 
   Blessings to you and your family
   Patti - Michigan
    Larry Throne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Sorry for any confusion. I was diagnosed with TM at age 18. As strange as 
it may sound TM has provided me with many blessings and helped make me the man 
I am today.
I found the TMIC just a little over 10 years ago. You folks have been a 
second family to me since then. I have laughed, cried and prayed with several 
of our family over these past ten years and hope to continue doing so. With a 
14 year old around the house I don't have much time on the computer right now 
so I check the archives instead of getting the daily mails.
Below are the first few paragraphs of my story which is located at #304 
in the TMIC members stories. The things that have changed is that I no longer 
work with children. I am a social worker at a small psychiatric hospital in 
Oklahoma. (my father likes to tell people that he always knew I would end up in 
a psych. hospital, he just didn't think I would be the one with the keys!) I 
still sail but not as much as I would like. I don't walk as much as I should. 
My hands and shoulders are arthritic after so many years of excess use and I 
fear falling. My wife  I are raising one of our grand daughters and our great 
grand daughter. Having them here keeps us busy and active. 
I've been taking provigal for the fatigue that many of us suffer from and 
neurontin for the pain. Early in my TM experience I discovered I am one of 
those that can't take narcotics. Well I could, and did but they got way out of 
control, eventually controlling my life. I have been off of them for 19 years. 
I've been a member of a 12 step recovery group for over twenty years and doing 
so reminds me of who I am. I still hurt sometimes and that's okay. I may have 
to slow down or stop. But at least I can feel and I am here to experience life.

Larry in Oklahoma who is just happy to be here!

Twenty four years ago todayLarry Throne (lbthrone(AT), 27 
Sep 1998 15:58:58 PDT 
I had been working for a construction company for just a couple of 
months. I was eighteen and it was my first really good job. We were building a 
power plant in southeastern Oklahoma, they were behind schedule and had us 
working seven days a week, twelve hours a day. I was young, healthy and making 
good money. I thought I had nothing to worry about.It had been a wet rainy 
summer and everyone on the crew had been fighting a summer flu, I was just 
beginning to feel the aches and pains on friday morning when I went to work. 
(hmmm) On saturday, I just felt terrible. My head was pounding, i had no energy 
and I was perspiring profusely. I went on to work but shortly after lunch I had 
a fainting spell. My boss sent me home. I went to bed at 2:00 pm and slept 
straight through to sunday afternoon when my father came in to check on me. It 
was after 5:00 pm. When I awoke, I couldn't urinate, my bladder was distended 
and I had a fever. Dad took me to the E.R. and I was catheterized. The ER 
doctor sent home and told to return the next day for testing.The next morning 
our family Doctor was calling , he had talked with the E.R. doc and was 
concerned, he wanted me there at the hospital asap. Over the next 24 hours 
everyone at the hospital in Ada Oklahoma had poked, prodded and examined me, I 
think the janitor even had his turn. They did a spinal tap (those sure are nice 
aren't they!) When I woke up the second day, I was paralyzed from the waist 
down.I was transferred to 

Re: [TMIC] 34th TM Birthday

2008-10-03 Thread jrushton
Gosh, aren't we all so lucky!  I've also won but they want my Social Security 
number, also!  How can you go wrong??!!

Jeanne in Dayton, WA