Its funny you should talk about cold sores and herpes virus.  I never  had a 
problem with that in the past and that was the first thing I was asked  when I 
got sick (Sept. 05).   Right now I have sores on my tongue  which is probably 
some sort of herpes.  Very annoying.  I am taking an  antibiotic but I know 
that does not kill a virus.   2 of my daughters  (grown) also had mild cases of 
shingles this past year.   Maybe we all  have the chicken pox virus in our 
systems.   Feel good, Rosalie
In a message dated 10/3/2008 2:58:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


"I always hate when my email is filled with forwarded  messages. I usually 
just delete then and very rarely pass them  on."
I feel exactly the same  way.  I delete more email, even from my very best 
friend, who  sends me every darn joke out there on the Internet.  Every  once 
a while there are photographs that are too cute and I  appreciate those.  The 
political messages I can live without  hearing.  I know how I feel; I know 
who I am going to vote  for, and I can decide for myself when there are issues 
on the  table to be discussed.
What I'm trying to say is  this forum is for Transverse Myelitis and I'd like 
to read email  having to do with this disease and how each of us is coping 
with  it on a daily basis.  Maybe there are new members wanting to  ask 
questions about TM...
Heck~I have a  question.  Has anyone ever been told that their TM is related  
to the Herpes virus?  When I get sick, I always get a "cold  sore" on the 
corner of my mouth...never anywhere else.  But  the doctors say that my herpes 
viral titers are sky high and can  find no reason for them to be like that.
Has anyone else been told  that TM is caused by a virus?
Love, Hugs &  Prayers.

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