Re: [TMIC] OT Nursing Homes

2010-01-11 Thread Grace M.
  *Kevin,  *

 *I am aghast that they are still badgering you and your Mother about
 going into a nursing home.  It makes me so angry.  Kevin, you are lucid and
 in control of your faculties, and as long as you and your Mother are able to
 take care of your physical needs (Be it on your own, or with help.) they
 will have an extremely difficult time trying to force the two of you into a
 home.  Please email me and let me know what's going on.  It's been a long
 time since I've heard from you.  *

 *Love, *


  *   *

Re: [TMIC] I'm fessing up - continued

2010-01-11 Thread Jan Hargrove

Soo glad that Daniel has come back so strong!! I think if
one of us has a unhappy event, then all of us feel it. Terrible
time for his schooling, but he survived and was allowed to
make up his tests, etc. so that's a load off his back!!

Anyway, thanks for the update.  Prayers answered.

Hugs, jan

My heart is so warmed by all of your responses, too many to respond to 
individually.  Many struggle with some of the same issues as I do of going good 
for a while and then slacking off.  And, winter is of course the hardest time 
for us to think about exercise when we are more achy than usual.  I have been 
thinking about this though, and I think that it is more important during the 
winter than ever, if that's possible.

During the winter many of us have depression issues that are deeper than usual, 
due to having stronger or different aches and pains.  The weather is also very 
depressing, and many suffer from SAD.  When we exercise we are doing something 
positive for ourselves and often the aches and pains are reduced at least a bit 
by moving, if we are careful not to overdo it.  

So, come on everyone, join in... We've got a good group of us that have 
chosen to try to get our exercise programs going again.  We're all here for 
support, isn't that what this group is for???

Big hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-11 Thread Jan Hargrove

Isn't it amazing that a matter as simple as emptying your bladder can
go haywire..we are so unaware of the functions of our bodiesthat 
we do automatically, until we can't do them! What a learning curve tm 
has given us!Glad for you that you have some returning feeling/ability 
to go on your own. I remember how frustrated I was during the time I 
had to self cath, no feeling and no way to tell where the catheter should
go..Looking back, I have so many stories to tell that today are really! funny
.but, definitely weren't then!!!
I guess I should tell that I was a complete to the t8, paralyzed from
breast level down...with pt and no knowledge that I might not get 
back my ability to walk, etc, I was walking within 4 months with a walker.
Today with residuals that others can't see, (except in this bitter cold,)
I'm one of the walking wounded.

Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK


A lot of us have bladder issues with TM. When TM hit me, it took me a full day and a half to realizethat I hadn't gone. I just didn't have any feeling. So I put myself on a "potty" schedule. My doc sent me to a Urologist in Seattle who was very familiar with TM. I had the neurogenic bladder test (not that pleasant), but really glad I had it. I was told that my bladder was not emptying completely - in fact, hardly at all, but since I couldn't feel it, how would I know. So I was taught to self-cath. I have done this for almost 8 years now. However, by some miracle, in the last year I have gotten some feeling back and find I only have to cath maybe twice a day. The rest of the time I can just go on my own. I know it is said for the most part after 2 years whatever we're left with is what it is. But I really have not found that to be completely true. Many areas of my body have
 improved, a wonderful surprise, and then some things have pretty much been the same.
It sounds like you may not have all your feeling back yet. And read any of the posts on the Message Forum - the bladder is usually the slowest to come back. But never give up. It sounds like your bladder may be doing a variety of things?? Did you have any tests when you saw the urologist? Are you on bladder meds?
Ok - got some questions for you to answerThis is great - it's how we can help each other.

Re: [TMIC] I'm fessing up

2010-01-11 Thread Barbara Alma

Hi Rob, 
This reminds me of how much I miss being in the water.  We do not have an 
indoor pool in our area, so I need to find one in a nearby area to get some 
water exercise in on a regular basis.  You are so right about feeling so good 
about the movement we can get in water that we cannot get on land.  I was never 
able to swim, just never learned.  Actually, I never liked my face in the 
water, and until a few years ago, I totally avoided it.  I was splashed in the 
face a good deal as a kid and hated it so much.  I now will put my face in the 
water and I make my version of attempting to swim.  I am a lousy kicker, but 
I give it the effort.  My legs get tired so fast though.  I have always been a 
great floater, lol.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: Barbara Alma;
Sent: Mon, Jan 11, 2010 5:03 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] I'm fessing up

As per Dr. Kerr's advice I have been swimming 3-4 times per week for about an 
hour each time. I have been doing this for about six month after basically 
stopping exercise for a couple of years. I am amazed at how much better I am 
feeling since I began this regimen. I have more energy, feel stronger, and have 
lost nearly 20 lbs. I was foolish to stop exercising believing it was doing 
nothing for my TM symptoms. The fact that I am in better shape and lighter have 
definitlty helped my TM symptoms and probably more important the cardio workout 
is helping my general health overall. Finally it is a wonderful feeling to be 
able to do things in water that we find impossible to do on land (such as 
running). I have found the underwater MP3 player I use and listen to all my 
doo-wop has made the workouts feel easier and more fun. Anyone interested in 
such a device let me know and i will advise where it can be purchased.
All the best!
Rob in Frigid New Jersey 

From: Barbara Alma [] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 6:21 PM
Subject: [TMIC] I'm fessing up

Ok guys - here I go again.  I've laxed off again on my exercises.  Seems that I 
do this so often, and I know that I am not the only one and that is why I am 
making this confession public.  Maybe this will help me to stay focused for a 
while at least, knowing that other eyes are on me, lol.  And, maybe it'll get 
some of you moving it again.
I have been sick since the last week of October, with various bouts of a bug, 
what appeared to be some allergies, a cold or two, the flu 2x and now just 
getting over a mild case of pneumonia.  I think the last of which was just a 
breakdown of my body over the stress of our son Daniel being so sick.  So, I 
did not had more than about 8 days of well days if I am lucky since then.  
During this time I missed a 1st birthday party for my first great niece, a 
wedding, and a weeks vacation in San Diego.  Happily I had 2 well days at 
Christmas.  Sick the day after, lol.
I started riding my recumbent bike the other day and already I feel some 
strength coming back, and believe me, I have gotten weaker over this time.  So, 
if any of you, and I know that there have got to be more than a few of you, 
have also been getting lax on your exercises, please get back into the swing of 
things again.  Our bodies need it, and it is such a boost to see even a slight 
improvement.  If nothing else, we need to keep moving and you'll feel like you 
are doing something good for yourself.
I picked my bike up for $50 on last year.  If any of you live in 
an area that has a Craigslist city listed anywhere near you, you'd be so 
surprised on what you can buy there.  Tons of exercise and mobility stuff.  
Take care and here's to a healthier and stronger 2010.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-11 Thread Janice Nichols
We are pretty similar in bladder and leg feeling.I use a 4-prong cane and 
probably always will, but I have gone from paralyzed to walking.   Can't 
complain, but
sometimes my mind goes on overdrive and I sure wish for the old days.  But, 
at least, we all have each other.   It was really rough going before I found 
you guys.

From: Patricia Cooley 
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:38 AM
To: 'Alton Ryder' ; 'L T CHERPESKI' 
Cc: 'randy rankin' ; 'Janice Nichols' ; 'tmic list' 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] sympom check question

According to my neurologist, mine is at T-10.  At first, my legs were useless.  
After about 2-3 days they got me up and sort of walking.  After 4 weeks in 
P.T., I was doing pretty good in a walker so they discharged me.  I went for 
P.T. for about 5 months and improved so very much.  They were trying to get me 
to use a cane, which scared me to death since I have a problem with my balance. 
 I am sure I almost broke bones in my therapist's hands while she was helping 
me.  I also have bladder and bowel problems.  I don't have the feeling when I 
have to urinate, but put myself on a potty schedule which works pretty well.  I 
have noticed that when my bladder has become full, and I haven't gone for a 
while,  I get a sensation that I have come to recognize as a need to go.  I 
take acidophilus once a day and that helps keep me regular.  My good leg is my 
left one.  I don't have any feeling in parts of my feet (toes and top of my 
feet) so I have to be careful if I walk without shoes.  My legs feel as they I 
have a bag of cement in my calves, but I do have some feeling in the skin.  I 
went back to work part time a year ago, and since then I have been able to walk 
in the house without a walker or cane.  Never thought I would ever get to that 
point.  The worse thing is the neuropathy in my feet.  They feel so cold they 
burn.  All in all, I feel pretty lucky or I should say blessed that it isn't 
worse or that my pain so far is manageable.   


I hope this helps others who were affect in the T-spine.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Alton Ryder [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:48 AM
Cc: randy rankin; Janice Nichols; tmic list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question


My damage was at T9-T10.  All symptoms were below, none above.


Bowels recovered immediately.  Bladder also then it failed; I've had a Foley 
indwelling catheter for years


Left leg control and sensation have recovered completely. Right leg sensations 
below mid-calf are, after a decade, still screwed up.  Right foot/ankle 
spasticity was so severely and apparently permanently out of control that 
surgery was required to restore utility by cutting all tendons and using a 
foot/ankle brace.






On Jan 9, 2010, at 10:54 PM, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

 ask those who were hit in the T-spine


Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-11 Thread Janice Nichols

I think you have to unsubscribe yourself, we can't do it for you.

From: M Davis
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:25 PM
To:; randy rankin; Barbara 
H.; Janice Nichols

Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

please take my name off your list.  unsubscribe me, PLEASE
- Original Message - 
To: randy rankin; Barbara H.; Janice Nichols

Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

 Janice Nichols wrote:
How high up did you all get hit by TM? Give me the part of the body, 
not the #.Thanks, Janice

From: Barbara H.
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
To: randy rankin
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

Yes, I have experienced electric shock symptoms in different places. 
It was most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought 
something was going wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in the muscles 
misfiring and setting off that jolt.

Barbara H.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin 

   I would like to know if any of you have had the following 

  I try to read everything people write and this might have 
already been addressed

  Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right arm 
to the tip of my fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire arm 
just felt like I just grabed an electric wire.

  The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise my 
RIGHT arm up to write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to 
look at the board.

  less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT 
arm except I looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my 
cell phone.  The second that I touched the phone and just started to 
curl my fingers around it a more powerful electrical shock hit my entire 
right arm. It hurt and frightened me.

  Has anyone exprienced this?

  The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to 
move my neck except to look down.  I can't stand that.

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-11 Thread Janice Nichols
I need to join in on this conversation. Linda, I am where you are at with 
cathing twice a day, morning and night,  and pretty well empting out during the 
day.   You
really give me hope that I will do even better.  I started out cathing 4 times 
a day and then setting the alarm at nite to get up every few hours to go again. 
   So I have
graduated somewhat.I don't set the alarm anymore, but sometimes my bladder 
doesn't seem to need me to be awake to do it's thing.Always wear protection!
I go in a couple of weeks for my 3-year urology checkup.  I could 
tell you a few good stories to on learning to cath!

From: Jan Hargrove 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:58 AM
To: L T CHERPESKI ; Gary Thomas ; ; randy rankin ; 
Barbara H. ; Janice Nichols 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question


Isn't it amazing that a matter as simple as emptying your bladder can
go haywire..we are so unaware of the functions of our bodies that 
we do automatically, until we can't do them! What a learning curve tm 
has given us! Glad for you that you have some returning feeling/ability 
to go on your own.  I remember how frustrated I was during the time I 
had to self cath, no feeling and no way to tell where the catheter should
Looking back, I have so many stories to tell that today are really! funny
.but, definitely weren't then!!!
I guess I should tell that I was a complete to the t8, paralyzed from
breast level down...with pt and no knowledge that I might not get 
back my ability to walk, etc, I was walking within 4 months with a walker.
Today with residuals that others can't see, (except in this bitter cold,)
I'm one of the walking wounded.

Hugs, janh  Stillwater, OK

A lot of us have bladder issues with TM.  When TM hit me, it took me a full day 
and a half to realize that I hadn't gone.  I just didn't have any feeling.  So 
I put myself on a potty schedule. My doc sent me to a Urologist in Seattle 
who was very familiar with TM.  I had the neurogenic bladder test (not that 
pleasant), but really glad I had it.  I was told that my bladder was not 
emptying completely - in fact, hardly at all, but since I couldn't feel it, how 
would I know.  So I was taught to self-cath.  I have done this for almost 8 
years now.  However, by some miracle, in the last year I have gotten some 
feeling back and find I only have to cath maybe twice a day.  The rest of the 
time I can just go on my own.  I know it is said for the most part after 2 
years whatever we're left with is what it is.  But I really have not found that 
to be completely true.  Many areas of my body have improved, a wonderful 
surprise, and then some things have pretty much been the same.
It sounds like you may not have all your feeling back yet.  And read any of the 
posts on the Message Forum - the bladder is usually the slowest to come back.  
But never give up.  It sounds like your bladder may be doing a variety of 
things??  Did you have any tests when you saw the urologist?  Are you on 
bladder meds?
Ok - got some questions for you to answer This is great - it's how we can help 
each other.


Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-11 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Well, first of all I am really amazed by your progress Jan, and so very happy 
for you.  I've got some pretty funny stories about learning to cath that were 
NOT funny at the time.  At the time, I thought boy you've really sunk to the 
lowest point now!  Then it didn't take too long to realize that all of that 
stuff was old hat to these gals.  They dealt with it every day.  I actually 
told the learning to cath story to my mom and sisters - oh my gosh, we all 
laughed so hard we had to mop the tears off our faces.

Janice, you definitely have improved if you're down to cathing twice a day.  
That is really great to hear.  Cathing had just become a new normal part of 
my life.  And then in the last year something just changed - and this is after 
7 years of not feeling anything.  There is always room for hope.  That goes for 
all of us, whatever our challenges are.  Be sure to ask your urologist a lot of 
questions and let him know exactly what your bladder had been and how it is 
now.  These urologists have a lot of info up their sleeves.  I'm looking 
forward to hearing what he has to say.  Oh by the way, I can remember at night 
dreaming that I was wetting the bed.  The next thing I knew I was sitting up 
in bed, startled - not realizing why until the very last second - if you get my 
drift.  But that doesn't happen anymore, and that's what I'm hoping for you.  
That it just gets better over time.

It's really quite amazing to think back to the beginning and see how far we've 
come.  I know some days don't feel that way - I've had many and I'm sure most 
of us have.  I know one thing for sure, I wouldn't want to go through the 
horrible shock of what happened in the beginning.  For sure it's a day that 
none of us will ever forget.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice 
  To: Jan ; L T ; Gary ; ; randy ; Barbara 
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

  I need to join in on this conversation. Linda, I am where you are at with 
cathing twice a day, morning and night,  and pretty well empting out during the 
day.   You
  really give me hope that I will do even better.  I started out cathing 4 
times a day and then setting the alarm at nite to get up every few hours to go 
again.So I have
  graduated somewhat.I don't set the alarm anymore, but sometimes my 
bladder doesn't seem to need me to be awake to do it's thing.Always wear 
  I go in a couple of weeks for my 3-year urology checkup.  I could 
tell you a few good stories to on learning to cath!

  From: Jan 
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:58 AM
  To: L T ; Gary ; ; randy ; Barbara ; 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question


  Isn't it amazing that a matter as simple as emptying your bladder can
  go haywire..we are so unaware of the functions of our bodies that 
  we do automatically, until we can't do them! What a learning curve tm 
  has given us! Glad for you that you have some returning feeling/ability 
  to go on your own.  I remember how frustrated I was during the time I 
  had to self cath, no feeling and no way to tell where the catheter should
  Looking back, I have so many stories to tell that today are really! funny
  .but, definitely weren't then!!!
  I guess I should tell that I was a complete to the t8, paralyzed from
  breast level down...with pt and no knowledge that I might not get 
  back my ability to walk, etc, I was walking within 4 months with a walker.
  Today with residuals that others can't see, (except in this bitter cold,)
  I'm one of the walking wounded.

  Hugs, janh  Stillwater, OK


  A lot of us have bladder issues with TM.  When TM hit me, it took me a full 
day and a half to realize that I hadn't gone.  I just didn't have any feeling.  
So I put myself on a potty schedule. My doc sent me to a Urologist in Seattle 
who was very familiar with TM.  I had the neurogenic bladder test (not that 
pleasant), but really glad I had it.  I was told that my bladder was not 
emptying completely - in fact, hardly at all, but since I couldn't feel it, how 
would I know.  So I was taught to self-cath.  I have done this for almost 8 
years now.